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LesAnnales de l’institut Fouriersont membres du Centre Mersenne pour l’édition scientifique ouverte

Joshua S. Friedman, Jay Jorgenson & Lejla Smajlović The determinant of the Lax–Phillips scattering operator Tome 70, no3 (2020), p. 915-947.


© Association des Annales de l’institut Fourier, 2020, Certains droits réservés.

Cet article est mis à disposition selon les termes de la licence Creative Commons attribution – pas de modification 3.0 France.




by Joshua S. FRIEDMAN,


Abstract. —LetM denote a finite volume, non-compact hyperbolic surface without elliptic points, and let B denote the Lax–Phillips scattering operator.

Using the superzeta function approach due to Voros, we define a Hurwitz-type zeta functionζ±B(s, z) constructed from the resonances associated tozI[(1/2)I±B].

We prove the meromorphic continuation in sof ζB±(s, z) and, using the special value ats= 0, define a determinant of the operatorszI[(1/2)I±B]. We obtain expressions for Selberg’s zeta function and the determinant of the scattering matrix in terms of the operator determinants.

Résumé. —SoitM une surface hyperbolique non compacte à volume fini sans points elliptiques, et soitBl’opérateur de diffusion de Lax–Phillips. En utilisant l’approche due à Voros sur la fonction superzeta, nous définissons une fonction zêta de type Hurwitz ζB±(s, z) construite à partir des résonances associées àzI [(1/2)I±B]. Nous prouvons le prolongement méromorphe en le paramètresde ζB±(s, z) et, en utilisant la valeur spéciale às= 0, définissons un déterminant des opérateurszI[(1/2)I±B]. Nous obtenons des expressions pour la fonction zêta de Selberg et le déterminant de la matrice de diffusion en termes de déterminants d’opérateurs.

Keywords:Super-zeta regularization, Selberg zeta function, scattering determinant, heat kernel, hyperbolic metric.

2020Mathematics Subject Classification:11M36.

(*) First-named author: The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and not those of the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, the Maritime Administration, the Department of Transportation, or the United States government.

Support for the second-named author was provided by several PSC-CUNY Awards, which are jointly funded by The Professional Staff Congress and The City University of New York.


1. Introduction

1.1. Determinant of the Laplacian and analytic torsion To begin, let M denote a compact, connected Riemannian manifold of real dimension n with Laplace operator ∆M. Following the seminal arti- cle [24], one defines the determinant of the Laplacian, which we denote by detM, as follows. Let e−t∆M be the heat operator associated to ∆M. SinceM is compact, the operator e−t∆M is a Hilbert–Schmidt type oper- ator with the kernelKM(t;x, y), the heat kernel associated to ∆M. More- over, using the semi-group property of e−t∆M one can show that e−t∆M is actually of trace-class. Therefore, we can consider the trace of the oper- atore−t∆M, which we refer to as the trace of the heat kernel(1) which is defined by

(1.1) Tr(e−t∆M) = TrKM(t) :=



KM(t;x, x)dµM(x),

where dµM(x) is the volume form onM. As shown in [24], the parametrix construction of the heat kernel implies that its trace TrKM(t) admits a certain asymptotic behavior ast approaches zero, and separately one can prove that TrKM(t) is continuous int and bounded ast tends to infinity.

As a result, one can define and study various integral transforms of the heat kernel. In particular, fors∈Cwith real part Re(s) sufficiently large, the spectral zeta function ζM(s) is defined from the Mellin transform of the trace of the heat kernel. Specifically, one sets

ζM(s) = 1 Γ(s)

Z 0

(TrKM(t)−1)tsdt t

where Γ(s) is the classical Gamma function. The asymptotic expansion of TrKM(t) astapproaches zero allows one to prove the meromorphic contin- uation ofζM(s) to alls∈Cwhich is holomorphic at s= 0. Subsequently, the determinant of the Laplacian is defined by

(1.2) detM := exp (−ζM0 (0)).

There are several generalizations of the above considerations. For exam- ple, letEbe a flat vector bundle onM, metrized so that one can define the action of a Laplacian ∆E,k which acts on k-forms that take values in E.

Analogous to the above discussion, one can use properties of an associated heat kernel and obtain a definition of the determinant of the Laplacian

(1)WhenM is non-compact, the operator e−t∆M is not even Hilbert–Schmidt type.

See [11, Theorem 3.7] for more details.


detE,k. Going further, by following [29] and [30], one can consider lin- ear combinations of determinants yielding, for example, the analytic torsion τ(M, E) ofE onM which is given by

(1.3) τ(M, E) := 1






At this time, one understands (1.3) to be a spectral invariant associated to the de Rham cohomology ofE onM. If instead one considers compact, connected complex manifolds with metrized holomorphic vector bundles, one obtains a similar definition for analytic torsion stemming from Dol- beault cohomology.

There are many manifestations of the determinant of the Laplacian, and more generally analytic torsion, throughout the mathematical literature.

For the sake of space, we will not survey some of the ways in which deter- minants of the Laplacian have been studied.

1.2. Non-compact hyperbolic Riemann surfaces

If M is a non-compact Riemannian manifold, then it is often the case that the integral (1.1) is divergent for any value oft >0. Hence, the above approach to define a determinant of the Laplacian does not get started.

