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Academic year: 2021



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Université Abdelhamid Ibn Badis Mostaganem 95PUBLICATIONS   68CITATIONS    SEE PROFILE Bengoua Ali Mostaganem University 36PUBLICATIONS   27CITATIONS    SEE PROFILE





15 YEAR)

Zerf Mohammed



Bengoua Ali, PhD supervisor

Physical and Sports Education Institute Mostaganem, Sports Training department laboratory OPAPS,

University Abdel Hamid Ibn Badis Mostaganem, Mostaganem, Algeria


The delimiters are the most important tools, widely used in training and tests soccer, because they embodies the dimensions of the surface and the role of defender in major of the exercises for Soccer. That literature review 90% of soccer books use the smallest delimiters (plate) and 100% of our young soccer Algerians coaches (under 15 year) composed their sessions. from that the objective of our study focuses on the different forms and volumes of these last lend, based on these differences our hypothesis confirms that they affected the information (indicators from the external environment) and qualities coordinators during the change of direction (obstruction of the upper body player). Our experience is based on a practical protocol of Vankersschaver Jacques1982 from his study entitled "Role of Visual Index and Cognitive Process in the Acquisition of a Gesture Football Technique”. Were we have introducing the different kinds of delimiters (fig1) and the inactive player to determine the most type of delimiter appropriate to evaluate and train duels with ball in young soccer. Were our finding confirmed: (1) The mannequin is the most delimiter appropriate for testing and progress in duels soccer. (2) The progress in training duels requires the smallest (familiar with the gest) arrive at the mannequin to perform with the gest (1vs1). (3) The objective of duels requires the involvement of the commitment of peripheral vision for information and central vision to master the ball. From that, the best dribbler is the player who lifts his head when he moves with the ball.

Keywords: Dimensions of delimiters, Duels, dribbling, young soccer under 15 year



Dribbling in soccer is the ability to control the ball with the feet while moving around the field. The player with that “something special” makes the crowd sit up with anticipation when he gets the ball at her feet. (Wang, 2006) Perfect ball control can be broken down into four stages: -Preparation for the initial contact with the ball (perception, running into free space, adopting a suitable body position (Shriener, Peter, 2009). From that, Dribbling is one of the most important and fundamental soccer skills. Every soccer player must execute dribbling well because it is intertwined with many other skills such as passing, defeating an opponent, adjusting the pace, implementing (Debra Laparth, 2009). Depending on the importance of this skill, our study based in indicates of (Claude Doucet, 2005) that the category under 15 year is as stage discovery to discover football with 11 players. (Philippe Leroux, 2006)Confirms that the work requires adaptation, including the development of basal and efficiency gained within a complex way that serves its predecessor competitive training. (Bouzid Drissi, 2004)believes that the importance of this station is the development of develop dynamic visualization and processing information coming from the external environment (discount / colleague) in order to assess the situation (time and vacuum) in the construction of tactical thinking.

The importance of this study was to reveal impact of the different forms and volumes of the delimiters in evaluation of difficulty control motor in dribbling soccer ball between the training and the exigency of the competition situations. For that, we have chosen the analysis of Regression, correlation, Anova and the LSD, to determine the most type of delimiter appropriate to evaluate and train duels with Ball in Young soccer (under 15 year).


The study sample consisted of 21 players who master the skill dribbling and play in the national championship (Oran football league) that we have tested in four situations for the interest of which difference can we observed in our protocol experimental.


Fig1 the different forms and volumes of The delimiters used in training and tests soccer

Situation1 Situation2 Situation3 Situation


The objectives of dribbling under year15

Inspire from Figure 2. Organization Equipment experience Vankersschaver Jacques1982

(J. VANKERSSCHAVER, 1982) Case 910, 13288 MARSEILLE Cedex


The Players chosen were tested in four situations environment bases on the test-dribbling ball (fig3 Based in situation indict in fig 1)



Table 1 shows the results of the sample within the proposed positions (Time)


plate Pike mannequin DEFENDER

1 4.81 6.43 7.05 7.06 2 4.93 6.31 7.02 7.04 3 6.38 7.09 8.09 8.07 4 5.8 7.15 7.75 7.7 5 5.32 6.88 7.52 7.59 6 5.55 6.52 7.29 7.3 7 6.12 6.49 7.46 7.44 8 4.72 5.96 6.62 6.59 9 4.83 5.95 6.29 6.31 10 4.99 6.88 7 7.11 11 4.74 7 7.88 7.89 12 4.84 6.92 7.48 7.52 13 4.98 6.82 7.26 7.23 14 5.89 6.89 7.18 7.17 15 5.56 5.72 6.77 6.8 16 5.62 6.72 6.86 6.84 17 5.45 6.94 8.22 8.25 18 4.99 7.12 7.03 7 19 5.02 6.58 6.75 6.78 20 4.97 6.55 6.85 6.8 21 5.8 7.45 8.69 8.7 MEAN 5.30 6.68 7.29 7.29 SD 0.494151 0.436401 0.584254 0.58542

