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Estimating the conditional tail index with an integrated conditional log-quantile estimator in the random covariate case


Academic year: 2021

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HAL Id: hal-01074694


Preprint submitted on 15 Oct 2014

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Estimating the conditional tail index with an integrated conditional log-quantile estimator in the random

covariate case

Laurent Gardes, Gilles Stupfler

To cite this version:

Laurent Gardes, Gilles Stupfler. Estimating the conditional tail index with an integrated conditional log-quantile estimator in the random covariate case. 2014. �hal-01074694�


integrated onditional log-quantile estimator in

the random ovariate ase

Laurent Gardes









7316, 13002Marseille,Frane

Abstrat. It iswellknownthat the tailbehaviorofaheavy-tailed distri-

bution isontrolled byaparameteralled the tailindex. Suh aparameteris


extremequantiles. Invarious appliations,therandomvariable ofinterestan

belinkedtoanite-dimensionalrandomovariate. Insuhasituation,thetail


Thegoalofthispaperisto providealassof estimatorsof thisquantity. The

pointwise weak onsisteny and asymptoti normality of these estimators are

established. Weillustrate thenite sampleperformaneof ourtehniqueona

simulationstudyand onarealhurrianedataset.

AMS Subjet Classiations: 62G05,62G20,62G30,62G32.

Keywords: Heavy-taileddistribution,tailindex,randomovariate,onsis-


1 Introdution



byseawateralongaoastoveragivenperiod, ortostudyextremerainfallata

givenloation;in atuarialsiene,amajorproblemforaninsuranermisto


venyisled. Apartiularbranhofextremevalueanalysisfousesonthestudy

ofheavy-tailedrandomvariables, that is,those randomvariableswhosedistri-

butionfuntion F issuh that,forallλ >0, (1F(λx))/(1F(x))λ−1/γ

asxgoestoinnity, whereγ >0 is theso-alledtailindex. Theparameterγ

drivestheasymptotibehaviorofF initsrighttail,whihmakesitsestimation


Theestimation of the tailindex has thereforebeen extensivelystudied in the

literature. Reentoverviewsonunivariatetailindexestimationanbefoundin


In pratial appliations, the variable of interest Y an often be linked to a

ovariate X. For instane, the value of rainfall at a given loation depends

onitsgeographialoordinates;in atuarialsiene,thelaimsizedependson

thesuminsuredby thepoliy. Inthis situation, thetailindex of therandom

variableY givenX =xisafuntion ofxto whihweshallreferastheondi-

tional tailindex. Itsestimation hasrst beenonsidered in thexed design

ase,namelywhentheovariatesarenonrandom. Smith[30℄ andDavisonand

Smith [12℄ onsidered a regression model while Hall and Tajvidi [23℄ used a

semi-parametri approah to estimate the onditional tail index. Fully non-

parametrimethods havebeen developed using splines (see Chavez-Demoulin

and Davison [7℄), loal polynomials(see Davisonand Ramesh[11℄), amoving

window approah (see Gardes and Girard [15℄), a nearest neighbor approah

(seeGardes and Girard [16℄), and aonditional quantile-based tehnique(see

Gardeset al.[18℄),amongothers.


beeninitiatedonlyreently. WerefertotheworksofWangandTsai[32℄,based


nonparametrionditionalquantileestimatorstoestimatetheonditional tail



GardesandGirard[17℄ whointrodued aloalgeneralizedPikands-typeesti-




estimatorof Dekkersetal. [13℄and GardesandStuper [19℄whoworkedona


St ri [28℄.


