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A note on an $L^p$-Brunn-Minkowski inequality for convex measures in the unconditional case


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A note on an Lp-Brunn-Minkowski inequality for convex measures in the unconditional case

Arnaud Marsiglietti

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Arnaud Marsiglietti. A note on anLp-Brunn-Minkowski inequality for convex measures in the uncon- ditional case. 2014. �hal-01081764�


A note on an Lp-Brunn-Minkowski inequality for convex measures in the unconditional case

Arnaud Marsiglietti

Institute for Mathematics and its Applications, University of Minnesota arnaud.marsiglietti@ima.umn.edu

This research was supported in part by the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications with funds provided by the National Science Foundation.


We consider a differentLp-Minkowski combination of compact sets in Rn than the one introduced by Firey and we prove anLp-Brunn- Minkowski inequality,p[0,1], for a general class of measures called convex measures that includes log-concave measures, under uncondi- tional assumptions. As a consequence, we derive concavity properties of the functiont7→µ(t1pA), p(0,1], for unconditional convex mea- suresµand unconditional convex body A in Rn. We also prove that the (B)-conjecture for all uniform measures is equivalent to the (B)- conjecture for all log-concave measures, completing recent works by Saroglou.

Keywords: Brunn-Minkowski-Firey theory, Lp-Minkowski combination, convex body, convex measure, (B)-conjecture

1 Introduction

The Brunn-Minkowski inequality is a fundamental inequality in Mathemat- ics, which states that for every convex subset A, B Rn and for every λ[0,1], one has

|(1λ)A+λB|n1 (1λ)|A|n1 +λ|B|n1, (1) where

A+B ={a+b;aA, bB}

denotes theMinkowski sumofA andB and where| · | denotes the Lebesgue measure. The book by Schneider [21] and the survey by Gardner [14] fa- mously reference the Brunn-Minkowski inequality and its consequences.


Several extensions of the Brunn-Minkowski inequality have been devel- oped during the last decades by establishing functional versions (seee.g.[16], [9], [10], [24]), by considering different measures (see e.g. [3], [4]), by gen- eralizing the Minkowski sum (seee.g.[11], [12], [13], [18], [19]), among others.

In this paper, we will combine these extensions to prove an Lp-Brunn- Minkowski inequality for a large class of measures, including the log-concave measures.

Firstly, let us consider measures other than the Lebesgue measure. Fol- lowing Borell [3], [4], we say that a Borel measure µ in Rn is s-concave, s[−∞,+∞], if the inequality

µ((1λ)A+λB)Msλ(µ(A), µ(B))

holds for everyλ[0,1]and for every compact subset A, BRnsuch that µ(A)µ(B)>0, whereMsλ(a, b) denotes thes-mean of the non-negative real numbersa, b with weightλ, defined as

Msλ(a, b) = ((1λ)as+λbs)1s if s /∈ {−∞,0,+∞},

M−∞λ (a, b) = min(a, b), M0λ(a, b) =a1λbλ,M+λ(a, b) = max(a, b). Hence the Brunn-Minkowski inequality tells us that the Lebesgue measure inRn is



As a consequence of the Hölder inequality, one has Mpλ(a, b)Mqλ(a, b) for every p q. Thus every s-concave measure is −∞-concave. The −∞- concave measures are also called convex measures.

For s n1, Borell showed that every measure µ, which is absolutely continuous with respect to then-dimensional Lebesgue measure, iss-concave if and only if its density is an α-concave function, with

α= s

1sn [−1

n,+∞], (2)

where a functionf :RnR+ is said to beα-concave, withα[−∞,+∞], if the inequality

f((1λ)x+λy)Mαλ(f(x), f(y))

holds for everyx, yRn such thatf(x)f(y)>0and for every λ[0,1].

Secondly, let us consider a generalization of the notion of the Minkowski sum introduced by Firey, which leads to anLp-Brunn-Minkowski theory. For convex bodiesAandB inRn(i.e.compact convex sets containing the origin in the interior), theLp-Minkowski combination,p[−∞,+∞], of A andB with weightλ[0,1]is defined by

(1λ)·Apλ·B ={xRn;hx, ui ≤Mpλ(hA(u), hB(u)),∀uSn1},


wherehA denotes the support functionofA defined by hA(u) = max

xAhx, ui, uSn1. Notice that for everypq,

(1λ)·Apλ·B (1λ)·Aqλ·B.

