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Academic year: 2022



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on the occasion of his 70th birthday




We investigate two problems of optimization of quadratic cost functions along the trajectories of a discrete-time linear system affected by Markov jump perturba- tions and independent random perturbations. Depending upon the class of admis- sible controls, the corresponding optimal control is obtained either as the minimal solution or as the maximal and stabilizing solution of a system of discrete-time Riccati type equations.

AMS 2000 Subject Classification: 93C55, 93E15, 93E20, 93D15.

Key words: linear quadratic problem, discrete-time stochastic system, Markov chain, independent random perturbations, discrete-time Riccati equa- tion.


The discrete-time linear control systems have been intensively considered in the control literature in both the deterministic and the stochastic frame- work. This interest is wholly motivated by the wide area of applications in- cluding engineering, economics, and biology. The state space approach for the problem of minimization of a quadratic cost functional along the trajectories of a linear controlled system has a long history. Such an optimization problem is usually known as the linear quadratic optimization problem.

In the discrete-time stochastic framework, the linear quadratic optimiza- tion problem was separately investigated for systems with independent random perturbations and systems with Markov perturbations, respectively. For the case of discrete-time systems with independent random perturbations we re- fer to [24, 22, 26] while for discrete-time systems with Markov switching we mention [1]–[8], [15]–[21], [23, 25]. In [11] and [12] the problem of the opti- mization of a quadratic cost functional along the trajectories of a discrete-time linear system subject to Markov and independent random perturbations was

MATH. REPORTS11(61),4 (2009), 307–319


investigated and was used to solve the problem of the tracking of a given reference signal.

In this paper two problems of optimization of quadratic cost functions along the trajectories of a discrete-time linear system affected by Markov jump perturbations and independent random perturbations are investigated. De- pending upon the class of admissible controls, the corresponding optimal con- trol is obtained either as the minimal solution or as the maximal and stabilizing solution of a system of discrete-time Riccati type equations.


Consider the discrete-time controlled system x(t+ 1) =h

A0(t, ηt) +




wk(t)Ak(t, ηt)i x(t)+



B0(t, ηt) +




wk(t)Bk(t, ηt)i u(t),

wherex(t)∈Rn is the state vector,u(t)∈Rm is the vector of the control pa- rameters,ηt,t∈Z+, is a Markov chain on a given probability space{Ω,F,P}

with transition matrices Pt = [pt(i, j)], t ≥ 0, and state space the finite set D={1,2, . . . , N} and {w(t)}t≥0,w(t) = (w1(t), . . . , wr(t))T, is a sequence of independent random vectors.

The superscript T stands for the transpose of a matrix or a vector.

We introduce theσ-algebrasFt=σ[w(s),0≤s≤t],Gt=σ[ηs,0≤s≤ t],Ht=Ft∨ Gt,Het=Gt∨ Ft−1 ift≥1 andHe0 =σ[η0].

Throughout the paper we assume that Ft is independent of Gt for each t∈Z+,E[w(t)] = 0, E[w(t)wT(t)] =Ir,t≥0.

We associate with system (1) the two cost functionals (2) J1(t0, x0, u) =




|C(t, ηt)xu(t, t0, x0)|2+|D(t, ηt)u(t)|2 ,

J2(t0, x0, u) =



E h

xTu(t, t0, x0)M(t, ηt)xu(t, t0, x0)+


+2xTu(t, t0, x0)L(t, ηt)u(t) +uT(t)R(t, ηt)u(t)i ,

where xu(t, t0, x0) is the solution of (1) corresponding to the control u, with x(t0, t0, x0) =x0,t0∈Z+,x0∈Rn,M(t, i) =MT(t, i),R(t, i) =RT(t, i). Throu- ghout the paper we assume that the sequences {Ak(t, i)}t≥0, {Bk(t, i)}t≥0,


{C(t, i)}t≥0, {D(t, i)}t≥0, {M(t, i)}t≥0, {R(t, i)}t≥0, {L(t, i)}t≥0, i∈ D, 0 ≤ k ≤ r, are bounded. Also, we assume that DT(t, i)D(t, i) 0. This means that there exists δ >0 such thatDT(t, i)D(t, i)≥δIm for all t∈Z+,i∈ D.

Two classes of admissible controls will be considered in the paper, namely,

• U1(t0, x0) is the set of all sequences u ={u(t)}t≥t0 of m-dimensional random vectors u(t) such that u(t) is Het-measurable, E|u(t)|2 <∞ and the series (2) is convergent.

