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Blow-up solutions of the self-dual Chern-Simons-Higgs vortex equation


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Blow-up solutions of the self-dual Chern–Simons–Higgs vortex equation

Solutions explosives de l’équation auto-duale de vortex de Chern–Simons–Higgs

Kwangseok Choe


, Namkwon Kim


aDepartment of Mathematics, Inha University, 253, Yonghyun-dong, Nam-ku, Incheon, 402-751, Republic of Korea bDepartment of Mathematics, Chosun University, Kwangju, 501-759, Republic of Korea

Received 6 April 2006; accepted 30 November 2006 Available online 13 June 2007


We apply the variational method and the blow-up analysis to the self-dual Chern–Simons–Higgs vortex equation on a flat torus to obtain two solutions for certain values of the Chern–Simons constant. As the corresponding Chern–Simons constant tends to zero, one of corresponding solutions converges to zero and the other blows up at only one point in the sense of Brezis–Merle provided that the total number of vortex is greater than 2. Further, the below-up solution is of spike type and becomes a critical point ofJ+ when the total number of vortex is greater than 3. As a consequence, we show the existence of the third solution for some periodic configuration of vortices and some Chern–Simons constant.

©2007 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


Nous nous appliquons la méthode variationnelle et l’analyse d’explosion à l’équation auto-duale de vortex de Chern–Simons–

Higgs sur un tore plat pour obtenir deux solutions pour certaines valeurs de la constante de Chern–Simons. Lorsque la constante correspondante de Chern–Simons tend vers zéro, une des solutions correspondantes converge vers zéro et l’autre solution explose en seulement un point dans le sens de Brezis–Merle à condition que le nombre de vortex total soit plus grand que 2. De plus, l’explosion est de type “pic” et, quand le nombre de vortex total est plus grand que 3, la solution est un point critique deJ+. Nous en déduisons l’existence d’une troisième solution pour une certaine configuration périodique des vortex et une certaine constante de Chern–Simons.

©2007 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Keywords:Chern–Simons–Higgs vortex equation; Blow-up solutions

* Corresponding author.

E-mail addresses:kschoe@inha.ac.kr (K. Choe), kimnamkw@chosun.ac.kr (N. Kim).

0294-1449/$ – see front matter ©2007 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.



1. Introduction

The Chern–Simons–Higgs model is a (2+1)dimensional gauge model and it was proposed in [19,20] in an attempt to explain the superconductivity of type II. Unlike the Abelian–Higgs (or Ginzburg–Landau) model, the Chern–Simons–Higgs model admits vortices which is charged both electrically and magnetically and is known to have two different type of solutions (see, for instance, [6,14,28] and references therein). Hence it has been studied actively in the mathematical literature(see [5,29,32] and references therein).

The self-dual Chern–Simons–Higgs vortex equation on a flat 2-torusΩcan be written as follows;

u= 1 2eu

eu−1 +



4π mjδpj inΩ. (1.1)

Here, 2 >0 is the Chern–Simons constant,mj∈N,pjΩ, andj =1, . . . , k. The solutionuof (1.1) is often called a vortex solution and eachpj (j=1, . . . , k) is called a vortex point andmj the multiplicity ofpj. The vortex points are related to the (local) maximum point of the magnetic flux in the Chern–Simons–Higgs model.

Meanwhile, (1.1) can be thought as a formal perturbation of the mean field equation. Indeed, if we letw=u−2 ln then (1.1) can be rewritten as

w= −ew

1−2ew +



4π mjδpj inΩ. (1.2)

If=0, (1.2) becomes the mean field equation. Indeed, whenk=m1=1, it was proved by Tarantello [28] that (1.2) admits a family of solutions converging to a solution of the mean field equation astends to zero.


j=1mj and introducingv=uu0, u0=



4π mjδpj−4π N

|Ω| inΩ,


u0dx=0, we can equivalently write (1.1) in a more favorable form as follows;

v= 1 2eu0+v

eu0+v−1 +4π N

|Ω| inΩ. (1.3)

