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Lattice spacing trends in close-packed hexagonal phases based on the noble metals


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1962

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Lattice spacing trends in close-packed hexagonal phases based on the noble metals

T.B. Massalski

To cite this version:

T.B. Massalski. Lattice spacing trends in close-packed hexagonal phases based on the noble metals.

J. Phys. Radium, 1962, 23 (10), pp.647-654. �10.1051/jphysrad:019620023010064701�. �jpa-00236655�



and ionic and covalent character become possible.

What happens as the area of the Fermi surface decreases is that the range of distance over which

. metallic screening occurs increases. Thus in a

semimetal with a very small Fermi surface, one might have a net charge, in a covalent bond loca- lized on anatomic scale which is surrounded by a neutraliziny.cloud with a radius of order a hundred

atomic separations. Thus in principle, the theorem

holds for se’1limetals, but becàuse of the long screening radius there is a greater re3e nblance to

an insulator than to a metal as regards ionic or

covalent character.



I am very grateful to

Dr. Walter A. Harrison for searching criticism of


the Hartree calculations and to Prof. J. C, Phillips

for general discussions.



[1] GELL-MANN (M.) and BRUECKNER (K. A.), Phys. Rev., 1957, 106, 364.

[2] HUBBARD (J.), Proc. Roy. Soc., London, 1957, A 240, 539; 1958, A 243, 336 ; 1958, A 244,199.

[3] PHILLIPS (J. C.) and KLEINMAN (L.), Phys. Rev., 1959, 116, 287. KLEINMAN (L.) and PHILLIPS (J. C.), Phys.

Rev., 1959, 116, 880; 1960, 117, 460 ; 1960, 118, 1153. PHILLIPS (J. C.), J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 1959, 11, 226.

[4] COHEN (M. H.) and HEINE (V.), Phys. Rev., 1961,122,


[5] NOZIÈRES (P.) and PINES (D.), Nuovo Cimento [X], 1958, 9, 470,

[6] EHRENREICH (H.) and COHEN (M. H.), Phys. Rev.

1959,115, 786.

[7] Such a separation is not possible for the transition metals, the rare earth metals, and the actinides, and

is marginal for the noble metals.

[8] Their work (ref. 3) has been generalized to include many-body effects by BASSANI, GOODMAN, ROBIN-

SON and SCHRIEFFER, Phys. Rev. (in press).

[9] COHEN (M. H.) and PHILLIPS (J. C.), Phys. Rev., 1961, 124,1818.

[10] PHILLIPS (J. C.), Phys. Rev., 1961, 123, 420.

[11] PHILLIPS (J. C.) and KLEINMAN (L.), Phys. Rev.

(in press).



Mellon Intitute, Pittsburgh 13, Pennsylvania, U. S. A.



La variation des paramètres cristallins et du rapport e/a dans les alliages hexa-

gonaux compacts de métaux nobles a été étudiée en détail, avec des méthodes de haute precision,

sur tous les exemples connus. On trouve une corrélation remarquable entre les résultats experi-

mentaux d’une part, la concentration en électrons et la zone de Brillouin d’autre part. Les phases hexagonales examinées forment trois groupes, chacun ayant un comportement caractéristique en

ce qui concerne le rapport e/a, le volume atomique et les écarts par rapport à la linéarité. L’appa-

rition d’un contact entre la surface de Fermi et les faces {10.0} et {00.2} de la zone de Brillouin peut être détectée avec précision, et un modèle simple permet d’estimer les intervalles entre bandes

dans la zone. Les valeurs obtenues sont comprises entre 0,5 et 1 eV, selon le rapport e/a, la concen-

tration en électrons et la nature du solute.



The changes of lattice spacings and of the axial ratio in h. c. p. intermediate phases

based on the noble metals constitute an interesting chapter in the theory of alloys. We have recen- tly completed the survey of the lattice spacings of all known h.c.p. phases which belong to this

group using high precision methods and the results show a very remarkable correlation with the electron concentration and the Brillouin zone. The investigated h.c.p. phases fall naturally

into three distinct groups each showing a characteristic behaviour in terms of axial ratio, volume per atom, and systematic deviations from linearity. Onset of overlap of electrons across the

{10.0} and {00.2} sets of Brillouin zone faces can be detected with high accuracy in terms of electron concentration and the use of a simple electron theory permits one to evaluate approximate

values of the band gaps in the zone. The obtained values range between 0.5-1.0 eV depending

on the axial ratio, the electron concentration and the nature of the alloying elements. These and other details will be discussed.



