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Activities for the implementation of UNTACDA II programme : 1991 - 2000


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Second united Nations Transport and Communications Decade in Africa UNTACDA II: 1991-2000







1. The implementation of UNTACDA II programme may be divided into eight distinct components as follows:

(i) Preparation and updating of obj ectives and strategies of the programme;

( ii) ( iii)

Promotion of the programme;

Establishment and strengthening of institutional mechanisms;

(iv) Preparation of projects to be included in the programme;

(v) Mobilization of resources for executing the projects of the programme;

(vi) Execution of projects;

(vii) Monitoring the programme;

(viii) Evaluation of the programme.

(i) Review. and updating of objectives and strategies of the programme

2. The activities for the preparation of the objectives and strategies of the programme started in 1989. The programme which was approved by the ministers in February 1991 at their Eighth meeting in Abuja, Nigeria is pUblished in the document: Programme of the Second United Nations Transport and Communications Decade in Africa, 1991-2000 (DOC/UNTACDA/MIN/04/Rev. 3 of March 1991).

3. The programme itself is designed in a flexible manner which requires continuous fine tuning of the objectives and/or strategies as changes in the economic environment as well as experience gained in the course of implementation may dictate.

4. The first review and/or revision of the programme will commence in 1992 in order to provide input to preparation of the next set of projects to be submitted to the ministers in early 1993. All subsectoral and SUbregional working groups will meet in order to accomplish this task.


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5. Besides the seven subsectoral working groups which are now functional, an eighth working group was created for the manufacture of transport and communications equipment component. This group must be formally created to prepare the programme for the subsector.

6. It should be noted that the merger of the committees of the Sub-Saharan Africa Transport Programme (SSATP) into the various working groups of UNTACDA II will necessitate more meetings of these groups and a review and/or revision of their strategies.

Similarly, the coordination of UNTACDA II with other related programmes will result in a need for re-assessment of some strategies.

(ii) Promotion of the programme

7. The success of the programme will depend to a large extent on its promotion both within Africa and in the international community at large. From the experience gained in implementing UNTACDA I, i t is evident that part of the difficulties encountered by that programme arose from the fact that i t was not widely pUblicised.

Therefore, concerted effort should be undertaken by ECA, assisted by RMC and the various working groups, to effectively promote UNTACDA II through activities such as:

(a) Sensitization of African member States to the importance, objectives and strategies of the programme;

(b) Sensitization of African IGOI S on the relevance of UNTACDA II to their own programme;

(c) Meetings with various multilateral lending institutions and bilateral aid agencies to explain the programme and harmonize their interventions as initiated at the various Brussels meetings in November 1991;

(d) Sensitization of international professional communities in the field of transport and communications by organizing and participating in symposia, fora and congresses to explain the programme;

(e) Production and distribution of technical reports and pamphlets on various aspects of transport and communications in Africa. Publications of articles on UNTACDA II in various national and international

journals, magazines, etc.



Page 3

( iii) Establishment mechanisms

and strengthening institutional 8. The strategy for implementing the programme emphasizes its co- operative character and co-ordination aspect. The "bottom-up"

approach which has been adopted requires that each level must function properly for the success of the over-all programme. The major actions required at each level are:

(a) National National Co-ordinating Committees (NCCs) should be established in each country in accordance with the 1989 Tangier decision. For effective functioning of NCCS, ECA as lead agency and RMC should assist the countries to set up NCCs in accordance with the guidelines and ensure their proper functioning by providing financial and technical assistance as required;

(b) Subregional Subregional working groups should be strengthened and given more responsibility to co-ordinate activities of their member States. ECA should work closely with these groups;

(c) Subsectoral - A subsectoral working group should be established for manufacturing of transport and communications equipment. All subsectoral working groups should meet and agree on their activities to be performed in close collaboration with NCC, IGOs and ECA.

(d) Regional Assisting existing and establishing new professional organizations at all levels in order to promote UNTACDA II objectives and programme.

