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Root systems, symmetries and linear representations of Artin groups


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Olivier Geneste, Jean-Yves Hée & Luis Paris

Root systems, symmetries and linear representations of Artin groups Volume 26, no1 (2019), p. 25-54.


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Root systems, symmetries and linear representations of Artin groups

Olivier Geneste Jean-Yves Hée

Luis Paris


LetΓbe a Coxeter graph, letWbe its associated Coxeter group, and letGbe a group of symmetries ofΓ. Recall that, by a theorem of Hée and Mühlherr,WGis a Coxeter group associated to some Coxeter graphbΓ. We denote byΦ+the set of positive roots ofΓand byΦb+the set of positive roots ofbΓ. Let Ebe a vector space over a fieldKhaving a basis in one-to-one correspondence withΦ+. The action ofGonΓinduces an action ofGonΦ+, and therefore onE. We show thatEGcontains a linearly independent family of vectors naturally in one-to-one correspondence withbΦ+and we determine exactly when this family is a basis ofEG. This question is motivated by the construction of Krammer’s style linear representations for non simply laced Artin groups.

Systèmes de racines, symétries et représentations linéaires des groupes d’Artin


SoientΓun graphe de Coxeter,Wson groupe de Coxeter associé etGun groupe de symétries deΓ.

Rappelons que, par un théorème de Hée et Mühlherr,WGest un groupe de Coxeter associé à un certain graphe de CoxeterbΓ. On noteΦ+l’ensemble des racines positives deΓetΦb+l’ensemble des racines positives debΓ. SoitEun espace vectoriel sur un corpsKayant une base en bijection avecΦ+. L’action de GsurΓinduit une action deGsurΦ+, et donc surE. Nous montrons queEGcontient une famille libre de vecteurs naturellement en bijection avecbΦ+et nous déterminons exactement quand cette famille est une base deEG. Cette question est motivée par la construction de représentations linéaires à la Krammer de groupes d’Artin non simplement lacés.

1. Introduction

1.1. Motivation

Bigelow [1] and Krammer [20] proved that the braid groups are linear answering a historical question in the subject. More precisely, they proved that some linear representation ψ : Bn → GL(E)of the braid groupBn previously introduced by Lawrence [22] is faithful. A useful information for us is thatEis a vector space over the fieldK=Q(q,z) of rational functions in two variables q,zoverQ, and has a natural basis of the form {ei,j|1≤i< j ≤n}.

Keywords:Artin group, linear representation, Coxeter group, root system.

2010Mathematics Subject Classification:20F36.


LetΓbe a Coxeter graph, letWΓbe its associated Coxeter group, letAΓbe its associated Artin group, and letA+Γbe its associated Artin monoid. The Coxeter graphΓis called of spherical typeifWΓis finite, it is calledsimply lacedif none of its edges is labelled, and it is calledtriangle freeif there are no three vertices inΓtwo by two connected by edges.

Shortly after the release of the papers by Bigelow [1] and Krammer [20], Digne [12]

and independently Cohen–Wales [6] extended Krammer’s [20] constructions and proofs to the Artin groups associated with simply laced Coxeter graphs of spherical type, and, afterwards, Paris [25] extended them to all the Artin groups associated to simply laced triangle free Coxeter graphs (see also Hée [16] for a simplified proof of the faithfulness of the representation). More precisely, for a finite simply laced triangle free Coxeter graphΓ, they constructed a linear representationψ:AΓ →GL(E), they showed that this representation is always faithful on the Artin monoidA+Γ, and they showed that it is faithful on the whole groupAΓifΓis of spherical type. What is important to know here is thatE is still a vector space overK=Q(q,z)and thatEhas a natural basisB={eβ|β∈Φ+} in one-to-one correspondence with the setΦ+of positive roots ofΓ.

The question that motivated the beginning of the present study is to find a way to extend the construction of this linear representation to other Artin groups, or, at least, to some Artin groups whose Coxeter graphs are not simply laced and triangle free. A first approach would be to extend Paris’ [25] construction to other Coxeter graphs that are not simply laced and triangle free. Unfortunately, explicit calculations on simple examples convinced us that this approach does not work.

However, an idea for constructing such linear representations for some Artin groups associated to non simply laced Coxeter graphs can be found in Digne [12]. In that paper Digne takes a Coxeter graph Γ of type A2n+1, Dn, orE6 and consider some specific symmetrygofΓ. By Hée [14] and Mühlherr [24] the subgroupWΓgof fixed elements by gis itself a Coxeter group associated with a precise Coxeter graphbΓ. By Michel [23], Crisp [7, 8] and Dehornoy–Paris [10], the subgroupAgΓofAΓof fixed elements bygis an Artin group associated withbΓ. On the other hand the symmetrygacts on the basis BofEand the linear representationψ : AΓ →GL(E)is equivariant in the sense that ψ(g(a)) =gψ(a)g−1 for alla ∈ AΓ. It follows thatψ induces a linear representation ψg : A

bΓ → GL(Eg), whereEg denotes the subspace of fixed vectors ofE under the action ofg. Then Digne [12] proves thatψgis faithful and thatEghas a “natural” basis in one-to-one correspondence with the setΦb+of positive roots ofbΓ. This defines a linear representation for the Artin groups associated with the Coxeter graphsBn(n≥2),G2


LetΓbe a finite simply laced triangle free Coxeter graph and letGbe a non-trivial group of symmetries ofΓ. ThenGacts on the groupsWΓandAΓand on the monoidA+Γ.


