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On the stochastic transport in disordered systems


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1988

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On the stochastic transport in disordered systems

M.V. Feigel’Man, V.M. Vinokur

To cite this version:

M.V. Feigel’Man, V.M. Vinokur. On the stochastic transport in disordered systems. Journal de

Physique, 1988, 49 (10), pp.1731-1736. �10.1051/jphys:0198800490100173100�. �jpa-00210854�


On the stochastic transport in disordered systems

M. V. Feigel’man (1) and V. M. Vinokur (2)

(1) Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, Moscow 117334, U.S.S.R.

(2) Institute for Solid State Physics, 142432, Chernogolovka, Moscow region, U.S.S.R.

(Requ le 30 novembre 1987, révisé le 20 avril 1988, accepté le 1 er juin 1988)



Nous considérons la marche aléatoire à une dimension dans un champ de force aléatoire (RWRF)

en présence d’un petit champ alternatif. Nous calculons la réponse alternative de la particule se propageant suivant la loi sublindaire x ~ tkW, 03BA 1, où tw est le temps total du mouvement de la particule. Nous montrons

que la partie imaginaire de la susceptibilité alternative ~" obéit à une loi de puissance ~"(03C9) ~ 03C9K pour

tw ~ ~ et ~" (03C9) ~ 03C9-03BA pour tw ~ 03C9-1. Nous suggérons la propriété de loi d’échelles de la susceptibilité pour des temps longs mais finis : ~" ~ 03C903BA f(1/03C9t1-03BAw). Nous discutons l’analogie entre ces résultats et les phénomènes de transport dispersifs dans les milieux amorphes et le vieillissement des verres de spin.



The one-dimensional random walk in random-force field (RWRF) in the presence of the small ac field is considered. The ac response of the particle propagating according to the sublinear law x ~ tkw,

03BA 1, where tw is the total time of the particle’s motion, is calculated. The imaginary part of ac susceptibility,

~", is shown to obey the power law : X"(03C9) ~ 03C9k at tw ~ ~ and ~"(03C9) ~ 03C9 -k at tw ~ 03C9-1. The scaling

behaviour of susceptibility for large but finite times tw is suggested : ~" ~ 03C9k f(1/03C9t1w-k). The analogy

between these results and phenomena of dispersive transport in amorphous media and ageing in spin glasses is




Physics Abstracts 05.40 - 71.55J

1. We report some new results concerning the properties of the one-dimensional random walks in the random force field (RWRF). The interest in the

subject is based upon the fact that 1D RWRF

appeared to mimic surprisingly well the time evolu- tion phenomena of a wide variety of disordered systems. The dispersive transport in amorphous

semiconductors [1-2], spin-slip dynamics on fractals [3] or relaxation of magnetization in spin-glasses [4, 5] can be mentioned as the most striking examples.

In this paper we consider the particle propagating

over 1D random force medium under the action of extra driven force and find the ac response of this system. The low-frequency response appears to be

nonstationary and strongly affected by the total propagation time, tW, of the particle, provided the particle motion is governed by thermal activation

over large-scale barriers (in other words, at suffi- ciently low temperatures). We find the ac suscepti- bility, X (úJ ), to demonstrate the anomalous power- law frequency dependence im X (to ) - w - ’ at initial

stages of the evolution of the system and

im X (w ) - w ’ when the total time of particle mo- tion tw is very long : tw >>>w - 1.

The observed tw dependence of the finite-fre- quency response X (w ) is in fact the kind of ageing phenomena, which are well-known in spin-glass and polymer-glass physics [4, 5, 6]. It should be noted that the power-law behaviour 3m x ( w ) ~ w K itself could be easily interpreted in terms of the multitude of modes with an exponential distribution of energy

barriers ; however, the fact that this behaviour is

accompanied by ageing is less trivial and indicates the highly correlated nature of dynamics involved.

This type of dynamics is usually assumed to be

characteristic for glassy systems (see e.g. [7, 8]).

Therefore, we believe our results to be more general

than the simplest 1D model considered.

2. The 1D RWRF has been extensively studied by

numerous authors [9-19] and the unusual behaviour of mean displacement (x) ’" t K, K 1 under the action of driven force [11, 12, 14] as well as the anomalously slow diffusion law (without the driven

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:0198800490100173100



force) (X2) -- In’ t [13] have been found to occur for the discrete version of the model. The continuous version of RWRF was introduced by one of the

authors [17] for the kink propagation along the

dislocation line (note that kinks on the dislocation represent the only known direct physical realization of the 1D RWRF). The exponential distribution of barriers was suggested and the sublinear motion law, x -- t K, K 1 was obtained from the very simple

Arrhenius arguments ([17]).

Continuous RWRF is governed by a Langevin- type equation of motion :

where ( f (x ) ) = 0, ( f (x ) f (x’ ) ) = y 5(x-x’), F

represents the driven force, q is the thermal noise :

TJ (t) TJ (t’» T = 2 T 5 (t - t’ ).

