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The Dixmier-Moeglin equivalence and a Gel'fand-Kirillov problem for Poisson polynomial algebras


Academic year: 2022

Partager "The Dixmier-Moeglin equivalence and a Gel'fand-Kirillov problem for Poisson polynomial algebras"


Texte intégral




Publié avec le concours du Centre national de la recherche scientifique


Tome 139 Fascicule 1 2011

pages 1-39




K. R. Goodearl & S. Launois



by K. R. Goodearl& S. Launois

Abstract. — The structure of Poisson polynomial algebras of the type obtained as semiclassical limits of quantized coordinate rings is investigated. Sufficient conditions for a rational Poisson action of a torus on such an algebra to leave only finitely many Poisson prime ideals invariant are obtained. Combined with previous work of the first-named author, this establishes the Poisson Dixmier-Moeglin equivalence for large classes of Poisson polynomial rings, including semiclassical limits of quantum matrices, quantum symplectic and euclidean spaces, quantum symmetric and antisymmetric matrices. For a similarly large class of Poisson polynomial rings, it is proved that the quotient field of the algebra (respectively, of any Poisson prime factor ring) is a rational function fieldF(x1, . . . , xn)over the base field (respectively, over an extension field of the base field) with{xi, xj}=λijxixjfor suitable scalarsλij, thus establishing a quadratic Poisson version of the Gel’fand-Kirillov problem. Finally, partial solutions to the isomorphism problem for Poisson fields of the type just mentioned are obtained.

Texte reçu le 12 juin 2007, révisé le 17 décembre 2009, accepté le 14 janvier 2010 K. R. Goodearl, Department of Mathematics, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106, USA E-mail :goodearl@math.ucsb.edu

S. Launois, School of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science, University of Kent at Canterbury, CT2 7NF, UK E-mail :S.Launois@kent.ac.uk

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. — 17B63.

Key words and phrases. — Poisson polynomial algebras, Dixmier-Moeglin equivalence, Gel’fand-Kirillov problem.

This research was partially supported by Leverhulme Research Interchange Grant F/00158/X (UK), that of the first-named author by a grant from the National Science Foundation (USA), and that of the second-named author by a Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship held at the University of Edinburgh within the 6thEuropean Community Framework Programme and by a Marie Curie Reintegration Grant within the 7thEuropean Community Framework Programme.


©Société Mathématique de France


Résumé(L’équivalence de Dixmier-Moeglin et un analogue du problème de Gel’fand- Kirillov pour certaines algèbres de Poisson polynômiales)

Nous étudions la structure de certaines algèbres de Poisson polynômiales obte- nues comme limites semi-classiques de certaines déformations quantiques d’anneaux de fonctions régulières. Lorsqu’un tore agit rationnellement sur une telle algèbre de Poisson, nous donnons une condition suffisante pour que cette algèbre n’ait qu’un nombre fini d’idéaux premiers de Poisson invariants sous cette action. Ce résultat, combiné à des résultats antérieurs de K.R. Goodearl, permet d’établir l’équivalence de Dixmier-Moeglin pour une large classe d’algèbres de Poisson polynômiales incluant les limites semi-classiques des matrices quantiques, des espaces Euclidiens and symplec- tiques quantiques, des matrices symétriques et antisymétriques quantiques. De plus, nous démontrons que le corps des fractions de ces algèbres (respectivement, de leurs quotients premiers de Poisson) est un corps de fractions rationnelles F(x1, . . . , xn) sur le corps de base (respectivement, sur une certaine extension du corps de base) dont la structure de Poisson est de la forme{xi, xj}=λijxixjpour certains scalaires λijconvenablement choisis. Ce résultat est un analogue quadratique du problème de Gel’fand-Kirillov pour la structure de Poisson de ces corps. Finallement, nous présen- tons des résultat partiels quant à la classification de tels corps de fractions à isomor- phisme (de Poisson) près.

0. Introduction

Many properties of the noncommutative algebras appearing in the world of quantum groups are known, or are conjectured to be, reflected in parallel properties of the Poisson algebras that arise as their semiclassical limits. The present work targets two fundamental properties – the Dixmier-Moeglin equiv- alence and the quantum Gel’fand-Kirillov conjecture – and establishes Poisson versions of them for large classes of Poisson algebras of the type appearing as semiclassical limits of quantized coordinate rings. More detail follows.

Fix a base fieldkof characteristic zero throughout. All algebras are assumed to be over k, and all relevant maps (automorphisms, derivations, etc.) are assumed to bek-linear.

0.1. Poisson algebras. — Recall that a Poisson algebra (over k) is a commu- tative k-algebra A equipped with a Lie bracket {−,−} which is a derivation (for the associative multiplication) in each variable. We investigate (iterated) Poisson polynomial algebras overk, that is, polynomial algebrask[x1, . . . , xn] equipped with Poisson brackets such that

�xi, k[x1, . . . , xi1]�

⊆k[x1, . . . , xi1]xi+k[x1, . . . , xi1]

for i = 2, . . . , n (see §1.1 for more detail on the conditions satisfied by such a bracket). Many such Poisson algebras are semiclassical limits of quantum algebras, and these provide our motivation and focus (see Section 2). The



Kirillov-Kostant-Souriau Poisson structure on the symmetric algebra of a finite dimensional Lie algebra g can be put in the form of a Poisson polynomial algebra whengis completely solvable. This also holds for the basic example of a Poisson-Weyl algebra, namely a polynomial algebra k[x1, . . . , xn, y1, . . . , yn] equipped with the Poisson bracket such that

{xi, xj}={yi, yj}= 0 {xi, yj}=δij

(1) for alli,j.

0.2. The Dixmier-Moeglin equivalence. — LetAbe a noetherian algebra over a fieldk(here positive characteristic is allowed). As a first approximation to the (usually complicated) representation theory of A, Dixmier raised the question of classifying the primitive ideals ofA, that is, the annihilators of simple (left) modules overA. In general, one expects to characterize the primitive ideals ofA among its prime ideals either topologically or algebraically as follows. A prime idealP ofA islocally closed providedP is a locally closed point of the prime spectrum specA, and P is rational if the center of the Goldie quotient ring FractA/P is algebraic overk. One says that the Dixmier-Moeglin equivalence holds inAprovided the sets of primitive ideals, locally closed prime ideals, and rational prime ideals coincide. This equivalence was first proved by Dixmier [7] and Moeglin [22] for enveloping algebras of finite dimensional complex Lie algebras, and then extended to arbitrary base fields of characteristic zero by Irving and Small [16]. For quantized coordinate rings of semisimple groups, it follows from work of Hodges, Levasseur, Joseph, and Toro [12, 13,14, 17,18]

(see [10, §2.4] for details). It was established for large classes of other quantized coordinate rings, including the ones of interest in the present work, by Letzter and the first-named author [10] (see also [2, Chapter II.8]).

