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Self-dual skew codes and factorization of skew polynomials


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Submitted on 24 May 2013

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Self-dual skew codes and factorization of skew polynomials

Delphine Boucher, Félix Ulmer

To cite this version:

Delphine Boucher, Félix Ulmer. Self-dual skew codes and factorization of skew polynomials. Journal of Symbolic Computation, Elsevier, 2014, 60, pp.47-61. �10.1016/j.jsc.2013.10.003�. �hal-00719506v3�


Self-dual skew codes and factorization of skew polynomials

D. Boucher and F. Ulmer May 24, 2013


The construction of cyclic codes can be generalized to so called moduleθ-cyclic codes using noncommutative polynomials. The prod- uct of the generator polynomialg of a self-dual module θ-cyclic code and its ”skew reciprocal polynomial” is known to be a noncommu- tative polynomial of the form Xn a, reducing the problem of the computation of all such codes to a Gr¨obner basis problem where the unknowns are the coefficients ofg. In previous work, with the excep- tion of the length 2s, over IF4 a large number of self-dual codes were found. In this paper we show thatamust be±1 and that forn= 2s the decomposition ofXn±1 into a product ofgand its ”skew recipro- cal polynomial” has some rigidity properties which explains the small number of codes found for those particular lengths over IF4. In order to overcome the complexity limitation resulting from the Gr¨obner ba- sis computation we present, in the case θ of order two, an iterative construction of self-dual codes based on least common multiples and factorization of noncommutative polynomials. We use this approach to construct a [78,39,19]4 self-dual code and a [52,26,17]9 self-dual code which improve the best previously known minimal distances for these lengths.

Keywords: error-correcting codes, finite fields, skew polynomial rings

1 Introduction

For a finite field IFq andθan automorphism of IFq we consider the ringR= IFq[X;θ] = {anXn+. . .+a1X+a0|ai IFq and nIN} where addition

IRMAR, CNRS, UMR 6625, Universit´e de Rennes 1, Universit´e europ´eenne de Bre- tagne, Campus de Beaulieu, F-35042 Rennes


is defined to be the usual addition of polynomials and where multiplication is defined by the basic rule X ·a = θ(a)X (a IFq) and extended to all elements ofR by associativity and distributivity. The noncommutative ring Ris called a skew polynomial ringor Ore ring (cf. [12]) and its elements areskew polynomials. It is a left and right Euclidean ring whose left and right ideals are principal. Left and right gcd and lcm exist in R and can be computed using the left and right Euclidean algorithm. Over finite fields skew polynomial rings are also known as linearized polynomials (cf. [5]).

Following [2] we define moduleθ-codes using the skew polynomial ringR.

Definition 1 Let f R = IFq[X;θ] be of degree n. A module θ-code (or module skew code) C is a leftR-submoduleRg/Rf R/Rf in the basis 1, X, . . . , Xn−1 where g is a right divisor of f in R. We denote this code C = (g)θn. If there exists an a IFq\ {0} such that g divides Xna on the right, then the code (g)θn isθ-constacyclic. We will denote it (g)θ,an . If a= 1, the code is θ-cyclic and ifa=−1, it isθ-negacyclic.

The length of the code isnand its dimension isk=ndeg(g), we say that the codeC is of type [n, k]q. If the minimal distance of the code is d, then we say that the codeC is of type [n, k, d]q.

Since IFq[X;θ] is not a unique factorization ring, we obtain much more codes using the noncommutative approach than in the commutative case.

Moduleθ-codes are a generalization of Gabidulin codes based on linearized polynomials and introduced in [5].

Example 1 For IF4 = IF2(a) where a2 +a+ 1 = 0 and θ the Frobenius automorphism α 7→ α2 the skew polynomial X2 1 admits three distinct decompositions as products of irreducible polynomials in IF4[X;θ]

X2+ 1 = (X+a2)(X+a) = (X+a)(X+a2) = (X+ 1)(X+ 1) (1) The polynomialsX4−1,X6−1andX8−1admit respectively15,90and543 distinct decompositions as products of irreducible polynomials inIF4[X;θ].

