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Annexe A Performance courante des produits tunisiens


Academic year: 2022

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Classe Description Performance de la Tunisie

07 Légumes


Les tomates et les légumes séchés dominent le total des exportations avec plus de 43 millions $.

La catégorie 070129 (Herbes et légumes séchés) représentait 228 712 $ d'importations hors taxes vers les États- Unis au titre des Chapitres 10 et 18.

08 Fruits Comestibles – Dattes

Les dattes font partie de cette catégorie et dominent les échanges commerciaux de la Tunisie dans cette catégorie, avec des exportations en 2016 de l'ordre de 239 365 millions $ représentant 1.74% de toutes les exportations tunisiennes.

Les autres produits clés dans cette classification comprennent les agrumes, les abricots, les cerises, les melons et les fruits séchés.

Dans la catégorie 08, les États-Unis représentent 7.47% des exportations tunisiennes derrière le Maroc (20.74%), la France (18.35%) et l'Allemagne (9.71%)

La catégorie 080410 (Dattes) représente 30 182 762 $ d’exportations aux USA en 2016 dont 22 254 498 $ dans le cadre du programme GSP, soit 74%.

L'étude ITC a classé la Tunisie à la quatrième position, parmi les pays susceptibles d'augmenter leurs exportations de dattes vers les États-Unis, derrière Israël, le Pakistan et l'Arabie Saoudite.

09 Épices, y compris café et thé

La Tunisie a un important déficit commercial sur ces produits dépassant 44 millions $, essentiellement en raison de la valeur élevée des importations de café et de thé.

Les données de l'export montrent, cependant, près de 3 millions $ d'exportations de produits sous le code HS 0910 : Gingembre, safran, curcuma, thym, laurier & curry, en addition à un chiffre de 2.3 millions $ sous la catégorie 0904 Poivre, poivrons et capsicum.

Ces deux catégories (0910 et 0904) représentent des domaines où les exportations sont susceptibles de connaitre des augmentations avec un meilleur soutien et sous réserve de la réalisation d'avantages compétitifs ou comparatifs.

En 2016, la Tunisie a exporté un total de 554 000 $ de Capsicum (poivrons) vers les États-Unis. C'est une augmentation de 181 000 $ en 2015 et un pic par rapport aux 140 000 $ de 2017.


Graines oléagineuses, fruits oléagineux, céréales, graines, fruits, etc

Les exportations au titre de cette catégorie incluent 4.219 millions $ de plantes médicinales, 1.6 million $ de Caroubes et 1.016 million $ de graines oléagineuses.

Les exportations de plantes médicinales sont un domaine qui devrait être exploré, s’agissant d’activités à forte intensité de main-d'œuvre. Les faibles salaires et le chômage élevé en Tunisie peuvent constituer un plus pour le pays, avec un avantage dans la production de ces produits.

Dans cette catégorie, deux codes, HS 1211909280 (Tisanes) et 1211909290 (Parfumerie cosmétique), représentent des importations hors taxes vers les États-Unis (10), pour un volume global de 483 804 $.

15 Huile d'olive et ses fractions

Il s’agit ici de la plus forte catégorie d'exportations agricoles tunisiennes, dans l'ensemble, vers les États-Unis. Cette catégorie comprend l'huile d'olive et ses fractions qui représentaient 445.8 millions $ d’exportations au cours de l’année 2016, dont 78.2 millions $ pour l'huile d'olive. Les exportations d'huile d'olive représentent une opportunité importante de croissance.

De manière générale, la Tunisie représente 6.06% du commerce d'huile d'olive. La balance commerciale pour cette classe est réduite par le fait que la Tunisie importe plus de 91 millions $ d'huile de soja, 38 millions $ d'autres huiles végétales, 25 millions $ d'huile de palme et 8.6 millions $ d'huile de noix de coco.

Les exportations tunisiennes de cette catégorie se font essentiellement vers l'Italie (174.6 millions $) et l'Espagne (83.7 millions $) qui contribuent à 53% du total des exportations pour cette catégorie. Les États-Unis suivent en 3ème position avec 16.44% du total des exportations et un volume de 78.259 millions $. La France et le Canada clôturent le top cinq des pays qui importent le produit tunisien au titre de la catégorie 15.

