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Academic year: 2022



Texte intégral







GENEVA, 7 -23 MAY 1974







The following abbreviations are used in volumes of the Official Records of the World Health Organization:




Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions

Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to Development Administrative Committee on Coordination

Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences Danish International Development Agency

Economic Commission for Africa

Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East Economic Commission for Europe

Economic Commission for Latin America

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency

International Agency for Research on Cancer

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development International Civil Aviation Organization

International Labour Organisation (Office)

Inter -Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization International Telecommunication Union

Organization of African Unity Pan American Health Organization Pan American Sanitary Bureau

Swedish International Development Authority

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development United Nations Development Programme

United Nations Environment Programme

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Control

United Nations Fund for Population Activities

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees United Nations Children's Fund

United Nations Industrial Development Organization United Nations Institute for Training and Research

United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation

United States Agency for International Development World Food Programme

World Health Organization

World Meteorological Organization

ISBN 92 4 160217 1

The designations employed and the presentation of the material in the Official Records of the World Health Organization do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Director -General concerning the legal status of any country or territory or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers.



from 7 to 23 May 1974, was convened in accordance with resolution EB52.R16 of the Executive Board (fifty- second session).

The proceedings of the Twenty- seventh World Health Assembly are being published in two parts. The resolutions, with annexes, are contained in this volume. The records of plenary and committee meetings will be published, along with the list of participants, agenda and other material, in Official Records No. 218.


In this volume the resolutions appear in the order in which they were adopted. To facilitate use of the volume along with the Handbook of Resolutions and Decisions, Volume I, 1948 -1972, which contains most of the resolutions adopted up to and at the Twenty -fifth World Health Assembly and the fiftieth session of the Executive Board, they have been grouped by title in the table of contents under the subject headings of the Handbook; a reference to the relevant section of the Handbook also appears beneath each resolution. The resolution symbol applicable to each session and the Official Records volume in which the resolutions were originally published are shown below.

Resolution symbol 1

Official Records No.

and year of session

Resolution symbol

Official Records No.

and year of session

WHA1.- 13 (1948) EB28.R- 112 (1961)

EB1.R- 14 (1948) EB29.R- 115 (1962)

EB2.R- 14 (1948) WHA15.- 118 (1962)

EB3.R- 17 (1949) EB30.R- 120 (1962)

WHA2.- 21 (1949) EB31.R- 124 (1963)

EB4.R- 22 (1949) WHA16.- 127 (1963)

EB5.R- 25 (1950) EB32.R- 129 (1963)

WHA3.- 28 (1950) EB33.R- 132 (1964)

EB6.R- 29 (1950) WHA17.- 135 (1964)

EB7.R- 32 (1951) EB34.R- 137 (1964)

WHA4.- 35 (1951) EB35.R- 140 (1965)

EB8.R- 36 (1951) WHA18.- 143 (1965)

EB9.R- 40 (1952) EB36.R- 145 (1965)

WHA5.- 42 (1952) EB37.R- 148 (1966)

EB10.R- 43 (1952) WHA19.- 151 (1966)

EB11.R- 46 (1953) EB38.R- 153 (1966)

WHA6.- 48 (1953) EB39.R- 157 (1967)

EB12.R- 49 (1953) WHA20.- 160 (1967)

EB13.R- 52 (1954) EB40.R- 162 (1967)

WHA7.- 55 (1954) EB41.R- 165 (1968)

EB14.R- 57 (1954) WHA21.- 168 (1968)

EB15.R- 60 (1955) EB42.R- 170 (1968)

WHA8.- 63 (1955) EB43.R- 173 (1969)

EB16.R- 65 (1955) WHA22.- 176 (1969)

EB17.R- 68 (1956) EB44.R- 178 (1969)

WHA9.- 71 (1956) EB45.R- 181 (1970)

EB18.R- 73 (1956) WHA23.- 184 (1970)

EB19.R- 76 (1957) EB46.R- 186 (1970)

WHA10.- 79 (1957) EB47.R- 189 (1971)

EB20.R- 80 (1957) WHA24.- 193 (1971)

EB21.R- 83 (1958) EB48.R- 195 (1971)

WHA11.- 87 (1958) EB49.R- 198 (1972)

EB22.R- 88 (1958) WHA25.- 201 (1972)

EB23.R- 91 (1959) EB50.R- 203 (1972).

WHAl2.- 95 (1959) EB51.R- 206 (1973)

EB24.R- 96 (1959) WHA26.- 209 (1973)

EB25.R- 99 (1960) EB52.R- 211 (1973)

WHA13.- 102 (1960) EB53.R- 215 (1974)

EB26.R- 106 (1960) WHA27.- 217 (1974)

EB27.R- 108 (1961) EB54.R- 219 (1974)

WHAM.- 110 (1961)

The resolution symbols in italics were not used in the original Official Records volumes but were added later for convenience of reference in using the Handbook.

- IV -




Resolutions on programme


General directives and guiding principles

WHA27.29 The role of WHO in bilateral or multilateral health aid programmes 13

WHA27.34 Coordination within the United Nations system: the least developed among the

developing countries 16

WHA27.36 Activities of the World Health Organization with regard to assistance to liberation movements in southern Africa pursuant to United Nations General Assembly resolution 2918 (XXVII) and Economic and Social Council resolution 1804 (LV) 17

WHA27.48 Drought 22

Reports and evaluation

WHA27.25 Annual Report of the Director -General for 1973 11

WHA27.60 Fifth report on the world health situation 30


WHA27.61 WHO's role in the development and coordination of biomedical research 31

Strengtheningofhealth services

WHA27.44 Promotion of national health services 21

WHA27.53 Psychosocial factors and health 26

WHA27.62 Standardization of diagnostic materials 31

Family health

WHA27.27 Health education 11

WHA27.28 Health education of children and young people 12

WHA27.43 Infant nutrition and breast -feeding 20

Health manpower development

WHA27.31 Continuing education for physicians 14



Communicable disease prevention and control WHA27.45

WHA27.46 WHA27.47 WHA27. 51 WHA27.52 WHA27.54 WHA27.57 WHA27.58 Noncommunicable



Committee on International Surveillance of Communicable Diseases : eighteenth

report 21

Safety of food and water and the handling of wastes in international traffic . . . 21 Reservations to the Additional Regulations of 23 May 1973 amending the International

