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Rise of the


Academic year: 2022

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Rise of the


F oryears,urban planners have scared us with dystopic visions of a world dominated by megacities. But many of the world's fastest- growingcilies are DOtifs


biggest. NEWSWEEK looks at the rise of the second city, and other surprising aspects of the sweeping urban- ization that's changing our world. Page 50

SHINING EXAMPLE: Toulouse typifies the hot small city


~ ffi


AFGHANISTAN: Zarqawi's Echo by Ron Moreau and SamiYousafzai


U.S.AFFAIRS:The War's Left Front byJonathanDarman


How to Beat 'Cut and Run'

byJonathan Alter



Politics of Pipelines

by Owen Matthewsu.uuuu.uuuu.u28 EGYPT: Mter the Pharaoh byChristopher


MALAYSIA:Signs of Stress by Joe Cochrane and

Lorien Holland uu..uuuuuuuuuuw,.35 PAKISTAN: Portraits



BUSINESS:A Sucking Sound byWilliamUnderhill"uw..uu...w..44 High Convenience

by Christian Caryl

andAkiko KashiwagLuuww"w".47 GLOBAL INVESTOR: Don't Blarne the Hedge Funds by Barton Biggsuuuuuuuuuu""".u49 SPECIAL REPORT:

Unlikely Boorntowns

by Rana Foroohar uuuuuuuuuuuu.50 10 High Rollersuuuuuuu.uu.uu54 China's Golden Cities by David Dollar..u..."""u..u"..""..u63 The New Megalopolis

by Richard Florida uuuuuuuu.."uu64 The Gilded Cities Club by Karen Lowry Milleruuuu.""uu.66 How Population Lies bySaskiaSassen


70 Living Little in Paris byTracyMcNicoliu..."".""""""...72 Urban Jungles


w,u..uu """"".74





OPERA._IN AMERICA?Singing the praises of the United States

Coasting to Success

by Eric Pape .wuu""u..u.uww"..uu79 Building Up the Burbs

by Joel Kotkin .."uuwuuuuuuuuuu.80 MUSIC: The Rise of American Arias by Andrew Moravcsikuu.82


PERISCOPEuuuuuuuuuuuu""""u",,4 PERSPECTIVES "" uuu." " 6 WORLD VIEW:

Fareed Zakaria uuuu.u""""""w".,,19 THE LAST WaRD:

Elie Wiesel.uuu..wuu"uuuu.uu."u.u92 GOOD LI FE

STYLE:The Stuff ofSurnrner."


COVER: Photograph by Carsten Snejbjerg-WPN

Vol.CXLVIII, No. l/No. 2. July 3/July 10, 2006 @2006 by NEWSWEEK, Inc., 251 West 57th Street, New York, NY 10019. Printed by Roto Smeets, Weert, Netherlands. Ali rights reserved. Registered

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Ce numéro comprend un encart de deux pages (abonnement) situé entre les folios 2 et 55. Editeur responsable pour la Belgique: Freddy Degroux, Youth & MediaLink, De Wittestraat 2, B- 2600



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