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94 The Joiirnal of Laryngology,

NEW PREPARATIONS, &c, received.


(Burroughs, Wellcome & Co.)

To the vast majority of the fluid beef preparations in the market this elegant preparation is far superior, whilst it has points all of which the few really good and reliable ones do not possess. One of these is the presence of the haemoglobin in a pure state—i.e., as found in the blood.

It contains almost forty per cent, organic matter of a highly nourishing and easily assimilable character ; it must, however, not be boiled. We can recommend this preparation most confidently for a trial, and feel sure of it obtaining a high place in the opinion of the profession at large.

ADEFOR LANiE. (Christy & Co., London.)


(Burroughs, Wellcome & Co., London.)

LEWIS'S NURSING CHART. (Lewis, Gower Street, London.)


Vl'SA ••• -*


BATUT. De l'operation de Rouge et de ses indications. Ann. des Malad. de l'Oreille, etc., No. 3, 1894.

BKCO. Les tumeurs adenoi'des du pharynx nasal 011 hypertrophie de l'amygdale pharyngienne au point de vue du medecin praticien. Liege, 1893.

COUPARD. Note sur quelques effets du guiacol synthetique. Gaz. des Hop., No. 1, 1894.

DELIE. Gouge pour les cretes de la cloison du nez. Rev. Internat. de Rhinol., etc., No. 2, 1894.

GECHELINE. Cyanidrosis nasi. Gaz. Hebd. Med. de la Russie meridion., No. 6, 1894.

Ha GRELLETY. Traitement du coryza. Gaz. Med. de Liege, No. 19, 1894.

GOUREAU. L'antipyrine et Pexalgine dans le traitement des nevralgies d'origine nasale. Actualite Med., No. 2, 1894.

MENDEL. Rhinite syphilitique hereditaire. Sem. Med., No. 16, 1894.

MOURE. Rhinolithes spontanees ; necessite de pratiquer Pexamen histologique et chimique. Rev, de Laryng., Otol., Rhinol., No. 6, 1894.


Rhmoloqy', and Otology. 95

Rev. Internat. de Gaz.

NATIER. Sur quelques cas de sarcome des fosses nasales.

Rhinol., etc., No. 2, 1893.

BEAUCELLIER. Influence des affections nasales sur Ie tube digestif.

Med de Picardie, No. 1, 1894.

RAUGE. Sur le role normal et patliologique des fosses nasales dans la phonation. Ann. des Malad. deFOreille, etc., No. 3, 1894.

RlPAULT. Ablation des vegetations adenoiides. Gaz. Med. de Paris, No. 6, 1894.

ROCHARD. Du traitement operatoire des abces chauds retro-pharyngiens chez l'enfant. Medecine Infantile, No. 1, 1894.

ROUGIER. Des vegetations adenoiides du pharynx par la pharyngoscopie anterieures, et de leur ablation au lacet par les fosses nasales anterieures. Bull.

Med. et Administratif, No. 51, 1894.

TISSIER. Des coryzas a fausses membranes. Gaz. des Hop., No. 33, 1894.

TISSIER. Considerations anatomiques sur l'ozene. Ann. de Med., No. 5, 1894.

TISSIER. Pathogenie de l'ozene. Ann. de Med., No. 7, 1894.

HELOT. De l'electrolyse des tumeurs de la cloison du nez et des hyperplasias de la petuitaire. Ann. de POreille, Mar., 1895.

LERMOYEZ. Technique generale des operations intranasales. Ann. de l'Oreille, Mar., 1895.

RlPAULT. Syphilides nasales vegtkantcs a la periode secondaire de la syphilis.

Ann. de POreille, Mar., 1895.

TISSIER. Le massage vibratoire en rhinologie. Ann. de l'Oreille, April, 1895.

LANXOIS. L'appareil nerveux de 1'olfaction. Ann. de l'Oreille, July, 1895.

HELME. Des adenoites. Ann. de l'Oreille, Aug., 1895.

i OUGERAY. De Pemploi de l'huile mentholee au io° dans les rhino-pharyngites chroniques. Ann. de l'Oreille, Aug., 1895.

BRUNSCHWIG. Corps etrangers du sinus maxillaire gauche. Ann. de l'Oreille, June, 1S95.

GUINARD. Extraction d'un volumineux sequestre des fosses nasales : operation de Rouge. Ann. de l'Oreille, Sept., 1895.

KUDAUX. Empyeme du sinus maxillaire chez un enfant de trois semaines.

Ann. de l'Oreille, Sept., 1895.

GRADENIGO. Sur un cas de rhinolithe. Ann. de l'Oreille, Sept., 1895.

RIPAULT. Trois cas d'empyeme du sinus frontal. Ann. de l'Oreille, Nov., 1895.

RIPAULT. Un cas de papillome confluent des fosses nasales. Ann. de TOreille, Nov., 1895.

FOUGERAY. Un cas de rhinite purulente aigue primitive infantile a staphylo- coques guerie par Pemploi de l'huile mentholee au io°. Ann. de l'Oreille, D e c , 1895.

RIPAULT. Un cas de rhinolithe. Ann. de l'Oreille, D e c , 1895.

^ ARSLAN. Contribution statistique a l'etude des vegetations adenoides du rhino-pharynx. Ann. de l'Oreille, D e c , 1895.

^ GOULY. Des corps etrangers du sinus maxillaire, et en particulier de leur elimination par Phiatus semi-lunaire. Archiv. de Laryng., Jan. and Feb., 1895,

v MARION. De cas prothese dans le traitement des fistules chirurgicales du Sinus maxillaire. Arch, de Laryng., Jan. and Feb., 1895.

i JOUSLAIN. Observation de necrose considerable de la cloison et du cornet inferieur gauche. Archiv. de Laryng., May and June, 1895.



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6 The Journal of Laryngology,

RAUGE, Sur un cas de rhinoscopie posterieure. Archiv, de Laryng., May and June, 1895.

BRINDEL. Dent implantee a l'entree de la fosse nasale droite, avec troubles reflexes (acces de toux et spasms laryngees); avulsion ; guerison. Rev. Mens. de Laryng., 1 Jan. 1S95.

BEAUSOLEIL. Etude sur l'etiologie et la pathologic du coryza caseeux. Rev.

Mens. de Laryng., 1 Jan. and 15 Jan., 1895.

RUEDA. Syphilome primitif intra-nasale de forme anormale. Rev. Mens. de Laryng., 15 Feb., 1S95.

BARATOUX. Des corps etrangers du sinus maxillaire. Rev. Mens. de Laryng., I Mar., 1895.

BONAIN. Synechie osseuse et myxome kystique de la fosse nasale droite.

Rev. Mens. de Laryng., 1 Mar., 1S95.

JOAL. Recherches pathogeniques sur le rhume des foins. Rev. Mens. de Laryng., 1 April, 1895.

BEAUSOLEIL. Hemorragie secondaire consecutive a ablation des vegetations adenoides. Rev. de Laryng., 15 June, 1895.

LABIT. Un cas de condylomes syphilitiques des fosses nasales. Rev. de Laryng., 15 June, 1895.

BONAIN. Polypes muqueux et sarcomes des fosses nasales. Rev. de Laryng., 15 July, 1895.

GAREL. Deux cas de chancre primitif de la cloison nasale. Rev. de Laryng., 15 July, 1895.

CHEVAL. Traitement de l'ozene par l'electrolyse interstitielle. Rev. de Laryng., 1 Aug., 1895.

MOLL. DU traitement des affections aigues des cavites accessoires de la face.

Rev. de Laryng., 15 Aug., 1895.