Health Regulations (1969) 22

Development of the antimalaria programme 25

Intensification of research on tropical parasitic diseases 25

Quality control of BCG vaccines 26

WHO expanded programme on immunization 28

Coordination and strengthening of leprosy control 29

disease prevention and control

Long -term planning of international cooperation in cancer research 32

Promotion of environmental health WHA27.49

WHA27.50 WHA27.59 Health statistics WHA27.55

WHO's human health and environment programme 23

WHO's human health and environment programme: coordination on programmes and

action in the field of the environment 24

Prevention of road traffic accidents 29

Adequacy of health statistical information

Resolutions on programme and budget

Consideration and approval of programme and budget estimates WHA27.4

WHA27.24 WHA27. 56

Supplementary budget estimates for 1974

Effective working budget and budget level for 1975 Appropriation resolution for the financial year 1975

Resolutions concerning the World Health Assembly and the Executive Board World Health Assembly

WHA27.17 Amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the World Health Assembly Executive Board

WHA27.12 WHA27.20 WHA27.64

Election of Members entitled to designate a person to serve on the Executive Board Methods of work of the Executive Board

Reports of the Executive Board on its fifty- second and fifty -third sessions

- VI -


2 11




9 32


Resolutions on constitutional and legal matters WHA27.37

Membership WHA27.22 WHA27.23

Activities of the World Health Organization with regard to assistance to liberation movements in southern Africa pursuant to United Nations General Assembly resolution 2918 (XXVII) and Economic and Social Council resolution 1804 (LV) 17

Admission of a new Member: Guinea -Bissau Admission of a new Associate Member: Namibia Resolutions on financial and administrative matters

Financial matters WHA27.2 WHA27.3 WHA27.7 WHA27.8 WHA27.9 WHA27.10 WHA27.11 WHA27.13 WHA27.15 WHA26.16 WHA27.38 WHA27.39

10 10

Financial report on the accounts of WHO for 1973 and reports of the External Auditor 1 Status of collection of annual contributions and of advances to the Working Capital

Fund 1

Assessment for 1974 of the Bahamas 3

Contributions payable by certain Members in respect of 1974 and prior years . 4

Assessment of Associate Members 4

Members in arrears in the payment of their contributions to an extent which may

invoke Article 7 of the Constitution 4

Scale of assessment for 1975 5

Study of the possibility of financing WHO activities in currencies other than US dollars

and Swiss francs 7

Real Estate Fund: additional accommodation for the Regional Office for Europe 7

Real Estate Fund: installation of fire detection and control equipment in the building

of the Regional Office for the Western Pacific 8

Assessment for 1974 and future years of Guinea -Bissau 18

Assessment for 1974 of Namibia 18

Staff matters

WHA27.5 Salaries and allowances for ungraded posts 3

WHA27.6 Salary of the Director -General 3

WHA27.40 Annual Report of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Board for 1972 19 WHA27.41 Appointment of representatives to the WHO Staff Pension Committee 19

WHO headquarters

WHA27.14 Headquarters accommodation: future requirements 7

Organizational studies WHA27.18 WHA27.19

Organizational study on the interrelationships between the central technical services of WHO and programmes of direct assistance to Member States 9

Selection of a subject for the future organizational study to be made by the Executive

Board 9

- VII -



Resolutions on coordination and external relations United Nations system

WHA27.30 World Population Year and Conference, 1974 13

WHA27.32 Coordination within the United Nations system on the development of information

systems 14

WHA27.33 Coordination within the United Nations system on programme support costs 15 WHA27.35 Coordination within the United Nations system: general matters 16 WHA27.42 Health assistance to refugees and displaced persons in the Middle East 19

Intergovernmental organizations and other bodies

WHA27.21 Agreement between the World Health Organization and the African Development

Bank 10

Resolutions on miscellaneous matters Awards

WHA27.1 Award of the Dr A. T. Shousha Foundation Medal and Prize 1

WHA27.26 Award of the Léon Bernard Foundation Medal and Prize 11

Procedural decisions

(i) Composition of the Committee on Credentials 34

(ii) Composition of the Committee on Nominations 34

(iii) Verification of credentials 34

(iv) Election of officers of the Twenty- seventh World Health Assembly 34

(v) Election of officers of the main committees 35

(vi) Establishment of the General Committee 35

(vii) Adoption of the agenda 35

(viii) Selection of the country in which the Twenty- eighth World Health Assembly will be held 35 ANNEXES

1. Report of the Dr A. T. Shousha Foundation Committee: financial report on the Dr A. T. Shousha

Foundation Fund 39

2. Financial report on the accounts of WHO for 1973 and reports of the External Auditor: first report of

the Ad Hoc Committee of the Executive Board 40

3. Members in arrears in the payment of their contributions to an extent which may invoke the provisions of Article 7 of the Constitution: second report of the Ad Hoc Committee of the Executive Board 41

4. Real Estate Fund 43

5. Agreement for cooperation between the African Development Bank and the World Health Organization 45 6. Report of the Léon Bernard Foundation Committee: financial report on the Léon Bernard Foundation

Fund 46

7. The least developed among the developing countries 47

8. Eighteenth report of the Committee on International Surveillance of Communicable Diseases . . 52 9. Report of a working group on the eighteenth report of the Committee on International Surveillance

of Communicable Diseases 75

Index to resolutions and decisions 85

- VIII -


WHA27.1 Award of the Dr A. T. Shousha Foundation Medal and Prize Tilt Twenty- seventh World Health Assembly

1. NOTES the reports of the Dr A. T. Shousha Foundation Committee 1 and its decision that the Dr A. T.

Shousha Fellowship should be awarded to Dr Kamil Abbas Al -Dorky for the academic year 1974/75;

2. ENDORSES the proposal of the Committee for the award of the Dr A. T. Shousha Foundation Medal and Prize for 1974;

3. AWARDS the Medal and Prize to the late Dr Mohamed Taieb Hachicha; and

4. PAYS TRIBUTE to the late Dr Mohamed Taieb Hachicha for his most significant contribution to public health in the geographical area in which Dr A. T. Shousha served the World Health Organization.

