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; Recognizing the responsibility assigned to WHO by the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961,


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Texte intégral


EB69/conf.Paper N o . 4 20 January 1982 EXECUTIVE BOARD

Agenda item 18 Sixty-ninth Session

ACTION IN RESPECT OF INTERNATIONAL CONVENTIONS ON NARCOTIC AND PSYCHOTROPIC SUBSTANCES (Draft resolution proposed by M r N . A . B o y e r ) T h e Executive B o a r d ,

Having examined the reports of the Director-General,^ and appreciating the w o r k done ; Recognizing the responsibility assigned to WHO by the Single Convention on N a r c o t i c D r u g s , 1961,as amended by the 1972 P r o t o c o l , and the Convention on Psychotropic S u b s t a n c e s ,


Desirous of ensuring that WHO ' s important role in making recommendations on international controls of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances continues to be seen by all interested parties to be o p e n , fair and objective ;

Wishing the Executive Board to be kept fully informed of the activities of WHO in regard to this important function;

1. REQUESTS the Director-General:

(1) to continue to w o r k w i t h the Secretary-General of the United Nations to devise methods of informing interested parties in an effective way of the nature of forthcoming actions by WHO regarding the control of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances

(including scheduling, r e s c h e d u l i n g , d e s c h e d u l i n g , and the handling of exemptions from c o n t r o l ), and to invite interested parties both to provide data and documentation summarizing their experiences with the substances under review and to make their recommendations to WHO regarding international control ;

(2) to make available to the Executive Board the reports of the review group which advises the Director-General on suggestions for international control;

(3) to convene the review group on drug scheduling henceforth at least six m o n t h s before the meetings of the United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs so that members of the Commission may have full opportunity to review the recommendations of WHO prior to voting on binding international control under the conventions;

(4) to continue to provide drug m a n u f a c t u r e r s , public interest g r o u p s , and other interested parties with appropriate opportunity to m a k e written and oral presentations to WHO while considering drugs for possible control under the international conventions ;

Documents E B 6 9 / 2 I , E B 6 9 / 2 I C o r r . l and EB69/21 A d d . l


EB69/conf.Paper N o . 4 page 2

(5) to continue to convey to the United Nations as soon as possible after completion of the work of the review g r o u p , for immediate transmission to members of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs and other concerned p a r t i e s , a full assessment of the substance for any formal WHO recommendation for international control so that the Commission may be informed of the specific bases for the WHO recommendation;

(6) to report annually to the Executive Board regarding any action taken by WHO in respect of international conventions on narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and on WHO plans to review drugs and recommendations m a d e regarding control;

(7) to intensify efforts aimed at improving prescription practices regarding psychoactive d r u g s , particularly through an educational programme for physicians,

seeking cooperation of all interested parties in this endeavour, including the pharmaceutical i n d u s t r y , medical associations and medical educational institutions;

2 . URGES Member States to give full cooperation and support to WHO in its efforts to study narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and to make recommendations regarding international control.




EB69/conf.Paper N o . 4 R e v . 1 22 January 1982

EXECUTIVE BOARD Sixty-ninth Session A g e n d a item 18


Having examined the reports of the D i r e c t o r - G e n e r a l ,1 and appreciating the w o r k done;

Recognizing the responsibility assigned to WHO by the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961, as amended by the 1972 Protocol, and the Convention on Psychotropic Substances, 1971;

Recognizing the objective manner in which WHO h a s fulfilled its important role in

making recommendations on international control of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances under the Conventions;

Wishing the Executive Board to be kept fully informed of the activities of WHO in regard to this important function;

1 . REQUESTS the Director-General:

(1) to continue to w o r k with the Secretary-General of the United Nations to devise methods of informing governments in an effective way about the forthcoming activities of WHO in connexion with its obligations under the Conventions (concerning its recommendations on scheduling, rescheduling, descheduling, and the handling of exemptions from control), and to invite governments both to provide data and documentation summarizing their experiences with the substances under review and to m a k e their views on m e d i c a l and scientific matters available to WHO;

(2) to continue to provide drug manufacturers and other interested parties w i t h

appropriate opportunity to m a k e written and oral presentations on m e d i c a l and scientific matters to WHO concerning drugs for possible control under the Conventions;

(3) to continue to convey to the United Nations as soon as possible after completion of the w o r k of the review group a full assessment of the substance for any formal WHO recommendation for international control;

(4) to report annually to the Executive Board regarding any activities of WHO in respect of the Conventions, including the Organization's plans to review drugs and recommendations it has m a d e concerning control, and to m a k e available to the Executive Board the reports of the review group;

(5) to intensify efforts aimed at improving prescription, delivery and utilization practices regarding psychoactive drugs, through educational programmes for physicians and other health workers, and other m e a s u r e s , seeking the cooperation of m e d i c a l educational institutions, medical associations, the pharmaceutical industry and others in this endeavour;

1 Documents EB69/21, EB69/21 Corr.l and EB69/21 A d d Д .


EB69/conf .Paper N o . 4 R e v Л page 2

(6) to pay special attention to the further strengthening of cooperation in this respect with the developing countries, where facilities are limited and urgent action is needed;

(7) to intensify cooperation with Member States in drafting national legislation concerning drugs covered by the Conventions;

2 . URGES Member States which have not yet done so to become Parties to the Conventions at the earliest possible time;

3 . URGES Member States, drug manufacturers and other interested parties to give full

cooperation and support to WHO in its efforts to fulfil its obligations under the Conventions.


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