A solutionvof (1.3) is called of finite energy ifvbelongs toH1. Indeed, it is well known that the corresponding physical energy of the solutionvis finite ifvH1[5,29,32]. Thus, solutions of finite energy are indeed physically meaningful in (1.3) and has been sought in the literature. It was first proved in [5] that there is a critical number 0=0(mj, pj) >0 such that if < 0 then (1.3) admits aH1 solution, and if > 0 then (1.3) admits no H1 solution. This phenomenon is called a vortex confinement and it also appears in the Abelian–Higgs model [30]. Later, in [28], Tarantello showed that when < 0, there exist at least twoH1 solutions to (1.3). This multiplicity result was physically unexpected since the possibleH1solutions of (1.3) have the same physical energy as well as the same distribution of vortex provided that the configurations ofmj andpj (j=1, . . . , k) are the same. We remind that such multiplicity does not happen in the Abelian–Higgs model by the uniqueness [30]. After that, naturally, the asymptotic behavior of the multiple solutions has been studied on a torus astends to 0 [24,25,28].

There are now many existence results forH1-solutions of (1.3). By using the super-subsolution method, Caffarelli and Yang [5] constructed a maximal solutionv˜in the sense that ifvis another solution thenv <v. Asymptotics for˜ maximal solutions was obtained in [16–18]. It was also pointed out in [5,14,15,24,25,28] that (1.3) admits a variational structure: every solution of (1.3) is a critical point of the associated functional


2∇v2L2(Ω)+ 1 22



dx+4π N



v dx, vH1(Ω).

Moreover, if we decompose in (1.3) v=w+c, c= 1



v dx,


we get the following quadratic equation e2c




eu0+wdx+4π N 2=0, which implies that




w dx=0,


eu0+wdx 2

−16π N 2




Thus we may have two different variational formulations:

ForwA, define a constantc±(w)by ec±(w)=

Ωeu0+wdx± (

Ωeu0+wdx)2−16π N 2

Ωe2u0+2wdx 2

Ωe2u0+2wdx , (1.4)

so that F



22−2π N+4π Nln

8π N 2 , where


2∇w22−4π Nln


eu0+wdx− 4π N 1∓

1−2B(w)−4π Nln 1∓

1−2B(w) ,

B(w)=16π N




eu0+wdx 2


Once we find a critical pointw±AofJ±thenw±+c±(w±)is a solution of (1.3). In particular, ifwis an interior infimum ofJ+thenw+c+(w)is a local minimum ofF. Ifw is an interior infimum ofJ, thenw+c(w) is a saddle point ofF. See [5,15,24,25,28] for details. The merit of this variational formulation is in analyzing the asymptotic behavior of solutions. In fact, in the case ofN=1, the Moser–Trudinger inequality enables us to find two interior infimumw±A for >0 sufficiently small [5,28]. Moreover, in this case,w is uniformly bounded inH1[28], and consequently, along a subsequence,u0+w converges to a solution of the mean field equation as → +0. It is also proved in [15,24,25] that ifN=2, bothJ+andJattain global minimizers in the interior ofA. For this case, convergence to the solution of the mean field equation is not known [24,25].

For the caseN3, it was proved in [14] by the heat flow method that for >0 sufficiently small, (1.3) admits at least two solutionsv1, andv2, such thatv1,→ −u0 andu0+v2,→ −∞pointwisely almost everywhere as →0. However, asymptotics for solutions of (1.3) are not completely known forN2. We refer to [9,25] for this topic.

In this paper, we consider asymptotics of solutions of (1.1) whenN 3. We construct two kinds of solutions for (1.1) by the variational method for some values of Chern–Simons constant. One kind of solutions converges to 0 as tends to zero. This solutions become the maximal solutions whenis small enough. The other kind of solutions blows up at a single point in the sense of Brezis–Merle astends to zero. In particular, the blow-up solution we find is of spike type, that is, the maximum values of the exponential of the solutions remain bounded and the solutions converge to zero except the maximum point as the Chern–Simons constant tends to zero. Similar kind of spike solutions has been dealt with in the different area (see, for example [3,23,31] and references therein). Furthermore, whenN >3, it turns out that the blow-up solution is a critical point of the functionalJ+. It is well known [28] that, for >0 sufficiently small, the maximal solution is a critical point ofJ+. Therefore, it indicates that whenN >3,J+ may have more than one critical point and the structure of the solution space of (1.3) might be complicated. As a corollary of our main theorem, in the case that the distribution of the vortex points are periodic in a torus, we can show that there are solutions blowing up at several points in the sense of Brezis–Merle. Moreover, if the vortex points are distributed periodically with multiplicity 1 or 2, we show that there are at least three solutions for certain values of the Chern–Simons constant. In this respect, under the periodic distribution of single vortex, (1.1) shows all possibilities of Brezis–Merle type alternatives.