Handb. Res., Vol. I, 9.1.3 Fifth plenary meeting, 9 May 1974

WHA27.2 Financial report on the accounts of WHO for 1973 and reports of the External Auditor The Twenty- seventh World Health Assembly,

Having examined the Financial Report of the Director -General for the period 1 January to 31 December 1973 and the reports of the External Auditor for the same financial period, as contained in Official Records No. 214; and

Having considered the report of the Ad Hoc Committee of the Executive Board a on its examination of these reports,

ACCEPTS the Director -General's financial report and the reports of the External Auditor for the financial year 1973.

Handb. Res., Vol. I, Ninth plenary meeting, 15 May 1974

(Committee B, first report) WHA27.3 Status of collection of annual contributions and of advances to the Working Capital Fund

The Twenty -seventh World Health Assembly

1. NOTES the status, as at 30 April 1974, of the collection of annual contributions and of advances to the Working Capital Fund, as reported by the Director -General;

2. CALLS THE ATTENTION of Members to the importance of paying their annual contributions as early as possible in the Organization's financial year, in order that the approved annual programme can be carried out as planned;

3. URGES Members in arrears to make special efforts to liquidate their arrears during 1974; and

4. REQUESTS the Director -General to communicate this resolution to Members in arrears and to draw their attention to the fact that continued delay in payment could have serious financial implications for the Organi- zation.

Handb. Res., Vol. I, Ninth plenary meeting, 15 May 1974

(Committee B, first report) 1 See Annex 1 for the financial report.

2 See Annex 2.




WHA27.4 Supplementary budget estimates for 1974 The Twenty- seventh World Health Assembly,

Having considered the proposals of the Director -General and the recommendations of the Executive Board concerning the supplementary estimates for 1974 to meet unforeseen additional costs relating to the consolidation of five classes of post adjustment into the base salary scales for professional and ungraded posts; and

Considering that it is desirable to avoid making additional assessments on Members for the year 1974 to finance these supplementary estimates,

1. APPROVES the supplementary estimates for 1974; and

2. DECIDES to amend the Appropriation Resolution for the financial year 1974 (resolution WHA26.41) by increasing the relevant appropriation sections by the following amounts:


Section Purpose of Appropriation


Amount US $

4. Communicable diseases 546000

5. Environmental health 211 900

6. Strengthening of health services 913 200

7. Noncommunicable diseases 68 100

8. Health manpower development 170900

9. Other activities 196300

10. Regional offices 261 300


11. Administrative services 103300

Total - Part III 103 300 TOTAL - ALL PARTS 2 471 000 3. DECIDES further to amend paragraph D of resolution WHA26.41 to read:

"The appropriations voted under paragraph A shall be financed by assessments on Members after deduction of the following:

(i) Reimbursement from the United Nations Development Programme in the estimated

amount of US $2 000 000

(ii) Casual income in the amount of US $2 471 000

Total US $4 471 000 thus resulting in assessments against Members of US $117 864 890. In establishing the amounts of contributions to be paid by individual Members, their assessments shall be reduced further by the amount standing to their credit in the Tax Equalization Fund, except that the credits of those Mem- bers that require staff members of WHO to pay taxes on their WHO emoluments shall be reduced by the estimated amounts of such tax reimbursements to be made by the Organization."

Handb. Res., Vol. I, 2.4 Ninth plenary meeting, 15 May 1974

(Committee B, first report)


WHA27.5 Salaries and allowances for ungraded posts The Twenty- seventh World Health Assembly,

Noting the recommendations of the Director -General and the advice of the Executive Board with regard to remuneration of staff in the ungraded posts,

1. CONCURS in the recommendations of the Board; and, in consequence,

2. ESTABLISHES the salary for the post of Deputy Director -General at US $55 900 before staff assessment, resulting in a revised net salary of US $34 550 per annum;

3. ESTABLISHES the salary for the posts of Assistant Directors -General and Regional Directors at US $49 500 before staff assessment, resulting in a revised net salary of US $31 350 per annum;

4. NOTES that, concurrent with the revision of salary rates for these officials, appropriate revision will be made of the post adjustment applicable to these posts;

5. DECIDES that these adjustments in remuneration shall be effective from 1 January 1974.

Handb. Res., Vol. I, Ninth plenary meeting, 15 May 1974

(Committee B, first report) WHA27.6 Salary of the Director -General

The Twenty- seventh World Health Assembly

1. AUTHORIZES the President of the World Health Assembly to sign an amendment to the contract of the Director -General to establish the salary of the Director -General at US $69 800 per annum before staff assessment, US $41 500 per annum net after staff assessment; and

2. DECIDES that, in view of the revision of all post adjustment classifications with effect from 1 January 1974, this change shall be effective from that date.

Handb. Res., Vol. I, 7.2.10 Ninth plenary meeting, 15 May 1974

(Committee B, first report) WHA27.7 Assessment for 1974 of the Bahamas

The Twenty- seventh World Health Assembly,

Noting that the Bahamas, a Member of the United Nations, became a Member of the Organization by depositing with the Secretary- General of the United Nations a formal instrument of acceptance of the WHO Constitution on 1 April 1974;

Recalling that the Twenty -sixth World Health Assembly in resolution WHA26.21 affirmed its belief that the scale of assessment in WHO should follow as closely as possible that of the United Nations;

Noting that the General Assembly of the United Nations, in resolution 3062 (XXVIII), established the assessment of the Bahamas for 1974, 1975 and 1976 at 0.02%;

Recalling that the Twenty- second World Health Assembly, in resolution WHA22.6, decided that from 1968 new Members shall be assessed in accordance with the practice followed by the United Nations in assessing new Members for their year of admission,


(1) that the Bahamas shall be assessed for 1974 at the rate of 0.04 %;

(2) that the assessment for 1974 shall be reduced to one -third of 0.04 %.