The support function is an important tool in Convex Geometry, having the property to determine a convex body and to be linear with respect to Minkowski sum and dilation:

A={xRn;hx, ui ≤hA(u),∀uSn1}, hA+B =hA+hB, hµA=µhA, for every convex bodyA, B inRn and every scalar µ0. Thus,

(1λ)·A1λ·B= (1λ)A+λB.

In this paper, we consider a different Lp-Minkowski combination. Be- fore giving the definition, let us recall that a function f : Rn R is unconditional if there exists a basis (a1,· · ·, an) of Rn (the canonical ba- sis in the sequel) such that for every x = Pn

i=1xiai Rn and for ev- ery ε = (ε1,· · ·, εn) ∈ {−1,1}n, one has f(Pn

i=1εixiai) = f(x). For p= (p1,· · ·, pn)[−∞,+∞]n,a= (a1,· · ·, an)(R+)n, b= (b1,· · ·, bn) (R+)n andλ[0,1], let us denote

(1λ)a+pλb= (Mpλ1(a1, b1),· · ·, Mpλn(an, bn))(R+)n.

For non-empty subsetsA, BRn, forp[−∞,+∞]nand forλ[0,1], we define theLp-Minkowski combination ofAandB with weight λ, denoted by (1−λ)·A+pλ·B, to be the unconditional subset (i.e.the indicator function is unconditional) such that

((1−λ)·A+pλ·B)∩(R+)n={(1−λ)a+pλb; aA∩(R+)n, bB∩(R+)n}.

This definition is consistent with the well known fact that an unconditional set (or function) is entirely determined on the positive octant(R+)n. More- over, thisLp-Minkowski combination coincides with the classical Minkowski sum when p = (1,· · · ,1) and A, B are unconditional convex subsets of Rn (see Proposition 2.1 below).

Using an extension of the Brunn-Minkowski inequality discovered by Uhrin [24], we prove the following result:

Theorem 1.1. Let p = (p1,· · ·, pn) [0,1]n and let α R such that α≥ − Pn

i=1pi 11

. Let µ be an unconditional measure in Rn that has an α-concave density function with respect to the Lebesgue measure. Then, for every unconditional convex bodyA, B in Rn and for everyλ[0,1],

µ((1λ)·A+pλ·B)Mγλ(µ(A), µ(B)), (3) where γ = Pn

i=1pi 1+α11



The case of the Lebesgue measure and p = (0,· · · ,0) is treated by Saroglou [21], answering a conjecture by Böröczky, Lutwak, Yang and Zhang [5]

in the unconditional case.

Conjecture 1.2(log-Brunn-Minkowski inequality [5]). LetA, Bbe symmet- ric convex bodies inRn and let λ[0,1]. Then,

|(1λ)·A0λ·B| ≥ |A|1λ|B|λ. (4) Useful links have been discovered by Saroglou [21], [22] between Conjec- ture 1.2 and the (B)-conjecture.

Conjecture 1.3((B)-conjecture [17], [8]). Letµbe a symmetric log-concave measure in Rn and let A be a symmetric convex subset of Rn. Then the function t7→µ(etA) is log-concave on R.

The (B)-conjecture was solved by Cordero-Erausquin, Fradelizi and Mau- rey [8] for the Gaussian measure and for the unconditional case. As a variant of the (B)-conjecture, one may study concavity properties of the function t 7→ µ(V(t)A) where V : R R+ is a convex function. As a consequence of Theorem 1.1, we deduce concavity properties of the functiont7→µ(t1pA), p (0,1], for every unconditional s-concave measure µ and every uncondi- tional convex bodyA inRn (see Proposition 2.4 below).

Saroglou [22] also proved that the log-Brunn-Minkowski inequality for the Lebesgue measure (inequality (4)) is equivalent to the log-Brunn-Minkowski inequality for all log-concave measures. We continue these kinds of equiva- lences by proving that the (B)-conjecture for all uniform measures is equiv- alent to the (B)-conjecture for all log-concave measures (see Proposition 3.1 below).