• U2(t0, x0) is the set of all sequences u ={u(t)}t≥t0 of m-dimensional random vectorsu(t) such thatu(t) isHet-measurable,E|u(t)|2 <∞, the series (3) is convergent and

(4) lim

t→∞E|xu(t, t0, x0)|2 = 0.

Now, we are in a position to formulate the optimization problems which are solved in this paper:

OP1. Given t0 ∈ Z+ and x0 ∈ Rn, find ue ∈ U1(t0, x0) such that J1(t0, x0,u)e ≤J1(t0, x0, u) for all u∈ U1(t0, x0).

OP2. Given t0 ∈ Z+ and x0 ∈ Rn, find e

ue ∈ U2(t0, x0) such that J2(t0, x0,e

u)e ≤J2(t0, x0, u) for all u∈ U2(t0, x0).


Let Sn be the space of n×n symmetric matrices andSnN =Sn⊕ Sn

· · · ⊕ Sn, that is a real Hilbert space with the inner product hX, Yi=




Tr[X(i)Y(i)]; X= (X(1), . . . , X(N)), Y= (Y(1), . . . , Y(N))∈ SnN. Given F(t) = (F(t,1), . . . , F(t, N)), F(t, i)∈Rm×n,t∈Z+,i∈ D, we define the Lyapunov type operator LF(t) on SnN, as

(LF(t)X)(i) = (5)




j=1 r



pt(j, i)[Ak(t, j) +Bk(t, j)F(t, j)]X(j)[Ak(t, j) +Bk(t, j)F(t, j)]T for X ∈ SnN, i ∈ D. Set TF(t, s) = LF(t−1)· · · LF(s) if t > s ≥ 0 and TF(t, s) =ISN

n ift=s, whereISN

n is the identity operator on SnN.

Definition1. We say that the system (1) is stochastic stabilizable if there exists a bounded sequence {F(t)}t≥0 such that kTF(t, s)k ≤βqt−s,t≥s≥0, for some β≥1, q∈(0,1).


If the sequence{F(t)}t≥0 has the above property, then we shall say that it is a stabilizing feedback gain for system (1).

Remark1. It follows from Theorem 3.6 in [10] that ifF(t) is a stabilizing feedback gain for system (1), then there exist β≥1 andq ∈(0,1) such that

E[|xF(t, t0, x0)|2]≤βqt−t0|x0|2

for all t ≥ t0 ≥ 0, x0 ∈Rn, where xF(t, t0, x0) is the solution of system (1) corresponding to the control u(t) = F(t, ηt)xF(t), t ≥ t0. Therefore, if the system (1) is stochastic stabilizable, then the set U2(t0, x0) is not empty for each t0 ∈Z+,x0∈Rn.

ForX∈ SnN,t∈Z+,i∈ D, let us consider the linear operators Π1i(t)X=




ATk(t, i)Ei(t, X)Ak(t, i), Π2i(t)X=




ATk(t, i)Ei(t, X)Bk(t, i),





BkT(t, i)Ei(t, X)Bk(t, i), Ei(t, X) =




pt(i, j)X(j).

With the above notation we introduce the discrete-time system X(t, i) = Π1i(t)X(t+ 1) +CT(t, i)C(t, i)−


−[Π2i(t)X(t+ 1)][DT(t, i)D(t, i) + Π3i(t)X(t+ 1)]−12i(t)X(t+ 1)]T of generalized Riccati equations (DTSGRE).

Theorem 1. Assume that system(1)is stochastic stabilizable. Then the optimal control of OP1 is given by eu(t) =Fe(t, ηt)ex(t), where

(7) Fe(t, i) =−[DT(t, i)D(t, i) + Π3i(t)Xmin(t+ 1)]−12i(t)Xmin(t+ 1)]T withXmin(t)the minimal bounded solution of(6)andex(t) =x

Fe(t),ex(t0) =x0. The optimal value of the cost functional is

J1(t0, x0,eu) =




πt0(i)xT0Xmin(t0, i)x0, πt0(i) =P{ηt0 =i}.

Proof. Since system (1) is stochastic stabilizable, by Theorem 6.1 in [14]

the DTSGRE (6) has a positive semidefinite bounded solution Xmin(t) which is minimal in the class of positive semidefinite bounded solutions of (6). Also, it is known that Xmin(t, i) = lim

τ→∞Xτ(t, i), whereXτ(t, i), 0≤t≤τ,i∈ D, is the positive semidefinite solution of (6) with final value Xτ(τ, i) = 0.