This assertion is true in the case whenM is a finite volume, connected, hyperbolic Riemann surfaces, which will be the setting considered in this article. The first attempt to define a determinant of the Laplacian for non- compact, finite volume, hyperbolic Riemann surfaces is due to I. Efrat in [4, 5]. Efrat’s approach began with the Selberg trace formula, which in the form Efrat employed does not connect directly with a differential operator. In [17] the authors defined a regularized difference of traces of heat kernels, which did yield results analogous to theorems proved in the setting of compact hyperbolic Riemann surfaces. In [27], W. Müller generalized the idea of a regularized difference of heat traces to other settings. Following this approach, J. Friedman in [11] defined a regularized determinant of the Laplacian for any finite-volume three-dimensional hyperbolic orbifolds with finite-dimensional unitary representations, which he then related to special values of the Selberg zeta-function.

The concept of a regularized quotient of determinants of Laplacian has found important applications. For example, the dissertation of T. Hahn [13]

studied Arakelov theory on non-compact finite volume Riemann surfaces


using the regularized difference of heat trace approach due to Jorgenson–

Lundelius and Müller; see also [10] where the study is approached differ- ently and somewhat more generally. In [6] the authors used the regularized difference of determinants together with the metric degeneration concept from [18] in their evaluation of the sum of Lyapunov exponents of the Kontsevich–Zorich cocycle with respect to SL(2,R) invariant measures.

1.3. Our results

It remains an open, and potentially very important, question to define determinants of Laplacians, or related spectral operators, on non-compact Riemannian manifolds.

In the present article we consider a general finite volume hyperbolic Rie- mann surface without fixed points. Scattering theory, stemming from work due to Lax and Phillips (see [22] and [23]), provides us with the definition of a scattering operator, which we denote byB. The scattering operator is defined using certain Hilbert space extensions of the so-called Ingoing and Outgoing spaces; see Section 3 below. Lax and Phillips have shown thatB has a discrete spectrum; unfortunately, one cannot define a type of heat trace associated to the spectrum from which one can use a heat kernel type approach to defining the determinant ofB. Instead, we follow the superzeta function technique of regularization due to A. Voros in order to define and study the zeta functions ζB±(s, z) constructed from the resonances associ- ated tozI−[(1/2)I±B]. We prove the meromorphic continuation insof ζB±(s, z) and, using the special value ats= 0, define a determinant of the operatorszI−[(1/2)I±B].

Our main results are as follows. First, we obtain expressions for the Selberg zeta function and the determinant of the scattering matrix in terms of the special values of ζB±(s, z) ats = 0; see Theorem 6.2. Furthermore, we express the special valueZ0(1) of the Selberg zeta function in terms of the determinants of the operator−B+ (1/2)I; see Theorem 6.7.

Regarding Theorem 6.7, it is important to note the structure of the con- stants which relate the regularized determinant of−B+ (1/2)IandZ0(1).

Specifically, we now understand the nature of the corresponding constant from [31] in terms of theR-class of Arakelov theory. As it turns out, the multiplicative constant which appears in Theorem 6.7 has a similar struc- ture. Finally, one should note that Müller [26] was the first to study the regularized determinant, and associated zeta function of the Lax–Phillips


operator. He studied the functionζB+(s, z) for Re(z)>1 and gave a mero- morphic extension tos∈C. The method of proof in [26] utilizes the zeta regularization approach from [4, 5], whereas we develop an alternative ap- proach to define a regularized product, see Section 4 below.

1.4. Outline of the paper

The article is organized as follows. In Section 2 we recall various back- ground material from the literature and establish the notation which will be used throughout the paper. This discussion continues in Section 3 where we recall results from Lax–Phillips scattering theory. In Section 4 we establish the meromorphic continuation of superzeta functions in very general con- text. From the general results from Section 4, we prove in Section 5 that the superzeta functions ζB±(s, z) admit meromorphic continuations, with appropriate quantifications. Finally, in Section 6, we complete the proof of the main results of the paper, as cited above.


The authors wish to thank the anonymous referee for providing helpful suggestions and comments on a first draft of this article. We also thank Daniel Garbin for his support in preparing a final version of the manuscript;

his help was indispensable.

2. Background material 2.1. Basic notation

Let Γ⊆PSL2(R) be torsion free Fuchsian group of the first kind acting by fractional linear transformations on the upper half-planeH:={z∈C| z=x+iy , y >0}. LetM be the quotient space Γ\Handg the genus of M. Denote bycnumber of inequivalent cusps ofM.

We denote by ds2hyp(z) the line element and byµhyp(z) the volume form corresponding to the hyperbolic metric onM which is compatible with the complex structure ofM and has constant curvature equal to−1. Locally onM, we have

ds2hyp(z) = dx2+ dy2

y2 and µhyp(z) = dx∧dy y2 .


We recall that the hyperbolic volume volhyp(M) of M is given by the formula

vol(M) = 2π(2g−2 +c).

