• Aucun résultat trouvé

If,~,~c,~i~ ~~ft,r~~~~!!~.~{;~leit-man:M~n '


Academic year: 2022

Partager "If,~,~c,~i~ ~~ft,r~~~~!!~.~{;~leit-man:M~n '"


Texte intégral


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In1979we made'a pledge to work forthegQodeofthe Islai1~;'o:

~'the.Wbole 1$land,and for all t,:!e,p~ople who:liv.!Jhere:- ,

-':_-t __

~" That pledgehas'beGom&progr~$: "

,. I Much has been accomplished. ' .-•...

"l .' Local communities have f~uild


pfi~and vitality. : ~

• We have brought responsible fiscal In.anagement to the ~~ ,

,affal,rs of governm8nt~, .: " " .'if

• t.he Vet College will admit its fit~t clas~~ln,September. Y',

• The new redm~a,t plant wilt open next m"Ontr-.' _

• Power rates have been reduc~dapproxlmately,,25%. _.

TO,day,we s~ek~,a,.,'new "andate f,~,_,o,In you,,t,.~_">P, ..ei>,p,.'~e

of Prince Edward Island; to conUn~ethe l&adel'shlp . ,'"~--=-, and dir~ction our Province deserves.

Much more can be accomplished .

•'To fU'ft'her~e';elopOUI' primary resourcbsand,protect ' our way of life. ".. " '.,- "

• To ~a,,!~ge 9,overnment effectively and prudently.

• To provide and ensure jobs. " .

• Intro~uce Pharmacare for th,slck and elderly; "

• Deatflrmlyand Etf~e.cltivelywlth the Federal - , P.C:Go~ernment. " - ---:-.----'-'~---' ,-.'-

•. Make home o~neTs~lp easier through loalis to


'coinmunl~y credltul'!ions. ' , ' ,1\;"

• Offer our sons.and d~ughters hope, and future opportu:nUY•

•' •• .,-1;

, ,,!!ecan,dolt. TQgether!:AII, It fakes Is your support. '

~e've got8gOdd thlngj Lets keep,Itgoing .•,'. " '

If,~,~c,~i~ ~~ft,r~~~~!!~.~{;~leit-man:M~n '

,~'(~,:,',),' .;, :-"'.. ' -,', '::~ j,.


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'To~ether.··,· -

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Kensington Regional High Schobl

Monday March 31 .

8 p.m. -- _ .._.--.. . ,'.

Join your friends and i1e~ghbors for the'opening Rally of the 1986Campaign.

Look at the Progress

In his first term, .Jim Lee and the P:,C.Team have \ provided responsible effective government.' ../).

• .Created 6000 jobs in the past 3 ye~rs .

. • Reduced power rates as much as 25%

• Strengthened the beef and hog"'industries

• ,Expanded the touris~dustry across P.E.t

Look at the







Building on the progress' of t~e I.ast four ye~rs;~JimLee and the-P.C.Team tiave a reahstlc,affordable plan for the future,concentrating on the creation of quality jobs.

• Expand the Georgetown shipyard with ttie .

installation of a synchrolift .

• Fund locally initiated economic.projects,creating new jobsJn our rural communi . .

• Foster Youth Employment - by building. on the strength and ingenuity of young Islanders \ We Can do iftogetherf

Join us at Kensington Regional High School on Monday, March 31,at 8 p.m.

We'ye got a good thing

Let's keep it going . _

,'If" . .

. ..' k . .. "", !~! ':~f',I'

. VoteJim Leeandth;'PC Team on Mond~~ApriI21Jl~$6 lJ


" •.IC' ass -...~"

OCiation relative




th'--~"'5lJ ItS i>l -"VAI ""\.-

_ and go.. 0 struct' e,Marl't' !l'Volve.' , :

~ .·ern· IOnAi lmes C' ; Th l

, °Pment C ana~emel}tDon: 1985e assl : I, 'i'OUncJ1,wh'- eVel. st ~ gQo.

. lch has l'Uct'Ol) j,

, ,at OVer $2001

, I '




.-Lhere is a gre~t deal of progress taking place in our Province, much of it generated 'by'the


I " .•-:

icatian and hard work of individual Islanders. fV!anyof those success stOres and new.developments

are outlined in this Progress Edition. "

Our,population and labour force' are growing steadily, ·and'many jobs have.been c~eated. New, cO!Tlpanieshave been welcomed to our communities, cr'eating new opportunities across the,Prov- ,-

·~~styear.we ~~v~,~chieved ~


rediJcation in~~erg~'~ates, which h~Sreduc:~

electriCIty costs for


Industry, homeowners .and cOmmUnities,. " . The recent sale of the Prince Hotel and Convention Centre to Canadian.Pacific Hotels wilt assist in the further,development of the c tion industry. The Centre directly employs up'to .200 Islanders·,and generates over $4 million of eco . activity. This year we look forward to continued growth in the tourism industry, with developments in a .~ the Island. , , In the next few weeks w.e will welcome the opening of the new Airport


roving pas-

seliger services for Islanders and visitors.

