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On the optical constants of metals at wavelengths shorter that their critical wavelengths


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On the optical constants of metals at wavelengths shorter that their critical wavelengths

W.R. Hunter

To cite this version:

W.R. Hunter. On the optical constants of metals at wavelengths shorter that their critical wave-

lengths. Journal de Physique, 1964, 25 (1-2), pp.154-160. �10.1051/jphys:01964002501-2015400�. �jpa-





E. O. Hulburt Center for Space Research, U. S. Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D. C.



On a étudié les propriétés optiques de Al, In, Mg et Si dans l’extrême ultra-violet pour des longueurs d’onde inférieures à la longueur d’onde critique. On a trouvé que Al, Mg et Si, qui ont des électrons de valence faiblement liés et des électrons internes fortement liés, peuvent

être décrits, avec une bonne approximation, par la théorie des électrons libres. Pour l’indium, dans ce domaine spectral, le terme dominant de la constante diélectrique complexe est le terme dû aux électrons libres ; cependant, d’autres mécanismes d’absorption ne sont pas négligeables,

aussi on ne peut pas utiliser une simple théorie à deux paramètres.



The optical properties of Al, In, Mg, and Si have been investigated in the extreme ultraviolet at wavelengths shorter than their critical wavelengths. It was found that Al, Mg,

and Si, which have loosely bound valence electrons and tightly bound core electrons can be des- cribed, to a good approximation, by the free electron theory. For In, in this spectral range, the

dominant term in the complex dielectric constant is the free electron term, however, other absorp-

tion mechanisms are not negligible so a simple two-parameter thoery cannot be used.



One of the consequences of Maxwell’s theory of the propagation of electro-

magnetic waves in a medium containing free charges is the existence of a critical wavelength Àc.

Wavelengths greater than are reflected while the shorter wavelengths penetrate into the medium.

A simple explanation of Xc is that the free charges

oscillate in phase with the electromagnetic waves

for À > Xc but are 7r radians out of phase for

À Àc. Thus the energy reradiated by the oscil- lating charges interferes constructively with the

transmitted wave and destructively with the

reflected wave for À Ào and vice versa.

In the case of a metal, the free charges are

electrons which, by virtue of their coulomb inter-

actions, are capable of collective oscillations. Con-

sequently it is to be expected that metals will have

a Xc given by ;

where c is the velocity of light, e is the electronic

charge and N the valence electron density.

This simple model was used by Zener [1] to explain the experimental results of Wood [2] who

showed that the alkali metals are transparent in

the ultraviolet. This theory was successful in that it gave fair approximations to the observed wave- length at which transmission set in. However, it requires total reflection at all angles of incidence for X > Àc which is not the case. Kronig [3] modi-

fied Zener’s theory by introducing damping of the

free electron motion, due to collisions with the (1) Supported, in part, by the National Aeronautics and

Space Administration.

lattice. This then becomes the free electron theory.

of Drude [4] and, for the purpose of describing optical phenomena, can be put into the following

form :

In the limit as 1:" approaches infinity, eq. (1)

becomes :

and eq. (2) becomes zero, i.e., Zener’s model. el

and e2 are the real and imaginary parts of the-e complex dielectric constant, respectively ; n is the

index of refraction, k is the extinction coefficient,

Me is the critical angular frequency and r is the

relaxation time of the electrons.

A Drude type model describes fairly well the optical properties of the alkali metals which have

a loosely bond valence electron and tightly bound

core electrons [5]. Hence, it is reasonable to expect

that the theory would be at least a good first approximation to other metals that have loosely

bound valence electrons and tightly bound cores.

Pines [6] discussed the classification of metals by

the binding energy of the valence and core electrons and found that the metals listed in Table I have this characteristic in common with the alkali metals. Thus the inference can be made that a

critical wavelength exists for these metals at which transmission should commence. In Table I is

listed, for several elements, the value for ae and the nearest absorption edge at which k should once

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01964002501-2015400




again become large enough to reduce or prevent


Metals that cannot be described by. the free

electron theory may still have a X, accompanied by

transmission for À X,. This means that the free electron term in the complex dielectric constant is dominant in the region around Xc, however, other absorption processes will not be far enough remo-

ved from the region to be negligible. Some examples are indium, tin, antimony, and bismuth.

Other metals, such as gold [7], have no optical

transmission and, therefore, no trace of a xc, although it can be predicted on the basis of theory.

If the metal becomes transparent for X Xc, k must be rather small. Furthermore, from a

consideration of eq. (3), n will be real but less than

unity, so that radiation can center the medium

only at angles less than the critical angle, arc.

Hence, for X Àc metals that have transmission bands or regions will be expected to have a very small k and n less than unity.

Experimental methods.


