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Remarks on the slow neutron scattering by organic molecules


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1964

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Remarks on the slow neutron scattering by organic molecules

V. Ardente

To cite this version:

V. Ardente. Remarks on the slow neutron scattering by organic molecules. Journal de Physique, 1964,

25 (5), pp.641-647. �10.1051/jphys:01964002505064101�. �jpa-00205844�


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with Ar given by (A8) :


It can be shown that ro j2 for X -~ 0 and

So the dispersion law can be measured directly

from (A8) and the magnon life time from (Al0) :




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[7] KEFFER (F.) and LONDON (R.), J. Appl. Physics, 1961, 32, 2S.

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[10] RISTE (T.), J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 1961, 17, 308.

[11] RISTE (T.), J. Phys. Soc., Japan, 1962, 17, SBIII, 60.

[12] RISTE (T.), BLINOWSKI (K.) and JANIK (J.), J. Phys.

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[14] VAN HovE (L.), Phys. Rev., 1954, 95, 1374.

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C. C. R. Euratom, Ispra, Italy.

Résumé. 2014 Dans le cadre des interactions d’un neutron avec un noyau moléculaire et en s’atta- chant plus particulièrement aux molécules organiques (polyphényls), l’auteur fait dans cette note

une analyse préliminaire de la diffusion par des protons liés dans la molécule de benzène (on suppose que cette molécule est une unité dynamique fondamentale).

Pour évaluer l’influence des dynamiques moléculaires sur la diffusion des neutrons thermiques, plusieurs hypothèses physiques ont été essayées.

L’objet principal de ces suppositions est de nous permettre en se donnant de manière explicite

la dynamique du proton, d’étudier à la fois l’influence des différents aspects individuels de la

dynamique moléculaire et l’effet des diverses approximations mathématiques sur la considération

explicite de tels aspects dynamiques.



été réalisé en se référant à des résultats expérimentaux portant à la fois sur les quantités intégrales (par exemple la section efficace totale de diffusion) et différentielles.

Dans le cadre du modèle gazeux, nous avons d’abord étudié l’effet d’un seul paramètre de structure, à savoir la masse effective Mo. Nous


considéré alors un


gaz moléculaire

» en

introduisant deux paramètres (Krieger-Nelkin) l’un du type


effective Mo, tenant compte

des rotations et translations et l’autre tenant compte des transitions vibrationnelles élastiques à partir du niveau fondamental. Nous discutons la possibilité de calculer la meilleure valeur appro- chée du paramètre Mo à partir des valeurs expérimentales, la valeur du paramètre vibrationnel n’étant déterminée qu’une fois connue la distribution des fréquences du proton dans la molécule.

L’aspect particulier de ce spectre vibrationnel nous amène à discuter un « modèle bi-vibrationnel » analogue au modèle de Nelkin pour les molécules de H2O dans lequel, pour tenir compte des différents

degrés de liberté,


remplace le spectre vibrationnel complexe par un autre isotrope, très simplifié.

Pour finir, nous avons traité comme prédominant l’aspect purement vibrationnel (en restant

dans le cadre d’une approximation harmonique) en considérant explicitement l’anisotropie du spectre vibrationnel et


évaluant d’une façon plus correcte le rapport des orientations molé- culaires.

Dans cet esprit, nous


tout d’abord négligé (en première approximation), les degrés de liberté de rotation et de translation ; ceux-ci seront introduits plus loin de façon approchée au

moyen d’une correction du spectre vibrationnel dans la région des basses énergies.

Nous avons fait enfin une comparaison entre cette analyse qui, dans le cadre d’une analogie

avec un ensemble polycristallin de microcristaux de graphite, adopte le formalisme de Schofield et Hassit et l’ensemble de suppositions plus précises et mathématiquement plus correctes contenues

dans le code


Summit » qui traduit le point de vue de Parks.


Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01964002505064101




In the framework of the interaction of a neutron with molecular nuclei and with


special view to organic molecules (polyphenyls),


preliminary analysis is made in this paper


the scattering by bound protons in the benzene molecule (this molecule is assumed to be


fundamental dynamic unit).

In evaluating the effect of the molecular dynamics on the scattering of thermal neutrons, several physical hypotheses have been tried.

The main purpose of these assumptions is to enable us, when considering explicitly the dynamics

of the proton, to investigate both the influence of the different individual features of the molecular

dynamics and the effect of different mathematical approximations on the explicit consideration of such dynamical features.