0.3. The Poisson Dixmier-Moeglin equivalence. — LetA be a Poisson algebra.

APoisson ideal ofAis any idealI such that{A, I} ⊆I, and aPoisson prime ideal is any prime ideal which is also a Poisson ideal. The set of Poisson prime ideals inAforms thePoisson prime spectrum, denotedP.specA, which is given the relative Zariski topology inherited fromspecA. Given an arbitrary idealJ ofA, there is a largest Poisson ideal contained inJ, called thePoisson coreofJ.

ThePoisson-primitiveideals ofAare the Poisson cores of the maximal ideals.

(One thinks of the Poisson core of an ideal in a Poisson algebra as analogous to the bound of a left ideal L in a noncommutative algebra B, that is, the largest two-sided ideal of B contained in L.) The Poisson-primitive ideals in the coordinate ring of a complex affine Poisson varietyV are the defining ideals of the Zariski closures of the symplectic leaves in V [3, Lemma 3.5], and they are the key to Brown and Gordon’s concept of symplectic cores [3, §3.3].


ThePoisson center ofAis the subalgebra

Zp(A) ={z∈A| {z,−} ≡0}.

For any Poisson prime idealPofA, there is an induced Poisson bracket onA/P, which extends uniquely to the quotient field FractA/P (e.g., [21, Proposition 1.7]). We say thatP isPoisson rational if the fieldZp(FractA/P)is algebraic overk.

By analogy with the Dixmier-Moeglin equivalence, we say thatAsatisfies the Poisson Dixmier-Moeglin equivalence(e.g., [27, pp. 7,8]) provided the following sets coincide:

1. The set of Poisson-primitive ideals inA;

2. The set of locally closed points inP.specA;

3. the set of Poisson rational Poisson prime ideals ofA.

If A is an affine (i.e., finitely generated) k-algebra, then(2) ⊆(1) ⊆(3) [27, Propositions 1.7, 1.10], so the main difficulty is whether(3)⊆(2). No examples are known of affine Poisson algebras for which the Poisson Dixmier-Moeglin equivalence fails.

We obtain this equivalence for Poisson polynomial algebras via the main re- sult of [8], which established it for Poisson algebras with suitable torus actions, as follows.

0.4. Torus actions. — Suppose that H is a group acting on a Poisson algebra AbyPoisson automorphisms (i.e.,k-algebra automorphisms that preserve the Poisson bracket). For eachH-stable Poisson primeJ ofA, set

P.specJA={P ∈P.specA| �


h(P) =J},

the H-stratum of P.specA corresponding to J. These H-strata partition P.specAas J runs through theH-stable Poisson primes of A.

Now assume thatH = (k×)r is an algebraic torus overk. In this case, the action of H on A is called rational provided A is generated (as a k-algebra) by H-eigenvectors whose eigenvalues are rational characters of A. (See §1.2 for the general definition of a rational action of an algebraic group, and [2, Theorem II.2.7] for the equivalence with the above condition in the case of a torus.) In this situation, the Poisson Dixmier-Moeglin equivalence holds when the number ofH-stable Poisson prime ideals inAis finite. More precisely, the following result was proved in [8].

Theorem 0.1. — [8, Theorem 4.3] Let A be an affine Poisson algebra and H = (k×)r an algebraic torus acting rationally on A by Poisson automor- phisms. Assume thatA has only finitely many H-stable Poisson prime ideals.



Then the Poisson Dixmier-Moeglin equivalence holds inA, and the Poisson primitive ideals are precisely those Poisson primes maximal in their H-strata.

Most of the examples that we will consider in this paper will support a useful rational torus action by Poisson automorphisms. In view of the above theorem, all we will need to establish the Poisson Dixmier-Moeglin equivalence is that the number ofH-stable Poisson prime ideals is finite in these examples. In the first section, we establish a criterion for a Poisson algebra endowed with a rational torus action to have only finitely manyH-stable Poisson primes. This criterion applies in particular to semiclassical limits of many quantized coordinate rings, as summarized in the next theorem. The Poisson Dixmier-Moeglin equivalence was already known in some of these cases due to work of Oh [27, 28] and the first-named author [8]. However, in the present text, we give a uniform proof and get new examples of Poisson algebras for which this equivalence holds.

Theorem 0.2. — Let the Poisson algebra A be a semiclassical limit of quan- tum affine spaces, quantum matrices, quantum symplectic or euclidean spaces, quantum symmetric or antisymmetric matrices, equipped with the natural (“standard”) rational Poisson action of an algebraic torus H, as detailed in Section 2.

Then there are only finitely manyH-stable Poisson prime ideals inA, and, consequently, the Poisson Dixmier-Moeglin equivalence holds in A.

0.5. The quantum Gel’fand-Kirillov problem. — The original Gel’fand-Kirillov problem asked whether the quotient division ring of the enveloping algebra of a finite dimensional algebraic Lie algebra over kis isomorphic to a Weyl skew field over a purely transcendental extension K ofk, i.e., the quotient division ring of a Weyl algebra over K.

Quantum versions of the Gel’fand-Kirillov problem have been studied by a number of authors (e.g., see [2, pp. 230-231] for a summary). These in- volve quotient division rings of quantized Weyl algebras, which turn out to be isomorphic to quotient division rings ofquantum affine spaces


q(kn) =k�x1, . . . , xn|xixj =qijxjxi for alli, j�

for multiplicatively antisymmetric matrices q = (qij) ∈ Mn(k×). Thus, one asks whether the quotient division ring of a quantized algebra A, or of any prime factor of A, must be isomorphic toFract


q(Kn)for suitableK, q,n.


0.6. Poisson Gel’fand-Kirillov problems. — Vergne raised the Poisson version of the Gel’fand Kirillov question for the Kirillov-Kostant-Souriau Poisson struc- ture on the symmetric algebra of a Lie algebra g, namely whether the quo- tient field of S(g) is isomorphic (as a Poisson algebra) to the quotient field of a Poisson-Weyl algebra [36, Introduction], and answered this positively for nilpotent g[36, Théorème 4.1]. We shall use the term Poisson-Weyl field for the quotient field of a Poisson-Weyl algebra, that is, for a rational function field K(x1, . . . , xn, y1, . . . , yn)equipped with the (unique)K-linear Poisson bracket satisfying (1). Vergne’s result was extended to algebraic solvable Lie algebras g, and to Poisson prime factors ofS(g)for suchg, by Tauvel and Yu [34, Corol- laire 11.8]. We also mention that Kostant and Wallach showed that a Galois extension of the quotient field of


(Mn(C)), with a natural Poisson structure, is a Poisson-Weyl field [20, Theorem 5.24].