L'huile d'olive est généralement un produit d'une origine se substituant à une autre sans que le consommateur ne voie la différence. Cela est particulièrement le cas aux États-Unis où la consommation d'huile d'olive par habitant est de moins d'un litre, contre une consommation Italienne de 12.5 litres par habitant et une consommation espagnole de près de 15 litres par habitant. Cette faible consommation par habitant est due à la faible connaissance par le consommateur des différences dans la qualité de l'huile d'olive.

Avec l'achat d'un seul litre par an, les consommateurs américains ne se souviennent pas de la marque qu'ils ont achetée la dernière fois ni de la qualité d'une marque plutôt que d'une autre. Ainsi, une grande partie de la différence de préférence des consommateurs aux États-Unis porte sur les différences perçues, avec une priorité à l'huile d'olive Italienne ou Espagnole, selon leur éducation et leur culture de consommateur.

Les Figures 12, 13 et 14 offrent des données supplémentaires sur la consommation mondiale d'huile d'olive, ainsi que sur les normes de qualité.

Annexe A

Performance courante des produits tunisiens

Les analyses du système harmonisé de performance commerciale (HS) pour les exportations et les importations tunisiennes

sont détaillées ci-dessous par catégorie (2016).



Préparations de viandes, poissons et fruits de mer

Les poissons préparés et/ou en conserve représentent, en termes de volume d’exportations, 19.8 millions $ au titre de la catégorie 1604. Dans la balance commerciale, ceci est contrebalancé par des importations d’une valeur de 22 millions $. De plus, il existe des exportations de crustacés et de mollusques préparés et/ou en conserves pour une valeur de 460 000 $. Sur le total de 19.8 millions $ d'exportations, uniquement un montant de 145 000 $ est alloué aux États-Unis en 2017, en baisse par rapport aux 700 000 $ de chacune des deux années précédentes.

Au titre de la catégorie 16, les Douanes Américaines ont enregistré 2.49 millions $ d'importations avec 93% (2.3 millions $) dans le cadre du GSP ou sur une base hors taxes dans le cadre du Chapitre HS 10.

En 2016, les États-Unis étaient le 2ème pays pour les exportations tunisiennes au titre de la catégorie 16 - Préparations alimentaires de viande, poissons et fruits de mer avec 1.734 millions $ de produits, représentant toutefois uniquement 8.76% des exportations tunisiennes de cette catégorie. L'Italie domine cette catégorie avec près de 66% du total des importations, dépassant ainsi la barre des13 millions $. La France (1.55 million $), la Macédoine (702 000 $) et l'Algérie (593 000 $) clôturent le top cinq des importateurs de la catégorie 16 à partir de la Tunisie.

En 2016, les exportations de la Tunisie au titre de la catégorie 16041319010 - Sardines préparées ou en conserves, vers les États-Unis, étaient de 646 000 $. Les autres produits de cette catégorie étaient limités à la catégorie 16041448010 - Préparations et conserves de thon entier ou en morceaux avec uniquement 38 000 $ d’exportations vers les États-Unis, tout en exportant 961 000 $ vers d'autres marchés au titre de cette catégorie.

Les données des Nations Unies pour le potentiel d'export aux États-Unis au titre de la catégorie 16 reflètent une importante opportunité d'augmentation des ventes de Crevettes congelées, les plaçant comme la 25ème meilleure opportunité d'augmentation des exports vers les USA. D'autres opportunités au titre de la catégorie 16 comprennent les sardines préparées ou en conserves, les mollusques et autres invertébrés aquatiques, ainsi que les anchois.


Préparations et produits de céréales, farine, amidon, lait

Ce sont des exportations importantes avec 12.4 millions $ de pains et de biscuits et 9.1 millions $ de plus en pâtes et en couscous. C'est un point intéressant, étant donné que la Tunisie n'est pas un grand producteur de blé et importe 415 millions $ de blé (2017).

Les produits à base de blé et le pain sont subventionnés par le Gouvernement afin de maintenir les prix à des niveaux abordables pour le public. La plupart des produits à base de blé ne sont pas à forte intensité de travailleurs, car les pâtes sont produites de manière mécanique. Ainsi l'avantage concurrentiel pour ces exportations n'est pas facilement identifiable.