Let VΓ denote the space of Γ−invariant functions ϕ : H −→ C. For ϕ∈ VΓ, we set





whenever it is defined, whereF is a fundamental domain ofM, which we may assume is constructed as described in detail within Chapter 9 of [3].

We then introduce the Hilbert space H(Γ) :=

ϕ∈ VΓ

kϕk<∞ equipped with the inner product

1, ϕ2i:=



ϕ1(z)ϕ2(z)µhyp(z) (ϕ1, ϕ2∈ H(Γ)).

The Laplacian

∆ :=−y2 2

∂x2 + 2


acts on the smooth functions of H(Γ) and extends to an essentially self- adjoint linear operator acting on a dense subspace ofH(Γ).

Forf(s) a meromorphic function, we define thenull set,N(f) ={s∈C| f(s) = 0} counted with multiplicity. Similarly,P(f) denotes the polar set.

2.2. Gamma function

Let Γ(s) denote the gamma function. Its poles are all simple and located at each point of−N,where−N={0,−1,−2, . . .}. For|args|6πδ and δ >0, the asymptotic expansion [2, p. 20] of log Γ(s) is given by

(2.1) log Γ(s) =1

2log 2π+

s−1 2

logss +





(2j−1)2j 1

s2j−1 +gm(s).

Here Bi are the Bernoulli numbers and gm(s) is a holomorphic function in the right half plane Re(s) > 0 such that gm(j)(s) = O(s−2m+1−j) as Re(s)→ ∞for all integersj>0, and where the implied constant depends onj andm.


2.3. Barnes double gamma function

The Barnes double gamma function is an entire order two function defined by

G(s+ 1) = (2π)s/2exp

−1 2

(1 +γ)s2+s



1 + s

n n


−s+ s2 2n


whereγis the Euler constant. Therefore,G(s+ 1) has a zero of multiplicity n,at each point−n∈ {−1,−2, . . .}.

Fors /∈ −N, we have that (see [8, p. 114]) (2.2) G0(s+ 1)

G(s+ 1) =1

2log(2π) +1


where ψ(s) = ΓΓ0(s) denotes digamma function. For Re(s) > 0 and as s → ∞, the asymptotic expansion of logG(s+ 1) is given in [7] or(2) [1, Lemma 5.1] by

(2.3) logG(s+ 1) = s2 2

logs−3 2


12 −s ζ0(0) +ζ0(−1) −





4k(k+ 1)s2k +hn+1(s).

Here,ζ(s) is the Riemann zeta-function and hn+1(s) = (−1)n+1

s2n+2 Z


t exp(2πt)−1

Z t2 0

yn+1 y+s2dydt.

By a close inspection of the proof of [1, Lemma 5.1] it follows thathn+1(s) is holomorphic function in the right half plane Re(s)>0 which satisfies the asymptotic relationh(j)n+1(s) =O(s−2n−2−j) as Re(s)→ ∞ for all integers j>0, and where the implied constant depends uponj andn.


(2.4) G1(s) =

(2π)s(G(s+ 1))2 Γ(s)


It follows thatG1(s) is an entire function of order two with zeros at points

−n∈ −Nand corresponding multiplicities vol(M )(2n+ 1).

(2)Note that (2.1) is needed to reconcile these two references.


2.4. Hurwitz zeta function

The Hurwitz zeta-function ζH(s, z) is defined for Re(s) > 1 and z ∈ C\(−N) by the absolutely convergent series

ζH(s, z) =



1 (z+n)s.

For fixedz, ζH(s, z) possesses a meromorphic continuation to the whole s−plane with a single pole ats= 1 of order 1 and with residue 1.

For fixedz,one can show that

ζH(−n, z) =−Bn+1(z) n+ 1 ,

wheren∈N,andBn denotes then−th Bernoulli polynomial.

For integral values ofs, the functionζH(s, z) is related to derivatives of the digamma function in the following way:

ζH(n+ 1, z) =(−1)n+1

n! ψ(n)(z), n= 1,2, . . . 2.5. Automorphic scattering matrix

Letφ(s) denote the determinant of the hyperbolic scattering matrix Φ(s), see [32, Section 3.5]. The function φ(s) is meromorphic of order two [32, Theorem 4.4.3]. It is regular for Re(s)> 12 except for a finite number of polesσ1, σ2, . . . σm∈(1/2,1]; each pole has multiplicity no greater thanc, the number of cusps ofM.

We letρdenote an arbitrary pole ofφ(s). Sinceφ(s)φ(1−s) = 1,the set of zeros and poles are related byN(φ) = 1−P(φ),hence 1−σ1,1−σ2, . . .1−σm

are the zeros in [0,1/2).

Each pole σi ∈ (1/2,1] corresponds to a ∆−eigenspace, A1i), with eigenvalue λi = σi(1−σi), i = 1, . . . ,m, in the space spanned by the incomplete theta series. For alli= 1, . . . ,m we have [14, Equation 3.33 on p. 299]

(2.5) [The multiplicity of the pole ofφ(s) ats=σi]


For Re(s)>1, φ(s) can be written as an absolutely convergent general- ized Dirichlet series and Gamma functions; namely, we have that

(2.6) φ(s) =πc2 Γ s12 Γ (s)

!c X


d(n) g2sn


where 0< g1< g2< . . . andd(n)∈Rwithd(1)6= 0.

