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the intersection of all hyper- planes of Pr containing A, with the convention hAi =Pr if there is no such a hyperplane


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Partager "the intersection of all hyper- planes of Pr containing A, with the convention hAi =Pr if there is no such a hyperplane"


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Communicated by Vasile Brnzanescu

LetXPr be an integral and non-degenerate variety. For each linear subspace V PrtheX-rankrX(V)ofV is the minimal cardinality of a subset ofX span- ning V. Here, we study theV's with large rX(V) whenV is either a rational normal curve or a linearly normal elliptic curve. WhenX is a Veronese embed- ding of Pm we computerX(V) ifV is spanned either by a degree3subscheme ofZ or by a double fat point ofP3.

AMS 2010 Subject Classication: 14N05, 14M15, 15A69.

Key words: X-rank, Grassmann rank, Veronese variety, symmetric tensor rank, zero-dimensional scheme, Grassmannian, fat point, linearly normal elliptic curve.


For all integers r > k ≥ 0 let G(k, r) denote the Grassmannian of all k-dimensional linear subspaces of Pr. For any subset or any closed subscheme A ⊂Pr let hAi denote the linear span of A, i.e. the intersection of all hyper- planes of Pr containing A, with the convention hAi =Pr if there is no such a hyperplane. Fix an integral and non-degenerate variety X ⊂Pr. Let ρ(X) be the maximal integer such thatdim(hAi) = deg(A)−1for every zero-dimensional schemeA⊂X withdeg(A)≤ρ(X). FixV ∈G(k, r). TheX-rankrX(V)ofV is the minimal cardinality of a nite setS ⊂Xsuch thatV ⊆ hSi. LetS(X, V) denote the set of all S⊂X such that](S) =rX(V)and V ⊆ hSi (i.e. the set of allS⊂XevincingrX(V)). In the casek= 0, i.e. whenV ={P}is a point, this is the denition of the X-rank rX(P) of P. If X is the Segre embedding of a product of projective spaces, then rX(P) is the tensor rank of the tensor P [6, 12, 14]. IfX is the orderdVeronese embedding of a projective spacePm (as in Section 3), then P corresponds to a non-zero homogeneous polynomial f of degree d and rX(P) is the minimal number of d-powers of linear forms with f as their sum [4, 5, 11, 13]. The case k ≥ 1 is not new, but most of the papers who studied rX(V) focused on the case in which V is general in G(k, r), i.e. they studied the X-rank of a general V ∈ G(k, r) [7, 8]. In this

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paper, we only consider very particular linear spacesV, e.g. the ones with very highrX(V)or the ones spanned by low degree zero-dimensional subschemes of X. In Section 2, we study the case in which X is a curve. We characterize all V with rX(V) = r when X is either a rational normal curve or a linearly normal elliptic curve (Propositions 1 and 2). The scheme X-rank zX(V) of V is the minimal degree of a zero-dimensional schemeZ ⊂X such thatV ⊆ hZi (see [11], Denition 5.66, p. 198, [3, 5] for the case dim(V) = 0). Let Z ⊂X be a zero-dimensional scheme. We say that Z is smoothable inside X if it is a at limit of a family of subsets of X with cardinality deg(Z). The scheme Z is smoothable inside X if and only if each connected component of Z is smoothable inside X. If X is smooth, then Z is smoothable inside X if and only if it is smoothable inside Pr ([5], Proposition 2.1.5). Let ρ0(X) be the maximal integertsuch thatdim(hZi) = deg(Z)−1for every zero-dimensional smoothable scheme Z ⊂ X such that deg(Z) ≤ t. The smoothable scheme X-rankz0X(V) is the minimal degree of a smoothable zero-dimensional scheme Z ⊂X such that V ⊆ hZi. In Section 2, we prove the following upper bound for the integer zX0 (V) whenX is a curve andρ0(X) is large.

Theorem 1. Let X ⊂ Pr be an integral and non-degenerate curve. Fix integers k, t such that r ≥k≥t≥1 and (r−t+ 1)t≤k+ (k−t)t. Assume ρ0(X)≥k. Then z0X(V)≤k for every V ∈G(t−1, r).

For any quasi projective varietyM and anyP ∈Mreg let{2P, M}denote the closed subscheme ofM with(IP,M)2 as its ideal sheaf. The scheme(IP,M)2 is a zero-dimensional subscheme ofM with degree dim(M) + 1 and{P} as its reduction.

In Section 3, we study rX(V)whenXis the Veronese embedding Xm,d of Pm. See Theorem 3 for the casezXm,d(V) = 3. See Theorem 2 and Proposition 4 when V is spanned by a scheme of type {2P, M}.

We work over an algebraically closed eldKsuch that char(K) = 0.


Proposition 1. Let X ⊂Pr, r ≥2, be a rational normal curve. Fix an integer k such that 1 ≤ k < r. Fix V ∈ G(k, r). We have rX(V) ≤r if and only if V contains no tangent line of X.

Proof. Since Pr is spanned by r+ 1 points ofX, we have rX(V)≤r+ 1 for any V ∈G(k, r). Fix V ∈G(k, r) such that rX(V)> r. Let H ⊂Pr be a general hyperplane containing V. The exact sequence

(1) 0→ IX → IX(1)→ IX∩H,H(1)→0


shows that the scheme-theoretic intersectionX∩HspansH. Sincedeg(X) =r, we geth(X∩H)redi=H if and only ifH is transversal to X, i.e. H contains no tangent line of X. Since H is a general hyperplane containing V, Bertini's theorem gives that H contains no tangent line of X if and only if V contains no tangent line of X. Hence, rX(V) ≤r if and only if V contains no tangent line ofX.

Proposition 2. Let X ⊂Pr, r ≥2, be a linearly normal elliptic curve.

Fix an integer k ∈ {1, . . . , r−1} and V ∈ G(k, r). Set Z := X∩V (scheme- theoretic intersection) and B := Zred. We have rX(V) ≤ r if and only if deg(Z)−](B)≤1.