En 2016, les États-Unis ont importé 314 591 $ de pâtes et de couscous avec 98% (309 215 $) en hors taxes.

20 Préparations - Légumes, fruits, fruits secs, etc.

Les préparations alimentaires de légumes, fruits, fruits secs, etc. couvrent une large gamme de produits, la catégorie 2004 étant les légumes préparés ou conservés, à l’exception des produits congelés.

Dans cette catégorie, l’année 2016 a enregistré des exportations de l’ordre de 5.5 millions $. D'autres importantes exportations au titre de cette catégorie sont les tomates en boite/en conserve avec 1.766 millions $ de ventes à l'export et les confitures/marmelades avec 549 millions $.

Les importations américaines de catégorie 20 étaient de 554 884 $ avec 286 526 $ (52%) sous le programme GSP.


Diverses préparations comestibles – Harissa et autres produits de marinade

La catégorie 2103 – Sauces, mélanges de condiments et mélanges d'assaisonnements comprend la plupart des formes de la harissa, ainsi que les autres formes de la harissa tunisienne traditionnelle et les produits de marinade.

Les exportations au titre de cette catégorie ont dépassé 15 millions$. la catégorie 2106 – Préparations alimentaires, – enregistrait des ventes à l'export en 2016 de plus de 9.6 millions $. Les levures enregistraient des ventes de 1.262 millions $.

Cela représente d'importantes opportunités à l'exportation, car ces catégories sont des produits alimentaires à forte valeur ajoutée qui nécessitent de la main d'œuvre pour la transformation des matières premières en produits alimentaires à valeur ajoutée exportables.

Dans cette catégorie de produits, les exportations vers les États-Unis représentent 4.31% des exportations de la Tunisie, étant précisé que les autres exportations représentent pour la France (31.57%), pour le Sénégal (20.95%), pour l'Algérie (10.45%) et pour l'Allemagne (7%).

La Catégorie 21 représentant 92% (2.3 millions $) des exportations vers les États-Unis correspond au programme GSP. C'est une catégorie importante avec des importations totales de 2.5 millions $. Dans cette catégorie, 47%

concernent le code HS 2103908000 relatif à la harissa et à d’autres sauces.

22 Boissons, alcools et vinaigre

En 2016, la Tunisie a exporté plus de 13 millions $ de boissons non alcoolisées, autres que l'eau et les jus. De plus, la Tunisie a exporté 1.777 million $ de vin.


Daurade, fraiche ou réfrigérée autre que le foie, les filets et autres chairs de poissons

Cette catégorie (030) a enregistré des importations aux États-Unis en 2017 de l’ordre de 56 152 $, en hors taxes, et ce au titre des Chapitres HS 1-98.

Les exportations tunisiennes au titre de la catégorie 030 ont connu une baisse notable au cours des années 2014 et 2015 et cela en comparaison avec les années 2012 et 2013. L’année 2016 a été marquée par une récupération.


NTLC Product Description Tariff regime Applied tariff (as reported)

Applied tariff (converted)

Total ad valorem equivalent

tariff 03028411 Seabass, excl. fillets, livers and roes, fresh or chilled, scaled, in immediate containers weighing with their contents 6.8 kg or less MFN duties

(Applied) 0.03 0.03 0.03

03028450 Seabass, excl. fillets, livers & roe, fresh or chilled, not scaled, or scaled in immediate containers over 6.8 kg MFN duties

(Applied) 0 0 0

03028411 Seabass, excl. fillets, livers and roes, fresh or chilled, scaled, in immediate containers weighing with their contents 6.8 kg or less

Preferential tariff for GSP

countries 0 0 0

08041020 Dates, fresh or dried, whole, with or without pits, packed in units weighing (with immediate container, if any) not over 4.6 kg MFN duties

(Applied) 13.2 cents/kg 132.00 $/Ton 0.0374 08041040 Dates, fresh or dried, whole, with pits, packed in units weighing over 4.6 kg MFN duties

(Applied) 1 cents/kg 10.00 $/Ton 0.00363 08041060 Dates, fresh or dried, whole, without pits, packed in units weighing over 4.6 kg MFN duties

