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Zero-dimensional Gorenstein algebras with the action of the symmetric group


Academic year: 2022

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Zero-dimensional Gorenstein Algebras with the Action of the Symmetric Group


1. Introduction.

Suppose that A is a Gorenstein K-algebra with a strong Lefschetz element l2A. Put Lˆ l2End(A). Then it is possible to construct a degree 1 map D2End(A) such that fL;D;Hg is an sl(2)-triple, Hˆ[L;D], and the weight space decomposition coincides with the natural grading decomposition. This means that the eigenspaces ofHare precisely the homogeneous parts ofA. Suppose moreover that the symmetric group Sk acts onAas permutation of the variables and that the invariant linear formlˆx1‡x2‡ ‡xn is a strong Lefschetz element. Then, as is ob- vious, the vector space KerLis fixed, hence the spaces KerL\Aiare fixed by the action ofSk. Thus in such a case an irreducible decomposition ofA can be constructed by first decomposing the kernel of the multiplication map

(x1‡ ‡xk):A!A …1†

into irreducible spaces and then applying the map D repeatedly to the constituents of the decomposition of KerL. (Or equivalently, first decom- pose KerDand then applyL.)

An obvious example of an Artinian Gorenstein algebra in which lˆx1‡ ‡xk is a strong Lefschetz element is the equi-degree mono-

(*) Indirizzo dell'A.: Muroran Institute of Technology, Muroran 050-8585, Japan.

E-mail: morita@muroran-it.ac.jp

(**) Indirizzo dell'A.: Division of Comprehensive Education, Hokkaido Institute of Technology, Sapporo 006-8585, Japan.

E-mail: wachi@hit.ac.jp

(***) Indirizzo dell'A.: Department of Mathematics, Tokai University, Hiratsu- ka 259-1292, Japan.

E-mail: watanabe@sm.u-tokai.ac.jp


mial complete intersection

A(n;k)ˆK[x1; ;xk]=(xn1; ;xnk):

It is possible to identifyA(n;k) with the tensor space (Kn)k

as (GL(n)Sk)-modules. The purpose of this paper is to understand the strong Lefschetz property ofA(n;k) withla strong Lefschetz element in the context of the Schur-Weyl duality.

LetYT be the Young symmetrizer inK[Sk] corresponding to a Young tableauT. One might ask first what is the Hilbert series of


the maximal isotypic submodule ofA(n;k) corresponding to the shape ofT.

It turns out that it equals the q-analog of the Weyl dimension formula.

Since it does not seem to be well known and since we have been unable to find a good reference, we give a proof for it in section 6. This is stated in Proposition 27.

Proposition 27 is not a consequence of the strong Lefschetz property of A(n;k), but Corollary 36, which states that theq-analog of the Weyl di- mension formula is unimodal and symmetric, may be thought of as a consequence of the factlis a strong Lefschetz element.

Terasoma-Yamada [8] considered the coinvariant algebra ofSk, AˆK[x1; ;xk]=(e1; ;ek);


whereei is the elementary symmetric polynomial of degreei. Note that this is also a Gorenstein algebra with the action ofSk. They remark that the Hilbert series ofSkYT(A) is obtained as theq-analog of the hook-length formula. Thus our situation is similar to theirs, but it is not true that the Hilbert series of SkYT(A) is unimodal and symmetric. The algebra A above has the strong Lefschetz property, but no symmetric linear form is a strong Lefschetz element, which causes the difference.

In section 7, we consider the irreducible representation rl:GL(n)!GL(Wl)

of the general linear groupGL(n) on a finite dimensional vector spaceWl and show how the Jordan matrix with a single eigenvaluea,


is transformed byrl. This is done again by identifying the Artinian algebra


A(n;k) with the tensor space (Kn)k as (GL(n)Sk)-modules so that the Schur-Weyl duality applies to A(n;k). Here the consideration of the be- havior oflas a multiplication operator is indispensable. The two extremal cases ofA(n;k) treated in Sections 3 and 4 should be regarded as examples which show that our method is a new way to understand some classical results.

One other result of this paper is Theorem 22 in Section 5. We apply Theorem 19 to determine the minimal number of generators of the ideal

(x21; ;x2k):(x1‡ ‡xk)

in the polynomial ring. By analyzing Specht polynomials involving only square-free monomials, it is possible to determine a minimal generating set of the ideal.

The authors thank the referee very much for helpful comments and suggestions.

2. Preliminaries.

2.1 ±A list of notational conventions.

Here is a list of notation which we are going to fix throughout the paper.

Details follow the list.

K denotes an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0.

lˆ(k1;k2; ;kr)`kindicates thatlis a partition of a positive in- tegerk. The same notation is used to indicate a Young diagram of sizek. It is assumed thatk1k2 kr>0. The lengthroflis denoted byl(l).

IfJ2End(V) is nilpotent, we call the partitionl(J)ˆ(k1; ;kr) the conjugacy class of J, indicating the sizes of Jordan blocks in the Jordan decomposition ofJ.

A Young tableauTis a Young diagramlwith a numbering of boxes with integers 1;2; ;k. In this caselis the shape ofT.

YTdenotes the Young symmetrizer defined by the Young tableauT.

It is an element of the group algebraK[Sk].

Suppose thatTis a Young tableau andlis the shape ofT. IfV is an Sk-module, then Yl(V) denotes SkYT(V). Thus Yl(V) is the maximal submodule ofVconsisting of modules isomorphic to the Specht moduleVl. We may regard Yl( ) as a functor to extract the isotypic component be- longing tol.

DTdenotes the Specht polynomial defined by a Young tableauT.


2.2 ±The equi-degree monomial complete intersection as a tensor space.

