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On the electronic structures of lattice defects in s, p, d-valence metals


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On the electronic structures of lattice defects in s, p, d-valence metals

K. Masuda-Jindo

To cite this version:

K. Masuda-Jindo. On the electronic structures of lattice defects in s, p, d-valence metals. Journal de

Physique, 1986, 47 (12), pp.2087-2094. �10.1051/jphys:0198600470120208700�. �jpa-00210402�


On the electronic structures of lattice defects in s, p, d-valence metals

K. Masuda-Jindo

Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Nagatsuta, Midori-ku,

Yokohama 227, Japan

(Reçu le 15 juillet 1986, accept6 le 28 aogt 1986)



Nous étudions la structure électronique des défauts de réseau, lacunes, marches, crans de surface

et fissures de clivage, dans les métaux de valence s, p, d (nobles et de transition) en utilisant une méthode de

liaison forte améliorée. Dans ces calculs, 9 orbitales de base s, p et d sont introduites et les effets d’hybridation sp-d sont pris en compte. Pour une lacune, nous avons trouvé que les sites atomiques très proches de celle-ci (les atomes premiers voisins dans un cristal cubique à faces centrées) contribuent principalement à l’ énergie de

formation de lacune et que les contributions des sites atomiques plus éloignés de la lacune sont moins

importantes. Ceci justifie les premiers traitements théoriques basés sur l’approximation du second moment.

Les calculs de structure électronique des marches et des crans de surface sont faits pour différents cas et il est montré que les densités d’états sont presque indépendantes du type de cran et dépendent seulement de la structure cristalline, en accord avec des considérations thermodynamiques. En outre, nous avons étudié les structures électroniques de fissures de clivage dans des métaux de valence s, p, d et discuté la réactivité

chimique de la pointe de la fissure en conjonction avec le fendillement de corrosion. A l’aide de calculs de structure électronique, nous démontrons l’applicabilité de la méthode de liaison forte améliorée aux problèmes

liés aux défauts de réseau.



The electronic structures of lattice defects, single vacancy, stepped surface, surface kink and

sharp cleavage crack, in s, p, d-valence (transition and noble) metals are investigated using the improved tight- binding (TB) recursion method : in these calculations, nine s, p and d-basis orbitals are introduced and the sp-d hybridization effects are fully taken into account. For a vacancy, we have found that the atomic sites very close to a vacancy (e.g., first nearest-neighbour atoms in the fcc crystal) can primarily contribute to the vacancy formation energy and contributions coming from more distant atomic sites are less important. This gives a support for the earlier theoretical treatment based on the second moment approximation for the similar

problems. Surface step and surface kink electronic structure calculations are performed for the different kinds of steps and kinks, and it is shown that kink density of states (DOS) are almost independent of the kink type and only depend on the crystal structure, in agreement with the thermodynamical consideration. In addition,

we also investigate the electronic structures of a sharp cleavage crack in s, p, d-valence metals and discuss the chemical reactivity of the crack tip in conjunction with the stress corrosion cracking (SCC). Due to these

electronic structure calculations, we demonstrate the applicability of the improved TB recursion method to the various lattice defect problems.


Physics Abstracts




1. Introduction.

Recent advancement in the first principle electronic

theories [1] have enabled us to get detailed informa- tion on the cohesive properties of metals and ordered

alloys without introducing any adjustable parame- ters. Unfortunately, however, it is difficult to apply

this type of theoretical scheme directly to the important lattice defect problems of crystalline mate- rials, e.g., point defect-dislocation interaction [2],

radiation induced complex point defects [3], disloca-

tion motion [4], grain boundary segregation [5],

crack propagation [6], and other related problems.

Therefore, an alternative approach should be deve

loped for treating such important lattice defect


The traditional tight-binding (TB) or linear combi-

nation of atomic orbitals (LCAO) scheme has been very successful for wide variety of lattice defect

problems [7-9]. This type of method has the virtue of

simplicity and of physical transparence. In the pre- sent paper, we use an improved TB scheme with s, p and d-basis orbitals and check the applicability of the

method to the real lattice defect problems.