(Applied) 2.8 cents/kg 28.00 $/Ton 0.02551 08041080 Dates, fresh or dried, other than whole MFN duties

(Applied) 0.298 0.298 0.298

08041040 Dates, fresh or dried, whole, with pits, packed in units weighing over 4.6 kg

Preferential tariff for GSP

countries 0 0 0

08041060 Dates, fresh or dried, whole, without pits, packed in units weighing over 4.6 kg

Preferential tariff for GSP

countries 0 0 0

15091020 Virgin olive oil and its fractions, whether or not refined, not chemically modified, weighing with the immediate container under 18 kg

MFN duties (Applied)

5 cents/kg on contents and

container 50.00 $/Ton 0.01048 15091040 Virgin olive oil and its fractions, whether or not refined, not

chemically modified, weighing with the immediate container 18 kg or over

MFN duties

(Applied) 3.4 cents/kg 34.00 $/Ton 0.00852 15091020 Virgin olive oil and its fractions, whether or not refined, not

chemically modified, weighing with the immediate container under 18 kg

Preferential tariff for GSP

countries 0 0 0

15091040 Virgin olive oil and its fractions, whether or not refined, not chemically modified, weighing with the immediate container 18 kg or over

Preferential tariff for GSP

countries 0 0 0

16041500 Prepared or preserved mackerel, whole or in pieces, but not minced MFN duties

(Applied) 0.03 0.03 0.03

16041500 Prepared or preserved mackerel, whole or in pieces, but not minced

Preferential tariff for GSP

countries 0 0 0

Annexe B

Leading Tunisian Products to the United States and Applied Duties

Data as of Nov. 6, 2018


HS Code Product Name Program

Claimed Rate

Program 2017 Value GSP Percent 302845000 Seabass, fresh or chilled, excluding livers, roes, fillets

and other fish meat of heading 0304, NESOI No program claimed

10 - Free under HS Chapters




712906000 Fennel, marjoram, parsley, savory and tarragon,

dried, crude or not manufactured No program claimed

10 - Free under HS Chapters



712906500 Parsley, dried, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared, NESOI

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $43,784 712908580 Vegetables & mixtures of vegetables, dried, whole,

cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared, NESOI

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $90,170 $228,712

813402060 Berries, dried, except barberries and blueberries No program claimed

61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $919,800 $919,800 804102000 Dates, whole, with or without pits, fresh or dried,

packed in units weighing (with the immediate container, if any) not more than 4.6Kg

No program claimed

61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $4,760,084 804104000 Dates, whole, with pits, fresh or dried, NESOI

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $2,627,734 804104000 Dates, whole, with pits, fresh or dried, NESOI No program


61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $1,190,336 804106000 Dates, whole, with pits removed, fresh or dried,


GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $19,626,764 804106000 Dates, whole, with pits removed, fresh or dried,

NESOI No program


61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $339,562 804108000 Dates, fresh or dried, except whole No program


61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $1,638,282

$30,182,762 $22,254,498 74%

Annexe C

U.S. Customs Data for Tunisian GSP Exports to the United States in 2017


HS Code Product Name Program

Claimed Rate

Program 2017 Value GSP Percent 1211909280 Plants and parts of plants used as herbal teas or

herbal infusions (single species, unmixed), fresh or dried

No program claimed

10 - Free under HS Chapters




Other plants and parts of plants, NESOI, used primarily in perfumery, in pharmacy or for insecticidal, fungicidal or similar purposes, fresh or dried

No program claimed

10 - Free under HS Chapters




1509102030 Certified organic olive oil and its fractions, labeled as extra virgin, not chemically modified, weighing with the immediate container under 18kg

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $1,610,600 1509102030 Certified organic olive oil and its fractions, labeled

as extra virgin, not chemically modified, weighing with the immediate container under 18kg

No program claimed

61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $96,377

1509102050 Olive oil and its fractions, labeled as extra virgin, not chemically modified, weighing with the immediate container under 18kg

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $4,485,854 1509102050 Olive oil and its fractions, labeled as extra virgin, not

chemically modified, weighing with the immediate container under 18kg

No program claimed

61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $64,374

1509102060 Olive oil and its fractions, virgin, not chemically modified, weighing with the immediate container under 18kg