There is a strong analogy to classical cyclic codes. Forg=Pn−k

i=0 giXi, the generator matrix of a moduleθ-code (g)θn is given by Gθg,n=

g0 . . . gn−k−1 gn−k 0 . . . 0

0 θ(g0) . . . θ(gn−k−1) θ(gn−k) . . . 0

0 . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. ...


0 . . . 0 θk−1(g0) . . . θk−1(gn−k−1) θk−1(gn−k)



showing that distinct generator polynomials correspond to distinct generator matrices. For a θ-constacyclic code (g)θ,an , wheref =Xna, we have

(c0, . . . , cn−1)(g)θ,an (a θ(cn−1), θ(c0), . . . , θ(cn−2))(g)θ,an . In previous work many self-dual moduleθ-codes with good minimum dis- tances were obtained, sometimes even improving the previously best known minimal distances. However, like for cyclic codes ([10]), there is a phenom- ena for the moduleθ-codes whose lengths are a power of 2. For the lengths 4,8,16,32 and 64 there are only three self-dual module θ-codes over IF4, while otherwise there is a large number of self-dual codes which increases with the length. The authors conjectured that for anysthere are only three self-dual module θ-codes of length 2s over IF4 ([2, 4]). The aim of this pa- per is to use the factorization properties of skew polynomials to count and construct self-dual moduleθ-codes when θ is of order two. The material is organized as follows:

In section 2 we introduce self-dual skew codes and recall the basic prop- erties of such codes. Such a code was known to be θ-constacyclic and we show that it must in fact beθ-cyclic or θ-negacyclic.

In section 3 we prove that for all sIN, there are 22s−1+11 θ-cyclic codes of length 2s and dimension 2s−1 over IF4 but that for s > 1 among them only three are self-dual. This gives an answer to the above conjecture.

In section 4, we give an iterative construction of self-dual module θ- codes by constructing generator polynomials of self-dual moduleθ-codes as least common left multiples (lclm) of skew polynomials of lower degree. An example of a [78,39,19]4 self-dual code is given.

2 Self-dual skew codes over a finite field

The(Euclidean) dualof a linear codeCof lengthnover IFqis defined with theEuclidean scalar product < x, y >=Pn

i=1xiyi in IFnq asC ={x IFnq | ∀yC, < x, y >= 0}. A linear codeCover IFqisEuclidean self-dual orself-dualifC =C. To characterize self-dual moduleθ-codes, we need to define the skew reciprocal polynomial of a skew polynomial (definition 3 of [4]) and also the left monic skew reciprocal polynomial.

Definition 2 The skew reciprocal polynomial of h =Pm

i=0hi Xi R of degree m is h =Pm


i=0θi(hm−i)Xi. The left monic skew reciprocal polynomial of h is h\:= (1/θm(h0))·h.


Since θ is an automorphism, the map : R R given by h 7→ h is a bijection. In particular for any g R there exists a unique h R such thatg =h and, if g is monic, such thatg =h\. In order to describe some properties of the skew reciprocal polynomial we will use the morphism of rings Θ :RR given by Pn



Lemma 1 ([4], Lemma 1) Let f and g be skew polynomials in R. Then 1. (f g) = Θk(g)f, where k= deg(f).

2. (f) = Θn(f), where n= deg(f).

A module θ-code of length n = 2k which is self-dual is known to be θ- constacyclic, i.e. its generator polynomialgof degree kdivides on the right Xnafor some ain IFq\ {0}. Furthermore the dual of (g)θ,an is generated by the polynomial h\ where h satisfies simultaneously Θn(h)·g = Xna andg·h=Xnθ−k(a) (Corollary 1 and Theorem 1 of [4]). The following proposition improves those previous results:

Proposition 1 A self-dual module θ-code is eitherθ-cyclic orθ-negacyclic.