We also investigate functional versions of the (B)-conjecture, which may be read as follows:

Conjecture 1.4(Functional version of the (B)-conjecture). Letf, g:Rn R+ be even log-concave functions. Then the function




f(etx)g(x) dx is log-concave on R.

We prove that Conjecture 1.4 is equivalent to Conjecture 1.3 (see Propo- sition 3.2 below).

Let us note that other developments in the use of the earlier mentioned extensions of the Brunn-Minkowski inequality have been recently made as well (seee.g. [2], [6], [7], [15]).


The rest of the paper is organized as follows: In the next section, we prove Theorem 1.1 and we extend it to m sets, m 2. We also compare our Lp-Minkowski combination to the Firey combination and derive an Lp- Brunn-Minkowski inequality for the Firey combination. We then discuss the consequences of a variant of the (B)-conjecture, namely we deduce concavity properties of the function t 7→ µ(t1pA), p (0,1]. In Section 3, we prove that the (B)-conjecture for all uniform measures is equivalent to the (B)- conjecture for all log-concave measures, and we also prove that the (B)- conjecture is equivalent to its functional version Conjecture 1.4.

2 Proof of Theorem 1.1 and consequences

2.1 Proof of Theorem 1.1

Before proving Theorem 1.1, let us show that our Lp-Minkowski combina- tion coincides with the classical Minkowski sum when p = (1,· · ·,1), for unconditional convex sets.

Proposition 2.1. Let A, B be unconditional convex subsets of Rn and let λ[0,1]. Then,

(1λ)·A+e1λ·B= (1λ)A+λB, wheree1 = (1,· · · ,1).

Proof. Since the sets(1−λ)·A+e1λ·B and(1−λ)A+λBare unconditional, it is sufficient to prove that

((1λ)·A+e1λ·B)(R+)n= ((1λ)A+λB)(R+)n.

Letx((1λ)A+λB)(R+)n. There existsa= (a1,· · · , an)A and b= (b1,· · · , bn)Bsuch thatx= (1−λ)a+λband for everyi∈ {1,· · · , n}, (1−λ)ai+λbi R+. Letε, η ∈ {−1,1}nsuch that1a1,· · ·, εnan)(R+)n and 1b1,· · · , ηnbn) (R+)n. Notice that for every i ∈ {1,· · ·, n}, 0 (1λ)ai +λbi (1λ)εiai+ληibi. Since the sets A and B are convex and unconditional, it follows thatx(1λ)(A(R+)n) +λ(B(R+)n) = ((1λ)·A+e1λ·B)(R+)n.

The other inclusion is clear due to the definition of the set(1λ)·A+e1 λ·B.

Proof of Theorem 1.1. Let λ [0,1] and let A, B be unconditional convex bodies inRn.

It has been shown by Uhrin [24] that iff, g, h: (R+)nR+are bounded measurable functions such that for every x, y(R+)n,h((1λ)x+pλy) Mαλ(f(x), g(y)), then



h(x) dxMγλ Z


f(x) dx, Z


g(x) dx

! ,


whereγ = Pn

i=1pi 1+α11


Let us denote byφthe density function ofµand let us seth= 1(1λ)·A+pλ·Bφ, f = 1Aφ andg= 1Bφ. By assumption, the functionφ is unconditional and α-concave, henceφis non-increasing in each coordinate on the octant(R+)n. Then for everyx, y(R+)n, one has

φ((1λ)x+pλy)φ((1λ)x+λy)Mαλ(φ(x), φ(y)).


h((1λ)x+pλy)Mαλ(f(x), g(y)).

Thus we may apply the result mentioned at the beginning of the proof to obtain that



h(x) dxMγλ Z


f(x) dx, Z


g(x) dx

! ,

whereγ = Pn

i=1pi 1+α11

. In other words, one has

µ(((1λ)·A+pλ·B)(R+)n)Mγλ(µ(A(R+)n), µ(B(R+)n)).

Since the sets(1λ)·A+pλ·B,A andB are unconditional, it follows that µ((1λ)·A+pλ·B)Mγλ(µ(A), µ(B)).

