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Percolation models of free and bound water under the influence of nearest neighbour interactions


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1987

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Percolation models of free and bound water under the influence of nearest neighbour interactions

W. Weiss

To cite this version:

W. Weiss. Percolation models of free and bound water under the influence of nearest neighbour interactions. Journal de Physique, 1987, 48 (5), pp.877-883. �10.1051/jphys:01987004805087700�.



Percolation models of free and bound water

under the influence of nearest neighbour interactions

W. Weiss

II. Physikalisches Institut, Universität


Köln, D-5000 Köln 41, F.R.G.

(Requ le 8 décembre 1986, révisé le 30 janvier 1987, accept6 le 30 janvier 1987)



On modélise l’eau


généralisant le modèle de percolation de Stanley et Teixeira. Les calculs montrent que l’eau liée entre des bicouches de lécithine et soumise à des interactions entre proches voisins


comporte comme dans les systèmes


couplage intermoleculaire. Les potentiels chimiques calculés pour l’eau libre et pour l’eau liée diffèrent d’une quantité qui croît lorsque le nombre de molécules liées entre les bicouches de lécithine décroît. Cette prédiction est




les résultats expérimentaux.



It is shown on

a «

computer water model » based


correlated site percolation calculations

generalizing those performed by Stanley and Teixeira that water bound between lecithin bilayers has similar

properties under the influence of nearest neighbour interactions


in systems without intermolecular coupling.

In agreement with experimental data calculations of the chemical potential of free and bound water showed


increasing difference in chemical potential with decreasing number of water molecules bound between lecithin



Physics Abstracts






1. Introduction.

Water can be interpreted as a space filling network

of hydrogen bonded water molecules. This network in liquid water can be modelled on the computer by

simulations such as correlated site percolation cal-

culations. The connectivity properties of four-

bonded water molecules have been studied by ex- amining the weight distribution functions W, of

water molecules belonging to clusters of s molecules.

With these distributions one is able to calculate

connectivity properties of the hydrogen bond net-

work in liquid water [1-4]. These results were

obtained with percolation calculations and with molecular dynamic calculations. In their percolation

model Stanley and Teixeira occupied randomly the

bonds connecting the sites of a lattice with four

neighbours per site and examined the connectivity properties of the sites with four incident bonds. In this paper we concentrate on correlated site percola-

tion calculations, where interactions in thermal

equilibrium are included.

We have examined the properties of four-bonded

water molecules in bulk water and in water bound between thin lecithin bilayers, the latter being rep-

JOURNAL DE PHYSIQUE. - T. 48, ? 5, MAI 1987

resentative of biological model membranes. Only

interactions in thermal equilibrium were considered.

From experiments we know that the properties of

lecithin bilayers are influenced by the amount of the

so-called bound water between adjacent bilayers [5, 6]. In this way an enhanced chemical potential of the

water molecules between phospholipid bilayers was

found with decreasing water contents in the bilayer.

This is interpreted as a decreased entropy due to a higher degree of order of hydrogen bonded H20

molecules at the lecithin bilayer surface [5-7]. In the

present work, correlated site percolation calculations

are presented on the ice-like diamond lattice. The results are compared with those obtained by earlier

calculations on a simple cubic lattice [8, 9] without

interactions. Furthermore, we examined the influ-

ence of Ising-like next-neighbour interactions on the distribution functions.

2. Model.

There is a maximum of four hydrogen bonds per water molecule. For our calculations it is therefore

more realistic to use the diamond lattice with four

neighbours in space per site instead of the simple


Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01987004805087700



cubic lattice [1]. The diamond lattice is similar to the ice lattice, the only difference being the angles

between the bonds connecting the sites. For percola-

tion calculations where relations between neighbour- ing sites are examined, these differences are negli-



In the diamond-like lattice one interpretes the occupied sites as oxygen atoms and the bonds between two sites as hydrogen bonds (Fig. 1) [1].

Therefore we can look at two neighbouring occupied

sites as two H20 molecules connected by an intact hydrogen bond, and we denote as


water » those

molecules with four intact bonds per oxygen atom.