As a first step, we will treat simple lattice defects without allowing lattice relaxation calculations. First-

ly, we investigate the electronic structure of a

vacancy in the s, p, d-valence metals using the

continued fraction (recursion) technique [10-11],

and understand the physical origin (main contribu- tion) of the formation energy of a vacancy EFv. For

the actual numerical calculations of the electronic

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:0198600470120208700



structures, we choose a noble metal (Cu) lattice,

since sp-d hybridization effects are particularly important in these metals.

Secondly we investigate the electronic structure of the stepped surface and surface kink, and show that the surface kink electronic structure does not depend

on the kink type and only depend on the bulk crystal

structure. This calculation is performed for the following reasons : for the vacancy problem, it is generally assumed that the number of atoms of the system is kept constant and the missing atom is placed on a kink at the surface. From the thermody-

namical consideration, it can be shown that putting

the atom on a surface kink is strictly equivalent to increasing the number of bulk atoms by one. In this respect, one can expect quite peculiar electronic property for the surface kink. Furthermore, it is known that a surface defect like a kink or step is

highly reactive and improves drastically the catalytic activity [12]. Therefore, it is of great significance to investigate the electronic structure of the stepped

surfaces and surface kinks.

Thirdly, we investigate the electronic structures of the cleavage crack in s, p, d-valence metals. In order to simulate a sharp cleavage crack, we break the

metallic bonding across the cleavage plane without introducing lattice distortions [13]. This can be accomplished by setting the electron transfer inte-

grals across the cleavage plane to be zero. We then

discuss the chemical reactivity at the crack tip, in conjunction with the stress corrosion cracking (SCC)

of the material. This type of theoretical calculation is of quite importance since it is now well established that ductile metals (e.g., fcc metals like a-brass, Cu

and Ni) become often brittle and show the cleavage-

like fracture in a corrosive environment [14].

From these electronic structure calculations, we

demonstrate the applicability of the TB recursion method of s, p, d-basis orbitals to the various lattice defect problems. The application of the TB theory

with s, p and d-basis orbitals is important not only

for treating noble and transition metal systems but also for treating many other materials. For instance,

it can be used for the study of sp-valence impurities

in transition metals [15] and lattice defects in the wide range of intermetallic compounds [16].

The format of the present paper is as follows : in section 2, we present the principle of calculations for the electronic structures of lattice defects using the

TB recursion method of s, p and d-basis orbitals.

Results of numerical calculations and related discus- sions are given in section 3, and section 4 is devoted to conclusions.

2. Principle of calculations.

It is now well known that the continued fraction

technique [10, 11, 17] is very powerful and efficient to calculate the electron or phonon density of states (DOS) for systems without translational symmetry.

In the present study, we use the continued fraction

technique and the TB electronic theory of s, p and d- basis orbitals. For treating wide variety of materials

it is highly desirable to take into account the s, p and d-basis orbitals and treat them on the same footing.

We calculate local DOS of electronic states on

atom i,

from the diagonal element of the Green’s function

where I A , i ) is the atomic orbital of type A (À


s, px, py, Pz, xy, yz, zx, x2 - y2, and 3 z2 - r2)

centred at site Ri, and H denotes the TB Hamilto- nian of the system.

The electronic Green’s function can be given as a

continued fraction form

where the recursive coefficients an and bn can be

related to the moments of the DOS and obtained either from moments method [11] or directly from

the recursion method [10, 17].

The electronic occupancy NAi of the I À, Ri )

state and the structure energy U of the system can be

calculated from the local DOS P Ai ( E) function as

In general, for the calculations of NAi and U, a simple numerical integration method (e.g., Simp-

son’s method) may be used. However, in order to

obtain more accurate results for the calculations of

NAi and U, analytic integration method is required : Highly accurate energy calculations are needed for instance for obtaining interatomic force constants and atomic relaxations around a lattice defect [18, 19]. For this purpose, we rewrite the local DOS as


where all the recursion coefficients after n-th level

are assumed to be equal to their infinite values

aoo and boo.