Proof. Riemann-Roch gives ρ(X) = r. Let H ⊂ Pr be a general hy- perplane containing V. By Bertini's theorem, the scheme X∩H is reduced outside (X∩V)red. Since X is a smooth curve, H is general and B is nite, each O ∈ B appears with the same multiplicity in V ∩X and in H∩X, i.e.

deg(Z)−deg(B) = deg(X∩H)−]((X∩H)red) =r+ 1−]((X∩H)red). By (1) the scheme X∩H spansH. First assume k=r−1, i.e. assumeV =H. Hence, deg(Z) = r+ 1 and rX(H) ∈ {r, r+ 1}. We have rX(H) = r if and only if B spans H. Since ρ(X) = r, this is the case if and only if ](B) ≥ r, i.e. if and only if deg(Z)−](B) ≤ 1. Now assume k ≤ r−2. Hence r ≥3. We just proved that rX(H) = r if and only if deg((H ∩X)red) ≥ r. Since rX(V) ≤ rX(H), we have rX(V) ≤ r if deg(Z)−deg(B) ≤ 1. Now assume deg(Z)−deg(B) ≥ 2 and set x := rX(V) ≤ r. Fix S ∈ S(X, V) and take a general A ⊂ X such that ](A) = r−x. Set M := hS∪Ai. Since ρ(X) = r, M is a hyperplane. Since V ⊆ hSi, we have V ⊆ M. Hence M ⊃ Z. Since deg(M∩X) =r+ 1 =](S∪A) + 1, we getdeg(Z)−deg(B)≤1, a contradic- tion.

Fix integers k, t such that r ≥ k ≥ t ≥ 1. The (t, k)-Grassmann secant variety Gt,k(X) of the n-dimensional variety X ⊂ Pr is the Zariski closure in G(t−1, r) of the set of allV ∈G(t−1, r) such that there isW ∈G(k−1, r) spanned byk points ofX and containing V. A dimensional count gives (2) dim(Gt,k(X))≤min{(r−t+ 1)t, kn+ (k−t)t}

and the dierence, δt,k(X), between the right hand side of (2) and the left hand side of (2) is called the (k, t)-Grassmann defect of X. If n = 1, then δk,t(X) = 0 [8]. Hence, if X is a curve we have Gt,k(X) = G(t−1, r) if and only if (r−t+ 1)t≤k+ (k−t)t.

Proof of Theorem 1. Fix a general V ∈ G(t−1, r). Since Gt,k(X) = G(t−1, r) [8], there is a set SV ⊂X such that](SV) =k, dim(hSVi) =k−1 and V ⊆ hSVi. Fix an arbitrary W ∈ G(t−1, r). Since Gt,k(X) is dened


as a closure, there are a smooth and connected ane curve ∆, o ∈ ∆ and a at family {Vλ}λ∈∆⊂G(k−1, r) such thatVo=W and for each λ∈∆\ {o}

we have Vλ = hSVλi with Sλ ⊂ X and ](Sλ) = k. Since the Hilbert scheme of X is projective, the family {Sλ}λ∈K\{0} has a at limit, Z, inside X. By the denition of smoothability, Z is a smoothable degree k subscheme of X. Since G(k−1, r) is projective, up to a covering of∆, we may assume that the spaces {Vλ}λ∈∆\{o} have a at limitV0 ∈G(k−1, r). Since Sλ ⊂Vλ for each λ∈∆\ {o}, we haveZ ⊂V0. Sincedeg(Z)≤ρ0(X)anddeg(Z) = dim(V0)−1, we have V0 =hZi. HenceW ⊆ hZi.


For all positive integersm, dletνd:Pm →PN(m,d),N(m, d) := m+dm

−1, denote the orderdVeronese embedding. Set Xm,d :=νd(Pm).

LetX be any projective scheme,H any eective Cartier divisor ofX and Z ⊂X any zero-dimensional scheme. Let ResH(Z) denote the residual scheme of Z with respect to H, i.e. the closed subscheme of X with IZ : IH as its ideal sheaf. We have ResH(Z)⊆Z anddeg(Z) = deg(ResH(Z)) + deg(Z∩H).

If Z is reduced, i.e. if Z is a nite set, then ResH(Z) =Z \Z∩H. For any line bundleL on X we have an exact sequence

(3) 0→ IResH(Z)⊗ L(−H)→ IZ⊗ L → IZ∩H,H⊗(L|H)→0

and we call it a residual exact sequence. Hence, for any hyperplane H ⊂Pm and any zero-dimensional schemeF ⊂Pm we have an exact sequence

(4) 0→ IResH(F)(d−1)→ IF(d)→ IF∩H,H(d)→0 We will use a weak form of the following lemma ([1], Lemma 1):

Lemma 1. Fix integers m, d, z such that m ≥ 2 and 0 < z < 3d. Let Z ⊂ Pm be a zero-dimensional scheme such that deg(Z) =z. If m >2, then assume deg(Z)−deg(Zred)≤ d. We have h1(IZ(d))>0 if and only if either there is a line L⊂Pm such thatdeg(L∩Z)≥d+ 2 or there is a conic T ⊂Pm such that deg(T ∩Z)≥2d+ 2.

In the applications, we always have deg(Z)−deg(Zred)≤4(usually≤3, sometimes≤2). In this case, if there is no lineLsuch thatdeg(Z∩L)≥d+ 2, then any conic T with deg(T ∩Z) ≥ 2d+ 2 must be reduced (and it is also unique).

The proof of [14], Proposition 3.1, i.e. the use of [14], Lemma 2.3, gives the following result.


Proposition 3. Fix a linear subspace M ( Pm. Let V ⊂ hνd(M)i. Then there is a nite set A⊂M such that νd(A) evinces rXm,d(V).

Remark 1. Fix an integral variety M ⊆ Pm and P ∈ Mreg. Set y :=

dim(M). LetTPM ⊆Pm be the Zariski tangent space ofM atP. SinceP is a smooth point ofM, we haveTPM ∈G(y, m). We have{2P, M}={2P, TPM} (as schemes). Hence, it is not restrictive in Theorem 2 and Proposition 4 to take asM a y-dimensional linear subspace ofPm.

Theorem 2. Fix integers d≥5 andm≥y ≥1, an y-dimensional linear subspace M ⊆ Pm and P ∈ M. Set Z := {2P, M} and V := hνd(Z)i ∈ G(y, m+dm


(1)rXm,d(V)≤dy+ 1.

(2)Assume y≤3. If y= 3, then assume d≥9. ThenrXm,d(V) =dy+ 1. Proof. We have deg(Z) =y+ 1. Sinced > 0, we have dim(V) =y. By Proposition 3 it is sucient to do the case y =m. Indeed, the case y < mis easier (if the casey=mis known) and we do directly it if y= 1.

