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Masculins / Féminins : dialogues géographiques et au-delà


Academic year: 2022

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This conference is organized by the UMR Pacte (Sophie Louargant and for the Local organization committee Catherine Morel).Pacte is a joint research unit from the CNRS (UMR 5194) and Grenoble University supervised by the Grenoble Institute of political studies which is seconded by Pierre Mendès France University and Joseph Fourier University. Pacte is partnered by the National Foundation of Political Science. The director of Pacte is Mr Nicolas Buclet , there are two assistant directors : Mr Romain Lajarge (Territory Department), Mr Alain Faure (Political Science Department).

Monday, December 10, 2012

Alpine Geography Institute, City of Territories, Grenoble, France Address-14 Bis, Rue Marie Reynoard, 38000 Grenoble – France

http:// iga.ujf-grenoble.fr/

8: 30-9:00 -am : Conference Check-in, Registration Opening and coffee

9 :00-9 :50- am: Symposium opening: Sophie Louargant, Université Pierre Mendès France, Grenoble 2, UMR Pacte, Grenoble

Mr.Pascal Dumontier, President of Grenoble University 2, Pierre Mendès France

Mr Patrick Levy, President of Grenoble University 1 , Joseph Fourier

Mr John Tuppen, Director of Alpine Geography Institute, Grenoble University 1 , Joseph Fourier

Mr Nicolas Buclet, Director of UMR Pacte, Grenoble

Ms Sandra Laugier, Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences, National Center for Scientific Research, Paris

Ms Cécile Cukierman, Senator of the Loire district, Rhône-Alpes Regional Council, Lyon

Mr Marc Baïetto, President of Grenoble Alpes Métropole

Ms Alberte Bonnin-Dessarts, director for gender equality, discrimination and accessibility, Grenoble Alpes Métropole.

10:00-10:45- am : Plenary addresses /Conferences: Linda Mac Dowell, , Oxford University, St John's College St. Giles, London

Discussant : Sophie Louargant, UMR Pacte, Grenoble 10:45-11:00-am : Coffee Break

11:00-12:15 am: Plenary addresses /Conferences : Géraldine Pratt, Families Apart:

Migrant Mothers and the Conflicts of Labor and Love, British Columbia University, Vancouver

Discussant: Anne-Laure Amilhat-Szary, UMR Pacte, Grenoble


12 :15-12 :30- pm : Conclusion of the morning, Issues of the “French biennale gender and geography”:

Discussant : Sophie Louargant, UMR Pacte, Grenoble, Yves Raibaud, UMR Ades, Bordeaux 12 :30-1 :45-pm : Lunch

2:00-3:30-pm : Panel session 3:30-3:45-pm : Coffee break 3 :45-5 :15-pm: Panel session

5 :15-6 :00-pm : Transfer to the Institute of technology, IUT2 of Grenoble, Place Verdun 6 :00-8 :00 pm : wine and cheese

Discussion, Exhibition : Gender equality and territories: portfolio of competences.

with :

Lionel Filippi, Director of IUT2, Grenoble University 2, Pierre Mendès France

Anne-Laure Carrier, Local organisation and gender issues, Grenoble Alpes Métropole

Exhibition : Student’s project, IUT2, Departement of social issues

Exhibition: Have jobs a sex ?, local network on sex equality, City of Fontaine

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Urban Planning Institute of Grenoble, City of Territories, Grenoble, France Address: 14, Rue Marie Reynoard, 38000 Grenoble, http://iug-grenoble.fr/

8.30-am : Coffee

9.00-am : Symposium opening at the IUG, Marcus Zepf, Director of the Urban Institute of Grenoble, Grenoble University 2, Pierre Mendès France

9:15-9:45-am : Plenary addresses /Conferences

Rachel Pain, Emotional warfare: love/hate and structures of care in domestic violence, Durham University, United Kingdom

Christine Verschuur, Women and development strategies, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva, Suisse

Houria Alami, Gender and local democracy in Morocco. New realities, new questions, Université Hassan II, Casablanca, Morocco.