The metals to be

investigated were in the form of thin evaporated films, deposited under optimum conditions as des- cribed by Hass, Hunter, and Tousey [8]. In the

case of unbacked films, a suitable parting agent

was placed on the substrate prior to the evapora- tion of the metal, and another substrate, situated alongside, was exposed during the evaporation and

was subsequently coated with silver and used to

measure the film thickness by multiple beam inter- ferometry. Details of the process of making

unbacked films will be published [9].

The extinction coefficient, k, was measured by

transmission through unbacked metal films. By measuring the transmittance of films of different

thicknesses, absorption at the surface by an oxide layer, and also reflection losses, can be eliminated,

assuming they are the same in both cases. The

formula for obtaining k by this method is :

where x is the film thickness and T the transmit- tance.

If k is very small, and n is less than unity, it is possible to use a technique similar to the critical

angle method for measuring the index of non- absorbing solids and liquids in the visible region.

Calculations of reflectance versus angle of inci-

dence for a medium with n


0. 707, 0152c 450 and

FIG. 1.


Calculated reflectance versus angle of incidence

for n


0.707, ac £ 450, and different values of k.


different values of k, shown in figure 1, illustrate

that a definite «Q can be observed only if k


0, however, for small values of k there is a sudden

drop in reflectance in the region of (Xc. The index,

n, was obtained from the position of maximum slope of the reflectance versus angle of incidence

curve. The position of the angle of maximum slope, CXm, of the reflectance curves is very close Lo ao, but moves further away as k increases.

Eventually k becomes large enough so that the

R vs oc curve is monotonic, as is the case of k > 0. 2.

Further calculations were made to find the

dependence of am on k. The results are shown in

figure 2, where the angle of incidence of am is

shown as a function of k for different values of the

FIG. 2.


Calculated position of the angle of maximum

slope, am, as a function of k. The full lines are for unpo- larized radiation, the dotted lines for the p-component

and the dashed lines for the s-component.

index. The curves for n > 0.7 are terminated when the respective R vs oc curves become mono-

tonic. By means of these curves a correction for the value of n


sin «m can be determined if k is known for the material. For example, if the mea-

sured value of «m


49 . 5°, and k


0.2 (fig. 2)

indicates that n


0.6 ; neglect of the correction would yield n


0. 76, an error of about 27 %.

Polarization would cause the measured n to vary between 0.68 for complete s-polarization and 0.81

for complete p-polarization, corresponding to errors

of 15 % and 33 %, respectively. This is, of

course an extreme case ; corrections for k # 0 are usually quite small.

The effect of reflections from the metal-substrate interface ahd the oxide layer are discussed else- where [10] and were shown to be, for the most part, negligible.



The results for aluminum are shown in figure 3. In the upper part of the figure, the

dots through which a solid line has been drawn, represent measured values of sin «m. The large

shaded circles, at 584 A and 736 A, are the results of previous measurements [11] using an interfer-

FIG. 3.


Optical constants of aluminum at wavelengths

shorter than the critical wavelength.

ence technique. At the same wavelengths, the triangles are data obtained by Madden, Canfield,

and Hass [12] from oxide-free surfaces using the general reflectance method. Data obtained by

LaVilla and Mendlowitz [13] from inelastic elec-

tron scattering experiments are shown as crosses.

Index measurements could only be carried out to 200 A because, at shorter wavelengths, am > 84o,

which was the largest angle at which measurements

could be made. The open circles represent n cal-

culated from the free electron theory using



837 A and T = 1. 1 X 10-15 seconds [14],

and are in very good agreement with the measured values. From 700 A to longer wavelengths, the

broken curve represents the correction necessary because of the displacement of ocm by the ever- increasing k.

In the lower half of the figure are shown the

measured values of k. The scatter of points is quite large, especially at wavelengths shorter than the L2.3 x-ray edge at 170 A, where the dotted

line is to be regarded merely as an indication of the behavior of k. For X > 170 A, the results are

somewhat more consistent and the scatter of data decreases with increasing wavelength. Once again

the large shaded circles represent the results of previous measurements by transmission while the

crosses and triangles are data of La Villa and

Mendlowitz and Madden, Canfield, and Hass, res-

pectively. The. diamonds represent the data of



Tomboulian and Bedo [15], obtained photogra- phically using a synchroton as a light source.

Values of k, calculated using the free electron theory,

are so labelled. There is a definite departure from

the free electron model in that the measured k does not decrease with decreasing wavelength as rapidly

as the calculated values. This is due to the fact that interband transitions at approximately 8 OOOA

which are not included in the Drude theory are

still exerting a slight influence.

The data of Tomboulian and Bedo show a sharp dip in the value of k at the L2,3 edge. Astoin and

Vodar [16], who have measured the transmittance of aluminum films have reported a sharp peak in

transmittance at the L2,3 edge, corresponding to

the dip in k observed by Tomboulian and Bedo.

