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Relaxation in the 3T1u state of F centres in CaO


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1979

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Relaxation in the 3T1u state of F centres in CaO

J. Cibert, P. Edel, Y. Merle d’Aubigné, R. Romestain

To cite this version:

J. Cibert, P. Edel, Y. Merle d’Aubigné, R. Romestain. Relaxation in the 3T1u state of F centres in CaO. Journal de Physique, 1979, 40 (12), pp.1149-1160. �10.1051/jphys:0197900400120114900�.



Relaxation in the 3T1u state of F centres in CaO

J. Cibert, P. Edel, Y. Merle d’Aubigné and R. Romestain

Laboratoire de Spectrométrie Physique (*), Université Scientifique et Médicale de Grenoble,

B.P. 53X, 38041 Grenoble Cedex, France

(Reçu le 1 er juin 1979, accepté le 29 août 1979)



Nous avons détecté optiquement la relaxation dans l’état excité 3T1u du centre F dans CaO en utili-

sant des hyperfréquences en bande X (9 GHz). A 1,7 K, on observe deux composantes : une composante lente égale à la durée de vie radiative (3,7 ms), due à la variation de la population totale du niveau 3T1u ; une compo-

sante rapide, due à des transitions d’un puits Jahn-Teller à l’autre. On montre que les composantes tétragonales

et les composantes trigonales des déformations induites par les phonons doivent être prises en compte. Ces tran- sitions dépendent beaucoup de la valeur des contraintes internes statiques. En utilisant la répartition de contraintes, déterminée dans un travail précédent, on peut reconstruire par un calcul numérique les signaux expérimentaux.



We have studied by optical detection the relaxation in the 3T1u excited state of F centres in CaO

using microwaves in the X band. At 1.7 K both a slow and a fast recovery are observed. The slow component, equal to the radiative lifetime (3.7 ms) is due to a variation of the total population of the 3T1u level. The fast component is due to transitions from one Jahn-Teller well to another. Evidence is given that both the tetragonal

and the trigonal components of the phonon induced strain field have to be considered. All these relaxations depend

very much on the static internal strains. Numerical calculations using the distribution of strains determined in previous work fit the experimental data.

Classification Physics Abstracts

76.30M - 78.55




The spectroscopic behaviour of the F centre in CaO is now well understood : optical

spectra have been studied by Henderson et al. [1, 2], optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) by

Edel et al. [3]. Uniaxial stress experiments [4, 5] show

the effect of strain on either the zero phonon line or

the ODMR lines, confirm the inhomogeneous nature

of these lines, and give some information concerning

the distribution of internal strains [6]. References to

previous work are given in several papers [7, 8].

The excited state is both an orbital and a spin triplet 3Tlu. It is strongly coupled to Eg tetragonal modes

of vibration and undergoes a static Jahn-Teller effect

(JTE) [9]. The static nature of the JTE can be seen by

ODMR [3] : three equivalent tetragonal spectra are observed, each of these spectra corresponding to one

of the Jahn-Teller wells. The ground vibronic level is still a Tlu triplet [9]. Inside this triplet, matrix elements of off-diagonal electronic operators (when expressed

in the real basis 1 X >, 1 Y), 1 Z » such as spin-orbit interaction, dipole-dipole interaction and coupling to

the trigonal T2g strains are strongly reduced [9]. This

is not the case for the effect of the tetragonal Eg strains

eo, ee which is represented in the real basis by operators

(*) Laboratory associated with the Centre National de la Recher- che Scientifique.

having only diagonal matrix elements. As a result of the coupling to internal strains of Eg symmetry, the

orbital degeneracy of the 3Tlu ground vibronic level is lifted as shown in figure 1. In the relaxation effects

we will see that both the tetragonal and the trigonal

components of the time-dependent-strain induced by

the phonon field have to be taken into account.

Fig. 1.


Level scheme of the 3T 1 u multiplet. The magnetic field

is aligned along the z cubic axis [001]. The six ODMR lines are

refered to by the six numbers 1 to 6. The numbers in parenthesis give the relative deexcitation rates.

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:0197900400120114900


We first present experimental results on relaxation

in the triplet 3T 1 u level (sections 1 and 2). Then we

show that from the results of the static studies it is

possible to derive a dynamical spin Hamiltonian (3)

which explains well the dynamical behaviour in high magnetic field and at low temperature (4).