Remark. One may similarly define theLp-Minkowski combination λ1·A1+p· · ·+pλm·Am,

for m convex bodiesA1, . . . , AmRn,m2, whereλ1, . . . , λm[0,1]are such thatPm

i=1λi = 1, by extending the definition of the p-mean Mpλ to m non-negative numbers. By induction, one has under the same assumptions of Theorem 1.1 that

µ(λ1·A1+p· · ·+pλm·Am)Mγλ(µ(A1),· · · , µ(Am)), (5) whereγ = Pn

i=1pi 1+α11

. Indeed, let m2 and let us assume that inequality (5) holds. Notice that

λ1·A1+p· · ·+pλm·Am+pλm+1·Am+1 = Xm







λ1 Pm


·A1+p· · ·+p λm Pm





Thus, µ

m X






m X










!γ1 .

2.2 Consequences

The following result compares the Lp-Minkowski combinationsp and+p. Lemma 2.2. Let p [0,1] and set pe = (p,· · · , p) [0,1]n. For every unconditional convex bodyA, B in Rn and for everyλ[0,1], one has

(1λ)·Apλ·B (1λ)·A+peλ·B.

Proof. The casep = 0 is proved in [21]. Let p 6= 0. Since the sets(1λ)· Apλ·B and(1λ)·A+peλ·B are unconditional, it is sufficient to prove that

((1λ)·Apλ·B)(R+)n((1λ)·A+epλ·B)(R+)n. LetuSn1(R+)n and letx((1λ)·A+peλ·B)(R+)n. One has,

hx, ui = Xn i=1

((1λ)api +λbpi)1pui

= Xn i=1


= k(1λ)X+λYk

1 p 1 p


where X = ((a1u1)p,· · ·,(anun)p) and Y = ((b1u1)p,· · · ,(bnun)p). Notice thatkXk1

p hA(u)p, kYk1

p hB(u)p and that k · k1

p is a norm. It follows that

hx, ui ≤


p +λkYk1 p


p ((1λ)hA(u)p+λhB(u)p)1p. Hence, x((1λ)·Apλ·B)(R+)n.

From Lemma 2.2 and Theorem 1.1, one obtains the following result:

Corollary 2.3. Let p[0,1]. Letµbe an unconditional measure inRnthat has an α-concave density function, with α ≥ −np. Then for every uncondi- tional convex bodyA, B in Rn and for everyλ[0,1],

µ((1λ)·Apλ·B)Mγλ(µ(A), µ(B)), (6) where γ =


p + α11




1. By takingα = 0 in Corollary 2.3 (corresponding to log-concave mea- sures), one obtains


2. By takingα= +∞ in Corollary 2.3 (corresponding to n1-concave mea- sures), one obtains that for everyp[0,1],

µ((1λ)·Apλ·B)np (1λ)µ(A)np +λµ(B)np.

Equivalently, for everyp[0,1], for every unconditional convex body A, B inRn and for every unconditional convex setKRn,

|((1λ)·Apλ·B)K|pn (1λ)|AK|pn +λ|BK|np. Let us recall that the function t7→µ(etA) is log-concave on Rfor every unconditional log-concave measureµ and every unconditional convex body AinRn(see [8]). By adapting the argument of [20], Proof of Proposition 3.1 (see Proof of Corollary 2.5 below), it follows that the function t7→ µ(t1pA) is pn-concave on R+, for every p (0,1], for every unconditional s-concave measure µ, with s 0, and for every unconditional convex body A in Rn. However, no concavity properties are known for the function t 7→ µ(etA) whenµ is ans-concave measure with s <0. Instead, for these measures we prove concavity properties of the function t7→µ(t1pA).

Proposition 2.4. Letp(0,1], letµ be an unconditional measure that has an α-concave density function, with α [−pn,0) and let A be an uncondi- tional convex body in Rn. Then the function t 7→ µ(t1pA) is


p +α11

- concave on R+.

Proof. Lett1, t2 R+. By applying Corollary 2.3 to the sets t

1 p

1A and t

1 p

2A, one obtains

µ(((1λ)t1+λt2)1pA) =µ((1λ)·t

1 p


1 p


1 p

1A), µ(t

1 p

2A)), where γ =


p +α11

. Hence the function t 7→ µ(t1pA) is γ-concave on R+.