In equation (6), the expansion coefficients An for


D2n ( E ) are simple functions of the recursion coeffi- cients (al,’’’’ an, aoo) and (bl,..., bn, boo ). The

asymptotic recursion coefficients aoo and b00 are

related to the bandwidth and centre of the band, and

can be determined by the method proposed by Beer

and Pettifor [20]. This termination method preserves the moment information contained in the recursion coefficients and gives fairly convergent results for the structural energy. Using equation (6), the local

DOS functions are given by the form

where Ej denotes the j-th (complex) root of the equation D2n ( E ) = 0 and Cj the weight of the

partial fractions 1/ ( E - Ej ) . Then, the integration

of the DOS can be evaluated analytically in terms of elementary integrals [18, 19], and results for NAi and

U are much more accurate compared to those

obtained by using a direct numerical integration


We now discuss the band parameters required for

the TB electronic structure calculations in the cubic

crystals : They are the atomic energy levels ES, Ep,

Ed tZg and Ed eg , and two centre hopping integrals sso-, spa, sdcr, ppor, ppir, pdu, pd 1T, ddu,

dd 1T and dd8 (in the usual notations [21]). In general,

these TB band parameters can be obtained by

several different methods. They can be determined

roughly by using the so-called fitting procedure. For instance, Ohta and Shimizu [22] obtained the TB band parameters, both atomic energy levels and two centre hopping integrals, for bcc transition metals from the (high symmetry) eigenvalues of the APW

band structure calculations. The similar TB band

parametrization has been obtained for the fcc(Cu) crystal by Smith [23].

On the other hand, Harrison [24] gives very

simple and universal formulae for the two centre

hopping integrals of the s, p and d-bands. They are given in terms of materials independent constants (electron mass m and Planck constant h) and the d-

state radius rd, characterising the d-band materials,

and shown to have the power law dependences

Rjj-n. Specifically, n


2 and 5 are used for sp- and d- bands, respectively, and n


7/2 for the sp-d hybridi-

zation matrix elements. These TB parameters are useful for the overall understanding of the trend in the electronic properties of s, p, d-valence materials.

The most reliable TB parameters can be obtained from the first-principles TB theory [25]. Andersen

and coworkers [25, 26] have succeeded in transform-

ing the minimal base of muffin-tin orbitals (MTO’s)

into a TB base. Since this transformation is exact [25], all results obtained by using the linear MTO method or augmented spherical wave (ASW)

method can be reproduced by the TB method. This TB scheme gives two centre hopping intervals with almost universal decay.

In the present study, we use TB band parameters determined by the fitting procedure [23] since we do

not perform the lattice relaxation calculations around the defects. Therefore, the present electronic

structure calculations for lattice defects are not self- consistent and the TB band parameters are fixed to those values for the perfect lattice. (This approxima-

tion will not change the essential feature of the electronic structures of lattice defects.)

As a final remark of this Section, ’we point out explicitly the importance of the sp-d hybridization

effects on the electronic structures of s, p, d-valence

(transition and noble) metals : in particular, we

assess actually the significance of the sp-d hybridiza-

tion effects in the fcc crystal Cu by using TB band

parameters presented in table I. For this purpose,

we calculate the second moments of the d-bands both with and without sp-d hybridization matrix

elements. For the d-bands in the fcc crystal (with nearest-neighbour interactions), second moments

are expressed as

Table I.


TB parameters for Cu crystal taken from reference [23]. Energies are given in units of e V



where t2g eg denotes the symmetry for the d-

subbands, an atomic energy levels are simply taken

to be at the origin of the energy.

From equations (9), (10) and TB parameters in tablé I, we obtain the numerical values for the second moments in units of ( eV ) 2/atom ;

1-’2 (t2g)


2.414, 1-’2 (eg) = 1.700 and A2( t2g )


0.6061, t2 eg


0.5290, for the d-bands with and without sp- hybridization matrix elements, respecti- vely. This indicates clearly that the inclusion of sp-d hybridization matrix elements is crucial for the electronic structures of s, p, d-valence (especially for

noble metals) materials.