The above form of a Poisson Gel’fand-Kirillov problem is not appropriate for the algebras we consider. In fact, as we prove in Corollary 5.3, the quo- tient field of a semiclassical limit of a typical quantum algebra can never be isomorphic to a Poisson-Weyl field. A suitable version is suggested by looking at semiclassical limits of quantum affine spaces, which are Poisson polynomial ringsk[x1, . . . , xn]with Poisson brackets satisfying

(2) {xi, xj}=λijxixj

for alli,j, whereλ= (λij)is an antisymmetricn×nmatrix overk(see §2.2). It will be convenient to denote this Poisson polynomial algebra bykλ[x1, . . . , xn], the corresponding Poisson Laurent polynomial ring by kλ[x±11 , . . . , x±1n ], and the corresponding Poisson field bykλ(x1, . . . , xn). In all three cases, the Poisson bracket is uniquely determined by (2), for instance because Poisson brackets extend uniquely to localizations [21, Proposition 1.7]. In the present situation, however, the extensions are easier to establish, since we can give them by the formula

(3) {f, g}=

n i,j=1

λijxixj ∂f





For semiclassical limits of quantum algebras, a natural version of the Gel’fand-Kirillov problem is thus to ask whether the quotient field is isomor- phic to a Poisson field of the form kλ(x1, . . . , xn), or at leastKλ(x1, . . . , xn) whereK is an extension field ofk. We establish the former for large classes of Poisson polynomial algebras, and the latter for Poisson prime factors of these algebras, in particular obtaining the theorem below.



In the last section of the paper, we introduce some invariants for Poisson fields, with which we show thatkλ(x1, . . . , xn)is never isomorphic to a Poisson- Weyl field, and with which we can separate isomorphism classes of the Poisson fields kλ(x1, . . . , xn)in many cases.

Theorem 0.3. — Let the Poisson algebra A be a semiclassical limit of quan- tum affine spaces, quantum matrices, quantum symplectic or euclidean spaces, quantum symmetric or antisymmetric matrices, and letP be any Poisson prime ideal of A. Then there exist a field extension K ⊇ k and an antisymmetric matrix µ ∈ Mm(k), for some m, such that FractA/P ∼=Kµ(y1, . . . , ym) (as Poisson algebras). In caseP = 0, we haveK=kandm= tr.degkA.

1. A finiteness theorem for torus-stable Poisson primes

In this section, we prove our finiteness theorem for the number of Poisson prime ideals stable under a suitable torus action on an iterated Poisson poly- nomial algebra. We begin by recalling the concept of a Poisson polynomial algebra as introduced by Oh [28].

1.1. Poisson polynomial algebras. — Let B be a Poisson algebra. A Poisson derivation onBis a (k-linear) mapαonBwhich is a derivation with respect to both the multiplication and the Poisson bracket, that is,α(ab) =α(a)b+aα(b) andα({a, b}) ={α(a), b}+{a, α(b)}fora, b∈B. Suppose thatδis a derivation onB such that

(4) δ({a, b}) ={δ(a), b}+{a, δ(b)}+α(a)δ(b)−δ(a)α(b)

fora, b∈B. By [28, Theorem 1.1] (after replacing ourBandαwithAand−α), the Poisson structure onB extends uniquely to a Poisson algebra structure on the polynomial ringA=B[x]such that

(5) {x, b}=α(b)x+δ(b)

forb∈B. We writeA=B[x;α, δ]p to denote this situation, and we refer toA as aPoisson polynomial algebra.

The Poisson structure onAextends uniquely to the Laurent polynomial ring B[x±1], and is again determined byαandδ. Hence, we writeB[x±1;α, δ]p for the ring B[x±1] equipped with this structure, and we refer to it as aPoisson Laurent polynomial algebra.

In either of the above cases, we omitδfrom the notation if it is zero, that is, we write B[x;α]p andB[x±1;α]p forB[x;α,0]p andB[x±1;α,0]p respectively.

We will also need the converse part of [28, Theorem 1.1]: if a polynomial ringA=B[x]supports a Poisson bracket such thatB is a Poisson subalgebra and{x, B} ⊆Bx+B, thenA=B[x;α, δ]p for suitableαandδ.


Lemma 1.1. — Let A=B[x±1;α]p be a Poisson Laurent polynomial algebra, and assume that α extends to a derivation α� on A such that α(x) =� sx for some nonzero s∈k. Then every α�-stable Poisson prime of Ais induced from a Poisson prime of B.

Proof. — LetP be an α-stable Poisson prime of� A, and note thatP∩B is a Poisson prime ofB. Then(P∩B)[x±1]is anα-stable Poisson prime of� A, and we may pass toA/(P∩B)[x±1]. Thus, without loss of generality, P∩B = 0, and we must show that P = 0.

IfP �= 0, thenP∩B[x]�= 0. Choose a nonzero polynomialp∈P∩B[x] of minimal degree, sayp=bnxn+bn1xn1+· · ·+b1x+b0 with thebi ∈B and bn�= 0. Note that n >0, becauseP∩B= 0. NowP contains the polynomial

α(p)− {x, p}x1=nsbnxn+ (n−1)sbn1xn1+· · ·+sb1x, and hence also the polynomial


α(p)− {x, p}x1

=sbn1xn1+· · ·+ (n−1)sb1x+nsb0. The latter must vanish, due to the minimality of n, and so bi = 0for i < n.

But then bnxn = p ∈ P and so bn ∈ P, contradicting the assumption that P∩B= 0. ThereforeP= 0, as required.

Proposition 1.2. — Let A = B[x;α, δ]p be a Poisson polynomial algebra, and assume that α extends to a derivation α� on A such that α(x) =� sx for some nonzero s∈ k. For each Poisson prime Q of B, there are at most two α-stable Poisson primes of� A that contract toQ.

Proof. — Assume there exists anα-stable Poisson prime� P inAthat contracts to Q. For b ∈ Q, we have {x, b} ∈P and α(b) = α(b)� ∈ P, whence δ(b) = {x, b} −α(b)x ∈ P, and so α(b), δ(b) ∈ Q. It follows that {x, Q[x]} ⊆ Q[x], from which we see thatQ[x]is anα-stable Poisson prime of� A. Hence, we may pass toA/Q[x]and then localizeB/Qto its quotient field. Thus, without loss of generality, B is a field, and we must show that Ahas at most two α�-stable Poisson primes.