LetRˆK[x1; ;xk] be the polynomial ring. The partial degree of a homogeneous polynomialf 2Ris the maximum degree offwith respect to a single variable. ByA(n;k) we denote the vector subspace ofRconsisting of polynomials of partial degree at most n 1. Let I be the ideal Iˆ(xn1; ;xnk) ofR. Then as vector spaces we have the decomposition


The vector spaceA(n;k) may be regarded as the tensor space (Kn)k. Since A(n;k)R=Ithe vector spaceA(n;k) has the structure of a commutative ring. PutAˆA(n;k). A basis ofAcan be the set of monomials of partial degree at most (n 1):

fxi11 xikkj0i1; ;ikn 1g An element ofAis expressed uniquely as

XF(i1;i2; ;ik)xi11xi22 xikk:

With the identificationA(Kn)kthe general linear groupGL(n) acts on the vector spaceAas the tensor representation. Let

F:GL(n)!GL(A) …3†

be the representation. Explicitly, ifgˆ(gab)2GL(n) then

F(g)(xj11 xjkk)ˆ Xn 1




Xn 1



! : …4†

Here the indicesa;bof the matrix entries forgˆ(gab)2GL(n) range over 0;1; ;n 1. At the same time the symmetric groupSkacts onAas the permutation of the variables.

We are interested in the decomposition ofAinto irreducibleSk-mod- ules. According to the Schur-Weyl duality it will give us an irreducible decomposition ofAas (GL(n)Sk)-modules.

2.3 ±Young tableaux andSpecht polynomials.

A partition of a positive integer kis a way to express kas a sum of positive integers. If we say thatlˆ(k1; ;kr) is a partition ofk, it means


that kˆk1‡ ‡krandk1 kr>0. A partition ofkis identified with a Young diagram of size kin a well known manner. Thus the same notationlˆ(k1; ;kr) denotes a Young diagram of sizeP

kiwith rows of kiboxes,iˆ1; ;r, aligned left. A Young tableauTis a Young diagraml whose boxes are numbered with integers 1; ;kin any order. In this case we say thatlis the shape ofT. A Young tableau is standard if every row and column is numbered increasingly.

A Young tableauTdefines a Specht polynomial, denotedDT, as follows:

PutIˆ f1;2; ;kgand

Ijˆ fa2Ija is in thejth column of Tg:




(xa xb);

and finally,



Dj; …5†

wherejruns over all columns.DTis the Specht polynomial defined by the Young tableauT.

2.4 ±Nilpotent matrices andJordan bases.

Let M(k) denote the set of kk matrices with entries in K. Let J2M(k) be a nilpotent matrix. Let

niˆrankJi rankJi‡1 foriˆ0;1; ;p;

wherepis the least integer such thatJp‡1ˆO. Thenbl:ˆ(n0;n1; ;np) is a partition ofk. We denote the dual partition ofblbyl(J). (cf. Definition 1 below.)

Now suppose thatTis a Young tableau of sizek. Using the numbering ofTdefine the matrixJˆ(aij)2M(k) by

aijˆ 1 if jis next to and on the right of iinT;

0 otherwise:

( …6†

It is easy to see that the matrixJis nilpotent andl(J) is the shape ofT.

We call any matrix defined as above for a Young tableau TaJordan ca- nonical form(of a nilpotent matrix).


Let V be a vector space of dimension k. If a basis of V is fixed, we may identify M(k) and End(V). Suppose that J2End(V) is nil- potent. A Jordan basis for J is a basis of V on which J is in a Jordan canonical form. (According to the definition of a Jordan basis just defined above, any permutation of basis elements of a Jordan basis is a Jordan basis.) Since K is algebraically closed, there exists a Jordan basis. Note that if two nilpotent elements J and J0 are conjugate, then l(J)ˆl(J0). We make a definition of the ``conjugacy class'' of a nilpotent endomorphism, with a slight abuse of language, as follows.

DEFINITION1. LetVbe ak-dimensional vector space overK. Suppose thatJ2End(V) is nilpotent. We say that a partition (k1; ;kr) ofkis the conjugacy classofJif the Jordan canonical form ofJconsists of the Jordan blocks of sizesk1; ;kr. We denote byl(J) the conjugacy class ofJ.

REMARK2. Note that the notationl(J) coincides with the previously definedl(J) for a nilpotent matrix. In fact, if we putniˆdim ImJi=ImJi‡1, then the sequenceblˆ(n0;n1; ;np) is a partition ofk. One sees easily that the dual partitionltoblis the conjugacy class ofJ.

LetJ2End(V) be nilpotent with the conjugacy classlˆl(J). Suppose thatBVis a Jordan basis forJ. Then it is possible to place the elements ofBinto the boxes of the Young diagraml(J) bijectively in such a way that it satisfies the following conditions:

e;e02Bande0ˆJe,e0is next to and on the right of e:

e2KerJ,eis at the end of a row.

( …7†

(cf. Equation (6).)

REMARK 3. As explained above, by choosing a bijection between the elements of a Jordan basis for J and the boxes of the Young diagram l(J), it is possible to identify a Jordan basis Bfor J and the Young diagram l(J). With this identification the rightmost boxes of l(J) form a basis for KerJ. Also the boxes of the first column of l(J) coincide with fb2Bjb62ImJg. Once l(J) is known, KerJ\B de- termines B. Similarly the diagram l(J) and the subset BnImJB determine B.


2.5 ±The strong Lefschetz property.

LetV ˆLc

iˆ0Vibe a finite dimensional graded vector space. The Hilbert series ofVis the mapi7!dimVi, which we usually write as the polynomial P( dimVi)qi. (For convention we let dimViˆ0 for i<0 ori>c.) Let J2End(V) be a map of degree one so J consists of the graded pieces JjVi:Vi!Vi‡1. ThenJis nilpotent. We say that J2End(V) is a strong Lefschetz elementif the restricted map

Jc 2ijVi:Vi!Vc i

is bijective for alliˆ0;1; ;[c=2]. (Such an endomorphism exists only if the Hilbert series ofV is symmetric and unimodal.)


iˆ0Ai be an Artinian graded K-algebra. De- note by:A!End(A) the regular representation ofA. (I.e.,a(b)ˆab for a;b2A.) We say thatA has the strong Lefschetz property, if there exists a linear form l2A such that l2End(A) is a strong Lefschetz element. We call such a linear forml2Aa strong Lefschetz element ofA as well asl2End(A).

PROPOSITION5. Suppose that AˆLc

iˆ0Aiis a graded Artinian K-algebra with a symmetric Hilbert seriesP

hiqi. Let l be a linear form of A. Thenl is a strong Lefschetz element if andonly ifl(l)is the dual partition to (h00;h01; ;h0c), which is a permutation of (h0;h1; ;hc) put in the de- creasing order.