TOME 23, OCTOBRE 1962,

Some thirty years ago Jones [1] interpreted the changes with composition of lattice spacings of

the E and n phases in the Cu-Zn system in terms of overlaps of electrons across the Brillouin zone. At

that time the available data consisted of only a

few points in the Cu-Zn system and was non-

existent for other similar syste ns. By now thé

lattice spacings of all phases which possess the close-

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphysrad:019620023010064701


packed hexagonal structure in binary systems

based on the noble metals (Cu, Ag, Au) have been

measured with a high degree of accuracy and they

reveal a very striking and interesting picture. The

purpose of this paper is to summarize the available data and to discuss the possible interpretations.

The typical phases with thé close-packed hexa-

gonal (h,c.p.) structure may be conveniently divi-

ded into three natural groups which are denoted by

the Greek symbols 03B6, E and ~ according to their

axial ratio (c/a), lattice spacing trends, electron

concentration (e/a) and solute content. The range of stability in terms of e/a of all known 03B6, é and -1 phases are shown in figure 1. In this figure are

FiG. 1.


Ranges of maximum stability of the oc, 03B6, e and -1 phases in terms

of electron concentration (after Massalski and King [2]).

also included the ranges of stability of the corres- ponding a phases which are terminal solid solutions

with the face-centred cubic (f.c.c.) structure and

which are of interest in connection with the trends in the lattice spacings of the h.c.p. phases. The changes of the axial ratio with e ja in the h.c.p.

phases listed in figure 1 are shown in figure 2.

The 03B6 phases follow the oc terminal solutions and

occur within the e la range between 1.22 and 1.83.

Their axial ratios lie relatively close to the ideal

value for the close-packing of spheres

and they decrease with increases of e/a. The e and

1) phases always contain zinc or cadmium as the

major constituent. The axial ratios of the 03B6 phases

fall below the ideal value, in the region of

decreasing initially with e/a and showing an

increase near zinc-, or cadmium-rich boundaries.

The q phases are terminal solid solutions based on

zinc or cadmium. Their initial axial ratios lie

considerably above the ideal value of 1.633 and

they increase with increasing e ja towards the values of pure zinc (cla


1.8563) or pure cad- mium (cla



In order to emphasize certain characteristic trends in the lattice spacings in each group of

h.c.p. phases it is convenient to compare the

03B6 phases with the oc terminal solid solutions which

precede them in the respective phase diagrams

and to compare the e phases with the q terminal

solid solutions which follow them in the respective phase diagrammes. This is illustrated diagrama- tically in figure 3 in which the phase fields are

drawn with the characteristic shapes usually


To a first approximation the structure of the a and 03B6 phases are very similar, differing only in the stacking of the elosest-packed planes. Therefore,

it can be assumed that the contributions to the

changes of lattice spacings from such factors as the

différence in atomic sizes, electrochemical inter-

actions, etc., should vary in a smooth and conti-

nuous manner across through a and 03B6 phases.

Any specific deviation may be attributed to the

change of structure between the two phases and

hence to the change in the Brillouin zone and, rela-

ted to it, a change in the possible interactions between the Fermi surface and the Brillouin zone.

The characteristic features in the general trends

with composition in the a spacings of the 03B6 phases



FIG. 2.


Changes of axial ratio (c/a) with electron concentration (e/a) in the 03B6, E and 7] phases (after Massalski and King [7]).

FIG. 3.


Characteristic positions of the phase diagramme a) in the oc - 03B6 region of systems based on the noble

metals and b) in the e - ui region of systems based on

zinc or cadmium.

FIG. 4.


The Da’ and Aa deviations in the ( phases

based on the noble metals (after Massalski and King [9]).


are illustrated in figure 4. These trends are parti- cularly clear if the lattice spacings within the ter- minal solid solutions (1) are plotted together (marked a’) with the corresponding a spacings in the 03B6 phases. Ag-based systems are represented , by the Ag-Sn system, Cu-based systems by the

Cu-Ge system and Au-based systems by the Au-Sn system. An initial contraction, 1Ya’ may be obser- ved in the closest packed spacings on passing

from f.c.c. to the h.c.p. structure. This contrac- tion increases depending on the solvent in the order Ag Cu Au. For each group ôf systems

based on one solvent the 0394a’ contraction is found to be nearly the same.