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $123,094 1509102060 Olive oil and its fractions, virgin, not chemically

modified, weighing with the immediate container under 18kg

No program claimed

61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $14,920

1509104030 Certified organic olive oil and its fractions, labeled as extra virgin, not chemically modified, weighing with the immediate container 18 kg or over

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $21,564,505 1509104030 Certified organic olive oil and its fractions, labeled

as extra virgin, not chemically modified, weighing with the immediate container 18 kg or over

No program claimed

61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $676,603 1509104040 Certified organic olive oil and its fractions,

virgin, not chemically modified, weighing with the immediate container 18 kg or over

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $87,524 1509104050 Olive oil and its fractions, labeled as extra virgin, not

chemically modified, weighing with the immediate container 18 kg or over

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $15,803,274 1509104050 Olive oil and its fractions, labeled as extra virgin, not

chemically modified, weighing with the immediate container 18 kg or over

No program claimed

61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $3,870

1509104060 Olive oil and its fractions, virgin, not chemically modified, weighing with the immediate container 18 kg or over

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $3,577,729 1509104060 Olive oil and its fractions, virgin, not chemically

modified, weighing with the immediate container 18 kg or over

No program claimed

61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $69,312

1509902000 Olive oil and its fractions, refined, not chemically modified, weighing with the immediate container under 18 kg

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $4,418,294 1509904000 Olive oil and its fractions, refined, not chemically

modified, weighing with immediate container 18 kg or over

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $9,235,839


1509904000 Olive oil and its fractions, refined, not chemically modified, weighing with immediate container 18 kg or over

No program claimed

61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $15,000

$61,847,169 $54,687,165 88%

HS Code Product Name Program

Claimed Rate

Program 2017 Value GSP Percent 1604133000 Sardines, sardinella and brisling or sprats, skinned or boned, in oil, in airtight containers No program


61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $8,286

1604134000 Sardines, sardinella and brisling or sprats, NESOI, in immediate containers weighing with their contents under 225 grams each

No program claimed

10 - Free under HS Chapters



1604141099 Tunas and skipjack, in oil, in airtight containers, NESOI No program claimed

61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $50,864

1604142259 Albacore tuna, not in oil, in airtight containers weighing not over 7 kg, NESOI, 4.8 Percent of u. S.

Consumption of canned tuna during preceding year

No program claimed

61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $115,222 1604150000 Mackerel, whole or in pieces, but not minced, prepared or preserved

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $1,942,104

$2,497,170 $2,322,798 93%

1902112090 Pasta, exclusively, containing eggs, uncooked, not stuffed or otherwise prepared, product of a country other than an eu country

No program claimed

10 - Free under HS Chapters



1902114000 Pasta containing eggs, NESOI, including pasta packaged with sauce preparations, uncooked, not stuffed or otherwise prepared

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $23,856 1902192090 Pasta, exclusively, without egg, uncooked, not stuffed

or otherwise prepared, product of a country other than an eu country

No program claimed

10 - Free under HS Chapters



1902194000 Pasta not containing egg, NESOI, including pasta packaged with sauce preparations, uncooked, not stuffed or otherwise prepared

No program claimed

61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $5,376

1902400000 Couscous, whether or not prepared

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $114,541

$314,591 $309,215 98%

2001901000 Capers, prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid, in immediate containers holding more than 3.4 Kg

No program claimed

61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $4,798

2001902000 Capers, prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid, in containers holding 3.4 Kg or less

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $44,716 2001903800 Vegetables NESOI, prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $13,852 2002100020 Tomatoes, whole or in pieces, prepared or

preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, in containers holding less than 1.4 Kg

No program claimed

61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $12,546


2002908050 Tomatoes, NESOI, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, other No program claimed

61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $15,016

2005709700 Other vegetables, otherwise prepared or preserve than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen, NESOI No program claimed

61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $13,254

2005995040 Pimentos (capsicum anuum) prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen, in containers holding over 227 g

No program claimed

61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $137,280 2005995590

Fruits of the genus capsicum (peppers) or of the genus pimenta (e.G., Allspice) except pimentos (capsicum anuum) prep/pres ex by vinegar or acetic acid

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $34,728 2005998000 Artichokes, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen No program