This has been performed with reference to experimental results both on integral quantities (e. g. the total scattering cross-section) and on differential ones.

In the framework of the gas model we have first investigated the effect of a single " structure "

parameter, namely the effective mass Mo.

We have then considered a " molecular gas " by introducing two parameters (Krieger-Nelkin) :

one, of the effective mass Mo type, accounting for rotations and translations and a second one for-

mally taking into account the elastic vibrational transitions from the ground state. The possi- bility is here discussed of calculating the best fitted value of the parameter Mo from experimental data, the value of the vibrational parameter being determined once the frequency distribution of the proton in the molecule is known.

The particular structure of this vibrational spectrum induced us to discuss a


two-vibrational model " in analogy to the Nelkin model for the H2O molecule, where, in the explicit consideration of the various degrees of freedom, the complicated vibrational spectrum has been replaced by an isotropic, very simplified one.

Finally we have treated as predominant the purely vibrational features (still in the frame of the harmonic approximation), considering explicitly the anisotropy of the vibrational spectrum and evaluating in a more correct way the relation of the molecular orientations. In view of this, we started by neglecting (as a first approximation) the rotational and translational degrees of freedom;

these will be appropriately introduced later by means of a correction in the vibrational spectrum

in the low energy region.

We also made a comparison between this analysis, which2014in the frame work of an analogy with a polycrystalline assembly of graphite microcrystals


adopts the formalism of Schofield and Hassitt and the set of more refined and mathematically more correct assumptions contained in the Summit code which translates the Parks’ viewpoint.

1. Introduction.


In the framework of the interaction of a neutron with molecular nuclei and with a special view to organic molecules (poly- phenyls), a preliminary analysis is made on the scattering by the proton bounded in the benzene molecule.

We confine here our attention to the total scat-

tering cross section so as to arrive at some basis

for determining the validity of different models.

In evaluating the effect of the molecular dyna-

mics on the scattering of slow neutrons, a series of fundamental assumptions and physical hypothesis

have been tried. In this way informations can be collected about the limits of sensitivity of the slow

neutron scattering to the details of the dynamics

and to the structural features of the benzene molecule. A model which would be able to predict successfully the experimental data without the

need of a very detailed account of molecular dyna- mics, should show really a weak sensitivity to some

characteristic benzene features, and could be extended to other polyphenyls with reasonable


The fundamental assumptions in the present description are that the single C 6H 6 molecule is the basic dynamical unit (without any explicit inclu-

sion of intermolecular eff ects and those specific to

the liquid state) ; and the fact that we neglect the

interference scattering and the nuclear spin corre-


The analysis of simplified molecular models

(the Krieger-Nelkin one and a here proposed " two

vibrational oscillators " model) and of a " poly-

cristalline " one should be useful for two reasons :

to show the real possibility of using some rather simple model to calculate the scattering behavior

and to define a starting point for a more detailed study of the proton motions.

2. Scattering models.


We begin with an expression for the differential cross section,

6 (Eo 2013~.E, 6), for scattering of neutrons of inci-

dent energy Eo in the energy interval dE at E and through an angle 0 into the solid angle dQ.

The operator formalism introduced by Wick [1]

and Zemach and Glauber [2] gives for the direct

energy-transfert differential cross section the follo-

wing general analytic expression (1) :

where sb is the bound atom n - p cross section



/M+1B 2 af M bein g the roton mass

and M at the free asymptotic value of the total scattering cross section), is the

(1) We use a system of units in which A


1, and the neutron mass is 1. Temperatures are measured in units

of energy.


energy transfer, x


K - Ko is the momentum

transfer, T is the absolute temperature and the function x, which contains all the dependence of

the scattering on the dynamics of the nuclei in the molecule, is given by

i T) = eiHt eix,rv e-iHt e-ix.


> T,n

The symbol > TO means that an average is to be taken over the equilibrium distribution of the initial states of the molecule at the tempe-

rature ~’ and over the molecular orientations Q.

H is the molecular Hamiltonian, rv is the position-

vector operator of the vth proton.

Diff erent expressions and approximations to

evaluate the function (concerning both the H

function and the T, Q averages) will correspond to

the diff erent models examined. We shall assume


that a classification of the atomic motions into

vibrations, rotations and translations of the mole- cule gives an adequate description of the proton

motions in the scattering system. We shall take

as our starting point the approximation that the

various degrees of freedom carry out simple har-

monic oscillations.