The long-time dynamics reflects the thermally

activated particle motion over large fluctuations of the random potential U(x) and is determined by the probability distribution density, p (E), of the energy

barriers, E, for a system of fixed length, L. The particle energy variations, e, when moving through

random potential relief can be described with Marko- vian process :

(the quenched disorder f (x ) represents « noise » in the random walks over the energy axis). Therefore, p (E) can be written in the form of path integral

The scales of energy, Eo, and length, xo, can be found from equation (3) and are given by [17] :

In a large system there is a finite probability to find

the barrier with E > Eo. This probability can be

calculated by saddle-point integration in equation (3).

The saddle-point trajectory that minimizes the

« action » in equation (3) obeys the equation of


with the solution E (x ) = Fx, 0 -- X -- fE = E/F, describing the large fluctuational barrier retarding

the particle and solution E = - Fx representing the

mean slop of the random potential v (x ). Performing

the steepest descent integration one finds

The delay time distribution corresponding to p(E) from equation (5) is

This expression is valid for ’r > Tj 1=

To exp (1 / K ), were 71 1 is the time for the particle to

overcome a typical barrier Eo.

Consider first the high-temperature region, K > 1.

The mean total time which the particle needs to get through the system of length L is


(the factor L/xo represents the mean number of relevant traps in the system). By using equation (6)

one gets immediately :

Hence, the mean displacement (x) as a function of t is

When K -+- 1, the total time ttot (L ) the particle

travels over the system diverges. This means that the

contribution of the traps ceases to be additive. At

K 1 the motion of the particle is dominated by

very rare, but extremely deep potential wells. The

divergence in (7) should be cut off at r = ’rmax(L),

where ?max (L ) is the largest probable waiting time

the particle encounters on the distance L. ’rmax(L)

can be found from a simple estimate :

The meaning of this relation is that the particle at

most once is captured by the deepest trap correspon-

ding to ’Tma.(L)- It follows immediately from (10)


Inverting (11) one obtains the mean displacement x

in time t for K 1 :

The origin of this sublinear drift as well as the

anomalous logarithmical diffusion (in the absence of

driven force) can be understood as a result of


subsequent captures of the particle by the more and

more deep and wide potential wells the particle

encounters when travelling over 1D random

medium. Attention is to be called that such a motion

can be alternatively described as dwelling within the potential well with walls growing up as the total time of particle motion, tW, (that is the « age » of the

system) increases.

To handle the motion of the particle in the permanently evolving random environment it is convenient to define the « renormalized » probability density 1/1’ R (t) for the particle still to remain in the trap with the decay time t up to the moment t :

The point to be emphasized is that 41 (t ) represents the probability of finding the barrier with the delay

time t in the arbitrary point of the system while

1/1’ R (t) determines the probability to find the barrier with the delay time -- t at the point the particle is

located at time t.

At x > 1 1/1’ R (t) is normalizable. Accordingly, the

distribution density of energy barriers takes the form

so the most probable value of the energy barrier on the distance spanned is

and remembering that the mean slope of the relevant barrier is equal to F, one obtains for the barrier size :

Note that the time t, for the stationary motion regime and stationary distribution (6) to be settled

should satisfy the condition

At low temperatures, K 1, the normalization

integral for ’/J’ R ( T) should be cut off at 7-ma,,(L)

which coincides with the total time of the particle motion, tw (note that L = (T max (L»K = tK is the

total distance spanned by the particle). The normali- zed distribution 1/J’ R ( T) is given by

This tW-dependence of the probability density 1/1’ R ( T) implies that at K 1 the motion becomes

non-stationary. The average depth and size of the well the particle finds itself within are now :

3. Now we turn to the calculation of the frequency susceptibility of the system at low temperatures,

K 1. Consider first the infinite, tw - oo, limit. At

frequencies w >> tw 1 the particle can be treated as

captured by the symmetric potential well, UR (x ) :

(the first term determines the mean slopes of the well, while the second describes fluctuations due to

quenched random force f (x)). Then the probability

for the particle to be near the point x at time t obeys

the Fokker-Planck equation :

where f eù e- i eùt is the infinitesimal harmonic force.

We shall look for a solution in the form

where Po (x ) = exp [- UR (x )/T ] is the equilibrium

solution of the unperturbed, f (J) = 0, system. Then the susceptibility X(10)= - a (x «(ù ) > / a f (J) =

f dx P 1 (x ) x can be expressed in terms of the

eigenfunctions, a ) , and eigenvalues, sa, of the related Schr6dinger equation



where 10) - Po (x ) is the ground state eigenfunc-


To bring (22) to a more conventional form one can

define the operator (3 (x ) by the relation




use of the relation dJ3 d7 = 1 (HJ3 - J3 H) where


H is the Hamiltonian corresponding to (21 ) one finds

I I A I k 1

One can see from (24) that X (0 ) =1 T (0 IX21 0) as it

should. Introducing spectral density g



one obtains

The spectral density g ( e ) is calculated by the

usual methods developed in the theory of 1D

disordered media.