1. Experimental methods.


Contrary to a conven-

tional Tl relaxation time measurement, we do not monitor the population difference between the two sublevels which are perturbed by the microwaves.

The dynamic behaviour of the populations or, at least, of some linear combinations of them, is obtained by monitoring the intensity of the emitted light of a given polarization after having switched on or off the reso-

nant microwaves [10]. Very little change has to be

made to the ordinary ODMR apparatus to observe relaxation. We have worked at X band (about 9 GHz)

using a Varian electromagnet (typically 0.3 T) ; the microwaves are switched by a PIN diode. The sample

is cooled down to pumped liquid helium temperature

(typically 1.7 K). The F centre luminescence is excited

by a mercury lamp. The light emitted in the whole fluorescence band is collected through a polarizer on

a photomultiplier (EMI 9558 or RCA 6217). The output current is recorded, via a preamplifier with adjustable bandwidth and a multichannel analyzer having a time resolution of 0.2 gs. Signal averaging

is performed on typically 104 microwave pulses.

2. Experimental results.


At fixed temperature the signal is expected to depend on :


the pair of levels which is perturbed by the microwaves, i.e. which of the six ODMR lines has been selected,


the direction of the magnetic field : we have

worked with B parallel to the [001] axis,


the polarization with which the emitted light is

observed. In our case, we monitored signals in a and

in n polarizations, i.e. linear polarizations respectively perpendicular and parallel to the magnetic field.

The results at 1.6 K are reported in figures 2 and 3, schematically for all cases and with complete details

for some of them. When the microwaves are switched

on or off, one observes a signal which contains both a fast and a slow component (Fig. 2a). The general

appearance of this signal is the same for all the low field lines (lines 1, 2, 3 in figure 2a) but depends strongly

on the polarization of the monitoring light. For the high field lines, the signal has the opposite sign. We

will describe the signal observed when switching off

the microwaves.



Depending on the line being saturated and the polarization of the monitoring light, this fast component can or cannot be fitted to a single exponential (Fig. 3). The signal to noise ratio

was not good enough to try to extract more than one

exponential from the data. When the signal can

Fig. 2a.


Schematic diagram of the relaxation signal.

Fig. 2b.


Experimental results on ODMR line 6 (see figure 1 for

the identification of the line).

reasonably be fitted to an exponential law (e.g. Fig. 3a

in n polarization and the end of the signal in 6 pola- rization), the time constant is found to be about 20 gs at 1.7 K. This rapid variation is opposite in sign on the

two polarizations of the fluorescence and it involves

a change in the distribution of the populations among the different sublevels emitting light of different




It is exponential with a

time constant equal to the whole 3Tlu level lifetime

(i.e. 3.7 ms) as measured by simply switching off the

excitation light. The sign is the same on both polari-

zations and here it involves a change in the total

population of the 3Tlu level.

At 4.2 K the rapid components of all signals (n or

Q whatever the line considered) show a quasi expo- nential behaviour with a time constant of about 4.5 JlS, the signs of the signals being the same as at 1.6 K.

3. Theory.




To com-

pute the relaxation signal we have to consider the

different mechanisms allowing transitions between the various levels. We are here interested in the evolution of the populations of the nine sublevels of the 3Tlu

level and we will have to consider four types of tran-

sitions, as illustrated in figure 4 :


Fig. 3.


Detail of the rapid component of the relaxation signal.

3a) Signal for the centre parallel to the magnetic field (line 6).

3b) and 3c) Signal for the centres perpendicular to the magnetic

field. The magnetic field was slightly misaligned from the [001]

direction in order to distinguish the two lines that would be other- wise superimposed.


non radiative transitions between two sublevels of the 3Tlu manifold with a rate R,j for the transitions from the sublevel j to the sublevel i. The mechanisms

of these internal transitions will be detailed later in this section,


transitions from one of these sublevels to the

ground state 1 Aig. We will assume that they are purely

radiative with a rate A; i and that there is no other deexcitation mechanism for the 3Tlu level. Their

Fig. 4.