Discussants: Emmanuel Matteudi, Myriam Houssay-Holzschuch, UMR Pacte, Grenoble 10:45-11:00-am : coffee break

11 :00-12 :30-am : Panel session 12 :30-2 :00-pm : Lunch

2 :15-3:45 pm: Panel session 3 :45-4 :15 pm : Pause


4 :15-6 :15 pm: Plenary addresses : Gender and cinema, Alpine Geography Institute Discussants : Géraldine Pratt, Anne-Laure Amilhat-Szary

Researcher and artist points of view

Jean-Francois Staszak, Where do femmes fatales come from ? For a geography of vamps in Hollywood, from the 1910s to the 1950s, Geneva University

Nick Mai, Emborders: problematizing sexual humanitarianism through experimental filmmaking, Institute for the Study of European Transformations (ISET), London Metropolitan University,

8:00 pm Free evening in Grenoble

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Maison des Sciences de l’Homme Alpes Address: - 1221 Central Avenue - Campus

St Martin d'Hères - Phone: 04-76-82-73-00 - http://www.msh-alpes.fr/

9 :00 - am :Opening symposium : Dominique Rigaux, director of MSH Alpes

9 :15-10 :15-am Plenary addresses /Conference : Gender, Citizenship, categorization (1) Discussants : Mathilde Dubesset, Nasima Moujoud, Umr Larhra

Elsa Guillalot, Gender and the French Republic : about equality, UMR Pacte, Grenoble,

Benoît Quinquis, Which space is left for women in Plato’s dialogues , Equipe Ethique, Professionalisme et Santé (JE 2535-EPS), Bretagne Occidentale University, Brest

Ian Zdanowicz, Elsa Dorlin, Passing and the Space: a study of “Paper Aryans” : Jews in Poland Who Survived World War II Under an “Aryan” Identity, Laboratoire Théories du Politique, département de science politique, Paris 8 University, (LabTop)

Film : Solène Beaucher , Regarder aux côtés, Paris-Est University Créteil (UPEC) 10 :15-11 :10-am Plenary addresses /Conference : Gender, Citizenship, categorization (2) Discussants : Mathilde Dubesset,Umr Larhra, Françoise Thébaud.

Magali Hardouin, What places for gender in school geography? Analysis of the photos in textbooks, UMR Eso, Rennes

Anne Sgard, Valérie Opériol, Isabelle Collet, Gender issue in the training of teachers in History and Geography , Geneva University, IUFE, Unimail

Raymonde Sechet, The place of women and their bodies in French geography:

memories and personal experiences, UMR Eso, Rennes 11 :10-11 :25-am : coffee break

11:25 -12:30- am : Session4


12 :30-2 :oo-pm : Lunch MSH

2 :oo-4 :15 pm : Plenary addresses /Conference, Discussants : Linda Mac Dowell, Oxford University, Sandra Laugier, Gis Genre CNRS Paris.

Blidon Marianne, Should be reflective? Geography and feminist epistemologies, IDUP-Université Paris 1

Yves Raibaud, Masculine approach : a problem for geography, UMR Ades, Bordeaux

Jaurand Emmanuel, The geography of homosexuality’s in France: the blocking or a catching up?, UMR Eso, Rennes

Marius-Gnanou Kamala, Gender, class, caste, community and place:

intersectionality in the post-colonial Indian context, UMR Ades, Bordeaux

Sophie Louargant, Gender, identity and new arrangements: views for the geography, UMR Pacte, Grenoble

4 :30 pm : Closing of the symposium


Panels Programme


Monday, December 10, 2012

Alpine Geography Institute, City of Territories, Grenoble, France Address-14 Bis, Rue Marie Reynoard, 38000 Grenoble – France - http:// iga.ujf-


2:00-3:30-pm : Panel session Session 1 - Gender, movement and circulation of persons

Discussants: Sonia Chardonnel, UMR Pacte, Grenoble, Nadine Cattan, UMR Géographie- cités, Paris

Camilla Spadavecchia, Women's migration from sub-saharian Africa to Europe:

impacts on territories, Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione (DISFOR),Genova

Assaf Dahdah, Ces nouveaux autres. Les migrants non Arabes dans les quartiers pauvres de Beyrouth, Laboratoire Telemme (Temps, Espaces, Langages, Europe Méridionale - Méditerranée), Université de Provence-Aix-Marseille I

Maud Perrier, Professional migrant women and the contradictions of contemporary femininities: an autobiographical perspective, University of Bristol

Aude Kerivel, Various steps on the way of women placed in vulnerable situations : between free moving ability and lonelyness, Laboratoire Etude Recherche Formation en Action Sociale (Lerfas), Tours

