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TAC : Theory and Applications of Categories


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TAC : Theory and Applications of Categories

Cahiers de topologie et géométrie différentielle catégoriques, tome 49, no2 (2008), p. 155-158


© Andrée C. Ehresmann et les auteurs, 2008, tous droits réservés.

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Article numérisé dans le cadre du programme Numérisation de documents anciens mathématiques





C : Theory and Applications of Catégories

Hereafter we give some information about the electronic Journal:

Theory and Applications of Catégories ( T A C ) , ISSN 1201-56IX

Contents of VOLUME 19, CT2006

A spécial volume of articles from the CT2006 Conférence Proceedings of the International Category Theory Conférence, CT 2006

The organizers, 1-3

1. Exponentiability in homotopy slices of Top and pseudo-slices of Cat, Susan NIEFIELD, 4-18

2. Components, compléments and the reflection formula, Claudio PISANI,


3. Axiomatic Cohésion, F. William LAWVERE, 41-49 4. Q-modules are Q-suplattices, Isar STUBBE, 50-60

5. Itérative algebras: How itérative are they? J. ADAMEK, R. BORGER, S.

Minus, and J. VELEBIL, 61-92

6. Cartesian bicategories II, A. CARBONI, G.M. KELLY, R.F.C. WALTERS and R . J . W O O D , 93-124

Contents of VOLUME 18 - 2007

1. Bicat is not triequivalent to Gray, Stephen LACK, 1-3

2. Polarized category theory, modules, and game semantics, J.R.B.

COCKETT and R.A.G. SEELY, 4-101

3. Functional analysis on normed spaces: the Banach space comparison, M. SIOEN and S. VERWULGEN, 102-117

4. On Yetter's Invariant and an Extension of the Dijkgraaf-Witten



Invariant to Categorical Groups, Joao Faria MARTINS and Timothy

PORTER, 118-150

5. Pullback and finite coproduct preserving functors between catégories of permutation représentations: Corrigendum and Addendum, Elango


6. CCD lattices in presheaf catégories, G.S.H. CRUTTWELL, F.

MARMOLEJO and R.J. WOOD, 157-171

7. Monad compositions I: gênerai constructions and recursive distributive laws, Ernie MÂNES and Philip MULRY, 172-208

8. Quasi locally connected toposes, Marta BUNGE and Jonathon FUNK, 209-239

9. More morphisms between bundle gerbes, Konrad WALDORF, 240-273 10. Towards an n-category of cobordisms, Eugenia CHENG and Nick

GURSKI, 274-302

11. The theory of core algebras: its completeness, Peter FREYD, 303-320 12. Higher cospans and weak cubical catégories (Cospans in algebraic

topology), Marco GRANDIS, 321-347

13. Cohérent unit actions on regular operads and Hopf algebras, Kurusch

EBRAHIMI-FARD and Li Guo, 348-371

14. Dense morphisms of monads, Panagis KARAZERIS and Jiri VELEBIL, 372-399

15. Enriched model catégories and an application to additive endomor- phism spectra, Daniel DUGGER and Brooke SHIPLEY, 400-439

16. Nuclei of catégories with tensor products, Alexei DAVYDOV, 440-472 17. Exploring the gap between linear and classical logic, François

LAMARCHE, 473-535

18. On the axiomatisation of Boolean catégories with and without medial, Lutz STRASSBURGER, 536-601

19. Collared cospans, cohomotopy and TQFT (cospans in algebraic topol- ogy, II), Marco GRANDIS, 602-630

20. A universal property of the monoidal 2-category of cospans of ordinals and surjections, M. MENNI, N. SABADINI and R.F.C. WALTERS, 631- 653

21. Quotients of tannakian catégories, J.S. MILNE, 654-664

22. Familial 2-fimctors and parametric right adjoints, Mark WEBER, 665- 732.



General Information

THEORY AND APPLICATIONS OF CATÉGORIES (ISSN 1201-56IX) will disseminate articles that significantly advance the study of categorical al- gebra or methods, or that make significant new contributions to mathemat- ical science using categorical methods. The scope of the journal includes:

ail areas of pure category theory, including higher dimensional catégories;

applications of category theory to algebra, geometry and topology and oth- er areas of mathematics; applications of category theory to computer science, physics and other mathematical sciences; contributions to scientif- ic knowledge that make use of categorical methods.

Articles appearing in the journal hâve been careftilly and critically refereed under the responsibility of members of the Editorial Board. Only papers judged to be both significant and excellent are accepted for publication.

The method of distribution of the journal is via the Internet tools WWW/ftp.

The journal is archived electronically and in printed paper format. The fiill table of contents is at www.tac.mta.ca/tac/

Subscription/Access to articles

Individual subscribers receive abstracts of accepted papers by electron- ic mail. Compiled TeX (.dvi), Postscript and PDF files of the fiill articles are available by Web/ftp. Détails will be e-mailed to new subscribers and are available by WWW/ftp. To subscribe, send a request to: tac@mta.ca including a fiill name and postal address. The journal is free for individu- als. For institutional subscription, send enquiries to the Managing Editor, Robert Rosebrugh, rrosebrugh@mta.ca.

Information for authors

The typesetting language of the journal is T£X, and LaT£X is the pre- ferred flavour. TEX source of articles for publication should be submitted by e-mail directly to an appropriate Editor. They are listed below. Please obtain detailed information on submission format and style files from the journal's WWW server at the URL: http://www.tac.mta.ca/tac/ .You may

also write to tac@mta.ca to receive détails by e-mail.



Editorial board

Robert ROSEBRUGH, Mount Allison University (Managing Editor), rrosebrugh@mta. ca

Michael BARR, McGill University (Associate Managing Editor), barr@math.mcgill.ca

Richard BLUTE, Université d'Ottawa, rblute@mathstat.uottawa.ca Lawrence BREEN, Université Paris 13, breen@math.univ-parisl3.fr Ronald BROWN, University of Wales, Bangor, r.brown@bangor.ac.uk Aurelio CARBONI, Universita dell Insubria, aurelio.carboni@uninsubria.it Valeria de PAIVA, Palo Alto Research Center, paiva@parc.xerox.com Ezra GETZLER, Northwestern University,


Martin HYLAND, University of Cambridge, M.Hyland@dpmms.cam.ac.uk

Peter T. JOHNSTONE, University of Cambridge, ptj@dpmms.cam.ac.uk Anders KOCK, University of Aarhus, kock@imf.au.dk

Stephen LACK, University of Western Sydney, s.lack@uws.edu.au F. William LAWVERE, State University of New York at Buffalo,


Jean-Louis LODAY, Université Louis Pasteur et CNRS, Strasbourg, loday@math.u-strasbg.fr

Ieke MOERDIJK, University of Utrecht, moerdijk@math.uu.nl Susan NIEFIELD, Union Collège, niefiels@union.edu

Robert PARE, Dalhousie University, pare@mathstat.dal.ca Brooke SHIPLEY, University of Illinois at Chicago,


Jiri ROSICKY, Masaryk University, rosicky@math.muni.cz

James STASHEFF, University of North Carolina, jds@math.unc.edu Ross STREET, Macquarie University, street@math.mq.edu.au Walter THOLEN, York University, tholen@mathstat.yorku.ca Myles TIERNEY, Rutgers University, tierney@math.rutgers.edu Robert F. C. WALTERS, University of Insubria,


R. J. WOOD, Dalhousie University, rjwood@mathstat.dal.ca



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