By contrast the values of mean volume per atom change smoothly from the oc to the 03B6 phases, the values in the 03B6 phases falling almost exactly on the values extrapolated from the corres- ponding a terminal solid solutions. A typical

trend may be illustrated by the data for the Au-Sn system as shown in figure 5. It may be seen that

FIG. 5.


Lattice spacing trands in a and 03B6 phases in the system Au-Sn (after Massalski and King [5]).

the 1Ya’ contraction occurs at nearly constant

volume per atom ; and hence a complementary expansion, Ac’, may be expected to exist in the

c spacings. This is revealed (see fig. 5) by com- paring the c spacings in the 03B6 phases with hypo-

thetical c’ spacings ïn a alloys derived by multi-

(1) For this purpose the cubic a spacings are divided by B/2B so that a direct comparison can be made between the closest distance of approach of atoms in the {111}

planes of the f.c.c. structure - and the equivalent closest

distance of approach of atoms in the {oo. 2 } planes of

the h.c.p. structure, a’ = 1 IV2- - ai. 0,. c. c"


2/V3 .af:c.c..

plying the. a’ spacings by the ideal axial ratio.

Accompanying the 1Yc’ increase and the 1Ya’ de-

crease in the 03B6 phases’are the initial higher-than-

ideal values of the axial ratio. The detailed trends in the axial ratio in all phases are shown in figure 6.

Corresponding to the 1Yc’ and 1Ya’ deviations the

FIG. 6.


Changes of axial ratio with electron concen-

tration in 03B6 phases based on the noble metals (after King and Massalski [6]).

initial c ja is highest in Au-based systems and

decreases in the order Au > Cu > Ag.

In addition to the a’ decrease and the c’ increase described above an accelerated increase (marked 0394a

in figures 2 and 5) occurs in the a spacings in each

group of03B6 phases based on a common solvent at a surprizingly narrow range of ela. The actual values of ela appear to be characteristic of each noble métal falling in the range e/a =: 1. 415-1.43 ; 1.39-1.40 and 1.35-1.36 for alloys based on Cu, Ag and Au respectively [2]. In the range of the Aa deviation the volume per atom trends indicate a

slight departure towards higher values from the

smooth curves extrapolated from the terminal solid solutions. This may be seen in figure 7 in which

the lattice spacings in all ot and t phases based on

silver are plotted together arranged to follow the plan of the periodic table for the B-subgroup cle-

ments which follow silver. The inclusion of both a

and t lattice spacings trends in figure 7 clearly

shows that the Aa deviation occurs in all 03B6 phases irrespective of whether the genera.l trend of the lattice spacings is to decrease with e/a or to increase

with e ja.

The slight increase of the volume per atom in the

region of the da déviation is insufficient to compen- sate the total change in the a spacings and hence

a compensating decrease in the c spacing may be


. The characteristic trend in the behavior of the

, .lattice spacings in the e and -1 phases may be illus-




FIG. 7.


Lattice spacing trands in oc and y phases based on silver (after King and Massalski [6]).

trated with reference to the système Ag-Zn and

Au-Zn as shown in figure 8. Thé data for the oc

phases is again included for comparison. The exis-

tence of the Aa deviation, similar to the Aa devia-

tion observed in the 03B6 phases, is clearly evident

within the entire range of thé e phases when com- parison is made between the lattice spacings of a and 03B6 phases. The volume per atom deviation,

from a line extrapolated from the a phases, is

however now quite pronounced. Another striking

feature of the s phases is an accelerated increase in the c spacings (marked Aci in figure 8) observed

near the Zn-rich boundaries of. thé s phases.

These increases in the c spacings cause a reversal

in the trend of the axial ratio in thé s phases from a

decrease to an increase. This is illustrated in fi- gure 9 for the four known s phases. Judging by the

data in figure 9 the initial values of e/a at which a

deviation of the axial ratio (resulting from the Ace expansion) becomes noticeable occurs slightly

above e/a ~ 1.8 and increases in the order

It is of interest to note that within the r phases the

volume trends indicate a further positive déviation

from the original line extrapolated from the ce phases. At the same time the increase in thé c spa-

cings in thé 7) phases, and the decrease in the a

spacings, occur at higher rateû than those indicated

by similar trends near the Zn-rich boundaries of the c phases (see fig. 8).

The interpretation of some of the above data supplelnents and extends the original suggestion’by

Jones [1] that overlaps of électrons across the Brillouin zone discontinuities exist in the e and 1) phases and that they are responsible for the

behavior of the lattice spacings. The presently summarized data permits one to locate the onset of the overlaps in terms o.f e/a and it throws addi-

tional light upon the relationship between the lat- tice spacings and the band structure..