Assume there exists a nonzero α�-stable Poisson prime P in A. Let n be the minimum degree of nonzero elements ofP, and choose a monic polynomial p∈ P of degree n, say p=xn+bn1xn−1+· · ·+b1x+b0 with thebi ∈B.

NowP contains the polynomial

α(p)−nsp= [α(bn1)−sbn1]xn−1+· · ·+ [α(b1)−(n−1)sb1]x+ [α(b0)−nsb0],



which must be zero by the minimality ofn, and so α(bn−1) =sbn−1. For any b∈B, the following polynomial lies inP:

{p, b} −nα(b)p=�

nδ(b) +{bn−1, b}+ (n−1)bn−1α(b)−nα(b)bn−1� xn1 +�lower terms�

. This polynomial must be zero, and so nδ(b) +{bn1, b}=α(b)bn1. Thus, the elementd:=n1bn−1∈Bsatisfiesα(d) =sdand{d, b}=α(b)d−δ(b)forb∈B.

Set y := x+d. Then A is a Poisson polynomial algebra of the form A = B[y;α]p. Further,α(y) =� sy, and so Lemma1.1implies that the onlyα-stable� Poisson prime ofB[y±1;α]pis zero. Therefore, the onlyα-stable Poisson primes� ofA are�0�and�y�.

Our finiteness theorem parallels a corresponding finiteness result of Letzter and the first author [10, Theorem 4.7], which applies to torus actions on iterated skew polynomial algebras. A key hypothesis in the latter theorem is that the automorphisms involved in the skew polynomial structure must be restrictions of elements of the acting torus. In the Poisson case, the corresponding ingre- dients are Poisson derivations, and the relevant hypothesis relates these to the differential of the torus action. We next recall the key facts about differentials of actions.

1.2. The differential of a group action. — LetA be a k-algebra andG an alge- braic group over k, with Lie algebrag. Letα:G→Autk-alg(A)be a rational action of G on a k-algebra A by k-algebra automorphisms. Thus, A is a di- rected union of finite dimensionalG-stable subspacesVi such that the induced maps αi : G→GL(Vi) are morphisms of algebraic groups. In this situation, the following hold:

1. The differentialsdαi :g→gl(Vi)are compatible with inclusionsVi⊆Vj, and they induce an actiondα:g→Derk(A).

2. IfGis connected, theG-stable subspaces ofAcoincide with theg-stable subspaces.

That thedαi are compatible with inclusions Vi ⊆Vj is a routine check, as in [33, Proposition 23.4.17]. One thus obtains a linear actiondα:g→Endk(A), called thedifferential of theG-action. Statement (2) is proved in [33, Corollary 24.3.3] for the case thatkis algebraically closed, but the latter hypothesis is not required. The remainder of statement (1) is standard, but we have not located a precise reference. It can be quickly obtained from two results in [33], as follows. For eachi, the multiplication mapVi⊗Vi→Vi2⊆AisG-equivariant, and so it isg-equivariant [33, Proposition 23.4.17]. Since theG-action onVi⊗Vi

is the diagonal one, so is theg-action [33, Proposition 23.4.12], from which we conclude thatgacts onAby derivations.


If Gis a torus, rationality of the action means that A is the direct sum of itsG-eigenspaces, and the corresponding eigenvalues are rational characters of G (e.g., see [2, Theorem II.2.7]). In this case, A is also the direct sum of its g-eigenspaces, and we have the following explicit description of the g-action.

We replaceGandgbyH andhto match our later notation, and we writeAx

for thex-eigenspace ofA, wherexis a member of the character group X(H). Finally, we use(−|−)to denote the Euclidean inner product (or “dot product”) in anykr.

Lemma 1.3. — LetAbe ak-algebra, equipped with a rational action of a torus H = (k×)r (by k-algebra automorphisms). Identifyh= LieH withkr, and let hact onAby the differential of theH-action. Further, identifyZr withX(H) via the natural pairing


(m1, . . . , mr, h1, . . . , hr)�−→hm11hm22· · ·hmrr. Thenη.a= (η|x)a forη∈h,a∈Ax, andx∈X(H).

In particular, it follows that theh-action onAcommutes with theH-action.

Readers who do not wish to delve into the full theory of actions of algebraic groups may take the formula in Lemma1.3as the definition of theh-action on A.

Whenever we have a torus H acting rationally on a k-algebra A, we will assume that its Lie algebra hcorrespondingly acts onA by the differential of theH-action. We label the action ofH onAarational Poisson action in case Ais a Poisson algebra and H acts rationally onAby Poisson automorphisms.

Lemma 1.4. — Let A be a Poisson algebra, equipped with a rational Poisson action of a torus H. Then h= LieH acts onA by Poisson derivations.

Proof. — Letη ∈h, and leta∈Ax andb ∈Ay for somex, y∈X(H). Since h.{a, b} ={h.a, h.b} =x(h)y(h){a, b} for all h∈ H, we have{a, b} ∈ Ax+y. Taking account of the identifications in Lemma 1.5, we see that

η.{a, b}= (η|x+y){a, b}=�

(η|x) + (η|y)�

{a, b}={η.a, b}+{a, η.b}. Therefore, sinceAisX(H)-graded, we conclude thatη.(−)is a Poisson deriva- tion on A.

Theorem 1.5. — Let A = k[x1][x22, δ2]p· · ·[xnn, δn]p be an iterated Poisson polynomial algebra, supporting a rational action by a torusH such that x1, . . . , xn areH-eigenvectors. Assume that there exist η1, . . . , ηn ∈h= LieH such that ηi.xji(xj) for i > j and the ηi-eigenvalue of xi is nonzero for each i. ThenA has at most2n H-stable Poisson primes.



Remark 1.6. — Here the elements ofH are only assumed to act onAbyk- algebra automorphisms, not necessarily by Poisson automorphisms. However, the assumption of a Poisson action is needed in Corollary 1.7.

Proof. — Set Ai =k[x1][x22, δ2]p· · ·[xii, δi]p for i= 0,1, . . . , n. In view of §1.2, the H-stable Poisson primes inAi coincide with theh-stable Poisson primes. Obviously A0=khas only oneh-stable Poisson prime. Now leti < n and assume thatAi has a finite number, say ni, ofh-stable Poisson primes. It follows from the relationsηi.xji(xj)that the action ofηi onAi coincides with αi. Proposition 1.2 now implies that the number of h-stable Poisson primes inAi+1 is at most2ni. The theorem follows.