We will rewrite (2.6) in a slightly different form. Let c1=−2 logg16= 0, c2 = logd(1), and let un =gn/g1 > 1. Then for Re(s) >1 we can write φ(s) =L(s)H(s) where

(2.7) L(s) =πc2 Γ s12 Γ (s)

!c ec1s+c2


(2.8) H(s) = 1 +



a(n) u2sn ,

where a(n) ∈ R and the series (2.8) converges absolutely for Re(s) > 1.

From the generalized Dirichlet series representation (2.8) ofH(s) it follows that

(2.9) dk

dsk logH(s) =O(βkRe(s)) when Re(s)→+∞, for someβk >1 where the implied constant depends onk∈N.

2.6. Selberg zeta-function

The Selberg zeta function associated to the quotient space M = Γ\His defined for Re(s)>1 by the absolutely convergent Euler product

Z(s) = Y




1−N(P0)−(s+n) ,

whereP(Γ) denotes the set of all primitive hyperbolic conjugacy classes in Γ,andN(P0) denotes the norm ofP0∈Γ. From the product representation given above, we obtain for Re(s)>1

logZ(s) = X






N(P0)−(s+n)l l


=− X


Λ(P) N(P)slogN(P), (2.10)

where H(Γ) denotes the set of all hyperbolic conjugacy classes in Γ, and Λ(P) = 1−NlogN(P(P)0−1), for the (unique) primitive elementP0conjugate toP.


Let P00 be the primitive hyperbolic conjugacy class in all of P(Γ) with the smallest norm. Settingα =N(P00)12, we see that for Re(s) >2 and k∈Nthe asymptotic

(2.11) dk

dsk logZ(s) =O(αRe(s)) when Re(s)→+∞.

Here the implied constant depends onk∈N.

The Selberg zeta function admits a meromorphic continuation to all s∈ C, and its divisor can be determined explicitly, as follows (see [33, p. 49]

and [14, p. 499]):

(1) Zeros at the points sj on the line Re(s) = 12 symmetric rela- tive to the real axis and in (1/2,1]. Each zero sj has multiplicity m(sj) =m(λj) wheresj(1−sj) =λjis an eigenvalue in the discrete spectrum of ∆;

(2) Zeros at the pointssj = 1−σj ∈[0,1/2) (see Section 2.5). Here, by (2.5), the multiplicitym(sj) is

[multiplicity of the eigenvalueλj=σj(1−σj)]

− [order of the pole of φ(s) ats=σj]>0;

(3) Ifλ= 14 is an eigenvalue of ∆ of multiplicityd1/4, then s= 12 is a zero (or a pole, depending on the sign of the following) ofZ(s) of multiplicity

2d1/4−1 2

c−tr Φ 1



(4) Zeros at eachs=ρ,whereρis a pole of φ(s) with Re(ρ)< 12; (5) Trivial Zeros at pointss=−n∈ −N, with multiplicities vol(M) ×

(2n+ 1);

(6) Poles ats=−n−12,wheren= 0,1,2, . . . ,each with multiplicityc.

2.7. Selberg zeta function of higher order

For Re(s) > 1 and r ∈ N, following [21, Section 4.2.], we define the Selberg zeta function of orderr, or thepoly-Selberg zeta function of degree r,by the relation

Z(r)(s) = exp

− X


Λ(P) N(P)s(logN(P))r



This definition is consistent with the case r = 1 (see (2.10)), namely Z(1)(s) =Z(s).

Following [21, Section 4.2], it is easy to show that Z(r)(s) = Y







for Re(s)>1, whereHr(z) = exp(Lir(z)), and Lir(z) =




kr (|z|<1) is the polylogarithm of a degreer.

The meromorphic continuation of Z(r)(s) follows inductively for r ∈N from the differential ladder relation


dzr−1logZ(r)(s) = (−1)r−1logZ(s).

See [21, Proposition 4.9] for more details. Note that [21] deals with com- pact Riemann surfaces, so one must modify the region ΩΓ defined in [21, Proposition 4.9] by excluding the vertical lines passing through polesρof the hyperbolic scattering determinantφ; the other details are identical.

2.8. Complete zeta functions

In this subsection we define two zeta functionsZ+(s) andZ(s) associ- ated withZ(s) which are both entire functions of order two.


Z+(s) = Z(s)


whereG1(s) is defined by (2.4). Note that we have canceled out the trivial zeros and poles ofZ(s),hence the setN(Z+) consists of the following:

• Ats= 12,the multiplicity of the zero isa, where a= 2d1/4+c−1


c−tr Φ(1 2)

= 2d1/4+1 2

c+ tr Φ(1 2)


• Zeros at the points sj on the line Re(s) = 12 symmetric rela- tive to the real axis and in (1/2,1]. Each zero sj has multiplicity m(sj) =m(λj) wheresj(1−sj) =λjis an eigenvalue in the discrete spectrum of ∆;


• Zeros at the pointssj = 1−σj ∈[0,1/2) (see Section 2.5). Here, by (2.5), the multiplicitym(sj) is

[multiplicity of the eigenvalueλj=σj(1−σj)]

−[order of the pole of φ(s) ats=σj]>0;

• Zeros at eachs=ρ,whereρis a pole of φ(s) with Re(ρ)< 12. Set

Z(s) =Z+(s)φ(s).