(a) Assume y = 1. If m = 1, then apply Proposition 1. Now assume m >1. For anyS⊂νd(M)with](S) =d+ 1we have V ⊂ hνd(M)i=hνd(S)i. Hence, x := rXm,d(V) ≤ d+ 1. Fix any B ∈ S(Xm,d, V) and call A the only subset of Pm such that νd(A) = B. If P /∈ A, then set E := A∪ {2P, M}. If P ∈ A, then set E := (A\ {P})∪ {2P, M}. We have deg(E) > x and h0(Pm,IE(d)) =h0(Pm,IA(d)). Hence, h1(Pm,IE(d))>0. By [4], Lemma 34, there is a line D ⊂ Pm such that E ⊂ D. Since d > 0, D is the base locus of the linear system |IE(d)|. Since {2P, M} is contained in the base locus of

|IA(d)|andM is the only line containing the scheme{2P, M}, we getD=M. Proposition 1 concludes the case y = 1. We also proved the case m = 1 of a conjectural result, i.e. that every S ∈ S(Xm,d, V) is contained in νd(M) (see Proposition 4 for the case m= 2).

(b) Assume y ≥ 2. In this step, we prove that rXm,d(V) ≤yd+ 1. Fix y lines Ti ⊂ M, 1 ≤ i ≤ y, such that P ∈ Ti for all i and M is spanned by T1∪· · ·∪Ty. TakeFi ⊂Ti\{P}such that](Fi) =dand setF :={P}∪Sy

i=1Fi. SetF[i] :=F \Fi. SetMi :=h∪j6=iTji and take any hyperplaneH ⊂Pm such thatM∩Hi=Mi. By induction on ywe get hνd({2P, Mi})i ⊆ hνd(F[i])i. Let B be the base locus of |IF(d)| and Bi the base locus of |IF∩Hi,Hi(d)| on Hi. By induction on y we get Bi ⊇ {2P, Mi}. Hence, B ∩Hi ⊇ {2P, Mi} for all i. Hence, B ⊇ {2P, M}, i.e. V ⊆ hνd(F)i.

(c) Assume y = 2. By step (b) we have rXm,d(V) ≤ 2d+ 1. Assume x:=rXm,d(V)≤2d. By Proposition 3 there isA⊂M such thatνd(A) evinces rXm,d(V). Hence, it is sucient to get a contradiction to the assumptionx≤2d


when m= 2. Assumem = 2. Set := 3 if P /∈Aand := 2 if P ∈A. Notice thatdeg(Z∪A) =x+. SinceZis in the base locus of the linear system|IA(d)|, we haveh1(IZ∪A(d))≥. TakeB⊂Asuch that](A\B) =−1. Notice that h1(IZ∪B(d))≥−(−1) = 1. Since deg(Z∪B) ≤x+ 1≤2d+ 1, there is a lineD⊂P2 such thatdeg(D∩(Z∪B))≥d+ 2. Sinceνd(A)evinces a rank, it is linearly independent, i.e. h1(IA(d)) = 0. Hence](A∩L)≤d+ 1for any line L⊂Pm. HenceP ∈D. Hence deg(Z∩D) = 2 and ResD(Z) ={P}. We have deg(ResD(Z∪A))≤x+−d−2. First assume h1(IResD(Z∪A)(d−1)) = 0. We haveh1(IZ∪A(d)) = deg(Z∪A)−dim(hZ∪Ai)and a similar formula holds takingZ,AorZ∩Ainstead ofZ∪A. Sinceh1(IA(d)) = 0, the residual exact sequence (4) with F := Z ∪A and H := D gives that hνd(Z)i ∩ hνd(A)i is spanned by the union of hνd(Z∩D)i ∩ hνd(A∩D)i and ResD(Z)∩ResD(A). Recall that ResD(Z) = {P}. Since P ∈ D and A is a nite set, we have ResD(A) =A\A∩D. Hence ResD(Z)∩ResD(A) =∅. Sincehνd(Z)i ⊂ hνd(A)i, we gethνd(Z)i=hνd(Z∩D)i, a contradiction.

Now, assumeh1(IResD(Z∪A)(d−1))>0. Hencedeg(ResD(Z∪A))≥d+1 ([4], Lemma 34). We havedeg(ResD(Z∪A)) = deg(Z∪A)−deg(D∩(Z∪A))≤ x+−d−2. We get x = 2d, = 3 (i.e. P /∈ A) and ](A∩D) = d. Since h1(IResD(Z∪A)(d−1))>0anddeg(ResD(Z∪A)) =d+ 1≤2(d−1) + 1, there is a line L containing ResD(Z∪A). Since deg(ResD(A)) =d, we have P ∈L andA⊂L∪D. FixQ∈D∩AandQ0 ∈L∩Aand setB0 :=A\ {Q, Q0}. The rst part gives the existence of a lineD0 such thatdeg(D0∩(Z∪B0))≥d+ 2.

Since deg(Z∩D0)≤2and d≥3, the choice of Q, Q0 gives a contradiction.

(d) From now on, we assumem=y= 3. By step (b) we haverX3,d(V)≤ 3d+ 1. Assumex :=rX3,d(V)≤3dand take A⊂P3 such that νd(A) evinces rX3,d(V). Set := 4 if P /∈ A and := 3 if P ∈A. Set W0 := Z∪A. Notice that deg(F) = x+. Since A evinces rXm,d(V), we have h1(IA(d)) = 0 and h0(IW0(d)) =h0(IA(d)). Henceh1(IW0(d)) = >0.

We havedeg(W0)≤x+≤3d+. LetM1 ⊂P3be a plane such thatb1 :=

deg(M1∩W0)is maximal. SetW1 :=ResM1(W0). For each integeri≥2dene recursively the plane Mi ⊂P3, the integerbi and the zero-dimensional scheme Wi in the following way. Let Mi be a plane such that bi := deg(Mi ∩Wi−1) is maximal. Set Wi := ResMi(Wi−1). Notice that bi ≥ bi+1 for all i ≥ 1 and that ifbi ≤2, thenbi+1= 0 and Wi =∅. Sincedeg(Z∩H) = 3 for each plane H ⊂M containing P, we haveb1 ≥5. Hence bd+2 = 0 and bd+1 ≤−2. For each integer i≥1 we have an exact sequence

(5) 0→ IWi(d−i)→ IWi−1(d−i+ 1)→ IWi−1∩Mi,Mi(d−i+ 1)→0.

