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Light absorption by a collisional system


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1987

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Light absorption by a collisional system

H. van Regemorter

To cite this version:

H. van Regemorter. Light absorption by a collisional system. Journal de Physique, 1987, 48 (8),

pp.1299-1309. �10.1051/jphys:019870048080129900�. �jpa-00210556�


Light absorption by a collisional system

H. Van Regemorter

Observatoire de Paris, 92190 Meudon, France

(Requ le 15 décembre 1986, révisé le 18 mars 1987, accepté le 27 avril 1987)



La théorie des perturbations appliquée à l’étude de l’interaction entre un champ faible et un système collisionnel binaire permet d’obtenir l’expression du taux d’absorption induit par collisions ou le profil spectral d’une transition optiquement permise à faible densité. Les fonctions d’onde du système collisionnel ne sont pas affectées par le champ radiatif et différents développements de ces fonctions sont utilisés suivant la nature du système: atome-électron ou atome-atome. Des expressions unifiées du profil sont données qui convergent vers la limite


impact » pour les petits désaccords 039403C9. L’approche semi-classique du problème

collisionnel est donnée pour établir la correspondance avec le formalisme de la fonction d’autocorrélation.

Aux grands désaccords ces deux approches sont en défaut et il est nécessaire d’utiliser un modèle collisionnel




Perturbation theory is applied to the interaction between a binary collisional system and a weak radiation field to obtain the rate of induced absorption or the line profile of an optically allowed transition at low density. The collisional system wave functions are not affected by the radiation field and appropriate

different expansions of these functions must be used for the two electron-atom or atom-atom systems under study. Unified expressions of the profile are given which converges to the impact limit at small detunings. The

semi-classical approach of the collisional problem is given to underline the correspondence with the usual autocorrelation formalism. Both approaches break down for large detunings where a quantum collisional

theory must be used.


Physics Abstracts




1. Introduction.

Most of the problems in collision induced radiative transition or photons assisted scattering phenomena

have been solved within the binary model approxi- mation, but many problems in collisional line

broadening theory, which actually are genuine colli-

sion induced radiative phenomena, have been

treated in using the autocorrelation formalism, in

order to take account of the simultaneous collisions in time.

At low densities, the binary model - for an

optically active atom in collision with one perturber


is valid for the whole profile except the very central part of the line, at small detuning åw where

simultaneous collisions occur. Moreover when this model breaks down, for Ow of the order of the

impact half width y, Aw Tc is much smaller than

unity when the density is low, the collision duration

Tc being much smaller than the interval of time between two collisions of the order of y -1: the

narrow central part of the profile has a Lorentz shape. This is true in many situations but not in the

specific case of the broadening of




lines by charged particles when Tc can be very large

even at low density because of the typical very long

range character of the interaction.

For strong laser fields, the usual close coupled theory of binary atomic collisions has been extended

by Yakovlenko [1] and by Mies [2] to include the

radiation field within the binary system. After some appropriate expansion of the total wave function of the whole system- coupling terms may come from the electrostatic or dynamic interactions of the two

body collisions and from V CI) the interaction between the collisional complex and the radiation field.

For the usual weak radiation fields



the very powerful laser and the study of non linear



for ow larger than the very small Rabi

frequency ow R, first order perturbation theory can

be applied to the interaction between the binary system and light. When the Hamiltonian of the whole system contains a strong collisional potential V c and a weak radiative potential Vw, the so-called


distorted wave Bom approximation


can be safely applied and, as we shall see below, a straightforward

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:019870048080129900


expression for an absorption or emission probability

can be obtained in terms of the usual collisional

wave functions which are unaffected by the radiation field. Induced radiation occurs during the complete

collisional process, but the wave functions of the

binary system are given independently of all inter- action with the radiation field. In this sense the collisional problem is decoupled from the radiative problem.

The theory leads to basic expressions for the line profile which have been used in the past in particular by Jablonski [3] and Mies [4] for atom-atom colli-

sions and by the Meudon Group in the early

seventies for electron-atom collisions (see Van Re-

gemorter et al. [5] referred to as paper I). The

formalism is quite different from the usual line

broadening theory originally developed by Anderson [6] and much improved later on - see Baranger [7]

and Allard and Kielkopf [8]. The semi-classical

approach given below emphasizes the difference of

starting point of view.