Proof: If n = 2k and C = (g)θn is a self-dual module θ-code, then C is necessarily θ-constacyclic with a generator polynomial g dividing Xn a on the right in R with a IFq \ {0} ( [4], Corollary 1). Consider h R of degree k such that Θn(h) ·g = Xna. From Lemma 1, we ob- tain Θk(gn(h) = 1θn(a)Xn. Applying Θ−n to this equation, gives Θk−n(g)h = −a(Xn 1a), or equivalently −1a Θk−n(g)h = Xn 1a. Therefore h\ = θk(h10)h divides Xn a1 on the right. Furthermore from ([4], Theorem 1), the dual of C = (g)θn is generated by h\. Since C is a self-dual module θ-code, from the uniqueness of its monic generator poly- nomial, we have g = h\. Therefore g divides on the right the polynomial (Xna)(Xn1a) =a1a of degree less than gwhich must be zero and we obtaina2 = 1.

Combining this result with ([4], Theorem 1) we obtain:

Corollary 1 A module θ-code (g)θ2k with g IFq[X;θ] of degree k is self- dual if and only if there exists hR such thatg=h\ and

h\h=X2kεwithε∈ {−1,1}. (3)


3 Self-dual module θ-codes of length 2s over IF4.

We keep the notation R = IFq[X;θ] and we denote (IFq)θ the fixed field of θ. The properties of the ring R used in this paper can for example be found in [9] Chapter 3 and [6, 12]. ThecenterZ(R)ofRis the commutative polynomial subring (IFq)θ[X|θ|] in the variableY =X|θ|where|θ|is the order ofθ. We denoteZ(R) also (IFq)θ[Y]. Following [9] we call an elementhR boundedif the left ideal it generates contains a two-sided ideal. In the ring R all elements are bounded. The monic generator f of the maximal two- sided ideal contained inRhisthe bound ofh. The generators of two-sided ideals inRare the elements of the formXmfwheref Z(R). The two-sided ideals are closed under multiplication, a boundf is an irreducible bound if the two-sided ideal (f) is maximal. A bound f with a nonzero constant term belongs to the centerZ(R) = (IFq)θ[Y] ofRand is an irreducible bound if and only if f(Y) (IFq)θ[Y] is an irreducible (commutative) polynomial ([9], Chap. 3, Th. 12).

Theorem 1 ([12]; [9], Chap. 3, Th. 5) Let R = IFq[X;θ]. If h1h2· · ·hn

andg1g2· · ·gm are two decompositions into irreducible factors ofhR, then m=nand there exists a permutationσ Snsuch that theR-modulesR/hiR and R/gσ(i)R are isomorphic. In particular the degrees of the irreducible factors ofh are unique up to permutation.

The noncommutative ringR is not a unique factorization ring and there can be more distinct monic factors than in the commutative case as shown in the example below. An important difference is that those monic factors can not always be permuted.

Definition 3 ([9], Chap. 3)hRislclm-decomposable1ifhis the least common left multiple of skew polynomials of degree strictly less than h, i.e.

h= lclm(h1, h2)where hi R anddeg(hi)<deg(h). The polynomialhR islclm-indecomposable if h is not lclm-decomposable.

Example 2 For IF4 = IF2(a) where a2 +a+ 1 = 0 and θ the Frobenius automorphismα7→α2. Two factors of a central polynomial always commute in IF4[X;θ]:

X2+ 1 = (X+a2)(X+a) = (X+a)(X+a2) = (X+ 1)(X+ 1). (4) Since the polynomialX2+ 1 is right divisible by both X+a and by X+ 1, it must be the lclm of X +a and X + 1 which is unique up to nonzero

1In [9] the term decomposable is used


constants. In IF4[X;θ] we have g1 = (X+a)(X+ 1) = X2 +a2X+a 6=

X2+aX+a= (X+ 1)(X+a) =g2. One can verify that the polynomials g1 and g2 have no further irreducible right or left monic factor, showing that those two polynomials are not lclm of irreducible right factors and that in the nonunique factorization ring R some factorizations can still be unique in the sense that the unique irreducible monic factors can only be written in a unique order.

The next theorem gives a first characterization of those skew polynomials inR which do have aunique factorizationinto irreducible monic skew poly- nomials :

Theorem 2 ([9], Chap. 3, Th. 21 and 24) Let R= IFq[X;θ]and mIN. 1. A monic polynomial in h R has a unique factorization into irre-

ducible monic polynomials (in the sense that the unique irreducible monic factors can only be written in a unique order) if and only if h is lclm-indecomposable.