Definition of the different transition rates.


relative values are recalled on figure 1 by the numbers in parenthesis,


transitions from the IT 1 u level to the sublevel i

of the 3Tlu manifold. These feeding transitions have

an unknown rate Pi. We will see however, that since

the internal transitions inside the 3Tlu manifold are

faster than the deexcitation rates A i, the values of Pi

have only a slight effect on the final populations and knowledge of them is not necessary for interpretation

of the signals,


microwave induced transitions with a rate



Wki which is obviously different from zero

only when i and k are the two sublevels between which microwave transitions are induced.

We assume that the conditions of weak optical pumping are satisfied. The ground level population

is then practically left unchanged and the populations

ni of the sublevels of the 3Tlu manifold are controlled

by the nine following linear differential equations :

The time dependence of n; is then given by the sum

of nine exponential functions :

The nine time constants r. depend only on the tran-

sition rates Rjj, A ;, Wik and not on the feeding rates Pi as long as the approximation of weak pumping

remains valid whereas the amplitudes B. and Bm depend also on the initial conditions.



These tran- sitions between the different sublevels of the 3T 1 u

manifold are due to the coupling of the F centre to

the phonon field. Here we give only an outline of the calculation. More details are given in the appendix.

Considering the low temperatures at which the experiments have been performed, we will assume

that we have only direct transitions between the sub- levels : either direct transitions between spin sublevels

of a given Jahn-Teller well or transitions between sublevels of different Jahn-Teller wells.

We will make use of two simplifying features of the

problem : the phonon bath can be considered to a

very good approximation as being isotropic and the phonon wavelengths are large.

(i) The isotropy of the phonon bath is demonstrated

by the results of the measurements on sound velocity by Son and Bartels [llJ : vt


5 x 103 m/s and

vj 1 = 8.3 x 103 m/s for transverse and longitudinal polarizations respectively, whatever the direction of


(ii) The long wavelength approximation (Van Vleck [12]) is usual when dealing with phonons of low energy,

i.e. with a wavelength much larger than the interatomic

separation (here a typical value of the random splitting

between the three orbital states is 3 cm -1, leading to

a phonon wavelength of 500 Â). This approximation

states that the time dependent strain may be described

by the usual strain tensor. The coupling to the phonon

strain field is therefore described by the usual orbit lattice coupling Hamiltonian [4, 5] :

The exact definition of the different operators and of the strain components are given in the appendix,

ea, ee and ee’ e,, el and e, are linear combinations of the strain components that transform respectively

like the Ai (totally symmetric), E (tetragonal) and T2 (trigonal) representations of the cubic group.

From stress experiments [4, 5], we know that : (i) Vi is small and anyway we will see that the

term V, ea la is ineffective in spin lattice relaxation.

(ii) The value of V2 is 4.5 x 104 cm-1.

(iii) V3 is not measurable : it is strongly reduced by Jahn-Teller effect ; we can assign 5 x 102 cm-1

as an upper limit of the reduced term V3 R, where R is the Ham reduction factor [9].

We can write the Hamiltonian JCoL in a condensed

form :

where F is the index of the representation (Al’ E or T2) and y the component of F (y = 0 or e, if F = E).

It is shown in the appendix that the transition rate

Rji from the sublevel i to the sublevel j is given by :

a is a numerical factor involving the sound velocity

and the density of CaO. Its value is 0.15 ± 0.04 when all energies are expressed in cm -1.

Using expression (1) we can now determine the

various relaxation paths inside the 3Tlu level.

3 . 2.1 Transition inside a given well.


We can use

the values ( 1 1 0 Ty 1 j) that have been measured by

Le Si Dang et al. [5] when 1 i > and 1 j > belong to the

same well : these matrix elements are all smaller than 3 cm-1 and lead to transition rates smaller than 0.2 s -1 : these rates are much smaller than the deexci- tation rate and we will neglect them as they would

lead to relaxation times of the order of seconds, much longer than the measured times.

3.2.2 Transition between diffèrent wells.



have only to consider the tetragonal and the trigonal


components of the strain field : the electronic operator involved in the symmetric term VI ea la being propor- tional to the unity matrix, this term cannot induce

any transition.

3.2.2. x Relaxation induced by the tetragonal



We look at the transitions that can be induced by the term v2(ee le + eE lE). If

the vibronic eigenstates are the states 1 X > >, 1 Y», 1 Z )>), we see that a tetragonal time-dependent-strain,

being diagonal in this basis, cannot induce a transition

between these states. If such a transition exists, it

can only be due to a mixing [13] of the orbital states.