PROOF. See [3] Proposition 18. p

PROPOSITION 6. With the same notation as above, suppose that J2End(A)is a strong Lefschetz element. Then any homogeneous basis of KerJ can be extended uniquely to a homogeneous Jordan basis for J.


hiqi be the Hilbert series of A. Since J is a strong Lefschetz element, we have

dim (KerJ\Ai)ˆ 0 if hihi‡1; hi hi‡1 if hi>hi‡1: (



Letsbe the greatest integer such thaths 1<hsand let miˆhi hi 1; foriˆ0;1;2; ;s:

Sincehiˆhc ifor 0ic, we may rewrite the equation (8) as dim (KerJ\Ac i)ˆ mi foriˆ0;1;2; ;s;

0 otherwise.


Now letBbe a homogeneous basis of KerJgiven arbitrarily. We have to find a basis ofAcontainingBon whichJis in the Jordan canonical form. Put Bc iˆB\Ac iforiˆ0;1; ;s. ThenBc iis a basis of KerJ\Ac i. Since the restricted mapJc 2i:Ai!Ac iis bijective, there is a finite setBiAi such that#Biˆmiand such thatJc 2i(Bi)ˆBc i. It is easy to show that the set

B:e ˆGs


fJj(Bi)jjˆ0;1;2; ;c 2ig

is linearly independent and hence is a basis ofA. It is easy to see thatBeis a desired basis. The uniqueness is obvious since the choice of the finite setBi

is unique foriˆ0;1; ;s: p

The following result is proved in [9] and plays an important role in this paper.

THEOREM7. Let AˆA(n;k)be the same as defined inSection 1. Then A has the strong Lefschetz property andx1‡x2‡ ‡xk is a strong Lef- schetz element of A.

3. A(n;2), the two fold tensor ofKn.

If kˆ2, then the Gorenstein algebra AˆK[x1; ;xk]=(xn1; ;xnk) takes the form


Write x;y for x1;x2. Recall that we identify AˆA(n;2) as a vector subspace ofRˆK[x;y] andRˆA(xn;yn). Denote by:A!End(A) the regular representation of the Artinian algebraA. Put Jˆ (x‡y).

Since J is a strong Lefschetz element, we may use Proposition 6 to construct a Jordan basis for J. First we would like to construct a homogeneous basis for KerJ.


The Hilbert series ofAis the following sequence.

degree 0 1 2 n 2 n 1 n 2n 3 2n 2

dim 1 2 3 n 1 n n 1 2 1

SinceJis a strong Lefschetz element,J:Ai!Ai‡1is either injective or surjective. Hence we have

dim(KerJ\Ai)ˆ 0; if i5n 1;

1; if n 1i2n 2:


Since dim(KerJ\Ai) is at most one, a homogeneous basis of KerJ is uniquely determined up to constant multiple. For dˆn 1;

n;n‡1; ;2n 2, put bdˆXd


( 1)jxd jyj; andbdˆbdmod (xn;yn):

Then sincebd(x‡y)ˆxd‡1yd‡1, we havebd2KerJfordn 1. Thus we have

KerJ\Adˆ hbdi for dˆn 1;n; ;2n 2:


BecauseJ is a strong Lefschetz element, there is an elementai2Aifor each in 1 such that J2n 2 2i(ai)ˆb2n 2 i. Note that Jj(ai) are all symmetric ifiis even and are alternating ifiis odd. Now we have proved the following.

THEOREM8. The set G

n 1


fJj(ai)jjˆ0;1;2; ;2n 2 2ig

is a homogeneous Jordan basis for J2End(A). The basis element Jj(ai)is symmetric if i is even and alternating if i is odd. The conjugacy class of J is given by

l(J)ˆ(2n 1;2n 3; ;3;1):

PROOF. The first part was treated more generally in Proposition 6. The second part follows immediately from the definition ofb2n 2 iandai. The

third statement follows from Proposition 5. p


Now we consider the representation F:GL(n)!GL(A)

as introduced in Section 2.2. (For the definition ofFsee (3) and (4).) Recall that the special linear group SL(2) has a unique irreducible module of dimensionifor eachi>0. We denote it byV(i 1). Fixn>0 and let

C:SL(2)!GL(n) …10†

be the irreducible representation corresponding to the moduleV(n 1).

We may considerAˆA(n;2) as anSL(2)-module via the composition SL(2)!C GL(n)!F GL(A):


PROPOSITION9. With the same notation above A decomposes into SL(2)- modules as

AV(2n 2)V(2n 4) V(0):

PROOF. Abbreviate rˆFC, so r:SL(2)!GL(A). The group homomorphismrinduces a Lie algebra homomorphism


It is well known that the irreducible decomposition ofris determined by that ofdr. Now recall that the Lie algebrasl(2) is the vector space spanned by three elementse;f;hwith the bracket relations

[e;f]ˆh;[h;e]ˆ2e;[h;f]ˆ 2f:

It is easy to see that to decomposeAinto irreduciblesl(2)-modules is to decomposedr(e) into Jordan blocks (cf. [9]). Notice thatdC(e) is nilpotent and may be considered as a single Jordan block by conjugation sinceCis irreducible. Consequentlydr(e)2gl(A) may be considered as the multi- plication map(x‡y) by definition ofranddr. Hence the assertion follows

from Theorem 8. p

REMARK10. The isomorphism in Proposition 9 is known as the Clebsch- Gordan decomposition of the tensor productV(n 1)V(n 1) assl(2)- modules. We may also regard it as a consequence of Pieri's formula as follows. Let rl denote the irreducible representation of GL(n) corre- sponding to a Young diagram l with l(l)n. Pieri's formula (e.g. [6, I


(5.16)]) applied to the character proves that rmr(r)M



where the sum is taken over all partitionslsuch thatl=mis a horizontalr- strip. Whennˆ2 andmˆ(r) and allrlare restricted toSL(2), it gives us the decompostion of Proposition 9 withrreplacingn 1.