Both sets of investigators used aluminum films backed by thin films of zapon or collodion. In the earlier work of Tomboulian and Pell [17] on

unbacked aluminum films, 5 000 A thick, the sharp peak was. absent. No sharp peak was observed in the present work, although it would have been

detected in spite of the large scatter of the points

near the edge.

In Iigure 4 are shown the optical properties of

aluminum from 100 A to 6 000 A. Open circles represent values taken from the experimental

FIG. 4.


Optical constants and normal incidence reflec- tance of aluminum.

curves of the preceeding figure, otherwise the data

symbols have the same meaning as in the previous figure with the exception of the additional data of Hass and Waylonis [18] for the near ultraviolet and visible, shown as plus signs.


The solid line, drawn through the index data, represents the index calculated using the free elec- tron theory with the parameters given above, and

is in very good agreement with the experimental

data at all wavelengths. Good agreement is also obtained in the visible region between the data

points for k and the calculated values, which are

shown by the solid line. At wavelengths shorter

than about 860 A, however, the curve given by the

free electron theory drops more rapidly than the experimental values, shown by the open circles,

for the reason given earlier. The dotted line is the reflectance calculated using the free electron theory


agrees very well with the measured values from 6 000 to 1 025 A. At shorter wavelengths, the

reflectance data points, connected by the dashed line, represent calculations from the measured n and k since interference effects present in thin

films prevent direct measurements of reflectance.

The true values of n and k still remain to be found in the interval between 1 000 A and 2 000 A.

Because of the agreement between calculated and measured reflectances, however, it is expected that

the measurements will not show large deviations

from those represented by the solid lines.

Indium has two distinct spectral regions where

the value of k becomes very small, from 120 A to

shorter wavelengths, the cut-off wavelength could

not be determined ; and from 744 A to approxi- mately 1 100 A. Apparatus was not available for

index measurements at the very short wavelengths

so that only measurements of the extinction coef- ficient were made. The results are shown in Table II. Because of experimental difficulties, the

numbers are accurate only to within 50 %.


The optical constants of indium from 744 A to

1 085 A are shown in figure 5, where measured values are represented by dots. The broken line shows the index curve after correction for the effect of non-zero k.

Although the free electron term in the complex

dielectric constant is dominant in this region, other

terms are not negligible. For example, the sharp

increase in k, which begins approximately at 760 A,

indicates the commencement of an optical absorp-

tion process, thus introducing another term into

the complex dielectric constant. This corresponds

to the sudden termination of transmission observed

by Walker, Rustgi, and Weissler [19] and attri- buted, by them to interband transitions. Hence,

no simple two-parameter model can be made to fit

the data.

At wavelengths less than 800 A, the location of

«m was uncertain and the values shown may be in

error by 50 % or more. An attempt was made to

obtain more accurate values by matching the cal-


FIG. 5.


Optical constants of indium from 744 A to 1085 A.

culated transmittance to that which was observed

by varying n, however, the calculated transmit- tance was insensitive to the value of n chosen and the attempt was abandoned.

The critical wavelength associated with the free

Fm, 6.


2nk/(n2 + k2)2 as a function of wavelength for n

aluminum and indium. c

electron term, may be determined from the quan-

tity, 2nk/(n2 + k2)2 [20, 21] which should have

a sharp peak very close to the position of Àc. In figure 6, this expression is shown as a function of wavelength for indium and aluminum. The circles represent experimental points obtained in the present experiment, while the crosses, for alumi- num, are the data of LaVilla and Mendlowitz.

The solid line for aluminum was calculated using n

and k obtained from the free electron theory, while

the line for indium is only to connect the data

points, since no model was available for compar- ison.

Since, in this experiment, the optical constants

of indium were measured at wavelengths shorter

than the critical wavelength, the peak of the curve

could not be located experimentally. By extra- polating the corrected index curve for indium, however, a peak was found at 1080 A, shown by

the dashed line, which agrees very well with the characteristic energy losS- reported by Robins [22]

at,1097 Å. Similarly, for aluminum the optical

data extend only to 800 Å. However, the data

of LaVilla and Mendlowitz agree very closely with

the calculated curve which has a peak at approxi-

mately 840 A..

The occurrence of optical transmission suggests

that ac may be found from the onset in trans- mission. This a rather inaccurate way in which to determine Àc since the thickness of the film and the sensitivity of the measuring equipment essen- tially determine the longest wavelength at which transmittance occurs. For example, Walker, Rustgi, and Weissler have published transmission

curves for aluminum and indium, among other

metals, and found the onset of transmission to occur at approximately 855 A and 1 100 Å, respec-

tively. In this experiment, transmission measure-

.ments could be made to wavelengths as long as

834 and 1085 A on aluminum and indium, respec-

tively, while Wilkinson [23] has photographed lines

close to 1200 A through indium films.