This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we find solutions for (1.3) for certain values ofby variational method. In Section 3, we present our main result, the asymptotics as→0 of the solutions we find using the results in Section 4. In Section 4, we develop typical blow-up alternatives for (1.2) following [1,2,4,24,25], which is used in Section 3.

2. Existence

Throughout this paper, we fix some notations and definitions. We let Z= {p1, . . . , pk} ⊂Ω the set of vortex points,mj the multiplicities of the vortex pointspj,N=

jmj1 as before. We also letGthe Green function for Ω satisfying

xG(x, y)=δy− 1

|Ω|, x, yΩ, and


G(x, y) dx=0

and γ (x, y)=G(x, y)+ 1 ln|xy| be the regular part of the Green function. It is obvious that u0(x)=


j=14π mjG(x, pj). Finally, we denote H#1=



v dx=0


J (v)=1

2∇v22−4π Nln


eu0+vdx forvH#1,

B(v)=16π N

Ωe2u0+2vdx (

Ωeu0+vdx)2 forvH1(Ω).

We also present the Green representation formula for a solutionvof (1.3) v= 1



v(y) dy+


2G(x, y)


(y) dy. (2.1)

We note that for everyvH#1,B(v)16π N/|Ω|by the Hölder inequality. In fact, it is easy to show that, for any t >16π N/|Ω|, the set

S(t )=


is nonempty and thus weakly closed in H#1 by the Trudinger embedding theorem. Now, we borrow the following lemma from [24,25] to proceed.

Lemma 2.1.For everyvH#1and0< τ1,


eu0+vdx B(v) 16π N




eτ (u0+v)dx 1


. (2.2)

This lemma could be shown by the Hölder inequality. For the sake of convenience, we denoteJ (t )≡infvS(t )J (v) from now on.

Lemma 2.2. For anyt >16π N/|Ω|,J (v)attains the infimum onS(t )and J (t )is continuous with respect tot >

16π N/|Ω|.


Proof. LetvS(t ). Takingτ=1/Nin (2.2) and using the Moser–Trudinger inequality, we have




eN1(u0+v)dx N

CtN1exp 1

16π N∇v22


This implies that J (v)1

4∇v22−4π N (N−1)lntC. (2.3)

Thus,J is coercive onS(t )and attains the infimum onS(t ). Now let vt be a minimizer ofJ on S(t ). By direct calculation,

B(vt=2B(vt) Ωe2u0+2vtϕ dx


Ωeu0+vtϕ dx


forϕH1. (2.4)

Hence,B(vt)=0. ChooseϕH1such thatB(vt=1. Then, applying the implicit function theorem to the function aB(vt+aφ), we getε0>0 and

a:(ε0, ε0)→R, da


=1 (2.5)

such thatB(vt+a(ε)ϕ)=t+εforε(ε0, ε0). Thus, J (t+ε)J (vt+a(ε)ϕ)J (vt)

as ε→0 by the continuity ofJ (v). That is, lim supε0J (t+ε)J (t ). Similar argument replacingvt withvt+ε givesJ (t )lim infε0J (t+ε), which shows the continuity. 2

Lemma 2.3.J (t )= −2π N (N−2)lnt+O(1)forN2ast→ ∞.

Proof. LetvS(t ). As in Lemma 2.2, we plugτ=2/N1 into (2.2) to have




eN2(u0+v)dx N


CtN−22 exp 1

8π N∇v22

. (2.6)

Then, (2.6) implies that

J (v)−2π N (N−2)lnt−C.

