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Submitted on 26 Aug 2019

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Serge Cantat, Dominique Cerveau, Vincent Guirardel, Juan Souto

To cite this version:

Serge Cantat, Dominique Cerveau, Vincent Guirardel, Juan Souto. SURFACE GROUPS IN THE GROUP OF GERMS OF ANALYTIC DIFFEOMORPHISMS IN ONE VARIABLE. L’Enseignement Mathématique , Zürich International Mathematical Society Publishing House, 2020, 66 (1-2), pp.93- 134. �10.4171/LEM/66-1/2-6�. �hal-02271428�




ABSTRACT. We construct embeddings of surface groups into the group of germs of analytic diffeomorphisms in one variable.


1.1. The main result. Let C be the field of complex numbers and Diff(C,0) the group of germs of analytic diffeomorphisms at the origin 0∈C. Choosing a local coordinateznear the origin, every element f ∈Diff(C,0)is determined by a unique power series

f(z) =a1z+a2z2+a3z3+. . .+anzn+. . . with f0(0) =a16=0 and with a positive radius of convergence

rad(f) =

lim sup


|an|1/n −1

. (1.1)

We denote byDiff(R,0)⊂Diff(C,0)the subgroup of real germs in this chart, i.e.

withai∈Rfor alli∈N(this inclusion depends on the choice of the coordinate z). The main goal of this note is the following result, that answers a question raised by E. Ghys (see [8], §3.3, or also [5], Problem 4.15).

Theorem A. LetΓbe the fundamental group of a closed orientable surface, or of a closed non-orientable surface of genus ≥4. Then Γembeds in the group Diff(R,0)and in particular inDiff(C,0).

We shall present three proofs of Theorem A. For simplicity, in this introduc- tion, we restrict to the case whereΓis is the fundamental group of an orientable surface of genus 2, and we consider the presentation

Γ2=ha1,b1,a2,b2|[a1,b1] = [a2,b2]i. (1.2)



Our proofs of theorem A are inspired by [3], where it is proved that a compact topological group or a connected Lie group which contains a dense free group of rank 2 contains a dense subgroup isomorphic toΓ2.

Recently, and independently, A. Brudnyi proved a similar result for embed- dings into the group of formal germs of diffeomorphisms (see [6])

1.2. Compact groups. Let us describe the argument used in [3] to prove the following result.

Theorem 1.1 ([3]). If a compact group G contains a free group F of rank 2, then there is an embeddingρ: Γ2→G such that F⊂ρ(Γ2).

Proof. Denote by Fm the free group on m generators. The first ingredient is a result by Baumslag [1] saying that Γ2 is fully residually free; this means that there exists a sequence of morphisms pN2→F2 which is asymptotically injective: for everyg∈Γ2\ {1}, pN(g)6=1 ifNis large enough.

To be more explicit, we use the presentation (1.2) ofΓ2, and we note that the subgroupha1,b1iofΓ2is a free groupF2=ha1,b1i. Let p:Γ2→ha1,b1ibe the morphism fixinga1andb1and sendinga2andb2toa1andb1 respectively. Let τ:Γ2→Γ2be the Dehn twist around the curvec= [a1,b1], i.e. the automorphism that fixesa1andb1and senda2andb2toca2c−1andcb2c−1respectively.

Proposition 1.2(see [3, Corollary 2.2]). Given any g∈Γ2\ {1}, there exists a positive integer n0such that p◦τN(g)6=1for all N≥n0.

Now, fix an embeddingι: ha1,b1i →Gsuch thatι(ha1,b1i) =F. Composing p◦τN withι, we get a sequence of points pN:=ι◦p◦τN in Hom(Γ2,G). Now, consider the element h=ι(p(c)) of G, and let T be the closure of the cyclic grouphhiin the compact groupG. Fort∈T, define a morphismρt: Γ2→Gby ρt(a1) =ι◦p(a1), ρt(a2) =t◦ι◦p(a1)◦t−1, (1.3) ρt(b1) =ι◦p(b1), ρt(b2) =t◦ι◦p(b1)◦t−1; (1.4) these representations are well defined and satisfy ρt =ι◦p◦τN whent =hN. Moreover, on the subgroupha1,b1i,ρtcoincides withι◦p, soF⊂ρt2). Thus, (ρt)t∈T is a compact subset


(T)Hom(Γ2,G)that contains the sequence of pointspN. For everyginΓ2\ {1}, the subset


(T)g={ρtt(g)6=1}is open, and Proposition 1.2 shows that it is dense because{hn|n≥n0}is dense inT for every integern0. By the Baire theorem, the subset of injective representations ρt is a denseGδin


(T), and this proves Theorem 1.1.