Handb. Res., Vol. I, Ninth plenary meeting, 15 May 1974

(Committee B, first report)



WHA27.8 Contributions payable by certain Members in respect of 1974 and prior years The Twenty- seventh World Health Assembly,

Having studied the report by the Director -General on the assessment of Bangladesh, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the German Democratic Republic;

Having considered the request of the Government of Pakistan for a reduction of its contribution for 1974;

Having noted the recommendation of the Executive Board on these matters,


(1) that Bangladesh, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the German Democratic Republic shall be assessed as follows:

1972 1973 1974


Bangladesh 0.13 0.13 0.13

Democratic People's Republic of Korea . 0.06 0.06

German Democratic Republic 1.10 1.10

(2) that the contribution of Pakistan for the year 1974 shall be reduced by the amount of US $139 300;

(3) that the required adjustments in the contributions of the four Members concerned shall be made in 1975; and

(4) to appropriate from available casual income the total sum of US $541 543 required for all these adjustments.

Handb. Res., vol. I, Ninth plenary meeting, 15 May 1974

(Committee B, first report) WHA27.9 Assessment of Associate Members

The Twenty- seventh World Health Assembly,

Recalling that the First World Health Assembly, in resolution WHA1.80, resolved that Associate Mem- bers shall be subject to the same obligations as Members, except that the difference in their status shall be taken into account in determining the amount of their contribution to the budget of the Organization,

DECIDES that the assessment of Associate Members for 1975 and future years shall be 0.01 %.

Handb. Res., Vol. I, Ninth plenary meeting, 15 May 1974

(Committee B, first report)

WHA27.10 Members in arrears in the payment of their contributions to an extent which may invoke Article 7 of the Constitution

The Twenty- seventh World Health Assembly,

Having considered the report of the Ad Hoc Committee of the Executive Board I on Members in arrears in the payment of their contributions to an extent which may invoke the provisions of Article 7 of the Constitution;

Having noted that Bolivia, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Haiti and Paraguay are in arrears to such an extent that it is necessary for the Assembly to consider, in accordance with Article 7 of the Consti-

tution, whether or not the voting privileges of these Members should be suspended;

Noting that Bolivia, El Salvador, Haiti and Paraguay have made payments in 1974;

I See Annex 3.


Recognizing the efforts made by those four countries to liquidate their arrears; and

Noting that the Dominican Republic has made no payment to the Organization in respect of its assessed contributions since 1966, in spite of the acceptance by the Twenty -fifth World Health Assembly of its pro- posal for settlement of its arrears, and that, as a result, the Dominican Republic is in arrears for the balance of its 1965 contribution and for the full contributions for the years 1966 to 1973,

1. DECIDES not to suspend the voting privileges of Bolivia, El Salvador, Haiti and Paraguay at the Twenty - seventh World Health Assembly;

2. URGES Bolivia, El Salvador, Haiti and Paraguay to intensify the efforts now being made in order to achieve at the earliest possible date the regularization of their position;

3. DECIDES to suspend the voting privileges of the Dominican Republic at the Twenty- seventh World Health Assembly;

4. URGES the Dominican Republic to regularize its position at an early date and to implement the arrange- ments for settlement of its arrears accepted by the Twenty -fifth World Health Assembly, thus enabling the Dominican Republic to resume its full participation in the work of the World Health Assembly; and