On purpose we are using the concept of



collision model » and not the concept of « quasi

molecular model ». The first includes the second as a

typical case when, for slow atom-atom collisions, the

total wave functions can be expanded in terms of a

very few


electronic molecular functions » as de- fined in the Born Oppenheimer treatment of

diatomic molecules


see paper I.



the quasi molecular model » has been

very often associated with the Born Oppenheimer approximation together with the use of the Franck Condon principle, see Szudy and Baylis [9]. If they

have given many reliable results for far wings studies, these approximations break down in a very

large region of the profile where rotational coupling

or Coriolis interactions, mixing the Born Op- penheimer states asymptotically, play an important

role as shown in particular by Julienne [10].

Within the binary model, with appropriate expan- sions in terms of


electronic molecular functions


or of


unperturbed atomic functions


of the



sional complex


wave function, according the mag- nitude of the velocity of the relative motion, proper account is taken of all the collisional dynamic, in particular of the non adiabatic and inelastic effects.

As already shown this model gives a continuous picture of the absorption or emission profiles from



quasi static


regime to the impact regime near

the line centre. Moreover it gives the ties between

the case of slow atomic perturber and electron line broadening, see paper I and Peach [11].

The aim of the present is twofold. Firstly to give in chapter 2 the basic justification of the quantum expressions for the collision induced absorption

rates in the case of weak radiation field which are

used in paper I. Secondly to give in chapter 3 a

semiclassical translation of the collisional aspects of

the theory in order to give a better understanding of

the correspondence between the binary collision

model and the usual line broadening theory. The impact limit is given in chapter 4 to show how the theory takes account of inelastic effects.

Emphasis is given on the transition region between

very large Aw where a binary molecular quantum

approach, [2] and paper I, must be used and the small Aw where the usual autocorrelation approach

is valid. Parallel treatments are applied to collisions

with electron and with slow atomic perturbers.

2. Radiation of a collisional complex.

The Hamiltonian of two particles A and B in the presence of a radiation field is

where HR = - 2h: V2 describes the relative motion of the colliding particles, H Cl) is the free field Hamiltonian, whose eigenfunctions I nw) correspond

to n photons, V c is the electrostatic interaction between the atoms and V Cl) the interaction of the field with the collisional complex.

In absence of the radiation field, the colliding system must be characterized by its initial condition iki where i stands for the quantum numbers of the

separated atoms A and B (in the following we

suppose that atom B stays in a spherisymmetrical ground state) and where ki = /.t vi h is the momen-

tum of the relative motion.

For simplicity, we first consider the case when the

wave function of the colliding system A + B can be expanded in terms of the unperturbed wave function

where the cp a(r


rA, rB) represent the product of

the atomic wave functions and y the wave function

of the relative motion of the two atoms. B can be

replaced by a structureless proton or electron. More details on the notations used are given in paper I. It will be shown below that the general expressions given in the present chapter remain valid when

expansion (2) must be replaced by a limited expan- sion in terms of electronic molecular functions



it is the case for low energy atom-atom collisions.

In the presence of a radiation field of ni photons of frequency w and polarization E the initial condition of the total system is characterized by i k; ni and the total wave function can be written in the form

with s


0 or ± 1 for the study of one photon



In the case of absorption s


0 or -1. If now a

refers to states of the system associated to n;

photons, and {3 to states associated to n; -1 photons

Under the action of the two potentials Vc + V w , the transition probability per unit of time between two states of the total system i kl ni


f kf n f is


in which a plane wave for the relative motion is

associated to the final state of density p (6f). For absorption nf = n; or ni -1. Energy conservation im lies

- _

hw with e


E 1 h 2 E

implies )e - §i p ei = hw with 6 e


E + ! k 2, E being

2 tt k , bemg

the energy of the two separated atoms.

In the important case of weak radiation field, the


distorted wave Bom approximation (DWB)

» -

see Newton [12]


can be applied to the theory of scattering when two kinds of interactions are present,

Vc which may be strong and Vw which is supposed to

be weak. The transition probability due to the

interaction with the electromagnetic field is

where ik - I ni - 1 ) and t/J + [ ni) are now solutions of the total Hamiltonian (1) with V, only. The wave

functions of the colliding system are independent of

all interactions with the radiation field.