Since h1(IW0(d)) > 0, there is an integer i ≥ 1 such that h1(Mi, IWi−1∩Mi,Mi(d−i + 1)) > 0. Call e the minimal such an integer. Since


h1(IWd) = max{0, ](Wd)−1} ≤ −3 and h1(IW0(d)) = , we have e ≤ d. Since e ≤d, [4], Lemma 34, gives be ≥ d−e+ 3. Since bi ≥be for all i < e, we get x+ ≤ e(d−e+ 3). Set φ(t) := t(d+ 3−t). The function φ(t) in increasing ift≤(d+ 3)/2and decreasing ift >(d+ 3)/2. Sinced≥9, we have φ(4) =φ(d−1) = 4(d−1)>3d+ 4. Hencee∈ {1,2,3, d}.

(d1) In this step we assumee=d. Since7(d−1)>3d+4, we havebd≤6. Hence, bd ≥4 and there is a line L containing at least 4points of Wd−1∩Md

([4], Lemma 34). Taking a plane containing Land a further point ofWd−2 we getbd−1≥5. Hencedeg(W0)≥5(d−1) + 4, a contradiction.

(d2) Assume e = 1. Since h1(M1,IW0∩M1,M1(d)) > 0 and h1(IA(d)) = 0, we have P ∈ M1. Hence Z ∩ M1 = {2P, M1} and ResM1(Z) = {P}. First assume h1(IW1(d−1)) = 0. The residual exact sequence (5) gives that V = hνd(Z)i is spanned by the union of hνd(M1 ∩Z)i ∩ hνd(M1 ∩A)i and of νd(ResM1(Z)∩ResM1(A)). Since P ∈ M1 and A is a nite set, we have P /∈ A\A∩M1 =ResM1(A). Hence V ⊆ hνd(Z ∩M1)i. Hence dim(V) ≤2, a contradiction. Hence h1(IW1(d−1)) > 0. Hence deg(W1) ≥ d+ 1. Hence b1 ≤x+−d−1≤2d−1+. Hence](A\A∩M1)≥d. Hence](A∩M1)≤2d. By Lemma 1 either there is a lineD⊂M1such thatdeg(D∩W0)≥d+2or there is a reduced conicT ⊂M1 such thatdeg(T∩W0)≥2d+ 2. Sinceh1(IA(d)) = 0, we have deg(A∩D) ≤ d+ 1 in the rst case and deg(A∩T) ≤ 2d+ 1 in the second case. Hence, P ∈ D in the rst case and P ∈ T in the second case. In both cases, we havedeg(W1)<3(d−1). Sinceh1(IW1(d−1))>0and deg(W1)<3(d−1), either there is a lineD1 ⊂P3such thatdeg(D1∩W1)≥d+1 or there is a conic T1 such that deg(T1∩W1)≥2d; in the latter case we would have b2 ≥ 2d and hence, 3d+ 4 ≥ b1 +b2 ≥ 4d, a contradiction. Hence, there is a line D1 such that deg(W1 ∩D1) ≥d+ 1. If P /∈D1, then we have ](A∩D1) =d+ 1, because h1(IA(d)) = 0. SinceD1∩W1∩A 6=∅, D1 is not contained inM1. Since b2 ≥d+ 1 and deg(A∪Z) =x+≤3d+, we have b1 ≤2d+ 3.

(d2.1) Assume the non-existence of the line D. Hence, there is a re- duced conic T ⊂ M1 such that deg(T ∩W0) ≥ 2d+ 2. See T as a divisor of M1. Since b1 −deg(T ∩W0) ≤ 1, we have h1(M1,IResT(W0∩M1),M1(d− 2)) = 0. Hence a residual exact sequence gives h1(M1,IM1∩W0,M1(d)) = h1(M1,IW0∩T ,M1(d)). Since D does not exist and h0(T,OT(d)) = 2d+ 1, we have h1(M1,IW0∩T,M1(d)) = deg(T ∩W0)−2d−1. We also haveh1(IW1(d− 1))≤deg(W1)−d. Sinceh1(IW0(d))≥, we havex≥3d+ 1, a contradiction.

(d2.2) By step (d2.1) there is a lineD⊂M1such thatdeg(D∩W0)≥d+2. We saw that P ∈D.

(d2.3) Assume P /∈D1. First assumeD1∩D6=∅. SetΠ2 :=hD∪D1i. Since ](D1∩(A∪ {P})) ≥ d+ 1 and P /∈ D1, we have deg(ResΠ2(W0)) =


1 + deg(ResΠ2(A))≤1 +d−1. Henceh1(IResΠ2(W0)(d−1)) = 0. As in the rst part of step (d2) we getV ⊆ hνd(Z∩Π2)i, a contradiction. HenceD∩D1=∅. FixO0∈A\A∩(D1∪D). LetE ⊂P3 be a general quadric surface containing D1∪D∪ {O0}; it exists, becauseh0(ID1∪D∪{O0}(2)) = 3>0. The quadricE is smooth, because no irreducible quadric cone contains the two disjoint lines D andD1and the set of all reducible quadric surfaces containingD1∪D∪{O0}has dimension one. Call (1,0)the ruling ofE containingDandD1. LetR1 be the line of type(0,1)of E passing through O0. The linear system |ID1∪D∪{O0}(2)|

hasD1∪D∪R1 as its base locus. Since E is general and A is a nite set, we haveA∩E =A∩(D1∪D∪R1). SinceP ∈D2 ⊂E andE is a smooth surface, we have ResE(Z) ={P}. Since](ResE(Z∪A))≤1+(3d−d−d−1−1) =d−1, we have h1(IResE(Z∪A)(d−2)) = 0. Hence, the residual exact sequence

0→ IResE(Z∪A)(d−2)→ IZ∪A(d)→ IE∩(Z∪A),E(d)→0

on E gives h1(E,I(Z∪A)∩E,E(d)) ≥ . Since deg(D1 ∩(Z ∪A)) ≤ d+ 1 and deg(D∩(Z∪A))≤d+ 2, the residual exact sequence

0→ IResD1∪D(E∩(A∪Z)),E(d−2, d)→ IE∩(A∪Z),E(d)

→ I(D1∪D)∩(A∪Z),D1∪D(d)→0 on E gives h1(E,IResD1∪D(Z∪A)∩E,E(d−2, d)) ≥−1. Since ResD1∪D((Z∪ A)∩E) ={O0, P}, we get a contradiction.

(d2.4) Assume P ∈ D1. Since D1∩W1 ∩A 6= ∅ and D ⊂M1, we have D 6= D1. Hence ](D∩D1) ≤ 1. The plane Π1 := hD1∪Di intersects W0 in a scheme of degree 3 supported by P and in at least 2d other points. Hence deg(ResΠ1(W0))≤d+−3. Hence,h1(IResΠ1(W0)(d−1))≤−3. SinceV * hνd1∩Z)i, as in the rst part of step (d2) we geth1(IResΠ1(W0)(d−1))>0.