We show that the growth rate−2π N (N−2)is sharp in the above inequality. Without loss of generality, we may assume thatu0attains a maximum at the origin. Fix a constantr >0 such that the ballB2r(0)Ω. LetχC0(R2) be a cut-off function such thatχ≡1 onBr(0), andχ≡0 on[B2r(0)]c. Consider the test function

ϕε(x)= −χ (x)ln


, ε >0. (2.7)

It is easily checked that asε→0,




(|x|2+ε2)2dx+O(1)=8π N2ln1







(|x|2+ε2)N dx+O(1)




(|y|2+1)N dy+O(1)=22N+O(1),





(|x|2+ε2)2N dx+O(1)




(|y|2+1)2N dy+O(1)=24N+O(1), and

Ωϕεdx=O(1). Letϕ¯ε=ϕε|Ω1|

ΩϕεdxH#1. Since 0 is a maximum point ofu0, we have|eu0(εy)eu0(0)| 2|y|2for|y|r/εand hence

B(ϕ¯ε)=B(ϕε)=16π N 24N+O(1)

(Cε22N+O(1))2 =C0ε2+O(1).

Thus, fort sufficiently large, we can chooseε∼√

C0/t >0 such thatt=B(ϕε). Then inf

B(v)=tJ (v)J (ϕ¯ε)−4π N (N−2)ln1

ε+C−2π N (N−2)lnt+C ast→ ∞. 2

For a constantμ >0, we define a functionalIμ:H#1→Rby Iμ(v)=J (v)+B(v)

μ . (2.8)

Lemma 2.4.For eachμ >0,Iμis coercive inH#1and there exists a global minimizer ofIμ. Proof. As in Lemma 2.2, we setτ=1/N in (2.2) and repeat the calculation. Then, for allvH#1,


4∇v22−4π N (N−1)lnB(v)+B(v) μC


4∇v22+ inf

t >16π N/|Ω|

(t /μ)−4π N (N−1)lnt



4∇v22−4π N (N−1)lnμ−C,

whereC depends only onΩ andZ. Thus Iμis bounded from below and coercive inH#1. SinceIμis lower semi- continuous, there exists a minimizer for eachμ >0. 2

For eachμ >0, letvμH#1be a minimizer ofIμ. By the Lagrange multiplier theorem, the variational equation forIμis given by

vμ= 2

μB( vμ) e2u0+2vμ

Ωe2u0+2vμdx − 4π N+ 2 μB( vμ)


Ωeu0+vμdx+4π N

|Ω| onΩ. (2.9)

Lemma 2.5. B( vμ)is strictly increasing with respect to μ. Furthermore, when N 3, there exist two constants C1, C2>0depending only onΩ andZsuch thatC1μB( vμ)C2μforμsufficiently large.


Proof. First, givenμ1> μ2>0, Iμ1( vμ

1)Iμ1( vμ

2)=Iμ2( vμ

2)+ 1

μ1 − 1 μ2

B( vμ

2) Iμ2( vμ1)+ 1

μ1− 1 μ2

B( vμ2)

by the minimizing property ofvμ. However, Iμ1( vμ

1)Iμ2( vμ

1)= 1

μ1− 1 μ2

B( vμ


From this, we deduce thatB( vμ)is monotonically increasing with respect toμ. Since the equality holds only when Iμ1( vμ

1)=Iμ1( vμ

2), the equality implies thatvμ

2is a minimizer of bothIμ1 andIμ2. But then, for anyφH#1, B( vμ

2= μ1μ2 μ2μ1(Iμ


2)( vμ


which is a contradiction by (2.4). Therefore,B( vμ)is strictly increasing andvμ


2 ifμ1=μ2. Next, whenN3,

Iμ( vμ) inf

B(v)=μIμ(v)= inf

B(v)=μJ (v)+1−2π N (N−2)lnμ+C forμsufficiently large by Lemma 2.3. On the other hand, (2.6) implies that

Iμ( vμ)=J ( vμ)+B( vμ)

μ −2π N (N−2)ln B( vμ) μ

+B( vμ)

μ −2π N (N−2)lnμC.