With the same notation as above let WˆV(n 1)V(n 1). Let W ˆWsWa be the decomposition of W into the symmetric and alter- nating tensors respectively. (It is well known that the spacesWs andWa are irreducible GL(n)-modules, which we take for granted.) Via the re- presentation (10) the spacesWs andWaare also SL(2)-modules. The fol- lowing proposition shows how Ws and Wa decompose into irreducible SL(2)-modules.

PROPOSITION11. If n is even, then

Ws V|‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚{z‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚}(2n 2)V(2n 6) V(2)




WaV(2n|‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚{z‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚}4)V(2n 8) V(0)



If n is odd, then

Ws V|‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚{z‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚}(2n 2)V(2n 6) V(0)




WaV(2n|‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚{z‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚}4)V(2n 8) V(2)

(n 1)=2


PROOF. Identify WˆA(n;2). Then Ws is the space spanned by the symmetric polynomials inAandWathe alternating polynomials. Hence the assertion follows immediately from Theorem 8 and Proposition 9. p

REMARK12. LetrˆFCbe the composite SL(2)!C GL(n)!F GL(W)


as defined in (11). Letrˆrsrabe the decomposition corresponding to WˆWsWa. Lethˆdiag q 1;q

2SL(2). The plethysm formula (e.g.

[6, (I.8) Example 9)]) can be used to obtain the diagonal form for the ma- tricesrs(h) andra(h) and the Jordan decomposition for

dr 0 0

1 0


As is conceived, it gives us the same decomposition as Proposition 11. In particular, it provides us with another proof for the fact that x‡y is a strong Lefschetz element in the Artinian algebraR=(xn;yn).

4. A(2;k), thek-fold tensor ofK2.

Throughout this section we fixAˆA(2;k). SoAis the subspace of the polynomial ring K[x1; ;xk] spanned by square-free monomials. At the same timeAis endowed with the algebra structure with the identification:

AˆK[x1; ;xk]=(x21; ;x2k):

We putLˆ (x1‡x2‡ ‡xk) and Dˆ @

@x1‡ ‡ @


We think of L and D as operating on the polynomial ring Rˆ

ˆK[x1; ;xk]. Recall thatRˆAI, whereIˆ(x21; ;x2k). We denote by DjA the restricted mapDonA. Similarly by LjA we denote the map R=I!R=I induced by L. Thus LjA;DjA2End(A). Let H be the com- mutatorHˆ[LjA;DjA]. SoH2End(A).

PROPOSITION13. (a)hLjA;DjA;Hiis ansl(2)-triple.

(b)There exists a Jordan basis B for LjA such that BnIm (LjA) is a basis ofKer (DjA).

PROOF. (a) LetJ‡ˆ 0 0

1 0

;J ˆ 0

1 0 0

. Then the three elements hJ‡;J ;[J‡;J ]i, where [J‡;J ]ˆ 1

0 0


, is ansl(2)-triple. This proves the case kˆ1. Let E2 be the 22 identity matrix. Then one sees that, using square free monomials as a basis ofA, the mapLjAis represented by


the matrix



E2 E2


i 1

J‡E|‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚{z‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚}2 E2 k i

and similarlyDjAby Xk


E2 E2


i 1

J E|‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚{z‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚}2 E2 k i


We induct on k to show that the three matrices LjA;DjA, and H:ˆ[LjA;DjA] satisfy the required relations [H;LjA]ˆ2LjA, and [H;DjA]ˆ 2DjA.

(b) See Humphreys ([4] pp. 31-34). p

The following theorem enables us to construct a Jordan basis forLjA. THEOREM14. For iˆ0;1;2; ;[k=2], the vector space(KerD)\Aiis spannedby the Specht polynomial of degree i. The Specht polynomials arising from the standard Young tableaux form a basis of(KerD)\A.

Proof of Theorem 14 is postponed to the end of Proposition 18.

LEMMA15. KerDˆK[fxi xjj1i;jkg].

PROOF. Recall that RˆK[x1; ;xk] and KerDˆ ff 2RjDf ˆ0g.

Since KerDis a subalgebra ofR, we have

KerDK[fxi xjj1i;jkg]:

The right hand side is isomorphic to the polynomial ring in (k 1) variables.

Noticing that Dis surjective of degree 1, it is easily verified that they

coincide by comparing the Hilbert series. p

LEMMA16. Put V ˆ(KerD)\A. Then dimViˆMax k


k i 1



where ViˆV\Ai.

PROOF. First note that the Hilbert series ofAis given byP k i qi.


The graded vector spaceAhas the strong Lefschetz property withLjA a strong Lefschetz element. By Proposition 13, the mapsDjAand LjA are alike except that DjA is a degree 1 map. ThusDjA:Ai!Ai 1 is either injective or surjective. Thus the assertion follows. p LEMMA17. Let T be a Young tableau with the shapel. Suppose thatl has size k. LetDTbe the Specht polynomial defined by T.

(1) DTˆ1()lhas one row.

(2) DT2A andDT6ˆ1()lhas two rows.

(3) Suppose thatDT2A. Then the degree ofDTis equal to the sec- ondterm ofl.

(4) DT2Ker [DjA:A!A]\Ai if lˆ(k i;i).

PROOF. (1), (2) and (3) are immediate from the definition of DT. (4)

follows from Lemma 15. p

We need one more proposition to prove Theorem 14.

PROPOSITION18. Suppose thatlˆ(k i;i)is a Young diagram.

(a) The number of standard Young tableaux of shape l is k


k i 1


(b) The set of Specht polynomials defined by the standard Young tableaux of a fixedshapelis linearly independent.

PROOF. (a) Suppose thatTis a standard Young tableau. If the boxkis removed fromTit is a Standard Young tableau of sizek 1. Thus the in- duction works. (Details are left to the reader.) (b) Suppose thatTis stan- dard. Then one notices easily that the head term ofDT in the reverse lex- icographic monomial order is the product of monomials in the second row.

Thus the proof is complete. p

PROOF OFTHEOREM14. Immediate by Lemmas 15, 16, 17 and Propo-

sition 18. p

Now our main theorem of this section is stated as follows.

THEOREM19. Let JˆLjAandVdˆ(KerDjA)\Ad. Put hˆ[k=2], and miˆ k


k i 1

for iˆ0;1;. . .;h.