5. REQUESTS the Director -General to communicate this resolution to the Members concerned.

Handb. Res., Vol. I,; 6.2.5 Ninth plenary meeting, 15 May 1974

(Committee B, first report as amended) WHA27.11 Scale of assessment for 1975

The Twenty- seventh World Health Assembly

1. DECIDES that the scale of assessment for 1975 shall, subject to the provisions of paragraph 2 below, be as follows:

Member (percentage)Scale Member (percentage)Scale

Afghanistan 0 02 Egypt 0 12

Albania 0 02 El Salvador 0 02

Algeria 0 08 Ethiopia 0 02

Argentina 0 81 Fiji 0 02

Australia 1 41 Finland 0 42

Austria 0 54 France 5 73

Bahamas 0 02 Gabon 0 02

Bahrain 0 02 Gambia 0 02

Bangladesh 0 10 German Democratic Republic 1 18

Barbados 0 02 Germany, Federal Republic of 6 90

Belgium 1 02 Ghana 0 04

Bolivia 0 02 Greece 0 31

Brazil 0 76 Guatemala 0 03

Bulgaria 0 14 Guinea 0 02

Burma 0 03 Guyana 0 02

Burundi 0 02 Haiti 0 02

Byelorussian SSR 0 46 Honduras 0 02

Canada 2 67 Hungary 0 33

Central African Republic 0 02 Iceland 0 02

Chad 0 02 India 1 20

Chile 0 14 Indonesia 0 19

China 5 39 Iran 0 20

Colombia 0 16 Iraq 0 05

Congo 0 02 Ireland 0 14

Costa Rica 0 02 Israel 0 20

Cuba 0 11 Italy 3 50

Cyprus 0 02 Ivory Coast 0 02

Czechoslovakia 0 87 Jamaica 0 02

Dahomey 0 02 Japan 7 00

Democratic People's Republic of Korea 0.07 Jordan 0 02

Democratic Yemen 0 02 Kenya 0 02

Denmark 0 61 Khmer Republic 0 02

Dominican Republic 0 02 Kuwait 0 09

Ecuador 0 02 Laos 0 02



Member (percentage)Scale Member Scale


Lebanon 0 03 Saudi Arabia 0 06

Lesotho 0 02 Senegal 0 02

Liberia 0 02 Sierra Leone 0 02

Libyan Arab Republic 0 11 Singapore 0 04

Luxembourg 0 04 Somalia 0 02

Madagascar 0 02 South Africa 0 50

Malawi 0 02 Southern Rhodesia 0 01

Malaysia 0 07 Spain 0 98

Maldives 0 02 Sri Lanka 0 03

Mali 0 02 Sudan 0 02

Malta 0 02 Swaziland 0 02

Mauritania 0 02 Sweden 1 01

Mauritius 0 02 Switzerland 0 78

Mexico 0 84 Syrian Arab Republic 0 02

Monaco 0 02 Thailand 0 11

Mongolia 0 02 Togo 0 02

Morocco 0 06 Trinidad and Tobago 0 02

Nepal 0 02 Tunisia 0 02

Netherlands 1 20 Turkey 0 29

New Zealand 0 28 Uganda 0 02

Nicaragua 0 02 Ukrainian SSR 1 71

Niger 0 02 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 12 97

Nigeria 0 10 United Arab Emirates 0 02

Norway 0 42 United Kingdom of Great Britain and

Oman 0 02 Northern Ireland 5 31

Pakistan 0 14 United Republic of Cameroon 0 02

Panama 0 02 United Republic of Tanzania 0 02

Papua New Guinea 0 01 United States of America 25 67

Paraguay 0 02 Upper Volta 0 02

Peru 0 07 Uruguay 0 06

Philippines 0 18 Venezuela 0 32

Poland 1 26 Viet -Nam

Portugal 0 15 Western Samoa 0 02

Qatar 0 02 Yemen 0 02

Republic of Korea 0 11 Yugoslavia 0 34

Romania 0 30 Zaire 0 02

Rwanda 0 02 Zambia 0 02

2. REQUESTS the Director- General, in the event that assessments would be fixed provisionally or definitively by the current Health Assembly for any new Members,' to adjust the scale as set forth in paragraph 1 above in accordance with the provisions of resolutions WHA24.12 and WHA26.21.

Handb. Res., Vol. I, Ninth plenary meeting, 15 May 1974

(Committee B, second report)

WHA27.12 Election of Members entitled to designate a person to serve on the Executive Board The Twenty- seventh World Health Assembly,

Having considered the nominations of the General Committee,2

ELECTS the following as Members entitled to designate a person to serve on the Executive Board: Argen- tina, France, Guatemala, Jordan, Mauritius, Sri Lanka, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and Venezuela.

Handb. Res., Vol. I, 4.2.1 Ninth plenary meeting, 15 May 1974

1 See resolution WHA27.38.

2 For report of the General Committee, see Off Rec. Wld Hlth Org., 1974, No. 218.


WHA27.13 Study of the possibility of financing WHO activities in currencies other than US dollars and Swiss francs

The Twenty- seventh World Health Assembly,

Recalling Financial Regulation 5.5 and resolutions WHA2.58 and EB39.R30 on the currencies of payment of contributions;

Having considered the report of the Director -General and the comments of the Executive Board thereon on the possibility of financing WHO activities in currencies other than US dollars and Swiss francs, as re- quested by the Twenty -sixth World Health Assembly in resolution WHA26.40;

Noting the decision of the United Nations General Assembly to establish a working group which will consider alternative solutions to the difficulties resulting from the effect of continuing currency instability and inflation,

1. DEFERS further consideration of this matter until the United Nations General Assembly has considered the report of the working group which is to consider alternative solutions to the difficulties resulting from the effect of continuing currency instability and inflation;

2. REQUESTS the Director -General to continue to collaborate as appropriate in any future interorganiza- tional studies or consultations concerning possible solutions to the budgetary problems resulting from currency instability and to report to the Executive Board any further developments consequent upon the consideration of this matter by the United Nations General Assembly;

3. DECIDES that the present arrangements for payment of contributions in currencies other than US dollars or Swiss francs, as established in resolution EB39.R30, be continued pending further consideration of this matter, as envisaged in paragraph 1 above.

Handb. Res., Vol. I, Tenth plenary meeting, 16 May 1974

(Committee B, third report) WHA27.14 Headquarters accommodation : future requirements

The Twenty- seventh World Health Assembly,

Having considered resolution EB53.R43 and the Director -General's report on future requirements for headquarters accommodation,'

1. NOTES the Director -General's report; and

2. DECIDES that any decision on the continuation of the study and the erection of the permanent extension to the headquarters building be deferred for another year.

Handb. Res., Vol. I, 7.3.3 Tenth plenary meeting, 16 May 1974

(Committee B, third report) WHA27.15 Real Estate Fund : additional accommodation for the Regional Office for Europe

The Twenty- seventh World Health Assembly,

Having considered the report by the Director -General on the estimated requirements of the Real Estate Fund for the period 1 June 1974 - 31 May 1975; 2

Noting that additional premises may become available to the Regional Office for Europe for rent on a long -term basis, in which case these premises would have to be repaired and reconditioned at an estimated cost of US $35 000,

AUTHORIZES the Director- General to have any necessary repairs carried out, and to finance them from the Real Estate Fund.

Handb. Res., Vol. I, 7.1.7; 5.2.4 Tenth plenary meeting, 16 May 1974

(Committee B, third report) ' Off. Rec. Wld Hlth Org., 1974, No. 215, Annex 7.

2 See Annex 4.



WHA27.16 Real Estate Fund : installation of fire detection and control equipment in the building of the Regional Office for the Western Pacific

The Twenty- seventh World Health Assembly,

Noting the report by the Director -General on the estimated requirements of the Real Estate Fund for the period 1 June 1974 -31 May 1975,1

AUTHORIZES the Director- General to finance from the Real Estate Fund the installation of fire detection and control equipment in the building of the Regional Office for the Western Pacific, at an estimated cost ofUS$80000.

Handb. Res., Vol. I, 7.1.7; Tenth plenary meeting, 16 May 1974

(Committee B, third report) WHA27.17 Amendments to the Rules of Procedures of the World Health Assembly

The Twenty- seventh World Health Assembly

ADOPTS the following amendments to its Rules of Procedure:

Rule 23 Add a second paragraph, reading :

Meetingsofthe Committee on Credentials shall be held in private.

Rule 24 Add a third paragraph, reading:

Meetings ofthe Committee on Nominations shall be held in private.

Rule 51 Delete the existing Rule and replace by the following:

Proposals and amendments shall normally be introduced in writing and handed to the Director -General, who shall circulate copies to the delegations. As a general rule, no proposal shall be discussed or put to the vote at any meeting of the Health Assembly unless copies of it have been circulated to all delegations not later than the day preceding the meeting. The President may, however, permit the discussion and consideration of

such proposals and amendments, or ofmotions as to procedure, even though they have not been circulated or have only been circulated the same day.

Delete Rules 84 to 87 inclusive and Rule 89 dealing with the languages of the Health Assembly 2 and replace them by the following:

Rule 84

Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish shall be the official languages, and English, French, Russian and Spanish the working languagesofthe Health Assembly.