The groupDiff(R,0)contains non-abelian free groups (this is well known, see Section 3.3), and one may want to copy the above argument forG=Diff(R,0) instead of a compact group. The Koenigs linearization theorem says that if f ∈ Diff(R,0)satisfies f0(0)>1, then f is conjugate to the homothety z7→ f0(0)z;

in particular, there is a flow of diffeomorphisms(ϕt)t∈R for which ϕ1= f. In our argument, the compact group T introduced to prove Theorem 1.1 will be replaced by such a flow, hence by a group isomorphic to(R,+). Also, in that proof,h=ι(p(c))was a commutator, and the derivative of any commutator in Diff(R,0)is equal to 1 at the origin, so that Koenigs theorem can not be applied to a commutator. Thus, we need to change pN into a different sequence of morphisms: the Dehn twistτwill be replaced by another automorphism of Γ2, twisting along three non-separating curves.

This argument will be described in details in Sections 2 and 3; the reader who wants the simplest proof of Theorem A in the case of orientable surfaces only needs to read these sections. Non orientable surfaces are dealt with in Section 4.

1.3. Lie groups. Now, let us look at representations in a linear algebraic sub- groupGofGLm(R). Assuming that there is a faithful representationι: F2→G with dense image, we shall construct a faithful representationΓ2→G.

The representation variety Hom(Γ2,G)is an algebraic subset ofG4. Let



the irreducible component containing the trivial representation. Let pN: Γ2→ F2 be an asymptotically injective sequence of morphisms, as given by Baum- slag’s proposition. When the image ofρis dense, one can prove thatι◦pN is in


for arbitrarily large values ofN. Forg∈Γ2\ {1}, the subset




of ho-

momorphisms killinggis algebraic, and it is a proper subset because it does not containι◦pN for some largeN. Then, a Baire category argument in



that a generic choice ofρ∈


is faithful.

To apply this argument to G= Diff(R,0), one needs a good topology on Diff(R,0), and a good “irreducible variety”


Hom(Γ2,G)containingι◦pN, in which a Baire category argument can be used. This approach may seem diffi- cult because Hom(Γ2,G)is a priori far from being an irreducible analytic variety but, again, the Koenigs linearization theorem will provide the key ingredient.

First, we shall adapt an idea introduced by Leslie in [15] to define a useful group topology onDiff(R,0)(see Section 5). With this topology,Diff(R,0)is an increasing union of Baire spaces, which will be enough for our purpose. Denote byCont(R,0)⊂Diff(R,0)the set of elements f ∈Diff(R,0)with|f0(0)|<1;


Contstands for “contractions”. Consider the set


of representationsρ: Γ2→ Diff(R,0)withρ(a1)tangent to the identity, andρ(b1)∈Cont(R,0). Then, the key fact is that the map





is a continuous bijection. Indeed, the defining relation of Γ is equivalent to a1b1a−11 = [a2,b2]b1. Given (g1,f2,g2)∈Cont(R,0)×Diff(R,0)×Diff(R,0), the germsg1 and[f2,g2]g1have the same derivative at the origin and, from the Koenigs linearization theorem, there is a unique f1∈Diff(R,0) tangent to the identity solving the equation f1g1f1−1= [f2,g2]g1: by construction there is a unique morphism ρ: Γ2→Diff(R,0) that maps the ai to the fi, and the bi to thegi, and this representation satisfiesΨ(ρ) = (g1,f2,g2). With this bijectionΨ and the topology of Leslie, we can identify


with a union of Baire spaces, in which the Baire category argument applies.

1.4. Other fields. Letkbe a finite field withpelements. The groupDiff1(k,0), also known as the Nottingham group, is the group of power series tangent to the identity and with coefficients in the finite field k. It is a compact group containing a free group (see [22]). Thus, by [3], it contains a surface group.

Now, let pbe a prime number, and letQpbe the field of p-adic numbers.

Consider the subgroupDiff1(Zp,0)⊂Diff(Qp,0)of formal power series tan- gent to the identity and with coefficients inZp. First, note that all elements f ofDiff1(Zp,0)satisfy rad(f)≥1, so thatDiff1(Zp,0)acts faithfully as a group of (p-adic analytic) homeomorphisms on {z∈Zp ; |z|< 1}. So, in that re- spect, Diff1(Zp,0)is much better than the group of germs of diffeomorphisms Diff(C,0). Moreover, with the topology given by the product topology on the coefficientsan∈Zpof the power series, the groupDiff1(Zp,0)becomes a com- pact group. And this compact group contains a free group. By the result of [3]

described in Section 1.2, it contains a copy of the surface groupΓ2. So, we get a surface group acting faithfully as a group ofp-adic analytic homeomorphisms on{z∈Zp; |z|<1}. In Section 7 we give a third proof of Theorem A that starts with the case of p-adic coefficients.