(iv) Preparation of projects to be included in the programme 9. Projects for the programme will be selected in accordance with the criteria established and will be prepared following the guidelines and format provided. Each project initiator is responsible for preparing the project, while the RMC is responsible for analyzing i t against the criteria for inclusion in the programme. It is the Conference of Ministers which formally approves projects of the programme at its biennial meetings.

However, project identification, selection and preparation will be a continuous process throughout the Decade.

10. The following activities are involved in this process:

(a) Identification of projects in accordance with objectives and strategies of UNTACDA II;


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Harmonization of projects within the relevant sUbregional and/or sUbsectoral working group;

Preparation of project profiles and submission to RMC;

Analysis of projects by RMC and recommendation to Ministers;

Review and approval of projects by Ministers.

11. The first set of projects was prepared between February and May 1991 and was approved by the Ministers in May 1991. There were a total of 669 projects costing an estimated US$12 billion. These are presented in the document, the Second united Nations Transport and Communications Decade in Africa 1991-2000. Volume II: Projects approved in 1991 (DOC/UNTACDA/91/12 of 14 October 1991).

12. There were other activities which were approved by the Ministers to be carried out in support of the programme. These in fact may be considered as projects; they cover such thematic issues in transport and communications as policy reforms, human resource management and development and data systems. These activities are to be carried out as part of the programme.

(v) Mobilization of Resources

13. The resources required for implementing the UNTACDA II programme will be mobilized from internal (African) as well as external (multilateral lending institutions and bilateral donor agencies) sources. The RMC is charged with the overall co- ordination of resource mobilization efforts.

14. The major categories of resource mobilization activities are:

(a) Preparation of a dossier on each project to be used for resource mobilization from internal and external sources;

(b) Identification of and contacting prospective sources for financial or technical assistance based on traditional partnerships as well as new ones identified by the RMC;

(c) Presentation of projects to and consultations with the financiers either collectively during a round table or individually;

(d) Follow-up on outcome of the above consultations, with the assistance of RMC if required;


DOC/UNTACDA/92/01/Rev.1 Page 5 (e) Periodic progress reports on project execution and


(vi) Execution of Projects

15. Each project will be executed by the designated executing agency. The activities will depend on the type of project; that

1S, by level of impact (national, sUbregional, regional) or by nature of project (investment, pre-investment, studies, thematic):

(a) National projects To be executed by national organizations, with assistance as required of ECA and relevant African IGO's and UN agencies;

(b) SUbregional projects - To be executed by the initiating organizations, with assistance of ECA and UN agencies as required;

(c) Regional projects - To be executed by relevant African organizations and UN agencies;

(d) Pre-investment projects To be executed by the initiators with close collaboration of RMC, especially as regards financing aspects.

(vii) Monitoring of the Programme

16. The general framework for monitoring the implementation of the programme is outlined in the approved programme in paras 181-183 (DOC/UNTACDA/MIN/04/Rev.3). The programme is to be monitored at each level as follows:

(a) National - The National Coordinating Committee (NCC) in each country will monitor the implementation of the programme at the national level and provide all relevant information to ECA in close collaboration with their lead sUbregional organization. The ECA and RMC will provide necessary technical assistance to Nec's to ensure that they are constituted according to guidelines and that they function well.

(b) Subregional - Each member of the sUbregional working groups will monitor progress in its own area of influence and report to the leader of its working group. The leader of each working group will in turn report the progress to ECA. The ECA and RMC will provide technical assistance to the sUbregional working groups to ensure their proper functioning.


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(c) Regional - The leaders of each subsectoral working group will monitor the implementation of all regional projects being executed by member agencies of the working group and report to ECA.

(d) Programme Level - At the programme level, ECA will monitor activities at all levels and provide necessary guidance for the proper implementation of programme by NCCs, working groups, as well as by the financing institutions and agencies. ECA will consolidate all the reports received and prepare periodic reports to the Conference of African Ministers of Transport, Communications and Planning through the established mechanisms, namely, RMCI IACC and Experts. The Ministers and Experts will meet every two years (1993, 1995, 1997 and 1999) to review the progress of the programme. The IACC will meet at least once a year, while RMC will meet as often as necessary.