Using (4) it is now unnecessary to specify the photon states. With collisional coupling only

ik- Ini - l and Q + ] ni ) can be replaced by

corresponding respectively to the




wave solution .p + at ei and to the « incoming » wave solution qi - at g f of the collision problem (B leaving

A and state f). Formula (6) is similar to the formula for radiative spontaneous emission of an electron- atom system of Percival and Seaton [13] which was

obtained as a generalization of the Bremstrahlung

emission of an electron in a central field.

But we need the absorption rate when A goes from state a


ja mja to b


ib mjb (or eventually the

total rate from ja to jb, remembering that B does not

change state) of a radiation field of wavelength close by w ab, whatever are the initial and final conditions of the system A + B, collisions occurring at random.

In the case of the partial rate from ja mja to ib mjb only the terms ja mja and ib mjb are retained in

expansions (7) and (8). The transition probability iki


fkf for the total system while the atom A goes

from ja mja to jb MjbiS

Additional sums over mi, and mja inside the modulus

give the total rate from ja to jb.

With one term in (7) and (8) the partial wave expansions give


where the radial functions of the relative motion have the asymptotic forms

Usual notations in collision physics are used [5, 11, 13]. For simplicity each channel will be charac- terized by y


jmj 1m. Other quantum numbers and

parity will not be written explicitely. I is the angular

momentum of the relative motion of the two particles

and m its projection on !pace field Oz. S is the usual

scattering matrix.


In the case of atom-atom collisions, the relative

velocity is much smaller than the electronic vel- ocities. The unperturbed functions 0,,(r) in expan-

sion (2) or Oy (rfl) in (12) must be replaced by space fixed electronic molecular functions .0a (rR) and O,y (rR) which tend to cfJ a (r) and cP ’Y (rR) when the

internuclear distance R -> oo. These functions as

defined by Mies [2] are built from the molecular- fixed electronic wave functions Ojn (rR) generated by the electronic Hamiltonian at R fixed

by frame transformation

Dj(R) being the Wigner rotation matrix and 1Ii the

projection of j on the molecular axis.

Evidently the radial function F and the S matrix, defined by the asymptotic forms (13), will be very sensitive to an appropriate quasi molecular approach

of the collision.

The collisional problem has to be solved twice for two systems of different energies. The energy of each is conserved during the collision 6i = 6a and ef


6b. Expansions (7) and (8) for atom-atom colli-

sion are limited to different subspaces including in

one case the ground state sublevels ja mja and a few

adjacent fine structure levels, in the other case the

same sublevels corresponding to atom A in its ex-

cited state. Usually transitions between the two manifolds of states do not occur in the absence of radiation.

The close coupling solutions of each system allows for all mixing of molecular electronic states during

the collision due to curve crossing, spin orbit inter- action and Coriolis coupling. These solutions are

independent of the strength of the radiation field as

long as the DWB approximation is valid.

At low density, the atoms spend most of the time

as free particles and occasionally collide and form a

transitory quasi molecule. Initial conditions at t

= -

oo are simply given by the usual thermodynam-

ical equilibrium conditions of free particles. Each

collisional process must be considered as complete

from t = - oo to t = + oo.

With the usual normalization (13) of the wave function, the density of final states is given by

The number of binary systems per unit of volume is

assuming a Maxwellian distribution f (ki). After

averages and sums over initial and final conditions of the total system, the rate of absorption per unit of volume is

Using the partial wave expansions (10) and (11) it

is easy to obtain this rate in the form



in terms of the « light induced scattering matrix »


KCIJ(ja Mj. -+ ib mjb) is the « two body » rate coef-

ficient. The total rate KCIJ(ja -+ jb) is obtained after

summation over mja and mjb under the modulus in

(20). When the level ja is well separated from all neighbouring levels j; of atom A, quenching can be neglected and one can assume ii


ja. When, in addition, the collisions insure an isotropic distri-

bution of the sublevels j a mja - a very good approxi-

mation in the case of weak radiation field



expressions above simplify as



At a given frequency w, energy conservation insures

The interaction potential with the radiation field is



de where d is the electronic part of the


dipole operator of the binary system




er of

atom A -, e is the polarization vector and 6. is the

monochromatic field strength such that

g; = 2 7T líw c - 1 cP where 0 is the photon flux cm- 2 s-1.