(1) The conjugacy classl(J)of J is given by


(k|‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚{z‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚}‡1; ;k‡1


;k|‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚{z‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚}1; ;k 1


;k|‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚{z‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚}3; ;k 3


; ;1;|‚‚‚‚{z‚‚‚‚} ;1


); if k is even;

(k|‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚{z‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚}‡1; ;k‡1


;k|‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚{z‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚}1; ;k 1


;k|‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚{z‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚}3; ;k 3


; ;2;|‚‚‚‚{z‚‚‚‚} ;2


); if k is odd:






(2) For0dh, and0ik 2d, the vector space Ji(Vd)

is an irreducible Sk-module of isomorphism typelˆ(k d;d).

(3) For any Specht polynomialDT2Vd, the vector space hDT;J(DT);J2(DT) ;Jk 2d(DT)i

is an irreducible GL(2)-module of isomorphism typelˆ(k d;d).

(4) An irreducible decomposition of A as Sk-modules is given by AˆMh



k 2d



! :

In particular the irreducible Sk-module of type lˆ(k d;d)occurs (k‡1 2d)times, andthe irreducible GL(2)-module of type(k d;d) occurs mdtimes.

PROOF. (1) See Proposition 5. (2) In Lemma 17 and Proposition 18 we showed that the spaceVdis spanned by the Specht polynomials defined by the standard Young tableau of shape (k d;d). It is well known that this is irreducible. (Cf. [8].) Alsoli(Vd) is isomorphic toVdunless it is trivial be- causex1‡ ‡xkisSk-invariant. (3) Letrbe the composition

SL(2)!C GL(2)!F GL(A);

where C is the natural injection and Fis the tensor representation. To decomposeAinto irreducibleGL(2)-modules is the same as to decompose it as SL(2)-modules. This is obtained by decomposing the Lie algebra re- presentation:


Now the assertion follows from Lemma 13. (4) Clear from (1), (2) and (3).



EXAMPLE 20. Let kˆ4. Let lˆ (x1‡x2‡x3‡x4)2End(A(2;4)).

We exhibit the Jordan basis ofl. The Hilbert series ofAis (1; 4; 6; 4; 1).

The derived sequence is (1; 3; 2).

1. The Specht polynomial of degree 0 is 1.

2. The Specht polynomials of degree 1 (corresponding to the standard Young tableau with shape lˆ(3;1)) are a:ˆx1 x2;b:ˆx1 x3 andc:ˆx1 x4.

3. The Specht polynomials of degree 2 (corresponding to the standard Young tableau with shape lˆ(2;2)) are f :ˆ(x1 x2)(x3 x4) andg:ˆ(x1 x3)(x2 x4).

The bases for the irreducible decomposition of AˆA(2;4) as GL(2)- modules are:

1. h1;l;l2;l3;l4i

3. ha;la;l2aiandhb;lb;l2biandhc;lc;l2ci 3. hfiand hgi

We have 24ˆ51‡33‡12. When li is expanded, all terms which contain a square of a variable should be regarded zero. With this conventionliis equal to theith elementary symmetric polynomial multi- plied byi!.

5. Application to the theory of Gorenstein rings.

Put AˆR=(x21; ;x2k) and lˆx1‡x2‡ ‡xk 2A. Using the notation of Proposition 13, we have lˆLjA. Since we have obtained a Jordan basis for DjA:A!A, it gives us a basis for 0:l as well as for Ker [D:A!A]. (cf. Proposition 13.) However, it does not necessarily a minimal ideal basis for 0:l. In this section we would like to exhibit a minimal basis of the ideal 0:l. Denote by ( )?:A!Athe ``Hodge dual'' ofA.

Namely, define

M? ˆ(x1 xk)=M

for a monomialM2A. By linearity this is extended to define the dual map A!A. The following lemma is easy to see, and proof is omitted.

LEMMA21. Letlˆ(r;s)be a Young diagram, with r‡sˆk, andletD be a Specht polynomial of shapel. Then for any integer i,1ik,


(1) @

@xiDis either0or a Specht polynomial of shape(r‡1;s 1).

(2) @



ˆxi(F?)for any F2A:



@x1‡ ‡ @




ˆ(x1‡ ‡xk)(F?)for any F2A:

In the next theoremDT denotes the Specht polynomial defined by the Young tableau of some shapel.

THEOREM22. In the polynomial ring R, put Iˆ(x21; ;x2k):(x1‡ ‡xk):

Then the minimal number of generators of the ideal I is k‡ k


k h‡1


Here h is such that hˆk=2or hˆ(k‡1)=2according as k is even or odd.

If k is even, then

Iˆ(x21; ;x2k)‡ fD?Tjshape(T)ˆ(h;h)gR;

and if k is odd,

Iˆ(x21; ;x2k)‡ fD?Tjshape(T)ˆ(h;h 1)gR:

(If k is even, it is the same if?is dropped.)

PROOF. It is enough to prove the second part. Put V ˆ

ˆKer [D:A!A], and letVibe the homogeneous part of degreeiso that we have the decompositionVˆL

Vi. First notice that


@x1Vi‡ ‡ @

@xkViˆVi 1 …12†

by Lemma 21 (1). This is equivalent to

x1Vi?‡ ‡xkVi?ˆVi?1 …13†

by Lemma 21 (2). We have already proved that the vector space V is spanned by the Specht polynomials. Hence by Lemma 21 (3), we have that 0:lis spanned byD?Tfor variousT. The above equality (13) shows that 0:l

is, as an ideal, generated byVh?. p


COROLLARY23. Let AˆK[x1; ;xk]=(x21; ;x2k), andlet l be the linear element lˆx1‡ ‡xkof A. Then the minimal number of generators of the ideal(0:l)is

k h

k h‡1


Here h is as inTheorem 22.

PROOF. Immediate by Theorem 22. p

THEOREM24. As before let AˆR=(x21; ;x2k), andlet y2A be a gen- eral linear form of A. Then the Macaulay type of A=(y)is the hth Catalan number 1

h‡1 2h

h . Here h is as inTheorem 22. Equivalently if we put Iˆ(x21; ;x2k;Y), where Y is a general linear form of the polynomial ring andif we write a minimal free resolution of R=I as

0!Fk!Fk 1! !F1!R!R=I!0;

then we haverank Fkˆ 1 h‡1

2h h .