SIMOMX. Contribution a 1'etude du lupus pseudo-polypeux des fosses nasales.

Rev. de Laryng., r Sept., 1895.

GUICHARD. Observations sur quelques complications des empyemes du sinus maxillaire. Rev. de Laryng., 1 Sept., 1895.

CLAONE. Empyeme du sinus maxillaire gauche. Infection aigue secondaire des sus-nasaux gauches. Accidents meningitiques. Mort. Rev. de Laryng., 1 Sept., 1895.

MOURE. Du catarrhe naso-pharyngien. Arch. Cliniques de Bordeaux, Mar., 1895.

MARTIN. Exophtalmie produite par un osteome orbito-nasal. Journ. de Med.

de Bordeaux, 14 July, 1895.

LAGRANGE. Empyeme du sinus frontal ouvert au niveau du grand angle de I'oeil. Journ. de Med. de Bordeaux, 17 Feb., 1895.

AMAIGNOC. Histoire d'une fistule lachrymale ancienne. Journ. de Med. de Bordeaux, 3 Mar., 1895.

LIARAS. Osteome du sinus frontal. Journ. de Med. de Bordeaux, 25 Aug., 1895.

LICHTWITZ. Complications des cavites accessoires du nez. Journ. de Med.

de Bordeaux, 1 Sept., 18915.

WINCKLER, ERNST. Zur Oberkiefer missbildungen bei Oehinderte Nasenath- mung. Wien. Med. Woch., Nos. 9, 10, 1895.

LENS, ANTON DE. Ueber einen neuen Nasendilator. Wien. Med. Woch., No. 13, 1895.

GARTNER. Ueber Vibrationsmassage der inneren Schleimhaute. Wien. Med.

Woch., No. 17, 1895.

STOERK, Prof. KARL. Gehirninfektion von Seite der Nase. Wien. Med.

Woch., Nos. 21, 22, 23, 1895.


Rhino logy i and Otology 97


GAREL. Sur une forme de pharyngite perraettant de reconnaitrc le diabete u l'albuminurie. Ann. de l'Oreille, Feb., 1895-

CHIARI. Sur l'origine et la structure des polypes dits muqueux des cordes vocales. Ann. de l'Oreille, Feb., 1895.

IiAUGK. Sur la chirurgie du sinus maxillaire et ses progres depuis dix ans.

Ann. de l'Oreille, Feb., 1895.

LAPALLE. Perte de substance du pilier anterieur droit du voile du palais.

Ann. de l'Oreille, Feb., 1895.

KOCH. Anomalie rare de la luette. Ann. de l'Oreille, Feb., 1895.

GOUGUEXHKIM. La diphterie au pavilion d'isolement de l'hopital Lariboisiere et son traitement par le serum de Roux. Ann. de l'Oreille, May, 1895.

LEMAIREY. Des hypertrophies polypoides de l'amygdale. Ann. de l'Oreille, May, 1895.

GOUGUKNHEIM, La diphterie de l'adultc a Thopital Lariboisiere. Ann. de l'Oreille, July, 1895.

DIEULAFOY. Tuberculose larvee des trois amygdales. Archiv de Laryng., July and Aug., 1895.

SENDZIAK. Cas extraordinaire de syphilis des amygdales. Rev. Mens. de Laryng., 1 May, 1895.

RAOULT. Des inflammations de l'amygdales linguale d'origine dentaire et buccale. Rev. de Laryng., 1 June, 1895.

CARTAZ. Deux cas de lymphadenome de l'amygdale. Rev. de Laryng., 15 June, 1895.

VERGELY. DU lipome de la langue. Arch. Clin. de Bordeaux, Mar., 1895.

Roux. Contribution a l'etude des calculs amygdaliens. These de Bordeaux, 1895-

CARMABY. De l'ablation des amygdales hypertrophises avec l'anse electro- thermique. These de Bordeaux, 1895.

LICHTWITZ. De l'ablation des amygdales hypertrophises avec l'anse electro- the'mique. Journ. de Med. de Bordeaux, 23 and 30 D e c , 1894.

COURTIN. Diphterie. Journ. de Med. de Bordeaux, 30 D e c , 1894.

LAUGA. Cas de diphterie gueri par les injections de serum de Roux. Journ.

tic Med. de Bordeaux, 23 D e c , 1894.

CRETTZAN. Diphterie a microcoques ; croup ; acces de suffocation ; injection de fcenun de Roux ; guerison. Journ. de Med. de Bordeaux, 13 Jan., 1895.

PIECIIAUD. Deviation congenitale de la voute et du voile du palais. Journ.

de Med. de Bordeaux, 3 Feb., 1S95.

MOURE. Langue noire. Journ. de Med. de Bordeaux, 10 Feb., 1895.

MONFOUR. Cas de diphterie traitee par le serum antitoxique; guerison.

Journ. de Med. de Bordeaux, 3 Mar., 1895.

MOUSSONS. La diphterie a 1'hSpital des Enfants; quarante-trois cas etudies

a u Po i n t de vue bacteriologique ; quinze cas traites par le serum. Journ. de Med.

de Bordeaux, 17 Mar., 1895.

MQNFOUR. Des modifications urinaires consecutives aux injections de serum

"•ntidiphteriques. Journ. de Med. de Bordeaux, 12 May and 16 June, 1895.

DAVEZAC. Trois cas de diphterie traites par le serum. Journ. de Med. de Bordeaux, 26 May, 1895.

PERY. Cas de diphterie traite par le serum. Journ. de Med. de Bordeaux, 9 June, 1895,

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8 The Journal of Laryngology,

DAVEZAC. Angine diphteritique simulant une angine herpetique. Journ. de Med. de Bordeaux, n May, 1895.

CARDEILLAC. Des modifications urinaires consecutives aux injections de serum antidiphterique. These, Bordeaux, 1895.

TENADE. Etude sur l'amygdalite lacunaire ulcereuse aigue. These, Bordeaux, 1S95.

MOURIE. Contribution a. l'etude du cancer primitif du voile, du palais, et de la luette. These, Bordeaux, 1895-

Pujos. Contribution a l'etude du traitement du bec-de-lievre. These, Bordeaux, 1895.

PUSSACQ-LARCEBEAU. Etude sur les tumeurs benignes du pharynx buccal et inferieur. These, Bordeaux, 1895.


BARJON. Nouveau cas d'oedeme aigu infectieux retro-larynge a. pneumo- coques. Province Med., No. 4, 1894.

COLLET. Ataxie locomotrice. Crises laryngees. Paralysie des crico-aryte- noidiens posterieurs. Province Med., March 23, 1894.

COURTADE. Laryngite pseudo-membraneuse sous-glottique a repetition.

Bull, et Mem. de la Soc. de Laryng., No. 1, 1894.

DANET. Des hemorragies du larynx. Paris : Jouve, 1894.

DENUCK. Kyste du canal de Bochdalek et du canal thyro-lingual. Journ. de Med. de Bordeaux, Nos. 10, 11, 1894.

DONILET. Corps etranger des voies aeriennes chez un enfant; expulsion du corps etranger et mort par vomique. Dauphine Med., No. 2, 1894.

GOUGUEXHEIM. Mode opt-ratoire de la tracheotomie. Soc. de Chirurgie, seance du 14 Mars, 1894.

JOAL. Des odeurs et de leur influence sur la voix. Rev. de Laryng., etc.,

IN os. 3, 4, and 5, 1894.

LACOARRET. Revue statistique des maladies du larynx, de la gorge, des oreilles, et du nez. Ann. de la Policlin., No. 1, 1894.

L E GENDRE. Enveloppements humides dans les maladies des voies respiratoires.