Session 2- Gender, body and otherness

Discussants: Sandra Laugier, Inshs CNRS, Bordeaux, Emmanuel Jaurand, UMR Eso, Rennes

Nadine Cattan , Albert Vanolo, Networked territoriality and urban nomadism of homosexual women in Paris , UMR Géographie-cités, Paris

Stéphane Leroy, Denis Trauchessec, «Silence, on tourne». Déambulations masculines, appropriation clandestine de l'espace public et interactions (homo)sexuelles anonymes, LAB'URBA, Paris

Fidolini Vulca, Le corps masculin comme objet et agent culturel. Jeunes adultes et gestion des espaces, des lieux et des temps en milieu migrant, UMR Cultures et Sociétés en Europe, Université de Strasbourg

4. Louis Dupont, Charlotte Prieur, Masculinité et géographie en deux regards et trois mouvements, Université de la Sorbonne, Paris

Session 3 - Gender, fragility and resources

Discussants: Emmanuel Matteudi, UMR Pacte, Grenoble, Kamala Marius-Gnanou, UMR Ades, Bordeaux


Elisabetta Cangelosi, Female and male about water: gender geography in Ancient Rome, Instituto Italiano di Scienze Umane, Università di Siena, Italie

Floriana Chouraqui, Pauline Texier, Hélène Guétat, Aire protégée, risque volcanique, développement touristique : un contexte propice pour analyser l'enjeu d'une démarche participative au prisme du genre sur l'île de Fogo dans l'archipel du Cap Vert, Université de Lyon, Umr EVS, Lyon

Brice De Reymaeker, Women's development spaces of the Catalan development cooperation in northern Morocco: The aromatic plants cooperative in Bni Boufrah and the sociocultural center of Ain Hausi in Chefchauen, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Espagne

Asma ben Lazrak,Role of African women in the process of empowerment,UMR Pacte, Grenoble

Session 4 - Governance and women in geography

Discussant: Francine Barthe, University of Picardie, Paris session will be held on wednesday 12 December

Technical University of Athens

Session 5 - Gender, Planning, Governance: the local territories in acts

Discussants: Dominique Mansanti, UMR Pacte, Grenoble, Emmanuel Roux, UMR Pacte, Grenoble

1. Alberte Dessarts-Bonnin, Councillor delegate in charge of gender equality, the fight against discrimination and accessibility, The Metro - Grenoble Alpes Métropole. Anne-Laure Carrier Experience, Actions, Projects agglomeration The Metro - Grenoble Alpes Métropole 2. Mathieu Robin for students of Professional Degree, IUT2, Local observatory and gender perspective, Gières City, coordinated by Linossier Rachel, Sophie Louargant 3. Sylvette Rochas, first deputy mayor for social cohesion, cultural development, gender equality and General Affairs, City of Echirolles, Chambon Laurie, “House for gender equality”, Echirolles City.

4. Alice Herbaut-Dufour, Security arrangements Policies: between fantasy and reality?

Women at the heart of the problem, Master of Sciences Territories, IDT, Institut de Géographie Alpine, Grenoble

5. Edith Maruejouls, City governance by gender, UMR Ades, Bordeaux

Session 6 - Gender, Citizenship, categorization

Discussants: Dina Viaou, Technical University of Athenes, Elsa Guillalot, UMR Pacte, Grenoble


Mireia Boya Busquet, Rosa Cerarols Ramírez, Feminine Orality: Spanish

Reconquest Operation experienced by Baish Aran women , Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Barcelone, Espagne

Joanne Le Bars, "Sans-papiers" (undocumented immigrants) women and the City, Space and place of domination and resistance, Through a participatory video experience, LAB'URBA, Institut d'Urbanisme de Paris (IUP) (film)

Aline Prévert, Ewa Bogalska-Martin, The Struggle Against Discriminations : construction and uses of public area, UMR Pacte, Grenoble

Begüm Basdas, ClaireHancock,Subverting dominant norms through performances in public space: minorities in Turkey and France, Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Université Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC)

Monday, December 10, 2012

Alpine Geography Institute, City of Territories, Grenoble, France Address-14 Bis, Rue Marie Reynoard, 38000 Grenoble – France - http:// iga.ujf-