We begin with

a simple translational model : the " free gas model "

for free protons at the scatterer physical tempe-

rature. Figure 2 shows the strong discrepancy

between the experimental data and the theoretical

curve calculated on this extreme basis.

The same figure 2 allows to evaluate the effect of

introducing a single " structure " parameter, a

kind of " effective mass " introduced in the

mass tensor approximation of Sachs and Teller [3]

or in the quantum Krieger and Nelkin reformu- lation [4, 5]. The basis of these methods is the

concept of a nuclear mass tensor whose properties

contain the effects of chemical binding : namely

the effects on slow-neutron scattering of the dyna-

mics of the rotational and translational motions.

Without a real reference to this translational and rotational concept (2) we would just point out

the possibility of fitting the experimental values

of the total cross section with a fictitious mass

adjusted in some limited energy interval, disre- garding the discrepancies outside this interval.

The 5.5 effective mass


for instance


could represent a kind of upper limit likely to describe fairly well the low thermal region, though the agreement is bad in the higher energy region. In principle, by using the gas model ith the bound

(2) See the note in the following page.

FIG. 1.


Shows the fundamental vibration frequencies for benzene,. The frequencies associated with the planar

and perpendicular modes are separately indicated. The height of a line indicates the average of the squared

amplitude of the protons in each normal mode.



cross section ab = ~ + 1 2 cf taken as constant

instead of 6free, an energy-dependent para- meter should be used ( ).

The failure of the simple freely rotating rigid-

molecule point of view is caused by neglecting the

internal vibrational features, which are very effec- tive on thermal neutron scattering by molecules

as complex as the polyphenyls. Figure 1 shows

the normal vibrations of benzene, the simplest of

the polyphenyls, based on the extensive studies available [6, 8] on this planar molecule. There are



30 normal modes of vibration. Of these 2N-3


21 are of the parallel type (vibrations for

which the amplitude vectors are parallel to the plane of the molecule). In the remaining 9 modes,

the amplitude vectors are perpendicular to the plane of the molecule. Because of the high degree

of symmetry of the benzene molecule (point group

D6h) 7 of the parallel and 3 of the perpendicular

vibration frequencies are doubly degenerate.

To see how strongly the total scattering cross

section depends on the vibrations, we now turn

our attention to a more detailed theory : for the

benzene molecule we consider the " f ree molec ular



point of view of Krieger and Nelkin [4].

This " K. N. " model, which allows taking into

account the zero-point vibrational motion, reduces

the description of the direct scattering to the con-

sideration of two molecular parameters : Mo, an

effective proton mass for translation and rotation,

and a vibrational constant equal to the mean

square zero-point vibrational displacement of the proton. Using the Zemach and Glauber formalism,

the following approximations are made, at the

expense of a restriction in the energy range of

validity :

i) molecular rotational and vibrational eff ects

are explicitly separated ;

ii) the vibrational factor XIrH > ~ is the one evaluated by Zemach and Glauber. If attention is restricted to neutron energies below the vibra-

tional threshold, and all molecules are assumed to be initially in their ground vibrational states (i. e.,



0 for vibrations), XHH > ~ reduces to the time


independent form

where is the amplitude vector corresponding

to the average proton and to the vibrational

mode, and c~~ is the angular frequency of the Xth

mode. For each value of x, the amplitude vectors

are normalized by the condition

(3) In the benzene molecule the effective


Mo intro-

duced by Krieger and Nelkin turns out to be 21.3 neutron


Nlv being the mass of the vth nucleus of the mole- cule. The dependence of on the mole-

cular orientation is contained in the quanti-


iii) the averages over molecular orientations are

approximated by inserting average values of func- tions of the Eulerian angles wherever they appear.

In this way an expression in closed form for the

total cross section for direct scattering is obtained :


m VR 0 ,- o .z e-t’ dt : p and C are functions

of MO (the " rotational " mass which contains the combined effects of rotation and translation), of

the temperature of the sample T and of Eo, the

neutron initial energy. Figure 3 shows the com- parison with experimental data : the general out-

line is notably better than in the gas model. The K. N. extension of the mass-tensor approximation,

to include to a certain extent vibrational effects,

appears to allow


in organic molecules


a not

too bad description for energies lower than 0 .1 eV.