We know by Hée [14] and Mühlherr [24] (see also Crisp [7, 8], Geneste–Paris [13] and Theorem 2.5) thatWΓGis the Coxeter group associated with some precise Coxeter graph bΓ. Moreover, by Crisp [7, 8], the monoidA+GΓ is an Artin monoid associated withbΓand in many cases the group AGΓ is an Artin group associated withbΓ. On the other hand,G acts on the basisBofE, and the linear representationψ :AΓ →GL(E)is equivariant in the sense thatψ(g(a))=gψ(a)g−1for alla ∈ AΓ and allg ∈G. Thus,ψinduces a linear representationψG :A

bΓ→GL(EG), whereEG ={x∈E|g(x)=xfor allg∈G}.

We also know by Castella [3, 5] that the induced representationψG: A

bΓ→GL(EG)is faithful on the monoidA+

bΓ. So, it remains to determine whenEGhas a “natural” basis in one-to-one correspondence with the setΦb+of positive roots ofbΓ. The purpose of this paper is to answer this question.

1.2. Statements

The simply laced triangle free Artin groups and the linear representationsψ:AΓ→GL(E) form the framework of our motivation, but they are not needed for the rest of the paper.

We will also work with any Coxeter graph, which may have labels and infinitely many vertices. So, letΓbe a Coxeter graph associated with a Coxeter matrixM=(ms,t)s,tS, letKbe a field, and letEbe a vector space overKhaving a basisB={eβ|β∈Φ+}in one-to-one correspondence with the setΦ+of positive roots ofΓ.

AsymmetryofΓis defined to be a permutationgofSsatisfyingmg(s),g(t)=ms,tfor all s,t∈S. The group of symmetries ofΓwill be denoted by Sym(Γ). LetGbe a subgroup of Sym(Γ). Again, we know by Hée [14] and Mühlherr [24] thatWΓGis the Coxeter group associated with some Coxeter graphbΓ. On the other hand,Gacts on the setΦ+of positive roots of Γand therefore onE. LetbΦ+ be the set of positive roots ofbΓ. In this paper we show thatEG contains a “natural” linearly independent setBb={be

βb|bβ ∈Φb+} in one-to-one correspondence with the setΦb+and we determine whenBbis a basis ofEG. From now on we will say that the pair(Γ,G)has thebΦ+-basis propertyif the above mentioned subsetBbis a basis ofEG.

We proceed in three steps to determine the pairs(Γ,G)that have theΦb+-basis property.

In a first step (see Subsection 4.1) we show that it suffices to consider the case where all the orbits ofSunder the action ofGare finite. LetSfindenote the union of the finite orbits ofSunder the action ofG, and letΓfindenote the full subgraph ofΓspanned bySfin. Each symmetryg ∈GstabilizesSfin, hence induces a symmetry ofΓfin. We denote byGfin the subgroup of Sym(Γfin)of all these symmetries. In Subsection 4.1 we will prove the following.


Theorem 1.1. The pair(Γ,G)has the+-basis property if and only if the pairfin,Gfin) has the+-basis property.

By Theorem 1.1 we can assume that all the orbits ofSunder the action ofGare finite.

In a second step (see Subsection 4.2) we show that it suffices to consider the case whereΓ is connected. LetΓi,i∈I, be the connected components ofΓ. For eachi∈Iwe denote by StabGi)the stabilizer ofΓiinG. Each symmetryg∈StabGi)induces a symmetry of Γi. We denote byGi the subgroup of Sym(Γi)of all these symmetries. In Subsection 4.2 we will prove the following.

Theorem 1.2. Suppose that all the orbits ofSunder the action ofGare finite. Then the pair(Γ,G)has the+-basis property if and only if for eachi∈Ithe pairi,Gi)has the Φb+-basis property.

By Theorem 1.2 we can also assume that Γ is connected. In a third step (see Subsection 4.3 and Subsection 4.4) we determine all the pairs (Γ,G) that have the Φb+-basis property withΓconnected and all the orbits ofSunder the action ofGbeing finite.

One can associate with Γ a real vector space V = É

s∈Ss whose basis is in one-to-one correspondence withSand acanonical bilinear formh ·,· i :V×V →R. These objects will be defined in Subsection 2.1. We say thatΓis ofspherical typeifSis finite andh ·,· iis positive definite, and we say thatΓis ofaffine typeifSis finite and h ·,· iis positive but not positive definite. A classification of the connected spherical and affine type Coxeter graphs can be found in Bourbaki [2]. In this paper we use the notations Am(m≥1),. . . ,I2(p)(p=5 orp≥7) of Bourbaki [2, Chap. VI, §4, No 1, Thm. 1] for the connected Coxeter graphs of spherical type, and the notationsAe1,Aem(m≥2),. . . , Ge2of Bourbaki [2, Chap. VI, §4, No 2, Thm. 4] for the connected Coxeter graphs of affine type. Moreover, we use the same numbering of the vertices of these Coxeter graphs as the one in Bourbaki [2, Planches] with the convention that the unnumbered vertex in Bourbaki [2, Planches] is here labelled with 0.

To the Coxeter graphs of spherical type and affine type we must add the two infinite Coxeter graphsAandDdrawn in Figure 1.1. The Coxeter graphAof the figure does not appear in the statement of Theorem 1.3 but it will appear in its proof. These Coxeter graphs are part of the family of so-calledlocally spherical Coxeter graphsstudied by Hée [15, Texte 10].

Now, the conclusion of the third step which is in some sense the main result of the paper is the following theorem, proved in Subsection 4.4.


1 2 n

1 2

3 4 n


-n -1 0 1 n


Figure 1.1. Locally spherical Coxeter graphs

Theorem 1.3. Suppose thatΓis connected,Gis non-trivial and all the orbits ofSunder the action ofGare finite. Then(Γ,G)has the+-basis property if and only if(Γ,G)is up to isomorphism one of the following pairs (see Figure 1.2, Figure 1.3 and Figure 1.4).