France Med., No. 12, 1894.

LERMOYEZ. Deux formes dysphagiques de tuberculose laryngee. Presse Med., March 10, 1894.

LERMOYEZ. Laryngite aigue grijDpale chez un professionnel de la voix. Presse Med., Feb. 3, 1894.

MALBEC. Tracheite ou rhume. Tribune Med., No. 5, 1S94.

MARTIX-DURR. Les secousses tracheales dans l'anevrisme de l'aorte. Gaz, des Hop., No. 35, 1894.

MORSELLI. Les alterations de la voix dans les maladies mentales en rapport avec 1'etat psychique. Voix, Jan., 1894.

POGREBINSKY. Contribution a. l'etude du cancer primitif de la trachee. Gaz.

Ilebdom. Med. de la Russie Meridion., No. 5, 1894.

PANZER, B. Ueber Tuberkulose Stimmbandpolypen. Wien. Med. Woch.,

^Tos. 3, 4, 5> 1895.

ROTTER. Die Verbesserten Methoden der Totalextirpation des Kehlkopfes.

Wien. Med. Woch., No. 4, 1895.

BAROWICZ, ALEX. Scleroma Laryngis sub forma sclerosis interarytsenoidoe.

Wien. Med. Woch., No. 6, 1895.

BAROWICZ, ALEX. Sogenannte Chorditis vocalis hypertrophica inferior, Wien. Med. Woch., No. 20, 1895.


Rhinology, and Otology. 99

OERTEL. Laryngostroposkop. Wien. Med. Woch., No. 22, 1895.

KOCH, PAUL. Bronchitis Fibrinosa Chronica. Wien. Med. Woch., No. 11, 1895.

GABULOWITSCH, J. Ueber das Antiphthisin Klebs. Wien. Med. Woch., 1895.

REHN. Mandelsaures Antipyrin bei Keuchhusten. Wien. Med. Woch., No. 11, 1895.

RHIEL. Lepra der Lunge. Wien. Med. Woch., No. 20, 1895.

SEITZ, C. Die klinische Diagnose der Bronchialdrusenerkrankung. Wien.

Med. Woch., No. 13, 1895.


BRINDEL. Meningo-encephalite diffuse aigue consecutive a. une otite moyenne suppuree. Soc. d'Anatom. de Bordeaux, Jan. 15, 1894.

BROCA.. Abces otitique du cerveau. Bull. Med., No. 24, 1894.

BROCA. Le traitement des mastoiditer,. Arch. Internal, de Laryng., de Rhinol., et d'Otol., No. 1, 1894.

CANNIEUX. Recherches sur le nerf auditif; ses rameaux et ses ganglions.

These de Bordeaux, 1894.

CHAPPET. Sur l'education des sourds-muets. Lyon Med., No. 12,1894.

COURTADE. Nouveau traitement des abces du conduit auditif externe. Union Med., No. 24, 1894.

GELLE. Erreurs dans l'examen de 1'audition. Tribune Med., No. 11, 1894.

GELLE. Les bourdonnements d'oreille ; pathogenie et traitement. Presse Medicale, March 3, 1894.

GELLE. DU desenchatonnement de l'etrier. Bull, et Mem. de la Soc. de Laryng., No. 1, 1894. _

GELLE. Instrument pour echancrer le mur de la logette et ouvrir l'attique.

Bull, et Mem. de la Soc. de Laryng., No. I, 1894.

GIAMPIETRO. Pathogenie et traitement de la surdi-mutite. Ann. des Mai.

de l'Oreille, etc., No. 3, 1894.

GLEASON. Cholesteatome aural. Med. Bull., March, 1894.

GUILLESMIN. Notions d'acoustique. Voix, Jan., 1894.

HELME. Le bromure d'ethyle en oto-laryngologie. Ann. des Mai. de l'Oreille, etc., No. 2, 1894.

MENikRE. Coup de feu dans Poreille droite. Gaz. des Hop., No. 14, 1894.

PROMPT. Etudes sur les fonctions de l'oreille interne. Dauphine Med., No. 1, 1894.

RAOULT. Otite moyenne compliquee de penetration de larves de mouche dans la caisse du tymp'an. Rev. Med. de l'Est, No. 3, 1894.

TISSER. Pathogenie et etiologie de 1'ozene. Ann. de Med., No. 9, 1894.


CHARON. DU traitement du croup ; de la tracheotomie. CHnique, March 1, 1894.

GUELPA. Traitement du croup. Clin. Frang., Jan., 1894.

LEBON. De la stomatite diphteritique. Courrier Med., March 3, 1894.

LUCAS-CHAMPIONNIERE. Angine pseudo-diphte'ritique a streptocoques.

Journ. de Medf et de Chir. Pratiques, March 10, 1894.



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1 0 0

The Journal of Laryngology,

RABOT. Dvt tubage dans le croup ; procede operatoire. Lyon Med., No. 8, 1894.

X, Traitement du croup. Tracheotomie. Union Med., No. 8, 1894.

MACINTYRE, JOHN. Diphtheria and other acute inflammations of nose and throat, Glasg. Med, Journ., Jan., 1895.

MARSH, E. L. Diphtheria and antitoxin. Glasg. Med. Journ., March, 1895, and May, 1895,

SKOTTOWE, ALEX. J. F. Diphtheria and antitoxin. Glasg. Med. Journ., April, 1895.

MACINTYRE, J. List of micro-organisms found in nose and throat. Glasg.

Med. Journ., Jan., 1895.

FuLLERTON, ROBT. Fauces—abnormality of pillars ; absence of tonsils;

destruction of mucous membrane of pharynx. Case. Glasg. Med. Journ,, April, 189S.

CARSLAW, JAMES. Foreign body in air passages ; tracheotomy; pneumo- thorax ; recovery. Glasg. Med. Journ., April, 1895.

HOWIE, J. C. Foreign body in oesophagus; removal with coin catcher.

Glasg. Med. Journ., Feb., 1895.

MONRO, T. K. Ulceration of lymphatic tissues of throat and intestine, with suppuration in corresponding glands in neck and mesentery. Glasg. Med. Journ.,

May, 1895, and June, 1895.

CONNAL, J. GALBRAITH. Discharge of tympanic ossicles after scarlet fever.

Gla=;g. Med. Journ., June, 1895.

HAWTHORNE, C. O. Graves' disease in a patient with articular rheumatism and mitral stenosis. Glasg. Med. Journ., June, 1895.

BERNHEIM. Ueber Mischinfektion bei Diphtheric Wien. Med. Woch., No. 12, 1895.

BOKAI, J. Erfahrungen iiber das Heilserum bei der Diphtheritis. Wien.

Med. Woch., No. 14, 1895.

Heilserum Diskussion. XIII. Kongress fiir Innere Medicin in Mtinchen.

Wien. Med. Woch., Nos. 15, 16, 17, 1895.

SCHLICHTER. Ueber die Nutzlosigkeit der iiblichen Disinfektion des Wohnraume bei des Diphtherie der Kinder. Wien. Med. Woch., No. 15, 1895.

RITTER, J. Weitere Mittheilungen iiber Diphtherie und die Blutserum- therapie derselben. Wien. Med. Woch., Nos. 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 1895.

WEISS. Ueber Pathogenese und Therapie der Diphtherie. Wien. Med, Woch., No. 17, 1895.

FROUZ. Serumtherapie. Wien. Med. Woch., No. 18, 1895.

SIEOERT. Albuminurien nach injectionen des Behring'sches Serums. Wien.

Med.'Woch., No. 20, 1895.