Such a mixing can be induced by any off-diagonal

operator. The first case we can think of is a mixing by the spin-orbit coupling Âl. S. Let us look for instance if a transition is possible between the states Z, +1 )) and ) Y, 0 )) (+ 1 and 0 stand for the MS spin quantum number) ; we have to calculate :

where are the perturbed states :

Combining eqs. (2) and (3) one gets :

where R is the Ham reduction factor [9].

We can see that, though tetragonal strains are not

affected by the JTE, we need an off-diagonal operator

to provide a mixing of the states and the effect of this

mixing operator is quenched by the JTE, so that, as

expected, the probability of tunnelling between two

wells has a factor proportional to the square of the

overlap between the wavefunctions of the two wells.

The various transitions made possible by spin-orbit mixing are given in figure 5. On the same figure we

recall the polarization selection rules : we can see

that this spin-orbit driven process (that we will call

now the Eg process) connects levels which emit light

of the same polarization. So we can group the sub- levels into two sets :


a group of levels emitting Q light, i.e. light polarized in the plane perpendicular to the magnetic field,


a group of levels emitting either n light or nothing.

A similar grouping of levels was made by Bill and

Silsbee in analyzing reorientation of 0- in CaF2 [14].

Other interactions can also provide the mixing :

the most important are the dipole-dipole coupling

which preserves the selection rules of the spin-orbit coupling, and the coupling to the random, static, trigonal strains.

3.2.2. Relaxation induced by the trigonal time- dependent-strain.


We now look at the transitions that can be induced by the term

Fig. 5u.


Relaxation rates induced by the spin orbit coupling

and the tetragonal component of the phonon strain field (Eg pro-

cess). E has the value

(see text).

Fig. 5b.


Relaxation rates induced by the trigonal component of the phonon strain field (T2g process). T has the value

(see text). For both figures, the random splitting between the three orbital states is not represented.

We just replace the general operator Ory of eq. ( 1 ) >

by V3 lç, V3 111, V3 1, and we get transitions without

spin flip (Fig. 5), with a transition rate :


if 1 ) and 1 j ) have the same spin state.

Here no mixing is necessary, due to the fact that the trigonal strains are off-diagonal operators. Their effect is also reduced by JTE so that we see that both

processes, the Eg process and this process (which we

will call T2g process) are reduced by R, the Ham

reduction factor, through either the mixing operator

or the strain operator.

There are two very important différences between the two processes :


the Eg process groups the sublevels into two sets characterized by their polarization (7c or u) selec- tion rules whereas the T2g process groups the sub- levels into three sets characterized by their spin quan- tum number,


the energy dependence of the Eg process is given

Fig. 6.


Dependence of the relaxation rates on the phonon energy.

6a) T2g process (1.5 K). 6b) T2g process (4.2 K : the scale has been divided by a factor 30). 6c) Eg process (1.5 K). 6d) Eg process

(4.2 K : the scale has been divided by a factor 3). The functions

are AE’[exp(AEIkT) - 1J-1 for the T2g process and

for the Eg process.

These two dependences are shown in figure 6. We

see that for the Eg process, at very low phonon ener- gies the transition rate does not fall to zero : the increase in the mixing of the orbital states which

varies as (Ei - Ej)’ balances the

dependence given by the coupling to the phonon

bath. We will come back to this important point in

the final discussion. We have also to note that in our case we cannot make use of the high température approximation since kT (- 1.2 cm-’) is smaller than but comparable to the phonon energy (- 3 cm-’).

One may also think of relaxation processes induced

by mixing with excited vibronic states. In fact, contrary

to what happens in the static case where second order terms can be more important than first order ones,

higher order terms in relaxation processes between different wells are always affected by the Ham reduc-

tion factor and are therefore negligible compared to

the first order terms.

4. Relaxation model.




Having found the different theoretical

expressions for the transition rates, one would in

principle just have to introduce the numerical values into the nine evolution equations and solve them. In fact we know only the order of magnitude of the spin

orbit coupling constant and an upper limit for V3.

We will therefore first examine whether we can make

use of some simplifying features.