3:30-5:30 pm : Panel session Session 7 - Gender, movement and circulation of persons

Discussants:Nasima Moujoud, UMR Larhra, Grenoble, Dina Vaiou, Athens University, Grèce

Valentina Genta, Life stories of Moroccan women in Emilia Romagna (Italy): ways, migration experiences and self-consciousness, Disfor (dipartimento di scienze della formazione), Genova

Mina Saidi Sharouz, Les mobilités spatiales des femmes dans les villes du Moyen- Orient. L'exemple de Téhéran, IFRI/ Mosaique,

Charlotte Pujol, Women in the city: what temporalities ?, Espaces et Sociétés, Carta, UMR Eso, Rennes

Céline Jacquin, Living in mega Mexican housing estates : daily territoriality and spatial competences,

Lab'Urba, Paris.

Session 8 - Gender, body and otherness

Discussants: Francine Barthe, UMREspaces, Nature et Culture, Paris, Jean-François Staszak, Genova University

Monia Lachheb, Feminine Body - Male Body, The stakes in the standard between sports space and social space , Institut supérieur du sport et de l'éducation physique, Tunisia


Hofmann Elisabeth, L'école comme un espace peu sûr pour des filles en Afrique.

Corps et espace dans la mesure et la lutte contre la violence de genre à l'école, UMR Les Afriques dans le monde (LAM), Université Montesquieu, Bordeaux IV

Lambert Karine, Women burglar ! Altered bodies, alterised bodies and subversion of Gender order, Laboratoire Telemme (Temps, Espaces, Langages, Europe Méridionale - Méditerranée), Université de Provence-Aix-Marseille I

4. Niall Bond, The earth, the sea and gender: Nicolaus Sombart's interpretation of Carl Schmitt's work, Université de Lyon 2.

Session 9 - Gender, fragility and resources

Discussants: Yan Tucny, UMR Pacte, Grenoble, Raymonde Sechet, UMR Eso, Rennes

Colette Le Petitcorps, When expropriated space-time is recaptured. Migrant women experiences’ in domestic and care work in France(Migrinter), Poitiers

Caretta Martina Angela, Gabrielsson Sara,Testing virtuous spirals. Exploring the process of women's empowerment through microcredit and self-saving networks in East Africa, Departement of Human Geography, Stockholm University

Isabel Dyck, Masculinities, materialities and the production of home care, QMUL, Mile End Road, London

4. Martin Wagener, Single-parenthood in Brussels – between urban segregation and reappropriation of the relation to space, Centre de recherche interdisciplinaires Démocratie, Institutions, Subjectivité, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgique

Session 10 - Gender, Planning, Governance: the local territories in acts (2)

Discussants: Dominique Royoux, Ruralités, Poitiers, Grégoire Feyt, UMR Pacte, Grenoble

1. Philippe Teillet, Gender and intercommunality, UMR Pacte, Grenoble

2. Mathilde Dubesset, Observatory for Parity, President of Planned Parenthood, Grenoble 3. Brigitte Périllé, Development of gender mainstreaming in public policy, Vice-President in charge of children in danger, family, and equality between men and women, the General Council of Isere

4. Ronald Groaters, Homosexuality and rural area, Thoard, Alps

5. Yves Raibaud, Experiences around the Development Council of the Urban Community of Bordeaux


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Urban Planning Institute of Grenoble, City of territories, Grenoble, France Address: 14, Rue Marie Reynoard, 38000 Grenoble, http://iug-grenoble.fr/

11 :00-12 :30-am : Panel session Session 11 - Gender, movement and circulation of persons

Discussants: Sonia Chardonnel, UMR Pacte, Grenoble, Kamila Tabaka, UMR Pacte, Grenoble

Martine Berger, Claire Aragau, Lionel Rougé, Mobility and immobility in the periurban areas of the parisian outer suburbs : gender effect, class effect, or generation effect ?, UMR Ladyss, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris I, Gecko, Université Paris-Ouest, UMR Eso, Université de Caen

Silvia Rosales-Montano, Le vieillissement au féminin et la mobilité, une transition dans les approches : les flux-enjeux des femmes, Agence d'urbanisme pour le développement de l'agglomération lyonnaise

Brigitte Nader-Hallier, Spatial practices and living space representations in the 75 years and older Paris inhabitant, LAB'URBA, Paris