NEUDSRFER, I. Neue Gesichtspunkte zur Pathogenese und Therapie der Diphtherie. Wien. Med. Woch., Nos. 22, 24, 1895.

PURJESK, Prof. Kritik der Diphtheritisbehandlung mit besonderer Beruck- sichtigung der Serumtherapie. Wien. Med. Woch., No. 24, 1895.

WIDERHOFER, Hofrath V. Die Behring'sche Heilserum therapie bei der Diphtherie. Wien. Med. Woch, No. 1, 1895.

NEUDORFER, I. Behring's Pleilserum und das Wasserstoffsuperoxyd. Wien.

Med. Woch, Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1895.

MONTI, Prof. Beitrag zur Anwendung des Heilserums gegen Diphtherie.

Wien. Med. Woch, Nos. 4, 5, 1895.

H E I M , Dr. Die Behandlung der Diphtherie mit Behring'schem Heilserum in St. Josef's Kinderspitale i. Wien. Wien. Med, Woch., No. 4, 1895.


Rhino logy, and Otology.

l o t UNTERHOLZNER. Die bisherigen Ergebnisse der Behandlung der Diphtheritis mit Behring'schem Heilserum im Leopoldstadter Kinderspitale i. Wien. Wien.

Med Woch., No. 4, 1895.

KASSOWITZ, Prof. M. Wie steht es mit der Serumbehandlung der Diphtheric Wien. Med. Woch., Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8, 1895.

DRASCHE, Hofrath Prof. Ueber das Heilserum bei der Diphtheric Wien.

Med. Woch., Nos. 6, 7, 8, 1895.

Diskussion iibcr die Therapie mit dem Behring'schem Heilserum. Gesellschaft der Aerzte in Wien. Wien. Med. Woch., Nos. 6, 7, 1895.

MONTI, Prof. Ueber Behring's Heilserumtherapie der Diphtheric Wien.

Med. Woch., Nos. 8, 9, 10, 1895.

KARLINSKI, Dr. JUSTYN. Beeinflusst das Diphtherie-Heilserum irgend wie den Stoffwechsel im gesunden Organismus. Wien. Med. Woch., No. 8, 1895.

NAVRATII,, VIXZENZ. Das Wasserstoffsuperoxyd in der diphtherie-therapic Wien. Med. Woch,, No. I I , 1895.

WIEDERHOFER, Prof. Der Beginn der Diphtheric in Wien. Wien. Med.

Woch., No. 11, 1895.

REHN, H. Intubation bei Diphtheric Wien. Med. Woch.. No. 11, 1895.

EPSTEIN. Ueber Pseudodiphtherie septhamischen Uhrsprungs. Wien. Med.

Woch., Nos. 11, 12, 1895.

HAUSEMANN. Ueber die Beziehungen des Lofflersehen Bacillus zur Diphtheric Wien. Med. Woch., No. 11, 1895.

GANGHOFNER, Prof. Intubation bei Diphtheric Wien. Med. Woch., No. 12, iS95._

Diphtherie und das Diphtherieheilserum. Diskussion. Berl. Klin. Woch., No. 2, 1895.

MEYER, E. Diphtheric und Angina lacunaris. Berl. Klin. Woch., No. 3, 1895.

MAX WOLF. Zur Diphtherie frage. Berl. Klin. Woch., No. 7, 1895.

HUNNIUS. Zur Behandlung der Diphtherie mit Heilserum. Berl. Klin.

Woch., No. 10, 1895.

SCHAWEN. Die Anwendung des Diphtherie-antitoxins in der Land praxis.

Berl. Klin. Woch., No. 10, 1895.

HEIDENHAIN. Zur Heilserumtherapie bei Diphtherie. Berl. Klin. Woch., No. 10, 1895.

KAUPE. Beitrag zu den Nachkrankheiten nach Injectionen von Diphtherie Heilserum. Berl. Klin. Woch., No. 10, 1895.

HEIMANN, M. Ein Fall schwerer Erkrankung nach Injectionen von Diphtherieheilserum. Berl. Klin. Woch., No. 10, 1895.

LISSARD, A. Zur Behandlung der Diphtherie mit Heilserum. Berl. Klin.

Woch., No. 10, 1895.

HALLER, P. Injection von Heilserum mit schweren Folgen. Berl. Klin.

Woch., No. 10, 1895.

WALDSTEIN, L. Beobachtungen an Leukocyten; sowie iiber einige thera- peutische Versuche mit Pilocarpin bei der (Diphtherie ?) Streptokokken Angina ; Lymphdriisen Erkrankung, etc. Berl. Klin. Woch., Nos. 17 and 18, 1895.

I'RAENKEL, C. Ueber den Stand der Serumtherapie in Frankreich. Berl.

Klin. Woch., No. 22, 1895.


, Physiologic de la glande thyroide et son role dans la pathologie et

!1ans la therapie de la maladie de Basedow (en nlsse). Gaz, Hebdom. Med< de 'a Russie Meridionale, No. 9, 1894.

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INDEX TO VOL. X., 1896.


Accessory cavities of Nose (vide Nose) Acromegaly 142

Actinomycosis 343

Adenoids (vide Naso-pharynx) Air passages, foreign bodies in 87

,, urticaria cedematosa in 269 Air and food passages, foreign bodies in

178, 310

Anaesthesia produced by bromide of ethyl 74

Anesthesia produced by guaiacol 353 Aneurism of ascending pharyngeal

artery 318 Angina (vide Tonsil)

,, Ludovici 84, 341

Aorta perforated by malignant cesopha- geal growth 349

Aphonia (vide Larynx) Argyria 211

Association Meetings—

American Medical Association 247 Austrian Otological Society 150, 189,


Belgian Otologists and Laryngolo- gies 45, 241

British Laryngological, Rhinological, and Otological Association 106, 297 British Medical Association 148, 183,

257, 334

Dutch Laryngological, Rhinological, and Otological Society 198, 330 French Society of Otology and Laryn-

gology 65

German Otological Society 263 Glasgow Medical Chirurgical Society


Hamburger Aerztlicher Verein 246 Hungarian Otological and Laryn-

gological Society 187

Laryngological Society of London 29, 51, 131, 174, 235, 310

Manchester Medical Association 182 Medical Society of Geneva 256 New York Academy of Medicine 59,

141, 318

Oxford Medical Association 245 Pathological Society of London 180 PathologicalSociety of Manchester 245

Association Meetings (continued)—

Pathological Society of Toronto 252 Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland


Societe de Laryngologie, d'Otologie, et de Rhinologie de Paris 253 Spanish Congress of Oto-Rhino-Laryn-

gology 204

Third International Congress of Der- matology 358

Twelfth International Congress of Medicine in Moscow 357 Vaudoise Society of Medicine 246 Vienna Laryngological Society 37, 43,

254. 325

Wiener Medicinische Club 245 B.

Bibliography 94, 224, 289 Bromide of ethyl 74 Bulbar paralysis 131, 256


Cancer, objects and limits of operation for 273

Cancer (see Larynx, Ear, etc.) Clinics for Laryngology and Otology in

England and Scotland 233 Cocaine, dangers of 208

,, tabloids 49, 219 Cretinism (vide Thyroid)


Deaf mutes, labyrinth in 92

,, their sensitiveness and legal status 24

Deaf-mutism, due to otitis interna 218 ,, functional 163 Deafness, due to fracture of skull 163

,, following mumps 278 ,, hysterical and functional 162,

163, 216

,, labyrinthine, inflation in 282 ,, total, of sudden onset 279

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V I .