On the other hand the fact that the agreement

with experiment is not yet so good means that the Krieger-Nelkin theory is not realistic enough : the discrepancies are reasonably attributed


beside the mathematical simplifications


to the use of

the mass-tensor concept and to the neglect of

inelastic transitions. The effect of putting Me equal 1, as shown in figure 3, gives an idea of the

" weight " of this rotational parameter. A possi- bility exists in the frame of this model of fitting

the rotational mass Mo on experimental data, independently of his tensorial origin. This should

be a quite realistic and useful simple two-parameter

model (~).

Proceeding to analyse more and more elaborate

models we now discu,ss a two regions, two-vibra-

tional model, suggested by the particular structure

of the vibrational spectrum of the average proton

in the benzene molecule. The idea is to replace

this very complicated and anisotropic vibrational spectrum by a very simplified isotropic one.

As it appears in figure 1, a general feature of the benzene vibration spectrum is the separation of the

fundamental frequencies in two parts : a relatively

small number of modes, all very closely spaced

(4) As


matter of fact there exists also a possibility of having some direct experimental information about the YH$



645 around 0.38 eV and other more numerous and

more spread out low energy modes, about from 0 . 05 to 0 .2 eV. We simply assume two ;16; a-

tional oscillators at 0.12 eV and 0 . 38 eV.

With this very simplified spectrum


which we expect to cover the general features of all the polyphenyls


we consider the benzene molecule from the same point of view as the light water

Nelkin one [9], for which numerical codes are

available (5). That means that the following assumptions are made :

i) The differential energy


transfer cross sec-

tion is calculated with the intermediate Z function approximated by

X ~ Xt Xr Xv

with xt for free molecular translations (the hin-

drance of the translations is neglected), xr for hindered rotations of the molecule in the presence

of its neighbours and for the interactions with the two harmonic vibrational oscillators inside the molecule. xt, Z, and Z, are separately averaged

over the initial states of the system ; the hindered rotations are formaly replaced by a torsional iso- tropic oscillation with a single frequency cor put tentatively equal to 0.02 eV.

ii) To evaluate a(Eo -~ ~’, 0) the further appro- ximation is made of averaging over molecular

orientations in the same manner already used by Krieger and Nelkin to calculate the scattering by

free polyatomic molecules.

iii) For convenience in numerical calculations the excitation of only one mode oscillation is treated rigorously for a given incident energy range.

In our case there are two regions defined by a boundary at 0.32 eV.

iv) For the rotational mass Mar of the isotropic

harmonic oscillator, which approximately replaces

FIG. 2, 3, 4, 5.


Show the average total scattering cross section for


proton of CsHs

as a

function of incident neutron energy, as calculated by different theoretical models, at room temperature (T = 0.0258eV).



20.36 barns is the free-proton cross sections.

FIG. 2.


Refers to the gas model. The full line to


real free gas model (nuclear mass equal to 1), the dashed

one to

an "

effective mass " Mo equal to 5.5 neutron masses.

FIG. 3.


Refers to the Krieger elkin model. The

dashed line represents the effect of putting the effective

mass equal to the physical


(5) In our calculations we have used the Honeck’ Gaker Fortran code (see THERNIOS report, BNL-5826).



FIG. 4.


Refers to a


two vibrational oscillators "

model, proposed to include, in analogy with the Nelkin point of view for water, vibrations, hindered rotations and free translations of the molecule.

the hindered rotations, the Krieger-Nelkin value

for a freely rotating molecule is taken.

Therefore the physical model is that of a trans-

lator of mass Mt


78, a hindered rotational oscil- lator of mass Mr == 21.3 and energy


o . 02 eV and two vibrational oscillators with energies


0 .12 eV,


0 . 38 eV and an eff ective

mass determined from the condition that the

scattering approaches the free-atom scattering at high energies :

In the region of incident energies Eo less than

0.32 eV, the 0.38 eV oscillator is treated in the elastic limit, a phonon expansion is used for the

first 0.12 eV oscillator and all transitions are

allowed for the rotational and translational modes.

For incident energies above 0.32 eV, the rotations

are treated as free (high-energy limit), a phonon expansion is used for the 0.38 eV oscillator and all transitions are allowed for the 0.12 eV oscil- lator. Taking the time transform of the inter-

mediate scattering function, a single expression can

be written for all incident energies :

where is the usual Bessel function of ima-

ginary argument and the occuring parameters are given by the following two sets :

Region I

Region II

The total cross section as a function of the inci- dent energy is computed by determining nume- rically the differential a(Eo - .~, 0). This cross

section is then integrated numerically over

the final energies and scattering angles. The

results are compared with the experiments in figure 4.