In our model these water molecules are represented by occupied sites where all four neighbour sites are occupied, too. The lattice sites are occupied random- ly in difference to the Stanley-Teixeira model where the bonds are occupied by random. This model is an example for correlated site percolation because

clusters of occupied sites with four occupied neighbours are examined only. Later we will include effects from an Ising model interaction.

We investigated the behaviour of the clusters,

built of nearest neighbour water molecules with four

Fig. 1.


a) Clusters of four-coordinated water molecules in bulk water (solid circles). b) The introduction of two boundaries characterized by forming



intact hydrogen bond per occupied site increases markedly

number and size of clusters.

intact bonds, as a function of the fraction p of intact

H-bonds. We obtained p from :

where fj is the fraction of water molecules with j

intact hydrogen bonds. We have calculated the

weight functions of the cluster size, Ws(P), and the

second moment of the cluster size distribution with- out the biggest cluster, C (p ) _ 2: sWs (p). Ws (p) is


calculated from

where s is the number of water molecules, these are those sites with four occupied neighbours, in a

cluster and ns the number per occupied site of

clusters of size s. Thus E W, is the fraction of water

. s

molecules and differs from p. In order to avoid

analysing too many data, and to reduce statistical fluctuations, one can combine classes of neighbour- ing cluster sizes in one bin, e.g. all clusters with 8 to 15 sites or with 16 to 31 and so on. The results are

plotted at the geometric mean of the two border

sizes. For further information see [10]. The percola-

tion threshold is determined from the maximum of

C (p ).

The results without interaction for bulk water were found from randomly occupied lattices with up to 216 000 sites.

So far


computer water » has been treated as an

example of random and correlated percolation neglecting forces between the water molecules, but

real water molecules interact. The formations built of hydrogen bonded water molecules depend on the

influences of neighbouring molecules. It is therefore useful to examine the influence of nearest neighbour

interactions on the correlated site percolation calcu-

lations described above.

To implement the nearest neighbour interactions

we proceeded as is usual in the Ising Model [11]

where just two states exist, up spins Si = + 1 and

down spins Si = - 1. Here we interpret an up spin as

an occupied site and a down spin as an empty site of

the lattice. Transferring the properties of the Ising

Model to our water model, two occupied or two

empty sites i and k have the energy - like If just one

site is occupied they have the energy + like Further-

more, we can add an external energy ± H represent-

ing an external magnetic field in the Ising Model,

which is connected to the chemical potential. Thus

each occupied site has the additional energy - H and

for empty sites we add + H ; 2 H is apart from an additive constant, the chemical potential. In this way

we find the total energy


where Si


+ 1 represents occupied sites and Si = - 1 empty sites. While in the random percola-

tion model each site is occupied randomly, in this

model the occupation depends on the state of the neighbouring molecules. We start with an initial

configuration, which can, but need not, be one with

all sites occupied, and calculate for each site the energy change AE conncected with a flip from occupied to empty, or vice versa (« Glauber kinetic

Ising model »). Then the transition probability

T : Temperature kB : Boltzmann constant

AE : Energy change

is calculated for that flip. Only if W is greater than a

randomly chosen number the state is changed. In

this way we can consider the influence of the

neighbours on the state of a lattice site. If all

neighbour sites are occupied, the probability that a

certain site is occupied is rather high. With increasing temperature the influence of the neighbours decrea-

ses, see (4). At very high temperatures we should get the same results as with random site percolation.

From Ising calculations on the diamond lattice we

know that there is a phase separation in the system

for values of coupling strength K


J/kB T which

are greater than 0.37 [12]. As liquid water is

examined we have to take values for this coupling K

which are below the phase separation. We varied K

from 0.18 to 0.34. To compare the results of these calculations with those from correlated site percola-

tion and to examine the influence of the interaction,

we varied the energy H so that the probability p for

intact hydrogen bonds for each K is identical to that in the random case (K



To apply this model to the bound water between lecithin bilayers, the first and the last water layer perpendicular to the layer thickness were assumed to

be fixed to the lecithin molecules by occupying each

site of these two layers.

