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Two-photon spectroscopy of Ag+ ions in alkali chlorides


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1984

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Two-photon spectroscopy of Ag+ ions in alkali chlorides

B. Moine, C. Pedrini

To cite this version:

B. Moine, C. Pedrini. Two-photon spectroscopy of Ag+ ions in alkali chlorides. Journal de Physique, 1984, 45 (9), pp.1491-1496. �10.1051/jphys:019840045090149100�. �jpa-00209888�


Two-photon spectroscopy of Ag+ ions

in alkali chlorides

B. Moine and C. Pedrini

E.R.A. 1003-C.N.R.S., Université Claude Bernard-Lyon I, 43 Bd du 11 Novembre 1918, 69622 Villeurbanne, France

(Reçu le 3 fivrier 1984, accepté le 9 mai 1984)

Résumé. 2014 La variation azimutale de la probabilité d’absorption simultanée de deux photons polarisés linéaire-

ment permet de déterminer de façon directe la symétrie des états excités de l’ion impureté Ag+ dans les cristaux NaCl et KCl. Les résultats expérimentaux sont en parfait accord avec ceux des calculs théoriques. En particulier,

ils confirment l’existence d’un effet Jahn-Teller sur le niveau 1Eg.

Abstract. 2014 By polarization dependence of two-photon absorption, one can straightforwardly determine the symmetry of absorbing levels of the Ag+ ion embedded in NaCl and KCl crystals. Experimental results are in

very good agreement with theoretical calculations. The existence of the Jahn-Teller effect on 1Eg state is experimen-

tally proved.

Classification Physics Abstracts

78.20 - 78.55F

1. Introduction.

During recent years the absorption bands of Ag+ [1, 2] impurity ion in the alkali halide crystals have been ’ carefully studied These bands are ascribed to the

parity forbidden electronic transitions (4d)10 -+ (4d)’

(5s) allowed by an interaction with odd phonons.

Many theoretical approaches have been made : semi-empirical crystal field [3] and molecular orbital calculations [4-5] have been applied to the d9s and d9p configurations of Ag+ and Cu+. Most recently,

the multiple scattering Xa method has been used to describe the Ag+ impurity centre in NaCl.

Up to now, experimental results were essentially dealing with one-photon absorption spectra. In this

case, the symmetry of the various absorption bands

of an impurity ion in a cubic site cannot be investigat-

ed In this work, we present experimental results of two-photon absorption of NaCl : Ag+ and KCl : Ag+.

This technique presents two fields of interest : first, in

a centrosymmetric system g - g transitions are allow- ed by two-photon absorption and second, by polari-

zation dependence of two photon absorption, one

can straightforwardly determine the symmetry of

absorbing levels.

2. Theory of two-photon absorption.

When we study the ion photon interaction we usually expand the perturbation theory only to first order.

It is the « one-photon » spectroscopy. If we expand

the calculations to higher orders, we find a term of

nth order which shows the possibility of « n » pho-

ton processes. Here we limit our study to n = 2.

The transition rate corrected to second order is thus :

Where JCI is the Hamiltonian of ion-photon inter- action,

i > is the initial state of ion-photon system and f> is the final state of ion-photon system.

The second-order term represents a transition where the system changes indirectly from state i > to state f > via one intermediate state. The only energy-

conservation requirement is that Wi must equal (Up In general, the intermediate states do not have the

same energy as the initial state, and for each inter- mediate state there is an energy denominator 1i(Wi - WI) which reduces the corresponding contribution

by an amount inversely proportional to the energy

mismatch. In other words, the two-photon absorp-

tion .will be large if there is an intermediate state whose energy is close to 1iWi.