2. If h1, h2, . . . , hm are monic irreducible polynomials of R having the same irreducible bound f R, then the product h=h1h2· · ·hm is an lclm-indecomposable monic polynomial in R if and only if the bound of h is fm.

Since the bound of a skew polynomial h R can be computed using lin- ear algebra ([9, 3]), the above result is an efficient test to verify if h is lclm-indecomposable. In the following however, we search for a method to construct lclm-indecomposable polynomials directly.

Corollary 2 Consider the decomposition h =h1· · ·hm of h R into irre- ducible monic polynomials having all the same irreducible boundf which is reducible inR.

1. If h is lclm-indecomposable, then f does not divideh.

2. Iff does not divide h then no partial producthihi+1. . . hi+j appearing in h=h1· · ·hm can be equal to f.


1. From ([9], Chap. 3, Th. 12) we obtain that the bound of a product divides the product of the bounds. Iff dividesh, then the quotient is a product of at mostm−2 factors, becausef is reducible and therefore the bound ofhdividesf times the bound of the quotient, so it divides fm−1 and the result follows from part (2) of Theorem 2.


2. If there exists i, j such that f =hihi+1. . . hi+j then f hi+j+1· · ·hm is a right factor of h. As f is central, it commutes with hi+j+1· · ·hm and thereforef divide h on the right.

Example 3 We keep the notations of the previous example. The bound of h= (X+ 1)(X+a)(X+ 1)(X+a2)(X+ 1)(X+a2)(X+ 1)

is(X2+ 1)7 and therefore the previous theorem shows that this factorization of h in IF4[X;θ] is unique. Corollary 2 implies that the common central bound X2+ 1of the factors of h does not divide h and that two irreducible factors X + 1, X +a and X +a2 of X2 + 1 who appear together in a decomposition ofX2+ 1 (like in example 2) never appear next to each other in the decomposition ofh.

Our goal is to prove the converse of the above corollary under the as- sumption thatθ Aut(IFq) is of order two, as is the case for IF4, IF9, IF25 and IF49. When θis of order two, then X2n±1 belongs to the centerZ(R) ofR. In this case the bound of any factor of X2n±1 also belongs to Z(R) ([9], Chap. 3, Th. 12). Therefore we will now focus on polynomials whose bound are central polynomial of the form f (IFq)θ[X|θ|].

Lemma 2 Consider R= IFq[X;θ]with θ of order two.

1. For g = Pm

i=0aiXi R and for g = Pm

i=0(−1)iθi+1(ai)Xi we have ggZ(R). In particular the bound ofg is of degree2 deg(g).

2. An irreducible bound f Z(R) which is reducible in R, factors as the product of two irreducible polynomials in R of degree deg(f)/2.


1. For l ∈ {0, . . . ,2m}, the l-th coefficient of G = gg is given by Gl = P

i+j=lai(−1)jθl+1(aj). Ifl is even, then Gl= X


ai(−1)l−iθ(aj) = X



Asθ2 =id,θ(Gl) =P

i+j=lθ(ai)(−1)iaj =Gl. Ifl is odd, then Gl= X


ai(−1)jaj = X

i+j=l,j even,i odd

aiaj X

i+j=l,j odd,i even

aiaj = 0.

SoG belongs to (IFq)θ[X2] =Z(R).


2. The irreducible factors of an irreducible boundf are of the same degree d([9], Chap. 3, Corollary of Th. 20 or Theorem 4.3 of [6]) and as f is reducible, d must be deg(f)/2. The first assertion shows that the factors of f are of degree deg(f)/2 so d= deg(f)/2.

If the characteristic of IFq divides the order of θ, then a central bound f (IFq)θ[X|θ|] is reducible in the commutative subring (IFq)θ[X] R and therefore reducible in R. From Theorem 1 we get that the number of irreducible factors off is independent of the factorization.

Definition 4 Consider R = IFq[X;θ] and let f Z(R) be an irreducible bound which is reducible inR. To each right monic factorg off corresponds a unique gR such that gg=f called the complement of g (for f).