61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $85,464

2005999700 Other vegetables and mixtures of vegetables, NESOI, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $11,434 2008306000 Lemons (citrus limon, citrus limonum) prepared or preserved NESOI

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $5,876 2008999190 Fruit, nuts and other edible parts of plants, prepared or preserved NESOI

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $175,920

$554,884 $286,526 52%

HS Code Product Name Program

Claimed Rate

Program 2017 Value GSP Percent 2103204020 Tomato sauces, NESOI, in containers holding less than 1.4 Kg No program


61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $4,562

2103908000 Mixed condiments and mixed seasonings, NESOI

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $1,217,354 47%

2103908000 Mixed condiments and mixed seasonings, NESOI No program claimed

61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $177,716 2103909091 Other sauces and preparations, NESOI

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $344,666 2103909091 Other sauces and preparations, NESOI No program


61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $26,878

2106909885 Confectionery (including gum) containing synthetic sweetening agents (e.G., Saccharin) instead of sugar, NESOI

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $577,832 2106909898 Food preparations not elsewhere specified or included, not canned or frozen

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $219,776

$2,568,784 $2,359,628 92%


HS Code Product Description X/M

Program Rate

Program 2017 2018 Difference % Change

302845000 Seabass, fresh or chilled, excluding livers, roes, fillets and other fish meat of heading 0304, NESOI

No program claimed

10 - Free under HS Chapters 1-98

$47,874 $- $(47,874) -100%

306144090 Crabs, frozen, except crabmeat,

NESOI No program


10 - Free under HS Chapters 1-98

$- $11,612 $11,612

712906000 Fennel, marjoram, parsley, savory and tarragon, dried, crude or not manufactured

No program claimed

10 - Free under HS Chapters 1-98

$94,758 $60,172 $(34,586) -36%

712906500 Parsley, dried, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared, NESOI

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $31,414 $55,116 $23,702 75%


Vegetables & mixtures of vegetables, dried, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared, NESOI

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $78,964 $144,762 $65,798 83%


Dates, whole, with or without pits, fresh or dried, packed in units weighing (with the immediate container, if any) not more than 4.6Kg

No program claimed

61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 3,778,514 $6,071,832 2,293,318 61%

804104000 Dates, whole, with pits, fresh or dried, NESOI

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $2,355,730 $4,538,720 $2,182,990 93%

804104000 Dates, whole, with pits, fresh or

dried, NESOI No program


61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $619,596 $- $(619,596) -100%

804106000 Dates, whole, with pits removed, fresh or dried, NESOI

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $16,172,188 $38,552,694 $22,380,506 138%

804106000 Dates, whole, with pits removed,

fresh or dried, NESOI No program claimed

61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $318,842 $31,658 $(287,184) -90%

804108000 Dates, fresh or dried, except whole No program claimed

61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $280,404 $186,586 $(93,818) -33%

804204000 Figs, whole, fresh or dried, in immediate containers weighing with their contents over 0.5Kg each

No program claimed

61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $- $110,148 $110,148

813402060 Berries, dried, except barberries and

blueberries No program


61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $919,800 $134,744 $(785,056) -85%

Annexe D

Comparative U.S. Customs Data for Tunisian GSP Exports to

the United States (2018 vs. 2017)


HS Code Product Description X/M

Program Rate

Program 2017 2018 Difference % Change


Plants and parts of plants used as herbal teas or herbal infusions (single species, unmixed), fresh or dried

No program claimed

10 - Free under HS Chapters 1-98

$4,648 $- $(4,648) -100%


Other plants and parts of plants, NESOI, used primarily in perfumery, in pharmacy or for insecticidal, fungicidal or similar purposes, fresh or dried

No program claimed

10 - Free under HS Chapters 1-98

$479,156 $107,188 $(371,968) -78%


Certified organic olive oil and its fractions, labeled as extra virgin, not chemically modified, weighing with the immediate container under 18kg

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $719,316 $4,260,687 $3,541,371 492%


Certified organic olive oil and its fractions, labeled as extra virgin, not chemically modified, weighing with the immediate container under 18kg

No program claimed

61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $44,890 $95,585 $50,695 113%


Olive oil and its fractions, labeled as extra virgin, not chemically modified, weighing with the immediate container under 18kg