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:019840045090149100



We make the electric-dipole approximation and

we consider two beams incident on the crystal, one

of energy ficol with polarization 81 = (11, ml, nl)

and the other of energy nro2 with polarization 82 = (I2, m2, n2). In this case the two-photon absorp-

tion operator is proportional to :

In this matrix element the first term represents an absorption process where the w2 photon is first

absorbed and then the w1 photon is absorbed, and

the second term represents the process in the reverse order. In contrast to single-photon electric-dipole absorption where the final atomic state must have

opposite parity to the ground state, we see that in two-photon absorption the accessible statues f >

must have the same parity as the initial ground state.

In addition, it is clear that the magnitude of the matrix element depends on the directions of the polariza-

tion vectors E1 and E2.

The polarization dependence of the rate of two- photon absorption has been calculated for all 32

crystallographic point groups by Bader and Gold [6]

with the method used by Inoue and Toyozawa [7].

For Oh symmetry site and two identical photons pro-

pagating along the [001] axis the angular dependence

functions for an A1g -+ Eg transition and for an

A1g -+ T2g transition are respectively :

where 0 represents the angle between the electric vector and the [100] axis.

It should be noted that the theory of two-photon

transitions has not been extended to include vibronic-

coupling effects which are effective with phonons of

even (Jahn-Teller effect) and odd symmetries. Taking

these effects into account should lead to quite com- plex expressions of two-photon transition probabili- ties, but should not modify the angular dependence


3. Experimental

Figure 1 displays the experimental set-up for the two- photon absorption study. The Quantel TDL YAG

laser pumped dye laser system produces the visible

beam, which is frequency doubled by appropriate crystals (D.C.) or mixed with fundamental (1.06 ppm)

beam of the YAG laser by other crystals (M.C.). In

the case of mixing or doubling, there is residual

YAG fundamental and some of fundamental and

Fig. 1. - Experimental set-up : D.C. = Doubling Crystal;

M.C. = Mixing Crystal; O.T. = Optical Trigger; P.B. =

Pellin-Broca prism ; I. = Iris ; B.S. = Beam Splitter ;

T. = Thermopile; B.C. = Babinet compensator; L. = Lens; S. = Sample; C. = Liquid helium Cryostat; F. = Filter; P.M.T. = Photomultiplier Tube; P.S. = Power Supply; B.T. = Boxcar Integrator; 0. = Oscilloscope;

R. = Recorder.

doubled dye in addition to the desired wavelength

in the output beam. Isolation of this wavelength can

be accomplished by means of a Pellin-Broca prism

which spatially separates the beams of different

wavelengths. A screen (not shown on figure 1) then

blocks off all unwanted beams.

A small percentage of the laser photons is reflected

by a quartz made plate used as a beam splitter (B.S.)

and directed into a thermopile (T.) detector. This

beam splitter is turned close to the perpendicular

direction of the beam in order to reduce its depolarizing

effect to the minimum. Babinet compensator (B.C.)

is inserted after (B.S.) and used as a A/2 plate for the

selected wavelength to rotate the plane of polarization

of the laser beam. A lens (L1) is used to focus the light The sample (S.) is placed in a cryostat allowing

to work in the temperature range 1.5-300 K. The lens (L2) collects the fluorescence from the crystal

and a solar-blind filter is used to select against the exciting light An EMI 6256 blue sensitive photo- multiplier tube (P.M.T.) detects the fluorescence.

The signal is fed into a PAR Model 160 boxcar

integrator (B.I.) and visualized by a Tektronix 7603


oscilloscope. The optical trigger (O.T.) utilizes a

small amount of YAG laser light to produce an

electrical pulse from a photodiode. The signals

from (B.I.) and (T.) are simultaneously plugged into

a strip-chart recorder.

Measurements of luminescence excitation spectra

were made at LURE (University of Orsay) using

ACO synchrotron radiation as a light source, and a

homemade monochromator.

The Ag+ doped NaCl and KCI crystals were

grown in our laboratory by a standard Bridgman technique. The concentration of silver in the crystals

used in this study is about 100 ppm for NaCl and about 40 ppm for KCI.