Consequently, it follows that B( vμ)

μ −2π N (N−2)ln B( vμ) μ


forμsufficiently large. Then, we haveC1< B( vμ)/μ < C2for someC1,C2>0 from the asymptotics of the function tt−2π N (N−2)lnt. 2

Theorem 2.1.LetN3,vμbe a minimizer ofIμas before, and =μ

8π N

μ 2π N+B( vμ) μ


(2.10) for someμ >0. Then, there exist a solutionuμH1for(1.3)with=μ. Furthermore,B( uμ)→ ∞asμ→ ∞ and

μlim0μ= lim


Proof. By Lemma 2.4 and 2.5, for anyμ >0, there existsvμsatisfying (2.9). Let us definecμ∈RanduμH1(Ω) by



Ωe2u0+2vμdx +ln B( vμ) 2π N μ+B( vμ)

, (2.11)

uμ=vμ+cμ. (2.12)

Then, by direct calculation,uμis a solution of (1.3) with=μ. SinceC1μ < B( vμ) < C2μfor large enoughμand B( uμ)=B( vμ), it follows from (2.10) that

μlim0μ= lim

μ→∞μ=0, lim

μ→∞B( uμ)= ∞. 2


It is easily checked thatuμH1is a critical point ofF with=μ, andcμ=(1/|Ω|)

Ωuμdx. Thencμ= c+( vμ)orcμ=c( vμ), wherec±is defined in (1.4). We will prove in Section 3 thatcμ=c+( vμ)forμsufficiently large andN >3, and consequently,vμis a critical point ofJ+with=μ.

3. Asymptotics of the solutions

In this section, we study the asymptotic behavior ofuμ=vμ+cμasμ→0 andμ→ ∞. We first present some preliminary facts.

Lemma 3.1.LetuH1be a solution of (1.1). Then,u=v+u00and


1 2eu


=4π N.

The lemma is well known (see, for example, [5,29]) and can be shown simply by the maximum principle. Now, we consider (1.1) on the whole ofR2when the distribution of vortex points,Z= {0}.

Lemma 3.2.Letmbe a nonnegative integer, andube a(smooth)solution of the following equation u=eu


+4π mδp=0 inR2. (3.1)

Ifeu(eu−1)∈L1(R2), either (i) u(x)→0as|x| → ∞, or

(ii) u(x)= −βln|x| +O(1)near∞, where β= −2m+ 1


eu 1−eu


Assume thatusatisfies the boundary condition(ii). Then we have



β2−4β−4m2−8m and




. (3.2)

In particular,

R2eu(1eu) dx >8π(1+m).

Proof. This lemma might be well-known. But since we cannot find its’ proof in the literature, we present the sketch of the proof here following the argument in [12]. Sinceeu(eu−1)∈L1(R2), the argument of [4] implies thatuis bounded from above anduCloc(R2\{0}). Moreover, by [12],u(x)= −βln|x| +O(1)near∞for some constant β∈Randu=2mln|x|+O(1)near the origin. Then it follows from theL1-condition and elliptic estimates that either β =0 orβ >2. In the case thatβ=0, we arrive at (i) by theL1-condition. In the case thatβ >2, we further have

u(x)= −β x

|x|2 +o(|x|1)near∞by [12]. Multiplying (3.1) byx· ∇uand integrating on the domainΣ= {x|r <

|x|< R}, we obtain



2(x·ν)|∇u|2(x· ∇u)(ν· ∇u)+(x·ν) 1




e2u−2eu dx.

Letting r→0 andR→ ∞, we obtain

R2(2eue2u) dx=π(β2−4m2). Meanwhile, integrating (3.1) onΣ and lettingr→0 andR→ ∞, we have

R2(eue2u) dx=π(4m+2β). Thus, (3.2) immediately follows. Then the first identity in (3.2) implies thatβ >2m+4, which in turn implies thateu(eu−1)L1(R2)>8π(1+m). 2

If u is a solution of (3.1) with m=0 and eu(eu−1)∈L1(R2), we further have the following lemma due to [7,10,27].