Mendlowitz [21] has pointed out that the onset

of transmission may not occur at z but at a some- what shorter wavelength at which k becomes small

enough to permit transmission. He has also invest-

igated the location of the maximum in the quant- ity, 2nk/(n2 + k2)2 and has shown that, for non-

zero damping, the peak occurs, at a wavelength longer than Xc. The shift is very small for alumi- num, amounting to approximately one part in

5 000, and since the curve for indium is quite similar, it is expected that the maximum is very close to Xc.

The results for magnesium are shown in figure 7.

In the upper part of the figure, the dots through

which the solid line has been drawn represent the

measurements of sin am. The open circles are cal-

culations using the free electron theory with the



FIG. 7.


Optical constants of magnesium at wavelengths

shorter than the critical wavelength.

parameters ?,,, = 1198 A and r =1.1 X 10-l’ [14]

The calculated values agree fairly well with the

measured values, although not as well as in the

case of aluminum. The greater departure of the points from the smooth curve from 600 to 800 Å

is attributed to uncertainties in the measurements.

However, some electron scattering experiments (24) show a broad peak centered at about 20 eV,

believed to be due to MgO, which may have in-

fluenced the result.

FIG. 8.


Optical constants of silicon at wavelengths shorter than the critical wavelength.

The lower part of the figure shows k, calculated using the free electron theory. Kroger and Tom-

boulian [25] have reported values of k, measured using a photographic technique, from 230 A to

775 A. Their values, which were converted from

absorption ,coefficient u, to extinction coefficient k,

are shown as diamonds. The values they reported

are approximately one order of magnitude larger

than those calculated using the free electron theory.

In view of the departure of the measured k values of aluminum from those calculated using the free

electron theory this behavior does not seem unrea-

sonable. There is also some evidence of structure in their curve, aside from the L2.3 x-ray edge at approximately 250 A, that could not be expected

to appear in calculations using the free electron


Since measured values of k with which to correct.

the index curve are not available, the calculated

values have been used. The corrected curve is shown by the broken line in the upper half on the


The results for silicon are shown in figure 8, with

dots and open circles, measured and calculated,

FIG. 9.


Normal incidence reflectance of various metals in the extreme ultraviolet. Data points A [12] and

X [13] are for aluminum, and 4 [27] is for germanium.

The solid lines were calculated using a Drude type model

with the following parameters [14] :


respectively. The crenulated circles are data of

Sasaki and Ishiguro [26]. At the shorter wave-

lengths the measured and calculated .data agree rather well ; however, from approximately 500 A

to longer wavelengths, the corrected index curve

drops more rapidly than the calculated values.

The corrected curve has the same slope as the data

of Sasaki and Ishiguro although the magnitudes

are not quite the same.

In the lower part of the figure are shown the

calculated values of k using the free electron theory

with the parameters indicated. Since the free electron theory does not take x-ray edges into account, the curve does not show the sudden increase in k that must exist at the Lz.,3 edge and possibly at the L1 edge also. The data of Sasaki and Ishiguro fit the calculated values approxi- mately as far as magnitudes are concerned but the slope is different.

Reflectance data for some of the metals listed in

’Table I are collected in figure 9. The solid lines

are the reflectance at normal incidence calculated

on the basis on the free electron theory using the parameters given in the figure caption. The data points indicate that the approximation is close for aluminum and germanium. For aluminum, the triangles represent the data of Madden, Canfield,

and Hass, while the crosses are the calculated reflectances from the data of LaVilla and Mendlo- witz. The diamonds represent data tor germa- nium obtained by Madden [27].



The author - is pleased to acknowledge the efforts of D. W. Angel who made

the unbacked films of aluminum and indium,

S. G. Tilford who discovered the very short wave-

length window in indium, and R. L.. Blake,

J. F. Meekins, and A. E. Unzicker who measured the transmittance of the indium films at the very short wavelengths.

REFERENCES [1] ZENER (C.), Nature, 1933, 132, 968.

[2] WOOD (R. W.), Nature, 1933, 131, 582 ; Phys. Rev., 1933, 44, 353.

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[4] DRUDE (P.), Theory of Optics, Dover Publ. Co., New York, 1959.

[5] SEITZ (F.), Modern Theory of Solids, McGraw-Hill Publ. Co., New York, 1940.

[6] PINES (D.), Rev. Mod. Physics, 1956, 28, 184.

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[8] HASS (G.), HUNTER (W. R.) and TOUSEY (R.), J. Opt.

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[9] ANGEL (D. W.), To be published.

[10] HUNTER (W. R.), J. Opt. Soc. Am. 1964, 54,15.

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Berlin : Springer-Verlag, Ed by S. Flugge.


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