3. Results and discussions.

The numerical calculations on the electronic struc- ture of lattice defects are performed for noble metal Cu using TB band parameters proposed by

Smith [23], which are the leat-squares optimized

values derived from the APW band structure calcula- tions [27] and are presented in table I. We have chosen Cu crystal because sp-d hybridization effects

are particularly important for this kind of materials.

Although the present numerical calculations are

performed only for Cu crystal, we can draw general

conclusions on the electronic structures of lattice defects in s, p, d-valence (noble and transition) metals, since relative magnitudes of the two-centre hopping integrals are rather insensitive to the species

of the materials [24-26], and band shapes of the

different metals are similar. For lattice defects, we consider single vacancy, flat and stepped surfaces,

surface kink and sharp cleavage crack in the s, p, d- valence metals, which are of quite importance from

the fundamental point of view of materials science.

In figure 1, we present the calculated local DOS for the perfect Cu crystal, including the first-nearest-

neighbour interactions only (1). The energy is given

in units of eV and energy origin is taken to be equal

to the Fermi energy EF. The continued fractions are

terminated at various n levels (n 15 ) so that one

can easily understand the role of higher order

coefficients (moments) on the calculated DOS. The fcc cluster used in the present calculations has a

sufficient size (- 6 600 atoms) that 15 levels

(30 coefficients a,, a2’... aIS’ b,, b2, ... b15) are practically correct : Further increase of the crystallite

size does not change the DOS substantially.

One can see in figure 1 that the DOS of the perfect fcc crystal are in general reconstructed with about 11 or 13 couples of exact coefficients. (Fortu- nately, the convergence of the structural energy U from Eq. (5) is much faster and one can obtain

essentially correct results of U, as a function of number of band electrons N, using the DOS with exact coefficients up to n a 4.) .The similar conclu-

(1) It is known that s, p, d-basis LCAO formalism works quite well even for the description of free-electron like s, p-bands [26].

Fig. 1.


Electronic DOS calculated for perfect Cu crystal. Continued fractions are terminated at various n levels: n = 4(a), 7(b), 9(c), 11(d), 13(e) and 15(f).

Energies are given in units of eV.

sion has also been obtained for the DOS calcula- tions [28] based on the d-orbital scheme without

including the sp-d hybridization effects. This indica- tes that the convergence of local DOS within the TB recursion method is almost independent of the

inclusion of sp-d hybridization effects. However, the shape of the d-band depends strongly on the inclu-

sion of sp-d hybridization effects, and the total (s, p,

d) DOS for Cu presented in figure 1 are considerably

different from that of the d-band DOS (see e.g.,

Fig. 1 of Ref. [28]) of the fcc crystal.

Fig. 2.


Local DOS calculated for the first (a), second (b) and third (c) nearest-neighbour atomic sites around a

vacancy in the Cu crystal. Also shown in figure 2d is the

DOS for the perfect crystal.


The electronic structures around a single vacancy in the Cu crystal are presented in figure 2. The local DOS (n = 15) for the first, second and third nearest-neighbour atomic sites around a vacancy are

presented in figures 2a, 2b and 2c, respectively:

figure 2d shows the DOS for the perfect Cu crystal.

One can see in figure 2 that the local DOS for the

first-nearest-neighbour site is strongly changed from

the bulk one, while those for the second ’and third

nearest-neighbour atomic sites are almost unchang-

ed. This means that the twelve nearest-neighbour

atomic sites around a vacancy can primarily contri-

bute to the vacancy formation energy EFv in the fcc crystal, and contributions coming from the second and third nearest-neighbour sites are less important

(2). This conclusion gives a relevant justification for

the earlier theoretical treatment based on the second moment approximation for vacancy-type lattice defects in d-band metals [7, 8]. This theoretical

finding may not be changed even if we take into

account the electronic states (charges) within a

vacancy site [16, 29] : for this case, the matrix

element of the defect (vacancy) potential takes finite positive value (not positive infinite) but the problem

is essentially the same.