(i) Γ=A2m+1(m≥1) andG=hgiwhere

g(si)=s2m+2−i (1≤i ≤2m+1). (ii) Γ=Dm(m≥4) andG=hgiwhere

g(si)=si(1≤i≤m−2), g(sm−1)=sm, g(sm)=sm−1. (iii) Γ=D4andhg1i ⊂G⊂ hg1,g2iwhere

g1(s1)=s3, g1(s2)=s2, g1(s3)=s4, g1(s4)=s1, g2(s1)=s1, g2(s2)=s2, g2(s3)=s4, g2(s4)=s3. (iv) Γ=E6andG=hgiwhere

g(s1)=s6, g(s2)=s2, g(s3)=s5, g(s4)=s4, g(s5)=s3, g(s6)=s1. (v) Γ=eA2m+1(m≥1) andG=hgiwhere

g(s0)=s0, g(si)=s2m+2−i (1≤i≤2m+1). (vi) Γ=Dem(m≥4) andG=hgiwhere

g(si)=si (0≤i≤m−2), g(sm−1)=sm, g(sm)=sm−1. (vii) Γ=De4andhg1i ⊂G⊂ hg1,g2iwhere

g1(s0)=s0, g1(s1)=s3, g1(s2)=s2, g1(s3)=s4, g1(s4)=s1, g2(s0)=s0, g2(s1)=s1, g2(s2)=s2, g2(s3)=s4, g2(s4)=s3.


(viii) Γ=Ee6andG=hgiwhere

g(s0)=s0, g(s1)=s6, g(s2)=s2, g(s3)=s5, g(s4)=s4, g(s5)=s3, g(s6)=s1. (ix) Γ=AandG=hgiwhere

g(si)=s−i (i∈Z). (x) Γ=DandG=hgiwhere

g(s1)=s2, g(s2)=s1, g(si)=si (i≥3).

1 2 m

m+1 2m m+2


g 1 2 m-3 m-2


m g

(i) (A2m+1,hgi) (ii) (Dm,hgi) 1 2


4 g1

g2 2 4

3 1

5 6


(iii) (D4,hg1,g2i) (iv) (E6,hgi)

Figure 1.2. Pairs with theΦb+-basis property: spherical type cases

1.3. Linear representations

We return to our initial motivation before starting the proofs. Recall that a Coxeter graph Γis calledsimply lacedifms,t ∈ {2,3}for alls,t∈S,s,t, and thatΓis calledtriangle freeif there are no three distinct verticess,t,r∈Ssuch thatms,t,mt,r,mr,s ≥3. Suppose thatΓis a finite, simply laced and triangle free Coxeter graph. LetAΓbe the Artin group and A+Γ be the Artin monoid associated withΓ. Suppose thatK= Q(q,z)and E is a vector space overKhaving a basisB ={eα|α ∈Φ+}in one-to-one correspondence with the setΦ+of positive roots ofΓ. By Krammer [20], Cohen–Wales [6], Digne [12]

and Paris [25], there is a linear representationψ : AΓ →GL(E)which is faithful ifΓ is of spherical type and which is always faithful on the monoid A+Γ. LetGbe a group of symmetries ofΓ. Recall from Subsection 1.1 thatWΓGis a Coxeter group associated with a precise Coxeter graphbΓand by Crisp [7, 8] we have(A+Γ)G =A+

bΓ. ThenGacts



1 2 m

m+1 m+2 2m+1


0 1

2 3 m-3 m-2


m g

(v) (eA2m+1,hgi) (vi) (Dem,hgi) 1

2 0


4 g1

g2 0 2 4

3 1

5 6


(vii) (De4,hg1,g2i) (viii) (Ee6,hgi)

Figure 1.3. Pairs with thebΦ+-basis property: affine type cases


1 2 n

-1 -2 -n




3 4 n


(i x) (A,hgi) (x) (D,hgi)

Figure 1.4. Pairs with theΦb+-basis property: locally spherical type cases

onE, the linear representationψis equivariant, and it induces a linear representation ψG:A

bΓ →GL(EG). By Castella [3, 5] this representation is always faithful onA+

bΓand is faithful on the whole A

bΓifΓis of spherical type.

One can find an explicit description ofbΓin Crisp [7, 8] and in Geneste–Paris [13]. In particular, we havebΓ=Bm+1in Case (i) of Theorem 1.3, we havebΓ=Bm−1in Case (ii), bΓ=G2 in Case (iii),bΓ =F4in Case (iv),bΓ=Cem+1 ifm≥2 andbΓ =Be2ifm=1 in Case (v),bΓ=Bem−1in Case (vi),bΓ=Ge2in Case (vii), andbΓ=Fe4in Case (viii).

So, concerning a description of a linear representationψ : AΓ →GL(E)as above, whereE has a given basisB={eα|α ∈Φ+}in one-to-one correspondence with the setΦ+of positive roots ofΓ, forΓof spherical or affine type, the situation is as follows.

For the following Coxeter graphs of spherical type the construction is done and the representation is faithful on the whole group AΓ.

• Am, (m≥1): original work of Krammer [20].


• Dm (m ≥ 4), E6, E7, E8: due to Digne [12] and independently to Cohen–

Wales [6].

• Bm(m≥2),F4, G2: due to Digne [12].

Such representations for the Coxeter graphs H3,H4 and I2(p)(p = 5 orp ≥ 7) are unknown. For the following Coxeter graphs of affine type the construction is done and the representation is faithful on the Artin monoid A+Γ.

• Aem(m≥3),Dem(m≥4),Ee6,Ee7,Ee8: due to Paris [25].

• Ae2: due to Castella [4].

• Bem(m≥2),Cem(m≥3),Fe4,Ge2: due Castella [3, 5] for the construction of the representationψ :AΓ→GL(E)and for the proof of the faithfulness ofψonA+Γ, and due to the present work for an explicit construction of a basis in one-to-one correspondence withΦ+.

Curiously a construction for the remaining Coxeter graph of affine type,Ae1, is unknown.

