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A De Bruijn–Erdős theorem for chordal graphs


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A De Bruijn–Erdös theorem for chordal graphs

Laurent Beaudou, Adrian Bondy, Xiaomin Chen, Ehsan Chiniforooshan,

Maria Chudnovsky, Vasek Chvâtal, Nicolas Fraiman, Yori Zwols

To cite this version:

Laurent Beaudou, Adrian Bondy, Xiaomin Chen, Ehsan Chiniforooshan, Maria Chudnovsky, et al.. A De Bruijn–Erdös theorem for chordal graphs. The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Open Journal Systems, 2015, 22 (1), pp.1.70. �hal-01263335�


arXiv:1201.6376v1 [math.CO] 30 Jan 2012

A De Bruijn–Erd˝

os theorem

for chordal graphs

Laurent Beaudou (Universit´e Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand)1

Adrian Bondy (Universit´e Paris 6)2

Xiaomin Chen (Shanghai Jianshi LTD)3

Ehsan Chiniforooshan (Google, Waterloo)4

Maria Chudnovsky (Columbia University, New York)5

Vaˇsek Chv´atal (Concordia University, Montreal)6

Nicolas Fraiman (McGill University, Montreal)7

Yori Zwols (Concordia University, Montreal)8


A special case of a combinatorial theorem of De Bruijn and Erd˝os asserts that every noncollinear set of n points in the plane determines at least n distinct lines. Chen and Chv´atal suggested a possible generalization of this assertion in metric spaces with appropriately defined lines. We prove this generalization in all metric spaces induced by connected chordal graphs.



It is well known that

(i) every noncollinear set of n points in the plane determines at least n distinct lines.

As noted by Erd˝os [11], theorem (i) is a corollary of the Sylvester–Gallai the-orem (asserting that, for every noncollinear set S of finitely many points in

1 laurent.beaudou@ens-lyon.org 2 adrian.bondy@sfr.fr 3 gougle@gmail.com 4 chiniforooshan@alumni.uwaterloo.ca 5 mchudnov@columbia.edu

Partially supported by NSF grants DMS-1001091 and IIS-1117631 6


Canada Research Chair in Combinatorial Optimization 7

nfraiman@gmail.com 8


the plane, some line goes through precisely two points of S); it is also a spe-cial case of a combinatorial theorem proved later by De Bruijn and Erd˝os [10].

Theorem (i) involves neither measurement of distances nor measurement of angles: the only notion employed here is incidence of points and lines. Such theorems are a part of ordered geometry [7], which is built around the ternary relation of betweenness: point b is said to lie between points a and c if b is an interior point of the line segment with endpoints a and c. It is customary to write [abc] for the statement that b lies between a and c. In this notation, a line uv is defined — for any two distinct points u and v — as

{u, v} ∪ {p : [puv] ∨ [upv] ∨ [uvp]}. (1)

In terms of the Euclidean metric dist, we have

[abc] ⇔

a, b, c are three distinct points and dist(a, b) + dist(b, c) = dist(a, c). (2)

In an arbitrary metric space, equivalence (2) defines the ternary relation of

metric betweennessintroduced in [12] and further studied in [1, 3, 8]; in turn,

(1) defines the line uv for any two distinct points u and v in the metric space. The resulting family of lines may have strange properties. For instance, a line can be a proper subset of another: in the metric space with points u, v, x, y, z and

dist(u, v) = dist(v, x) = dist(x, y) = dist(y, z) = dist(z, u) = 1,

dist(u, x) = dist(v, y) = dist(x, z) = dist(y, u) = dist(z, v) = 2,

we have

vy = {v, x, y} and xy = {v, x, y, z}.

Chen [4] proved, using a definition of uv different from (1), that the Sylvester– Gallai theorem generalizes in the framework of metric spaces. Chen and Chv´atal [5] suggested that theorem (i), too, might generalize in this frame-work:

(ii) True or false? Every metric space on n points, where n ≥ 2, either has at least n distinct lines or else has a line that consists of all n points.