3. Results.

3.1 INFLUENCE OF NEAREST NEIGHBOUR INTERAC- TIONS ON BULK WATER. - The results for the bulk water and non interacting site percolation were

obtained for a system of size 60 x 60 x 60. For


Ising » results we used systems with up to 34 x

34 x 34 sites and periodic boundary conditions.

To investigate the influence of nearest neighbour

interaction on this model of liquid water we com- pared the weight functions and the percolation

threshold of the four-coordinated water molecules of both calculations. For very high temperatures



0) we obtained, as expected, the same results

for both models. For lower temperatures (K :::. 0.15 )

we found small effects on the weight functions. With

increasing influence of the neighbours, the maxima

of all weight functions decreased. For high values of coupling the maxima in the curves were slightly

shifted towards lower values of the probability p.

Under the influence of interactions the weight

functions increase at lower values of p than for the

non interacting system, but for larger p we obtained

the same values. The weight functions Wi, W3 and W5 are the clusters of size 1, 4 to 7 and 16 to 31 and

are plotted in figure 2 for different values of K. To

Fig. 2.


Weight functions of cluster sizes 1 (WI), 4 to 7 (W3) and 16 to 31 (W5) plotted


the fraction p of intact

H-bonds for strenghts K


0 ( * ), K


0.34 (0) and



0.18 (+).



measure the influence of nearest neighbour interac-

tions we compared p,, which represents the probabi- lity that a lattice site is occupied, with the fraction of

intact hydrogen bonds p. An intact hydrogen bond

occurs if two neighbouring lattice sites are occupied.

In systems without interactions, each neighbour of a randomly chosen site is occupied with the probability

p,. Accordingly we found the same values of p and

p, for correlated site percolation without nearest neighbour interactions. Under the influence of nea-

rest neighbour interactions, the state of each site depends on the neighbouring sites. The probability

that a site is occupied is the higher, the more neighbouring sites are occupied. This probability is

influenced by the strength of the forces between nearest neighbours. Therefore we can take the

deviation of p from ps as a measure of the strength of coupling in the system. In interacting systems the values of p are greater than P, if p 0.85 (Fig. 3).

The differences are greater for smaller p. For the

occupied lattice sites we can see the tendency to clump together under the influence of nearest

neighbour interactions. For the four-coordinated

H20 molecules we found the same properties.

Fig. 3. - ps

as a

function of p for three different strengths

of coupling (K = 0 * , K = 0.34 Q, K = 0.18 +).

The percolation threshold of the four-coordinated sites, calculated from the position of the maximum in C (p ) for bulk water without nearest neighbour

interactions is found at W, = Pc


0.795 ± 0.005


in good agreement with the results of Blumberg

et al. [1].



To examine the water bound between lecithin bilayers with correla- ted site percolation on the diamond lattice we varied the thickness of the layer from 2 to 10 water

molecules per lecithin molecule corresponding to a layer thickness of four to twenty molecules, respecti-

vely. The extension in the two other directions

(60 x 60 molecules) was still the same as for bulk water. Decreasing the layer thickness yielded an

increase of the weight functions (Fig. 4). Further-

more, the curves for greater clusters were slightly

shifted towards greater values of p. These are

qualitatively the same results as found with calcula- tions on the simple cubic lattice [8, 9]. In percolation

Fig. 4.


Weight functions WI, W3 and W5 for bulk water (*) compared with 5 bound water molecules per lecithin molecule (0). The Wi


calculated by correlated site



theory the percolation threshold corresponds to a macroscopic phase transition. At and above the threshold pc there exists one infinite cluster among other smaller clusters of hydrogen bonded molecu- les. If p decreases from values slightly above

p, to values slightly below Pc, just a small number of

hydrogen bonds breaks and there is no longer an

infinite cluster. When ice melts, just a small fraction of the intact hydrogen bonds in the system breaks [1, 17]. So we tentatively interpret the percolation

threshold of the four-coordinated sites as the melting temperature of the ice phase. Fortuin and Kasteleyn [13] derived the following relation between probabi- lity p and temperature :

We assume the same relation for the percolation

threshold p, and the phase transition temperature Tc which we identify tentatively with the melting point. After equating terms we get:

As p increases, the temperature is seen to decrease in agreement with the growth of intact H-bonds with

decreasing temperature in water.