1.4. Organization of the paper

The paper is organized as follows. In Subsection 2.1 and Subsection 2.2 we give preliminaries on root systems and symmetries. In Section 3 we define the subsetBb= {be

βb|bβ ∈ bΦ+}ofEG. Section 4 is dedicated to the proofs. Theorem 1.1 is proved in Subsection 4.1 and Theorem 1.2 is proved in Subsection 4.2. The proof of Theorem 1.3 is divided into two parts. In a first part (see Subsection 4.3) we show that, under the assumptions “finite orbits andΓconnected”, thebΦ+-basis property is quite restrictive.

More precisely we prove the following.

Proposition 1.4. Suppose thatΓis a connected Coxeter graph,Gis a non-trivial group of symmetries ofΓ, and all the orbits ofSunder the action ofGare finite. If(Γ,G)has the+-basis property, thenΓis one of the following Coxeter graphs:A2m+1(m≥1),Dm (m≥4),E6,Ae2m+1(m≥1),Dem(m≥4),Ee6,Ee7,A,D.

In a second part (see Subsection 4.4) we study all the possible pairs(Γ,G)withΓin the list of Proposition 1.4 andGnon-trivial to prove Theorem 1.3.


2. Preliminaries

2.1. Root systems

LetSbe a (finite or infinite) set. ACoxeter matrixonSis a square matrixM =(ms,t)s,t∈S indexed by the elements ofSwith coefficients inN∪ {∞}, such thatms,s=1 for alls∈S, andms,t=mt,s≥2 for alls,t∈S,s,t. This matrix is represented by itsCoxeter graph, Γ, defined as follows. The set of vertices ofΓisS, two verticess,tare connected by an edge ifms,t ≥3, and this edge is labelled withms,tifms,t ≥4.

TheCoxeter groupassociated withΓis the groupW =WΓdefined by the presentation W =hS|s2 =1 for alls∈S, (st)ms,t =1 for alls,t∈S, s,tandms,t,∞i. The pair(W,S)is called theCoxeter systemassociated withΓ.

There are several notions of “root systems” attached to all Coxeter groups. The most commonly used is that defined by Deodhar [11] and taken up by Humphreys [17]. As Geneste–Paris [13] pointed out, this definition is not suitable for studying symmetries of Coxeter graphs. In that case it is better to take the more general definition given by Krammer [19, 21] and taken up by Davis [9], or the even more general one given by Hée [14]. We will use the latter in this paper.

We callroot prebasisa quadrupleB=(S,V,Π,R), whereSis a (finite or infinite) set, Π={αs|s∈S}is a set in one-to-one correspondence withS,V =É

s∈Ssis a real vector space withΠas a basis, andR={σs|s∈S}is a collection of linear reflections of Vsuch thatσss)=−αsfor alls∈S. For alls,t ∈Swe denote byms,tthe order ofσsσt. ThenM=(ms,t)s,t∈Sis a Coxeter matrix. The Coxeter group of this matrix is denoted by W(B). We have a linear representation f :W(B) →GL(V)which sendsstoσsfor all s∈S. Since we do not need to specify the map f in general, forw∈Wandx∈V, the vector f(w)(x)will be simply writtenw(x). We setΦ(B)={w(αs) |s∈Sandw ∈W} and we denote byΦ(B)+(resp.Φ(B)) the set of elementsβ ∈ Φ(B)that are written β=Í

s∈Sλsαswithλs≥0 (resp.λs ≤0) for alls∈S. We say thatBis aroot basisif we have the disjoint unionΦ(B)=Φ(B)+tΦ(B). In that caseΦ(B)is called aroot system and the elements ofΦ(B)+(resp.Φ(B)) are calledpositive roots(resp.negative roots).

Finally, we say thatBis areduced root basisand thatΦ(B)is areduced root systemif, in addition, we haveRαs∩Φ(B)={αs,−αs}for alls∈S.

Example. LetΓbe a Coxeter graph associated with a Coxeter matrixM =(ms,t)s,tS. As before, we setΠ={αs|s∈S}andV =É

sSs. We define a symmetric bilinear formh ·,· i:V×V →Rby

s, αti=

(−2 cos(π/ms,t) ifms,t,∞,

−2 ifms,t=∞.


For eachs∈Swe define a reflectionσs :V →V byσs(x)=x− hαs,xiαsand we set R={σs|s∈S}. By Deodhar [11],B=(S,V,Π,R)is a root basis and, by Bourbaki [2], WΓ=W(B)and the representation f :WΓ→GL(V)is faithful. This root basis is reduced since we havehβ, βi=2 for allβ∈Φ(B). It is called thecanonical root basisofΓand the bilinear formh ·,· iis called thecanonical bilinear formofΓ.

In this subsection we give the results on root systems that we will need, and we refer to Hée [14] for the proofs and more results.

Theorem 2.1(Hée [14]). LetB=(S,V,Π,R)be a root basis. Then the induced linear representation f :W(B) →GL(V)is faithful.

Let(W,S)be a Coxeter system. The word length of an elementw∈W with respect to Swill be denoted by lg(w)=lgS(w). The set ofreflectionsof(W,S)is defined to beR= {wsw−1|w∈Wands∈S}. The following explains why the basisB={eβ|β∈Φ+}of our vector spaceE will depend only on the Coxeter graph (or on the Coxeter system) and not on the root system.

Theorem 2.2(Hée [14]). LetB=(S,V,Π,R)be a reduced root basis, letW =W(B), and letΦ=Φ(B). LetRbe the set of reflections of(W,S). Letβ∈Φ. Letw ∈W and s∈Ssuch thatw(αs)=β. We haveβ∈Φ+if and only iflg(ws)>lg(w). In that case the element$(β)=wsw−1 ∈Rdoes not depend on the choice ofwands. Moreover, the map$:Φ+→Rdefined in this way is a one-to-one correspondence.