We have performed similar electronic structure calculations for surface kink and flat and stepped surfaces, and presented the results in figure 3. The

geometry for surface kinks of the fcc crystal is shown

in figure 4 : two types of surface kinks both along the

dense (111) x (010) and non-dense (100) x (110) steps are considered in the present electronic struc- ture calculations. As shown in figure 3, the electronic

structures for these surfaces and surface kinks are

changed drastically from that for the perfect crystal.

Fig. 3.


Comparison of local DOS for the flat (a) and stepped (b) surfaces with those for the surface kinks (c) in

the Cu crystal. Solid and dashed curves are for the (100)

and (111) planes, respectively. For flat and stepped surfaces, the local DOS are calculated for the atomic sites

on the first atomic layer and first atomic row of the step, respectively. Atomic geometry for the surface steps and kinks are presented in figure 4.

(2 ) The calculated vacancy formation energy (electronic contribution) for Cu crystal is about 2.5 eV. This value, however, can be reduced significantly when we take into

account the short range repulsive energy and lattice relaxation around a vacancy [7, 8].

Fig. 4.


(a) Schematic drawing of the surface kink and a

microscopic view for the vacancy formation process in the

crystal. (b) and (c) : Two different kink atomic structures

along a (100) x (110) step (b) and a (111) x (010) step (c)

in an fcc lattice.

The most pronounced features are the decrease of the effective bandwidth and appearance of the

prominent peak near the bulk d-levels Ed = - 3.1 eV (exactly speaking, slightly above or

below Ed depending on the atomic geometry).

The kink d-bandwidth becomes much smaller than the bulk one, as the second moment is reduced by a

factor of - 2. Here, it is important to realize that the kink states which appear near the d-atomic level are

resonant states, and not the usual surface states.

This is due to the fact that for the surface kink, the symmetry of the crystal is lost completely and a

Bloch like wave (wave function in a mixed Bloch- Wannier representation) can not be defined. In contrast, for flat or stepped surfaces, certain crystal symmetries are still preserved and the usual surface

states appear near the bulk d-levels [30, 31].

One can also notice in figure 3 that the local DOS

(solid curve) for the kink along the dense (111) x (010) step is almost identical to that (dashed curve)

for the kink along the non-dense (100) x (110) step.

The reason for this behaviour is physically apparent

and has been discussed by Allan [31] for non-hybri-

dized d-band scheme. In essence, this arises from the fact that the kink site is the only site in complete thermodynamic equilibrium with the bulk atoms:

the energy required to remove a kink atom from the crystal is just equal to the bulk cohesive energy and this energy does neither depend on the surface nor

on the step at the position of a kink [31, 32].

Therefore, this peculiar property for the surface

kink can be proved from



where Po (E) and Ap(E) are the total bulk DOS and the variation of the DOS due to the removal of kink site atom. From equation (11), one can under-

stand that Ap ( E ) does not depend on the type of

surface kinks.

In order to understand the peculiar electronic property of the surface kinks in more detail, we present in figure 5 the local DOS on the kink site by separating the contributions of s, p and d-subbands.

For p and d-subbands, the DOS are summed up for three and five orbitals, respectively. One can see in figure 5 that within the s, p and d-subbands, the

DOS for the kink along the dense (111) x (010) step resemble quite well those for the kink along the non-

dense (100) x (110) step. This indicates that surface kink chemical reactivity does not depend on the type of kinks and is the same (when the reaction rate

depends on the atomic orbital DOS [31]) even for

metals without d-valence electrons, i.e., non-transi- tion metals with only sp-valence electrons.

Finally, we discuss the electronic structures for

sharp cleavage crack in the fcc crystals. Although a

ductile material like fcc metals usually do not show

the cleavage fracture (it fails by plastic instability

and necking [6, 33]), the cleavage- like fracture does

occur in the materials under the corrosive environ- ment. For instance, ductile materials such as a-brass und Cu fail by the propagation of cracks whose

microscopic features are consistent with the occur- rence of cleavage fracture [34]. Usually, cleavage-

Fig. 5.


Local DOS for the surface kinks in the fcc (Cu) crystal ; Figures (a), (b) and (c) are for the s, p and d- subbands, respectively. Solid and dashed curves are the local DOS of the surface kinks along the non-,dense

(100) x (110) and dense (111) x (010) steps, respectively.

like fracture occurs due to accumulation of corrosion induced vacancies or divacancies, generated by ano-

dic dissolution, on prismatic {100} , {210} or

{ 110} planes, as schematically shown in figure 6.