PROOF. The Macaulay type ofA=(y) is equal to the minimal number of generators of 0:y. It is well known that this is also equal to the last rank of the minimal free resolution of 0:y. Now it suffices to notice that

k h

k h‡1

ˆ 1 h‡1

2h h ;

wherehˆk=2 or (k‡1)=2 as in Theorem 22. p

6. The Hilbert series of the ring of invariants ofA(n;k).

In this section we letAˆK[x1; ;xk]=(xn1; ;xnk) wherenandkare arbitrary positive integers. Let G:ˆSk act onA by permutation of the variables. In the next theorem we would like to exhibit the ring of in- variantsAGand the Hilbert series ofAG.


AGˆK[e1; ;ek]=(pn;pn‡1; ;pn‡k 1):


Here edis the elementary symmetric polynomial of degree d and pdis the power sum pdˆxd1‡ ‡xdk. Hence the Hilbert series of AGis:

hAG(q)ˆ(1 qn)(1 qn‡1) (1 qn‡k 1) (1 q1)(1 q2) (1 qk) PROOF. Consider the exact sequence

0!(xn1; ;xnk)!R!A!0:

Since chKˆ0, we have the exact sequence

0!(xn1; ;xnk)G!RG!AG!0:

Note that RGˆK[e1; ;ek]. The socle degree of A is nk k, and Ank kˆ h(ek)n 1i. Sinceenk 1is fixed under the action ofG, this shows that the maximum degree of elements ofAGisnk k.

Put A0ˆRG=(pn;pn‡1; ;pn‡k 1). Obviously we have a natural sur- jection:

A0!AG!0 …14†

which we would like to prove to be an isomorphism. First note that the rational series in the statement of this theorem is the Hilbert series ofA0. (This can be obtained using the factRGˆK[e1;e2; ;ek].) This shows that A0andAGhave the same socle degree, which is equal tonk k. SinceA0is an Artinian Gorenstein ring, the one dimensional vector space of the maximum degree is the unique minimal ideal of the ring A0. This shows that the map (14) cannot have a non-trivial kernel. This completes the

proof. p

REMARK26. 1. Since limq!1

(1 qn)(1 qn‡1) (1 qn‡k 1)

(1 q1)(1 q2) (1 qk) ˆ n‡k 1 k

; we have dimAGˆhAG(1)ˆ n‡k 1


. This is expected sinceAGis the irreducible GL(n)-module corresponding to the trivial l, which is the symmetric tensor space.

2. One may conceive that the Hilbert series of Yl(A) where Yl is a Young symmetrizer corresponding to lˆ(k1; ;kr)`k should be ob- tained as a q-analog of the dimension formula of the irreducibleGL(n)- module in the decomposition of (Kn)k. This can be proved using the q-


dimension formula ([5] Proposition 10.10). We indicate an outline of proof in the next proposition.

Recall that we have the isomorphismA(n;k)(Kn)kas vector spaces.

The symmetric groupSkacts onA(n;k) as permutations of variables. Also the general linear group GL(n) acts on A(n;k) as the tensor repre- sentation. Recall that Yl(A(n;k))ˆSkYT(A(n;k)), where the map YT:A(n;k)!A(n;k) is a Young symmetrizer with shapel`k with at most n parts. It is well known that Yl(A(n;k)) is an irreducible


… †-module and every irreducible GL(n)-module is obtained as an irreducible component ofYl(A(n;k)) for somel. (For details see, e.g., [2] pp. 336-339.)

PROPOSITION27. Forlˆ(k1;. . .;kr)`k with rn, the Hilbert series of the module Yl(A(n;k))as a graded subspace of A(n;k)is

hYl(A(n;k))(q)ˆqn(l) Y


[ki kj‡j i]

[j i] : Here n(l):ˆP

j1(j 1)kj,[a]denotes1 qa

1 q for any positive integer a, and kjˆ0for j>r.

Before we give a proof we review theq-dimension formula [5, § 10.9,

§ 10.10] forGL(n). LetWbe a finite dimensional irreducibleGL(n)-module with highest weightl, andW ˆL

m Wmits weight space decomposition. The q-dimension ofW is defined by

dimqW ˆ X

m:weight ofW

( dimWm)qhl m;di; …15†

whereh;idenotes the standard inner product onRn, anddis ``the half sum of the positive roots'' defined by (n 1;n 3;. . .; n‡1)=22Rn. Note that the exponent hl m;diis the number of the simple roots oc- curring inl m, sinceha;di ˆ1 for any simple roota.

Theq-dimension formula [5, Proposition 10.10] says dimqWˆ Y


[ki kj‡j i]

[j i] ; …16†

where W is a finite dimensional irreducible GL(n)-module with highest weightlˆ(k1;. . .;kn).


PROOF OF PROPOSITION 27. - Let GL(n) act on the n-dimensional K-vector space K[x]=(xn) through the vector representation with the basis 1;x;x2;. . .;xn 1. Then xj 1 is a weight vector with weight

ejˆ(0;. . .;1;. . .;0) (only jth entry is 1). Therefore the weight of a

weight vector decreases by a single simple root (like ej ej‡1), as its degree increases by one. This principle holds also for A(n;k), since A(n;k)ˆK[x1;. . .;xk]=(xn1;. . .;xnk) is isomorphic to the tensor product K[x1]=(xn1)K KK[xk]=(xnk) as GL(n)-modules. In particular, the homogeneous polynomial with the least degree in Yl(A(n;k))A(n;k) is the highest weight vector.

It follows from the principle above and the note after (15) that the Hilbert series and the q-dimension of Yl(A(n;k)) differ only by a power of q. Notice that the q-dimension dimqYl(A(n;k)) starts with q0 followed by higher terms, while the Hilbert series hYl(A(n;k))(q) starts with qd, where d is the degree of the monomial of the highest weight vector. Therefore it suffices to show that the degree of a monomial with weight lˆ(k1;. . .;kr)`k (rn) is equal to n(l).