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $2,693,747 $4,449,925 $1,756,178 65%


Olive oil and its fractions, labeled as extra virgin, not chemically modified, weighing with the immediate container under 18kg

No program claimed

61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $48,302 $389,167 $340,865 706%

1509102060 Olive oil and its fractions, virgin, not chemically modified, weighing with the immediate container under 18kg

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $123,094 $57,683 $(65,411) -53%

1509102060 Olive oil and its fractions, virgin, not chemically modified, weighing with the immediate container under 18kg

No program claimed

61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $14,920 $- $(14,920) -100%


Certified organic olive oil and its fractions, labeled as extra virgin, not chemically modified, weighing with the immediate container 18 kg or over

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $19,845,579 $63,945,906 $44,100,327 222%


Certified organic olive oil and its fractions, labeled as extra virgin, not chemically modified, weighing with the immediate container 18 kg or over

No program claimed

61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $664,640 $1,063,634 $398,994 60%


Certified organic olive oil and its fractions, virgin, not chemically modified, weighing with the immediate container 18 kg or over

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $- $- $-


Certified organic olive oil and its fractions, virgin, not chemically modified, weighing with the immediate container 18 kg or over

No program claimed

61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $- $31,982 $31,982


Olive oil and its fractions, labeled as extra virgin, not chemically modified, weighing with the immediate container 18 kg or over

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $11,758,518 $55,815,261 $44,056,743 375%


Olive oil and its fractions, labeled as extra virgin, not chemically modified, weighing with the immediate container 18 kg or over

No program claimed

61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $- $6,935,555 $6,935,555


Olive oil and its fractions, virgin, not chemically modified, weighing with the immediate container 18 kg or over

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $2,573,180 $4,010,366 $1,437,186 56%



Olive oil and its fractions, virgin, not chemically modified, weighing with the immediate container 18 kg or over

No program claimed

61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $69,312 $90,200 $20,888 30%


Olive oil and its fractions, refined, not chemically modified, weighing with the immediate container under 18 kg

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $2,884,934 $1,300,953 $(1,583,981) -55%


Olive oil and its fractions, refined, not chemically modified, weighing with immediate container 18 kg or over

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $6,833,783 $9,291,990 $2,458,207 36%


Olive oil and its fractions, refined, not chemically modified, weighing with immediate container 18 kg or over

No program claimed

61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $- $71,996 $71,996


Olive-residue oil & blends of olive oil & olive-residue oil, and their fractions, nt chem modified, edible, weighing 18kg or more with container

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $- $12,135 $12,135

HS Code Product Description X/M

Program Rate

Program 2017 2018 Difference % Change

1604133000 Sardines, sardinella and brisling or sprats, skinned or boned, in oil, in airtight containers

No program claimed

61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $- $9,612 $9,612


Sardines, sardinella and brisling or sprats, NESOI, in immediate containers weighing with their contents under 225 grams each

No program claimed

10 - Free under HS Chapters 1-98

$373,800 $233,164 $(140,636) -38%

1604141099 Tunas and skipjack, in oil, in airtight containers, NESOI No program claimed

61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $- $11,172 $11,172


Albacore tuna, not in oil, in airtight containers weighing not over 7 kg, NESOI, 4.8 Percent of u. S.

Consumption of canned tuna during preceding year

No program claimed

61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $115,222 $- $(115,222) -100%

1604143099 Other tunas and skipjack, not in oil, in airtight containers, NESOI No program claimed

61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $- $4,244 $4,244

1604150000 Mackerel, whole or in pieces, but not minced, prepared or preserved

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $838,380 $1,101,960 $263,580 31%

1605211030 Shrimps and prawns, prepared NESOI, frozen No program claimed

10 - Free under HS Chapters 1-98

$- $11,000 $11,000


Pasta, exclusively, containing eggs, uncooked, not stuffed or otherwise prepared, product of a country other than an eu country

No program claimed

10 - Free under HS Chapters 1-98

$16,932 $- $(16,932) -100%


Pasta containing eggs, NESOI, including pasta packaged with sauce preparations, uncooked, not stuffed or otherwise prepared

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $23,856 $- $(23,856) -100%


Pasta, exclusively, without egg, uncooked, not stuffed or otherwise prepared, product of a country other than an eu country