Hence = 4, i.e. P /∈A. We also get that A∩Π1 =A∩(D∪D1) and that deg(W0 ∩Π1) = 2d+ 3. Since P ∈ D1 ∩D, we have {2P,Π1} ⊂ D∪D1. Hence W0 ∩Π1 = W0 ∩(D1 ∪D). Hence h1(M1,IW0∩M1,M1(d)) = h1(D∪ D1,IW0∩(D∪D1),D∪D1(d)). Sincedeg(W0∩D)≥d+1anddeg(W0∩D1)≥d+1, we havehνd(W0∩(D∪D1))i=hνd(D∪D1)i. Sincedim(hνd(D∪D1)i) = 2d, we get h1(D∪D1,IW0∩(D∪D1),D∪D1(d)) = 2. Since h1(IResΠ1(W0)(d−1))≤1, a residual exact sequence givesh1(IW0(d))≤3, contradicting the equality= 4. (d3) In this step, we assume e = 2. Since b1 ≥ b2, b1 +b2 ≤ 3d+ 4 and d ≥ 5, we have b2 ≤ 2(d−1) + 1. Hence there is a line R ⊂ M2 such that deg(R∩W1) ≥d+ 1. Assume for the moment P /∈ R. Since deg(W0∩ h{P} ∪Ri) ≥ deg(W1 ∩R) + 3, we get b1 ≥ deg(R∩W1) + 3 ≥ d+ 4. Now assumeP ∈R. Let U be a plane containingR and a point ofA\A∩R. Since


deg(U ∩Z) = 3, we havedeg(U∩W0)≥deg(R∩W1) + 2≥d+ 3. Hence, in both cases we haveb2 ≥deg(R∩W1)≥d+ 1andb1 ≥deg(R∩W1) + 2≥d+ 3. (d3.1) Assume h1(IW2(d−2)) > 0. We get deg(W2) ≥ d and that if deg(W2) =d, then there is a line L1 such that W3 ⊂L1. We saw in the rst part of step (d3) that b1+b2 ≥2d+ 4. We get deg(W2) =d, = 4, x = 3d and W3 = ∅. Since deg(W2) = d, we have h1(IW2(d−2)) = 1. The exact sequences (5) for i = 1,2 give h1(M2,IM2∩W1,M2(d−1)) ≥−1 = 3. Hence deg(R∩W1)≥d+2. Henceb1+b2+deg(W3)≥d+5+d+2+d, a contradiction.

(d3.2) Now assume h1(IW2(d−2)) = 0. From the exact sequence (5) for i= 1,2we geth1(M2,IW1∩M2,M2(d−1))≥. Sincedeg(W1)−deg(W1∩R)≤ d−2, taking a general plane throughRand using a residual exact sequence we geth1(M2,IW1∩M2,M2(d−1)) = deg(W1∩R)−d. Hencedeg(W1∩R)≥d+. Since h1(IA(d)) = 0, we have deg(A∩R) ≤d+ 1. Hence P ∈ R, = 3(i.e.

P ∈A) anddeg(A∩R) =d+1. Sincedeg(W1∩R)≥d+,](A∩R) =d+1and deg(Z∩R) = 2, we getdeg(W1∩A∩R) = deg(A∩R). SinceP ∈A∩W1, we getP /∈M1. SinceM2 is a smooth surface andP /∈M1, we haveZ*M1∪M2. Since h1(IW2(d−2)) = 0, the residual exact sequence

0→ IW2(d−2)→ IW0(d)→ IW0∩(M1∪M2),M1∪M2(d)→0 gives the surjectivity of the restriction map


As in step (d2), we get thatV is the linear span of the union ofνd(Z∩(M1∪ M2))and ofνd(ResM1∪M2(Z)∩ResM1∪M2(A)). SinceP ∈M2 andP /∈M1, we have ResM1∪M2(Z) = {P}. SinceP ∈M2, we haveP /∈ResM1∪M2(A). Hence ResM1∪M2(Z)∩ResM1∪M2(A) = ∅. Hence V ⊆ hνd(Z ∩(M1 ∪M2))i. Since Z *M1∪M2, we get a contradiction.

(d4) Assumee= 3. Sinceh1(M3,IW2∩M3,M3(d−2))>0, we haveb3 ≥d. First assume h1(IW3(d−3)) = 0. From the exact sequences (5) for i= 1,2,3 we get h1(M3,IW2∩M3,M3(d−2)) ≥ ≥ 3. Hence b3 ≥ d+ 2. Hence 3d+ 4

≤ b1+b2+b3 ≤ 3d+ 6, a contradiction. Now assume h1(IW3(d−3)) > 0. Hence deg(W3) ≥ d−1. Since b1 ≥ b2 ≥ b3 ≥ d, we get 3d+ 4 ≤ 4d−1, a contradiction.

Proposition 4. Assume d≥5. Fix a plane M ⊆Pm and P ∈M. Set Z :={2P, M} and V :=hνd(Z)i ∈G(2, m+dm

−1). Then rXm,d(V) = 2d+ 1 andνd(A)evincesrXm,d(V) if and only if there are linesD1, D2⊂M such that {P}=D1∩D2, A⊂D1∪D2, and either P ∈A,](Di∩(A\ {P})) =dfor all i or P /∈A and ](D2∩A) =](D1∩A)−1 =d.

Proof. The case y = 2 of Theorem 2 gives rXm,d(V) = 2d+ 1. Take lines D1, D2 ⊂ M such that {P} = D1 ∩D2 and A ⊂ D1∪D2 ⊂ M with


P =D1∩D2 and either P ∈A,](Di∩(A\ {P})) =d for all ior P /∈A and ](D2∩A) =](D1∩A)−1 =d. In both cases, we havehνd(A)i=hνd(D1∪D2)i. SinceP is a singular point ofD1∪D2 andD1∪D2 ⊂M, we haveZ⊂D1∪D2. HenceV ⊂ hνd(D1∪D2)i. SincerXm,d(V) =](A),νd(A) evinces rXm,d(V).

Now, we prove the only if part.