By Lemma 3.2 in [11], forv(t, x, i) =xTXmin(t, i)xwe have




E[(|C(t, ηt)ex(t)|2+|D(t, ηt)u(t)|e 2)|ηt0 =i] = (8)

=xT0Xmin(t0, i)x0−E[xeT(τ + 1)Xmin(τ + 1, ητ+1)x(τe + 1)|ηt0 =i]

for all τ ≥t0,i∈ Dt0 where Ds={i∈ D |πs(i)>0}for each s∈Z+.

Since Xmin(τ, i) ≥ 0 and Xmin(t) is bounded, from (8) we have ue ∈ U1(t0, x0) and

(9) J1(t0, x0,u)e ≤




πt0(i)xT0Xmin(t0, i)x0.

Further, by Lemma 3.2 in [11], for v(t, x, i) =xTXτ(t, i)x we have




E[(|C(t, ηt)xu(t)|2+|D(t, ηt)u(t)|2)|ηt0 =i] =

=xT0Xτ(t0, i)x0+





(u(t)−Fτ(t, ηt)xu(t))T(DT(t, ηt)D(t, ηt)+

+ Πt(t)Xτ(t+ 1))(u(t)−Fτ(t, ηt)xu(t))|ηt0 =i ,

where Fτ(t, i) is the feedback gain associated with Xτ(t, i) constructed as in (7) with Xτ(t, i) instead of Xmin(t, i). Since Xτ(t, i)≥0, we can write (10)




E[(|C(t, ηt)xu(t)|2+|D(t, ηt)u(t)|2)|ηt0 =i]≥xT0X(t, i)x0. Letting τ → ∞in (10), we obtain

(11) J1(t0, x0, u)≥ X


πt0(i)xT0Xmin(t0, i)x0. Writing (11) for u(t) =u(t) and taking into account (9) we gete

J1(t0, x0, u)≥




πt0(i)xT0Xmin(t0, i)x0 =J1(t0, x0,eu).

This shows that u(t) is the optimal control which completes the proof.e


Since in (3) no assumption concerning the sign of the weighting matri- ces M(t, i), L(t, i) and R(t, i) was made, it is possible that J2(t0, x0,·) be unbounded from bellow.


Let V(t0, x0) = inf

u∈U2(t0,x0)J2(t0, x0, u), (t0, x0) ∈ Z+×Rn be the value function associated toOP2.

Definition 2. We say that OP2 is well possed if −∞ < V(t0, x0) < ∞ for all t0 ∈Z+ and x0 ∈Rn.

To make clearer the statement of the next results we adopt the notation:

Q(t) = (Q(t,1), . . . , Q(t, N)),Π(t)X= ((Π(t)X)(1), . . . ,(Π(t)X)(N))∈ Sn+mN , Q(t, i) =

M(t, i) L(t, i) LT(t, i) R(t, i)

, (Π(t)X)(i) =

Π1i(t)X Π2i(t)X (Π2i(t)X)T Π3i(t)X

. With the pair Σ = (Π, Q) we associate the so called dissipation operator DΣ:`(Z+,SnN)→`(Z+,Sn+mN ) and the subsets ΓΣ andeΓΣ of`(Z+,SnN) by

(12) (DΣX)(t) = ((D1ΣX)(t),(D2ΣX)(t), . . . ,(DΣNX)(t)), (DΣi X)(t) =

Π1i(t)X(t+ 1) +M(t, i)−X(t, i) L(t, i) + Π2i(t)X(t+ 1) (L(t, i) + Π2i(t)X(t+ 1))T R(t, i) + Π3i(t)X(t+ 1)

for arbitrary X={X(t)}t≥0∈`(Z+,SnN),

ΓΣ ={X={X(t)}t≥0 ∈`(Z+,SnN)|(DΣX)(t)≥0, (13)

R(t) + Π3(t)X(t+ 1)0, t≥0},

(14) eΓΣ={X={X(t)}t≥0 ∈`(Z+,SnN)|(DΣX)(t)0, t≥0}.