As a consequence, we derive concavity properties for the function t 7→



Corollary 2.5. Letp(0,1], letµbe an unconditional measure that has an α-concave density function, with α[−np,0), and let A be an unconditional convex body in Rn. Then the function t 7→ µ(tA) is

1p n +γ

-concave on R+, where γ =


p +α11


Proof. We adapt [20], Proof of Proposition 3.1. Let us denote by φ the density function of the measureµ and let us denote byF the functiont7→

µ(tA). From Proposition 2.4, the function t 7→ F(t1p) is γ-concave, hence the right derivative ofF, denoted byF+ , exists everywhere and the function t7→ 1pt1p1F+(t1p)F(t1p)γ1 is non-increasing. Notice that

F(t) =tn Z


φ(tx) dx,

and that t7→ φ(tx) is non-increasing, thus the function t 7→ t1−p1 F(t)1−pn is non-increasing. Since

F+ (t)F(t)1−pn 1 =t1pF+ (t)F(t)γ1· 1

t1pF(t)1−pn ,

it follows that F+(t)F(t)1−pn 1 is non-increasing as the product of two non-negative non-increasing functions. HenceF is

1p n +γ


Remark. For everys-concave measureµand every convex subsetARn, the functiont7→µ(tA) iss-concave. Hence Corollary 2.5 is of value only if


n +γ 1+αnα (see relation (2)). Notice that this condition is satisfied if α≥ −n(1+p)p . We thus obtain the following corollary:

Corollary 2.6. Let p (0,1], let µ be an unconditional measure that has an α-concave density function, with n(1+p)p α < 0 and let K be an unconditional convex body in Rn. Then, for every subsets A, B ∈ {µK;µ >

0} and everyλ[0,1], one has


n (µ(A), µ(B)), where γ =


p + α11


In [20], the author investigated improvements of concavity properties of convex measures under additional assumptions, such as symmetries. Notice that Corollary 2.6 follows the same path and completes the results that can be found in [20]. Let us conclude this section by the following remark, which concerns the question of the improvement of concavity properties of convex measures.


Remark. Letµbe a Borel measure that has a density function with respect to the Lebesgue measure inRn. One may write the density function of µin the formeV, where V :Rn R is a measurable function. Let us assume thatV isC2. Letγ R\{0}. The functioneV isγ-concave ifHess(γeγV), the Hessian ofγeγV, is non-positive (in the sense of symmetric matrices).

One has

Hess(γeγV) =−γ2∇ ·(∇VeγV) =γ2eV(γ∇V ⊗ ∇V Hess(V)), where∇V ⊗ ∇V =





1i,jn. Hence the matrixHess(γeγV)is non- positive if and only if the matrixγ∇V ⊗ ∇V Hess(V) is non-positive.

Let us apply this remark to the Gaussian measure n(x) = 1

(2π)n2 e|x|


2 dx, xRn.

HereV(x) = |x2|2+cn, wherecn= n2 log(2π). Thus,∇V⊗∇V = (xixj)1i,jn andHess(V) =Idthe Identity matrix. Notice that the eigenvalues ofγ∇V

∇V Hess(V) are −1 (with multiplicity (n1)) and γ|x|21. Hence if γ|x|21 0, then γ∇V ⊗ ∇V Hess(V) is non-positive. One deduces that for every γ > 0, for every compact sets A, B 1γB2n and for every λ[0,1], one has


1+γnn(A), γn(B)), (7) whereB2n denotes the Euclidean closed unit ball inRn.

Since the Gaussian measure is a log-concave measure, inequality (7) is an improvement of the concavity of the Gaussian measure when restricted to compact sets A, B 1γB2n.

3 Equivalence between (B)-conjecture-type prob- lems

In the following proposition, we demonstrate that it is sufficient to prove the (B)-conjecture for all uniform measures in Rn, for every n N, to obtain the (B)-conjecture for all symmetric log-concave measures in Rn, for every nN. This completes recent works by Saroglou [21], [22].

In the following, we say that a measure µ satisfies the (B)-property if the functiont7→µ(etA) is log-concave onRfor every symmetric convex set ARn.

Proposition 3.1. If every symmetric uniform measure in Rn, for every nN, satisfies the (B)-property, then every symmetric log-concave measure in Rn, for every nN, satisfies the (B)-property.


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