Rule 85

Speeches made in an official language shall be interpreted into the other official languages.

Rule 86 (former Rule 87)

Any delegate or any representative of an Associate Member or any representative of the Board may speak in a language other than the official languages. In this case he shall himself provide for interpretation into one of the official languages. Interpretation into the other official languages by interpreters of the Secre- tariat may be based on the interpretation given in the first such language.

Rule 88 (former Rule 89)

All resolutions, recommendations and other formal decisions of the Health Assembly shall be made available in the working languages.

Handb. Res., Vol. I, 4.1.4; 4.1.5 Tenth plenary meeting, 16 May 1974

(Committee B, third report)

1 See Annex 4.

2 The Twentieth World Health Assembly, in resolution WHA20.21, decided to adopt Russian and Spanish as working languages of the Health Assembly and the Executive Board -the implementation of the plan presented by the Director -General (Off. Rec. Wld Hlth Org., 1967, No. 160, Annex 7, section 9) to be carried out in stages, beginning with the Twenty -first World Health Assembly in 1968.


WHA27.18 Organizational study on the interrelationships between the central technical services of WHO and programmes of direct assistance to Member States

The Twenty- seventh World Health Assembly, Recalling resolution WHA26.36; and

Having considered the recommendation made by the Executive Board in its resolution EB53.R44,

1. DECIDES that the study on the interrelationships between the central technical services of WHO and programmes of direct assistance to Member States should be continued for another year;

2. REQUESTS the Executive Board to report on its study to the Twenty- eighth World Health Assembly.

Handb. Res., Vol. I, 7.4 Tenth plenary meeting, 16 May 1974

(Committee B, third report) WHA27.19 Selection of a subject for the future organizational study to be made by the Executive Board

The Twenty- seventh World Health Assembly,

Having considered the recommendation of the Executive Board on the subject of its next organizational study,

1. DECIDES that the next subject of study shall be "The planning for and impact of extrabudgetary resources on WHO's programmes and policy "; and

2. REQUESTS the Executive Board to report on this study to the Twenty- eighth World Health Assembly.

Handb. Res., Vol. I, 7.4 Tenth plenary meeting, 16 May 1974

(Committee B, third report) WHA27.20 Methods of Is ork of the Executive Board

The Twenty- seventh World Health Assembly,

Having considered the functions and terms of reference of the Standing Committee on Administration and Finance of the Executive Board, particularly with respect to the Committee's detailed analysis of the financial aspects of the programme and budget estimates, and the Executive Board's recommendations on this subject;

Considering that the new form of presentation of the programme and budget estimates makes it difficult to examine separately the financial aspects of the programme proposals; and

Recognizing the desirability of avoiding duplication of effort, and of improving further the methods of work of the Executive Board, particularly in view of the need for continuity of evaluation of the programme of the Organization,

1. CONSIDERS that the functions of the Standing Committee on Administration and Finance of the Executive Board should be assumed by the Board as a whole, thus obviating the need for a meeting of the Committee prior to a session of the Executive Board during which the programme and budget estimates are reviewed;

2. REQUESTS the Executive Board to consider further, at its fifty- fourth session, by which methods and pro- cedures, including the use of the Standing Committee as well as other committees or working parties as appro- priate, it could best undertake its review and analysis of the programme and budget estimates and other matters

of particular importance and complexity.

Handb. Res., Vol. I, Tenth plenary meeting, 16 May 1974

(Committee B, third report)

1 Resolution EB53.R45.



WHA27.21 Agreement between the World Health Organization and the African Development Bank The Twenty- seventh World Health Assembly,

Considering Articles 50 (d) and 70 of the Constitution of the World Health Organization,

APPROVES the proposed agreement to be concluded between the World Health Organization and the African Development Bank. 1

Handb. Res., Vol. I, 8.3 Tenth plenary meeting, 16 May 1974

(Committee B, third report) WHA27.22 Admission of a new Member : Guinea- Bissau

The Twenty- seventh World Health Assembly,

Recalling United Nations General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960 on the Decla- ration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples;

Recalling the Proclamation of Independence of the Republic of Guinea- Bissau on 24 September 1973 as a result of the armed struggle waged by the people of that country in exercise of their legitimate right to self -determination and independence, in conformity with the provisions of the United Nations Charter and General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960;

Recalling further United Nations General Assembly resolution 3061 (XXVIII) welcoming the recent accession to independence of the people of Guinea -Bissau, thereby creating the sovereign State of the Repub- lic of Guinea -Bissau;

Noting that more than 75 Member States of WHO have recognized the new Republic of Guinea -Bissau;

Having considered the application for membership of the World Health Organization by the Republic of Guinea- Bissau;

Noting with satisfaction the decision of the Seventeenth Conference of FAO to admit the Republic of Guinea -Bissau as a full member of that Organization,

DECIDES to admit the Republic of Guinea -Bissau as a Member of WHO.

Handb. Res., Vol. I, Tenth plenary meeting, 16 May 1974

WHA27.23 Admission of a new Associate Member : Namibia The Twenty- seventh World Health Assembly,

Recalling United Nations General Assembly resolution 3111 (XXVIII) requesting the specialized agen- cies to take such necessary steps as would enable the United Nations Council for Namibia, as the legal authority for Namibia, to participate fully, on behalf of Namibia, in the work of these agencies;

Having considered the application made on behalf of Namibia by the United Nations Council for Namibia for admission of Namibia as an Associate Member of WHO;

Noting that the Namibia Liberation Movement (SWAPO) is recognized by the United Nations and the Organization of African Unity as the authentic representative of the Namibian people;

Having considered paragraph 1.9 of the report of the Director -General on coordination within the United Nations system on general matters,

DECIDES to admit Namibia as an Associate Member of WHO, in conformity with Article 8 of the Con- stitution of WHO, and to invite the United Nations Council for Namibia to designate a representative to participate in the work of WHO.