The prismatic {100}, {210} and {110} planes have

the common characteristics of low indices and low atomic density and the fcc crystal will be weakest in

cleavage across such planes, because of the fewer bonds on the plane [35].

Therefore, it is of great significance to investigate

the electronic structure around the cleavage crack in

fcc metals and alloys. As a typical example, we

consider the sharp cleavage crack in the fcc crystal having (001) crack plane and crack front parallel to 110 ) direction as shown in figure 6a. In order to

introduce the cleavage crack, the electron transfer integrals across the cleavage plane are set to be zero,

in analogy to the surface problem by Kalkstein and Soven [36] and by Allan [37]. This type of cleavage

crack has been in fact observed in fcc metals, e.g., Ni single crystals with a 100 > tensile axis in gaseous

hydrogen or in liquid mercury [38].

We have calculated the electronic structures for atoms A, B and C (Fig. 6a) around the crack tip and presented the results in figure 7. Also shown in

figure 7d is the DOS for the flat (001) surface. One

can see in figure 7 that the electronic structure around the crack tip depends strongly on the atomic

Fig. 6.


(a) Schematic atomic configuration near the

crack tip in the fcc crystal ; (001) crack plane with crack front parallel to ( 110 > direction. (b) Schematic drawing

for the SCC mechanism of fcc metals and alloys. V

( V2 represents a vacancy (di-vacancy) induced by

anodic dissolution.


Fig. 7.


Local DOS calculated for atomic sites A, B and C around a sharp cleavage crack in the Cu crystal. The

atomic configuration around the crack tip ((001) crack plane with crack front parallel to ( 110 > direction) is

shown in figure 6.

position relative to the crack front. The local DOS

on the atomic site C is quite similar to that for the flat (001) surface (Fig. 7d), while the local DOS on

the atomic site A near the crack front is similar to the bulk DOS. It is rather surprising that the local DOS at the site C (not very far from the crack front) quite resembles that of the flat surface. These theoretical findings indicate that the chemical reac-

tions such as the anodic dissolution or chemisorption

would preferentially occur at the atomic sites near

the site C rather than at the sites A and B in the close

vicinity of the crack front.

Therefore, one can understand that the atomic

sites quite close to the crack front is rather chemically inactive, compared to the atomic sites slightly distant

from the crack front. This is schematically shown in figure 6b. From these electronic structure calcula-

tions, we come to the conclusion that the chemical

reactivity near the crack tip (sharp cleavage crack)

would not exceed that of the flat surface : much stronger chemical reactivity can be expected for

instance at the kinks [13] or at certain atomic

irregularities around the crack tips.

4. Conclusions.

We have used the TB recursion method of s, p, d- basis orbitals and investigated the electronic structu- res of various lattice defects in metals. Example

numerical calculations are performed for the fcc

crystal Cu, with the nearest-neighbour hopping

interactions. The electronic DOS constructed from the continued fractions are converged very rapidly (after 11 or 13 levels) and the method can be used for wide variety of lattice defect problems (vacancies,

flat and stepped surfaces, surface kinks and cleavage cracks). In general, we have found that the shape of

d-band DOS is affected quite significantly by includ- ing the sp-d hybridization effects, and the proper treatment of s, p and d-basis orbitals is very impor-

tant in determining the electronic structures of lattice defects in s, p, d-valence materials.

On the other hand, we have also shown that in order to obtain quantitatively accurate results on the energetics of lattice defects, analytic integration

method should be used for the local DOS functions P Ai ( E ) , instead of the direct numerical integration

method (e.g., Simpson’s method) : Highly accurate

energy calculations are required for obtaining the

atomic relaxations around the lattice defects. The present TB formalism can be used for such purpose : The short-range repulsive energies [7-9] are included straightforwardly in the present s, p, d-basis TB

approach and this allows us to calculate the atomic relaxations around the lattice defects.


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