(vi) Evaluation of the Programme

17. There will be two mid-course evaluations: in 1994 and 1997, and a final evaluation in the year 2000. The mid-course evaluations shall involve detailed assessments of progress made in the implementation of the programme, the validity and priority of the projects from either national, subregional or regional perspective. The final evaluation will cover the overall impact of the programme in terms of achievement of qualitative and quantitative development objectives and targets established for the programme.

18. ECA, in its capacity as lead agency, will be responsible for conducting the evaluation of the programme. The results of the evaluation will be reviewed by the lACC before presentation to the Conference of Ministers.


19. The programme of action showing the responsible parties as well as timing for carrying out the activities arising from the above components of implementation of the programme is shown in the chart that follows.


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activities and

improvement of

objectives and strategies of the oroaramme

1.1 Analysis of the (a) Assessment of the (a) ECA (a) 01-03/92 programmes for the functioning of UNTACDA II 01-02/94

various phases of mechanisms 01-02/96


(b) Analysis of the relevance (b) (b) 01-03/02 of projects vis-a-vis the Working 01-02/94 strategies and objectives groups 01-02/96 (c) Analysis of the relevance (c) (c) 01-03/92 of strategies to the objectives Working 01-02/94

Groups 01-02/96

(d) Identification of (d) ECA (d) 01-03/92

deficiencies to be remedied 01-02/94


1. 2 Ref inement of Directives for refining the (a) ECA 1.2 (a)

strategies strategies 04/92

03/94 01-02/96 (b) Refinement of the strategies (b) (b) 04-05/92 and consideration of the Working 04-05/94 inclusion SSATP in UNTACDA I I Groups 04-05/96 (c) Publicising of the (c) ECA, (C) 05-06/92 strategies. seminars and RMC and 06-07/94

workshops working 06-07/96


(d) Coordination of UNTACDA II (d) ECA (d) 02-12/92 with other on-going programmes and

in transport and communications Working

sectors Groups



Page 8


MONTIIS, YEAR 1.3 Coherence

between UNTACDA II and other sectoral progranunes,

particularly IDDA II.

(a) Formulation of strategies on industrialisation in transport and communications

(s) Working group on manufacture of transport and communications equipment

( a) 04-05/92

2. Promotion of UNTACDA II:

(b) Coherence between UNTACDA II and IDDA II

(b) ECA (b)


(b) ECA Chairman (b)

of the RMC Continuous

(c) ECA, United Nations

Information Office, local representations

(National, subregional and regional) of UNOI', ADS and the World Sank


Sensitisation of African countries

(a) Direct information to the Heads of State on UNTACDA II by


(b) Press Conferences on UNTACDA II during visits to the

countries through NCCs.

(c) Wide dissemination of UNTACDA II documents:

programme, brochures, information notes

(a) ECA 2.1 (a) 02/92

(c) 01-03/92 and


2.2 Sensitisation of IGOs:

(d) Involvement of existing professional associations in the promotion of UNTACDA II

(a) Direct information to the Conference of Ministers of IGOs and specialised institutions about UNTACDA II by

participating in at least one meeting of each organization

(b) Participation in technical meetings of IGOs and specialised institutions on transport and communications to present papers on UNTACDA II

(d) ECA

(a) ECA and IGQs themselves

(b) ECA








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MONTIIS/YEAR (c) Wide dissemination of (C) ECA (c)

UNTACDA II documents. 01-03/92

programmes, brochures, and

information notes continuing

2.3. Contacts with (a) Wide dissemination of (a) ECA (a) 01-02/92

financial UNTACDA II documents. and

institutions programmes, brochures, continuing

informations notes.

(b) Information to Embassies of (b) ECA (b) 02/92 bilateral aid countries in

Addis Ababa about UNTACDA II

(c) Permanent sensitisation of (c) RMC (c)

donors Continuous

2.4 Sensitisation (a) Identification of existing (a) ECA and 2.4 (a) 02/92 of the inter-national professional subsectoral

international associations and establishing working groups community relations with them.

(b) Participation in (b) ECA (b)

congresses of these Continuous

associations to present papers on UNTACDA II

(c) Organisation of (c) ECA and RMC (c) 1993-1995 international symposia on

UNTACDA II similar to the one in Brussels, for example, before the forums on transport and communications in Africa which were agreed on in Brussels.