We found that Pc increases with decreasing layer

thickness D. In figure 5 pc is plotted versus D. The

calculations are in qualitative agreement with the experimental finding, that with decreasing number

of water molecules per lecithin molecule the subzero


phase transition temperature decreases, too [7, 14, 16].

The weight functions of the systems with interac- tions show the same properties as the functions of the non interacting model. We found increasing weight functions with decreasing layer thickness

Fig. 5.


Percolation threshold p, and temperature T


function of layer thickness D for K


0.18. Percolation calculations (0). Experimental results for DPPC (cooling runs) (*) [16].

Fig. 6.


Weight functions Wl, W3, and W5 for bulk water (*) and for bound water with 5 water molecules per lecithin molecule (0) under the influence of nearest

neighbour interactions of strengh K



(Fig. 6). These curves show that with decreasing

content of water bound between lecithin bilayers,

there are more clusters of four-coordinated water molecules related to the total number of molecules than in free water. We interpret this as a higher degree of order. The bound water is more viscous or

ice-like. This interpretation is confirmed by exper-

imental results obtained for the lecithins dimyristoyl-



phospatidylcholine (DMPC) and dipalmitoyl-phos- phatidylcholine (DPPC) deduced from dielectric and pressure experiments [8] which showed an increasing

difference in chemical potential with decreasing

water contents. This fact was interpreted as a

decrease in entropy due to a higher degree of order

of hydrogen bonded water molecules.

To compare the results of our calculations with these experimental data it is useful to calculate the differences in chemical potential A between bulk and

bound water for different concentrations of water molecules per lecithin molecule.

The magnetic field H in the Ising Model corre- sponds to the chemical potential of the lattice gas model. Each state of the system was generated by

well known values of AE/kB T (see Eq. (4)). So we

Fig. 7.


Difference in chemical potential tL between bulk and bound water

as a

function of the number of water molecules per lecithin molecule. The results of percolation

calculations with nearest neighbour interactions of

strength K


0.34 (+) and for experiments


given in

dimensionless form IL / kB T and in meV. (+) Percolation calculations (21 °C) ; (0) DPPC (25 °C).

get 2 H/kB T respectively u /kB T and are able to

calculate from H the differences in A /kB T for bulk

water and water bound between lecithin bilayers.

As a result, JL decreases with the layer thickness, furthermore we found an increasing difference in chemical potential of free and bound water with

decreasing number of water molecules per lecithin molecule. The results are in fair agreement with

experimental data. Figure 7 shows the difference in chemical potential vs. the number n of water molecu- les per lecithin molecule from percolation calcula-

tions with nearest neighbour interactions of strength



0.18 and from experimental data [5, 15]. The experimental values were deduced from the thermal activation of the dipole relaxation time of the water

molecules. The differences between different mate- rials are of the same order as those between theory

and experiment.

4. Conclusion.

Percolation calculations on the diamond lattice which is similar to the ice lattice gave qualitatively

the same results of the properties of water bound

between lecithin bilayers as previous calculations on

the simple cubic lattice [8]. The influence of nearest

neighbour interactions on the shape of the examined cluster numbers is negligible, but for higher degrees

of coupling the curves were shifted to lower values of the probability p. The calculated differences in chemical potential of free and bound water con-

firmed the model [5, 6] that water bound at the

surface of a lipid bilayer is more ordered or behaves

ice-like compared with free water.


I would like to acknowledge the valuable discussions and support of this work given by G. Nimtz and D.

Stauffer, and the financial support by the Deutsche



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