The first simplification one can think of would be

to consider that only one of the two Eg and T2g

processes is rapid with respect to the lifetime. A

qualitative discussion of the experimental results (Figs. 2, 3) will show that such a simplification is not possible. If only one of the two processes is rapid,

we can group the levels into two or three sets inside which relaxation is rapid : three sets corresponding

to the three spin states for a T2g process or two n

and J sets for an Eg process, as shown in figure 5.

When switching on or off the microwaves, a quasi-

Boltzmann equilibrium is reached within each set.

Quasi-Boltzmann equilibrium means that a Boltz-

mann equilibrium is not reached (but it does not

mean a Boltzmann equilibrium at a temperature different from the sample temperature). The departure

from Boltzmann equilibrium is of the order of the

ratio of the deexcitation rates to the relaxation rates, and these quasi-Boltzmann equilibria, with or without microwaves, are only slightly different. So, when the microwaves are switched off, the fast component of the relaxation, which under this hypothesis corres- ponds to relaxation inside a set, has a very small

amplitude. One expects to detect only a slow compo- nent which corresponds to a rearrangement of the

populations between the different sets and has a time

constant of the order of the lifetime. This is obviously

not the case : one can see in figure 2 that the fast and the slow components of the relaxation signal

have comparable amplitudes. In other words, in order

to observe a non negligible fast component in the relaxation signal, one has to assume the existence of

a fast relaxation path between the two sublevels involved in the microwave transition. Figure 5 shows

that this can only be the case if both Eg and T2g

processes are rapid compared to the lifetime.


The shape of the rapid signal (independently of its

time scaling since we can consider as constant the

variation due to the slow component) is then governed by the ratio of the Eg and T2g processes, i.e. the ratio

V2 ÂIV3 DE, where AE represents an average energy

separation between levels which is due to intemal strains. We will now consider the two extreme cases

V2 ÀIV3 4E > 1 and V2 ÀIV3 DE 1.



We will first

assume V2 ÂIV3 AE » 1, which means that the Eg

process is much more efficient than the T2g process,

both being rapid compared to the lifetime. We will

therefore group the different sublevels in the two n

and 6 sets defined before. The Eg process induces very rapid transitions between the sublevels inside each set. Transitions between the two sets are induced

by microwaves and by the T2g process (Fig. 7). The

Fig. 7a.


Level grouping in the oversimplified model (Eg process

very much efficient than the T2g process, see text).

Fig. 7b.


Expected ODMR signal in this model.

population distribution at equilibrium within the 3Tlu

manifold when microwaves are applied is then the following :

i) Due to the Eg process quasi-Boltzmann equili-

brium is achieved inside each of the two groups and this whatever the feeding rates since the Eg process

is much more efficient than the radiative transition


ii) The ratio of the populations of the two levels corresponding to the resonance is intermediate bet-

ween unity (case of complete saturation of the line)

and quasi-Boltzmann equilibrium (no microwave

power), depending on the efficiency of the microwave compared to the average effect of the T2g process.

iii) The total population of the 3Tlu manifold is

given by the ratio between the feeding rate (which

is given by the power of the exciting light) and the

effective deexcitation probability

relative populations of the sublevels in each n or 6

set remain in quasi thermal equilibrium. The T2g pro-

cesses give rise to a transfer of population from one

set to the other, restoring the quasi-Boltzmann equi-

librium among the nine sublevels. The observed rate of recovery is an average of the rates of transfer bet-

ween the various sublevels, and may be easily comput- ed by introducing into the equation of evolution the fact that quasi thermal equilibrium is always achieved

within each n or J set. The signal has opposite sign

when detected on Q or n polarization. The variation

in the populations of the sublevels results in a variation of !eff’


the average lifetime. As the populating rate

is left unchanged, there is a readjustment of the total population of the 3Tlu level ; this readjustment is

seen by a variation of the total fluorescence, with a

time constant equal to the effective lifetime.

This qualitative description is in rather good agreement with the experimental results. Quantitati- vely one has just to introduce into the rate equations,

the persistence of Boltzmann equilibrium within each set : this leads to two differential equations which

can be easily solved in order to obtain an analytical expression for the expected relaxation signal.

The rates given in (4) and (5) however depend strongly on the energy DE of the phonons involved,

and this frequency is related to the local (internal)

strains. When averaging over the distribution of internal strains one gets a relaxation signal which is

very highly non exponential whatever the polariza-

tion of the monitoring light and whatever the ODMR line which is saturated. These conclusions are not

experimentally verified : see e.g. the quasi exponential signal obtained in n polarization in figure 3a.