A vertical and horizontal section through the

energy zone suggested by Jones [1] is. shown in

figure 10. This zone is bounded by 20 faces : 6 of

the 110.61 type (the A faces), 2 of the JOO.21


FIG. 8.


Lattice spacing trends in oc, e and 7) phases (after Massalski and King [7]).

type (the B faces) and 12 of the f 10.1 } type

(the C faces). The number of states per atom, n, enclosed within the inner zone (without the domes produced by the intersection of the C fa,ces) is given by

The values of n for 03B6 phases with ideal axial ratio and for thé e phasmes with cla = 1.55 are 1.745

and 1.721 respectively, [2] but since the zone is

incomplete [3] overlaps may occur at much lower values of ela. Following Jones it may be assumed that overlaps produce a net electron stress tending

to distort the Brillouin zone and that any change

in the zone shape should be reflected by a corres- ponding change in the lattice spacings in real space in directions opposite to the displacement of the

zone faces. If the volume remains constant, a

positive deviation say in the a direction [11.0]

must be compensated by a negative deviation in the c direction [Ô0.2].

The Da deviation in both the t and s phases may

be taken as evidence of the f 10. O} (across the

A faces) overlap [4-6]. The available data suggests

that this overlap first occurs in the region of the t phases at relatively low values of e/a between 1. 36

and 1.4 [2]. This is not suprizing since the con-

tact between a spherical Fermi surface and the

10 . 0 } f aces of the zone would occur at e Ja ~ 1.14.

The trends in the lattice spacings in the Ag-Cd system, where both the 03B6 and s phases are stable, suggests that, once started, the influence of the

( 10 .0 ) } overlap is about the same in both ( and

e phases. However the rate at which the a spa-

cings expand in différent systems (as measured by Aal(a -Lla) [2}) changes from one system to ano-

ther and appears to be dependent on additional

factors such as the magnitude of band gaps in the Brillouin zone, elastic constants, etc. [2].

The reason for the existence of a two-phase region between the e and -1 phases in the Cu-Zn system, both of which posses the h.c.p. structure,

has been attributed by Jones [1] to the lack of

tao.21 overlap in tbe E phases. The interpreta-

tion of the Ac, deviation suggests however that



FIG. 9.


Changes of axial ratio with electron concen-

tration in e phases based on zinc and cadmium (after Massafski and King [7]).

this overlap does occur in the s phases near the zinc-, or cadmium -rich boundar ies. In terms of the shape of the e phase fields (shown in figure 3)

the overlapped range corresponds to alloys quen- ched from the extended corners of the e phase

fields (marked X in figure 3) suggesting that it is

enhanced by the température. Nevertheless the lack of a continuous smooth transition between the s and -n phases deserves further study [7].

The mechanism responsible for the initial Aa’

and Ac’ deviations observed ia the ( phases is not

clear. In this low region of ela overlaps are unli- kely to take place and the possible mechanisms

may be expected to be related to interactions between the Fermi surface with thé Brillouin zone

before contact and after contact with a set of zone

faces [2, 8]. If the Fermi surface is assumed to be

nearly spherical it is possible to associate thé range of e ja near 1.36 with an approach of the Fermi

surface towards the {OO. 2B faces [5, 8]. However

following the récent studies of the Fermi surface

topology in the pure noble metals [9] it is likely

that within the h. c. p. phases the Fermi surface will be also, at least initially, considerably dis-

torted from a sphère having " necks " in contact with the 100.2 faces, since these faces are equi-

valent and lie at the same distance from the orjgin

of k-space as do the 11111 faces in the zone of the

f.c.c. structure. Thus the Ac’ deviation might be

related to the details of the " neck " topology and

hence also to the magnitude of the energy gaps [2].

Finally the knowledge of the e ja values at which

FIG. 10.


The Jones’ zone for an idéal close-packed hexa- gonal structure (after Massalski and King [2]).

overlaps first appear to take place in various

h.c.p. phases, as evicenced by thé onset of Aa and Aci deviations, permits one to Make an ocder of magnitude estimate of the energy _baud gaps in the Brillouin. zone, uxing a free électron approxi-

mation. This is perhaps not unreasonable since there are several indications that although the ban’d

gaps are relatively large in pure Soble metals they

may be much smaller in thé alloys [2].