1.5. Organisation. The article is split in four parts.


I.– Sections 2 to 4 give a first proof of Theorem A; Section 4 is the only place where we deal with non-orientable surfaces. We refer to Theo- rem B in Section 4.3 for a stronger result, in which the fieldRis replaced by any non-discrete, complete valued fieldk.

II.– Section 5 and 6 present our second proof, based on the construction of a group topology onDiff(C,0).

III.– Then, our p-adic proof is presented in Section 7.

IV.– Section 8 draws some consequences and list a few open problems, while the appendix shows how to construct free groups inDiff(C,0), orDiff(k,0) for any non-discrete and complete valued field.

Acknowledgement. Thanks to Yulij Ilyashenko, Frank Loray and Ludovic Mar- quis for several discussions on this subject, and to the participants of the sem- inars of Dijon, Moscou, Paris, and Toulouse during which the results of this paper where presented.


1. Introduction 1

2. Germs of diffeomorphisms and the Koenigs Linearization Theorem 5

3. Embedding orientable surface groups 7

4. Non-orientable surface groups 13

5. The final topology on germs of diffeomorphisms 18 6. A large irreducible component of the representation variety 27

7. A p-adic proof 31

8. Complements and open questions 34

9. Appendix: Free groups 37

References 40

– Part I. –



2.1. Formal diffeomorphisms. Let k be a field (of arbitrary characteristic).

Denote bykJzKthe ring of formal power series in one variable with coefficients


ink. For every integern≥0, letAn: kJzK→kdenote the n-th coefficient func- tion:

An: f =

anzn 7→ An(f) =an. (2.1)

Aformal diffeomorphismis a formal power series f ∈kJzKsuch thatA0(f) =0 andA1(f)6=0. The composition f◦gdetermines a group law on the set

Diff(k,d 0) ={f ∈kJzK|A0(f) =0 andA1(f)6=0} (2.2) of all formal diffeomorphisms.

For eachn≥1, there is a polynomialPn∈Z[A1,B1, . . . ,An,Bn]such that if f =

∑anznandg=∑bnznthen f◦g=∑n≥1Pn(a1,b1, . . . ,an,bn)zn. Similarly, there are polynomialsQn∈Z[A1, . . . ,An][A−11 ]such that f−1=∑n≥1Qn(a1, . . . ,an)zn if f =∑anzn; the polynomial function Qn is given by the following inversion formula:

1 an1


(−1)k1+k2+...·(n+1)· · ·(n−1+k1+k2+. . .) k1!k2!· · · ·

a2 a1

k1 a3 a1


· · ·

whereai=Ai(f)and the sum is over all sequences of integerskisuch that k1+2k2+3k3+· · ·=n−1.

We refer to [13] where this is proved for f and g tangent to the identity; the general case easily follows.

To encapsulate this kind of properties, we introduce the following definition.

Let mbe a positive integer. By definition, a function Q: Diff(k,d 0)m→k is a polynomial function with integer coefficients, if there is an integer n, and a polynomialq∈Z[A1,1,A2,1, . . . ,Am−1,n,Am,n][A−11,1, . . . ,A−1m,1]such that

Q(f1, . . . ,fm) =q(A1(f1), . . . ,An(fm)) (2.3) for allm-tuples(f1, . . . ,fm)∈Diff(k,d 0)m; we denote byZ[Diff(k,d 0)m]this ring of polynomial functions.

Let Fm = he1, . . . ,emi be the free group of rank m. To every word w =


1 . . .enik

k inFm, we associate theword mapw:Diff(k,d 0)m→Diff(k,d 0), (g1, . . . ,gm)7→w(g1, . . . ,gm)def= gni1

1 ◦. . .◦gnik

k. (2.4)

Since composition and inversion are polynomial functions onDiff(k,d 0), we get:


Lemma 2.1. Let w:Diff(k,d 0)m→Diff(k,d 0) be the word map given by some element of the free groupFm. For each n≥1, there is a polynomial function Qw,n∈Z[Diff(k,d 0)m]such that

An(w(g1, . . . ,gm)) =Qw,n(g1, . . . ,gm) for all g1, . . . ,gm∈Diff(k,d 0).

2.2. Diffeomorphisms and Koenigs linearization Theorem. Suppose now that k is endowed with an absolute value| · |: k→R+. Then kbecomes a metric space with the distance induced by| · |. We shall almost always assume that

• kis not discrete, equivalently there is an elementx∈kwith|x| 6=0,1;

• kis complete.

Letk{z}be the subring ofkJzKconsisting of power series f(z) =∑anznwhose radius of convergence rad(f)is positive (see Equation (1.1)). Whenkis com- plete, the series∑anznconverges uniformly in the closed diskDr={z∈k| |z| ≤ r}for everyr<rad(f). The group of germs of analytic diffeomorphisms is the intersectionDiff(k,0):=Diff(k,d 0)∩k{z}; it is a subgroup ofDiff(k,d 0).