Let us consider the system

X(t, i) = Π1i(t)X(t+ 1) +M(t, i)−[L(t, i) + Π2i(t)X(t+ 1)][R(t, i)+


Π3i(t)X(t+ 1)]−1[L(t, i) + Π2i(t)X(t+ 1)]T, t∈Z+, i∈ D of discrete-time Riccati equations.

Definition 3. We say that Xs(t) = (Xs(t,1), . . . , Xs(t, N)), t∈Z+, is a stabilizing solution of (15) if

(16) FXs(t, i) =−[R(t, i) + Π3i(t)Xs(t+ 1)]−1[L(t, i) + Π2i(t)Xs(t+ 1)]T is a stabilizing feedback gain for system (1).

Theorem 2. Assume that

a)the system (1) is stochastic stabilizable;

b) the set ΓΣ is not empty.

Then OP2 problem is well possed. Moreover, we have

(17) V(t0, x0) =




πt0(i)xT0Xmax(t0, i)x0


for all t0 ∈ Z+ and x0 ∈ Rn, where {Xmax(t)}t≥0 is the maximal bounded solution of DTSGRE (15) which verifies

(18) R(t, i) + Π3i(t)Xmax(t+ 1)0, t∈Z+, i∈ D.

Proof. First, we remark that under assumptions a) and b), by Theo- rem 4.2 in [14] the DTSGRE (15) has a maximal and bounded solutionXmax(t) which satisfies condition (18). Also, it follows from Remark 1 that U2(t0, x0) is not empty, ∀t0 ∈ Z+, x0 ∈ Rn. By Lemma 3.2 in [11], for v(t, x, i) = xTXmax(t, i)x, whateveru∈ U2(t0, x0) we have






xu(t) u(t)


Q(t, ηt)

xu(t) u(t)

+E[xTu(τ)Xmax(τ, ητ)xu(τ)

# (19)

= X


πt0(i)xT0Xmax(t0, i)x0+




E[(u(t)−Fe(t, ηt)xu(t))T(R(t, ηt)+

Πt(t)Xmax(t+ 1))(u(t)−Fe(t, ηt)xu(t))].

Since the left hand side of (19) converges for τ → ∞, the right hand side is also convergent. Lettingτ → ∞in (19) and taking into account (4) we obtain

J2(t0, x0, u) = X


πt0(i)xT0Xmax(t0, i)x0+ (20)





u(t)−Fe(t, ηt)xu(t)T

R(t, ηt)+

+ Πt(t)Xmax(t+ 1)

u(t)−Fe(t, ηt)xu(t)i

for all u ∈ U2(t0, x0),(t0, x0) ∈ Z+×Rn. Further, (20) together with (18) imply

(21) J2(t0, x0, u)≥ X


πt0(i)xT0Xmax(t0, i)x0

for all u∈ U2(t0, x0),(t0, x0)∈Z+×Rn. Hence (22) V(t0, x0)≥ X


πt0(i)xT0Xmax(t0, i)x0.

Thus, we deduce that the linear quadratic optimization problem under con- sideration is well-posed. It remains to show that in (22) we have equality. To this end, we choose a decreasing sequence of positive numbers {εj}j≥0 such


that lim

j→∞εj = 0. We associate the cost functionals (23) Jεj(t0, x0, u) =J2(t0, x0, u) +εj




|xu(t)|2 ,

u ∈Ue2(t0, x0), where Ue2(t0, x0) = {u ={u(t)}t≥0 ∈ U2(t0, x0) |xu(t, t0, x0) is such that the series (23) is convergent}.

Let Vj(t0, x0) = inf


Jεj(t0, x0, u). Since Ue2(t0, x0) ⊂ U2(t0, x0) andJ2(t0, x0, u)≤Jεj(t0, x0, u), u∈Ue2(t0, x0), we deduce thatVj(t0, x0)≥ V(t0, x0) for allj ≥0.