basedon theintegration of aonditional log-quantileestimator. This typeof


onsistenyand asymptotinormalitywhentheovariatesarerandom,aswell

asto examineits appliability on numerialexamples and on real data. Our

paperisorganizedasfollows: wedeneouronditional tailindexestimatorin

Setion2,itsasymptotipropertiesarestatedin Setion3,asimulationstudy


datainSetion5. WeoeraoupleofonludingremarksinSetion6. All the



Welet(X1, Y1), . . . ,(Xn, Yn)benindependentopiesofarandompair(X, Y) E ×R+, where (E, d) is a metri spae. We assume that for any x ∈ E, the

onditional distributionfuntion y 7→F(y|x) := P(Y y|X = x) of Y given X=xbelongstothesetRV−1/γ(x)ofregularlyvaryingfuntions(atinnity)of

index1/γ(x)<0. ReallthatafuntionG∈ RVa,aRifGisnonnegative andforallλ >0,G(λy)/G(y)λa asy goestoinnity. Thisistheadaptation



(M1) Foranyx∈ E,the onditionalquantilefuntion α7→q(α|x) :=F(1 α|x) = inf{yR|F(y|x)1α} ∈ RV−γ(x).

Our goal is to estimate the onditional tail index γ at a point x ∈ E. Re-

mark rst that, under (M1), for u (0,1) small enough and α (0, u), logq(α|x)/q(u|x)γ(x) log(u/α). Hene,foranymeasurablefuntionΨ(.|x, u)

on(0, u)suhthat Z u 0

Ψ(α|x, u) log (u/α)= 1, (1)

onehas Z u


Ψ(α|x, u) logq(α|x)

q(u|x)γ(x). (2)

We propose to estimate γ(x) by replaing in the previous approximation the onditional quantilefuntion q(.|x) by aonsistentestimator of this quantity.

Tothisend,letI{.}denotetheindiatorfuntionand,foranyh >0,B(x, h) :=

{x ∈ E | d(x, x)h} denotethelosed ballin E withenter xandradiush.

ThetotalnumberofovariatesbelongingtotheballB(x, h)isgivenby M(x, h) =

Xn i=1

I{XiB(x, h)}.

Theonditional distributionfuntion F(.|x)isestimatedby:

Fbn(y|x, hx) = 1 M(x, hx)

Xn i=1

I{Yi y}I{XiB(x, hx)},

wherehx =hx(n) isa positivesequene onvergingto 0. Theassoiated esti-

matoroftheonditional quantilefuntionq(.|x)isthen,forα(0,1), b

qn|x, hx) =Fbn(1α|x, hx) = inf{yR|Fbn(y|x, hx)1α}.

Replaingq(.|x)byqbn(.|x, hx)in(2),ourlassofestimatorsofγ(x)isgivenfor

a(0,1)-valuedmeasurablefuntion uxonvergingto0atinnityby:


γ(x, ux, hx) = Z Ux


Ψ(α|x, Ux) log bqn|x, hx) b

qn(Ux|x, hx)dα, (3)


inwhihUx=ux(M(x, hx))andΨ(.|x, u)isanintegrablefuntionon(0, u)sat-

isfying(1). Theestimatorbγ(x, ux, hx)isthusaweightedintegralofanestimator

oftheonditional log-quantilefuntion.


Ψ(.|x, u)atuallyyieldgeneralizationsofsomewell-knowntailindexestimators to theonditional framework. Let kx :=UxM(x, hx). Thehoie Ψ(.|x, u) = u−1yields:


γH(x, ux, hx) = 1 kx

⌊kXx i=1

logqbn((i1)/M(x, hx)|x, hx)

qbn(kx/M(x, hx)|x, hx) , (4)

whih is the straightforward adaptation of the lassial Hill estimator (see

Hill [24℄). Similarly, letting Ψ(.|x, u) = u−1(log(u/.)1) entails, after some



γZ(x, ux, hx) = 1 kx

⌊kXx i=1

log kx

i ilogqbn((i1)/M(x, hx)|x, hx) b

qn(i/M(x, hx)|x, hx)




3 Asymptoti properties

3.1 Main results

Westartbystating theweakonsistenyoftheestimator(3). Tothis end,an


(A1) ThefuntionΨ(.|x, u)satises:

lim sup


Z u

0 |Ψ(α|x, u)|dα <,

andforallu(0,1) andβ(0, u], u

β Z β


Ψ(α|x, u)dα= Φ(β/u|x),

whereΦ(.|x)isasquare-integrablenoninreasingprobabilitydensityfun- tionon(0,1).