4. Results and discussion.

The excitation spectra for the U.V. emission bands

are shown in figures 2 and 3 for NaCI : Ag+ and

KCI : Ag+ respectively at room and liquid helium temperature. It is clearly seen that in the two cases

the overlapping of different bands is too much impor-

tant at room temperature in order to separate and identify them. On the other hand, all the results of observation at liquid helium temperature of the

« A », « B », « D », « F » and « G » bands agree very well with those previously reported [2]. Considering

Fig. 2. - Excitation spectra of NaCI : Ag+ (100 ppm).

Two-photon polarization studies of figure 5 done at wave- lengths indicated by arrows.

Fig. 3. - Excitation spectra of KCI : Ag+ (40 ppm). Two- photon polarization studies of Fig. 6 done at wavelengths

indicated by arrows.

this fact, we have done all the two-photon experiments

at low temperature (T ~ 10 K) except for the « A » and « B » bands of NaCI : Ag+. Indeed in this case

the resolution of the two bands is not better at liquid

helium temperature than at room temperature and the absorption intensities are much weaker at low temperature. To work at T = 10 K, we were obliged

to focuse the full laser power which tended to badly pit the surface of the crystal. This caused defocusing

of the light and a loss of signal intensity in a few

seconds. So, for these two bands we have studied the two-photon polarization characteristics only at

room temperature.

In order to characterize two-photon absorption

processes, we have recorded the laser power depen-

dence of fluorescence intensity. The quadratic varia-

tion characteristic of two photon absorption is

shown on figure 4. This experiment has been done for

several wavelengths, but we present only one case.

In each case, we worked with two identical photons

and we fixed the laser at five wavelengths, while we

rotated the electric vector 180°. For the « G » bands, respectively at À. = 1700 A in NaCI : Ag+ and at

À. = 1775 A in KCl : Ag+ we did not detect two- photon absorption. The fact that these absorption

bands are two-photon forbidden transitions confirms the assumption of single-photon allowed transitions,



Fig. 4. - Quadratic laser power dependence of fluores-

cence intensity.

according to the high value and the temperature dependence of the oscillator strengths ( N 0.5) obtained

from absorption spectra [2]. It should be remarked

that the strong intensity of the G band relative to those of the other bands does not appear in the excitation spectra. The decrease in excitation effi-

ciency at high energy is a well-known phenomenon

in solids and the generally accepted explanation is

that non-radiative surface recombination becomes dominant as the absorption coefficient increases and the exciting light is absorbed closer in the sample


For KCI : Ag+ we fixed the laser wavelength respec-

tively at 3 850 A (2 x 1 925) for the « F » band, 4140 A (2 x 2 070) for the « D » band, 4 400 A (2 x 2 200) for the« B » band and 4 540 A (2 x 2 270)

for the « A » band The results are shown on figure 6.

For NaCI : Ag+ the laser wavelengths were 3 550 A,

3 850 A, 4 200 A and 4 360 A for the bands « F »,

« D », « B », « A », respectively. The results are shown

on figure 5.

We know that, in Oh symmetry, d10 configuration corresponds to A1g symmetry state, and eight states

are associated with the excited configuration d9 s : lEg, iT2g, 3Eg(T1g, T2g) and 3T2g(A2g, Eg, Tig, T2g). So,

we are essentially concerned with A1g -+ Eg and A1g -+ T2g transitions. By fitting the data to a linear

combination of Eqs. (1) and (2), we can determine the fraction of Eg or T2g character at the given wavelength.

Indeed, we can write the polarization dependence of

the transition probability as :

and define

The results are gathered in table I.

As table I shows, the similarity of results for NaCl and KCI crystals is especially striking. We also

note that they are in very good agreement with those of S. A. Payne [8]. Let us focus our attention

first on the A + B bands. In an early effort, Froh-

lich [9] and coworkers used a ruby laser to show the Eg symmetry of the A band of KCl : Ag+, but their investigation was limited to a single wavelength.