Since the weight of 1 ise1ˆ(1;0;. . .;0) in theGL(n)-moduleK[x]=(xn), the weight of 1 inA(n;k)'(K[x]=(xn))kiske1ˆ(k;0;. . .;0). The degree of a monomial with weightlis

hke1 l;di ˆ h(k k1; k2; k3;. . .; kr);di

ˆ k2‡2k3‡ ‡(r 1)kr:

We thus have proved the assertion. p

7. The multiplicative group of the Artinian algebras.

We need the following proposition from commutative algebra. Very important to us is the corollary that follows, which says that the generic form of degreedhas the largest rank among all elements of orderd. The proof for the case where M is principal is given in [10, Proposition A in Appendix]. Since the proof goes verbatim, we omit the proof.

PROPOSITION28. Let(R;m)be an Artinian local ring with residue field K andM a finite R-module. Let m1; ;msbe arbitrary elements ofm, and let lˆx1m1‡x2m2‡ ‡xsms with xi2R. Let X1; ;Xs be in- determinates over R, let QˆR[X1; ;Xs]be the polynomial ring andlet



where Y ˆX1m1‡ ‡Xsms. Let U be the set of non-zero-divisors of Q andletabe the ideal(X1 x1; ;Xs xs)Q. Then we have

lengthQU(MeU)lengthQ=a(Me QQ=a):


Furthermore, there exists a radical idealbK[X1;. . .;Xs]such that the inequality(17)is the equality if andonly if the ideal(X1 x1;. . .;Xs xs) does not containb.(xidenotes the image of xiin K.)

COROLLARY29. Suppose that AˆLc

iˆ0Aiis a standard graded K-alge- bra, where K is an infinite field. Let MˆLb

iˆaMi be a finite graded A- module. Letmbe the maximal ideal of A. Let d be any positive integer.

Then the minimal value


where y ranges overmd, is attainedby a homogeneous element y of degree d. If M has the strong Lefschetz property, and if z2A1is a strong Lefschetz element for M, then we have


or equivalently, the rank of the linear mapzd:M!M is greater than or equal to the rank ofy:M!M for any y2md.

PROOF. Since mdˆL

jdAj and since md=md‡1Ad, any represen- tative of aK-basis ofmd=md‡1is a minimal generating set of the idealmd and vice versa. Thus the first part is a direct consequence of Proposition 28.

(We apply the proposition by lettingm1; ;ms be a set of minimal gen- erating set of md.) To see the second part suppose that y2md is any homogeneous element. The linear mapy:M!Mdecomposes into the sum of piece-wise linear maps y:Mi!Mi‡d. Hence the rank of the linear mapy:M!Mdoes not exceed

Xb d




(Here we have setMb‡iˆ0 fori>0.) Now ifzis a strong Lefschetz ele- ment and ifyˆzd, then the rank ofy:M!Mis equal to the integer given in (18) above. In fact the linear map zd:Mi!Mi‡d is either in- jective or surjective as is easily deduced from the definition. Thus we have shown that the rank of the linear mapzd:M!Mis greater than or equal


to the rank ofy0:M!Mfor anyy02md. This is equivalent to the second

assertion of the corollary. p

Let AˆLc

iˆ0Aibe an Artinian standard gradedK-algebra. We denote by A the multiplicative group ofA. Obviously it is an Abelian algebraic group with the underlying algebraic set

(a0;a1; ;ac)2AˆM

Aijai2Ai;a06ˆ0 : We may regard it as an algebraic subgroup ofGL(A).

EXAMPLE30. LetAˆK[x]=(xn). Thenf 2Ainduces an automorph- ismf :A!A. If we write

f ˆa0‡a1x‡a2x2‡ ‡an 1xn 1; thenf is represented by the matrix

a0 a1 a2 an 2 an 1

a0 a1 an 2

a0 an 3

... .. . ...

.. . ...

ao 0



This way we regard the groupAas the algebraic subgroup ofGL(n). p LetV be ann-dimensional vector space and let


be the tensor representation. Now letV ˆK[x]=(xn) be as in Example 30 above and letAˆA(n;k)ˆK[x1; ;xk]=(xn1; ;xnk). Define the map

F0:V!A by

f(x)7!f(x1)f(x2) f(xk):

Then it is easy to see thatF0is a group homomorphism. As described above we may identifyVas a subgroup ofGL(V) andAa subgroup ofGL(Vk).

Note thatF0is nothing but the restriction ofF. In other words we have the commutative diagram:



where the vertical maps are natural inclusions.

ByJ(a;n) we denote thennmatrix

It is an elementary fact that if a matrixMhas a single eigenvaluea, thenM decomposes into a direct sum of such blocks as follows:

This is known as the Jordan canonical form of M. We denote this matrix by

J(a;n1) J(a;nr):


iˆaVi be a graded K-vector space with the Hilbert series




where we assume that Va6ˆ0andVb6ˆ0. Suppose that h(q)is symmetric andunimodal. Then thedual Hilbert seriesof V, or of h(q), is defined to be the descending sequence of positive integers

u1;u2; ;us which satisfy

h(q)ˆ 1 1 q



q(a‡b‡1 ui)=2 q(a‡b‡1‡ui)=2 : …20†


REMARK32. With the same notation as above, the Hilbert seriesh(q) of V gives a partition of the positive integer dimV. In fact dimV ˆ

ˆha‡ha‡1‡ ‡hb. (If one prefers, the summands may be arranged in the increasing or decreasing order.) The dual Hilbert series of V is nothing but the dual partition of the Hilbert series. For example if h(q)ˆqa‡3qa‡1‡6qa‡2‡7qa‡3‡6qa‡4‡3qa‡5‡qa‡6, then the dual Hilbert series of V is 7;5;5;3;3;3;1, independent of the shift bya.

Now we may state the main theorems of this section.

THEOREM33. LetF:GL(n)!GL((Kn)k)be the tensor representation of the general linear group GL(n). Let MˆJ(a;n). Then akis the unique eigenvalue ofF(M)andthe Jordan canonical form ofF(M)is given by

J(ak;u1) J(ak;ur);

where u1; ;ur is the dual Hilbert series of the polynomial h(q)ˆ

ˆ(1‡q‡ ‡qn 1)k.