Example 4 ConsiderR= IFq[X;θ]withθof order two. If the central bound f =X2+λZ(R) is reducible in R, then its irreducible monic factors are of the formX+αR. The skew polynomial X+ ˜αR is the complement ofX+α if and only if(X+ ˜α)(X+α) =X2+ ( ˜α+θ(α))X+ ˜αα=X2+λ, which is the case if and only if


α=λ/α and θ(α) =−λ/α (5)

The following Proposition gives the converse of Corollary 2 when θ is of order two.

Proposition 2 Consider R= IFq[X;θ]with θ of order two, f Z(R) and irreducible bound that is reducible over R and h = h1· · ·hm a product of irreducible monic polynomials bounded by f. The following assertions are equivalent

(i) h is lclm-decomposable;

(ii) f divides h in R;

(iii) there exists iin {1, . . . , m1} such thathi+1 is the complement ofhi for f (a factor f =hi+1hi must be present in the factorization).

Proof: Corollary 2 shows that even if θhas not order two we always have (iii)(ii) (i). In order to prove the implication (i)(iii) we proceed by induction onm2 (here we will use the fact that θis of order two). If h = h1h2 where h1 and h2 are irreducible polynomials with bound f, the


bound of h divides the product of the bounds of h1 and h2 ([9], Chap. 3, Th. 12), so it dividesf2 in the commutative ring (IFq)θ[X]. Assume thath is lclm-decomposable, then according to part (2) of Theorem 2, the bound ofh is notf2. As f is irreducible in (IFq)θ[X2] the bound ofh is equal tof and hdivides f on the right. Sinceθ is of order two, the irreducible bound f has degree 2 deg(hi) (Lemma 2) so deg(h) = deg(f) and h = f, which proves that the results holds form= 2.

Suppose now m > 2 and that the result holds for i < m. Let h = h1· · ·hm be lclm-decomposable where hi are irreducible monic polynomi- als with bound f. Then, there exist g1, . . . , gm R such thath =g1· · ·gm

where (g1, . . . , gm)6= (h1, . . . , hm). Ifgm =hmtheng1· · ·gm−1 =h1· · ·hm−1

is lclm-decomposable and one concludes using the induction hypothesis.

Otherwise lclm(gm, hm) = ˜hm−1hm divides on the right h = h1· · ·hm =

˜h1· · ·˜hm−1hm. So h1· · ·hm−1 = ˜h1· · ·˜hm−1. If there exist i such that

˜hi 6=hi, thenh1· · ·hm−1 is lclm-decomposable and one concludes using the induction hypothesis; otherwise hm−1 = ˜hm−1 and lclm(gm, hm) =hm−1hm

is lclm-decomposable; so using the same argument as for m= 2 above, we obtain hm−1hm=f and the result follows.

Example 5 We keep the notations of the previous example. The above lemma shows that inIF4[X;θ] the polynomials (X+ 1)(X+a)(X+ 1)(X+ a2)(X+ 1)(X+a2)(X+ 1),(X+a)(X+a),(X+a)(X+ 1), (X+ 1)(X+ a), (X +a2)(X +a2), (X +a2)(X + 1) and (X+ 1)(X +a2) are lclm- indecomposable, i.e. the factorization of each polynomial into monic irre- ducible polynomials is unique.

Definition 5 Consider R = IFq[X;θ] and let f Z(R) be an irreducible bound which is reducible in R. The number of distinct irreducible monic right factors gIFq[X;θ]of f is the capacity κ of f.

Example 6 Consider R= IFq[X;θ]with θ of order two. Example 4 shows that the capacityκof the boundX2+λis the size of {aIFq|θ(a)a=−λ}.

In particular, the capacity of the central polynomial X2+ 1IF4[X;θ]with θ:α 7→α2 is3, while the three irreducible factors of X2+ 1 in IF4[X;θ]are given in example 2.

Proposition 3 Let R = IFq[X;θ] with θ of order two, 1 m IN and f Z(R) an irreducible bound which is reducible in R of capacity κ >2.

The number A(m) of distinct monic right factors g R of degree m·deg(f)2 of fm is




Proof: According to Lemma 2, the irreducible factors off have all the same degree deg(f)/2 so the irreducible factors offm, and therefore also the right factors offm, are all of degree deg(f)/2. Ifg=g1g2· · ·gm is a factorization into monic irreducible polynomials with boundf, andgi the complement of gi, then fm =gm· · ·g2g1g1g2· · ·gm. Therefore g is always a divisor of fm and we only need to count the different polynomials g =g1g2· · ·gm whose irreducible monic factors are bounded byf.