LetΓbe a Coxeter graph and let(W,S)be its associated Coxeter system. ForX ⊂S we denote byΓXthe full subgraph ofΓspanned byX and byWX the subgroup ofW generated byX. By Bourbaki [2],(WX,X)is the Coxeter system ofΓX. IfB=(S,V,Π,R) is a reduced root basis, then we denote by VX the vector subspace ofV spanned by ΠX={αs|s∈X}and we setRX={σs|VX|s∈X}.

Proposition 2.3(Hée [14]). LetB=(S,V,Π,R)be a reduced root basis and letX ⊂S.

LetW =W(B). Thenσs(VX)=VXfor alls∈X, the quadrupleBX=(X,VXX,RX)is a reduced root basis,Φ(BX)=Φ(B) ∩VX, andWX=W(BX).

The following is proved in Bourbaki [2] and is crucial in many works on Coxeter groups. It is important to us as well.

Proposition 2.4(Bourbaki [2]). The following conditions on an elementw0 ∈W are equivalent.

(i) For allu∈W we havelg(w0)=lg(u)+lg(u−1w0).

(ii) For alls∈Swe havelg(sw0)<lg(w0).


Moreover, such an elementw0exists if and onlyW is finite. Ifw0satisfies(i)and/or(ii) thenw0is unique,w0is involutive (i.e.w02=1), andw0Sw0=S.

WhenWis finite the elementw0in Proposition 2.4 is calledthe longest elementofW.

2.2. Symmetries

Recall that a symmetryof a Coxeter graphΓ associated with a Coxeter matrix M = (ms,t)s,tSis a permutationgofSsatisfyingmg(s),g(t)=ms,tfor alls,t ∈S. Recall also that Sym(Γ)denotes the group of all symmetries ofΓ. LetGbe a subgroup of Sym(Γ).

We denote byOthe set of orbits ofSunder the action ofG. Two subsets ofOwill play a special role. First, the setOfinconsisting of finite orbits. Then, the subsetS ⊂ Ofinformed by the orbits X ∈ Ofinsuch thatWX is finite. ForX ∈ Swe denote byuX the longest element ofWX(see Proposition 2.4) and, forX,Y ∈ S, we denote bymbX,Y the order of uXuY. Note thatMb=(mbX,Y)X,Y∈Sis a Coxeter matrix. Its Coxeter graph is denoted by bΓ=bΓG. Finally, we denote byWGthe subgroup ofW of fixed elements under the action ofG.

Theorem 2.5(Hée [14], Mühlherr [24]). LetΓbe a Coxeter graph, letGbe a group of symmetries ofΓ, and let(W,S)be the Coxeter system associated withΓ. ThenWGis generated bySW ={uX|X ∈ S}and(WG,SW)is a Coxeter system associated withbΓ.

Take a root basisB=(S,V,Π,R)such thatW =W(B). The action ofGonSinduces an action ofGonVdefined byg(αs)=αg(s)for alls∈Sandg ∈G. We say thatBis symmetricwith respect toGifσg(s) =gσsg−1 for alls ∈S andg ∈G. Note that the canonical root basis is symmetric whatever isG. Suppose thatBis symmetric with respect toG. Then the linear representation f :W → GL(V)associated withBis equivariant in the sense that f(g(w))=g f(w)g1 for allw∈W andg∈G. So, it induces a linear representation fG :WG→GL(VG), whereVG={x∈V|g(x)=xfor allg∈G}.

For eachX ∈ Swe setbαX

s∈Xαsand we denote byVbthe vector subspace ofV spanned by bΠ={bαX|X ∈ S}. We haveVb ⊂VG but we have no equality in general.

However, we have fG(w)(bV)=Vbfor allw∈WG. We setbσX= fG(uX)|

Vbfor allX ∈ S andRb={bσX|X∈ S}.

Theorem 2.6(Hée [14]). The quadruplebB=(S,V,bΠ,b R)b is a root basis which is reduced ifBis reduced. Moreover, we haveW(bB)=WG.

The root basisbBof Theorem 2.6 will be called theequivariant root basisofB/G.


3. Definition ofBb

From now onΓdenotes a given Coxeter graph,M =(ms,t)s,t∈Sdenotes its Coxeter matrix, and(W,S)denotes its Coxeter system. We take a group Gof symmetries ofΓ and a reduced root basisB=(S,V,Π,R)such thatW =W(B). We assume thatBis symmetric with respect toGand we use again the notations of Subsection 2.2 (bΓ,Mb=(mbX,Y)X,Y∈S, WG,bB=(S,V,bΠ,b R), and so on). We setb Φ=Φ(B)andΦb=Φ(bB).

LetKbe a field. We denote byEthe vector space overKhaving a basisB={eα|α∈ Φ+}in one-to-one correspondence with the setΦ+of positive roots. The groupGacts on Evia its action onΦ+and we denote byEGthe vector subspace ofEof fixed vectors under this action. We denote byΩthe set of orbits and byΩfinthe set of finite orbits of Φ+under the action ofG. For eachω∈Ωfinwe setbeω

αωeα. It is easily shown that B0 ={beω|ω∈Ωfin}is a basis ofEG.

The definition ofBbrequires the following two lemmas. The proof of the first one is left to the reader.

Lemma 3.1. SetV+

s∈SR+αs. Let x,y ∈ V+ and s ∈ S. If x+y ∈ R+αs, then x,y∈R+αs.

For X ∈ Swe set ωX = {αs|s ∈ X}. Note that ωX ∈ Ωfin for allX ∈ S. More generally, we havew(ωX) ∈Ωfinfor allX ∈ Sand allw∈WG.

Lemma 3.2. LetX,X0∈ Sandw,w0∈WG. Ifw(bαX)=w0(bαX0), thenw(ωX)=w0X0).