A germ f ∈Diff(k,0) is hyperbolic if|A1(f)| 6=1. The following result is proved in [18, Chapter 8] and [11, Theorem 1, p. 423] (see also [20, Theorem 1] or [14]).

Theorem 2.2(Koenigs linearization theorem). Let(k,| · |)be a complete, non- discrete valued field. Let f ∈Diff(k,0)be a hyperbolic germ of diffeomorphism.

There is a unique germ of diffeomorphism h∈Diff(k,0) such that h(f(z)) = A1(f)·h(z)and A1(h) =1.


3.1. Abstract setting. Our strategy to construct embeddings of surface groups relies on the following simple remark. Let Γ be a countable group, and G be any group. Consider a non-empty topological space


, with a mapΦ:s∈



Φs∈Hom(Γ,G). Giveng∈Γ, set




|Φs(g) =1}.

Lemma 3.1. Assume that


has the following 3 properties:

(1) Baire:


is a Baire space;

(2) Separation:for every g6=1inΓ,Φs(g)6=1for some s∈



(3) Irreducibility:for every g∈Γ, either






gis closed with empty interior.


Then the set of s∈


such thatΦsis an injective homomorphism is a dense Gδ in


; in particular, it is non-empty.

Proof. For anyg∈Γ\ {1}, one has




by (2), so


gis closed with empty interior by (3). By the Baire property,




g) is a dense Gδ. But




g)is precisely the set ofs∈


such thatΦs is injective.

3.2. Baumslag Lemma. As explained in the introduction, it is proved in [1]

that the fundamental group of an orientable surface is fully-residually free. We need a precise version of this result; to obtain it, the main technical input is the Baumslag’s Lemma (see [19, Lemma 2.4]):

Lemma 3.2(Baumslag’s Lemma). Let n≥1be a positive integer. Let g0, . . ., gnbe elements ofFk, and let c1,. . ., cnbe elements ofFk\ {1}. Assume that for all1≤i≤n−1, g−1i cigidoes not commute with ci+1. Then for N large enough,

g0cN1g1cN2 . . .cNn−1gn−1cNngn6=1.

Sketch of proof (I). The groupPSL2(R)acts on the hyperbolic planeHby isome- tries, and contains a subgroupΓsuch that (0) Γis isomorphic toFk, (1) every elementg6=Id inΓis a loxodromic isometry ofH, and (2) two elementsgand hinΓ\ {Id}commute if and only if they have the same axis, if and only if they share a common fixed point on∂H. One can find such a group in any lattice of PSL2(R). To prove the lemma, we prove it inΓ.

Fix a base pointx∈H, denote byαiandωithe repulsive and attracting fixed points ofciin∂H, and consider the word


Formlarge enough, cm2g2 mapsx to a point which is near ω2. If g12) were equal toα1, thenc1 andg1c2g−11 would share the common fixed pointα1, and they would commute. Thus, g12)6=α1 and then g0cm10g1cm2g2 maps x to a point which is nearg01)ifm0is large enough. Thus, g0cN1g1cN2g2(x)6=xfor largeN. The proof is similar ifnis larger than 2.

Sketch of proof (II). We rephrase this proof, using the action ofFkon its bound- ary, because this boundary will also be used in the proof of Proposition 3.3.

Fix a basisa1, . . . ,ak ofFk, and denote by∂Fk the boundary ofFk. The ele- ments of∂Fk are represented by infinite reduced words in the generatorsai and their inverses. Ifgis an element ofFkandαis an element of∂Fkthe concatena- tiong·αis an element of∂Fk: this defines an action ofFk by homeomorphisms


on the Cantor set∂Fk. Ifgis a non-trivial, its action on∂Fkhas exactly two fixed points, given by the infinite wordsω(g) =g· · ·g· · · andα(g) =g−1· · ·g−1· · · (there are no simplifications if gis given by a reduced and cyclically reduced word). Then we get: (1) every elementg6=Id inFk has a north-south dynamics on∂Fk, every orbitgn·βconverging toω(g), except whenβ=α(g), and (2) two elementsgandhinFk\ {Id}commute if and only if they have the same fixed points, if and only if they share a common fixed point on ∂Fk. One can then repeat the previous proof with the action ofFkon its boundary.



α1 α2


¯ η1

¯ η2




a2= ¯η2α2η¯21 t1=η1η¯11


a1= ¯η1α1η¯1−1 a2=η2α2η21


FIGURE1. The fundamental groupΓ2.– Theαiare three loops, while theηj andηj are four paths. The figure is symmetric with respect to the plane cutting the surface along the loopsαi.