Notethatondition(A1)issatisedbythetwofuntionsΨ(.|x, u) =u−1 and Ψ(.|x, u) =u−1(log(u/.)1)withΦ(.|x) = 1andΦ(.|x) =log(.)respetively. We also assume in all what follows that q(.|x) is ontinuous and dereasing.

Partiular onsequenes of this ondition inlude that F(q(α|x)|x) = 1α

for any α (0,1) and that given X = x, Y has an absolutely ontinuous


distributionwith probabilitydensityfuntion f(.|x). For0< α1< α2<1,we


ω1, α2, x, hx) = sup




logq(α|x) q(α|x)


whih istheuniformosillationofthelog-quantilefuntion in itsseondargu-

ment. Suhaquantityis alsostudied inGardesandStuper [19℄,forinstane.

Lettingmx(hx) =nP(X B(x, hx))betheaveragenumberofovariateswhih

belong to B(x, hx), theweak onsistenyof ourfamily of estimatorsis estab-


Theorem 1. Assume that onditions (M1) and (A1) are satised. Assume

furtherthatmx(hx)→ ∞asn→ ∞ andthatux∈ RV−a(x) witha(x)(0,1).

If,for someδ >0,

ω [mx(hx)]−1−δ,1[mx(hx)]−1−δ, x, hx

0, (5)

thenitholdsthat bγ(x, ux, hx)−→P γ(x)asn→ ∞.

Note that ux(mx(h))mx(h) → ∞ is the average numberof observations used toomputeourestimatorof γ(x). Theonditionsin Theorem1are thus ana-

loguesof the lassialhypotheses in theestimation of thetail index. Besides,

ondition(5)ensuresthatthedistributionofY givenX =x isloseenoughto

thatofY givenX =xwhenx isinasuientlysmall neighborhoodofx.

Ouraim isnowto establishanasymptoti normality result. First,reall that


t >1, q(t−1|x) =c(t|x) exp Z t



v dv


wherec(.|x) isapositivefuntion onvergingtoapositiveonstantat innity

and ∆(.|x) is a measurable funtion onverging to 0 at innity, see Bingham

et al. [5, Theorem 1.3.1℄. We introdue the following lassial seond-order


(M2) Condition (M1) holds, c(.|x) is a onstantfuntion equalto c(x) > 0,

thefuntion∆(.|x)hasultimatelyonstantsignatinnityand|∆(.|x)| ∈ RVρ(x),withρ(x)<0.

In ondition (M2), ρ(x) is alled the onditional seond-order parameter of the distribution. This ondition is ommonly used when studying tail index



γ(x, ux, hx). Wealsointrodueafurtherassumptionontheweightingfuntion Φ(.|x),whih issimilarinspiritto aonditionintroduedin Beirlantetal.[1℄.

Towritedownthisondition,wenotethat if(A1)holdsthen

β(0,1), 0βΦ(β|x) Z β/2

0 |Ψ(α|x,1/2)|


and the right-hand side onverges to 0 asβ 0, so that we may extend the

denitionofthemapt7→tΦ(t|x)bysayingitis0at t= 0.

(A2) Condition(A1)holds,thereisκ >0suhthat Φ2+κ(.|x)isintegrableon (0,1)andthereexistsapositivefuntiong(.|x),whihiseitherontinuous

on[0,1]ornoninreasingon(0,1),suh thatforanyk >1 andi[1, k),

|iΦ (i/k|x)(i1)Φ ((i1)/k|x)| ≤g(i/k|x),

wherethefuntiong(.|x) max(log(1/.),1) isintegrableon(0,1).