Corollary 1.7. — Let A = k[x1][x22, δ2]p· · ·[xnn, δn]p be an iterated Poisson polynomial algebra, supporting a rational Poisson action by a torusH such that x1, . . . , xn areH-eigenvectors. Assume that there exist η1, . . . , ηn ∈ h = LieH such that ηi.xj = αi(xj) for i > j and the ηi-eigenvalue of xi is nonzero for eachi. ThenAsatisfies the Poisson Dixmier-Moeglin equivalence.

Proof. — Theorem1.5and [8, Theorem 4.3].

Theorem 1.5 and Corollary1.7can be extended to certain non-polynomial affine Poisson algebras as follows.

Proposition 1.8. — Let A be a Poisson algebra which is generated (as an algebra) by a Poisson subalgebra B together with a single element x. Assume thatAsupports a rational Poisson action by a torusH such thatB isH-stable andxis anH-eigenvector. Moreover, assume that there is someη0∈h= LieH such that{x, b} −(η0.b)x∈B for allb∈B, and such that theη0-eigenvalue of x is nonzero. Then there are at most twice as manyH-stable Poisson primes in Aas in B.

Proof. — We show thatAis an epimorphic image of a Poisson polynomial ring A�=B[X;α, δ]pto which Proposition 1.2applies. Letαdenote the restriction of η0.(−)to B. Then, by Lemma1.4,αis a Poisson derivation onB, and, by hypothesis, δ(b) := {x, b} −α(b)x∈B for all b ∈B. Since {x,−} andα are derivations, so isδ. Forb, b ∈B, we compute that

δ� {b, b}�

={x,{b, b}} −α({b, b})x

=−{b,{b, x}} − {b,{x, b}} −�

{α(b), b}+{b, α(b)}� x


{{x, b}, b} − {α(b)x, b}�

+{α(b)x, b} − {α(b), b}x +�

{b,{x, b}} − {b, α(b)x}�

+{b, α(b)x} − {b, α(b)}x


={δ(b), b}+{b, δ(b)}+α(b){x, b}+α(b){b, x}

={δ(b), b}+{b, δ(b)}+α(b)�




={δ(b), b}+{b, δ(b)}+α(b)δ(b)−δ(b)α(b).

Thus, the conditions for the existence of the Poisson polynomial ring A� = B[X;α, δ]p are verified.

Letf ∈X(H) be theH-eigenvalue ofx. The action ofH onB extends to a rational action ofH onA�(by algebra automorphisms, at least) such thatX is an H-eigenvector withH-eigenvalue f. (It is easily checked thatH acts on A� by Poisson automorphisms, but we shall not need this fact.) Since x and X have the same H-eigenvalue, they have the same h-eigenvalue, and hence the sameη0-eigenvalue. Thus, theη0-eigenvalue ofX is nonzero. Sinceη0 acts as a derivation on A� extending α, Proposition 1.2 now implies that for each Poisson primeQofB, there are at most twoη0-stable Poisson primes ofA�that contract toQ. AllH-stable ideals ofA�areh-stable and thusη0-stable, and so we conclude that for each H-stable Poisson prime Q of B, there are at most twoH-stable Poisson primes ofA�that contract toQ. Thus, there are at most twice as manyH-stable Poisson primes inA�as inB.

Finally, the identity map onB extends to ak-algebra surjectionπ:A�→A such thatπ(X) =x. Obviouslyπpreserves brackets of elements ofB, and

π({X, b}) =α(b)x+δ(b) ={x, b}={π(X), π(b)}

forb∈B, from which we see thatπis a Poisson homomorphism. By construc- tion,πis alsoH-equivariant. Hence, the set mapπ1embeds the collection of H-stable Poisson primes ofAinto the collection ofH-stable Poisson primes of A. Therefore, there are at most twice as many� H-stable Poisson primes in A as inB.

Theorem 1.9. — LetAbe a Poisson algebra, equipped with a rational Poisson action by a torusH. Assume thatAis generated byH-eigenvectorsx1, . . . , xn, and that there exist η1, . . . , ηn∈h= LieH such that

1. {xi, xj} −(ηi.xj)xi∈k�x1, . . . , xi1�for alli > j; 2. For all i, the ηi-eigenvalue ofxi is nonzero.

Then A has at most 2n H-stable Poisson primes, andA satisfies the Poisson Dixmier-Moeglin equivalence.

Proof. — The first conclusion is clear whenn= 0. Now letn >0, and assume that the subalgebra B :=k�x1, . . . , xn−1�has at most 2n1 H-stable Poisson primes. Note that the map δn := {xn,−} −(ηn.−)xn is a derivation on A.

Since, by hypothesis, δn(xj) ∈ B for all j < n, it follows that δn(B) ⊆ B.



Since the ηn-eigenvalue ofxn is nonzero, Proposition1.8implies thatAhas at most twice as many H-stable Poisson primes asB, thus at most2n.

The final conclusion now follows from [8, Theorem 4.3].

2. Poisson polynomial algebras satisfying the Poisson Dixmier-Moeglin equivalence

We show that semiclassical limits of many standard quantum algebra con- structions yield Poisson polynomial algebras to which Theorem1.5and Corol- lary 1.7apply.

2.1. Semiclassical limits. — Suppose that R is a commutative principal ideal domain, containing k, and that � ∈ R with �R a maximal ideal of R. If B is a torsionfree R-algebra for which the quotientA :=B/�B is commutative, then there is a well-defined bilinear map 1[−,−] :B×B→B, which induces a Poisson bracket onA(e.g., see [2, §III.5.4]). The Poisson algebraAis known as thesemiclassical limit(orquasiclassical limit) ofB, or of the family of algebras (B/mB)mmaxR.

There are two standard choices forR in quantum algebra constructions. In single parameter cases, we take R to be a Laurent polynomial ring k[q, q−1] and �=q−1, while multiparameter cases are usually best handled by taking Rto be a formal power series algebrak[[�]]. In the latter situation, we use the abbreviation

e(α) := exp(α�) =


1 i!αii forα∈k. Note that e(α+β) =e(α)e(β)forα, β∈k.