The absorption coefficient per unit of length is

defined by [14]

The weak field DWB approximation is valid when

the light induced matrix Sw’ elements, which are now defined by (21), are much smaller than unity.

Explicit expressions of S w’ or of the absorption

coefficient Kw in terms of radial functions F or of the collision S matrix elements have been given else-

where [5, 11, 15]. In the present paper we shall be concerned only now with the equivalent semiclassical formalism for which explicit expressions will be given below.

The quantum approach has been applied indepen- dently to two different classes of problems. For

electron-atom systems, elaborate calculations have been made of the electron contribution to the

hydrogen line wings Lyman a and Hf3 [16, 17, 18].

This work has been reviewed by Peach [11] and

Lisitsa [19].

For atom-atom systems, a series of papers have been devoted to collision induced transitions



ese transitions being asymptotically allowed or for-

bidden in the absence of collision. Detailed studies have been made for the transition 0 (1S ) + Ar +

h v - 0 (’D) + Ar [10] and for Sr (’S) + Ar + h v ->

Sr (1P) + Ar [14, 20] in which the close coupled theory of collision in a radiation field [2] is used to

calculated the absorption profile as well as the polarization of the (1P ) fluorescence following wing

excitation by a polarized light.

3. The semi-classical approximation.

The semi-classical treatment of the collisional prob-

lem is given here to simplify the quantum formalism given above and to emphasize some analogies and

some differences with the usual treatment in line

broadening theory. The role of inelastic effects in collision induced radiative transitions is underlined.

For Ni atoms A in state i at t = 2013 oo, to

NB v; 7Tk2(2ii + 1 ) the frequency of arrival of a perturber of angular momentum li, corresponds classically the frequency NB Vi 2 wp dp.

The « two body » rate coefficient, as defined in formula (19) can be written in the form


The semi-classical expression of the light induced scattering matrix elements is :

P;if (P )


IS’ (a -> b ) I 2 is the probability of induced scattering for a classical trajectory of impact par- ameter p, or the probability of absorption a - b for given initial conditions of the scattering problem.

Qi£ (t ) corresponds to the part of the full scattering

state (B arriving on A in state i at infinity) which

involves A in state a. qi - (t ) corresponds to the part of the full scattering state (B leaving A in state f at infinity) which involves A in state b.

in which the U a (t ) and Ui (t) are given from the

solutions of systems of differential equations of the

whole scattering problem. With the expansion

appropriate to define the asymptotic conditions at t

= -

oo or +oo when atom A is in a given state

jmj, V being the electrostatic interaction Vc of expression (1), the resolution of the Schroedinger equation gives

In the specific case of electron-atom collisions the

cP a are simply the unperturbed atomic wave function cP a (rl). Expansions (2) and (29) must include many open channels, the electrostatic potential V c giving

rise to important inelastic effects.

In the case of atom-atom collisions, the cP a (rR) given by (15) are the space fixed electronic molecular functions. Expansion (29) may usually be limited to the fine structure levels jmj for given LS. When

solved in this representation


corresponding to the

Hund coupling scheme e


which diagonalizes the asymptotic Hamiltonian HA + HB, strong coupling

terms occur during the collision. At small r, in the molecular region, where Hund case a (or b) are valid, the Vaa, are built from the diagonal Born- Oppenheimer potentials by unitary transformation.

Coupling terms due to the R (t ) dependence of the cP a are neglected in (30). They usually vary as

R - 6 - compared to the R - 2 or R - 3 behaviour of the


The implementation of this semi-classical close


coupled theory has been discussed by Delos [21] and

in many papers on line broadening and fine structure

transitions in atom-atom collisions [22-24].

Straight paths have been used in many cal-

culations, but the results may be very much improved

in taking account of trajectory effects [25]. The

systems of equation (30) are obtained as the high angular momentum limit of the quantum coupled equations in assuming a common turning point.

Two systems of equations (30) have to be solved

for the same given impact parameter p


1 k- 1.

Indeed the usual assumption of weak transfer of energy implies ki - ka, kf - kb and ki - kf from (24).

Conservation of the total angular momentum J = I + j in the collisional processes and the dipole

selection rule OJ


0 ± 1 for the radiative process leads to li i -- If in the classical limit of high angular

momentum. This corresponds to the semiclassical treatment of the close coupled theory of Mies [2] in

which the radiation field gives additional couplings

in a unique system of equation.