Deafness, total, with bilateral facial para- lysis 255

,, ,, result of inherited syphilis 356

Diphtheria —

accessory cavities of nose in 155 antitoxin in 76, 84, 154, 183, 205,

206, 207, 245, 265, 266, 337, 338, 339. 349

aprosexia in {vide Tonsil)

as a mixed infection in typhoid fever bacteriology, etiology, etc. j6, "]"]-,338.

154, 181, 183, 186, 205, 206, 207, 245. 265 _

feeding in diphtheritic paralysis 206 followed by septicaemia; treatment

by streptococcus serum 338 hemiplegia following 339 intubation for 76, 154, 206, 339 leucocytosis 207

nasal 242 post-scarlatinal 265

septicaemia following prophylactic use of serum 338



ampullary apparatus, and the oculo- motor centres 278

amygdala; aurium 325 angioma 256

,, cavernous 20 asepsis and antisepsis 217

attic disease, treatment of 161, 259, 297

aural pyremia 162, 195

,, ,, ligature of jugular for 280

auricle : coloboma of 322 ,, gouty tophi 306 ,, new growth 151, 191 auditory fields, exceptional 332 bilateral malformation 192 bromide of ethyl in oto-rhinology 74 carcinoma 194

cerebral abscess 92, 279 cholesteatoma 66, 192, 193 clinics for, in England and Scotland


cochlear apoplexy 113

deafness, absolute, of sudden onset 279 ,, absolute, by bilateral facial paralysis 255

deafness, following mumps 278, 356 ,, hysterical and functional 162, 163, 216

electricity in ear treatment 66, 162 equilibrium, disturbances of 355 Eustachian tube, distance of, from

anterior nasal orifice 253

Ear {continued)—

exaggerated auricular synergy 66 facial paralysis of otitic origin 279, 324 form of cranium in relation to ear

operations 279

fracture of skull causing deafness 163 gangrene of ear 278

hearing power in schools 74 hearing power necessary for tele-

phonists 331

intracranial abscess, treatment of 282 {see also I)

iodoform gauze plugs 68

lateralization in bone conduction 264 labyrinthine deafness and inflation


labyrinthine disease, rotary sensa- tions in_257, 332

labyrinth in deaf-mutes 92 ,. necrosis of 161, 324 lateral sinus, exploration of 162

,, ,, thrombosis of {see In- tracranial)

mastoid, auscultation of 17 ,, Bezold's mastoiditis 353 ,, cholesteatoma in 192 ,, in a case of carcinoma 194 ,, eburnation of, in exostosis

of meatus 151, 244 ,, intra-mastoiditis with pus

burrowing into pharynx 90 ,, mastoiditis, a complication

of diabetes mellitus 355 ,, mastoiditis, a complication

of otitis 218, 282 ,, mastoiditis, primary, with

secondary involvement of tympanum 217

,, mastoiditis, with septic thrombosis of lateral sinus 217, 218

,,• operation on—

accidental opening of late- ral sinus 278

,, late stitch in 196

,, for otitis media 71, 90, 91, 189, 280, 352

,, for otitis media with cere- bral abscess, thrombosis, etc. 69, 91, 92, 162, 163, 188, 281, 2S2

,, by special methods (Panse, Kdrner, etc.) 71, 153, 193, 201, 202, 280, 282 ,, how to avoid facial nerve 351 meatus, acute hcematoma of 277

exostosis 150, 151, 190, 244 ,, cinder in 215

,, cockchafer in 90

., foreign bodies (lecture on) 282 ,, hairpin in 215

,, hayseed in 305




Ear (continued)—

meatus, hyperostosis of 307 ,, larvae in 217, 351 ,, occlusion of 352 ,, revolver shot in 324 ,, small shot in 215 membrane, vibrating cicatrix in 90

„ ruptured by indirect vio- lence 254

,, ruptured by hanging 7°

Meniere's disease 153, 193, 216 ,, symptoms cured by pilocar-

pin 281

,, symptoms following choles- teatoma 66

meningitis, focal symptoms without abscess 323

nose and ear treated by oxygen 108 objective noise 354

otitis media, case of 189 ,, ,, complications of 91 ,, ,, complicated by mastoid-

itis 218, 282

,, ,, after influenza 217, 280 ,, ,, double, with cerebral

complications 69 ,, ,, followed by mania 252 ,, ,, excision of membrane

for 282

,, ,, excision of ossicles and membrane 280 ,, ,, followed by septicaemia


,, ,, in postero-superior quad- rant 67

,, ,, special form of 263 ., with cerebellar abscess

(vide Intracranial) ,, ,, with subdural abscess

(vide Intracranial) ,, ,, without perforation 195 ,, ,, with suppurating mas-

toiditis 218 otorrhagia in typhoid fever 74 otorrhrea and its complications 90

,, following scarlet fever 92 ,, dressings for 351 ,, Stacke's operation for 2S0 paracusis 26

pathological specimens 197, 216 periotic phlegmonous oedema 67 polypi and granulations, treatment of

354, 356 polypus 116 prophylaxis 278

skin-grafting (see operations on mas- toid, supra)

statistics 163 subjective noises 65

. temporal bone, abnormality of 197 ,, ,, caries of 242

>, ,, dehiscences in 263

Ear (continued)—

temporal bone, epithelioma of 242 ,, ,, fissure in tegmen tym-

pani 197

,, ,, inflammation of, in- fluenced by develop- ment 75, 281 temporo - sphenoid abscess without

focal symp oms 323 test for sound conduction 195 tinnitus 162, 216, 217 Toynbee's otoscope 330 tumours 92

tympanum, foreign body in 275 operations on 201, 202 (sec also Mastoid, opera-

tions on)

removal of membrane and ossicles 90, 280 ,, malleus, extraction of, in-

fluence on other ear 150 ,, malleus, fracture of 216

,, surgery of 191 ,, stapes, anchylosis of 351 ., ,, disorganization of 2S3


Facial paralysis 255, 279, 324 Fevers, bacteriology of throat in 77


Gargles, uselessness of 106

Glandular gastritis, due to diseases of mouth, ear, and throat 158 Gum (vide Mouth)

Guaiacol as an ana'sthetic 353 I

Intracranial complications in ear disea-"



iscess 92, 182, 188, 279, 2S2, 323, 34O, 35°

sinus thrombosis 91, 92, 182, 217, 218, 2S1

meningitis 69, 242, 324

inflammation of temporal bone 91 exploratory opening made 162, 27S epithelioma of temporal bone 242 Instruments—

acoumeter 70

aural and nasal speculum 83 electrical plane and saw 247 ethmoid clippers 247 for dilating larynx 212 for intratracheal injections 318 galvano-cautery handle 255, 329

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Instruments (continued)—

galvano-cautery handle with rheostat 204

guarded chromic acid applicator 210 guide for mastoid operation 253 handle for curettes for adenoids 83 insufflator 219

magnifyit g glass to fix on finger 69 nasal hammer 157

nasal saw 141 polypus forceps 83 retr< .nasal canula 83 rubber bib 59

scissors for inferior turbinated 43 snare for anterior ends of turbinateds


tongue depressor 83, 269 tonsillar knife 141



aphonia (hysterical) 87

aphonia in relation to varix of tongue 275

carcinoma of 140, 239 chicken-pox of 212

clinics for, in England and Scotland 233

crico-arytenoid articulation — rheu- matic inflammation of 347 cyst 86

,, of glosso-epiglottic fold 235 doubtful cases 31, 36, 53,134, 140, 236 epitcelioma 133, 274