Write the surface of genus 2 as the union of two pairs of pants as in Figure 1, with respective fundamental groups

ha0,a1,a2|a0a1a2=1i and ha0,a1,a2|a0a1a2=1i. (3.1) This gives the presentation


*a0,a1,a2, a0,a1,a2,


a0a1a2=1, a0a1a2=1,

a0=a0, a1=t1−1a1t1, a2=t2−1a2t2 +

(3.2) which can be rewritten as

Γ2=ha0,a1,a2,t1,t2|a0a1a2=1, a0t1−1a1t1t2−1a2t2=1i. (3.3) Denote byp:Γ2→ha0,a1,a2i 'F2the morphism defined byp(ai) =ai, p(ai) = ai, andp(t1) =p(t2) =1. Letτ:Γ2→Γ2be the (left) Dehn twist along the three curvesa0, a1, anda2, i.e. the automorphism fixingai and sendingti toaitia−10 fori=1,2. Note the following facts:


• τsendsaitoa0aia−10 ; in particular, ifgis a word in theai, thenτN(g) = aN0ga−N0 ;

• p◦τN fixesaifor everyi=0, 1, 2, and

p◦τN(tj) =aNja−N0 (3.4) for j=1, 2.

Proposition 3.3. For every g∈Γ2\ {1}, there exists a positive integer n0 such that p◦τN(g)6=1for all N≥n0.

Proof. To uniformize notations, we definet0=1 so that for alli∈ {0,1,2}the relation tiaiti−1=ai holds, and τ mapsti to aitia−10 . Let A=ha0,a1,a2i and A=ha0,a1,a2i. Writegas a shortest possible word of the following form:


2 g2ti3. . .gn−1ti−1

n gn (3.5)

wherenis even,ik∈ {0,1,2}for allk≤n,gk∈Aforkeven,gk∈Aforkodd, and the exponent oftikis(−1)k+1(we allowgk=1). One easily checks thatgcan be written in this form because all generators can (for instancet1=1·t1·1·t0−1·1).

Ifk is such thatik =ik+1, thengk ∈ ha/ iki ifk is even (resp gk∈ ha/ ikiif k is odd) as otherwise, one could shorten the word using the relationtikaikti−1

k =aik. First claim.If k∈ {2, . . . ,n−2}is even, g−1k aikgk does not commute to aik+1. Ifik6=ik+1, this is becausegk∈A'F2and no pair ofA-conjugates ofaik and aik+1 commute. Ifik=ik+1, thengk∈ ha/ ikias we have just seen; sinceaikis not a proper power inA, this shows thatgk.(a+∞i

k )6=a+∞i

k in the boundary at infinity of the free groupA, sog−1k aikgkdoes not commute withaik, and the claim follows.

Similarly, using the fact thatgk∈Afor odd indices, we obtain:

Second claim. If k≤n−1is odd, g−1k aikgkdoes not commute to aik+1. We have τN(gk) =gk if k is even, andτN(gk) =aN0gka−N0 ifk is odd. After simplifications, one has

τN(g) =g0aNi


2 a−Ni

2 g2aNi

3ti3. . .gn−1ti−1

n a−Ni

n gn. (3.6) Forkodd, denote byg0k∈Fr the image ofgkunder p. Applying p, we thus get

p◦τN(g) =g0aNi1g01a−Ni

2 g2aNi3g03. . .g0n−1a−Ni

n gn, (3.7)

withg0i:=p(gi). Let us check that the hypotheses of the Baumslag Lemma 3.2 apply. For k even, the first claim shows that g−1k aikgk does not commute to


aik+1, as required. For k odd, we use that p is injective on A and that A con- tainsg−1k aikgkandaik+1, and we apply the second claim to deduce thatg0−1k aikg0k does not commute to aik+1. Applying Baumslag’s Lemma, we conclude that

p◦τN(g)6=1 forN large enough.

3.3. Embeddings of free groups. The group Diff(R,0) contains non-abelian free groups. This has been proved by arithmetic means [25, 10], by looking at the monodromy of generic polynomial planar vector fields [12], and by a dynamical argument [17]. We shall need the following precise version of that result.

Theorem 3.4. Let (k,| · |) be a complete non-discrete valued field. For every pair(λ12) ink, there exists a pair f1, f2∈Diff(k,0) that generates a free group and satisfies f10(0) =λ1and f20(0) =λ2.

This result is proved in [2, Proposition 4.3] for generic pairs of derivatives (λ12). We provide a proof of Theorem 3.4 in the Appendix, extending the argument of [17]. We refer to Section 7.1 below for other approaches.

3.4. Embedding orientable surface groups. We can now prove Theorem A for orientable surfaces:

Theorem 3.5. LetΓg be the fundamental group of a closed, orientable surface of genus g. Then, there exists an injective morphismΓg→Diff(R,0).