Then it follows that N(Z) = 1−N(Z+). That is, sis a zero ofZ+ iff 1−sis a zero (of the same multiplicity) ofZ.

3. Lax–Phillips scattering operator on M

Following [22] and [28] we will introduce the scattering operatorB onM and identify its spectrum. Letu=u(z, t) be a smooth function onH×R. Consider the hyperbolic wave equation for−∆,

utt=Lu=−∆u−u 4, with initial valuesf ={f1, f2} ∈ H(Γ)× H(Γ), where

u(z,0) =f1(z) and ut(z,0) =f2(z).

Recall thath ·,· iis the inner product onH(Γ). The energy form (norm) for the wave equation is

E(u) =hu, Lui+h∂tu, ∂tui.

The energy form is independent oft,so in terms of initial values, an inte- gration by parts yields

E(f) = Z


y2|∂f1|2−|f1|2 4 +|f2|2

!dxdy y2 , whereF denotes the Ford fundamental domain of Γ.

In general, the quadratic form E is not positive definite. To overcome this difficulty we follow [28] and modifyEin the following manner: Choose a partition of unity {ψj | j = 0, . . . ,c} with ψ0 of compact support and ψj = 1 in thejth cusp (transformed to∞) fory > a,where ais fixed and sufficiently large. Set

Ej(f) = Z


ψj y2|∂f1|2−|f1|2 4 +|f2|2

!dxdy y2 ,


so that E = P

jEj. There exists a constant k1 and a compact subset K⊂ F so that

G(f) :=E(f) +k1



|f1|2dxdy y2 is positive definite(3).

Define the Hilbert spaceH(Γ)G as the completion with respect toGof C dataf ={f1, f2} ∈C0(F)×C0(F) with compact support.

The wave equation may be written in the formft=Af where A=

0 I L 0


defined as the closure ofA, restricted to C0(F)×C0(F). The operator A is the infinitesimal generator a unitary groupU(t) with respect to the energy normE.

The Incoming and Outgoing subspaces ofH(Γ)G are defined as follows.

• The Incoming subspace D is the closure in H(Γ)G of the set of elements of the form {y1/2ϕ(y), y3/2ϕ0(y)}, where ϕ is a smooth function ofy which vanishes fory6a,andϕ0= dydϕ.

• The Outgoing subspaceD+is defined analogously as the closure of {y1/2ϕ(y),−y3/2ϕ0(y)}.

The subspacesD andD+ areGorthogonal. LetKdenote the orthogonal complement ofD⊕ D+inH(Γ)G and letP denote theG-orthogonal (and E-orthogonal(4)) projection of H(Γ)G ontoK and set

Z(t) =P U(t)P, fort>0.

The operators Z(t) form a strongly continuous semigroup of operators on K with infinitesimal generator B. For every λ in the resolvent set of B,(B−λI)−1is a compact operator [23, Section 3]. Hence,B has a pure point spectrum of finite multiplicity and (B−λI)−1 is meromorphic in the entire complex plane. See also [22, Theorem 2.7].

Following [28], we define the singular setσ(Γ). First, we define the mul- tiplicity functionm(r) as follows:

(1) If Im(r) 6 0 and r 6= 0, the multiplicity m(r) is the dimension of the eigenspace forλ= 14 +r2 for ∆ on M = Γ\H. Hence for Im(r)60, m(r) = 0 outside of (−∞,∞)∪ −i(0,12].

(3) [28, p. 4] and [23, p. 265] differ in they−2term.

(4)Since the functions φ(y) are zero outside of the cusp sectors, the E and G forms agree.


(2) If Im(r)>0, m(r) is the multiplicity of the eigenvalue 14+r2 plus the order of the pole (or negative the order of the zero) ofφ(s) at s=12+ir.

(3) For r = 0, m(r) is twice the multiplicity of the cusp forms (with eigenvalueλ= 1/4) plus (c+ Tr(Φ(1/2))/2.

Then, the singular set σ(Γ) is defined to be the set of all r ∈ C with m(r)>0,counted with multiplicity. The singular setσ(Γ) is closely related to the spectrum Spec(B) of the operator B by the equation Spec(B) = iσ(Γ),see [28].

Therefore, by settings= 12+irand referring to Section 2.8, we have

(3.1) Spec

1 2I+B



(3.2) Spec

1 2IB


4. Process of zeta regularization

In the mathematical literature, there exist mainly three different ap- proaches to zeta regularization. In the abstract approach, as in [15, 16, 19, 20] the authors start with a general sequence of complex numbers (general- ized eigenvalues) and define criteria for the zeta regularization process. For example, in [16], a theta series is introduced and, under suitable conditions at zero and infinity, a possibly regularized zeta function is defined as the Laplace–Mellin transform of the theta series.