Fix A ⊂ Pm such that νd(A) evinces rXm,d(V). Since νd(A) evinces rXm,d(V), we haveh1(IA(d)) = 0. Take A0 ⊂Asuch that](A0) =](A)−2and P /∈A0. Sinceh1(IA(d)) = 0, we haveh1(IA0(d)) = 0. Since h1(IA0∪Z(d))>0 and deg(A0 ∪Z) ≤ 2d+ 2 < 3d, either there is a line DA0 ⊂ Pm such that deg(DA0 ∩(A0∪Z)) ≥ d+ 2 or there is a reduced conic TA0 such that deg(TA0 ∩(Z ∩A0)) ≥ 2d+ 2. Since h1(IA(d)) = 0, in the rst (resp. sec- ond) case, we have deg(A∩DA0) ≤ d+ 1 (resp. deg(TA0 ∩A) ≤ 2d+ 1).

Hence P ∈DA0 (resp. P ∈TA0) and if P ∈ A0 then deg(Z ∩DA0) ≥2 (resp.

deg(Z∩TA0)≥2), i.e. DA0 ⊂M (resp. P ∈TA0 and M intersects the tangent space to TA0 at P at least in a line).

(i) In this step, we assume the existence of DA0. Hence P ∈ DA0 and d≤](A∩DA0)≤d+ 1. Moreover, eitherDA0 ⊂M or ](DA0∩A) =d+ 1. Fix Q∈A0∩DA0. Since](A∩DA0)≤](A0∩DA0)+1, there isQ0 ∈A\(A0∪(A∩D)). Set B := (A0\ {Q})∪ {Q0}. We have ](A0 ∪B) = 2d. Either there is a line DB with deg(DB ∩(A∪Z)) ≥ d+ 2 or there is a reduced conic TB with deg(TB∩(A∪Z)) ≥ 2d+ 2. Assume that TB exists, but that DB does not exist. Hence if TB is reducible, say TB = R1 ∪ R2 with R1 and R2 lines, then deg((Z ∪B)∩Ri) ≤ d+ 1 for all i. Since ](TB ∩B) ≥ 2d−1 and ](B∩DA0) ≥ d−1, TB must be reducible with DA0 as one of its irreducible components. Write TB = DA0 ∪L with L a line and L∩DA0 6= ∅. Since ](B) = 2d−1 and deg((Z ∪B)∩TB) ≥ 2d+ 2, we have Z ∪B ⊂ TB and Z ∩B = ∅. Since Z ⊂ TB, we have TB ⊂ M and {P} = DA0 ∩L. We get B ⊂ M. Since A0 ⊂ DA0 ⊂ M, we see that M contains all points of A, except at most one; call α this hypothetical point; take a general hyperplane H containingM; since h1(Iα(d−1)) = 0, a residual exact sequence as in step (d2) of the proof of Theorem 2 givesV ⊆ hνd(A\ {α})i, a contradiction. Hence A ⊂M. Assume for the moment m = 2, so that TB is a degree 2 divisor of M. SinceZ ⊂TB and](A\A∩TB)≤1, we haveh1(IResTB(Z∪A)(d−2)) = 0. Hence, the residual exact sequence

0→ IResTB(Z∪A)(d−2)→ IZ∪A(d)→ ITB∩(A∪Z),TB(d)→0

gives V ⊆ hνd(TB∩A)i. Hence A ⊂ TB. If m > 2, then we work as above inside M and get a contradiction, unless A ⊂ TB. We have ](A) = 2d+ 1, A ⊂ TB and ](A∩ D) ≤ d+ 1 for each line. Hence, either P ∈ A and ]((D \ {P}) ∩A) = d for each irreducible component D of TB or P /∈ A


and there is a numbering, say R1 and R2, of the irreducible components of TB such that ](A∩R1) = d+ 1 and ](A∩R2) = d. In both cases, we are done. Now, assume that DB exists. First assume DB 6= DA0. We saw that P ∈ DB ⊂ M. Hence Z ⊂ DA0 ∪DB. Since at most one point of A is not contained in DB∪DA0, a residual exact sequence with DB ∪DA0 instead of TB gives A ⊂ DA0 ∪DB. We nd that A is as claimed in the statement of Proposition 4. Now assume DB =DA0. Since ](B∩DA0) =](A0∩DA0)−1, we get ](A0 ∩DA0) =d+ 1. Let H ⊂Pm be a general hyperplane containing DA0. We have ResH(Z) = {P}. Since A is a nite set, we have A∩H = A∩D. First assumeh1(IResH(Z∪A)(d−1)) = 0. We get thatV is spanned by hνd(Z∩DA0)i ∩ hνd(A∩DA0)iand by ResH(Z)∩(A\A∩H). SinceAis a nite set andP ∈A, we get ResH(Z)∩(A\A∩H) =∅. HenceV ⊆ hνd(A∩DA0)i. Hence rXm,d(V) ≤ d+ 1, a contradiction. Henceh1(IResH(Z∪A)(d−1)) >0. Since ResH(Z∪A) ={P} ∪(A\A∩DA0)has cardinalityd+ 1, there is a line L such that{P} ∪(A\A∩DA0)⊂L([4], Lemma 34). Notice that P ∈Land that A ⊂ DA0 ∪L. If L ⊂ M, then A and the conic DA0 ∪L are as claimed by the statement of Proposition 4. Now assume L*M. Hence Z *DA0 ∪L. Let H0 be a general hyperplane containing DA0 ∪L. Since A ⊂DA0∪L and L * M, we have ResH0(Z ∪A) = ResH0(Z) = {P}. Since V ⊂ hνd(A)i, h1(IResH0(Z∪A)(d−1)) = 0 and ResH0(Z)∩ResH0(A) = ∅, a residual exact sequence gives V =hνd(Z∩H)i. SinceZ∩H =Z∩D6=Z and dim(V) = 2, we get a contradiction.

(ii) Now assume that DA0 does not exist for any A0. Hence TA0 exists for all A0 and 2d−1≤](A∩TA0) ≤2d+ 1 for all A0. We get that the conicTA0 does not depend from the choice of A0. Call it T. Since A0 ⊂ T, varying A0 among the subsets of A we get A ⊂ T. First assume T ⊂ M. Since A ⊂ T, we have ResT(A) = ∅, where ResT is taken seeing T as a divisor of M. Since deg(ResT(Z ∪A)) ≤deg(Z), we have h1(IResT(Z∪A)(d−2)) = 0. Hence the residual exact sequence