Initial conditions i (or f) are such that U; (- oo ) = Sia and Uib (+ 00) = Stb. When the

system is known to be in eigenstate i of the unper- turbed Hamiltonian at t

= -

oo, the transition ampli-

tude is effectively given by the scalar product uia(t) _ I> a (r ) I U (t, - 00 ) I I> i (r »

where U(t, - oo ) is the time evolution operator in the interaction picture. U+ (t ) = U (t, - oo ) and

U- (t )


U(t, + oo ) are unitary. With U+ (- oo ) _ 1, U+ (+ oo ) is the classical analogue of the S matrix.

With U- (+ oo )


1, U- (- oo ) = S *.

For given initial conditions, operators U+ and U-, corresponding to Vc (t ) of one perturber, gener- ate the wave

functions qi + (t ) and qi - (t ) at time t.

I U a (t ) 12 or 1 Uib (t ) I give the probability to have

the atom in state a (or b).

The scattering qi a+ (t ) and Qg (t) not only take

account of non adiabatic effects like rotational

coupling or eventual curve crossing but also of

possible fine structure excitation in atom-atom col- lisions. They allow for important inelastic effects in electron atom system. They are not to be confused

with the « collision smeared states >> oa(t) and 4Jb(t) introduced by Bloom and Marguenau [26-28]

usually used in the autocorrelation function formal- isms which are formally solutions of equations of

type (30) in which V corresponds to all perturbers.



ja mja and b


ib mjb being the states involved in the radiative process. All inelastic effects are neg- lected at this stage of the formalism.

Sometimes good results may be obtained using

different models [29, 30] which have been derived from a suggestion made by Nikitin [31] according

which each stage of the collision can be described by

a given Hund coupling scheme. Instead of solving

system (30), the evolution operator for t > t2 can be written in the form

U(t, - 00 U,, (t, t2) paii

x U ä (t2, t1) P aii (t1) U a (t1, - 00 ) (31) where t1 and t2 are the times at which the system passes abruptly from one representation to the other by transformation P, each separate evolution operator being diagonal in a given time interval [32, 33].

This method has been applied for depolarization

cross sections calculations in Na-He collisions [29]

with a simple model in which the quasi-molecular

passes from Hund case (e) at long distance to Hund

case (a) and back to Hund case (e). The same procedure has been applied to absorption profile

and redistribution calculations in Sr + Ar collisions

[34], giving good results compared to the full quan- tum study of Julienne and Mies [14, 35].

Let us now consider the absorption profile of a

continuous radiation between two degenerate levels ja


ib. The monochromatic energy flow Qhw must be replaced by IpwE dw dpw, the radiation energy

incident on unit area per unit time of polarization E

and wave vector p. in the solid angle do. (using the

notations of Landau and Lifshitz [36]). The prob- ability of absorption per interval of dw and of

do. from (27) is

For simplicity let us suppose that the incident radiation is isotropic and unpolarized. After inte-

gration over dfp. and summation over E, with I w


8 7T’I WE the probability per interval of dlù is

in which we have used expansions (27). For sim- plicity we have assumed that B is an atom in a



0 state or a structureless particle. a


ja mja and



ib mjb. Other quantum numbers are not written explicitely.

In electron-atom collisions the 0 in (33) are unperturbed atomic functions and the dipole mo-

ment is independent of the time. In atom-atom


collisions for Aw not too large


in the near wing or

in the core of an allowed transition, the main contribution to the time integral in (33) is given for large values of R (t ) for which the R dependence of

the dipole matrix elements can be neglected. Actual- ly this dependence is usually neglected all along the profile even at large Aw [8, 9] and it has been shown

recently [20] that it gives negligible effects in the case



optical» asymptotically allowed transitions for which the molecular transition moment varies as

d(R) = d(oo )[1 - CR-3].