The second approach is based on a generalization of the Poisson summa- tion formula or explicit formula. Starting with the truncated heat kernel, one defines a regularized zeta function as the Mellin transform of the trace of the truncated heat kernel modulo the factor Γ(s)1 . Variants of the second approach can be found in [4, 5, 11, 25, 26, 27, 30, 31], and many others.

The third approach, formulated by A. Voros in [34, 35, 36, 37] is based on the construction of the so-called superzeta functions, meaning zeta func- tions constructed over a set of zeros of the primary zeta function. In this setting, one starts with a sequence of zeros, rather than the sequence of eigenvalues, of a certain meromorphic function and then induces zeta regu- larization through meromorphic continuation of an integral representation of this function, valid in a certain strip. In this section we give a brief description of this methodology.


LetR= (−∞,0] be the non-positive real numbers. Let{yk}k∈Nbe the sequence of zeros of an entire functionf of order 2, repeated with their multiplicities. Let

Xf ={z∈C|(z−yk)∈/R for allyk}.

ForzXf,and s∈C(where convergent) consider the series

(4.1) Zf(s, z) =




where the complex exponent is defined using the principal branch of the logarithm with argz∈(−π, π) in the cut planeC\R.

Sincef is of order two,Zf(s, z) converges absolutely for Re(s)>2. The series Zf(s, z) is called the zeta function associated to the zeros of f, or the simply thesuperzetafunction off.

IfZf(s, z) has a meromorphic continuation which is regular ats= 0,we define thezeta regularized product associated tof as

Df(z) = exp


ds Zf(s, z)|s=0

. Hadamard’s product formula allows us to write

f(z) = ∆f(z) =eg(z)zr



1− z



z yk

+ z2 2yk2


where g(z) is a polynomial of degree 2 or less,r is the order of a zero of f at z = 0, and the other zeros yk are listed with multiplicity. A simple calculation shows that whenzXf,

(4.2) Zf(3, z) =1

2(log ∆f(z))000.

The following proposition is due to Voros ([34, 36, 37]). For completeness, we give a different proof.

Proposition 4.1. — Letf be an entire function of order two, and for k∈N,letykbe the sequence of zeros off. Let∆f(z)denote the Hadamard product representation off. Assume that for n >2 we have the following asymptotic expansion:

(4.3) log ∆f(z) =ea2z2

logz−3 2

+b2z2+ea1z(logz−1) +b1z+ea0logz+b0+






where1> µ1>· · · > µn → −∞, andhn(z)is a sequence of holomorphic functions in the sector |argz| < θ < π, (θ > 0) such that h(j)n (z) = O(|z|µn−j), as |z| → ∞ in the above sector, for all integersj>0.

Then, for allzXf,the superzeta functionZf(s, z)has a meromorphic continuation to the half-planeRe(s)<2 which is regular ats= 0.

Furthermore, the zeta regularized product Df(z)associated toZf(s, z) is related to∆f(z)through the formula

(4.4) Df(z) =e−(b2z2+b1z+b0)f(z).

Proof. — For anyzXf, the series

(4.5) Zf(3, z+y) =




which is obtained by settings = 3 in (4.1), converges uniformly for y ∈ (0,∞). Furthermore, an application of [12, Formula 3.194.3], withµ= 3−s, ν= 3 andβ = (z−yk)−1 yields, for allyk,

Z 0

y2−sdy (z+yyk)3 =1


Absolute convergence of the series (4.1) for Re(s)>2 implies that Zf(s, z) = 2

Γ(3−s)Γ(s) Z


Zf(3, z+y)y2−sdy, for 2<Re(s)<3. From the relation


Γ(s)Γ(3−s) = 1

Γ(s)Γ(1−s)(1s)(2s) = sinπs π(1s)(2s), (which is obtained by the functional equation and the reflection formula for the gamma function) we obtain

(4.6) Zf(s, z) = 2 sinπs π(1s)(2s)

Z 0

Zf(3, z+y)y2−sdy, for 2<Re(s)<3.

Next, we use (4.6) together with (4.3) in order to get the meromorphic continuation of Zf(s, z) to the half plane Re(s)<3. We start with (4.2) and differentiate equation (4.3) three times to get

Zf(3, z+y) = ea2

(z+y)− ea1

2(z+y)2 + ea0 (z+y)3 +




akµkk−1)(µk−2) 2(z+y)3−µk +1

2h000n(z+y), for anyn >2.


Sinceµk & −∞, for an arbitraryµ <0 there existsk0such thatµk 6µ for allk>k0, hence we may write

Zf(3, z+y)y3=y3 ea2

(z+y)− ea1

2(z+y)2 + ea0

(z+y)3 +




akµkk−1)(µk−2) 2(z+y)3−µk



wheregµ(z+y) = 12y3h000k


Note that

(4.7) gµ(z+y) =O(yµ) asy→ ∞, and gµ(z+y) =O(y3) as y&0.