Handb. Res., Vol. I, Tenth plenary meeting, 16 May 1974

1 See Annex 5.


WHA27.24 Effective working budget and budget level for 1975 The Twenty -seventh World Health Assembly


(1) the effective working budget for 1975 shall be US $115 240 000;

(2) the budget level shall be established in an amount equal to the effective working budget as provided for in paragraph (1) above, plus staff assessment and the assessments represented by the Undistributed Reserve; and

(3) the budget for 1975 shall be financed by assessments on Members after deduction of the following:

(i) reimbursement from the United Nations Development Programme in the estimated amount of US $1 800 000;

(ii) the amount of US $1 200 000 available as casual income for 1975.

Handb. Res., Vol. I, 2.4 Eleventh plenary meeting, 17 May 1974

(Committee A, first report) WHA27.25 Annual Report of the Director -General for 1973

The Twenty- seventh World Health Assembly,

Having reviewed the report of the Director -General on the work of the World Health Organization during 1973, 1

1. NOTES with satisfaction the manner in which the programme was planned and carried out in 1973, in accordance with the established policies of the Organization; and

2. COMMENDS the Director -General for the work accomplished.

Handb. Res., Vol. I, 1.3.1 Twelfth plenary meeting, 20 May 1974

WHA27.26 Award of the Léon Bernard Foundation Medal and Prize The Twenty- seventh World Health Assembly

1. NOTES the reports of the Léon Bernard Foundation Committee; 2

2. ENDORSES the proposal of the Committee for the award of the Léon Bernard Foundation Medal and Prize for 1974;

3. AWARDS the Medal and Prize to Dr M. G. Candau, Director -General Emeritus of the World Health Organization; and

4. PAYS TRIBUTE to Dr M. G. Candau for his outstanding contribution to public health and social medicine.

Handb. Res., Vol. I, Twelfth plenary meeting, 20 May 1974

WHA27.27 Health education

The Twenty -seventh World Health Assembly,

Noting the discussions at the fifty -third session of the Executive Board on the programme review on health education, and the resultant resolution EB53.R38;

1Off. Rec. Wld Hlth Org., 1974, No.213.

2See Annex 6 for the financial report.



Reiterating that health education is basic both for individual motivation and for community participa- tion in the improvement of health conditions and should therefore form an integral part of all health pro- grammes; and

Recalling that health education of the population and the involvement of people in all health programmes is a collective responsibility of all elements of society,

1. NOTES with satisfaction the trend of activities of the Organization in the field of health education;

2. EMPHASIZES the importance of health education not only in health programmes but also in programmes of education and related socioeconomic development efforts that affect health;

3. RECOMMENDS that the World Health Organization should

(1) intensify health education activities in all the programmes of the Organization;

(2) endeavour to enlarge its support to interested Member States in strengthening the planning, implementation and evaluation of the health education components of their national programmes, including manpower development, strengthening of health services, promotion of environmental health, and disease prevention and control;

(3) cooperate more actively with the United Nations, the specialized agencies, and the appropriate inter- national nongovernmental organizations and bilateral -aid agencies in programmes in which health education plays a part, and should be continuously alert to opportunities for inserting health education into all such programmes;

4. REQUESTS the Director -General:

(1) to bring to the attention of Member States and international agencies the need for the inclusion of health education activities in all health and other related programmes; and

(2) to develop ways and means of providing additional support, including manpower and funds, for the Organization's programme of work in health education in accordance with available budgetary resources, taking into account its essential role in programmes for socioeconomic development.

Handb. Res., Vol. I, 1.6.4 Thirteenth plenary meeting, 21 May 1974

(Committee A, second report) WHA27.28 Health education of children and young people

The Twenty -seventh World Health Assembly,

Taking into account the basic principles set forth in the WHO Constitution and particularly the fact that healthy growth and development of the child are of basic importance and that ability to live harmoniously in a changing total environment is essential to such development;

Recalling the declaration adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in resolution 2037 (XX) on the promotion among youth of the ideals of peace, mutual respect and understanding between peoples;

Aware of the important role played by the younger generation in every domain of human activity and also of the fact that in our era the enthusiasm and creative talents of the young should be dedicated to promot- ing the material and spiritual progress of all peoples;

Taking into account the fact that WHO's activities should not be concerned solely with the prevention and control of physical and mental illness but that special attention should also be paid to the harmonious development and training of the rising generations with a view to the building of a healthy society;

Considering the important role of health education and of the multiplicity and complexity of educational factors, within the family, the school and other institutions, in the training of children and young people and in protecting them against the undesirable features of our era (the tobacco habit, alcoholism, drugs, etc.);


Considering that WHO possesses an authority and an exalted prestige based on the positive solutions found for many major health problems relying on the experience of national medical and health staffs,



(1) to intensify within WHO's programmes concrete and effective action to ensure that children and young people receive a multidisciplinary health education, which is of particular importance for the development of future generations;

(2) to explore and promote new approaches for tackling and solving in an appropriate way the problems posed by the health education of mothers, children and young people in order to take care of their health and of their protection against the harmful factors of modern life;

(3) to support actively the basic right to health of the child and the adolescent and to promote by suitable means the improvement of the legislative provisions, together with other concrete actions aimed at en- suring a healthy future for the rising generations;

(4) to invite other international organizations, particulary UNESCO and UNICEF, and, through the governments of the Member countries, national health agencies, voluntary organizations and parents, to participate actively in the implementation of activities for the health education of children and young people.

Handb. Res., Vol. I, 1.6.4 Thirteenth plenary meeting, 21 May 1974

(Committee A, second report) WHA27.29 The role of WHO in bilateral or multilateral health aid programmes

The Twenty -seventh World Health Assembly,

Considering the urgency of the needs of developing countries in regard to health promotion from the points of view both of the infrastructure and of the staff required;

Noting that many countries provide bilateral or multilateral aid through special programmes in the field of health;

Believing that the wide experience acquired by WHO and the information at its disposal are such as to facilitate the establishment of useful and effective programmes, and that countries with bilateral aid pro- grammes could effectively use WHO in the planning and implementation of their assistance activities in health and sanitation;

Stressing that assistance in the field of health may have important repercussions over vast areas and that coordination of effort and concerted action between assisting and assisted countries could materially improve the results;

1. RECOMMENDS that Member States make use of WHO in its advisory and coordinatory capacity with regard to bilateral or multilateral aid programmes in the field of health; and

2. INVITES the Director -General to study ways in which WHO could strengthen its role in the establishment of bilateral or multilateral aid programmes and priorities and to report on the matter to the Executive Board in relation to its forthcoming organizational study on "The planning for and impact of extrabudgetary resources on WHO's programmes and policy ".