Taking the energy of free électrons

thé band gap across a zone face may be expressed


where khkl and Àjly, correspond to thé radii of the

Fermi surface at overlap and at contact with respect to a (h, k, l) zone face.

Thé values of k are related to the électron concen-

tration by the expression

where Q is the volume per atom. The value of ko

can be calculated for the condition of contact between a spherical Fermi surface and a (hkl) face

and the value. of k’ may be derived from the expéri-

mental data for the électron concentration at which


initial overlap appears to take place across the

Rame face. Such calculations yield several inte-

resting points. The band gaps across the ’( 10 . 0 )

faces in the 03B6 phases in the region of the ( 10. 0) } overlap appear to be less than 1 eV (AE(10.c) - 0.73

eV for the Ag-Sn system [6]) and the band gaps

across the 100. 21 faces in the e phases in’the région of 100*.21 overlapappear to be about 1 eV

eV for the Ag-Zn system [7]). If a slight change

in the slope of the c spacings in the Ag-Sn system is interpreted to be a result of the {OO. 2} overlap

in that system (for details see ref. [7]). The cor- responding band gap is, equal to


0. 41 eV at ela == 1. 51.

The same band gap at the electron concentration value in the region of the (10.0) overlap has been

estimated to be AE(oo.2) =1.32 eV at e ja = 2 .4 [6]. Therefore the lattice spacings data indicate

that the band gaps in the Brillouin zone of the

hexagonal phases decrease with the increase of

the solute content.

This work has been supported in part by the

United States Atomic Energy Commission, Washington 25, D. C.


[1] JONES (H.), Proc. Roy. Soc.,1934, A 147, 396.

[2] MASSALSKI (T. B.) and KING (H. W.), Prog. Mat. Sci., 1961, 10, 1.

[3] JONES (H.), The Theory of Brillouin Zones and Elec- tronic States in Crystals, North Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1960.

[4] MASSALSKI (T. B.) and COCKAYNE (B.), Acta Met., 1959, 7, 762.

[5] MASSALSKI (T. B.) and KING (H. W.), Acta Met., 1960, 8, 677 and 684.

[6] KING (H. W.) and MASSALSKI (T. B.), Phil. Mag., 1961, 6, 669.

[7] MASSALSKI (T. B.) and KING (H. W.), Acta Met., 1962, 10, in press.

[8] GOODENOUGH (J. B.), Phys. Rev., 1953, 89, 282.

[9] HARRISON (W. A.) and WEBB (M. B.), The Fermi Sur- face, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.



Department of Physics, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois.

Résumé. 2014 Des calculs ont été effectués dans le but de déterminer les contributions des phéno-

mènes de diffusions multiples cohérentes à la résistivité résiduelle des paires de défauts dans un

réseau métallique. La théorie a été appliquée aux paires de lacunes et d’impuretés d’étain dans

l’or où l’on trouve que les échanges isotropes sont petits, de l’ordre de 5 % de la résistivité totale due aux défauts isolés. On trouve une énorme anisotropie dans le cas des paires de lacunes en

position de premiers et seconds voisins, en accord avec les résultats trouvés par Bross et Seeger

avec un modèle différent. Les variations de résistivité isotrope et anisotrope oscillent avec la période kF 03B1/03C0 avec une décroissance en 03B120142, lorsque la distance a entre les défauts augmente.



Calculations have been performed to determine the contributions of coherent and

multiple scattering phenomena to the residual resistivity of defect pairs in a metal lattice. The

theory has been applied to vacancy and tin impurity pairs in gold where it is found that the iso-

tropic changes are small, being of the order of five percent of the total resistivity due to the isolated defects. The anisotropy in the case of vacancy pairs at first and second neighbouring sites is found to be considerable, in agreement with the results of calculations by Bross and Seeger using a diffe-

rent model. Both isotropic and anisotropic resistivity increments oscillate with period kF 03B1/03C0

and decays as 03B120142, with increasing separation a of the defects.




In the theory of resistivity due

to point defects in a metal lattice, it is commonly

assumed that the various .deviations of the lattice from petfect periodicity scatter electrons inde-

pendently. This being the case, the observed linear dependence of residual resistance on defect (1) This work has been supported in part by the U. S.

Atomic Energy Commission.

concentration is automatically built into the theo-

retical description of the expriments. Conversely,

the linearity of the resistivity-concentration rela-

tionship up to concentrations of many atomic peur-

cent of defects, ànd the reasonable agreement

between the rate of change of resistivity with con-

centration observed and that predicted on theore-

tical grounds, may be taken to imply that point


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