The groupΓ0 is trivial. The group Γ1 is isomorphic toZ2, hence it embeds in the group of homothetiesz7→λz, λ∈R+. If g≥2, then Γg embeds in Γ2. To see this, fix a surjective morphism Γ2→Z, and take the preimage Λ⊂Γ2 of the subgroup (g−1)Z⊂Z. Then, Λ is a normal subgroup of indexg−1 inΓ2, and it is the fundamental group of a closed surfaceΣ, given by a Galois cover of degreeg−1 of the surface of genus 2. Since the Euler characteristic is multiplicative, the genus ofΣsatisfies−2(g−1) =2−2g(Σ). Thus, g(Σ) =g andΛis isomorphic toΓg. Thus, we now restrict to the caseg=2.

By Theorem 3.4, we can fix an injective morphism

ρ0:F2=ha0,a1,a2|a0a1a2=1i→Diff(R,0) (3.8) such that the images f10(a1), f20(a2), and f00(a0) =f2−1f1−1satisfy f10(0) =λ1>1, f20(0) =λ2>1, f00(0) =λ0<1 (3.9)


for some real numbers λ1 and λ2 > 1 and λ0 = (λ1λ2)−1. In particular, f0, f1, and f2 are hyperbolic. For λ∈R, denote by mλ(z) =λz the correspond- ing homothety. For i∈ {0,1,2}, the Koenigs linearization theorem shows that fi is conjugate to the homothety mλi: there is a germ of diffeomorphism hi ∈ Diff(R,0) such that fi =hi◦mλi◦h−1i . Thus fi extends to the multiplicative flowϕi:R+→Diff(R,0)defined byϕsi =hi◦ms◦h−1i fors∈R+; by contruc- tion, ϕλii = fi and ϕsi commutes with fi for all s>0. We note that s7→ϕsi is polynomial in the sense that for allk∈N, s7→Aksi)is a polynomial function with real coefficients in the variablessands−1.



= (R+)3. As in Section 3.2, consider the presentation

Γ2=ha0,a1,a2,t1,t2|a0a1a2=1, a0t1−1a1t1t2−1a2t2=1i. (3.10) Givens= (s0,s1,s2)∈(R+)3, we define a morphismΦs2→Diff(R,0)by

Φs(ai) = fi fori∈ {0,1,2} (3.11) Φs(ti) =ϕsiiϕs00 fori∈ {1,2} (3.12) This provides a well defined homomorphism becauseϕicommutes with fi. As we shall see below, this morphismΦsis constructed to coincide withρ0◦p◦τN fors= (λN0N1N2)(see Equation (3.4)).

Remark 3.6. For every s∈


, the image of Φs contains f1 and f2, hence the free groupρ0(F2). This will be used in Section 4.3.

To conclude, we check that the three assumptions of Lemma 3.1 hold for this family of morphisms(Φs)s∈R.



is a Baire space.

To check the irreducibility property, considerg∈Γ2and assume that





this means that there exists a parameter s∈


and an index k≥ 1 such that Aks(g))6=Ak(Id). The maps= (s0,s1,s2)7→Aks(g))−Ak(Id)is a polyno- mial function in the variabless±10 ,s±11 , ands±12 that does not vanish identically on


, so its zero set is a closed subset with empty interior.

We now check that


has the separation property. As in Section 3.2, denote by p:Γ2→F2=ha0,a1,a2|a0a1a2=1i the morphism obtained by killingt1


andt2. For the parameters= (1,1,1),Φsis equal toρ0◦p. More generally, set- tingsN = (λN0N1N2)forN∈N, the morphismΦsN2→Diff(R,0)satisfies ΦsN(ai) = fi fori∈ {0,1,2} (3.13)

ΦsN(ti) =ϕu

N i

i ϕu

N 0

0 = fiNf0N fori∈ {1,2}. (3.14) This means that ΦsN0◦p◦τN where, as in Section 3.2, τ:Γ2→Γ2 is the Dehn twist along the three curves ai. By Proposition 3.3, for all g∈Γ2\ {1}

there existsN∈Nsuch thatp◦τN(g)6=1. Sinceρ0is injective, this implies that ΦsN(g)6=1 which shows that


has the separation property.


Theorem 4.1. Let Ngbe the fundamental group of a closed non-orientable sur- face of genus g≥4. There exists an injective morphism Ng→Diff(R,0).

Remark 4.2. The fundamental groupN3of the non-orientable surface of genus 3 is not fully residually free, and our methods do not apply to this group. (See [16], Proposition 9.)

4.1. Even genus. We first treat the case of an even genus g≥4. In this case, the groupNgembeds inN4. Indeed, the non-orientable surface of genus 4 is the connected sum of a torusR2/Z2 with two projective planes P2(R). Taking a cyclic cover of the torus of degreek, we get a surface homeomorphic to the con- nected sum ofR2/Z2with 2kcopies ofP2(R), hence a non-orientable surface of genus 2(k+1). Thus, it suffices to prove thatN4embeds inDiff(R,0).