0→ IResT(Z∪A)(d−2)→ IZ∪A(d)→ I(Z∪A)∩T,T(d)→0

gives thathZi ∩ hAi is in the linear span of ofhνd(T∩Z)iand ofνd(ResT(Z)∩ ResT(A)) = ∅. Since hZi = hZi ∩ hAi, we get Z ⊂ T. Since Z = {2P, M} and T is a reduced conic, we get T =D1∪D2 with D1 and D2 distinct lines throughP. Hencedeg(Z∩Di) = 2for alli. Since there is no lineDA0, we have deg(Di∩(A∪Z))≤d+ 1 for all i. Since P is an ordinary node of D1∪D2, we havedeg((A∪Z)∩(D1∪D2))≤deg(D1∩(A∪Z)) + deg(D2∩(A∪Z))≤ 2d+ 2. Hence P ∈ A and ](Di ∩(A \ {P})) = d for all i as claimed by the statement of Proposition 4. Now assume T * M. Hence, m ≥ 3. Let H ⊂ Pm be a general hyperplane containing M. Since T is a reduced conic,


P ∈ T and M intersects the tangent space to T at P at least in a line, we get T ∩H = T ∩M as schemes. Since A ⊂ M ⊆ H, we have ResH(A) = ∅. Hence, deg(ResH(Z ∪A)) ≤ 3 ≤ d. Hence, h1(IResH(Z∪A)(d−1)) = 0. A residual exact sequence giveshνd(Z)i ∩ hνd(A)i ⊆ hνd(A∩H)i. SinceAevinces rXm,d(hνd(Z)i), we get A=A∩H. Since A⊂T and T∩H is either a line or at most two points, we get](A)≤d+ 1, a contradiction.

The case dim(V) = 0 of the next theorem is [4], Theorem 37.

Theorem 3. Fix integers m≥2, d≥5 and a degree3 scheme Z ⊂Pm. Let V be a linear subspace of hνd(Z)i such thatdim(V)>0 and V *hνd(Z0)i for any Z0(Z. Then exactly one of the following cases occurs:

1.Z is reduced; in this case rXm,d(V) = 3.

2.Z is not reduced and contained in a line; in this case rXm,d(V) = d+ dim(V)−1.

3.Z has two connected components, say Z ={Q} ∪v with deg(v) = 2 and v connected, and it is not contained in a line; we have rXm,d(V) =d+ 1 if dim(V) = 1 andνd(Q)∈V, while rXm,d(V) =d+ 2 in all other cases.

4.Z is connected, curvilinear and not contained in a line; in this case rXm,d(V) = 2d+ dim(V)−1.

5.There is a plane M ⊆Pm and P ∈ M such that Z = {2P, M}; in this case we have rXm,d(V) = 2d+ dim(V)−1.

In every case, Z is the only scheme evincing zXd,m(V).

Proof. Let Z1⊂Pm be any zero-dimensional scheme such thatdeg(Z1)≤ 3 and Z1 6= Z. Since d ≥ 5, we have dim(hνd(Z1∪Z)i) = deg(Z1∪Z)−1, dim(hνd(Z)i) = 2, dim(hνd(Z1)i) = deg(Z1) −1 and dim(hνd(Z ∩Z1)i) = deg(Z1 ∩Z) −1 (with the convention dim(∅) = −1). Since νd(Z ∩Z1) ⊆ hνd(Z ∩Z1)i, Grassmann's formula gives hνd(Z ∩Z1)i = hνd(Z)i ∩ hνd(Z1)i. Hence, if V ⊆ hνd(Z1)i ∩ hνd(Z)i, then V ⊆ hνd(Z1∩Z)i. Since Z1∩Z (Z, we get a contradiction.

The listed cases cover all the degree 3 subschemes ofPm,m ≥2. Hence, it is sucient to show that in each case the value ofrXm,d(V)is the listed one.

First assume that Z is reduced. Since we just proved that zXm,d(V) = 3, we have rXm,d(V) = 3. Hence, from now on, we assume thatZ is not reduced.

(a) Take Z as in case (5). Proposition 4 gives rXm,d(V) = 2d+ 1 if dim(V) = 2. Assume dim(V) = 1. The point P and the intersections of Z with a line of M trough P are the only proper subschemes of Z. Set G :=


{g ∈ Aut(M) : g(P) = P}. The group G acts transitively on the set of all lines of M not containing P. Hence the group G acts transitively on the set of all V ⊂ hνd(Z)i such that dim(V) = 1 and V * hνd(Z0)i for any Z0 ( Z. Hence, rXm,d(V) is the same for all V ( hνd(Z)i with dim(V) = 1 and V 6=

d(Z0)ifor some degree2 subschemeZ0 ofZ. Fix linesL1,L2 ofM such that L1∩L2 ={P}. FixSi ⊂Li\ {P}such that](Si) =dand setS:=S1∪S2. As in the proof of Proposition 4 we see thatW :=hνd(Z)i ∩ hνd(S)iis a line. Since P /∈S, we also see thatW ∩νd(Z) =∅. Hence W *hνd(Z0)i for any Z0 ⊆Z. Hence rXm,d(W) ≤2d. Assume x :=rXm,d(W) <2d. Repeating (with several simplications) the proof of Proposition 4 we get a contradiction.

(b) Assume the existence of a line D ⊂ Pm such that Z ⊂ D. Since V ⊆ hνd(Z)i ⊂ hνd(D)i, Proposition 3 gives the existence of A ⊂ D evincing rXm,d(V). Ifdim(V) = 1, then the schemeV∩νd(Z)has degree≤1, becauseV is not spanned by a degree2subscheme ofZ. Proposition 1 givesrXm,d(V) =d if dim(V) = 1. Let Z2 ⊂Z the connected degree two subscheme. Proposition 1 gives rXm,d(hνd(Z2)i) = d+ 1. If dim(V) = 2, then V ⊃ hνd(Z2)i. Hence rXm,d(V) =d+ 1if dim(V) = 2.

(c) TakeZ ={Q}tvwithva degree2connected zero-dimensional scheme and Z not contained in a line. Set {O}:= vred. Since rXm,d(hvi) ≤d+ 1, we have rXm,d(hνd(Z)i)≤d+ 2.

(c1) Assume dim(V) = 1 and νd(Q) ∈ V. Since V is not spanned by a proper subscheme of νd(Z), the set V ∩ hνd(v)i is a unique point, O0, and O0 6=νd(O). SincerXm,d(O0) =dby a theorem of Sylvester ([4, 9], Theorem 23, [13], Theorem 5.1, [12]) andνd(Q)∈V, we haved≤rXm,d(V)≤d+ 1. Assume rXm,d(V) =dand takeS ⊂Xm,devincingrXm,d(V). SinceSevincesrXm,d(O0), we have S ⊂ hνd(hvi)i ([12], Ex. Hence, V is in the linear span of a proper subscheme of νd(Z), a contradiction.