Application of [12, Formula 3.194.3] yields Z


Zf(3, z+y)y2−sdy (4.8)


2 z1−sΓ(3−s)Γ(s−1)+ea0

2 Γ(3−s)Γ(s) +




akµkk−1)(µk−2)Γ(3−s)Γ(sµk) 2Γ(3−µk) zµk−s +

Z 0


The integral on the right hand side of (4.8) is the Mellin transform of the functiongµ. By (4.7) this integral represents a holomorphic function in sfor all s in the half strip µ < Re(s) <3. The other terms on the right hand side of (4.8) are meromorphic ins, hence the right-hand side of (4.8) provides meromorphic continuation of integralR

0 Zf(3, z+y)y2−sdyfrom the strip 2<Re(s)<3 to the stripµ <Re(s)<3. Sinceµ <0 was chosen arbitrarily, we can letµ→ −∞and obtain the meromorphic continuation of this integral to the half plane Re(s)<3.

Formula (4.8), together with (4.6), after multiplication with Γ(s)Γ(3−s)2 , now yields the following representation ofZf(s, z), for an arbitrary, fixed zXf,valid in the half planeµ <Re(s)<3:


(4.9) Zf(s, z) = 2ea2

(s−1)(s−2)z2−s− ea1 (s−1)z1−s +ea0z−s




ak Γ(s−µk) Γ(s)Γ(−µk)zµk−s

+ 1

Γ(s)Γ(3−s) Z




From the decay properties ofh000k

0(z+y),it follows thatZf(s, z) is holomor- phic ats= 0. Furthermore since Γ(s)1 has a zero ats= 0,the derivative of the last term in (4.9) is equal to

d ds

1 Γ(s)


1 Γ(3)

Z 0


=−1 2

Z 0

h000k0(z+y)y2dy=hk0(z), where the last equality is obtained from integration by parts two times, and using the decay ofhk0(z+y) and its derivatives asy→+∞, for µk0 <0.

Moreover, since d ds

Γ(s−µk) Γ(s)


= lim


Γ(s−µk) Γ(s) ·Γ0

Γ(s) =−Γ(−µk), elementary computations yield

− d

dsZf(s, z) s=0


logz−3 2

+ea1z(logz−1) +ea0logz+




akzµk+hk0(z), forz in the sector|argz|< θ < π, (θ >0). Finally, (4.4) follows from the

uniqueness of analytic continuation.

5. Polar structure of superzeta functions associated to Z+ and Z

Recall the definitions of Z+, Z, G1,and the null setsN(Z±).

SetX±=XZ±,and forzX±,setζB±(s, z) :=ZZ±(s, z),the superzeta functions ofZ±.


In this section we prove that ζB±(s, z) has a meromorphic continuation to alls∈C, with simple poles ats= 2 and s= 1, and we determine the corresponding residues.

Let G1(s, z) be the superzeta function associated to the G1(s), defined forzXG1 =C\R,and Re(s)>2 by

(5.1) G1(s, z) =vol(M) 2π



(2n+ 1) (z+n)s

= vol(M)

πH(s−1, z)−(z−1/2)ζH(s, z)].

Equation (5.1) and the meromorphic continuation of ζH(s, z) immedi- ately yield

Proposition 5.1. — For for z ∈ C\R, function G1(s, z) admits a meromorphic continuation (in the s variable) to C with simple poles at s= 2and s= 1, with corresponding residues vol(Mπ ) and −vol(M )(2z−1), respectively.

Recall the divisor of the Selberg zeta-function Z(s) in Section 2.6 and note that{z ∈C | (z−wk)∈/ R for allwk} = X+, where wk is a zero or a pole ofZ(s). Analogously, the set{z∈C|(z−wk)∈/ R for allyk}, whereyk is a zero or a pole ofZH(s) is equal toX. The polar structure of the superzeta functionζB+(s, z) is given as follows:

Theorem 5.2. — Fix zX+. The superzeta function ζB+(s, z) has meromorphic continuation to alls∈C,and satisfies

(5.2) ζB+(s, z) =−G1(s, z) +H

s, z−1


+sinπs π

Z 0

Z0 Z(z+y)


Furthermore, the functionζB+(s, z)has two simple poles ats= 1ands= 2 with corresponding residues vol(Mπ )(z−1/2) +cand−vol(Mπ ) respectively.


Proof. — ForzX+and 2<Re(s)<3,we apply (4.2) and (4.6) to get (5.3) ζB+(s, z) +G1(s, z)

= 2 sinπs π(1s)(2s)

Z 0

ζB+(3, z+y) +G1(3, z+y) y2−sdy

= sinπs π(1s)(2s)

Z 0


= sinπs π(1s)(2s)

Z 0

y2−sd (logF(z+y))00 , where we putF(x) =Z+(x)G1(x), hence, according to Section 2.8

log(F(x)) = logZ(x)clog


x−1 2

, and

(logF(z+y))00=−cψ0(z+y−1/2) +

Z0(z+y) Z(z+y)

0 . For fixedzX+,it follows from (2.11) and (2.1) that

(logF(z+y))00=O 1


, as y→ ∞ and

(logF(z+y))00=O(1), as y&0.

Therefore, for 1<Re(s)<2 we may integrate by parts and obtain (5.4) sinπs

π(1s)(2s) Z


y2−sd (logF(z+y))00

=− sinπs π(1s)

Z 0

Z0(z+y) Z(z+y)


y1−sdy +c sinπs

π(1s) Z



=I1(s, z) +I2(s, z).