The non-orientable surface of genus 4 is homeomorphic to the connected sum of 4 copies ofP2(R), and this gives the presentation (see Figure 2)

N4=ha1,a2,b1,b2|a21a22b22b21=1i. (4.1) Let p:N4→ha1,a2ibe the morphism fixing a1,a2 and sending b1 and b2 to a−11 anda−12 respectively. Let τ:N4→N4 be the Dehn twist around the curve γ= (a21a22)−1, i.e. the automorphism that fixesa1anda2 and sendsb1andb2 to γb1γ−1andγb2γ−1respectively.

Lemma 4.3. Given any g∈N4\ {1}, there exists n0∈Nsuch that for all N≥n0, p◦τN(g)6=1.

For the proof. The proof of this statement is completely analogous to the proof of [3, Corollary 2.2], using Baumslag Lemma, we leave it as an exercise to the

reader. See also [9, Proposition 4.13].



a1 a2




γ=b22b21= (a21a22)1 a21


FIGURE2. The fundamental groupN4.– The base point is represented by •, the 4 generators are a1, a2, b1, b2, and the curve γ is used to construct the Dehn twistτ.

Using Theorem 3.4, we fix two germs of diffeomorphisms f1and f2∈Diff(R,0) generating a free group and satisfying f10(0)>1 and f20(0)>1. We denote by

ρ0:F2=ha1,a2i→Diff(R,0) (4.2) the injective morphism sendingaito fifori∈ {1,2}. In particular,

ρ0(γ) = (f12◦ f22)−1 (4.3) is a hyperbolic germ: its derivativeλ= ((f12◦ f22)0(0))−1 is<1. The Koenigs linearization theorem gives an elementh∈Diff(R,0)such thatρ0(γ) =h◦mλ◦ h−1. Consider the multiplicative flow ϕ:R+→Diff(R,0) defined byϕs =g◦ ms◦g−1. As above, ϕλ = ρ0(γ), ϕs commutes with ρ0(γ) for all s>0, and s7→ϕs is a polynomial map: for all k∈N, s7→Aks) is a polynomial in the variablessands−1.



=R+. Given s∈R+, consider the morphism ρs :N4→ Diff(R,0) defined by

a17→ f1 a27→ f2

b17→ϕsf1−1ϕ−s b27→ϕsf2−1ϕ−s.

This gives a well defined homomorphism becauseϕscommutes with f12f22. We now check the three assumptions of Lemma 3.1. Clearly,


is a Baire

space. The irreducibility is a consequence of the fact that for anyg∈N4, and anyk∈Nthe maps7→Aks(g))is a polynomial function in the variabless±1. The separation property follows from Lemma 4.3 together with the fact that ρλN0◦p◦τN and thatρ0is injective.


4.2. Odd genus. We now treat the case of a non-orientable surface of odd genus g=2k+1,k≥2. One can writeN2k+1as (see Figure 3 below)

N2k+1=ha1, . . . ,ak,c,b1, . . . ,bk|a21. . .a2kc2b2k. . .b21=1i. (4.4) This group splits as a double amalgam of free groups

N2k+1=ha1, . . .aki ∗

a21...a2k−1hγ,ci ∗


hb1, . . . ,bki. (4.5) We shall use the following notation to refer to this amalgam structure:

• A1=ha1, . . .akiande1,2= (a21. . .a2k)−1;

• A2=hγ,ciande2,1=γande2,3=c−2γ=δ;

• A3=hb1, . . . ,bkiande3,2=b2k. . .b21.

So, each of theAi is a free group and the amalgamation is given bye1,2=e2,1 ande2,3=e3,2.

Define a morphism p: N2k+1→ha1, . . . ,aki 'Fk by

ai7→ai fori≤k c7→a−2k bi7→a−1i fori≤k−1 bk7→ak (the structure of almagam shows that pis well defined).

a1 a2 ak

b1 b2 bk

c γ

c2 δ=c2γ


a21 a2k


FIGURE 3. The fundamental groupN2k+1.

Lemma 4.4. The morphism p: N2k+1→Fk is injective in restriction to each of the three subgroups of the amalgam(4.5).


Proof. By construction, it is injective in restriction toha1, . . . ,akiand in restric- tion tohb1, . . . ,bki. Then, note that p(hγ,ci) =ha21. . .a2k,a−2k iis isomorphic to F2because it is a non-abelian subgroup of a free group. SinceF2is Hopfian, p

is necessarily injective in retriction tohγ,ci.