No program claimed

10 - Free under HS Chapters 1-98

$126,953 $115,342 $(11,611) -9%

1902194000 Pasta not containing egg, NESOI, including pasta packaged with sauce preparations, uncooked, not stuffed

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $- $14,256 $14,256


HS Code Product Description X/M

Program Rate

Program 2017 2018 Difference % Change


Capers, Prepared Or Preserved By Vinegar Or Acetic Acid, In Immediate Containers Holding More Than 3.4 Kg

No program claimed

61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $4,798 $11,058 $6,260 130%

2001902000 Capers, Prepared Or Preserved By Vinegar Or Acetic Acid, In Containers Holding 3.4 Kg Or Less

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $21,664 $28,838 $7,174 33%

2001903800 Vegetables NESOI, prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $- $ - $-


Tomatoes, whole or in pieces, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, in containers holding less than 1.4 Kg

No program claimed

61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $- $25,544 $25,544


Tomatoes, whole or in pieces, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, in containers holding 1.4 Kg or more, NESOI

No program claimed

61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $- $11,978 $11,978

2002908050 Tomatoes, NESOI, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, other

No program claimed

61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $15,016 $- $(15,016) -100%


Other vegetables, otherwise prepared or preserve than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen, NESOI

No program claimed

61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $5,116 $44,456 $39,340 769%


Pimentos (capsicum anuum) prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen, in containers holding over 227 g

No program claimed

61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $- $- $-


Fruits of the genus capsicum (peppers) or of the genus pimenta (e.G., Allspice) except pimentos (capsicum anuum) prep/pres ex by vinegar or acetic acid

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $20,506 $142,322 $121,816 594%

2005998000 Artichokes, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen

No program claimed

61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $20,434 $299,386 $278,952 1365%


Other vegetables and mixtures of vegetables, NESOI, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $11,434 $11,320 $(114) -1%

2007994500 Jams, NESOI

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $- $4,314 $4,314

2008306000 Lemons (citrus limon, citrus limonum) prepared or preserved NESOI

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $5,876 $- $(5,876) -100%


Pasta not containing egg, NESOI, including pasta packaged with sauce preparations, uncooked, not stuffed or otherwise prepared

No program claimed

61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $5,376 $- $(5,376) -100%

1902400000 Couscous, whether or not prepared

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $46,280 $63,446 $17,166 37%

1902400000 Couscous, whether or not prepared No program claimed

61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $- $28,972 $28,972


2008999190 Fruit, nuts and other edible parts of plants, prepared or preserved NESOI

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $92,390 $133,540 $41,150 45%

HS Code Product Description X/M

Program Rate

Program 2017 2018 Difference % Change

2103204020 Tomato sauces, NESOI, in containers holding less than 1.4 Kg No program claimed

61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $4,562 $- $(4,562) -100%

2103908000 Mixed condiments and mixed seasonings, NESOI

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $888,580 $726,766 $(161,814) -18%

2103908000 Mixed condiments and mixed seasonings, NESOI No program claimed

61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $177,716 $177,716 $-

2103909091 Other sauces and preparations, NESOI

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $173,722 $238,864 $65,142 37%

2103909091 Other sauces and preparations,

NESOI No program


61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $8,202 $43,868 $35,666 435%


Confectionery (including gum) containing synthetic sweetening agents (e.G., Saccharin) instead of sugar, NESOI

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $426,896 $- $(426,896) -100%

2106909898 Food preparations not elsewhere specified or included, not canned or frozen

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $8,078 $- $(8,078) -100%


Red wine of fresh grapes of an alcoholic strength by volume not over 14 percent vol, in containers holding 2 liters or less, valued over

$1.05/Liter NESOI

No program claimed

61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $- $37,632 $37,632


White wine, except icewine, of an alcoholic strength by volume not over 14 percent vol, in containers holding 2 liters or less, valued over

$1.05/Liter, NESOI

No program claimed

61 - Dutiable HS chapters

1-97 $- $31,968 $31,968


Grape wine of an alcoholic strength by volume over 14 percent vol in containers holding 2 liters or less, NESOI

GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC only)

18 - Free special duty

programs $- $21,600 $21,600



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