,, of epiglottis 273 ,, in young subject 275 fish bone in 213, 330

hoematoma of pyiiform sinus 255 herpes of 87

ictUS 85, 2(2

inferior laryngeal nerves, physiology of 347 ^ laryngectomy for epithelioma 133

,, for myxo-chondroma 133 ,, for sarcoma, 86 laryngitis sicca 159

lead poisoning (laryngeal paralysis) 212

myxo-chondroma of 133 myxoma of 29, 237, 238 neurosis of 160

,, following typhoid fever 30 oedema 86

pachydermia 33, 140, 159 papilloma diffuse 32, 159

,, cured by absolute alcohol 146

,, subglottic 346 paralysis 29

,, bulbar 131, 256

,, due to aortic aneurism 211

Larynx (continued)—

paralysis due to mediastinal tumour 276

,, following influenza 211 ,; syphilitic 273 ,, with crises 137 palate and larynx, lupus of 240 pharynx and larynx, lupus of 34 polypi, inflammatory origin of 253 Rontgen rays 231, 317

sarcoma 86, 198 spasm of glottis 183 stenosis 55, 85

suicide (curious case of) 159 syphilis 212

th) rotomy, description of, with cases 62, 276, 334

,, for fibrous polypus 212 ,, for carcinoma 239 tremor of intra-laryngeal muscles 160 tuberculosis 134, 275

,, creosote injections for 59.6o

,, dysphagia, treatment of . 348

,, iodoform in 134 ,, and lupus, treatment of


,, parachloro-phenol in 88 ,, phenol in sulphoricinate

of soda in 48 ,, surgical treatment of

160, 199, 203 ,. and of trachea and

pharynx 53 tumour of 61, 198 in typhoid fever 174 typhoid ulcer 32 ventricle, functions of 172 vocal cord, growth on 52

,, ,, warty growth on 35, 138 ,, ,, inspiratory spasm 58 ,, ,, traumatic division of 346 ,, ,, vibration of 261 vocal defects in teachers 167 voice (vide V.)


Mediastinal tumour 277 (vide also Larynx)

Mouth —

ductus Rivini, inflammation of 210 gums, tumour of 268

lips, affections of 210

parotid, inflammation of (secondary) 156, 342

,, mumps (vide Deafness) ,, tumours of, in faucial region

26S salivary calculus 37



I X .

Mouth {continued)—

xerostoma 341, 342 Myxcedema (vide Thyroid)

N . Naso-pharynx—

adenoids, aproscxia, convulsions, etc., due to 267

,, cause of otitis 157 ,, headache from S3 ,, recurrence of 156 ,, treatment of 78, 79, 80,

209, 344 catarrh of <jo fibro-angioma 70 fibio-mucuus polypi 275 growth—operation for 79 in relation to voice 271 myxo-fibroma 82 and nose, polypi of 52 phlegmon 43, 326 polypus 238, 329 tumour 326, 327 Neck—

adenitis 85

cervical fistula 89, 238 branchial fistula 277

etiology and treatment of chronic en- largements of lymphatic glands 277 surgery of glands in 348

syphiloma of neck and throat 46 Negroes : throat, nose, and ear diseases

in 345 Nose—

accessory cavities—

combined affections of sinuses 40, 246, 249, 254, 328 _ ,, complications of suppuration ,, diagnosis and treatment 37,157

271, 333. 356

,, in diphtheria, measles, and scarlet fever 155 ,, intracranial complication


,, antrum of Highmore, empy- ema 32, 38, 82, 155, 209, 248

,, ,, foreign bodies in 79 ,, ,, serous inflammation ,, ethmoid cells, empyema 37,


,, ,, anatomy and pathology of 271

,, frontal sinus, empyema 39 43, 80, 144, 255, 256,271, 272, 309, 32S

,, sphenoid sinus, empyema 40, 44

Nose (continued)—

affections of, as factors in chronic gastritis 346

angioma 235

angio-neurotic cedema of nose, uvula, and pharynx 266

chancre 80, 270

coryza with erythema of upper lip S2 diphtheria of 242

diseases of, in relation to eye diseases Si, 20S

diseases of, in relation to trigeminal neuralgias So, 156

distance between anterior orihee and mouth of Eustachian tube 253 doubtful case 146

ears and nose treated by oxygen 10S ethmoiditis 208

fibroma 156

,, congenital 330 foreign bodies in, button 345

,, ,, cherry stone 345 ,, ,, larvce 236

plug 187

,, ,, rhinolith 80, 81, 116, 252, 269, 272, 33°

,, ,, tooth growing in 344, 345

,, ,, tooth, superfluous 80 hay fever 208, 209

hydrorrhcea 156 kakosmia subjectiva 210 micro-organisms in 157, 208 nervous apparatus of olfaction 81 new rhinology 357

obstruction, case of 34 ,, effects of, etc. 117 ,, effects on growing skull

80, 209

,, effect on upper jaw 330 ,, in children 269 ozcena, bacteriology 344

,, curettement 209

,, etiology and antidiphtheritic serum treatment 343 ,, ichthyol in 155 ,, serum therapy 344 ,, treatment of 46 papilloma 51, 272 parosmia S3

and pharynx in relation to myopia and pharynx, etc., syphilis of 146^ 5 polypus 134, 255

reflexes from 155, 156, 208 rhinitis, acute primary infantile

(staphylococcal) 270 ,, purulenta in children 270 rhinoplasty 81, 208

rhino-scleroma 82, 344 sarcoma 211, 245, 309

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X .


Nose {continued)—

separation of cartilages 345 septum, abscess 147

,, bleeding tumours 103 ,, deflections 34, 82 ,, electrolysis 45, 207 ,, fibroma 56, 139 ,, papilloma 43

„ projections, operations for 208 ,, tubercle 57

., ulceration 57

,, ulceration after operation 250 sequestrum 81

statistics of diseases of 255 synechia (operation for) 273 syphilis, malignant 255

,, tertiary 146, 254 tuberculosis 57, 240, 309, 310 turbinal bulla 243

,, hypertrophy 268 turbinotomy 43, 159, 325

,, tegeneration of tissue after 31, 134 unitia voras 81

vestibule, sarcoma of 309


Obituary: Fauvel 218 (Esophagus —

foreign bodies in {vide Air and Food Passages)

malignant disease of 35, 181 ,, stricture, perforation of

aorta 349 oesophagotomy 211 Oxygen {vide Ear and Nose)



benign tumours of arch of 342 cleft 145

growth on 238, 240

lupus of and of larynx, etc. 240 sarcoma 210

spasm of 133 Pharynx—

actinomycosis 343

• aneurism of ascending pharyngeal artery 318

angioma 268

angio-neurotic oedema 266

congenital perforation of pillars 84, 210

epithelioma of dog's pharynx 309 foreign body 58

gargles, uselessness of 106 haemorrhage from 142 lupus of 275

Pharynx {continued)—

lupus of, and of larynx 34, 240 pharyngotomy 211

spasm of and of palate 133 tuberculosis of 342

,, ,, and of tongue 52 tumour of 240

ulcerative syphilide 211

Q Quinsy {see Tonsil)


Reports on drugs, etc.

adefor lanne 94

antidiphtheritic serum treatment charts 94

Bullock's cocaine lozenges 49 Burroughs, Wellcome & Co.'s cocaine

tabloids 219

citrate and bitartarate of lithia 358 compound caffeine tabloids 288, 358 Lewis's nursing chart 94

litmus pencil 358 menthol snuff 49

perfected Wyeth beef juice 94 soloids of carbolic acid 358 tabloids of oxalate of cerium 358 Retrospect of year 1895, 1, 7 Reviews of books—

Blakiston & Co. : Physicians' Visiting List 93

Bresgen : Krankheiten und Behand- lungslehre der Nasen-Mund und Rachenhohle, etc., 223

