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HAL Id: jpa-00214970


Submitted on 1 Jan 1972

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L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés.


M. Remoissenet, R. Gard

To cite this version:

M. Remoissenet, R. Gard. FAR INFRARED SPECTRA OF RbH2P04 CRYSTALS. Journal de Physique Colloques, 1972, 33 (C2), pp.C2-106-C2-107. �10.1051/jphyscol:1972234�. �jpa-00214970�



FIG. 3. - Partie imaginaire de la fonction dielectrique pour une polarisation parallele a c.

g a m e de temptrature. Mais le modele d'oscillateur harmonique amorti per met en premiere approximation de rendre compte des resultats. Deux parametres ajus- tables sont utilists : y la fonction d'amortissement et o, la frtquence de rtsonance de l'oscillateur non amorti ; on tient compte de la constante ditlectrique ~ ( 0 ) du cristal c contraint >> et des valeurs de A o . Les calculs

FIG. 4. - Variation de w~ et A o en fonction de la tempkrature.

prtliminaires montrent que oo et y dependent de la temperature au voisinage de la transition, k 300 OK ils ont respectivement pour valeurs 60 cm-I et 100 cm-l.

La valeur ainsi calculCe de o, est plus faible que pour KDP 131 et elle varie en fonction de la tempirature d'une maniere difftrente de la loi en (T - T,)%.

D'autres calculs et mesures sont en cours et au voisi- nage de la transition, les risultats concernant les deux modes non amortis qui correspondent 2 o, et oh,

seront publiis ulterieurement.


Abstract. - The far infrared reflectivity spectrum of RbHzP04 crystals is measured from 10 to 400 cm-1 in the temperature range from 300 OK to 140 OK. The complex dielectric constant is derived by a Kramers-Kronig dispersion relation. A preliminary analysis of the results shows that they are far from a Debye type relaxation, but the damped harmonic oscillator model fits them. A low frequency mode is found which is temperature dependent.

polarization fluctuations, piezoelectric and elastic constants [7].

Introduction. - The dielectric dispersion spectra of the angle of incidence is 120. The reflectivity measure- potassium dihydrogen phosphate, KDP, has been ments are made at several points from 3000K to investigated using far infrared [I], [2] and Raman [3]


0 100 203 303 4M) >

Experiments. - The polarized reflection measure-

ments are made with a far infrared R1lC FS720 Fourier FIG. 1. - Far infrared reflectivity spectra of RbHzP04 crystal spectrophotometer. A wire grid polarizer is used and in c polarization.

spectroscopy. Theoretically, the occurrence of protons tunnelling, and their interaction with lattice distortions, 60.

predict that a collective excitation [4], [5] having a soft mode behaviour [6] is probable. The present

research is intended to make a detailed temperature 40, dependence measurement or the far infrared reflectivity

spectra of rubidium dihydrogen phosphate, RbDP, which is isomorphous with KDP. This work is a part of

a more complete study of RbDP which includes 20.

moreover the measurements of electrocaloric effect.

A R%


I ;! I - 300'~

: 1. , ..-- 154'K

:,, \%,

\. ,,, /,' ', I

, , :i

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5 .

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Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphyscol:1972234


FAR INFRARED SPECTRA OF RbH2P04 CRYSTALS 107 140 OK for the wave numbers from 400 cm" to

10 cm-l. The samples for a and c polarization are cut from RbH,PO, crystals grown in our laboratory 181.

Results. - The far infrared reflection spectra are shown in figures 1 and 2. The complex dielectric

FIG. 2. - Far infrared reflectivity spectra of RbH2P04 crystal in a polarization.

constant is derived by a Kramers-Kronig dispersion relation, In the c polarization the imaginary part ~ " ( o ) of the complex dielectric constant (Fig. 3) exhibits two peaks centred at about oM


40 cm-I and

o h


180 cm-l, at 300 OK. The low frequency mode

FIG. 3. - Imaginary part of complex dielectric constant in c polarization.

w, is only slightly temperature dependent down to 165 OK. But it moves down quickly between this temperature and T, = 147 OK, the transition tempera- ture which was determined from our elastic and dielectric measurements [7]. This decrease of frequency is accompanied by a decrease in the half width A o of the ~ " ( o ) spectrum (Fig. 4). The mode oh is also temperature dependent.

FIG. 4. - Temperature dependence of o~ and Am.

A preliminary analysis of the results shows that they are not consistent with a Debye relaxation model over the whole temperature range. But the damped har- monic oscillator model, fits the results. It requires the following two parameters : y the damping constant and wo the resonant frequency of the undamped oscillator. The values of the static dielectric constanfof the clamped crystal ~ ( 0 ) and the values A o are used.

Preliminary calculation shows that o, and y are tempe- rature dependent near the transition point, their values are approximately 60 c m - b n d 100 cm-' at 300 OK.

This value of w0 is lower than that for KDP [3]

and its temperature dependence is different from the law


(T - T,)%.

Further experiments and calculations are now in progress in the vicinity of the transition temperature, and the results concerning the two undamped modes which correspond to o, and o h will bepublished elsewhere.


[I] BARKER (A. S.) and TINKHAM (M.), Phys. Rev., 1963, [5] KOBAYASHI (K. K.), J. Phys. Soc. Japan, 1968,24,497.

38,2252. [6] COCHRAN (W.), Adv. Phys., 1960,9,387.

[2] SUGAWARA (F.) and NAKAMURA (T.), J. Phys. Soc.

Japan, 1970,28, 158. [7] PIERRE (C.), DUFOUR (J. P.) and REMOISSENET (M.), [3] KAMINOW (I. P.) and DAMEN (T. C.), Phys. Rev. Letters, to be published in Solid State Comm.

1968, 20, 1105. [S] REMOISSENET (M.), DESVIGNES (M.) and MARECEK (V.), [4] BLINC (R.), Phys. Rev. Letters, 1967,261, 8. Kvist und Tech., 1970, 5, 535.


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