2.2. Semiclassical limits of quantum affine spaces. — (a) Suppose thatq= (qij) is an n×nmultiplicatively antisymmetric matrix over k, that is,qii = 1 and qji=qij1 for alli, j. The corresponding multiparameter quantized coordinate ring of affine n-space is thek-algebra


q(kn)with generators x1, . . . , xn and relationsxixj =qijxjxifor alli,j. Similarly, ifqis a multiplicatively antisym- metric matrix over a commutative ringR, we can form theR-algebra


q(Rn). Observe that


q(Rn)is an iterated skew polynomial algebra overR, and hence a freeR-module.

(b) To write the semiclassical limits of the above algebras, a change of no- tation is convenient. Let q now be an (additively) antisymmetric matrix in Mn(k). Since the matrix e(q) = (e(qij)) is a multiplicatively antisymmetric matrix overk[[�]], we can form thek[[�]]-algebraB=


e(q)(k[[�]]n). As noted in (a), B is a free k[[�]]-module, and hence it is torsionfree over k[[�]]. We identify the quotient A = B/�B with the polynomial algebra k[x1, . . . , xn].


Since this algebra is commutative, it inherits a Poisson bracket such that {xi, xj}=qijxixj for alli, j.

(c) There is a rational action of the torus H = (k×)n onAsuch that (h1, . . . , hn).xi=hixi

for(h1, . . . , hn)∈Handi= 1, . . . , n. This action preserves the Poisson bracket on the indeterminates, that is,h.{xi, xj}={h.xi, h.xj}forh∈H and alli,j. Consequently, it is a Poisson action. In this case, Theorem 1.5is not needed, sinceA clearly has exactly2n H-stable primes, namely the ideals �xi |i∈I� for I ⊆ {1, . . . , n}. ThatA satisfies the Poisson Dixmier-Moeglin equivalence was shown in [8, Example 4.6].

2.3. Semiclassical limits of quantum matrices. — (a)Given a nonzero scalarλ∈ k× and a multiplicatively antisymmetric matrix p = (pij) ∈ Mn(k×), the multiparameter quantum n×n matrix algebra


λ,p(Mn(k))is the k-algebra with generators Xij fori, j= 1, . . . , nand relations

(6) XlmXij =



plipjmXijXlm+ (λ−1)pliXimXlj (l > i, m > j) λplipjmXijXlm (l > i, m≤j)

pjmXijXlm (l=i, m > j).

The standard single parameter case is recovered whenλ=q2 andpij =qfor alli > j. Whenλ= 1, we just have a multiparameter quantum affinen2-space,


q(kn2), for suitableq.

(b) Now letpbe an antisymmetric matrix inMn(k), andλ∈kan arbitrary scalar. Form the algebra B=


e(λ),e(p)(Mn(k[[�]])), and identify the quotient A=B/�B with the polynomial algebra overkin the indeterminatesXij, that is,A=


(Mn(k)). One can check directly thatBis an iterated skew polynomial algebra overk[[�]]. Alternatively, it is known that


e(λ),e(p)(Mn(k((�))))is an iterated skew polynomial algebra over the fieldk((�)), and one observes that the automorphisms and skew derivations of this structure map the relevant k[[�]]- subalgebras into themselves. Either way, we conclude thatBis torsionfree over k[[�]].



(Mn(k))inherits a Poisson bracket such that

(7) {Xlm, Xij}=



(pli+pjm)XijXlm+λXimXlj (l > i, m > j) (λ+pli+pjm)XijXlm (l > i, m≤j) pjmXijXlm (l=i, m > j).

Whenλ= 0, we have a semiclassical limit of a quantum affinen2-space, a case covered in §2.2. Hence, we now assume thatλ�= 0.



Observe that

{Xlm, k[Xij|(i, j)<lex(l, m)]} ⊆

k[Xij |(i, j)<lex(l, m)]Xlm+k[Xij |(i, j)<lex(l, m)]

for alll,m, and so when theXijare adjoined in lexicographic order,


(Mn(k)) is an iterated Poisson polynomial algebra of the form


(Mn(k)) =k[X11][X1212, δ12]p· · ·[Xnnnn, δnn]p. In view of (7), we have

(8) αlm(Xij) =



(pli+pjm)Xij (l > i, m > j) (λ+pli+pjm)Xij (l > i, m≤j) pjmXij (l=i, m > j).

(c) There is a rational action of the torus H = (k×)2n on


(Mn(k)) such that

h.Xij =hihn+jXij (h= (h1, . . . , h2n)∈H)

for alli, j, and it is clear from (7) that this is a Poisson action. If we identify Z2n with X(H) as in Lemma1.3, then each Xij hasH-eigenvalue �i+�n+j, where(�1, . . . , �2n)is the canonical basis forZ2n. Hence, the differential of the H-action gives an action ofh= LieH =k2n on


(Mn(k))by derivations such that

η.Xij = (ηin+j)Xij (η= (η1, . . . , η2n)∈h) for alli,j.

(d) Forl, m= 1, . . . , n, defineηlm∈has follows:

ηlm= (pl1, . . . , pln, p1m, . . . , pm1,m, λ, λ+pm+1,m, . . . , λ+pnm).

Then observe thatηlm.Xijlm(Xij)for(i, j)<lex(l, m), and that theηlm- eigenvalue of Xlm isλ. Since we have assumed thatλ�= 0, the hypotheses of Theorem 1.5and Corollary 1.7are satisfied. Therefore A has at most2n2 H- stable Poisson primes, andAsatisfies the Poisson Dixmier-Moeglin equivalence.

The case of the latter result with n= 2and the standard Poisson bracket was established by Oh in [27, Proposition 2.3].

2.4. Semiclassical limits of quantum symplectic and even-dimensional euclidean spaces. — Multiparameter versions of the mentioned quantum algebras are instances of the algebras Kn,ΓP,Q(k) introduced by Horton [15], and we treat that general class.

(a) LetΓ = (γij)∈Mn(k×)be a multiplicatively antisymmetric matrix, and letP = (p1, . . . pn)and Q= (q1, . . . qn)be vectors in(k×)n such thatpi �=qi


for alli. Then Kn,ΓP,Q(k)is thek-algebra with generatorsx1, y1, . . . , xn, yn and relations


yiyjijyjyi (alli, j)

xiyj =pjγjiyjxi (i < j) xiyj =qjγjiyjxi (i > j) xixj =qipj1γijxjxi (i < j)

xiyi =qiyixi+�


(q−p)yx (alli).

See [15, Examples 1.3–1.7] for the choices of parameters which yield the stan- dard quantum symplectic and even-dimensional euclidean spaces, and related algebras. This construction can be performed over a commutative ring R, assuming the pi, qi, and γij are units in R, and as in [15, Proposition 2.5], Kn,ΓP,Q(R)is an iterated skew polynomial algebra overR.