Here, we have the experimental proof of the assignment

of A + B bands to the 1 A1g -+ ’Eg transition. In a

recent paper [10] we have discussed the existence of

Fig. 5. - Polarization dependence of two-photon signal of NaCI : Ag+ : ooo experiment; - calculated. Propagation

vector [001] ; 0 measured from [100] (in degrees).


Fig. 6. - Polarization dependence of two-photon signal of KCI : Ag+ : ooo experiment ; - calculated. Propagation

vector [001] ; 8 measured from [100] (in degrees).

Table I. - Energy state symmetries of NaCl : Ag+

and KCI : Ag+

(*) Room temperature.

the Jahn-Teller effect of the 1 A1g -+ 1 Eg absorption

of NaCl : Ag+ as was done by S. A. Payne in the

case of NaF : Cu+ [11]. The case to treat was the simplest one of an octahedrally coordinated Cu+ ion with a doubly degenerate Eg excited state. Among the

15 normal modes of the octahedron, only the doubly degenerate eg distortion can split the Eg term in first

order, so that the Jahn-Teller interaction to study was

that of an Eg electronic level with an eg vibrational mode. Evidence for the Jahn-Teller effect was revealed

by a study of the temperature dependence of the magnitude of the observed splitting, AE, of the 1 Eg

excited state. Therefore, A and B bands are transitions to the two components of the Jahn-Teller distorted excited state.

The spectra of Cu+ in alkali halides are much simpler than those of Ag+ in the same systems. For example, NaCl : Cu + exhibits two bands at helium temperature while NaCl : Ag+ shows five. We know that this difference is due. to the large spin-orbit coupling of Ag+ causing considerable mixing of the singlet states with the triplet states. Spin forbidden

transitions are made partially allowed and experi- mentally observable in the Ag+ systems. It is the

case of D band which is more than 80 % T2g. This

result confirms the assignment of D band to the absorption of the triplet state 3T2g(T2g) for which

the calculations have shown this triplet state to

have 30 % singlet character in NaCl. It is also gratifying

to find near 90 % T2g character for the F bands which are assigned to the singlet IT 2g absorption.

In conclusion, we used two-photon spectroscopy as

a powerful tool to clarify the U.V. spectra of Ag+

impurity in alkali halide host crystals. The polari-

zation dependence of two-photon transition allowed

us to identify Eg and T2g state symmetries in NaCl

and KCI. The comparison of theory and experiment

has enabled us to clearly assign the bands observed

in the absorption spectra to the transition between the 4d1° ground state and the multiplets of the spin

orbit split 4d9 5s excited state. The presence of a Jahn-Teller effect on then lA1g -+ lEg bands was

experimentally proved




[1] FUSSGAENGER, K., MARTIENSSEN, W. and BILZ, H., Phys. Status Solidi 12 (1965) 3831.


and FUJIOKA, Y., in Japan J. Appl. Phys. 4 Suppl. I (1965) 631.

[3] KNOX, R. S., J. Phys. Soc. Japan 18 Suppl. II (1963) 268.

[4] HAGSTON, W. E., J. Phys. C 5 (1972) 691.

[5] YIP, Y. L. and FOWLER, W. B., Phys. Status Solidi

B 53 (1972) 137.

[6] BADER, T. R., GOLD, A., Phys. Rev. 171 (1968) 997.

[7] INOUE, M., TOYOZAWA, Y., J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 20 (1965)



(to be published in J. Chem. Phys.).

[9] FROHLICH, D., STAGIMUS, B., CAPS, T., Solid State Commun. 6 (1968) 173.

[10] PEDRINI, C., CHERMETTE, H., GOLDBERG, A. B., McCLURE, D. S., MOINE, B., Physica Status Solidi

B 120 (1983) 753.

[11] PAYNE, S. A., GOLDBERG, A. B., MCCLURE, D. S., J.

Chem. Phys. 78 Part II N° 6 (1983) 3688.


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