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Dispersion interaction between the hydrogen atom and hydrogen like ions


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1980

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Dispersion interaction between the hydrogen atom and hydrogen like ions

F.N. Yousif, G.C. Shukla

To cite this version:

F.N. Yousif, G.C. Shukla. Dispersion interaction between the hydrogen atom and hydrogen like ions.

Journal de Physique, 1980, 41 (2), pp.101-107. �10.1051/jphys:01980004102010100�. �jpa-00209221�


Dispersion interaction between the hydrogen atom and hydrogen like ions

F. N. Yousif and G. C. Shukla

Department of Physics, Basrah University, Basrah, Iraq

(Reçu le 30 octobre 1978, révisé le 7 ’mai 1979, accepte le 23 juillet 1979)



Nous présentons le calcul des interactions de dispersion à deux corps entre les multipôles de l’atome

et l’ion hydrogène d’une part, et entre ceux des ions hydrogène d’autre part. Les polarisabilités dynamiques des multipôles sont déduites à l’aide de l’analogue variationnel de l’équation différentielle permettant de passer d’un modèle hydrodynamique à un modèle quantique. Les approximants de Padé sont également utilises pour déterminer cette polarisabilité dynamique à partir des coefficients de Cauchy du multipôle. Les coefficients de l’énergie de dispersion qui apparaissent dans le calcul des énergies d’interactions des systèmes H-He+, H-Li++, He+-He+, Li++-Li++ et He+-Li++ sont obtenus jusqu’au terme R-10.



The two-body dispersion interactions between the multipole of the hydrogen atom and the multipole

of the hydrogen like ions and between multipoles of two hydrogen like ions have been worked out. The frequency dependent multipole polarizabilities have been worked out by the variational analog to the differential equation

obtained from the hydrodynamic model analogy to quantum mechanics. Also, the [2, 1] Pade’ approximants

are used to construct the frequency dependent multipole polarizabilities from the multipole Cauchy’s coefficients.

The dispersion energy coefficients which appear in the expressions for the interaction energies of the H-He +, H-Li++, He+-He+, Li++-Li++ and He+-Li++ systems have been obtained up to the term R-10.

Classification Physics Abstracts


1. Introduction.


Recently [1] we formulated a

differential equation and its variational analog using

the hydrodynamic analogy to quantum mechanics in order to study the multipoles of the hydrogen atom.

The differential equation for the multipoles of the hydrogen atom was solved by using a Frobenius type solution [2] enabling us to compute Cauchy’s coeffi-

cients for the multipoles of atomic hydrogen. Further-

more we cosstructed Pade’ approximants for fre-

quency dependent multipole polarizabilities of the hydrogen atom to work out the dispersion energy between interacting hydrogen pair [3]. The extension of this differential equation to the hydrogen like ions (Z


2, 3,


etc. for He+, Li++... etc.) reads


For Z


1 it reduces to the hydrogen atom as dis-

cussed [1]. In present work we computed the Cauchy

moments for the multipoles of He + and Li + + by solving the above differential equation for Z



and 3 respectively in the identical manner used in our

earlier work [2]. We list the resulting Cauchy moments

for multipole polarizabilities aK and multipole shield- ing factors yK in table I and table II for He+ and Li+ + respectively. The variational equation of the hydrogen atom has already been solved by the

authors. The variational analog to the differential

equation for the hydrogen like ions is discussed in section 2. The dispersion energy between interacting pairs involving H, He+ and Li+ + is discussed in section 3. The work is concluded with a discussion

containing a comparison of present work with that of earlier works.

2. Variational equation and its solution for the

multipoles of the hydrogen like ions.


The variational

equation for the multipoles of the hydrogen like ions

is :

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01980004102010100



Table I.


Numerical values for Cauchy moments of multipole polarizabilities aK, multipole shielding factors 7K and calculated resonance frequencies for the He+ atom (in a.u.) for L = 1 to 6. The notation a + b represents

a x 10±b.



Table II.


Numerical values for Cauchy moments of multipole polari=abilities aK, multipole shielding ’/Úc!or.B "K, and calculated resonance frequencies for Li+ + atom (in a.u.) , for L


1 to 6. The notation a + b represents

a x 10:tb.



Note that the above equation follows from our earlier formulation for atomic hydrogen [1] with the diffe-

rence that the ground state wave function of the

hydrogen like ions is :

which for Z


2 and 3 refer to He+ and Li+ + res-


For solving the variational equ. (1), the choices for the arbitrary functions FL(R ) and GL(R ) are as

follows :



The above choices are determined from our previous

work for the multipoles of atomic hydrogen [1]. For

the static case (co


0) the GL(R) function vanishes [1] ;

so equ. (1) simplifies to :

This equation for static multipoles of the hydrogen

like ions results in convergence with the first two terms in FL(R) function. Retaining the first two terms of

the function FL(R), i.e.,

and substituting equ. (6) into equ. (5), we get

The same function is obtained from the differential

equation approach [2]. The expression for static mul-

tipoles for hydrogen like ions is :

For the dynamic multipole polarizabilities (w =1= 0),

the role of the GL(R ) function is significant. In solving

equ. (1) with FL(R ) as given by equ. (6) and taking the

first three terms in the function GL(R), i.e.,

we have achieved convergence in (J.,2L(W). The final expression for (J.,2L(W) is as follows :

Table III.


