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Stochastic differential equations with non-lipschitz coefficients: I. Pathwise uniqueness and large deviation


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Preprint submitted on 4 Nov 2003

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Stochastic differential equations with non-lipschitz coefficients: I. Pathwise uniqueness and large deviation

Shizan Fang, Tusheng Zhang

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Shizan Fang, Tusheng Zhang. Stochastic differential equations with non-lipschitz coefficients: I. Path- wise uniqueness and large deviation. 2003. �hal-00000813�


ccsd-00000813 (version 1) : 4 Nov 2003

Stochastic differential equations with non-Lipschitz coefficients: I. Pathwise

uniqueness and Large deviations

Shizan FANG and Tusheng ZHANG

I.M.B, UFR Sciences et techniques, Universit´e de Bourgogne, 9 avenue Alain Savary, B.P. 47870, 21078 Dijon, France.

Department of Mathematics, University of Manchester, Oxford road, Manch- ester, M13 9PL, England.


We study a class of stochastic differential equations with non-Lipschitzian coefficients. A unique strong solution is obtained and a large deviation principle of Freidlin-Wentzell type has been established.

1 Introduction

Letσ : RdRdRm and b: RdRd be continuous functions. It is well-known that the following Itˆo s.d.e:

dX(t) =σ(X(t))dWt+b(X(t))dt, X(0) =xo (1) has a weak solution up to a lifetimeζ (see [SV], [IW, p.155-163]), where tWtis aRm-valued standard Brownian motion. It is also known that under the assumption of linear growth of coefficientsσandb, the lifetime ζ = +∞almost surely. If the s.d.e (1) has the pathwise uniqueness, then it admits a strong solution (see [IW, p.149], [RY, p.341]). So the study of pathwise uniqueness is of great interest. It is a classical result that under the Lipschitz conditions, the pathwise uniqueness holds and the solution of s.d.e. (1) can be constructed using Picard interation; morever the solu- tion depends on the initial values continuousely. The main tool to these studies is the Gronwall lemma. When the coefficientsσ andbdo not sat- isfy the Lipschitz conditions, the use of Gronwall lemma meets a serious difficulty. Therefore, there are very few results of pathwise uniqueness


of solutions of s.d.e. beyond the Lipschitzian (or locally Lipschitzian ) conditions in the literature except in the one dimensional case (see [IW, p.168], [RY, CH IX-3]). In the case of ordinary differential equations, the Gronwall lemma was generalized in order to establish the uniqueness result (see e.g. [La]). However the method is not applicable to s.d.e.. In this work, we shall deal with a class of non-Lipschitzian s.d.e.. Namely, we shall assume that


(||σ(x)σ(y)||2 C|xy|2 log|x−y|1 , for|xy|<1,

|b(x)b(y)| C|xy|log|x−y|1 , for|xy|<1 where|·|denotes the Euclidean distance inRdand||σ||2 =Pdi=1Pmj=1σij2.

We will prove the pathwise uniqueness of solutions under (H.1) and non explosion of the solution under the growth condition|x|log|x|. The results are valid for any dimension. Our idea is to construct a family of positive increasing functions (Φρ)ρ>0 onR+ so that the Gronwall lemma can be applied to the composition of the functions (Φρ) with appropri- ate processes. This family of positive functions plays a crucial role. In this work, we will also establish a Freidlin-Wentzell type large deviation principle for the solutions of the s.d.e’s (see [FW]). As a by-product, it is seen that the unique solution of the s.d.e. can be obtained by Euler approximation. Our strategy for the large deviation is to prove that the Euler approximations to the s.d.e. is exponentially fast. The method of estimating moments used in the literature ([DS],[DZ], [S] ) wouldn’t work here because of the non-Lipschitzian feature of the coefficients. We again appeal to a family of positive functions (Φρ,λ)ρ>0. The proof of the uniform convergence of solutions of the corresponding skeleton equations over compact level sets is also tricky due to the non-Lipschitzian feature.

The organization of the paper is as follows. In section 2, we shall discuss the case of ordinary differential equations; although the results about non explosion and uniqueness are not new, but our method can also be used to study the dependence of initial values and the non confluence of the equations. In section 3, we shall consider the s.d.e. The path- wise uniqueness and the criterion of non-explosion will be established.