(b) Now let Γ be an antisymmetric matrix in Mn(k), and let P and Q be vectors in kn, with pi �= qi for all i. Form the algebra B = Kn,e(Γ)e(P),e(Q)(k[[�]]), and identify the quotient A = B/�B with the polyno- mial algebra k[x1, y1, . . . , xn, yn]. Now B is an iterated skew polynomial algebra over k[[�]], so it is a torsionfree k[[�]]-module. Hence, A inherits a Poisson bracket such that


{yi, yj}=γijyiyj (alli, j) {xi, yj}= (pjji)xiyj (i < j) {xi, yj}= (qjji)xiyj (i > j) {xi, xj}= (qi−pjij)xixj (i < j)

{xi, yi}=qixiyi+�


(q−p)xy (alli).

This Poisson algebraAwas introduced by Oh in [29] and denotedAP,Qn,Γ(k). It is an iterated Poisson polynomial algebra of the form

A=k[x1][y11, δ1]p[x22]p[y22, δ2]p· · ·[xnn]p[ynn, δn]p, such that


αj(xi) = (−pjij)xi αj(yi) =γjiyi

αj(xj) =−qjxj

αj(xi) = (−qi+pjji)xi αj(yi) = (qiij)yi

for alli < j.



(c) There is a rational Poisson action of the torus H = (k×)n+1 onA such that

h.xi=hixi h.yi=h1hn+1hi1yi

forh∈H. Thenh= LieH =kn+1 acts onA by derivations such that η.xiixi η.yi= (η1n+1−ηi)yi


(d) Defineηj, ηj ∈has follows:

η1= (−q1,0, . . . ,0,1) (12)

ηj = (−pj1j, . . . ,−pjj1,j,−qj,0, . . . ,0, γj1) (j >1) (13)

ηj = (−q1+pjj1, . . . ,−qn+pjjn, q11j) (j >1).


Note first thatη1.x11(x1), and that theη1-eigenvalue ofy1is1. Forj >1, we have ηj.xi = αj(xi) for i ≤ j and ηj.yi = αj(yi) for i < j, and the ηj- eigenvalue ofyj is qj−pj. Finally, we haveηj.xij(xi)and ηj.yij(yi) for i < j, and the ηj-eigenvalue of xj is pj −qj. Thus, the hypotheses of Theorem 1.5and Corollary 1.7are satisfied. We conclude thatA has at most 22nH-stable Poisson primes, and that it satisfies the Poisson Dixmier-Moeglin equivalence. The case n= 2of the latter result was established by Oh in [28, Theorem 3.5].

2.5. Semiclassical limits of quantum odd-dimensional euclidean spaces. — Multi- parameter versions of quantum euclidean spaces in the odd-dimensional case can be constructed analogously to the even-dimensional case treated in [15].

Since these algebras have not (to our knowledge) appeared in the literature, we take the opportunity to introduce them here.

(a) As for the2n-dimensional case, letΓ = (γij)∈Mn(k×)be a multiplica- tively antisymmetric matrix, and let P = (p1, . . . pn) and Q= (q1, . . . qn) be vectors in(k×)n such thatpi�=qifor alli. Further, letλ∈k, and assume that eachpi has a square root ink×, which we fix and labelp1/2i . DefineKn,ΓP,Q,λ(k)


to be the k-algebra with generatorsz0, x1, y1, . . . , xn, yn and relations


z0xi=pi 1/2xiz0 (alli)

z0yi=p1/2i yiz0 (alli)

yiyjijyjyi (alli, j)

xiyj =pjγjiyjxi (i < j) xiyj =qjγjiyjxi (i > j) xixj =qip−1j γijxjxi (i < j)



(q−p)yx+λz02 (alli).

The standard single parameter algebra corresponds to the case where thepi= q2, theqi = 1, theγij=q1fori < j, andλ= (q−1)qn(1/2). (This requires a change of variables, as in [23, §§2.1, 2.2], [26, Example 5], or [15, Example 1.5].) On the other hand, if we takeλ= 1and all thepi= 1(withp1/2i = 1), thenz0

is central inKn,ΓP,Q,λ(k), andKn,ΓP,Q,λ(k)/�z0−1�is the multiparameter quantized Weyl algebraAQ,Γn (k)(see, e.g., [2, §I.2.6]).

This construction can be performed over a commutative ring R, assuming the relevant parameters are units inRand thepihave square roots inR. As in the even-dimensional case [15, Proposition 2.5],Kn,ΓP,Q,λ(R)is an iterated skew polynomial algebra overR.

(b) Now let Γ be an antisymmetric matrix inMn(k), letP andQ be vec- tors in kn with pi �= qi for all i, and let λ ∈ k. Form the algebra B = Kn,e(Γ)e(P),e(Q),λ(k[[�]]), and identify the quotientA=B/�Bwith the polynomial algebra k[z0, x1, y1, . . . , xn, yn]. Here we have usedλ�rather thane(λ)to en- sure commutativity of B/�B, and we take e(pi/2) as the chosen square root of e(pi). Since B is an iterated skew polynomial algebra over k[[�]], it is a torsionfreek[[�]]-module. Hence,Ainherits a Poisson bracket such that


{z0, xi}=−(pi/2)z0xi (alli) {z0, yi}= (pi/2)z0yi (alli)

{yi, yj}=γijyiyj (alli, j)

{xi, yj}= (pjji)xiyj (i < j) {xi, yj}= (qjji)xiyj (i > j) {xi, xj}= (qi−pjij)xixj (i < j)

{xi, yi}=qixiyi+�


(q−p)xy+λz02 (alli).



This Poisson algebra is an iterated Poisson polynomial algebra of the form A=k[z0][x11]p[y11, δ1]p[x22]p[y22, δ2]p· · ·[xnn]p[ynn, δn]p. (c) There is a rational Poisson action of the torus H = (k×)n+1 onA such that

h.xi=hixi h.z0=hn+1z0


forh∈H. We leave it to the reader to check that the hypotheses of Theorem1.5 and Corollary1.7are satisfied. We conclude thatAhas at most22n+1H-stable Poisson primes, and that it satisfies the Poisson Dixmier-Moeglin equivalence.