First, we deal withI1(s, z). By (2.11), ZZ(z+y)0(z+y)=O(y−n), for any positive integer n, as y → ∞. Also, ZZ(z+y)0(z+y) =O(1), for fixed zX+, as y →0.

Hence we may apply integration by parts to the integralI1(s, z) and obtain, for 0<Re(s)<1 andzX+,

I1(s, z) =− sinπs π(1s)

Z 0


Z0(z+y) Z(z+y)

=sinπs π

Z 0

Z0(z+y) Z(z+y)y−sdy.


The integral I1(s, z), for zX+ is actually a holomorphic function in the half plane Re(s) < 1. To see this, let µ 6 0 be arbitrary. Since (logZ(z+y))0=O(N(P0)Re(z+y)/2), asy→+∞, we have that (logZ(z+

y))0 = O(y−2+µ), as y → +∞, where the implied constant may depend uponz andµ. Hence, (logZ(z+y))0y−s=O(y−2), asy →+∞, for alls such thatµ <Re(s)60. Moreover, the bound ZZ(z+y)0(z+y) =O(1), for fixed zX+ implies that (logZ(z+y))0y−s = O(1), as y → 0, for all s in the half plane Re(s)60. This shows that for zX+ the integral I1(s, z) is absolutely convergent in the strip µ < Re(s) 6 0, hence represents a holomorphic function for all s in that strip. Since µ 6 0 was arbitrarily chosen, we have proved thatI1(s, z), for zX+, is holomorphic function in the half plane Re(s)60.

Next, we claim that I1(s, z), for zX+,can be continued to the half- plane Re(s)>0 as an entire function. ForzX+and 0<Re(s)<1 we put

I1(s, z) = Z


Z0 Z(z+y)


and show that for zX+ the integral I1(s, z) can be meromorphically continued to the half-plane Re(s) > 0 with simple poles at the points s= 1,2, . . . and corresponding residues

(5.5) Ress=nI1(s, z) =− 1


Since the function sin(πs) has simple zeros at pointss= 1,2, . . . this would prove thatI1(s, z), forzX+ is actually an entire function ofs.

Let µ >0 be arbitrary, putn=bµcto be the integer part ofµ and let δ >0 (depending uponzX+ andµ) be such that fory∈(0, δ) we have the Taylor series expansion

(logZ(z+y))0 =





(j−1)! yj−1+R1(z, y),

whereR1(z, y) =O(yn), asy→0. Then, for 0<Re(s)<1 we may write I1(s, z) =




(logZ(z))(j) (j−1)!

δj−s js

+ Z δ


R1(z, y)y−sdy+ Z


Z0 Z(z+y)


The bound on R1(z, y) and the bound (2.11) imply that the last two in- tegrals are holomorphic functions of s for Re(s) ∈ (0, µ). The first sum is meromorphic in s, for Re(s) ∈ (0, µ), with simple poles at s = j,


j∈ {1, . . . , n}and residues equal to−(logZ(z))(j)/(j−1)!. Sinceµ >0 is arbitrary, this proves the claim. Therefore, we have proved thatI1(s, z) is holomorphic function in the whole complexs−plane.

In order to evaluate integralI2(s, z) we use the fact thatψ0(w) =ζH(2, w) and that, for 1<Re(s)<2



Z 0

y1−sdy (z+k−1/2 +y)2




|z+k−1/2|Re(s) <∞.

For zp /∈R, and 0<Re(s)<2, applying [12, Formula 3.194.3.] we get

Z 0

y1−sdy (z+yp)2 =

Z 0


(1 +y[z−p])2 = 1

(z−p)s·Γ(s)Γ(2−s) Γ(2)

= (1−s)Γ(s)Γ(1s)

(z−p)s =π(1s) sinπs · 1

(z−p)s, hence the dominated convergence theorem yields

I2(s, z) =c sinπs π(1s)



Z 0


(z+k−1/2 +y)2 =c



1 (z+k−1/2)s

=H(s, z−1/2).

This, together with the representation (5.1) ofG1(s, z) and formula (5.3) proves (5.2) for zX+. Moreover, for zX+, the function I2(s, z) is meromorphic in the whole s−plane, with a single simple pole at s = 1, with residuec,hence the functionI1(s, z) +I2(s, z) is also meromorphic in the wholes−plane, with a single simple pole ats= 1,with residuec.

Combining this with Proposition 5.1 completes the proof.

The polar structure of the superzeta function ζB(s, z), in thes−plane, forzX is determined in the following theorem.

Theorem 5.3. — For zX the superzeta function ζB(s, z) can be represented as

(5.6) ζB(s, z) =−G1(s, z)+cζH(s, z)+sinπs π

Z 0

(ZH)0 ZH (z+y)


Moreover, the superzeta function ζB(s, z), for zX, is a meromorphic function in variable s, with two simple poles at s = 1 and s = 2 with corresponding residues vol(Mπ )(z−1/2) +cand−vol(Mπ ).

Proof. — The proof is very similar to the proof of Theorem 5.2. We start with

(5.7) Z(s)G1(s) =πc/2exp(c1s+c2)Γ(s)−c(ZH)(s),


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