Burroughs, Wellcome & Co. : A B C Medical Diary 93

Burroughs, Wellcome & Co. : Chemists' Vest Pocket Diary 93 Cozzolino : Otology, etc., in German

and Austrian Universities 220 Ewald: Die Erkrankungender Sehild-

driise, Myxoedem, and Cretinismus 221

Garnault : Cours Theorique et Pra- tique de Physiologie, d:Hygiene, et de Therapeutiquede la Yoix Parlee et Chantee 283

Garnault: Precis des Maladies de l'Oreille 47

Gerber : Die Syphilis der Nase und des Halses 164

Gould: American Year Book of Medicine and Surgery 165 Griinwald: Die Lehre von den

Naseneiterungen 284 Jones : Medical Electricity 165




Reviews of books {continued')—

Kirstein : Die Autoskopie des Kehl- kopfes und der Luftrohre ohne Spiegel 222

Noble Smith : Clinical Sketches 93 Pedley : Diseases of Children's Teeth


Rouault: Le Phenol Sulforicine dans la Tuberculose Laryngee 48 Schmidt : Anatomy of the Human

Head and Neck 223

Stoerk : Die Erkrankungen der Nase, des Rachens, und des Kehlkopfes 221

Treupel : Die Bewegungsstorungen im Kelhkopfe bei Hysterischen 2S6 Rb'ntgen rays 231


Salivary {vide Mouth)

Serum antidiphtheritic {vide Diph- theria)

,, antistreptococcal 241 33S (see also Tonsil Angina) ,, for ozcena 344

syphilitic infection of and by medical practitioners 342


Temporal bone {vide Ear) Throat—

bacteriology of, in fevers 77 cut throat 252

neck and throat, syphiloma of 49 sore throat, etc. {see Pharynx, Tonsils,

etc.) Thyroid gland—

accessory 180

acute bronchocele after influenza 214, 215

adenoma 88

,, exogenous 349

administration of, relation of diet to 160

cancer of 88

cretinism, improved by thyroid feed- ing 245

cretinism, sporadic, thyroid treatment

276, 349 cyst of 88, 161, 349 cysts and adenomata 348 diseases of 56

enlargement of 36

goitre, among American Indians 89 ,, cases of, in one family 145 ,, etiology of 214

,, recurrence 180 ,, sporadic 89

Thyroid gland {continued)—

goitre, treatment by thyroid gland 89, 213

goitre, exophthalmic—

,, ,, cases of 88

,, ,, treatment, thymus 213, 349

,, ,, treatment, thyroid 215 ,, ,, followed by myxce-

dema 215

,, ,, tremor and delirium cordis in 246 myxcedema treated by thyroid feed-

ing 89, 160, 1S2, 213, 214, 245

,, and tetany, relation to lactation 161

physiology of 160, 213, 214, 215 sarcoma of 52

surgery of 148, 180

thyro-iodine, treatment by 215 Tongue—

angioma cavernous 84

as an aid to differential diagnosis of angina and diphtheria 84 cancer 257

carcinoma 266

cyst of glosso-epiglottic fold 235 fibro-sarcoma 211

foreign body in 268 lupus of 269

lymphoid hypertrophy of the base in singers 84

unusual mobility of 248 varix 267

,, in relation to aphonia 275 Tonsils—

a factor in rheumatic fever 343 angina and diphtheria 154, 205 ,, due to carious teeth 157 ,, due to streptococci, treated

with antistreptococcal serum 241

,, infectiousne*s of 7S, 85 in influenza 84, 85

aprosexia, convulsions, etc., due to tonsillar disease 267

carcinoma 136 epithelioma 136 hard chancre 241 lipoma 211

operation for enlarged tonsil 210 quinsy, abortive treatment of 268 septic tonsillitis as an acute specific

disease S3

sore throat in influenza S4 statistics of sore throat 267

tertiary syphilitic follicular inflamma- tion 341

tonsillitis with haemorrhage 1S2 tuberculosis 211

tumours of 340

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X l l .


Tonsils {continued)—

lingual, haemorrhagic myxoma of 31 ,, hypertrophy and varix 84,

267, 275

,, acute inflammation of 341 Trachea—

condyloma 86

intratracheal injections in diseases of the respiratory tract 319

syphilitic ulceration of 34

tracheotomy and its after-treatment tractieotomy for dyspnoea due to gout346


tubercular ulceration of trachea, larynx, and pharynx 53


Urticaria cedematosa affecting the air passages 269



aphonia (hysterical) 87

,, in relation to lingual varix 275

chronic hoarseness accompanying chronic rhinitis and pharyngitis 239 defects of, in school teachers 167 influence of naso-pharynx on 271



Abel 205 Ackland 350 Adolph 205 Akerblom 210 Alderton 90 Allard 160 Alt 195 Amyot 252 Anderson 252, 266 Angelesco 273 Angieras 65 Anrooy 203 Armitage 90 Arslan 277, 340 Atkinson 76 Augerer 213 Baginsky 185 Ball 29, 52 Ballance 350 Ballenger 207, 266 Baber 51, 313 Barclay 215 Barclay-Ness 276 Bark 269

Barker 149, 180, 181 Barr 78, 216 Bartholow 88 Barth 264 Barton 319 Batten 155 Baumann 213 Bayer 241

Beale 36, 52, 235, 236, 239. 3 H

Bean 90 Beausoleil 341 Bedos 85 Belfanti 343 Bennett 52 Berens 155 Berry 149, 348 Bevan 351 Bezold 351 Bienenstock 255 Biggs 76, 186, 187 Bing 189, 192 Bishop 278 Bloom 213

Boethger 246 Boltz 210

Bond 133, 236, 237 Bonnier 278 Booth 212 Boulay 269 Bowlby 30, 31, 79 BraLlin 351 Boyd 79 Brcsgen 223 Brewer 142 Brimon 270 Broca 79 Brondgeest 334 Bronner 31, 90, 134, 155,

259, 297, 305, 315 Brown 88

Browne, L. 106, 1S5, 267 Brunschwig 79

Buckingham 154 Buller 90 Bunch 273 Burger 155 Burgess 182 Burnell 90 Buschan 160 Butlin 148 Campbell 128 Capart 46, 244 Carslaw 156 Cassell 158 Cathcart 150 Chappell 60, 142, 341 Chapuis 274 Charsley 316 Cheval 45, 242, 244 Cheyne 273

Chiari 38, 43, 255, 325, 3.29

Chiucini 278 Clemens 161 Clubbe 337 Cluchen 150 Coakley 59 Coffin 141, 248, 318 Collier 80, 117, 156 Connal 161 Corradi 85

Couetoux 351 Coulter 270

Courtade 253, 278, 352 Cozzolino 220 Cripps 134 Dalby 80, 162 D'Aguanno 26 Dasgue 278 D'Aubnay 80 Daunic 74 Davis 212 Deanesley 162 Deknatel 216 Delavan 145 Delia Vedova 343 Delstanche 243 Deutschmann 246 Didsbury 343 Dixey 245 Domenreiz 160 Douglas 141, 250,


Downie 267, 279 Drysdale 174 Dukes 267 Ebstein 255 Edes 213 Eeman 241, 242 Embden 246 Engelman 265 Escat 67 Ewald 221 Fage 344 Farber 208 Fauvel 21S Ficano 341 Fink 156 Finlayson 276 Fougeray 68, 270 Fournier 342 Fox 268 Franke 246 Freudenthal 344 Fritts 216 Frothingham 61 Fullerton 210

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Na7nes of Authors.