Considerδ=b2k· · ·b21=c−2γand note that p(δ) =a2ka−2k−1· · ·a−21 . Letτbe the Dehn twist corresponding to the decomposition above, i.e. the automorphism fixing ai, sending c to γcγ−1 and sending bi to (γδ)bi(γδ)−1. Since τ is the composition of the twists given byγandδand these two twists commute we get

τN(b) = (γNδN)b(γNδN)−1, ∀b∈A3.

In this situation, one can prove the following lemma in a similar way to Propo- sition 3.3.

Lemma 4.5. Given any g∈N2g+1\ {1}, there exists n0 ∈N such that for all N≥n0, p◦τN(g)6=1.

Proof. Writegas a word in the graph of groups, i.e.g=s0. . .sn withsk ∈Ark (we allowsk=1) for some rk ∈ {1,2,3}, withrk+1=rk±1, and r0=rn=1.

We take this word of minimal possible length among words satisfying these contraints. Ifkis such thatrk−1=rk+1, thensk∈ he/ rk,rk+1isince otherwise, one could shorten the word using the structure of amalgam (in particularsk 6=1 in this case). Now one easily checks that

τN(g) =s0d1ε1Ns1d2ε2Ns2· · ·dnεnNsn (4.6) wheredk=erk−1,rk∈ {γ,δ}, andεk=rk−rk−1∈ {±1}.

We claim thats−1k dkskdoes not commute withdk+1. Ifdk6=dk+1, this follows from the fact thatγcommutes with no conjugate ofδinA2=hc,δi. Ifdk=dk+1, thenrk−1=rk+1, sosk∈ he/ rk,rk+1i=hdki. If[s−1k dksk,dk] =1, thenskpreserves the axis ofdk in the Cayley graph of the free groupArk, sosk is a power ofdk, becausedk∈ {γ,δ}is not a proper power; this contradicts thatsk∈ hd/ ki.

Denote by sk, dk ∈Fr the images of sk, dk under p. Since pis injective on eachArk, s−1k dksk does not commute with sk+1, so the hypotheses of Baumslag Lemma apply to the word

p◦τN(g) =dε00Ns1dε11Ns2. . .dεn−1n−1NsndεnnN (4.7)

so p◦τN(g)6=1 forN large enough.


Now considerkelements f1, . . ., fk of Diff(R,0)generating a free group of rankkwith fi0(0)>1 for alli∈ {1, . . . ,k}, and fk0(0)< f10(0). Such a set can be obtained from two generatorsg1andg2of a free group of rank 2 withg0i(0)>1, as in Theorem 3.4, by taking fi=gi1◦g22◦g−i1 fori<kand fk=gk1◦g2◦g−k1 . Let ρ0:Fk=ha1, . . . ,aki→Diff(R,0)be the injective morphism sendingaito fifor i≤k. In particular,ρ0(γ) = (f12◦ · · · ◦fk2)−1andρ0(p(δ)) = fk2◦fk−1−2 ◦ · · · ◦f1−2 are hyperbolic. Using Koenigs linearization theorem as above, there exists two multiplicative flowsϕandψ:R+→Diff(R,0)and a pair of positive real numbers λandµsuch that (1)ϕλ0(γ)andψµ0(p(δ)), and (2)s7→ϕsands7→ψs are polynomial mappings.



= (R+)2and, for every(s,s0)∈


, define a morphismρs,s0:N2k+1→Diff(R,0) by

ai7→ fi fori≤k c7→ϕsfk−2ϕ−s bi7→ϕsψs


0)−1 fori≤k−1 bk7→ϕsψs


0)−1 (it is well defined because ϕs and ψs0 commute with ρ0(γ) = (f12◦ · · · ◦ fk2)−1 andρ0(p(δ)) = fk2◦fk−1−2 ◦ · · · ◦f1−2respectively).

The assumptions of Lemma 3.1 hold:


is a Baire space, and the irreducibil- ity follows from the fact that the mapss7→ϕsands07→ϕs0are polynomials in the variables s±1,s0±1. The separation property follows from Lemma 4.5 together with the fact thatρλNN0◦p◦τN, and thatρ0is injective.

4.3. Embeddings in Diff(k,0). The proofs just given provide the following statement.

Theorem B. Let(k,| · |)be a non-discrete and complete valued field.

(1) Let Γ be the fundamental group of a closed orientable surface, or a closed non-orientable surface of genus≥4. Then, there is an embedding ofΓintoDiff(k,0).

(2) Let F ⊂Diff(k,0) be a free group of rank2, generated by two germs f and g with|f0(0)|>1 and|g0(0)|>1. Then, there is an embedding ofΓ2, the fundamental group of a closed, orientable surface of genus2, intoDiff(k,0)whose image contains F.

Proof. For the first assertion, we just have to replaceR by k in the proofs of Theorem 3.5 and 4.1. The parameter space is


= (k)3ork or(k)2, and it

is a Baire space because(k,| · |)is complete.


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