Lemma 3.3.Letube a solution of (3.1)withm=0 andeu(eu−1)∈L1(R2). Then,uis radially symmetric and smooth. Letu(r;s)be the radial solution of (3.1)such thatlimr0u(r;s)=s and limr0ur(r;s)=0. Then we further obtain

(a) u(· ;0)=0,

(b) Ifs <0,u(r;s)→ −∞asr→ ∞,

(c) Ifs >0,u(r;s)blows up at somer=r(s) >0.

Moreover, if we define a functionξ0:(−∞,0)→R+=(0,)by ξ0(s)=




r dr (3.3)

thenlims0ξ0(s)= ∞,lims→−∞ξ0(s)=4, and ξ0 is continuously differentiable and strictly increasing on the interval(−∞,0).

The following is an analogy of the Brezis–Merle type alternatives [1,2,4,24,25] for (1.3). It is not only interesting in itself but also will be used frequently in this section.

Theorem 3.1.Letv,→0be a sequence of solutions of (1.3). Then, up to subsequences, one of the following holds true:

(i) v→ −u0inCloc\Z), or

(ii) v−2 lnis bounded uniformly inC0(Ω), or

(iii) lim supsupΩ(u0+v) <0and there exist a nonempty finite setS= {q1, . . . , ql} ⊂Ωandlnumber of sequences of pointsxj,qj,j=1, . . . , lsuch that

(v−2 ln)(xj,)→ ∞

for anyj=1, . . . , landv−2 ln→ −∞uniformly on any compact subset ofΩ\S. Moreover, 1



αjδqj, αjin the sense of measure.

The proof of the above theorem is a bit technical, so we postpone it to Section 4.

In view of the above theorem, we define the blow-up solutions for (1.2) as follows.

For a sequence of solutions{w}of (1.2), if there existqΩ andxΩsatisfying w(x)→ ∞, xq

as→0, we call{w}blow-up solutions of (1.2) following Brezis–Merle [4]. Also, we callq a blow-up point and call the collection of all blow-up points of{w}the blow-up set for{w}.

Now, we consider the asymptotics whenμ→0.

Lemma 3.4.Letvμbe as in Section2.B( vμ)converges to16π N/|Ω|asμ→0.

Proof. Given anyδ >0, letϕbe a smooth function such thatB(ϕ) <16π N/|Ω| +δ. Then (2.3) implies that B( vμ)

μ −4π N (N−1)lnB( vμ)CIμ( vμ)Iμ(ϕ)=J (ϕ)+B(ϕ) μ , which in turn implies that

B( vμ)−4π N (N−1)μlnB( vμ)B(ϕ)+Cμ.


SinceB( vμ)is monotone by Lemma 2.5, lettingμ→0 in the above inequality, we get lim sup


B( vμ)B(ϕ) <16π N/|Ω| +δ.

However,B( vμ)16π N/|Ω|andδ >0 is arbitrary, Lemma 3.4 immediately follows. 2

The following theorem tells that{u0+uμ}satisfies the first alternative in Theorem 3.1 asμ→0.

Theorem 3.2.u0+uμL(K)→0asμ→0for any compact subsetKofΩ\Z.

Proof. We argue by contradiction, and suppose that there exists a sequence of μ’s (still denoted by μ) such that μ→0 and{u0+uμ}does not satisfy the alternative (i) in Theorem 3.1. Letμas in (2.10). Thenuμ−2 lnμis a solution of the following equation.

v= −eu0+v

1−2eu0+v +4π N

|Ω| .

If (ii) of Theorem 3.1 is the case, RHS of the above equation is uniformly bounded. Thus, by the elliptic theory, we arrive that uμ−2 lnμconverges uniformly to a smooth functionφ up to subsequences. Then,B( vμ)=B( uμ− 2 lnμ)B(φ). However,B(φ) >16π N/|Ω|for any smoothφ, which contradicts Lemma 3.4.

If (iii) of Theorem 3.1 is the case, there exists a blow-up setS= {q1, . . . , ql}andeuμ2 lnμ→0 inCloc0 \S)up to subsequences. Thus, denotingwμ=u0+uμ−2 lnμ, for anyr >0 small enough,






e2wμ 1/2



e2wμ 1/2


But then, sinceewμL1(Ω)4π Nby Lemma 3.1, B( vμ)=16π N

Ωe2wμ (

Ωewμ)2 C/r2

asμ→0. Takingrsmall enough, we are led to a contradiction. Theorem 3.2 is proved. 2

The following theorem follows from the uniqueness of the solution of (1.1) near the maximal solutions in [13].