They proved that

• every metric space on n points either has at least lg n distinct lines or else has a line that consists of all n points

and noted that the lower bound lg n can be improved to lg n + 1

2lg lg n +

1 2lg


2 − o(1).

Every connected undirected graph induces a metric space on its vertex set, where dist(u, v) is defined as the smallest number of edges in a path from vertex u to vertex v. Chiniforooshan and Chv´atal [6] proved that

• every metric space induced by a connected graph on n vertices either

has Ω(n2/7

) distinct lines or else has a line that consists of all n vertices; we will prove that the answer to (ii) is ‘true’ for all metric spaces induced by connected chordal graphs.

Theorem 1. Every metric space induced by a connected chordal graph on n

vertices, where n ≥ 2, either has at least n distinct lines or else has a line

that consists of all n vertices.

For graph-theoretic terminology, we refer the reader to Bondy and Murty[2].


The proof

Given an undirected graph, let us write [abc] to mean that a, b, c are three distinct vertices such that dist(a, b) + dist(b, c) = dist(a, c); this is equivalent to saying that b is an interior vertex of a shortest path from a to c.

Lemma 1. Let s, x, y be vertices in a finite chordal graph such that [sxy]. If

sx = sy, then x is a cut vertex separating s and y.

Proof. The set of all vertices u such that dist(s, u) = dist(s, x) separates s

and y. Among all its subsets that separate s and y, choose a minimal one and call it C. Since x is an interior vertex of a shortest path from s to y, it belongs to C. To prove that C includes no other vertex, assume, to the contrary, that C includes a vertex u other than x.

Our graph with C removed has distinct connected components S and Y such that s ∈ S and y ∈ Y ; the minimality of C guarantees that each of its vertices


has at least one neighbour in S and at least one neighbour in Y . Since each of u and x has at least one neighbour in S, there is a path from u to x with at least one interior vertex and with all interior vertices in S. Let P be a shortest such path; note that P has no chords except possibly the chord ux. Similarly, there is a path Q from u to x with at least one interior vertex, and with all interior vertices in Y , that has no chords except possibly the chord ux. The union of P and Q is a cycle of length at least four; since this cycle must have a chord, vertices u and x must be adjacent. In turn, the union of

Q and ux is a chordless cycle, and so Q has precisely two edges. This means

that some vertex v in Y is adjacent to both u and x.

Write i = dist(s, x) and j = dist(x, y). Since all vertices t with dist(s, t) < i belong to S and since v has no neighbours in S, we must have dist(s, v) > i; since dist(x, v) = 1, we conclude that dist(s, v) = i + 1 and that v ∈ sx. Since sx = sy, it follows that v ∈ sy. Since dist(v, x) = 1 and dist(x, y) = j, we have dist(v, y) ≤ j + 1. From dist(s, v) = i + 1, dist(s, y) = i + j,

dist(v, y) ≤ j + 1, i ≥ 1, j ≥ 1, and v ∈ sy, we deduce that dist(v, y) = j − 1.

Since dist(u, v) = 1, it follows that dist(u, y) ≤ j; since dist(s, u) = i and

dist(s, y) = i + j, we conclude that dist(u, y) = j and u ∈ sy. Since

dist(s, u) = i, dist(s, x) = i, and dist(u, x) = 1, we have u 6∈ sx. But

then sx 6= sy, a contradiction.

A vertex of a graph is called simplicial if its neighbours are pairwise adjacent.

Lemma 2. Let s, x, y be three distinct vertices in a finite connected chordal

graph. If s is simplicial and sx = sy, then xy consists of all the vertices of

the graph.

Proof. Since sx = sy, we have y ∈ sx, and so [ysx] or [syx] or [sxy]; since s

is simplicial, [ysx] is excluded; switching x and y if necessary, we may assume that [sxy]. Given an arbitrary vertex u, we have to prove that u ∈ xy. Let

P be a shortest path from s to u and let Q be a shortest path from u to y.