2.5 Dissemination (a) Preparation of six-monthly (a) ECA ( a) 02/92 and of the concept and issues of information brochures 07/92

activities of and bulletins 01 and 07/93

UNTACDA II 01 and 97/94

01 and 07/95 01 and 07/96


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MONTHS/YEAR (b) Wide dissemination of (b) ECA (c)

brochures and information 02-03/92

bulletins and


(C) Inventory of published (c) ECA (c) 02/92 international bulletins on

transport and communications and selection of some of them to use as channels of

information on UNTACDA II 3. Establishment

and Functioning of structures

3.1 National ( a) Sensitization of countries (a) ECA and RMC (a)

coordinating for establishment of NCCs where continuous

committees: they do not yet exist

(b) Establishment of functional (b) Member (b)

NCCs States continuous

3.2 Sub-sectoral (a) Establishment of a working (a) ECA 3.2 (a) Ol-

and subregional group on the manufacture of 03/92

working groups transport and communications equipment

(b) Get the sub-sectoral (b) ECA and RMC (b)

working groups to function, by Continuous ensuring that they implement

their work programmes

(c) Ensure that subregional (c) ECA and RMC (c)

working groups function Continuous

effectively, Preparation of coherent subregional

programmes, technical and financial assistance.

3.3 Establishment (a) Identification of (a) ECA and sub- (a) 01-12/92 of professional professional association whose sectoral working

as!5ociations at eetablilihment is necessary groups national, within the context of UTNACDA

subregional and I I

regional levels


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(b) Establishment of (b) NCC, IOOs (b)

professional associations where and ECA continuous they are lacking and

strengthening of existing ones.

4. Preparation of projects to be included in the programmes of the various phases

4.1 Project (a) Review of directives on (a) RMC (a) 07/92,

identif ication project submission 07/94

07/96 (b) Dissemination of revised (b) ECA (b) 08/92

directives 08/94, 08/96

(c) Submission of projects (c) States, (c) 10/92,

profiles IGOs, 10/94

specialised institutions and working groups

(d) Harmonisation of projects (d) Sub-sectoral (d) 11/92, at sub-sectoral level working groups 11/94, 11/96

and ECA

(e) Harmonisation of projects (e) Subregional (e) 11/92, at subregional level. working groups 11/94, 11/96

and ECA

4.2 Project (a) Analysis and selection of (a) RMC ( a) 12/92-

analysis, selection projects 01/93,

and approval 02/94-01/95

(b) Approval of projects. (b) Conference (b) of Ministers 92/93, 92/95 (c) Finalisation of project (c) ECA(c) 03-04/93,

profiles 03-04/95


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5. Mobilisation of financial and

technical reROurcee:

5.1 strategy

5.2 Preparation of documents for funding agencies


(a) Definition of methods of

approaching donors and

submitting projects for funding (b) Review of resource

mobilisation methods in the light of the results of first evaluation

(C) Organisation of

sensitisation workshops and seminars on the preparation of documents to be submitted to funding agencies

(d) Finalization of the study on the impact of macro-economic and financial envirorunent on the development of transport and conununications

(a) Preparation of national project documents

(b) Preparation of subregional project documents

(e) Preparation of regional project documents


(a) RMC

(b) RMC


(d) ADa

(a) The states aasisted by the RMC

(b) rsos and

African and

United Nations specialised agencies

assisted by the


(c) ECA and specialised institutions assisted by the RMC and sub-


working groups


(a) 02-03/92

(b) 10-11/92

(c) 11/92, 11/94, 11/96 (d) 02-04/92

(a) 03-05/92 and


(b) 03-05/92 and


(c) 03-05/92

5.3 Activities for

mobilising external funding

( a) Identification of donors (a) Project initiators

assisted by RMC

(a) 04-11/92 and

continuing (b) Dispatching of project

documents to donors

(b) Project initiators

(b) 04-11/92

(c) Organisation of donor meetings and/or consultations with donors

(c) Project (C)

initiators Continuous assisted by RMC


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MONTHS/YEAR 5.4 Follow-up of (a) Assist states and (a) ECA and RMC (a)

activities for organizations that have Continuing

mobilising funding, submitted projects to fulfil conditions for financing, follow-up studies,

consultations, etc, .