Theorem 3.3.Forμ >0sufficiently small, the functionμB( vμ)is continuous and{uμ}becomes the continuous family of maximal solutions. Thus, there exists a constantμ0>0such that if=μfor someμ > μ0, we have two solutions for(1.1).

Proof. By Lemma 3.2 and [13], whenμ >0 is small enough,uμmust be the maximal solution of (1.3) for=μ. Therefore, there exists a constantμ1such that the mappingsμB( vμ)andμμare (single-valued) continuous forμ < μ1. Then, by Theorem 2.1, there always existsμ < μ1for any < μ1 such thatμ=. Meanwhile, there existsμ0μ1such thatμ0 < μ1 by Theorem 2.1. Consequently, if=μwithμ > μ0, we have two solutions for (1.1), one withμ < μ1and the other withμ > μ0. 2

We now concentrate on the other situation, μ→ +∞. In this case, Lemma 2.5 imply that either (ii) or (iii) of Theorem 3.1 is the case and thus there is a constantν=ν(Ω,Z) >0 such that





(u0+uμ)ν. (3.4)

It will turn out that (iii) of Theorem 3.1 holds in this case. Moreover, the blow-up set consists of a single pointq, which should be a maximum point ofu0. To prove it, we need the following lemma dealing with a special case of (iii) of Theorem 3.1, blow-up away from the vortex points.


Lemma 3.5.Letw=v−2 lnbe the blow-up sequence in(iii)of Theorem3.1andqjjas in(iii)of Theorem3.1.

Assume thatqj/Z. Then, givenr >0small enough, there exist a constantC >0and a sequence of points{x} ⊂ Br(qj)with the property that

w(x)= max

|xqj|rw(x)→ ∞ as→0 (3.5)



w(x)+2 ln|xx|

C. (3.6)

Moreover, for any sequence{R}such thatR→ ∞,





(y) dy=αj (3.7)


Proof. See Section 4. 2

Now, we are ready to show our main result.

Theorem 3.4.Assume thatN3anduμ,vμas before.

(i) Asμ→ ∞, along a subsequence, uμ−2 lnμ→ −∞ uniformly on any compact set KΩ\{q}for some qΩ, and




→4π N δq in the sense of measure.

Furthermore,u0(q)=maxΩu0. (ii) limμ→∞B( vμ)

μ =2π N (N−2).

(iii) vμis a critical point of the functionalJ+with=μprovided thatN >3andμis sufficiently large.

Proof. We first show (i). We break it into several steps.

Step1. maxΩ( uμ−2 lnμ)→ ∞, and hence∇uμ2→ ∞.

If not, there would be a sequence(still denoted byμ) such thatμ→ ∞and maxΩ( uμ−2 lnμ)C for some constantC >0. Then case (ii) of Theorem 3.1 must hold true. That is, along a subsequence,{uμ−2 lnμ}is bounded inC0(Ω). It follows that B( vμ)=B( uμ−2 lnμ)C, which contradicts Lemma 2.5 and shows Step 1. Step 1 implies that case (iii) of Theorem 3.1 holds true foruμ. In particular, we obtain that∇uμ2→ ∞.

Step2.|S| =1.

We argue by contradiction, and suppose that, there is a sequence still denoted by uμ which blows up at more than two points. LetS= {q1, . . . , ql}be the blow-up set foruμwithl2. We take a small constantr >0 such that B2r(qi)’s are mutually disjoint. It follows from Theorem 3.1 and Green’s representation formula (2.1) that




μ2G(x, y)

eu0+uμe2u0+2uμ (y) dy




αiG(x, qi), αi8π (3.8)

inCloc1 \S). In particular, vμ is bounded in C1\l

i=1Br(qi)). Moreover, Theorem 3.1 imply that there is a positive constantc0independent ofμsuch that




μ2eu0+uμdx < 1 c0.


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