Through Table 1 where the arithmetic average calculate shows that, the difference size and shape of the delimiters are difficulties that we must consider when we evaluate the dribbling skill in Young Soccer (under 15 year)

Table 2 shows Nature of the Correlations within the proposed positions(Time)

Plate Pike Mannequin Defender

Time plate Pearson Correlation 1 .314 .498* .481*

Sig. (2-tailed) .165 .022 .027

N 21 21 21 21

Time Pike Pearson Correlation .314 1 .760** .756**

Sig. (2-tailed) .165 .000 .000

N 21 21 21 21

Time mannequin Pearson Correlation .498* .760** 1 .998**

Sig. (2-tailed) .022 .000 .000

N 21 21 21 21

Time DEFENDER Pearson Correlation .481* .756** .998** 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .027 .000 .000

N 21 21 21 21

*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed). **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).


By Table 2, which represents the Correlations within the proposed positions we confirm that all the proposed positions measure and evaluate the dribbling skill in Young Soccer (under 15 year) Since the significance of the Correlations within the proposed positions varied from case to case (0.05 TO 0.01)we Posed the following question

• Which delimiter is the most appropriate to evaluate and train duels

(1V1) in Young soccer (under 15 year)! Whom we leads to calculate Anova

Table 3 showsANOVATo the proposed positions(Time)

the proposed positions

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Between Groups 55.509 3 18.503 66.012 .000

Within Groups 22.424 80 .280

Total 77.932 83

By contrast, F calculation it is statistically significant In favor of witch proposed positions for that we have calculated LSD

Table 4 shows Multiple Comparisons of the proposed positions(Time) Dependent Variable: LSD of the proposed positions (I) VAR00005 Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig. 95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound Upper Bound

Time Plate Time Pike -1.40043* .16152 .000 -1.7219 -1.0790


Mannequin -1.97725

* .16152 .000 -2.2987 -1.6558

Time Defender -2.02005* .16763 .000 -2.3536 -1.6865

Time Pike Time Plate 1.40043* .16152 .000 1.0790 1.7219

Time Mannequin -.57682 * .15963 .001 -.8945 -.2591 Time Defender -.61962* .16581 .000 -.9496 -.2896 Time Mannequin Time Plate 1.97725* .16152 .000 1.6558 2.2987 Time Pike .57682* .15963 .001 .2591 .8945 Time Defender -.04280 .16581 .797 -.3728 .2872 Time Defender Time Plate 2.02005* .16763 .000 1.6865 2.3536 Time Pike .61962* .16581 .000 .2896 .9496 Time Mannequin .04280 .16581 .797 -.2872 .3728

*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.

From the table 4 all the comparison are on the favor of Time Defender accept his comparison with Time Mannequin. Since the significance is not significant between Time Defender and Time Mannequin, we chose to study causal relationships by the regression methods


Table 5. (a): shows the regression method, Variables Entered/Removeda

Model Variables Entered Variables Removed Method


Time mannequin

Stepwise (Criteria: Probability-of-F-to-enter <= .050, Probability-of-F-to-remove

>= .100). a. Dependent Variable: Defender

From the table 5 (a) we note that the regression method, which is, used in a manner model 1 is the Stepwise where the program has shown the introduce of Time mannequin as the independent variables in the equation of multiple linear regression.

Table 5. (b) shows the Model Summaryb

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate Change Statistics Durbin-Watson R Square Change F Change df1 df2 Sig. F Change 1 .998a .996 .995 .04019 .996 4223.807 1 19 .000 2.354

a. Predictors: (Constant), mannequin b. Dependent Variable: Defender

Table 5 (b), we note that the four values of the sample correlation and the coefficient(R Square- Adjusted R Square), are significant in the Predictors used in Model 1. Form that we confirmed the independent explanatory variables Time mannequin was able to explain the changes in the Dependent Variable Time Defender in measure and evaluate the dribbling skill required and the rest (0.02) is attributable to other factors.

Table 5. (c) shows ANOVAa

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 6.824 1 6.824 4223.807 .000b

Residual .031 19 .002

Total 6.854 20

a. Dependent Variable: DEFENDER b. Predictors: (Constant), mannequin

As it is noted in Table 5 (c) of the variables Predictors includes in analysis to defined the explanatory power of the model 1 based by the calculi of F. As can be seen from the High explanatory power of Multiple linear regression model from a statistical point the F test High moral (P <0.000), from that we confirms the High moral explanatory power of the models chosen of the multiple linear regression statistical.


Table 5. (d): shows Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. 95.0% Confidence Interval for B B Std.