5.5 Internal (a) Studies and consultations (a) States ( a) 05-09/92 resources on improvin the recovery of assisted by the

mobilisation user costs of transport and RMC, ECA and cormnunications infrastructure Subsectoral

and services Working Groups

(b) Establishment of (b) States (b)

institutional mechanisms assisted by RMC Continuous guaranteeing an adequate and ECA

proportion of the resources generated by the sectors to transport and communications.

(c) Seminars and workshop to (c) IGO assisted (c) 10-12/92 popularize internal resource by the RMC, ECA,

mobilisation and allocation and Sub-sectoral approaches that have been Working Groups successful in the African


6. Project implementation

6.1 National Implementation of studies, States assisted Continuous

projects reports and other activities by ECA if (training, institutional, etc. ) necessary

6.2 National Implementation of studies and States and lGOs Continuous

projects with sub- reports concerned,

regional impact assisted by EeA,

i f necessary

6.3. Subregional Implementation of studies, IGO, States and Continuous projects organizing and facilitation specialised

activities, etc. institutions,

assisted by ECA

if necessary

6.4 Regional Implementation of studies, ECA, States and Continuous

projects training and facilitation specialised activities, etc. institutions and

sub-sectoral working groups


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MONTBS/YEAR 6.5 Pre-investment (a) Financing modalities. For RMC ( a) 02-05/92 studies example establishment of a

research fund or co-financing

(b) Implementation of studies (b) States and (b)

organizations continuous that have

submitted projects,

assisted by ECA if necessarv 7. Programme


(a) 6-7/92(b}

7.1 Formulation of 9/92

directives for

follow-up 7.1 ( a) Formulation of 7.l(a) ECA directives for follow up

(b) Dissemination the (b) ECA directives

7.2 At the national (a) Follow-up of national (a) States (NCC) ( a)

level project implementation Continuous

(b) Preparation of a progress (b) States in (b) 11/92 report to be sent to ECA collaboration 11/94

with the 11/96

subregional lead IGO

7.3 At the (a) Follow-up of subregional ( a) IGO (each (a)

SUbregional level: project implementation one for its own Continuous projects)

(b) Preparation of progress (b) 100 (b) 11/92 reports to be sent to ECA synthesis report 11/94

by lead IGO 11/96

7.4 At the regional (a) Preparation of a progress ( a) Lead sub- (a) 11/92 level: report on the implementation of sectoral working 11/94

subsectoral programmes groups 11/96

(b) Preparation of a global (b) ECA (b) 01/93

progress report on the 01/95

implementation of the entire UTNACDA II programme

(c) Evaluation of the progress (c) Conference (c) 02/93 in implementation of UNTACOA I I of Ministers 02/95 projects and setting of new upon the

guidelines recommendation

of the IACC


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8. Programme (a) ECA ( a) 02-05/92


8.1 Definition of a (a) Formulation of directives reference point for defining performance


(b) Definition of main (b) ECA assisted (b) 03-06/92 indicators to be used in by the working

progress achieved during the groups Decade and establishment of the

reference situation in 1991

8.2 Establishment (a) Definition of the data to (a) ECA and sub- ( a) 10-12/92

of a data be collected sectoral working

collection and groups

analysis system for programme


(b) Definition of tools and (b) ECA and sub- (b) 06/92- mechanisms for data collection sectoral working 12/93


(c) Establishment of a (c) ECA and sub- (c) 06/92- collection and analysis system sectoral Working 12/93


8.3 Programme ( a) Data collection (a) states (a) 1-3/94

Evaluation rGOs,

specialised institutions

(b) Data analysis (b) ECA (b) 04-05/94

(c) Consideration of evaluation (c) rACC (c) 10/94 results and recommendations for


(d) Consideration of evaluation (d) Conference (d) 02/95 results and decisions on of Ministers



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