Stéphanie Tuggener, Mobility and social inequality: exploring the nexus by means of sequence analysis and geovisualisation, University of Zurich, Institute of Geography (uzh), Zurich, Swiss

Christophe Hurez, Christophe Betin, Nicolas Wagner, Does the city's pulse beat at the same rhythm for men and women ?, Centre d'études techniques de Lyon, CETE de Lyon,MEDDTL, Lyon

Session 12 - Gender, body and otherness

Discussants: Anne-Laure Amilhat-Szary, UMR Pacte, Grenoble, Sophie Louargant, UMR Pacte, Grenoble

Camille Schmoll, Geographies of power in ‘Borderland' Europe: an approach through mobile bodies, Géographie-cités, CNRS , Paris

Fatima Ait Ben Lmadani, Migration south/south: Gender, dependency and new configurations of social relations of power, University of Mohammed V-Soussi Rabat, Morocco

Nasima Moujoud, Quand la colonisation précède la mondialisation. Genre et multiculturalisme au transnational, UMR Larhra, Grenoble,

Irene Kuetche, Rural women, urban and male-dominated marriages in Cameroon, University of Yaoundé, Cameroun

Session 13 - Gender,body and otherness

Discussants: Mariane Blidon, IDUP-Université Paris 1 , Paris, Jean-François Stazack, Geneva University


Romain Lajarge, Sexualities and spatiality: with or without territory?, UMR Pacte, Grenoble.

Karine Duplan, Looking for women. An insight on the spatialisation of gender norms in Luxembourg-city , UMR Espaces, Nature et Culture, Paris University IV

Ng Isabella, Sexual politics of belonging: Delineating Space in ritual activities in the Hong Kong walled villages, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London

Session 14 - Gender, fragility and resources

Discussants: Emmanuel Matteudi, UMR Pacte, Grenoble, Nasima Moujoud, UMR Larhra, Grenoble

Gaëlle Gillot, The approach gender in Morocco: a chance for the territorialisation of the workers of the textile industry to Rabat/Salé ?, Développement et Sociétés, UMR 201, UR201, Paris

Heide Studer, "Negotiate" the city, Landschaftsplanung, Mödling, Autriche, Vienne

Rosa Cerarols, Fabià Diaz, Maria Dolors Garcia-Ramon, Antonio Luna, The

“barrio” as the landscape of the crisis: gender, age and class relations and its strategies for survival, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona University

Christine Escallier,Gender and Territory: transformation of space and replay in a Portuguese fishermen’s community (Nazaré, Portugal), Universidade da Madeira (UMa), Laboratoire CRIA, Portugal

Session 15 - Gender, Planning and Governance

Discussants: Jean-Michel Roux, UMR Pacte, Dominique Mansanti, UMR Pacte, Grenoble

Rachel Linossier, L'offre de conseils en stratégies et projets urbains : une affaire d'hommes ?, UMR Pacte, Grenoble

Sabrina Sinigaglia-Amadio, Territories of immigrant women of “neighborhoods”

through the prism of social work , Laboratoire Lorrain de sciences sociales (2L2S), Lorraine University

Marine Kerguénou, Gender andurban regeneration, Institut d’Urbanisme de Lille et Master, Sciences Po Paris.

Eneida Chacon Botello,Women, Cities and Citizenship. Housing Policies and Gender: The case of “Sol Naciente” neighbourhood in Cordoba, Argentina, Master Sciences du Territoire, Institut d’Urbanisme de Grenoble, Erasmus Mundus, Grenoble Univeristy

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Urban Planning Institute of Grenoble, City of territories, Grenoble, France


Address: 14, Rue Marie Reynoard, 38000 Grenoble, http://iug-grenoble.fr/

2:15-3:45- pm : Panel session Session 16 - Gender, body and otherness

Discussants: Claire Hancock, Lab'Urba, Paris, Mauro Spotorno, Università degli studi di Genova, Gênes

Marianna Pino, Gender issues in mosques in Italy , Université de Bologne, Italie

Donnet Claire, A place where gendered and pious subjects get created, Laboratoire Cultures et sociétés en Europe, Strasbourg University

Sumeyye Ulu Sametoglu, Le lieu d'apprentissage de l'islam et la résolution des conflits séculiers : Sohbets comme un espace alternatif de socialisation féminine musulmane en France, Centre d'Analyse et d'Intervention Sociologiques, EHESS, Paris

Hamza Zeghlache, Monia Bousnina, Feminine Body - Male Body. The stakes in the standard between sports space and social space, Laboratoire d'architecture

Méditerranéenne (lam), Université de Setif, Algeria

Session 17 - Gender,body and otherness

Discussants: Mariane Blidon,IDUP-Université Paris 1 , Paris, Jean-François Stazack, Geneva University

Rachele Borghi, Are lesbians (in)visible in public space ?, Research on the lesbians territorialities in beach contexts , UMR Eso, Rennes.