Error Beta Lower Bound

Upper Bound

1 (Constant) .008 .112 .071 .944 -.227 .243


mannequin 1.000 .015 .998 64.991 .000 .968 1.032

a. Dependent Variable: Defender

We conclude from the Table 5 (d) that the independent variables were significant from a statistical point of these tests that we confirmed by t (at the moral level of P ≤ 0.000) in all comparisons, which it is the Reason to explanatory power of the moral analysis of variance Regression. Form that our equation: Regression line Time Defender = 0,008+ time of mannequin

Figure 4: shows Normal P-P Plot of Regression Standardized Residual

Dependent Variable: time case Defender. Diagram of the points that we find clustered around the Line so the data (residuals) distributed according to the normal distribution of the variables expertise in our study

We conclude from the Table 5 (a-b-c-d) that the mannequin is the delimiter the most appropriate to evaluate and train duels with ball in young soccer (under 15 year). The reason of our chosen topic is Due to: first -confirmation of (Mowaffaq al-Asaad Mahmoud, 2009)the individual, skills in football cannot be measured directly, secondly to -the conflict that the dribbling test measures the speed and agility for some authors where (Philippe Leroux, 2006) confirms that this test measures the speed not the


agility. From the conflict, our finding and recommendations agreed with instructions of (Ekalh Suleiman and Abdel Karim Abdel Rahman Youssef, 2002): that the length of the delimiters must exceed 1.50 meter to measure the agility as motor quality. Generally said from this study, the researcher attributed the importance of it in the processing information where the input which to influences the output of the ability adopt the correct movement. Form that we agreed with the notice of (Hassan M. Abou-abida 2008): that the soccer decision depends on the player's ability to respond to external stimulation in the real situations (competition as duel 1vs1).


Duels are between 30 and 40% of the shares of a football game. The duel is a conservation action (dribble), which aims to find a partner in a free space or to score goals. From the Conclusion of (ASEP, 2009), that too much emphasis has been given to learning the techniques and not enough on learning the art, that is to say, learning is how to use the techniques in competition. Our study reference came to explain the impact of demotion of the delimiters chosen as a tool in evaluation or training in the adaptation of the correct movement in duels. Which is consistent with the study (Zerf Mohammed, 2012) that defects of the short delimiters, it lies in the absence of block top section of the body, which contributes to focus on the ball. Whereas depending on training in advanced stage contributes to develop the central vision in the account of the peripheral vision, which contributed to the loss of control in the body and ball due to the lifting of the head, or change direction because of a lack of physical requirements (agility balance flexibility). As for the height not wide (Pike) the problematic is due to the similarity lies in the skill and accomplishment Living situation that the output absence of opposition for the upper part of the body. We guide to recommend that the most type of delimiter appropriate to evaluate and train duels with ball in young soccer (under 15 year) is the mannequin. Because our finding confirmed:

(1) The mannequin is the most delimiter appropriate for testing and progress in duels soccer. (2) The progress in training duels requires the smallest (familiar with the gest) arrive at the mannequin to perform 1vs1. (3) The objective of duels requires the involvement of the commitment of peripheral vision for information and central vision to master the ball. From that, the best dribbler is the player who lifts his head when he moves with the ball.


References :

ASEP. (2009). Entraîner les jeunes footballeurs. (76, Ed.) France: De Boeck Supérieur.

Bouzid Drissi. ( 2004). Caractéristiques -morpho-fonctionnelles et technico-tactiques de la performance. Universite D'Alger: These de Doctorat d'etat Faculté des Sciences Sociales Universite D'Alger.

Claude Doucet. (2005). Football: Perfectionnement Tactique. france: Editions Amphora.

Debra Laparth. (2009). Coaching Girls' Soccer Successfully. USA: Human Kinetics.

Ekalh Suleiman talk show and Abdel Karim Abdel Rahman Youssef. (2002). The impact on the type of ground-level achievement in the test satisfied 50 m. Journal of Physical Education, 11(2).

Hassan Abu Abou-abida. (2008). Preparation skills for soccer players Theoretical and Applied. Egypt: Alexandria Library.

J. VANKERSSCHAVER. (1982). ROLE DES INDICES VISUELS ET DES PROCESSUS COGNITIFS DANS L’ACQUISITION D’UN GESTE TECHNIQUE AU FOOTBALL. Centre de Recherche de l'U.E.R.E.P.S, 5. Mowaffaq al-Asaad Mahmoud. (2009). Tactic tests in soccer. House Dejlla. Philippe Leroux. (2006). Football, Planification et Entraînement. (E. Amphora, Ed.) France.

Shriener, Peter. (2009). Soccer: Perfect Ball Control. Uk: Meyer & Meyer Verlag.

Wang, J. (2006). Soccer made easy: From fundamentals to championship play. USA: Amazon France.

Zerf Mohammed. (2012). The Impact of the Quality of the Delimiters in the evaluation and planning dribbling skill in young soccer(under 15 year). ALGERIA: Universty Alger 3.


Fig1 the different forms and volumes of The delimiters used in training and tests  soccer
Table 2 shows Nature of the Correlations within the proposed positions(Time)
Table 3 shows ANOVA To the proposed positions(Time)  the proposed positions
Figure 4: shows Normal P-P Plot of Regression Standardized  Residual


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