Lemma 1 guarantees that x is a cut vertex separating s and y, and so the concatenation of P and Q must pass through x. This means that [sxu] or [uxy] (or both). If [uxy], then u ∈ xy; to complete the proof, we may assume that [sxu], and so u ∈ sx.

Since sx = sy, we have [usy] or [suy] or [syu]; since s is simplicial, [usy] is excluded. If [suy], then [sxu] implies [xuy]; if [syu], then [sxy] implies [xyu]; in either case, u ∈ xy.


Proof of Theorem 1. Consider a connected chordal graph on n vertices where n ≥ 2. By a theorem of Dirac [9], this graph has at least two simplicial vertices; choose one of them and call it s. We may assume that the lines sz with z 6= s are pairwise distinct (else some line consists of all n vertices by Lemma 2). Since the graph is connected and has at least two vertices, s has at least one neighbour; choose one and call it u. If u is the only neighbour of s, then every path from s to another vertex must pass through u, and so su consists of all n vertices. If s has a neighbour v other than u, then line uv is distinct from all of the n − 1 lines sz with z 6= s: since s, u, v are pairwise

adjacent, we have s 6∈ uv. 


Related theorems

In Theorem 1, ‘connected chordal graph’ can be replaced by ‘connected bi-partite graph’:

• every metric space induced by a connected bipartite graph on n vertices, where n ≥ 2, has a line that consists of all n vertices.

In fact, xy consists of all n vertices whenever x and y are adjacent. To prove this, consider an arbitrary vertex u. Since the graph is bipartite, dist(u, x) and dist(u, y) have distinct parities; since dist(x, y) = 1, they differ by at most one. We conclude that dist(u, x) and dist(u, y) differ by precisely one, and so u ∈ xy.

In Theorem 1, ‘connected chordal graph’ can be also replaced by ‘sufficiently large graph of diameter two’: Chiniforooshan and Chv´atal [6] proved that

• every metric space on n points where each nonzero distance equals 1

or 2 has Ω(n4/3

) distinct lines and this bound is tight.


The work whose results are reported here began at a workshop held at Con-cordia University in June 2011. We are grateful to the Canada Research Chairs program for its generous support of this workshop. We also thank Luc Devroye, Fran¸cois Genest, and Mark Goldsmith for their participation in the workshop and for stimulating conversations.



[1] L.M. Blumenthal, Theory and Applications of Distance Geometry, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1953.

[2] J.A. Bondy, and U.S.R. Murty, Graph Theory, Springer, New York, 2008. [3] H. Busemann, The Geometry of Geodesics, Academic Press, New York,


[4] X. Chen, The Sylvester–Chv´atal theorem, Discrete & Computational

Ge-ometry 35(2006), 193–199.

[5] X. Chen and V. Chv´atal, Problems related to a de Bruijn–Erd˝os theorem,

Discrete Applied Mathematics 156(2008), 2101–2108.

[6] E. Chiniforooshan and V. Chv´atal, A de Bruijn–Erd˝os theorem and metric spaces, Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science 13 (2011), 67–74.

[7] H.S.M. Coxeter, Introduction to Geometry, Wiley, New York, 1961. [8] V. Chv´atal, Sylvester–Gallai theorem and metric betweenness, Discrete

& Computational Geometry 31 (2004), 175–195.

[9] G.A. Dirac, On rigid circuit graphs, Abh. Math. Sem. Univ. Hamburg 25 (1961), 71–76.

[10] N.G. De Bruijn and P. Erd˝os, On a combinatorial problem, Indagationes

Mathematicae 10(1948), 421–423.

[11] P. Erd˝os, Three point collinearity, American Mathematical Monthly 50 (1943), Problem 4065, p. 65. Solutions in Vol. 51 (1944), 169–171.

[12] K. Menger, Untersuchungen ¨uber allgemeine Metrik, Mathematische


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