The values of rx2L(0), A 1, Bl, B2 and cor

(in atomic units) of the helium ion (He+) for various

values of L from case II. The notation a + b repre- sents a x 10::tb.

where a2L(o) is the static multipole polarizabilities, A 1, B, and B2 are constants.

The values of the static multipoles a2L(o), the the constants A 1, BI and B2 and the resonance frequen-

cies cor for L = 1 to 6 for He + and Li+ + are as in tables III and IV respectively.


Table IV.


The values of a2L(o), A 1, Bl, B2 and co,

(in a.u.) of lithium ion (Li+ +) for various values of L from case II. The notation a + b represents a x 10:f:b.

3. The dispersion energy between interacting pair

a and b is given by [4].

where the multipole-multipole dispersion interaction

C(La, Lb) between interacting pair a and b is :


and aa(iy) and ab(iy) refer to the respective frequency dependent multipole polarizabilities of systems a and b at an imaginary frequency co = iy.

Using the expression for the frequency dependent multipole polarizabilities for the hydrogen atom as

obtained earlier [5] and the frequency dependent multipole polarizabilities for He+ and Li+ + as listed

Table V.


The values of multipole-multipole dis- persion force coefficients C(La, Lb) (in a.u.) for He- He+, H-Li+ +, He+-He+, Li+ +-Li+ + and He+-Li+ +

for various values of La and Lb from the variational

approach. The notation a + b represents a x 10:tb.



in tables III and IV, the dispersion force coefficients for

H-He+, H-Li++, He+-He+, Li++-Li++ and He+- Li+ + interactions for L = 1 to 3 are obtained as

reported in table V. The following expressions for the dispersion energy between interacting pairs of H, He+ and Li++ result :


Note that a ± b in equs. (14) to (18) implies a x 1 O:t b.

The lower and the upper bounds of the multipole polarizabilities for the He+ and Li+ + using [2, 1] Pade’

approximants are calculated as in our earlier work [3]. The dispersion force coefficients C(L., Lb) for H-He+,

H-Li+ +, He+-He+, Li+ +-Li+ + and He+-Li+ + interactions, for L = 1 to 3 are tabulated along with the lower limit, the upper limit and the mean values of the dispersion force coefficients C(La, Lb) in table VI. The result-

ing dispersion energy expressions read :

Note that a + b in equs. (19) to (23) implies a x 1 O:t b.

Table VI.


The values of multipole-multipole dispersion force coefficients C(La, Lb) (in a.u.) for H-He+, H-Li+ +, He+-He+, Li + +-Li+ + and He+-Li+ + for various values of La and Lb in [2, 1 Pade’approximant. The superscript I, u and m stand respectively for the lower limit, upper limit and the mean value of C(La, Lb). The nota-

tion a + b represents a x l0 ±b.


Discussion. The comparison of values of C(La, Lb) for H-He+ with those of Bartolotti and

Tyrrel’s [8] are as in table VII. It should be stressed that Bartolotti and Tyrrel have also utilized the method of hydrodynamic model to quantum mecha-

nics to obtain C(La, Lb) for such an interacting pair.

However, we have achieved a different convergence value for the multipoles of the hydrogen and the helium-plus ion than obtained by them. This pre- sents two different estimates for C(La, Lb) of the

H-He+ pair from the same model. We have listed all the 26 Cauchy moments for the multipoles of the hydrogen like ions as these are needed to construct up to [13, 12] Pade’ approximants to work out the

oscillator strength of hydrogen like ions [9]. Also,

Table VII.


Comparison of the values for C(La, Lb) of the H-He+ pair ; La and Lb stand for multipoles of H and multipoles of He+ respectively. The nota-

tion a + b represents a x 10±b.

the work is in progress to work out induction effect for the present model [10].

References [1] SHUKLA, G. C. and BARBARO, M., Phys. Rev. 15A (1977) 23.

[2] YOUSIF, F. N., TONDON, V. K. and SHUKLA, G. C., Phys. Rev

17A (1978) 1269.

[3] YOUSIF, F. N. and SHUKLA, G. C., J. Chem. Phys. 70 (1979)


[4] DALGARNO, A., Adv. Phys. 2 (1962) 281.

[5] YOUSIF, F. N., M. Sci. Thesis, Basrah University (1978), unpublished.

[6] LANGHOFF, P. W. and KARPLUS, M., Application of Pade’

approximants to dispersion force and optical polarizability computations in the Pade’ Approximant in Theoretical

Physics, edited by Baker G. A. Jr. and Gammel J. L.

(Academic, New York) 1970.

[7] BETHE, H. A. and SALPETER, E. E., Quantum Mechanics of

one-two-electron atoms, page 9, equ. (2.13) (Springer- Verlag, Berlin) 1957; the multipole resonances occur for n = L + 1, n’ = 1.

[8] BARTOLOTTI, L. J. and TYRRELL, J., Chem. Phys. Lett. 39 (1976) 19.

[9] SULEMAN, F. I. and SHUKLA, G. C., to be submitted to J.


[10] SHUKLA, G. C. (under preparation).


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