Note that the opposite assumption, V2 ÀIV3 AE « 1 (i.e. T2g process much more rapid than the Eg process)

would lead to an inverted signal on 7r polarization

and has therefore to be rejected.



We are therefore in the intermediate case : V2 ÀIV3 AE - 1. Though

the Eg and the T2g processes are still more efficient

than the lifetime, both have the same order of magni-

tude. In this case only a numerical computation is possible. We have to consider a statistical distribution of the static tetragonal strain components e. and e,.

Their effect is determined by the following results :


i) From the study of the lineshape of both the zero phonon line and the ODMR lines, Le Si Dang et al. [6 ]

were able to determine the str’ain distribution : they

find the distribution for V2 e. and V2 e, is best repre- sented by a Voigt profile but can be approximated by a Gaussian distribution with a standard deviation u = 3.1 cm-’.

ii) The same studies [6] have shown that when the

magnetic field is along the z axis, the shape of the

ODMR line is practically governed by the parameter

V2 ee alone. Our calculations have therefore been

performed by giving to this parameter the value

corresponding to the centre of the ODMR line, where the relaxation measurements have been done

(V2 e(J


2.2 cm-’) letting V2 e, run over all its dis- tribution. The calculation is then performed in the following way for a given value of V2 ÂIV3 : the

relaxation signal is computed when the microwaves

are switched off, the initial conditions being deter-

mined by solving the relaxation equations at equili-

brium in presence of microwaves. We then compute

the effective signal by summing over V2 e, and using

the strain distribution mentioned before. The same

procedure is followed for different values of the ratio

V2 ÂIV3 to find the best value in order to fit the shape

of the experimental signal. Once the fit is found at 1.6 K, the signal is computed at 4.2 K and compared

to the experimental signal, which is quasi exponential

in both n and J polarizations with a time constant of

about 4.5 ps. A first set of parameters

gave a good fit at 1.6 K but predicted a time constant

of 1.5 gs at 4.2 K, in poor agreement with the experi-

mental value. This suggests that the 1.6 K temperature

was underestimated because of heating of the crystal (about 50 mW of light). In fact one can measure the temperature fairly accurately by looking at the magnetic circular polarization, which has been shown to vary as th (g,uB B12 kT) [3]. We have checked this law with different powers of excitation and have found that at the levels of light at which the micro-

waves experiments were performed the effective tem-

perature fitting the th (gllB B12 kTeff) law was of the

order of 2 K when the temperature of the helium bath measured by its vapor pressure was 1.6 K. A new

fit at 2 K then gave



700 cm - 2 and V3 R = 200 cm-l,

these values leading to a time constant of 3.4 gs at 4.2 K. From the stress experiment [4] one knows the

value V2


4.5 x 104 cm-’ - so we can deduce a

value of the reduced spin-orbit coupling constant :



1.5 x 10-2 cm-1.

Figure 8 shows the comparison of the experimental

and computed signals for the line 6


Fig. 8.


Comparison between experimental and computed signal

on line 6. 8a) Plot on linear intensity scale : the o represent the computed signal. 8b) Same signal plotted on logarithmic scale ;

+ : experimental signal ; o : computed signal.


One sees that the calculation agrees well with several

interesting points :

i) In J polarization, the signal cannot be fitted to

an exponential function, this signal reflecting an

average over the strain distribution.

ii) In n polarization, the signal is much closer to

a single exponential function ; the calculation shows indeed that the n signal is mainly due to the centres

for which the |Z ) and thé 1 X > or ) | Y states are nearly degenerate, thus selecting partially the centres by their local strain.

iii) Still in n polarization one can see that the signal

seems to be delayed with respect to the switching off

of the microwaves. When the microwaves are switched off, only the time derivatives of the populations of

the two sublevels directly involved in the transition (emitting Q polarized light or nothing, in the transition being considered) are different from zero. The popu- lations of the four levels emitting n light begin there-

fore their rearrangement with zero time derivative, showing hence a delay in their response to the switch-

ing-off of the microwaves.

iv) The agreement is good not only for the shape of

the signals but also for the relative amplitudes of the n

and J signals.