1. If g is divisible by the central bound f Z(R), then g = g0f where g0 =g10 · · ·g0m−2 and gi0 of degree deg(f)/2 : there are A(m2) such polynomials.

2. Proposition 2 shows thatgis not divisible by f if and only if for alli, gi+1 is not the complement forf of gi. There areκchoices forg1 and κ1 choices for each factorg2, g3. . . , gm.

FromA(0) = 1, A(1) =κ and A(m) =A(m2) +κ(κ1)m−1 we get the result by solving the recursion.

Corollary 3 Let θ be the Frobenius automorphisms of IF4. For s IN\ {0} there are 22s−1+11 module θ-cyclic codes over IF4 of length 2s and dimension2s−1.

Proof: X2s 1 = (X2+ 1)2s−1 in IF4[X;θ], and the capacity of X2+ 1 is κ= 3, so according to the previous proposition applied withm= 2s−1, the skew polynomialX2s1 has 22s−1+11 monic right factors of degree 2s−1 in IF4[X;θ].

In the proposition and the corollary above the number ofθ-cyclic codes over IF4 of length 2s was obtained by counting the number of distinct monic factors with degree 2s−1 of (X2+ 1)2s−1 =X2s+ 1 using the fact that they are products of linear factors. In the same way the number of self- dual θ-cyclic codes over IF4 of length 2s will now be obtained by counting the number of factors h with degree 2s−1 of X2s + 1 which satisfy also the relationh\h=X2s + 1 (cf. Corollary 1).

Proposition 4 Let R = IFq[X;θ] with θ of order two, 1 m IN, f Z(R) an irreducible bound which is reducible in R and hi R and gj R monic irreducible polynomials having all the same boundf. Ifgmgm−1· · ·g1 is lclm-indecomposable and

fm = h1· · ·hm−1hmgmgm−1· · ·g1 (6)


thenhi is the complement of gi (for f).

Proof: We proceed by induction on m. If m = 1 the result is trivial.

Suppose that the result holds for i < m. The rhs of (6) is clearly divisible byf and Proposition 2 shows that two consecutive factors in the rhs of (6) must be complements to each other and their product equal to f. We get three cases

1. There are two successive factors which are complements to each other in the decompositiongmgm−1· · ·g1ofg. Sincegis lclm-indecomposable, Corollary 2 shows that this case cannot occur.

2. Ifhm is the complement ofgm, then we can divide both sides of equa- tion (6) by the central polynomialhmgm =f to obtain

h1· · ·hm−1gm−1· · ·g1=fm−1. Sincegm−1· · ·g1is lclm-indecomposable, we obtain the result by induction.

3. Otherwise there are two successive factors which are complements to each other in the product h1· · ·hm−1hm and we prove that this case cannot happen. Namely, consider i such that hihi+1 = f. Dividing both sides of (6) by the central polynomialf gives

(h1· · ·hi−1hi+2hmgm) (gm−1· · ·g1) = fm−1. Applying the induction hypothesis togm−1· · ·g1which is lclm-indecomposable, we obtain that gm is the complement ofgm−1 which is impossible according to Corol- lary 2 becausegmgm−1· · ·g1 is lclm-indecomposable.

In the following we want to decide in some special cases if a product of linear polynomials (X+α1)(X+α2)· · ·(X+αm) generates a self-dual code. The main difficulty is that the skew reciprocal polynomial of a monic polynomial is not always monic: (X+α)=θ(α)X+1 =θ(α) (X+ 1/θ(α)).

Lemma 3 Consider 0 < m IN and α1, α2, . . . , αm in IFq\ {0}. For the skew polynomial g = (X+α1)(X+α2)· · ·(X +αm) IFq[X;θ] we have g =

θm1· · ·αm)

X+ θm−11· · ·αm−1) θm1· · ·αm)

· · ·

X+ θ(α1)

θ21α2) X+ 1 θ(α1)

from which we can deduce g\ by dividing on the left by θm1· · ·αm).


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