Marien Gouyon, From the occupation of the space occupation of the identity "gay" in Casablanca, LAS, (EHESS), Paris

Maria Rodó de Zárate, Young lesbians negotiating public space: Intersectionality, place and lived experience in Manresa (Barcelona), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Espagne

Charlotte Prieur, Queer geographies and communities: go beyond gender and sexualities, UMR Espaces, Nature et Culture, Paris

Session 18- Gender,body and otherness

Discussants: Luc Gwiazdzinski, UMR Pacte, Yves Raibaud, UMR Ades, Bordeaux

Pakdeekul Ratana, Gender and creative tourism, Chiang Mai University

Polina Prentou,The gendered dimension of leisure. The case of young women in Athens, National Technical University of Athens, Greece

Amandine Chapuis, The sexual and gender dimensions of the performance of public space in the tourist experience of the Amsterdam Red-light District, Paris University, Panthéon-Sorbonne - Paris I


Session 19 – Gender, Planning, Governance

Présidentes : Kamala Marius-Gnanou, UMR Ades, Bordeaux, Frédéric Giraut, Geneva University

Marie-Hélène Bacqué, Carole Biewener,Féminisme et empowerment dans le champ du développement international : quels projets d'émancipation ?, UMR Lavue, Université Paris Ouest, Simmons College, Boston, Etats-Unis

Emmanuel Matteudi, Fatima Chahid,Gender approaches and the concept of development: impact in Maghreb? the example of Morocco , UMR Pacte, Grenoble,

Remi Alapo, Gender Relations of Space: Impact on women's leadership in Nigeria, University of Phoenix, Arizona, Etats-Unis

Stone Nzaou, Gender and decision-making in Africa Central , UERPOD (Union Pour L'étude et la recherche sur la population et le développement), Brazzaville

Session 20 – Gender, fragility and resources

Discussants: Yan Tucny, Kirsten Koop, UMR Pacte, Grenoble

Yasmina Doukkali, The new reforms as regards the integration of gender approach in regional public policies in Morocco (2012) , (CEDOC), Faculté des sciences juridiques économiques et sociales de Rabat Agdal, Maroc.

Sonia Kerfa, Gender, territory and memory in María Ruido's The Inner Memory (2002) or the documentary oscillation of a Galician family in and outside Germany in the seventies, Passages XX-XXI, EA4160 Université Lyon2.

Zakaria Abouddahab, The process of inclusion of gender in public policy in Morocco: dynamics and resistances , Université Mohammed V, Agdal - Rabat

Exhibitions during the conference:

- Have jobs a sex ?, Local network on sex equality, City of Fontaine

- Equality between women and men in local public policies in Grenoble, The Metro - Grenoble Alpes Métropole.

Artist Nick Nicola Mai, http://www.londonmet.ac.uk/research-units/iset/staff/mai.cfm The university cursus of UMR Pacte Grenoble, their leaders, their students are involved in the organization of the conference:

IUT2: Professional Degree in-social intervention, territorial coordinators and social Worker (coordinator Louargant Sophie, Ewa Martin, Nasima Moujoud, Elsa Guillalot)

Master of Science speciality Territories - Territorial Development Engineering, Institute of Alpine Geography (coordinator Emmanuel Roux, Magali Talandier, Junior business ideas Territories)


Master Territories Sciences, Urban UHCI Grenoble, Grenoble Institute of Urban Planning (coordinator: Emmanuel Matteudi)

Master Territory Sciences, speciality Innovation and Territory, ITER (coordinator: Luc Gwiazdzinski), speciality International development studies, Sustainability, Participation, Innovation (coordinator : Kirsten Koop),

Master City, Solidarity, Territories, Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Grenoble (coordinator:

Dominique Mansanti)


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