When this approximation is valid the dipole matrix

elements of the unperturbed system can be factorized in (33). Expanding the dipole moment of atom A in spherical components, d




E d1u, one obtains


where B is the well known Einstein coefficient for absorption of the unperturbed atom. Without any external

perturbation U+ (t ) = 1 and U- (t ) = 1, i


a and f


b and it is easy to check that after integration over dw

one obtains the usual absorption rate

Iw R(i - i- I


Similarly, the




of the rate coefficient in (26) is given by


This formula can also be obtained in a different way from the full quantum expressions (19) and (20)

and using the expansions (12) in terms of radial functions F. Following Tran Minh et al. [16], but taking

account of the incoming and outgoing wave forms of y+ and qi-, one finds the classical limits of the quantum overlap integrals

which appear in (37).

For kT bigger than all the Ei - Ea, Na can be factorized in (37). Solving the collisional problem in the

semi-classical approximation, levels i and a (or f and b) are closely spaced and a mean velocity


/t?j va is associated to a common trajectory of impact parameter p. The profile of the rate related to level ja is

using for simplicity the usual notation for the angular average [8].

Dropping the constant factor I CJJ ’Bc-l, which is the

rate of absorption of the unperturbed atom A, one

finds the usual normalized profile F(Aw). For comparison with the autocorrelation formalism, the profile F (A w ) may be written as a Fourier transform

Defining the time evolution operator

and summing over i and f in (39) one easily finds

the usual average over an ensemble of one perturber

time evolution operators.

On the other hand, the autocorrelation formalism

[8, 37] gives

which, at low density NB, only differs from the


binary model » formula (42) in a very small region

around the line centre. In a typical low density experiment [14] the binary model is valid for

Aw -- 1 cm- 1 although the measurements of the

profile extend up to ± 100 cm - 1 !

The autocorrelation approach giving (43) is

known to be based on the


factorization approxi-

mation » [7] of the density matrix p


p A p P in which the density matrix pup of the perturbers takes

its equilibrium value and is time independent. This assumption meaning that the perturber bath



when only the nearest perturber plays a role in the

line wings


does not change during the collision, is evidently compatible with the use of a straight path

in a semiclassical calculation.

It is generally assumed that the factorization

approximation leads to negligible errors as long as

h Aw is much smaller than kT. This is confirmed by

the identity of (42) and (43) in a large domain of the profile.

When Aw increases, allowance of trajectory effects

may improve the semiclassical calculations but for

large Aw close correlations in the classically for-

bidden region of R are important and the classical

approach completely breaks down as well as the usual autocorrelation approach. For these values of 3w the quantum binary model, which is sketched out in chapter 1 and takes fully account of binary correlations, is entirely valid.

This is confirmed by recent elaborate semiclassical calculations with allowance of trajectory effects.

Compared to a full quantum calculations, good

results are obtained for the core and the near wings

of optical transitions like 4s-4p and 4s-5p in K + Ne collisions, but cannot be obtained in the far wings

where the transition occurs near the turning point [38].

The same is true in the very different case of the electron contribution of hydrogen line wings in low density plasmas. In Stark broadening the interaction

potential falls of like R-2 and analytical expressions

can be found for both the quantum [17, 39, 40] and

the semiclassical [41] expression of the overlap integrals (38) and of the line profile. The semiclassi- cal approach gives good results in the case of Lyman

a for AA 10 A but, when AA increases, both assumptions of a pure dipole interaction and of a

straight path break down for AA


25 A.

4. The impact approximation.

At small detuning, when 0 w -1 is much larger than

the collision duration Tc


Rc v- 1 where 7?c is of the

order of the range of the interaction potential, the

radiative process mainly occurs in the asymptotic

region where the radial functions have the

forms (13).


As shown in paper I, the overlap integrals of the

radial functions have the impact limit

Within the semi-classical picture, for t


Tc ; the coefficient U a (t ) and Ui (t) have their asymptotic

values corresponding to t = ± oo and the integrals

appearing in (37) have their impact limit forms

with S = U+ (+ 00 ).

Then it is easy to derive the impact limit of the probability (33) and of the absorption rate (37).

This rate of absorption in the interval dw can be split into three terms [5] :

i) One which involves the relaxation of the initial level ja only

ii) One which involves the relaxation of the final level ib only

iii) The interference term, which is obtained when j;


ja and if



The first contribution (46) is obtained for Boltzmann population ratio between level ja and all neighbouring levels ji.