(c2) Assume dim(V) = 1 and νd(Q) ∈/ V. We claim that rXm,d(V) = d+ 2. Assume x := rXm,d(V) ≤ d+ 1 and take A ⊂ Pm evincing rXm,d(V). Since h1(IA∪Z(d)) > 0 and deg(A∪Z) ≤ d+ 4 ≤ 2d+ 1, there is a line D ⊂ Pm such that deg(D∩(A ∪Z)) ≥ d+ 2 ([4], Lemma 34). Let H ⊂ Pm be a general hyperplane containing D. Since deg(ResH(A∪Z)) ≤ 2, we have h1(IResH(Z∪A)(d−1)) = 0. Since V * hνd(Z0)i for any Z0 ( Z and V *hνd(A0)i for any A0 (A, a residual exact sequence gives that ResH(Z) = ResH(A)and thathνd(A)i ∩ hνd(Z)iis the linear span of ResH(A)andhνd(Z∩ H)i∩hνd(A∩H)i. SinceZhas only nitely many subschemes andHis a general hyperplane containingD, we haveZ∩H=Z∩DandA∩H=A∩D. SinceZis not contained in a line, we have ResH(Z)6=∅and henceA\A∩D=ResH(A)6=

∅. Since deg(D∩(A∪Z))≥d+ 2and deg(Z) + deg(A)≤d+ 4, we get that ResH(Z) is a single point, that](A) =d+ 1, that A\ResH(Z)⊂D and that


D∩A∩Z =∅. Sincedeg(ResH(Z)) = 1and Z∩H =Z∩D, we haveO∈D. SinceD∩A∩Z =∅, we haveO /∈A. Hence,{Q}=ResH(Z) =A\A∩Dand D=hvi. SinceV ⊂ hνd(A)iand V *hνd(A\ {Q})i, the set V ∩ hνd(A\ {Q})i is a single point,O1, andV =h{O1, νd(Q)i. Hence νd(Q)∈V, a contradiction.

(c3) Assumedim(V) = 2. By step (c2) there is a one-dimensionalV0 ⊂V withrXm,d(V0) =d+ 2. SincerXm,d(hZi)≤d+ 2, we haverXm,d(V) =d+ 2. (d) LetZ be a degree3connected and curvilinear scheme not contained in any line. Set{Q}:=Zred. Hence Z is contained in a smooth conic,C. SinceZ is connected and curvilinear, it has a unique subscheme of degree2. Call itZ2. Since dim(hνd(C)i) = 2d, we have rXm,d(V) ≤ 2d+ 1. Proposition 1 implies thatrXm,d(V)≤2difdim(V) = 1, becauseV 6=hνd(Z2)i. SetM :=hZi ⊆Pm. M is a plane. By Proposition 3 we may nd A ⊂M such that νd(A) evinces rXm,d(V). Set x := ](A). Set := 0 if Q /∈A and := 1 if Q ∈A. We have deg(A∪Z) =x+ 3−.

(d1) Take dim(V) = 2, i.e. take V = hνd(Z)i. Assume x ≤ 2d. Since νd(A) evincesrXm,d(V), we haveh1(IA(d)) = 0and h0(IZ∪A(d)) =h0(IA(d)). Hence, h1(IA∪Z(d)) = 3−. Fix B ⊂ A such that ](B) = x−2 +. Since h1(IA∪Z(d)) = 3−, we have h1(IZ∪B(d))>0. Since deg(Z∪B) ≤x+ 1≤ 2d+ 1, there is a line D ⊂ M such that deg(D∩(Z ∪B)) ≥ d+ 2. Since h1(IA(d)) = 0, we have ](A∩D) ≤d+ 1. Hence, Q∈ D and ](B∩D) ≥d. Moreover if Q ∈ B, then D = hZ2i. In each case, we see that D does not depend from the choice ofB. TakingBnot containingQwe see thatD=hZ2i. VaryingB we getdeg(D∩(Z∪A))≥d+ 4−. LetH ⊂Pm be any hyperplane such that H ∩M = D. Since deg(ResH(Z ∪ A)) ≤ x −d ≤ d, we have h1(IResH(Z∪A)(d−1)) = 0. A residual exact sequence gives thatV is spanned by the union of hνd(Z∩D)i ∩ hνd(A∩D)iand ResH(Z)∩ResH(A). We have D∩A 6= A, because hνd(C)i ∩ hνd(D)i = hνd(Z2)i. We have Q /∈ ResH(A), becauseQ∈D⊆H. Hence, ResH(Z)∩ResH(A) =∅. Hence,V ⊂ hνd(A∩D)i, a contradiction.

(d2) Now, we take dim(V) = 1. Assumex ≤2d−1. Since V ⊂ hνd(A)i andV has codimension1inhνd(Z)i, we haveh1(IZ∪A(d))≥2−. Fix B ⊆A such that](A\B) = 1−. We haveh1(IB∪Z(d))≥(2−)−(1−) = 1. Since deg(B∪Z) ≤2d, there is a lineD⊂M such thatdeg(D∩(B∪Z))≥d+ 2. Varying B we get the existence of a line D ⊂ M such that deg(D∩(Z ∪ A)) ≥ d+ 3−. Since h1(IA(d)) = 0, we have ](A∩D) ≤ d+ 1. Hence deg(Z ∩D) ≥ 2 (even in the case = 1, because Z ∪A = Z∪(A\ {Q}) if = 1). HenceD=hZ2i. LetH ⊂Pmbe any hyperplane such thatH∩M =D. Since deg(ResH(Z ∪A)) ≤ x−d, we have h1(IResH(Z∪A)(d−1)) = 0. A residual exact sequence gives thathνd(Z)i ∩ hνd(A)iis spanned by the union of hνd(Z∩D)i∩hνd(A∩D)iand ResH(Z)∩ResH(A). We haveD∩A6=A, because


d(C)i ∩ hνd(D)i = hνd(Z2)i. We have Q /∈ ResH(A), because Q ∈ D ⊆ H. Hence, ResH(Z)∩ResH(A) =∅. HenceV ⊂ hνd(A∩D)i, a contradiction.

Question 1. Fix positive integers m, d and k. Which is the maximal value of the integer rXm,d(V) among allV ∈G(k, m+dm

−1)? Proposition 1 answers Question 1 in the case m= 1.

Acknowledgments. The author was partially supported by MIUR and GNSAGA of INdAM (Italy).


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Received 14 January 2013 University of Trento,

Department of Mathematics 38123 Povo (TN), Italy



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