5. Discussion.


First we will compare the set of parameters obtained by the relaxation experiments

with those deduced by Le Si Dang et al. [5] from

strain and ODMR measurements. The agreement is rather good for the reduced spin-orbit constant :



1.5 x 10-2 cm-1 for this work compared to ÂR 3 x 10-’ cm-’ given by Le Si Dang et al.

The agreement is somewhat worse if we introduce the value of  given by Le Si Dang et al. : 1  1 15 cm-’.

This value would give a ratio Y3/Y2 N 4.5 whereas

one expects a ratio of order of unity or less [5] since

the Jahn-Teller coupling is predominantly to Eg

modes. Different possibilities may be raised to explain

these discrepancies.

i) The analysis of Le Si Dang et al. gives directly

an order of magnitude of the reduced spin orbit coupling constant ÂR. The true coupling contant À

is not determined directly but is deduced from a

general fit of various experimental results to a simpli-

fied model. This model assumes Jahn-Teller coupling

to only one pair of Eg modes and one Huang and Rhys

coupling parameter S. This is obviously an oversim- plification and as the reduction factor R varies expo-

nentially with the parameter S, it can lead to a large

error in  = ÂRIR.

ii) We have only taken into account two processes :

an Eg process due to the spin orbit coupling and a T2g process due to the trigonal component of the time

dependent strain field. We have neglected another Eg

process where the mixing is due to the trigonal static strains, which has the same polarization selection

rules as the T2g process. Taking into account this

process would have led to three more integrations on

the distributions of the local trigonal strains. Quali- tatively, as this process has the same selection rules and the same order of magnitude (but not the same

energy dependence) as the T2g process one can say

that taking into account this process would lead to

a lower value of V3 R, thus lowering the ratio V3lV2.

All the relaxation processes are interwell processes, i.e. the only efficient relaxation rates are obtained by jumps between different Jahn-Teller wells. The relaxa- tion process inside a given well is very inefficient.

This is qualitatively confirmed by Krap et al. [16].

Applying in zero magnetic field a [110] stress which

leaves a non degenerate Z well lowest, they show that

the relaxation time increases rapidly with the applied

stress. However, the measured relaxation time is much too fast. The origin of this discrepancy has probably to be searched in the experimental methods :

as a result of the high light level and the high micro-

wave power (20 W), the crystal may be warmer than the helium bath. It seems that a temperature of the order of 2.5-3 K could explain their results.

The last point we want to emphasize concerns the polarization selection rules. In two recent papers by Bontemps-Moreau et al. [15] and Krap et al. [16], it

was demonstrated that the relaxation rates without

spin flip (our T2g process) were predominant compared

with the rates with spin flip (our Eg process), whereas

our work takes both into account in comparable

manner. There are two comments to make on this

point :

i) In our experiment, although the measured value is predominantly due to the T2g process, the Eg pro-

cess leads to shorter signals but with very small

amplitudes due to the detection scheme.

ii) In figure 6 one can see that the Eg process is

favored at low phonon energies, due to the

dependence whereas the T 2g process is favoured at

high phonon energies, due to the

dependence. Our measurements are essentially govern- ed by weakly strained centres whereas the two other

measurements are interested in highly stressed centres :

these highly stressed centres are obtained either naturally by selecting them in the wings of the zero phonon line [15] or by applying an external stress [lb],

so that their results are not surprising.



We have shown that the relaxation

’occurs via jumps between different Jahn-Teller wells.

Similar cases were already observed in other systems

exhibiting a static Jahn-Teller effect : the ’Ti ground

state of 0- in CaF2 [14] and the 2E ground state


of Cu" in double nitrate [18, 19]andinzincfluorosili-

cate [20]. For the F centre in CaO the situation is more

complex due to the higher multiplicity of the 3Tlu

electronic level, but the optical detection scheme gives

more detailed information. Two relaxation processes

are clearly identified : one is induced by the trigonal

component of the phonon induced strain field (T2g process) and does not change the spin state ; the other

one, induced by the tetragonal component of the phonon induced strain field and made allowed by the spin-orbit coupling (Eg process), may change the spin

state but gives only very small amplitudes in the relaxa-

tion signal, due to the detection scheme. A two step- mechanism including these two processes may reverse the spin in a given Jahn-Teller well. It was also shown that these two processes occur with comparable probability : for the F centres in a region of the crystal

with large internal strains the T2g process predominates

whereas in a region of small internal strain the E.

process predominates. Quantitative analysis of the decay times leads to values of the parameters ÀR and

V3 R which are in good order of magnitude agreement with estimation deduced from static stress experiments.