The sum of the three contributions gives

in terms of the rate of absorption of the unperturbed atom and of the




F (A w )


y (2 ir A co 2)-l

where y is identical to the known expression of Baranger [7].

which includes the




inelastic contributions to the profile. Starting from a different point of view, Baranger has obtained (51) from the impact limit of his autocorrelation function given by

which gives a Lorentz profile where the half width

y /2 and the shift are given by the real part and the imaginary part of the exponent. The first is equival-

ent to (51). One must note that « inelastic » terms

only appear at the last stage of the argument, when

taking account of the unitary of the S matrix in (52).


As defined in chapter 3, in the case of absorption by a continuous radiation I., the line profile is the

ratio of the rate of collision induced absorption per interval of dcw , Nja NBdK-(ja ’ jb ), with dKw given by (39), to the rate absorption N ja I. c-’B(ja - ib)

of atom A. This gives

where the frequency dependent width y (Aw ) is given in terms of the overlap integrals in (39). At the impact limit y(Aw)


y given by (51).

The binary model obviously breaks down some-

where near the line centre when A w is of the order of

a few y : the two body system is not an isolated system anymore. But it breaks down long before the impact approximation, because T c is much smaller than y -1. Therefore, near the line centre the profile

has the Lorentz shape given by the usual line

broadening theory which allows for the overlap in

time of weak interactions and (53) can be modified in this way.

5. Conclusion.

The binary theory described in paper I and in the present paper proceeds from a different point of

view than the usual autocorrelation function for- malism. The collisional complex A + B in a quantum isolated system with known initial conditions, on

which the induced absorption rate can be easily averaged. In the semi-classical approach the wave

function of the colliding system at all time t is built up from its known simple form at t

= -


Within the usual formalism all perturbers P of a given volume are included in the system, but nearly



unified » theories are based on an approxi-

mation according which the density matrix of the total system at all times t can be factorized as

p (t )


P A (t) p P (t ). As known this




approximation is not valid in the line wings as soon

as the atom and the perturber subsystems are highly


Recently many efforts have been made to built a

many-body density operator including all binary

correlations [42-45]. Physically this corresponds to

the evolution of the state of a gas at time t from a

completely uncorrelated state at time t

= -


Proper account of two-body correlations implies a

correct collisional quantum approach.

A semi-classical description makes the physical interpretation easier. It is given in chapter 3 as the

usual high angular momentum limit of the quantum

theory, formulae (26) and (27) corresponding to (19)

and (21). But it can be derived in a different way.

From the theory of approximate method of calcu- lation of the evolution operator [46], when one part

Vw (t) of the total Hamiltonian H = Ho + V c (t) + V Cù (t) can be considered as a perturbation, expression (27) of the light induced scattering matrix

Sw can be obtained as the semi-classical analogue of

the DWB approximation given in chapter 2.

In the case of atomic perturbers, the correct expansion of the colliding system wave function in terms of electronic molecular functions must be

used, the two-body time evolution operator U or the collisional S-matrices being very sensitive to short range correlations effects, even at small detuning.

From chapter 4 one can say that, for low density plasmas, the binary model is valid for small Aw until the impact approximation is valid and before the

occurrence of simultaneous collisions in time.

On the contrary far in the wings, for large Aw - depending of course on the range of interaction,

the weight of the perturber, and the temperature


the radiative process occurs mainly in the quasi-

molecular region. As well known the factorization

approximation breaks down as soon as I A w I is of

the order of kTIh. But this is also the limit of

validity of the impact parameter semi-classical ap-

proximation using a straight trajectory.

In this region a quantum approach must be used,

the basis of which are given in chapter 2. This theory, valid in the specific case of weak radiation fields has been detailed in paper I [5] and compared

to the alternative binary approach of the « close

coupled theory of collision in the presence of a radiation field » of Yakovlenko [1] and Mies [2].

We have shown that in the intermediate region, in using a semi-classical approximation for the collisio- nal process, that the same results should be expected

in following the binary model approach or the

autocorrelation approach. Contrary to a well known

statement in line broadening theory, according to

which it is simpler to calculate the Fourier transform of the profile than the profile itself, we feel that

there is a huge domain of validity of a binary model theory. Emphasis has been given here on line broadening studies but this method of treatment of

light interaction with collisional systems may be

applied to many other phenomena like some prob-

lems of redistribution of light [14, 47].


The author whishes to thank N. Feautrier, Ch.

Stehlé and A. Spielfiedel for helpful discussions.



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