Handb. Res., Vol. I, 1.1.5 Thirteenth plenary meeting, 21 May 1974

(Committee A, second report) WHA27.30 World Population Year and Conference, 1974

The Twenty- seventh World Health Assembly,

Recognizing the importance of 1974 as World Population Year and the interest expressed at this Health Assembly by many Member governments;

Noting that during August 1974, under the auspices of the United Nations, the World Population Con- ference will be held in Bucharest; and

Noting the declaration on food and population delivered to the Secretary -General of the United Nations,

1. WELCOMES the emphasis given to health and the enhancement of the quality of life in the draft World Population Plan of Action, to be considered at the World Population Conference;



2. CALLS ATTENTION to the importance of including public health administrators in national delegations to the World Population Conference ; and

3. REQUESTS the Director -General to report to the fifty -fifth session of the Executive Board and the Twenty - eighth World Health Assembly on the implications of the results of the World Population Conference and of the action taken thereon by the Economic and Social Council and the General Assembly of the United Nations for the work of the World Health Organization.

Handb. Res., Vol. I, 8.1.3 Thirteenth plenary meeting, 21 May 1974

(Committee A, second report) WHA27.31 Continuing education for physicians

The Twenty- seventh World Health Assembly,

Having considered the comments of the Executive Board on the report of the WHO Expert Com- mittee on Continuing Education for Physicians;

Noting that continuing education of health personnel must be an integral part of the total health and educational system and is of cardinal importance to the health authorities in assuring the quality and coverage of health services;

Recognizing that the primary purpose of continuing education is to maintain and improve the compe- tence of health personnel in delivering health care,

1. REQUESTS the Director -General to pursue vigorously measures for the continuing education of health personnel and to :

(1) assist Member States, upon their request, in the planning and organization of continuing education for health personnel;

(2) develop, jointly by specialists in various disciplines, specific objectives and methods of continuing education for the health professions;

(3) develop and evaluate pilot projects in continuing education, including interprofessional and inte- grated education;

(4) train in communications sciences health professionals who can provide leadership for programmes in this field;

(5) encourage and promote research into, and the collection, exchange and evaluation of information on continuing education;

2. CALLS UPON Member States to consider as a matter of urgency:

(1) the development of national systems of continuing education for the health professions, based on national and local health needs and demands, integrated with health care and educational systems, with full utilization of the resources of universities and schools of health personnel;

(2) the promotion of the systems approach in educational planning for continuing education and the periodic assessment of the quality of performance of health personnel in delivering preventive and cura- tive health care.

Handb. Res., Vol. I, 1.7 Thirteenth plenary meeting, 21 May 1974

(Committee A, second report) WHA27.32 Coordination within the United Nations system on the development of information systems

The Twenty- seventh World Health Assembly,

Recognizing the interdisciplinary nature of many of the programmes of the United Nations system and the need for comparable information on activities of the system in the sectors and subsectors of WHO's field of competence;

Recognizing the importance of developing a sound information support system for the improvement of the Organization's programme and project formulation, implementation and evaluation, as a prerequisite for and contribution to the strengthening of a coordinated interagency information system in the United Nations family;


Recalling the interest of the Economic and Social Council in the development of common concepts for the information systems supporting the management of programmes and projects within the United Nations system, as contained in the decision at its fifty -fifth session; 1

Recognizing the efforts made by the Director -General to provide Member States with improved infor- mation for the decision -making process with respect to WHO's programme activities in 1975;

Anticipating the Director -General's continuing effort to improve the work programme including the presentation of headquarters and regional programmes in a consistent form and structure;

Considering that the continued improvement of WHO's management system is an important step forward in strengthening the Organization's services to Member States,

REQUESTS the Director -General:

(1) to continue his intensive efforts to develop, for all levels of the Organization, a fully coordinated information system for improving the formulation, implementation and evaluation of programmes and projects in WHO, and the provision of relevant information to Member States so as to facilitate decision -making in the World Health Assembly and the Executive Board;

(2) to support and to continue to promote the activities of the Administrative Committee on Coor- dination on the development of common concepts for information systems; and

(3) to report to the Twenty- eighth World Health Assembly on the steps taken to improve collaboration among United Nations organizations for the development of coordinated interagency information


Handb. Res., Vol. I, 8.1.1 Thirteenth plenary meeting, 21 May 1974

(Committee B, fourth report)

WHA27.33 Coordination within the United Nations system on programme support costs The Twenty- seventh World Health Assembly,

Having considered the report of the Director -General on coordination with the United Nations, the specialized agencies and the International Atomic Energy Agency, with respect to administrative, budgetary and financial matters, and resolution EB53.R47;

Having considered the question of programme support costs, or overhead costs, of WHO programme activities financed from extrabudgetary sources;

Recalling the opinions expressed on this subject at previous sessions of the Executive Board and in the World Health Assembly, as reflected in resolutions EB23.R79, WHA1 2.31 and WHA24.52,

1. BELIEVES that the full cost of the technical and administrative services and support necessary for the efficient and effective implementation by WHO of programmes financed from extrabudgetary funds should, in principle, be financed from such funds;

2. REQUESTS the Director -General to cooperate in the Administrative Committee on Coordination in the development of a system for the allocation of programme support or overhead costs of programmes financed from extrabudgetary funds, which could be uniformly applied to all extrabudgetary- funded activities; and

3. EXPRESSES its willingness to consider any future long -term proposals which the Economic and Social Council may make to the organizations in the United Nations system on the question of the allocation between regular budget funds and extrabudgetary funds of programme support or overhead costs of activities financed from extrabudgetary funds.

Handb. Res., Vol. I, 8.1.2 Thirteenth plenary meeting, 21 May 1974

(Committee B, fourth report)

1 Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, Fifty -fifth session, Resolutions, Supplement No. 1(E /5400), p. 32.


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