Consider the DTSGRE

X(t, i) = Π1i(t)X(t+ 1) +M(t, i) +εjIn−[L(t, i) + Π2i(t)X(t+ 1)]× (24)

×[R(t, i) + Π3i(t)X(t+ 1)]−1[L(t, i) + Π2i(t)X(t+ 1)]T. It is defined by the pair Σj = Π(t), Qj(t)

, where Π(t) is as before and Qj(t) = Qj(t,1), . . . , Qj(t, N)

with Qj(t, i) =

M(t, i) +εjIn L(t, i) LT(t, i) R(t, i)


For each j ≥ 0,ΓeΣj is not empty since eΓΣj ⊃ ΓΣ. By Theorem 5.4 in [14]

we deduce that for each j ≥0, DTSGRE (24) has a bounded and stabilizing solution Xsj(t) = Xsj(t,1), . . . , Xsj(t, N)

, t ≥0. It follows from Proposition 5.1 in [14] that Xsj(t) coincides with the maximal solution of (24). Further, from Theorem 4.3 in [14] we deduce that Xsj(t, i)≥Xsj+1(t, i)≥Xmax(t, i) for all j ≥ 0 and lim

j→∞Xsj(t, i) = Xmax(t, i) for all t ≥ 0, i ∈ D. As in the first part of the proof we deduce that

J2εj(t0, x0, u) = X


πt0(i)xT0Xsj(t0, i)x0+



E h

u(t)−Fsj(t, ηt)xu(t)T


× R(t, ηt) + ΠtXsj(t+ 1)

(u(t)−Fsj(t, ηt)xu(t)i

for all u ∈ Ue2(t0, x0), where Fsj(t, i) = FXsj(t, i) is a stabilizing feedback associated with Xsj(t). Take the control ujs(t) = Fsj(t, ηt)xjs(t),{xjs(t)}t≥t0, the solution of system (1) with u(t) replaced by ujs(t). Since Xsj(t) is the stabilizing solution of (24), we have ujs = {ujs(t)}t≥t0 ∈ Ue2(t0, x0). Taking u=ujs in (25) we obtain

J2εj t0, x0, ujs

= X


πt0(i)xT0Xsj(t0, i)x0.


This leads to V(t0, x0)≤Vj(t0, x0)≤ P


πt0(i)xT0Xsj(t0, i)x0 for allj ≥0.

Letting j→ ∞ we obtain (26) V(t0, x0)≤ X


πt0(i)xT0Xmax(t0, i)x0, ∀(t0, x0)∈Z+×Rn. From (26) and (22) we get (17) and the proof is complete.

Definition 4. We say that a control uopt = {uopt(t)}t≥t0 ∈ U2(t0, x0) is called an optimal control for the linear quadratic optimization problem under consideration if V(t0, x0) = J2(t0, x0, uopt) ≤ J2(t0, x0, u) for all u ∈ U2(t0, x0).

The following result provides a sufficient condition for the existence of an optimal control for OP 2.

Proposition 3. If DTSGRE(15)has a bounded and stabilizing solution {Xs(t)}t≥0 which satisfies

(27) R(t, i) + Π3i(t)Xs(t+ 1)0,

then the linear quadratic optimization problem under consideration has an optimal control given by uopt(t) = Fs(t, ηt)xs(t), where Fs(t, i) is defined in (16) and {xs(t)}t≥t0 is the solution of system(1) for u(t) =Fs(t, ηt)xs(t) and the initial condition xs(t0) =x0.

Proof. Since {Xs(t)}t≥0 is the bounded and stabilizing solution of (15), the control uopt =Fs(t, ηt)xs(t) is admissible. The conclusion follows imme- diately from (20) for u=uopt and taking into account (27).

Now, we prove a result which provides a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of an optimal control.

Theorem 4. Assume that

a)the assumptions of Theorem 2 are fulfilled;

b) PN

i=1pt(i, j)>0 for allt≥0 and j∈ D;

c)π0(i) =P{η0 =i}>0 for 1≤i≤N. Then the following assertions are equivalent:

(i)for any (t0, x0)∈Z+×Rn the optimization problemOP 2admits an optimal control but0,x0(t), t≥t0, that is V(t0, x0) =J2(t0, x0,ubt0,x0) ;

(ii)we have

(28) lim



Fe(t, t0)

ξ= 0, ∀t0 ∈Z+,

where TFe(t, t0) is the linear evolution operator onSnN defined by the sequence of Lyapunov operators {L


Fe being defined by(5)withFe(t, i)instead of F(t, i) and Fe(t, i) =FXmax(t, i) andk · kξ is the Minkovski norm (see [13]).


If (i) or (ii) are fulfilled, then the optimal control of the problem under consideration is given by uopt(t) =Fe(t, ηt)bx(t), where bx(t) is the solution of system (31) below.