Garnault 47, 279, 283 Gaston 206

Gayet 88 Gelle 67

Gerber 164 - -- Geronzi 279

Givel 268 Glover 214 Gomez 216 Gompertz 191, 193 Goodall 184, 187, 265 Gouguenheim 342 Gould 164

Gradenigo 81, 279, 344 Graham 344

Grant 7, 37, 140, 238, , 239, 3oo, 3i5> 356 Green 162

Griffin 86

Gruber 153, 194, 196, 197, 216, 322 Griinwald 284 Guement 280 Guinard 81 Guye 257, 232 Habermann 159 Hack 245 Haegler 205 Hajek 44 Hall 186, 208 Halle 212 Haltenkoff 256 Hance 248 Hardy 182 Haring 245 Harris 162, 248 Hartman 263 Hassell 80

Hawthorne 156, 276 Heath 280

Hektorn 338 Helot 70 Hennebert 242 Henry 76 Hermann 208 Herzfeld 208 Hess 246 Hewlett 157, 205 Hill, W. 31, 134, 3°3>

3°9. 3*4

Hodgkinson 261, 172 Holinger 217 Holmes. 89 Hopkins 156 Home 177 Hubbard 59, 147 Hulen 84 Jamieson 210 Jessop 316 Joachim 80

Johnstone 185 Jones, L. 162, 165 Jones, M. 126, 305, 306 Jormesco 81

Joiirdran 81 Jouslain 74, 254 Kanthack 32, 174, 177,

181,237, 311,338 Kassowitz 246 Kaufmann 193 Keegan 208 Kelly 338 Kendall 210 Kidd 33, 34 Kiffin 214 Kirstein 222 Klein 186, 187 Knapp 91, 352 Knight 156, 275 Koerner 217 Kortwright 338 Krebs 158 Kretschmann 263 Kummer 257 Kummell 246 Lack 237, 312, 346 Lacoarret 66, 346 Lake r, 280 Langenbuch 280 Lannors 70 Lapalle 84 Latter 348 Launois 81

Laurens 81, 86, 208, 268, 353

Laurent 244 Law 34, 307

Lawrence 52, 238, 311 Lederman 157 Lemairey 281 Lemke 246 Lemoine 205 Leseur 208 Levi 86 Lichtenberg 188 Lichtwitz 157, 268, 277,

.346 Lindsay 277 Litchfield 337 Lloyd 149 Loeb 208 Louis 206

Lubet-Barbon 75, 281 Luc 71, 353

Lucas 281 Macintyre 4, 231 Mackenzie 209 Mackenzie, H. 86 Mandelstamm 87

Marchant 282 Marfan 212 Marie 89

Martin 183, 206, 256 Max-190

McBride 236, 239, 275 McKennan 268 McKie 349 Mendel 253 Menicre 254 Merklen 212 Mermod 246 Mial 141, 145, 247 Middleton 255, 276 Milligan 113, 116, 167,

282 Mixter 268 Molinie 69, 74 Moll 199, 202, 333 Morgan 87 Morris 89, 214 Morrow 342 Moullin 91 Mounier 66 Moure 20, 270, 282 Muir 318

Munson 89 Murdock 339 Murfan 212 Murray 214

Myles 144, 145, 247, 250, 270, 271 Nash 162 Nes 154 Newcomb 145 Newman 134, 136 Nicall 277 Nichols 163 Nolan 205, 339 Noltermis 157 Norme 246 North 206 Okunnief 17 Onodi 211 Oppenheimer 82 Ortega 271 Ottolenghi 24 Panzer 43, 254, 328 Parker 137 Pean 82 Peck 77 Pedley 48

Pegler 116, 238, 309 Peltesohn 246 Fender 209 Permewan 271 Pfeffermann-Bors 212 Phillips 247 Pinder 82


Names of Authors. xv.

Pitt 181 Pitts 91

Politzer 151, 153, 192,

!93> 197 Pollak 325 Poore 212 Pope 206 Price-Brown 209 Pritchard 354 Quaife 344 Quinlan 145 Randall 282 Ranglaret 271 Ranke 185 Ransom 163 Ravogli 211 Ray 84 Reinhardt 201 Reintjes 198 Renaud 345 Rethi 160, 255 Ricci 339 Rice 250

Richardson 82. 217 Richey 217 Riesman 342 Ripault 84, 272, 342 Ritter 157

Roos 214 Roschier 255 Rosenberg 342 Roth 43

Rousseau 243, 244 Royet 82 Ruault 48 Rudaux 82 Rutten 46, 244 Saint-Philippe 265 Sanger 246

S a n t i

53. 334 Sanit 84 Scat] iff 303 Schauz 206 Scheff 327 Scheibe 92,218 Scheier 160 Schein 161 Scheppergrell 345 Scherk 215 Schiffers 244 Schleicher 204

Schlesinger 207 ( Schmidt 223 | Schnee 157

Scholk 215 Schramm 211 Schultzer 160

Schwager 354 ' Secretan 87 ' Seifert 345 i Semon 29, 53, 131, 177, !

236, 237, 240 Sendziak 103, 347 Sequeira 154 Sharman 316 Sharp 318 Shattock 177, 349 Shield 282 Shurly 339 Shuttleworth 77 Sikkel 330 Smerton 215 Smith 206, 215 Somers 345 Spencer 55, 237, 239 Spengler S8

Sj)icer, S. 35, 13S, 240.

310 Spire 269 Spivak 346 Stabb 36, 56, 240 Stephens 181, 338 Steward 211 Stewart 35, 56, 240,

316 Stoerk 221 Stoker 108, 317 .Stokes 161, 207 Stoerk 329 Straight 83, 213 Strangways 209 Sudeck 207 Sutton 89 Symes 77

Symonds2, 148, 178, 236 : Taylor 349

'; Terry 84 Texier 74

Thomas 149, 339, 340 Thompson 86, 235, 238 Thomson 139, 157 Thorburn 252 Thost 209

Thresh 78 Tidey 83

Tilley 83, 140, 275, 239, 240

Tocheport 265 Todd 218 Trafford 163 Treitel 92 Treupel 286 Treysel 215 Trifiletti 347 Troquart 85 Turck 157 Turner 92 Underbill 187

Urbantschitsch 150, 193,

!94, 323, 324 Urquhart 355 Vacher 69, 83 Yallas 21 r Vansant 273 Vergely 85 Vinke 349 Von Stein 355 Wade 343

Waggett 57, 302, 316 Wagner 62, 276 Walker 218 Watkin-Browne 215 Weil 37, 43, 326 White 266 Wieland 207 Wilkin 356 Willetls 282

Williams 175, 178, 349 Willis 58

Winkler 157 Woakes 269 Wolf 155 Wood 340 Woods 182

"Woodbury 269 Woodhead 185 Young 210 Zarniko 210

Zwaardemaker 204, 330, 33i, 332

Zwillinger 187

https://doi.org/10.1017/S1755146300163206 Published online by Cambridge University Press



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The expert panel is composed of seven members with expertise and experience that span the following: globalization and geography of health and disease, public health and

Three lines of evidence make it likely that part of the isolated methionine-sensi- tive mutants are impaired in adenine biosynthesis: (1) Methionine sensitivity of many min mutants

countries; (4) how do national institutions and VC ownership influence external financing decisions in private young growth oriented companies; (5) how do initial

Our research approach is based on the collection of case studies of projects evidencing either central or more peripheral aspects of the work dynamics involved

First and foremost it appears that the perception of an HR policy that invests in all employees (a so-called “high performance work system” or HPWS) increases

The Multi Level Perspective of Geels (2002 and 2004) and the concept of Strategic Niche management (Kemp et al, 1998) provide a useful framework to describe or understand the

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