Notethat ondition(A2) issatisedforinstane bythefuntions Ψ(.|x, u) = u−1 andΨ(.|x, u) = u−1(log(u/.)1) mentionedat theend ofSetion 2with g(.|x) = 1for therstoneand, for theseondone, g(.|x) =log(.) + 1. Our


Theorem 2. Assume that onditions (M2) and (A2) are satised. Assume

furtherthatmx(hx)→ ∞asn→ ∞,that ux∈ RV−a(x) with a(x)(0,1)and (zux(z))1/2∆(1/ux(z)|x)λ(x)Ras z→ ∞. If forsome δ >0,

vx1/2ω [mx(hx)]−1−δ,1[mx(hx)]−1−δ, x, hx

0 (6)


vx1/2(bγ(x, ux, hx)γ(x))−→ Nd λ(x)ABx(Φ, ρ(x)), γ2(x)AVx(Φ)

asn→ ∞,with ABx(Φ, ρ(x)) =

Z 1 0

Φ(α|x)α−ρ(x) and AVx(Φ) = Z 1




hypothesesonthemodel andonuxand hx,providedtheonditionaldistribu-

tionsofY attwoneighboringpointsaresuientlylose.

We onlude this paragraph by noting that these results are similar in spirit

to results obtained in the literature for other onditional tail index orondi-

tional extreme-valueindex estimators, see e.g. Gardes and Stuper [19℄ and

Stuper [31℄. The main disadvantage of formulating the hypotheses in terms

of the uniform osillationω is that theyannot immediately be translated in termsofonditionsonux andhx. Inour nextparagraph,wegivealternative, simpleonditionsforourmain resultstohold.

3.2 Disussion of the hypotheses

Asastartingpoint,wenotethatifX hasaprobabilitydensityfuntionf with

respettotheLebesguemeasureonE =Rd equippedwiththeEulideannorm

k.k then suient onditions for mx(hx) → ∞ are that hx 0, nhdx → ∞,


f(x)>0andf isontinuousatx. Indeed,inthisase,ifV denotesthevolume

oftheunit ballofRd,ahangeofvariablesentails:

mx(hx) =n Z


f(s)ds=nhdxf(x) V+ Z


f(x+hxv) f(x) 1


! .

Sinef isontinuousatx,wegetmx(hx) =nhdxVf(x)(1 + o(1))→ ∞. Further-

more,wepointoutthatifthefuntions γ,logc(t|.)and∆(t|.)satisfyaHölder



x∈B(x,hx)|γ(x)γ(x)| = O(hβx), sup



x∈B(x,hx)|logc(t|x)logc(t|x)| = O(hβx)

and sup



x∈B(x,hx)|∆(t|x)∆(t|x)| = O(hβx),

where β > 0 and Kx,δ(hx) is the interval [(mx(hx))−1−δ,1(mx(hx))−1−δ],

then(5) isaonsequeneof theonvergene hβxlogmx(hx)0. Intheafore-

mentioned ontext when X has a probability density funtion, this ondition beomes hβxlogn 0 as n→ ∞. Suh onditionswerealready onsidered in


As an illustration, we now ompute the optimal rate of onvergene of our

estimatorwhenE =Rd andX has aprobability density funtion. Leta(x) (0,1) andb(x)(0,1/d). Wetakelog(hx) =b(x) log(n) and log(nux(n)) = (1a(x)) log(n). In this ontext, the rate of onvergene of theestimator is

essentially(mx(hx)ux(mx(hx))1/2 =n(1−db(x))(1−a(x))/2

. Besides, sine∆(.|x)

isregularlyvaryingwith indexρ(x)<0, theonditionsforTheorem 2to hold


1a(x) + 2a(x)ρ(x)0 and 1a(x)2βb(x)0.

Theproblemthusamountstomaximizingthefuntion(a, b)7→(1db)(1a)

undertheseonditions. Thesolutionis:

(a(x), b(x)) =


12ρ(x), ρ(x)

dρ(x) +β(2ρ(x)1)



. Notethat

settingd= 0, i.e. onsideringthe asewhen thereis noovariate,wereover

the optimal rate of onvergene of the Hill estimator, see e.g. de Haan and


4 Simulation study

Weexamine thebehaviorof our estimatoron several nite-sample situations.

To make it easier to showase our results, we fous on the ase E = [0,1]


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