2.2. " POLYCRYSTALLINE "MODEL. -we finally

refer to the extreme vibrational point of view, in

contrast with the translational one. We consider the heavy organic system as a system of nuclei, vibrating about equilibrium positions, which are

fixed in a laboratory system of coordinates. In the frame of this " heavy molecule " approximation

the vibrational features alone are considered (still

in the harmonic approximation) and the contri- butions of translation and rotation are neglected.

The advantage of this approach is the formal equi-

valence with a crystalline assembly, for which



extensively developed mathematical methods are


If one refers to benzene, the analogy between the structure of its planar molecule and graphite is

very apparent. Taking into account that the

molecules are oriented at random, the correct equivalence is between benzene molecules and a

polycrystalline assembly of graphite microcrystals.

FIG. 5.


Refers to the vibrational




model (« phonon " expansion). The full line shows the effect of a Debye low energy tail (to 0,02 eV) added

to the vibrational spectrum.

The experimental values are :

for benzene at 300 °K by Pauli and Antonini »see [7]).

for diphyl (73.5 % C12H,ol 26.5 % C12HLOO) at

293 OK by the Ris6 experimental group (private commu- nication).

On this line, scattering calculations have already

been done by Boffi et al. [6, 7]. They refer to

Parks’ [11] very detailed studies on the neutron-

graphite interaction, using for the numerical calcu- lations the SUMMIT code [12], which in part

translates the Parks’ mathematically very elabo- rated model.

We followed the Schofield-Hassitt [13] formalism

for an anisotropic lattice such as graphite. This approach also contains the possibility of consi- dering explicitly the anisotropy of the vibrational

spectrum and of evaluating in a correct way the average over the molecular orientations. The incoherent cross section is given by a " phonon expansion ", where the multiple integrals occuring

are approximated using the central limit theorem of statistics. The integral dependence on the

vibrational spectra enables to introduce the mole-

cular discrete delta-lines, without any artificial


The results in the frame of this polycrystalline

model are shown in figure 5 : the full line is obtained by taking into account other than the simple vibrational effects, a Debye tail in the low

energy region, with an " eff ective " mass of 21.3.

A short collision time calculation should allow to

join smoothly the " phonon " curve with the high

energy limit.

3. Final remarks.


On this line we intend now

to investigate the scattering models influence both

on other integral quantities of interest in thermal

neutron problems and on infinite medium thermal neutron spectra. Nevertheless our analysis based

on such an integral quantity as the total cross

section leads already to some interesting conclu-


The dependence on the vibrational anisotropy

and on a correct orientation average does not

seem too great. This gives confidence in the extension of the benzene results to other poly- phenyls. There exists the necessity of including

other than simple vibrational effects. The details of the vibrational spectrum do not appear of deci- sive importance.

From the experimental point of view it would be

very useful to dispose of some information related to the low energy region (rotational levels).

REFERENCES [1] WICK (G. C.), Phys. Rev., 1954, 94, 1228.

[2] ZEMACH (A. C.) and GLAUBER (R. J.), Phys. Rev., 1956, 101, 118.

[3] SACHS (R. G.) and TELLER (E.), Phys. Rev., 1941, 60,


[4] KRIEGER (T. J.) and NELKIN (M. S.), Phys. Rev., 1957, 106, 290.

[5] KRIEGER (T. J.) and NELKIN (M. S.), KAPL 1597,


[6] BOFFI (V. C.), MOLINARI (V. G.) and PARKS (D. E.),

General Atomic Report GA-3024.

[7] BOFFI (V. C.), MOLINARI (V. G.) and PARKS (D. E.),

Proc. Chalk River Inelastic Scattering Symposium, September 1963, p. 285.

[8] HERZBERG (G.), Molecular Spectra and Molecular Structure, 2nd ed., vol. II.

[9] NELKIN (M.), Phys. Rev., 1960, 119, 741.

[10] GOLDNIAN (D. T.) and FEDERIGHI (F. D.), KAPL 2225.

[11] PARKS (D. E.), General Atomic Report GA-2438.

[12] BELL (J.), General Atomic Report GA-2492.

[13] SCHOFIELD (P.) and HASSIT (A.), Geneva Conference

Paper, 1958, P/18.


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