Proof. Up to replacing the pair(w,w0)by(w0−1w,1)we can assume thatw0=1. Then we havew(bαX)=bαX0and we must show thatw(ωX)=ωX0. For that it suffices to show that the intersection of the two orbitsw(ωX)andωX0is non-empty. Either all the roots w(αs),s∈X, lie inΦ+, or all of them lie inΦ. Moreover, their sumw(bαX)=bαX0lies in VX+0. So, they all lie inΦ+X0. Similarly, sincew1(bαX0)=bαX, all the rootsw1t),t∈ X0, lie inΦ+X. Lets ∈ X. We havew(αs)=Í

t∈X0λtαtwithλt ≥0 for allt ∈ X0. Hence, we have αs = Í

t∈X0λtw−1t)and all the vectorsλtw−1t),t ∈ X0, lie inV+. By Lemma 3.1 it follows that all these vectors lie inR+αs. But the family{w−1t) |t∈ X0} is linearly independent, hence only one λtis nonzero. Thus, there existst ∈ X0such thatλt >0 andw(αs)=λtαt. Since the root basisBis reduced, we haveλt=1, hence w(αs)=αt ∈w(ωX) ∩ωX0, which completes the proof.

Now we can define a mapF=FB,G:Φb+→Ωfinas follows. Letbα∈bΦ+. LetX ∈ S and w ∈ WG such thatbα =w(bαX). Then we set F(bα) = w(ωX). By Lemma 3.2 the definition of this map does not depend on the choices ofwandX. Moreover, it is easily shown that it is injective. Now, we set




and we say that the pair(Γ,G)has theΦb+-basis propertyifBbis a basis ofEG. Note that(Γ,G)has thebΦ+-basis property if and only ifBb=B0. Equivalently,(Γ,G)has the Φb+-basis property if and only ifFis a bijection (or a surjection).

4. Proofs

4.1. Proof of Theorem 1.1

In this subsection we denote bySfinthe union of the finite orbits ofSunder the action ofG, and we setΓfinSfin,Vfin=VSfinfinSfinandRfin=RSfin. We consider the root basisBfin =BSfin =(Sfin,Vfinfin,Rfin)and its root systemΦfinSfin =Φ(Bfin).

Each symmetryg ∈Ginduces a symmetry ofΓfin. We denote byGfinthe subgroup of Sym(Γfin)of all these symmetries.

Lemma 4.1. Letα∈Φ. The following assertions are equivalent.

(1) The orbitω(α)ofαunder the action ofGis finite.

(2) The rootαlies inΦfin.

Proof. Suppose that the orbitω(α)is finite. Thesupportof a vectorx=Í

s∈Sλsαs∈V is defined to be Supp(x)={s∈S|λs,0}. The unionXαof the supports of the roots β∈ω(α)is a finite set and is stable under the action ofG, henceXαis a union of finite orbits. This implies thatXα⊂Sfin, henceα∈Φ∩Vfin, and therefore, by Proposition 2.3, α∈Φfin.

Suppose α ∈ Φfin. There existt1,t2, . . . ,tn,s ∈ Sfinsuch that α = (t1t2· · ·tn)(αs).

For eachg ∈ Gwe haveg(α) =(g(t1)g(t2) · · ·g(tn))(αg(s)). The respective orbits of t1,t2, . . . ,tnandsare finite, hence the orbitω(α)={g(α) |g ∈G}is finite.

Proof of Theorem 1.1. We denote byΩ0the set of orbits ofΦ+

finunder the action ofGfin. On the other hand we denote bybBfinthe equivariant root basis ofBfin/Gfin. By Lemma 4.1 each orbit ofΦ+finunder the action ofGfinis finite and each finite orbit inΦ+is contained inΦ+

fin, henceΩ0=Ωfin. Moreover, since each elementX ∈ Sis contained inSfinand WGis generated bySW ={uX|X ∈ S}(see Theorem 2.5), we have(WSfin)Gfin =WG andbBfin=bB. So, we haveΦ(bBfin)+=Φ(bB)+andFB,G =FBfin,Gfin:Φ(bB)+→Ωfin. Since we know that(Γ,G)has thebΦ+-basis property if and only ifFB,Gis a bijection,(Γ,G) has theΦb+-basis property if and only if(Γfin,Gfin)has thebΦ+-basis property.


4.2. Proof of Theorem 1.2

From now on we assume that all the orbits ofSunder the action ofGare finite. Then, by Lemma 4.1, the orbits ofΦunder the action ofGare also finite.

Lemma 4.2. We assume that for each rootα∈Φ+there exists∈Sandw∈WGsuch thatα=w(αs). Lets,t ∈Sandg ∈Gsuch thatt =g(s),s. Thenms,t=2.

Proof. Suppose instead thatms,t ≥ 3. Set α = s(αt). We haveα =αt+λαs where λ > 0. In particularα ∈ Φ+. So, there existw ∈WG andr ∈ Ssuch thatw(α)=αr. Sincet =g(s), we haveαt =g(αs), hencew(αt)=w(g(αs))=g(w(αs)). This shows that either both roots w(αs) andw(αt)lie in Φ+, or they both lie in Φ. Moreover, w(α)=w(αt)+λw(αs)=αr, hence the two rootsw(αs)andw(αt)lie inΦ+. Thus, by Lemma 3.1, the two vectorsw(αt)andλw(αs)lie inR+αr, which is a contradiction since, tbeing different froms, these two vectors are linearly independent.

Proposition 4.3. The following conditions are equivalent.

(1) The pair(Γ,G)has theΦb+-basis property.

(2) For each rootα∈Φ+there existw∈WGands∈Ssuch thatα=w(αs).

(3) For each rootα∈Φthere existw∈WGands∈Ssuch thatα=w(αs).