PROOF. Put AˆA(n;k)ˆK[x1; ;xk]=(xn1; ;xnk). Then, since (1‡ ‡qn 1)kis the Hilbert series ofA, it suffices to prove that (1)akis the unique eigenvalue of F(M) and (2) F(M) ak has the same Jordan canonical form as that of a strong Lefschetz element ofA. (See Proposition 6.) PutV ˆK[x]=(xn). We have the commutative diagram (19) as shown above. With the natural embedding V!GL(n) the element a‡x corresponds to the matrix J(a;n). Thus F0(a‡x)ˆF(M). Now put l0ˆF0(a‡x) ak. Then we have

l0ˆ(a‡x1) (a‡xk) akˆak 1(x1‡ ‡xk)‡polynomial inxi of degree2:

Putlˆx1‡ ‡xk. Then we have 1

ak 1l0


li modmi‡1; iˆ1;2; :

Thus by Proposition 28 we have that the rank of (l0i) is equal to the rank of (li) for alli1. This shows thatF0(a x) akandlhave the same Jordan canonical

form. Now the proof is complete. p

THEOREM34. Letl`k with at most n parts andlet Wlbe an irreducible GL(n)-module corresponding to l. Denote by fl:GL(n)!GL(Wl) the corresponding irreducible representation of GL(n). Put

A(n;k)ˆK[x1; ;xk]=(xn1; ;xnk):


Suppose that the sequence (f|‚‚‚‚‚{z‚‚‚‚‚}1; ;f1


;f|‚‚‚‚‚{z‚‚‚‚‚}2; ;f2 m2

; ;f|‚‚‚‚‚{z‚‚‚‚‚}s; ;fs ms


is the dual Hilbert series of Yl(A(k;n)). Then the Jordan canonical form of fl(J(a;n))is given by

J(ak;f1) J(ak;f1)



J(a|‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚{z‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚}k;f2) J(ak;f2)


J(a|‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚{z‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚}k;fs) J(ak;fs)



where m is the number of the standard Young tableaux of shapel.

Before proving this theorem, we collect some basic facts in a lemma.

LEMMA35. Put AˆA(n;k)ˆK[x1; ;xk]=(xn1; ;xnk). Letl`k and let T be a standard Young tableau with shapel. We identify A with(Kn)k. Then

(1) Yl(A)A is an irreducible GL(n)… Sk†-module.

(2) The number of times that the irreducible GL(n)-module Wl occurs in Yl(A)is equal to the dimension of the irreducible Sk-module that occurs in Yl(A).

(3) Suppose that W Yl(A)is an irreducible GL(n)-module. Let m be the dimension of any irreducible Sk-module that occurs in Yl(A). Then hYl(A)(q)ˆmhW(q).

(4) Let lˆx1‡ ‡xk. Then l is a strong Lefschetz element for Yl(A). Hence the endomorphisml2End(Yl(A))decomposes as

J(0;u1) J(0;ur);

where u1; ;uris the dual Hilbert series of Yl(A).

PROOF. (1) and (2) are immediate from the Schur-Weyl duality. Let WYl(A) be an irreducible GL(n)-module and letT1; ;Tm be all the standard Young tableaux with shapel. Then we have

Yl(A)ˆSkWˆYT1W YTmW:

Thus (3) follows. We prove (4). WriteLfor the linear mapl2End(A). Let D2End(A) be the degree 1 map such thatD;L;[D;L] is ansl(2)-triple.

We note thatDis compatible with the action ofSkas well asL. LetZbe any homogeneous basis for 0:l. Then the set S

i0Di(Z) is the Jordan basis forL, and the subsetYl(A)\ S


is a Jordan basis ofLjYl(A). This shows

(4). (cf. Proposition 7.) p


PROOF OFTHEOREM34. - We use the notation of the lemma above. It is well known thatWlappears as a submodule of (Kn)k. First recall that the dimension of an irreducibleSk-module inYl(A) is equal to the number of the standard Young tableaux of shape l. To prove the assertion of the theorem it suffices to show that (1)F0(a‡x) restricted on the submodule Yl(A) has the unique eigenvalueakand (2)l0:ˆF0(a‡x) akdecomposes into Jordan blocks in the same way as the multiplicationl2End(Yl(A)) decomposes into Jordan blocks. (It should be noticed beforehand that lYl(A)Yl(A) andl0WlWl, which is easy to see.) By (4) of the lemma above,lˆx1‡ ‡xkis a strong Lefschetz element forYl(A). Hence the

proof is complete. p

COROLLARY36. The graded vector space Yl(A)has a unimodal sym- metric Hilbert series for anyl`k.

PROOF. The assertion is an immediate consequence of the fact that l2Ais a strong Lefschetz element forYl(A). (cf. [5, Exercise 10.12].) p


[1] W. FULTON,Young Tableaux, London Mathematical Society Student Text 35, Cambridge University Press, 1997.

[2] R. GOODMAN - N. R. WALLACH, Representations andInvariants of the Classical Groups, Cambridge University Press, 1998.

[3] T. HARIMA- J. WATANABE,The finite free extension of an Artinian K-algebra with the strong Lefschetz property, Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova,110(2003), pp. 119-146.

[4] J. E. HUMPHREYS,Introduction to Lie Algebras and Representation Theory, Springer-Verlag, 1972.

[5] V. G. KAC, Infinite-dimensional Lie algebras, third ed., Cambridge Uni- versity Press, Cambridge, 1990.

[6] I. G. MACDONALD, Symmetric functions andHall Polynomials, 2nd ed., Oxford Science Publications, London, 1995.

[7] T. MAENO, Lefschetz property, Schur-Weyl duality and a q-deformation of Specht polynomial, Comm. Algebra,35(2007), pp. 1307-1321.

[8] T. TERASOMA- H. -F. YAMADA,Higher Specht polynomials for the symmetric group, Proc. Japan Acad.,69(1993), pp. 41-44.

[9] J. WATANABE,The Dilworth number of Artinian rings andfinite posets with rank function, Adv. Stud. Pure Math.,11(1987), pp. 303-312.

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[11] H. WEYL, Classical groups, their invariants andrepresentations, 2nd Edition, Princeton, 1946.

Manoscritto pervenuto in redazione il 20 giugno 2007.



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