, '.The beginning of operations of the new meat plant will ensur,e a processing facility_fQ!thehl,m- dreds of hog and beeJ producers in our Province, , - -' '. "-- .

This fall the'Atlantic Veterinary Colleg~ win welcome its.first students, This will generate new econorpic activity and provide a valuable pool of expertise for our farmers and fishermen, .

, . '. , . / .

Health care services and facilities have been further developed, with·the replacement and up-: . grading of some major facilities. Improvem~nts have been made in the educational.f(eld with con.:

.•.struction at several schools. Other new construction will take place in the year ahead, .

! ·.c.

Many Island communities have witnessed, increased growtr. Dozens of new small bU$ines'ses have opened, creating many jobs, and reflecting confidence. in the future of our communities and Province. Residential construction was up significantly over the past year, especially 0'the rural

areas ofqur IslaUp",,' . " ' '~""':'

. Based' on the'progress of toe past, we 'can Iqok to the future for even gre-ater;progre$s~.Th~ :,.;', . strong spirit of co-oper~ti.on,tth,€lteXIsts among government, communitiesfand the.private'sector. ',',',


'. points to a better future.·There:are.ch~lIenges to be met, bt..itwe have thepeople, theco-c>peu:aUve;·'..,','

t" t

spirit, and the ability to meet those·,challenges.. ... . . " :~:.. :..;"., .' .~~.

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riFD.erv fetringtota.l(e;l!chall"ce~gettlng~ ggal,nstCan.adlallJoQdprodu<\ts}', ',' .., .. ';-'-.'..•.f "1. ~,!"." ~...."

.CJrJY-lngCanadian ll(),'v..errJme~~to Iffip.()seIhl' . WJ1sonl!l!IIlOttawa'm:us~pursue the FJj;e;;()~f ~IIIGJlh::LE~~I'P!~ ~Wlt



1rpearrbee.r., - Issue--everlifUrther~e:fi!{th,lev~ -~8~~4~·WbJ1e-t{)wn~o!!.nc,,IDem .. ~ 't-.--:.=. _ If' ~r-(!.•- ~u!F-€"lft1lR1a~-~Eul"O~a~-s,!b$iditilldJ1I:1S" -", .sll~i.RJ~t.~en a If. .e r iropi!,an -tmposcd.81),lnterlm ulY'or$1.96akl-j, deaU~lth ina!!omlng ~oundottalks •.r:-eU~lpg'A~r~. Fire., tlli

>eJ:lJlsr. logram 'on Irish:bc# and $1.56" on't01l"'G'"ATT,.,tl\e,m~r/,1atllllJa{~!Jcneral fqiFdy'.(~riIt~-"qy', .

lnadain Daoish'beet.: ---'-.---" .A~ree~nt on Tatlffs lInd·,,raM , fj.>t!fe.;!?~st<:~IJv..~ty'~ar}!,·ll.~

oceSsed' 'those dutlcs. ,repr.¢lil;int,the',est\. . . ,,'" " "'~' , ,. , .J,~":_".!,) ••",,.,' ..'l ...•.,1.,..

eel stew lIIate~bsidie, '''',

'.', farmers iu:thosc counu"

ttm-t:~1i..hi ..

, •. dexcted. ' "

reoucecr-"l' 'e---c~ emen;lJ'..a ,

' the subilldies make EurQ(>eanbeefar-

~oinmu- lj(Jcially ~eap. 'itS'who)esaJ~price in earlier Canada Isal)out $2.64, a klfollram, ild-lfuiil well below thc"pric~d--<Ior--{;;l ,

,nadwn- rownoeet '

1t~ee, ana Ian pro ucers '..

ptl¢tedlo ~ompete againllt such hug~

hat had subsidiC$,"~tan Wilson. the cat.-

,,tlemen's asspciation presid~nt. "


;--')Uch, subsidy, llr.o,grams ,have

spurred European fllrmllrs to In-

.crease wO<jluction;'The',"result,has

,been --masSIVesurphiscs of grain,

'meatandother'foodstuffs: ", ",C

>!Indlvld. There's so"milch eKcesllbeef.belnil,

p~Oduced.in 'Eutope, refrfgerator

,_shipshave ~enUed up at rreaports--t~

ct as flOlit\ngfreezers. .,~',

C'E' .

,However. the.lmtial.\lIctorY'iiyUIB..

Canadian cattlemen is,only temp()' . Y.,InordeMo-gcHhe-.dlffi~d '.

permanent. the .cattJem,eil" must' , tne subsidized-European

eefIs actus- m .

. 'ana an farmers. '

The Cana aIi~1iffp'Ol'r4'riUuna.

must rule necessity of (he ' ti!!Sby July .'


. ,--_. -, . .,.--- --- -=--- ! -" -._~' -' ~ ~'

th of the Islan·d i:.-

-:- ,', -' ,. ' ~-,~, , ',)'

-our e-o-mm-unitie5..-iC-OAfid~~-=~

. ' "dathental to

--th~'ur ;--::---·---Lee--- Gove•. nment..!!- - ---

Highlights of tf:le PC Government

R'rograms In: _.---.