2.6. Semiclassical limits of quantum symmetric matrices. — Fix a positive inte- gern.

(a) Coordinate rings of quantum symmetric n×n matrices have been in- troduced by Noumi [25, Theorem 4.3, Proposition 4.4, and comments follow- ing the proof] and Kamita [19, Theorem 0.2]. As in [11, §5.5], we take the case of Noumi’s algebra with all parameters equal to 1, which agrees with Kamita’s algebra after interchanging the scalar parameter q with q−1. This is a k-algebra with generators yij for 1 ≤ i ≤ j ≤ n. If the construction is instead performed over a rational function fieldk(q), the k[q±1]-subalgebraB generated by theyij is then an iterated skew polynomial algebra over k[q±1], and the quotient A=B/(q−1)B can be identified with the polynomial ring k[yij | 1 ≤ i ≤ j ≤ n]. Hence, A inherits a Poisson bracket, which has the following form, as calculated in [11, §5.5]:


{yij, ylm}=�

sign(l−j) + sign(m−i)�


sign(l−i) + sign(m−j)� yimyjl

for i ≤ j and l ≤ m, where sign(t) is 1, 0, or −1 according as t is positive, zero, or negative, and where yts=yst if needed. The Poisson algebra Ais an iterated Poisson polynomial algebra of the form

A=k[y11][y1212, δ12]p· · ·[ynnnn, δnn]p,

where the indeterminates yij (for 1 ≤ i ≤ j ≤ n) have been adjoined in lexicographic order, and where

(18) αlm(yij) =




(i=l < j < m)or(i < l < j=m)or(i < j=l < m)�


(i=j=l < m)or(i < j=l=m)� 0 (otherwise)

forl≤mandi≤j with(i, j)<lex(l, m).


(b) There is a rational Poisson action of the torus H = (k×)n on A such that h.yij = hihjyij for all h ∈ H and all i, j. Then h = LieH = kn acts on A by derivations such that η.yij = (ηij)yij for all η ∈ h and all i, j. Let (�1, . . . , �n) denote the canonical basis for h, and set ηlm = −�l−�m

for 1 ≤ l ≤ m ≤ n. Then ηlm.yij = αlm(yij) for (i, j) <lex (l, m), and the ηlm-eigenvalue of ylm is either −2 or −4 (depending on whether l < m or l =m). Thus, the hypotheses of Theorem1.5and Corollary1.7 are satisfied.

We conclude that Ahas at most 2n(n+1)/2 H-stable Poisson primes, and that it satisfies the Poisson Dixmier-Moeglin equivalence.

2.7. Semiclassical limits of quantum antisymmetric matrices. — Fix a positive in- teger n.

(a) The coordinate ring of quantum antisymmetric n×nmatrices was in- troduced by Strickland in [32, Section 1]; it is a k-algebra with generators yij for 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n and relations involving a scalar q ∈ k×. If the construction is instead performed over k(q), the k[q±1]-subalgebra B gener- ated by the yij is then an iterated skew polynomial algebra over k[q±1], and the quotient A = B/(q −1)B can be identified with the polynomial ring k[yij | 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n]. Hence, A inherits a Poisson bracket, which has the following form, as noted in [11, §5.6(b)]. (The factor 2 in [11] does not ap- pear here, because we are using Strickland’s construction without changing q to q1/2.)


{yij, ylm}=�

sign(l−j) + sign(m−i)�


sign(l−i) + sign(m−j)� yimyjl

for i < j and l < m, where yts = −yst and yss = 0 if needed. The Poisson algebra Ais an iterated Poisson polynomial algebra of the form

A=k[y12][y1313, δ13]p· · ·[yn−1,nn−1,n, δn−1,n]p,

where the indeterminates yij (for 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n) have been adjoined in lexicographic order, and where

(20) αlm(yij) =

�−yij (if��{i, j} ∩ {l, m}��= 1)

0 (otherwise)

forl < mandi < j with(i, j)<lex(l, m).

(b) There is a rational Poisson action of the torusH = (k×)nonAsuch that h.yij =hihjyij for allh∈H and alli,j. Thenh= LieH =kn acts onA by derivations such thatη.yij = (ηij)yijfor allη∈hand alli,j. Let(�1, . . . , �n) denote the canonical basis for h, and set ηlm =−�l−�m for1 ≤l < m≤n.

Then ηlm.yijlm(yij)for(i, j)<lex(l, m), and theηlm-eigenvalue ofylm is

−2. Thus, the hypotheses of Theorem1.5 and Corollary1.7 are satisfied. We



conclude that A has at most 2n(n1)/2 H-stable Poisson primes, and that it satisfies the Poisson Dixmier-Moeglin equivalence.

3. Fraction fields of Poisson prime quotients

We now turn to the Poisson structure of fields of fractions of Poisson prime quotients of iterated Poisson polynomial rings.

3.1. — Recall from §0.6 the notation kλ[x1, . . . , xn] for the Poisson algebra based on the polynomial ringk[x1, . . . , xn]with{xi, xj}=λijxixj for alli,j, whereλ= (λij)is an antisymmetric matrix inMn(k). The corresponding Pois- son Laurent polynomial algebra and Poisson field are denotedkλ[x±11, . . . , x±n1] andkλ(x1, . . . , xn), respectively.

The algebra kλ[x±11 , . . . , x±1n ] can be identified with the group algebra kΓ, whereΓ =Zn, by writing monomials in thexiin the formxα=xα11xα22· · ·xαnn for elements α= (α1, . . . , αn) ∈ Γ. There is then an antisymmetric bilinear form b: Γ×Γ→ksuch that

b(α, β) =

n i,j=1


for α, β∈Γ, and{xα, xβ} =b(α, β)xα+β forα, β∈Γ. Conversely, ifb is any k-valued antisymmetric bilinear form on Γ, there is a Poisson bracket on kΓ such that{xα, xβ}=b(α, β)xα+βforα, β∈Γ. We denote this Poisson algebra by kbΓ. The following facts about kbΓ are well known. See, for instance, [35, Lemma 1.2] where they are proved in the case k=C; the arguments are valid over arbitrary base fields.

Lemma 3.1. — Let Γ =Zn for somen∈N, letb be ak-valued antisymmetric bilinear form on Γ, and let kbΓ be the Poisson algebra based on kΓ described in §3.1. Set


a subgroup of Γ. Then Zp(kbΓ) = kΓb, and every Poisson ideal of kbΓ is generated by its intersection with Zp(kbΓ).

Corollary 3.2. — Let Γ and b be as in Lemma 3.1. If Zp(kbΓ) =k, then kbΓ is Poisson simple, that is, its only Poisson ideals are0and kbΓ.

We can now determine the structure of the fields of fractions of Poisson prime factors of the algebraskλ[x1, . . . , xn]. The method is a Poisson version of the proof of [9, Theorem 2.1].


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