Proof. Let us assume that (i) is fulfilled. Let (t0, x0) ∈ Z+×Rn and ub={bu(t)}t≥t0 ∈ U2(t0, x0) be such thatV(t0, x0) =J2(t0, x0,bu). From (20) we get

V(t0, x0) =X


πt0(i)xT0Xmax(t0, i)x0+



E[(u(t)b −Fe(t, ηt)x(t))b T (29)

×(R(t, ηt) + Πt(t)Xmax(t+ 1))(u(t)b −Fe(t, ηt)x(t))],b where bx=x

ub(t) is the optimal trajectory. Combining (17) and (29) yields




u(t)b −Fe(t, ηt)bx(t)T

(30) ×

×(R(t, ηt) + Πt(t)Xmax(t+ 1)) u(t)b −Fe(t, ηt)bx(t)i

= 0.

On account of (27), the last equation leads to u(t) =b Fe(t, ηt)x(t) a.s.b t≥t0. Substituting this equality in (1), we deduce that bx(t) is the solution of the problem

x(tb + 1) = h

A0(t, ηt) +B0(t, ηt)Fe0(t, ηt) (31)





wk(t) Ak(t, ηt) +Bk(t, ηt)Fe(t, ηt)i

bx(t), x(tb 0) =x0,

with given initial value. It follows from assumptions b) and c) that Dt0 =D.

Since ub∈ U2(t0, x0), from (4) we have

(32) lim


|x(t)|b 2t0 =i

= 0, i∈ D.

If ΦFe(t, t0) is the fundamental matrix solution of (31), then (32) may be rewritten as

t→∞lim Eh xT0ΦT

Fe(t, t0

Fe(t, t0)x0t0 =ii

= 0, ∀i∈ D,(t0, x0)∈Z+×Rn. By the representation theorem (see [10]), the last equation is equivalent to

t→∞lim xT0 T

Fe(t, t0)J

(i)x0 = 0 for all (t0, x0) ∈ Z+×Rn, i ∈ D, where J = (In, . . . , In)∈ SnN. Recalling that


Fe(t, t0) ξ =


Fe(t, t0)J

ξ = max

i∈D sup


xT0 T

Fe(t, t0)J (i)x0,


we deduce that

(33) lim



Fe(t, t0) ξ= 0.

Finally, using the properties of the Minkovski norm (see [13]), we deduce that (33) is equivalent to (28). So, the implication (i)⇒(ii) does hold.

To prove the converse implication, we remark that by the representation theorem in [10] if (28) holds then (32) holds, too. This means that the control u(t) =b Fe(t, ηt)bx(t) is admissible. Further, from (20) and (17) we deduce that ubis an optimal control and thus the proof is complete.

Remark 2. From the definition of the stabilizing solution of a system of discrete-time Riccati equations of stochastic control (see [14]) we deduce that the maximal solution Xmax(t) of DTSGRE (15) is a stabilizing solution if and only if there exist β ≥1 andq ∈(0,1) such that


TFe(t, t0)

ξ≤βqt−t0 for all t≥t0 ≥0.

From Theorem 4 we deduce that the condition verified by the maximal solution of (15), which is equivalent to the existence of an optimal control of the problem under consideration, is weaker than (34). This can explain why the result proved in Proposition 3 only provides a sufficient condition for the existence of an optimal control.

Theorem 5. Assume that

a)the coefficients of system (1)and the weights of the cost functional(3) are periodic sequences with period θ≥1;

b) the assumptions of Theorem 2 are fulfilled.

Under these assumptions the following assertions are equivalent:

(i) for any (t0, x0) ∈ Z+ ×Rn the optimization problem described by the controlled system (1), the cost functional (3) and the class of admissi- ble controls U2(t0, x0) has the optimal control ubt0x0 = {ut0x0(t)}t≥t0, i.e., V(t0, x0) =J2(t0, x0,ubt0x0);

(ii)the DTSGRE(15)has a bounded stabilizing solution{Xs(t)}t≥0which satisfies (27).

Proof. The implication (ii) ⇒ (i) follows from Proposition 3. If (i) is fulfilled, reasoning as in the proof of Theorem 4, we deduce, by Theorem 4.1 in [10], thatFeis the stabilizing feedback gain for system (1). This allows us to conclude that the maximal solution {Xmax(t)} coincides with the stabilizing solution of (15). Thus, the proof is complete.



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Received 28 April 2009 Romanian Academy

“Simion Stoilow” Institute of Mathematics P.O. Box 1-764, 014700 Bucharest, Romania

Vasile.Dragan@imar.ro Toader.Morozan@imar.ro


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