However, the supplementary difficulties will appear when we deal with the dependence with respect to initial values and the non confluence of s.d.e., that we shall study in a forthcoming paper. The ordinary differ- ential equation


dt =b(X(t)), X(0) =xo (2)

gives rise to a dynamical system onRd. In section 4, we shall consider its small perturbation by a white noise. Namely, we shall consider the s.d.e dXε(t) =ε12 σ(Xε(t))dWt+b(Xε(t))dt, Xε(0) =xo (3)


and state a large deviation principle for (Xε(t))t∈[0,1]. Section 5 and 6 are devoted to the proof of the large deviation principle. Section 5 is for the case of bounded coefficients. Section 6 is for the general case.

2 Ordinary differential equations

Letb:RdRd be a continuous function. It is essentially due to Ascoli- Arzela theorem that the differential equation (2) has a solution up to a lifetime ζ. The following result weakens the linear growth condition for non explosion.

Theorem 2.1 Let r :R+R+ be a continuous function such that (i) lims→+∞r(s) = +∞, (ii) R0sr(s)+1ds = +∞.

Assume that it holds

|b(x)| ≤C (|x|r(|x|2) + 1). (4) Then the lifetime is infinte: ζ = +∞.

Proof. Define for ξ0, ψ(ξ) =

Z ξ 0


sr(s) + 1 and Φ(ξ) =eψ(ξ). We have

Φ(ξ) = Φ(ξ)

ξr(ξ) + 1. (5)

Letξt=|Xt|2, whereX(t) is a solution to (2). Then d

dtΦ(ξt) = 2Φt)hXt, b(X(t))i, (6) whereh, idenotes the inner product inRd. By assumption (4), we have


dtΦ(ξt)2CΦt)|Xt|(|Xt|r(ξt) + 1). (7) By (i), it holds that



s2r(s2) +s

s2r(s2) + 1 <+∞.

Therefore for some constantC2>0,


dtΦ(ξt)2C2Φ(ξt). (8) It follows that for t < ζ,

Φ(ξt)Φ(|xo|2) + 2C2 Z t




By Gronwall lemma, we have

Φ(ξt)Φ(|xo|2)e2C2t. (9) If ζ < +∞, letting t ζ in (9), we get Φ(ξζ) Φ(|xo|2)e2C2ζ which is impossible because of ξζ = +∞, Φ(+∞) = +∞.

Remark. By considering the inequality dtdΦ(ξt)≥ −2C2Φ(ξt), we have Φ(ξt)Φ(|xo|)2C2

Z t 0

Φ(ξs)ds, which yields to


If we denote byXt(xo) the solution to (2) with initial valuexo, then we get lim|xo|→+∞Φ(|Xt(xo)|) = +∞, which implies that

|xolim|→+∞|Xt(xo)|= +∞. (10) In what follows, to be simplified, we shall assume that the solutions of (2) have non explosion.

Theorem 2.2 Let r :]0,1[→R+ be a continuous function such that (i) lims→0r(s) = +∞;

(ii) R0asr(s)ds = +∞ for any a >0.

Assume that

|b(x)b(y)| ≤C|xy| r(|xy|2) for|xy|<1. (11) Then the differential equation (2) has an unique solution.

Proof. Let (X(t))t≥0 and (Y(t))t≥0 be two solutions of the equation (2). Setηt=X(t)Y(t) and ξt=t|2. Letρ >0, consider

ψρ(ξ) = Z ξ



sr(s) +ρ and Φρ(ξ) =eψρ(ξ). We have

Φρ(ξ) = Φρ(ξ)

ξ r(ξ) +ρ. (12)


τ = inf{t >0, ξt1/2}.

By assumption (11), we have

|hηt, b(X(t))b(Y(t))i| ≤C ξtr(ξt), t < τ.

Therefore according to (12), fort < τ, by chain rule, Φρt)1 + 2C

Z t

0 Φρs)ds,


which implies that Φρt) e2C t for t < τ. Letting ρ 0, we get that eψ0t)e2Ct. Now by hypothesis (ii), we obtain thatξt= 0 for allt < τ.