Proof. Suppose that(Γ,G)has thebΦ+-basis property. Letα∈Φ+. The orbitω(α)lies inΩfin=Ωand the mapF :Φb+ →Ωfinis a bijection, hence there existw ∈WGand X ∈ Ssuch thatw(ωX)=ω(α). In particular, there exists an elements∈ X ⊂Ssuch thatw(αs)=α.

Suppose that for eachα ∈Φ+there existw ∈WG ands ∈S such thatα=w(αs).

Letω ∈Ωfin=Ω. Letα∈ω. By assumption there existw∈WGands∈ Ssuch that α=w(αs). LetXbe the orbit ofsunder the action ofG. The setXis finite since it is an orbit and, by Lemma 4.2,WXis the direct product of|X|copies ofZ/2Z. So,WXis finite andX ∈ S. Setβb=w(bαX). We haveβb∈bΦ+and the orbitF(β)b =w(ωX)contains the rootα=w(αs), hence it is equal toω. So, the mapFis a surjection, hence(Γ,G)has the Φb+-basis property.

Suppose that for eachα∈Φ+there existw∈WGands∈Ssuch thatα=w(αs). In order to show that for eachα∈Φthere existw∈WGands∈Ssuch thatα=w(αs), it suffices to consider a rootα∈Φ. By assumption, since−α∈Φ+, there existw0∈WG ands∈Ssuch that−α=w0s). LetXbe the orbit ofs. By Lemma 4.2 the Coxeter graph ΓXis a finite union of isolated vertices, henceWXis finite,uX

t∈Xt, anduXt)=−αt for allt∈X. Setw=w0uX. Thenw∈WGandw(αs)=w0uXs)=w0(−αs)=α.

The implication (3)⇒(2) is obvious.


By combining Lemma 4.2 and Proposition 4.3 we get the following.

Lemma 4.4. Suppose that(Γ,G)has the+-basis property. LetXbe an orbit ofSunder the action ofG. Then ΓX is a finite union of isolated vertices. In particular,X ∈ S, uX

t∈Xt, anduXt)=−αtfor allt ∈X.

Proof of Theorem 1.2. LetΓi,i ∈ I, be the connected components ofΓ. Fori ∈ Iwe denote by Si the set of vertices ofΓi, and we setVi =VSiiSi, andRi =RSi. Consider the root basisBi =BSi =(Si,Vii,Ri)and its root systemΦiSi =Φ(Bi).

Note thatΦis the disjoint union of theΦi’s andW is the direct sum of theWSi’s. Recall that each symmetryg ∈ StabGi)induces a symmetry ofΓi and thatGi denotes the subgroup of Sym(Γi)of these symmetries.

Suppose that(Γ,G)has thebΦ+-basis property. Leti∈I. Letα∈Φi. By Proposition 4.3 there exists ∈ S andw ∈ WG such thatα =w(αs). SinceW is the direct sum of the WSj’s,w is uniquely writtenw =Î

j∈Iwj, wherewj ∈ WSj for all j ∈ I, and there are only finitely many j ∈ I such thatwj , 1. Let j ∈ I such thats ∈ Sj. We have α=w(αs)=wjs) ∈Φj, hencei= jands∈Si. On the other hand, ifg ∈StabGi), theng(w)=wandg(WSi)=WSi, henceg(wi)=wi. So,wi ∈WSGi

i andα=wis). By Proposition 4.3 we conclude that(Γi,Gi)has thebΦ+-basis property.

Suppose that(Γi,Gi)has theΦb+-basis property for alli∈I. Letα∈Φ. Leti∈Isuch thatα∈Φi. By Proposition 4.3 there existwi ∈WSGi

i ands ∈Si such thatα=wis).

The action ofGonSinduces an action ofGonI defined byg(Γi)=Γg(i), forg ∈G andi∈I. Since the orbits ofSunder the action ofGare finite, the orbits ofIunder the action ofGare also finite. LetJ⊂Ibe the orbit ofi. For eachj ∈Jwe chooseg ∈G such thatg(i)=jand we setwj =g(wi) ∈WSj. The fact thatwi ∈WSGi

i implies that the definition ofwj does not depend on the choice ofg. Letw=Î

j∈Jwj. Thenw ∈WG andw(αs)=wis)=α. By Proposition 4.3 we conclude that(Γ,G)has theΦb+-basis


4.3. Proof of Proposition 1.4

From now on we assume that Γ is connected, that G is nontrivial, and that all the orbits ofSunder the action ofGare finite. We also assume thatBis the canonical root basis, h ·,· i : V×V → Ris the canonical bilinear form ofΓ, as they are defined in Subsection 2.1, and thatΦ=Φ(B)is the so-calledcanonical root system.

Recall that for alls,t∈Swe havehαs, αti=−2 cos(π/ms,t). In particularhαs, αti =2 ifs =t,hαs, αti =0 ifms,t =2,hαs, αti =−1 ifms,t =3, and−2≤ hαs, αti <−1 if 4≤ms,t≤ ∞. Let≡denote the equivalence relation onΦgenerated by the relation≡1


defined by:α≡1 β⇔ hα, βi < {0,1,−1}. Note that the relation≡1 is reflexive (since hα, αi=2 for allα∈Φ) and symmetric.

The proof of Proposition 1.4 is divided into two parts. In a first part (see Corollary 4.13) we prove that, if≡has at least two equivalence classes, thenΓis one of the Coxeter graphs Am(m≥1),Dm(m≥4),Em(6≤m≤8),Aem(m≥2),Dem(m≥4),Eem(6≤m≤8), A,A,D. In a second part (see Proposition 4.17) we prove that, if(Γ,G)has the Φb+-basis property, then≡has at least two equivalence classes.

Forα∈Φwe denote byrα :V→Vthe linear reflection defined byrα(x)=x− hα,xiα.