': __.:!!...


...!...-.' .2








. •..••. ~.(

EaucatiIDr;smari~~ei's~'~fsi1ejfii~~'···;"J~~,:"dr:.,in ~


., "

Pharmacare, Housing; -- . -'---:.-:" --. __' -;~-_._

Federal. ... :Provincial RelaUQOs . .

-f "~he,"18Iand 18 rich In-natural- '

resources, but"nlmemore ."Iua'·

, than the potential orour yo".,g ';',,' .

'~pIe. ouroo ••rn~ent tec~"nlze." .

. this-potential and- •• ek.


t01Jl~- "

-~-It¥pr ••• lon-•.H ,', " '.1;

. .~ ". . ",

Fisher;les, , .

-. - J t. ~


fI_hery I. Important to.th •. '. ~:l\r\·~ ".

~-- ·:.c~ ••om'c~ba.e-.Ofmany




L ....::communltle •...U - __._,_~ ::-(.'--'-.'~t

.~ . ,J " ;/"~--;.'I. '\

• th~-c;rabfiihe,ry.ls the start of a'

:.£: ~._~ 2i

"whoieneW·indListry.. --,' ", ,;

" ~ ? " ,',)' 'f, ''''laiid- r0C8 _' 'Hlstt;

-. qtulJl\fbnprovementS' ()' .

S ,8,n"



..~ ~SuDo.ort

for Island ftsh~rmen. ..

,;~,;.;-,~~":~~~flt ..:


-the--worJ( 81 o·u·r Ii·ave;rnlfl·enli,.-~;:-- .- ::.

. 1-




:. C!W.r-G ec , , . " J ..'

u __

ancf.ttractl6u.J'l •. t~i toa1rpart.,of~ --, ~-/"



I'" ...,,'. -'"- .' .

"'~'; "'" '~. ,I ..'

• ..' / ' ,,-,..., l'

--.-eli1lt1aUves.to developtounsnlin a1r~·''.'. i . part$ of.p£.I.,' ~~, '

1 • In close cooperation arid ' . con$ulta~lon with the Industry', to ,

0' __ furthefdeVlflop .tourisht. ."

• 'Coiltiriued progr~ms


expand thCt ":1,-" Gor.'qQnt; ••,,~

._- season.,., .. , ' . ,.' '~.(.,'

.----e--estabUst(mer'lt of


lull jlme Department~Qf.T.~ur.'iJJ~i:._

, ;...i;C' I ., " ..",:i '~' ',"


!";~"~ ·~~.l.

-=C~o-m-_ -m-.u~n"="it"Y~'D:::--e-v-e~lo"'" -p-m-e-. n-t",""""",,!M!!I!!~~~"'!...-..~T=='" ran~Roriiiji'Qn, .' .

',;7;'" J .,

, :,' "~ . L.__ .'. ,.: .•".. " .'.

~"Our·way of.Ute centers, around '~' .'-~n !It"I~I.nt tr8n~port~,I~,!

~1.t~"".> ..::

_ community, the rink, the sQhool, the ;,:'--c ,.~'.~tI-.I:a1 tct1'h.-,roWf~-O,..f';~~,~I.~,~i\,~ ~, local store, fa;mer.-;-flsherm'en, .' . -~'~~o.lt'Y.LandIs:~.,.,~,tlaJj,,~;~:~,o,~"of.:.~

-'buslnes8 peop1lf - all.contrlbute: ".'-- ," ;", ,g(on.•I.9~~noml~ d.""lopm.nt~.·- '._..:1.

---:--10commurilt, .plrlt." "I" onUnue4--1JnprO~eOlEtn:t.1lp.gr8dlng; -.':

. ' Island~~~ ...,


--U.PPioxtmatel'-S-~d -- -

laritl mass ~'covered' with fores .Thfs---- r.source iso-wned:liy 1500 woodlot' , owners." --

• more than 2million trees will be planted across the Island this year•.

• hundre.ds of woodlot owners ltI'e . p~rticipatlng in our Private Woodlot

•ManagemenlProgram to improve

our woodlots." .

• new wood energy proja,cts have been constr",cted,

--,~ ...•',~ ~, - ._- -····_·---+.1-. ---

'~- "-";;. - ---_._~-- "--, -.-~--~--==----:--, --~~'


~!rbejllr,etrgtl\ of th.~I.'and:-i.':~., ~~

__' __ ' .=o~r-=JHlQllle a'~ --

o,.i"r, communitie,s.~ConfiCience

, -;. -- c ~_,. ._'_'




. in-th+s-bel·ief



, ••.• ,.'. . .--:---'---L..---:



th&oworKOf-o-u-r Gov. rn:men'l~~

Premier Ji-m. Lee .

--- -

. - .. ~~Pf.llffietF3_e~f:=~>~:~~ h

. .


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ik one

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