Ifτ <+∞, letting tτ, we get 1

2 =ξτ = 0,

which is absurd. Therefore ξt = 0 for all t0. In other words,X(t) = Y(t) for t0.

Example 2.3 Define

f(x1, x2) =X



k2 .

Obviously the functionf is continuous onR2. We have

|f(X)f(Y)| ≤C |XY|log 1

|XY| for|XY|< 1

e (13) whereX = (x1, x2) and Y = (y1, y2). In fact,

f(X)−f(Y) =



n(sinkx1sinky1) sinkx2

k2 +(sinkx2sinky2) sinky1 k2


It follows that

|f(X)f(Y)| ≤2



n|sin (kx1−y2 1)|

k2 +|sin (kx2−y2 2)|



Lemma 2.4 For 0< θ <1/e, we have V(θ) :=




k2 C1 θlog1

θ. (14)

Proof. Considerφ(s) = sins2. We have

φ(s) = s2θcos2ssin

s4 .

Then (s)| ≤ s2. LetW(θ) =R1+∞|sins2sθ| ds. We have

|V(θ)W(θ)| ≤




Z k+1







k2 = π2θ

2 . (15)


W(θ) =θ Z +∞



t2 dtθ Z 1


sint t

dt t +θ

Z +∞


ds s2


which is dominated by

θlog1 θ + 1. Therefore, according to (15)


θ+ 1 + π2 2


which is less that 2(π22 + 1) θlog1θ for 0< θ < 1e. Now applying (14), for|x1y1|+|x2y2|<1/e,


4C1|x1−y2 1|log|x 1

1y1|+|x2−y2 2|log|x1


4C1|x1−y1|+|x2 2−y2|log|x 2


(16) where the last inequality was due to the concavity of the functionξlog1ξ over ]0,1[. Therefore (13) holds for some constantC >0.

In what follows, we shall study the dependence of initial values.

Theorem 2.5 Assume that the conditions (4) and (11) hold. Then xo→Xt(xo) is continuous.

Proof. Letε >0. Consider a small parameter 0< δ < ε. Let (xo, yo) Rd×Rdsuch that|xoyo|< δ. Setηt=Xt(xo)Xt(yo) andt|=t|2. Define

τ(xo, yo) = inf{t >0, ξtε}.


ψρ(ξ) = Z ξ



sr(s) +ρ and Φρ(ξ) =eψρ(ξ). As in proof of theorem 2.2, we have fort < τ(xo, yo),

Φρt)Φρo)e2C t. Takingρ=|xoyo|, we get

Φρt)eρe2C t, fort < τ(xo, yo). (17) Fix the point xo. If lim infyo→xoτ(xo, yo) = τ < +∞, we can choose yn→xo such that limn→+∞τ(xo, yn) =τ. Applying (17) for (xo, yn) and letting tτ(xo, yn), we get

Φρn(ε) = Φρnτ(xo,yn))eρne2C τ(xo,yn). whereρn=|xoyn|. Lettingn→+∞, we have

+∞= Φo(ε)e2C τ which is absurd. Therefore

yolim→xoτ(xo, yo) = +∞,


which means that for anyt >0, there existsδ >0 such that for|yo−xo|<

δ,τ(xo, yo)> t. In other words,

|Xt(xo)Xt(yo)| ≤ε.

Proposition 2.6 Assume that the conditions (4) and (11) hold. Then for xo 6=yo, we have Xt(xo)6=Xt(yo) for allt0.

Proof. Letηt=Xt(xo)Xt(yo) andξt=t|2. Without loss of gener- ality, assume that 0< ξo<1/2. Let

τ = inf{t >0, ξt 3 4}.

By starting from τ again , it is enough to prove thatξt>0 fort < τ.


ψρ(ξ) = Z ξ



sr(s) +ρ and Φρ(ξ) =eψρ(ξ). By assumption (10), for t < τ, we get

ρt) dt


It follows that Φρt)Φρo)2CR0tΦρs)ds or

Φρt)Φρo)e−2Ct for t < τ. (18) For ρ >0 small enough, Φρo)e−2Ct >1. It follows that Φρt) >1 or ξt>0.