Note that, ifs∈Sandw∈Ware such thatα=w(αs), thenrα =wsw−1. In particular rα ∈Wfor allα∈Φandrαs =sfor alls∈S.

Lemma 4.5.

(1) We haveα≡1 −αfor allα∈Φ.

(2) Letα, β∈Φsuch thatα≡β. Thenw(α) ≡w(β)for allw∈W.

(3) Letα, β∈Φsuch thatα≡β. Thenα≡rα(β)andβ≡rα(β).

Proof. Part (1) is true sincehα,−αi =−2<{0,1,−1}. Part (2) follows from the fact that eachw∈W preserves the bilinear formh ·,· i. Letα, β∈Φsuch thatα≡β. By Part (2) we haverα(α) ≡ rα(β). Butrα(α) =−αhence, by Part (1),α ≡rα(β). We also have


Lemma 4.6. Assume that αs ≡ αt for all s,t ∈ S. Then all the elements of Φ are equivalent modulo the relation≡.

Proof. It suffices to prove that for eachα∈Φthere existss∈ Ssuch thatα≡αs. Let α∈Φ. There existt∈Sandw∈W such thatα=w(αt). We argue by induction on the length of w. We can assume thatw ,1. Then we havew =sw0withs ∈ S,w0∈ W and lg(w0)<lg(w). Setβ=w0t). By induction there existsu ∈ Ssuch thatβ≡αu. We haveα =w(αt)=(sw0)(αt)=s(β)hence, by Lemma 4.5 (2),α ≡s(αu). But, by assumption,αu≡αs, hence, by Lemma 4.5 (3),αs≡s(αu) ≡α.

Recall that thesupportof a vectorx=Í

s∈Sλsαs∈V is Supp(x)={s∈S|λs,0}.

Lets,t∈S. Apathfromstotoflength`is a sequences0,s1, . . . ,s` inSof length`+1 such thats0 =s,s` =tandmsi−1,si ≥3 for alli ∈ {1, . . . , `}. Thedistancebetweens andt, denoted byd(s,t), is the shortest length of a path fromstot. Then thedistance between an elements∈Sand a subsetX⊂Sisd(s,X)=min{d(s,t) |t∈ X}.

Lemma 4.7. Letα=Í

s∈Sλsαs ∈Φ+,t ∈S\Supp(α)andt0∈Supp(α). Assume that d(t,Supp(α))=d(t,t0)andλt0 >1. Thenα≡αt.


Proof. We argue by induction ond=d(t,Supp(α)). There exists a patht0,t1, . . . ,td of lengthdfromt0tot. We first show thatα≡1αt1. We havehα, αt1i=Í

sSλss, αt1i.

For eachs∈Supp(α)we haveλs >0 andhαs, αt1i ≤0 (sinces,t1), hencehα, αt1i ≤ λt0t0, αt1i. Moreover, we haveλt0 >1 and hαt0, αt1i ≤ −1 (sincemt0,t1 ≥ 3), hence hα, αt1i <−1, and thereforeα≡1 αt1. By Lemma 4.5 (3) we also haveα ≡α0, where α0=t1(α).

Now we can assume thatd ≥2. We writeα0

sSλs0αs. We haveα0=α−hα, αt1t1, hence Supp(α0)=Supp(α) ∪ {t1},λt01 =−hα, αt1i >1, andd(t,Supp(α0))=d(t,t1)= d−1, therefore, by induction,α0 ≡αt. Finally, we haveα ≡α0andα0 ≡ αt, hence


Lemma 4.8. Assume that there ares,t∈Ssuch thatms,t ≥4. Then the relation≡has only one equivalence class.

Proof. We havehαs, αti =−2 cos(π/ms,t) ≤ −2 cos(π/4)=−√

2<−1, henceαs ≡αt. By Lemma 4.5 (3) we also have αs ≡ α where α = s(αt). Let u ∈ S \ {s,t}. By Lemma 4.6 it suffices to show that eitherαu ≡αsorαu≡αt. We can and do assume that d(u,s) ≤d(u,t)and we show thatαu≡αs. Setα=λsαst. We have Supp(α)={s,t}, d(u,Supp(α))=d(u,s), andλs=−hαs, αti >1, hence, by Lemma 4.7,αu≡α. So, since

αs ≡α, we haveαu ≡αs.

Lemma 4.9. IfScontains a subsetYsuch that (1) ∅,Y ,S, and

(2) for alls∈Y there existsα=Í

r∈Yλrαr ∈Φ+

Ysuch thatα≡αsandλr >1for allr∈Supp(α),

thenhas only one equivalence class.

Proof. Lets∈Yandt ∈S\Y. There exists a rootα=Í

r∈Yλrαr ∈Φ+

Ysuch thatα≡αs andλr >1 for allr ∈Supp(α). Then, by Lemma 4.7,α≡αt. So, sinceα≡αs, we have αs ≡αt. Lets,s0∈Y. SinceY ,S, we can taket ∈S\Y. By the above,αs ≡αtand αs0 ≡αt, henceαs≡αs0. Lett,t0∈S\Y. SinceY ,∅, we can takes∈Y. By the above, αs ≡αtandαs≡αt0, henceαt ≡αt0. We conclude by applying Lemma 4.6.

Lemma 4.10. Suppose thatΓis one of the following Coxeter graphs of affine type: eAm (m≥2),Dem(m≥4),Ee6,Ee7,Ee8. For eachs∈Sthere exists a rootα=Í

r∈Sλrαr ∈Φ+ such thats, αi=−2andλr ≥2for allr∈S.

Proof. We number the elements ofSas in Bourbaki [2, Planches] with the convention that the unnumbered vertex in Bourbaki [2, Planches] is here labelled with 0. Letβdenote the greatest root ofΦS\{0}. Here is the value ofβaccording toΓ.


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