We want to thank Pr. R. Buis-

son and Dr. Le Si Dang for fruitful discussions and M. Merlin for assistance in computing.



We shall calculate the transition rates induced by the orbit lattice Hamiltonian :

The quantities ea, ee and ef.’ e,, e,, and e are linear

combinations of the usual strain tensor components.

They transform respectively like the representations A1, Eg and T2g of the cubic group and are defined by :

The quantities 1, are orbital operators defined by

Ham [9] and Le Si Dang et al. [5] and the V,’s are coupling coefficients ; V2 has been defined by Ham [9]

but V3 is different from the coefficient V3 of Ham

in order to take the same normalisation for the diffe- rent combinations ei. We write the Hamiltonian in a more condensed form :

where F stands for the different representations (F


A1, E, T 2) and y for the different components of a given representation (y


0 or a if F



We have to represent the coupling Hamiltonian in terms of phonon creation and annihilation operators.

We will use for this the expression (2) of Stevens [17]

which gives the displacement u of an ion at the posi-

tion r :

In this expression o)pl kpl ap, ap and gp, are respectively

the frequency, the wavevector, the annihilation and creation operators of the phonon mode p whose

polarization vector is cpp. M is the mass of the crystal.

With these notations, the Hamiltonian JeL, the eigen- statues 1 t/1L ) and the energy EL of the lattice, treated

as harmonic, are given by :

where np is the number of phonons in the pth mode.

Using eq. (2) we get the values for the different strain combinations. For instance :

More generally


The fr, have obviously the same transformation

properties as the ery. The only non vanishing matrix

elements of ery are then the following :

We will also have to use the phonon density of

modes. For longitudinal phonons we write that the number dN of phonon modes with an energy hco

within d(hm) and characterized by a wavevector k within the solid angle dQ is given by :

where Y is the volume of the crystal and v, the longitu-

dinal sound velocity. The same relation is valid for the two transverse phonon density of modes, just replacing the longitudinal velocity VI by the trans-

verse velocity vt.


The probability Rji of observing a transition of the centre from astate 1 ) to another state Ii) with

emission of a phonon of energy Ei - Ej is then given

by the following expression :

The term in brackets [ ] is given by Fermi’s golden rule and is the probability for the simultaneous transi-

tions 1 i > --> 1 j > of the centre and 1 n, >--- > np + 1 ) of the phonon bath. As we are only interested in the transitions of the centre, we sum over all possible states of the phonon bath, each state being weighted by the probability Pr (nI... np ...) that it is occupied.

Taking into account the fact that the phonon density of modes is isotropic, eq. (3) gives :

The integral 7 appearing in (4) is easy to evaluate :

The constant Ar depends on the representation T .

But in this case, as we are looking at a problem of spherical symmetry (due to the fact that the sound

velocity, and therefore also the phonon density of modes, is isotropic) we can take for F the represen- tations of the rotation group. We will therefore have

a constant A’J)o which gives Arl in our case and a

constant A’J)2 which gives in our case AE+ T2. This

shows that the constant Ar is the same for the E and

the T2 representations. As we don’t need the A,1

constant (there is no relaxation due to the symmetric component of the phonon induced strain field) we have just to evaluate A




AT2. For longitudinal phonons one finds : A = 4 nk2/5. For transverse pho-

nons one finds A


6 nk’15 for the sum of the two polarizations.

If we now make the additional assumption that

the lattice is and remains in thermal equilibrium, we

can replace 1 (np + 1) Pr (ni * 1 . np ...) by the Bose-


Einstein factor e1iw/kTI(e1iw/kT - 1). One gets the proba-

bility of transition with emission of a phonon :


The same calculation can be made for a transition with absorption of a phonon just by replacing (np+ 1 )

by n » :


If we put in a the numerical values available for CaO,

one finds a


0.15 + 0.04 if all energies are given in

cm cm-1 . 1

Expressions (5) and (6) can be condensed in expres- sion (7) whatever the energy ordering of the levels i and j :


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