The point to be noted is that, because of the nonuniform character of the potential UR (x ), the

Beresinskii-Gor’kov approach [20] (where the wave

functions found in regions of uniformity are then

matched at the singularity point) rather than the Schmidt method [21] should be employed. The straightforward calculation gives after some algebra

the result for the low-lying states :

The physical reasons for the proportionality g ( E ) oc p ( E ) one can perceive in the fact that the localization length, f, of the eigenfunctions I a ) corresponding to the low-lying states, is determined

by the mean slope of the barrier and can be shown to be independent of £ : e -- K - 1. This implies that the

matrix elements (0 1 x « ) appear to be independent of E,, for small Ea and the calculation of g ( £ )

reduces in fact (for low-lying states) to the calcu- lation of the averaged density of states p ( £ ) _

s p s ( E - E,, ). This quantity was calculated in [18]

(for the case of « bare » potential field U(x) _


and the result

that was obtained can be shown to hold for our case as well.

The relation (26) holds until £ e- 1,,"K , at energies corresponding to the long-time limit t > T 1. From

(26) and (25) we get

The susceptibility (27) corresponds to slow relax- ation at large times

The results obtained can be referred to as the

stationary dynamic response. For the large but finite tW > t the ground state I 0) and low lying states with

E e - 1 /’ should be treated as the quasilocalized

levels rather than strictly localized states. The decay

rates T a are of the order of T -1= exp (- E/ T ).

Then, the mean decay rate r = r a) R is deter-

mined by

It seems reasonable to assume that the finite-time

generalization of (26) takes the form

where f (x ) is the scaling function satisfying con-

ditions f (0) = 1, f ( oo ) = 0 (the latter equality

follows from the fact that for extremely small energies, 8 Eo = tW 1 tW-1=- T the eigenstates

are absent). Note that being quite plausible this assumption is not proved at the moment. Combining (27), (29) and (30) we obtain finite-tw response :

and the corresponding relaxation law

At waiting times tw - t the susceptibility can be

obtained by direct Fourier-transformation of the law of the « initial » evolution of the system

and takes the form

It is interesting to note that this result describes the response due to transitions between neighbour- ing potential wells. In fact, one can consider the

absorption of energy by the set of two-level systems constituted by potential wells with the distribution function of relaxation times 1p’R (T). By means of the

usual Debye-absorption theory approach it is easy to

recover the result of (34).

Another point to be mentioned is that there exists

an intermediate waiting-time, tw, in the region :

t tW tl/(1- K ) where the crossover of the fre- quency behaviour from equation (34) to equation (32) should take place.

4. To conclude with, some comments are to be

made. (i) The exponential distribution of relevant barriers (5) and resulting algebraic form of distri- bution of delay times (6) constitute the ground of

our analysis. Analogous distributions have been found in the directed percolation model [22]. This gives us the possibility to make an assumption that

our results could be applied to the systems or phenomena allowing description in terms of percola-

tive motion. The transport phenomena in amorphous

semiconductors including dispersive transport [1]

and photoinduced absorption [2] should be con-

sidered as probable candidates. The time depen- dence of transient photocurrent, I (t ), corresponding

to the carrier packet propagation from one side of


the amorphous film to another one has been demon- strated to have the form [1, 23]

where the transit time tT is thought to be the time of the first achievement the absorbing side of the

sample by the leading edge of the carrier packet, tT - d’Il", where d is the thickness of the film. To

explain the data observed, Montroll and Scher [23]

introduced the algebraic waiting-time distribution function 1Jf (t) ’" t- (1 + a). The data (35) can be

related to our formulae if we consider the transient current as a consequence of the hoppings between potential wells which form some percolative clusters.

Then the two regimes observed correspond to the initial, (x t K, evolution and residual relaxation,

(x (t) - (x (00 ) > ’" t- 1(, of the system. It is interest-

ing then that the time dependence of population of trapped carriers N ’" t - a and logarithmic time-de- pendence of depth of the most effective traps,

Etr - Tin t, and temperature dependence of ex-

ponent « = T/To which has been observed by photoinduced absorption measurements can be di-

rectly described by our formulae (17) and (18) with

x = a.

(ii) The power-law frequency dependence of the susceptibility 3m x - (J) I( and the corresponding nonexponential relaxation (28) are surprisingly ana- logous with the frequency-dependent response X (w ) and remanent magnetization. M (t ) behaviour

that has been found in recent experiments in spin- glasses [5, 24, 25]. In fact, it was shown that

analytical expression which best fits the experiment

can be written as

where t, is the time the system is kept below freezing

temperature before the applied field is switched off and t is the observation time. In the limits of an

infinite age, tw - oo, the relaxation reduces to a

power law :

and correspondingly X " (w ) - co " .

Still more interesting is that the ageing processes in frequency susceptibility X " and magnetization

relaxation are of the form given by equations (31), (32). Indeed, in spite of the fact that ageing in spin glass seems to be described by the two independent parameters a and 03BC, the recent data indicate the relation a = 1 - g [24], which is just the result of

our model (where a = K, JL = 1 - K). Obviously

this simplest model is very far from real spin glasses,

but the above similarity seems to be intriguing.


One of the authors (V.M.V.) would like to thank P. Monceau and C.R.T.B.T. for hospitality at

C.N.R.S. and also express his gratitude to M. Papou-

lar and R. Rammal as well as to J. Hammann and M. Ocio for helpful and stimulating discussions.


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