Now using (11) and proposition 2.6, and by the standard arguments, we obtain

Theorem 2.7 Assume that the conditions (4) and (11)hold. Then for any t >0, xo→Xt(xo) defines a flow of homeomorphisms of Rd.

3 Stochastic differential equations

Letσ :Rd→RdRm be continuous function. LetX(t) be a solution of the following Itˆo stochastic differential equation:

dX(t) =σ(X(t))dWt+b(X(t))dt, X(0) =xo (19) with the lifetime ζ(w).

Theorem 3.1 Let r : [1,+∞[→R+ be a function of C1, satisfying (i) lims→+∞r(s) = +∞, (ii) R1sr(s)+1ds = +∞ and

(iii) lims→+∞srr(s)(s) = 0.


Assume that for |x| ≥1,

||σ(x)||2 C|x|2r(|x|2) + 1,

|b(x)| C|x|r(|x|2) + 1. (20) Then the s.d.e (19) has no explosion: P = +∞) = 1.

Proof. For 0< s1, definer(s) =r(1s). Then there exists a constant C >0 such that the condition (20) holds for anyx. Consider

ψ(ξ) = Z ξ



sr(s) + 1 and Φ(ξ) =eψ(ξ), ξ 0.

We have

Φ(ξ) (ξ r(ξ) + 1) = Φ(ξ), (21) Φ′′(ξ) =


(ξr(1ξ)+1)2 if 0< ξ <1,


(ξr(ξ)+1)2 if ξ >1.

(22) By conditions (i) and (iii), there exists M > 0 such that Φ′′(ξ) 0 for ξ M1 or ξ M. Remark that the function Φ is not C2 at the point ξ= 1. Fix a smallδ >0, take ˜Φ∈ C2(R+) such that

Φ˜ Φ, Φ(ξ) = Φ(ξ) for˜ ξ 6∈[1δ,1 +δ]. (23) Denote

K1 = sup


|Φ˜(ξ)|+|Φ˜′′(ξ)|, K2= sup


ξ r(ξ).


|Φ˜(ξ)| ≤ K1(K2+ 1)

Φ(1δ) · Φ(ξ)

ξ r(ξ) + 1, ξ[1δ,1 +δ], (24) and

|Φ˜′′(ξ)| ≤ K1(K2+ 1)2

Φ(1δ) · Φ(ξ)

(ξ r(ξ) + 1)2, ξ [1δ,1 +δ]. (25) Letξt(w) =|Xt(w)|2. We have

t = 2hXt, σ(X(t))dWti+ 2hXt, b(X(t))idt

+||σ(X(t))||2dt, (26)

and the stochastic contraction t·t is given by

t·t= 4|σ(Xt)Xt|2dt (27) whereσ denotes the transpose matrix ofσ.



τR= inf{t >0, ξtR}, R >0.

Then τRζ asR+∞. Let

Iw ={t >0, ξt(w)[ 1 M, M]}.

Taking M big enough such that [1δ,1 +δ][M1 , M]. By (22),

Φ˜′′t) = Φ′′t)0 for t6∈Iw. (28) Combining (22) and (25), there exists a constantC1 such that

Φ˜′′t) C1Φ(ξt)

tr(ξt) + 1)2, tIw. (29) By (21) and (24), for some constant C2 >0, we have

Φ˜t) C2Φ(ξt)

ξtr(ξt) + 1, t >0. (30) Now by Itˆo formula and according to (26),(27), we have

Φ(ξ˜ t∧τR) = Φ(ξo) + 2 Z t∧τR


Φ˜s)hXs, σ(X(s))dWsi + 2

Z t∧τR


Φ˜s)hXs, b(X(s))ids +

Z t∧τR


Φ˜s)||σ(X(s))||2ds + 2

Z t∧τR


Φ˜′′s)(X(s))Xs|2ds. (31) By (28) and (29),

Z t∧τR


Φ˜′′s)(X(s))Xs|2ds Z t∧τR


1Iw(s) C1Φ(ξs)

sr(ξs) + 1)2(X(s))Xs|2ds.

(32) By (20),

(X(s))Xs|2 sr(ξs) + 1)2 C3

ξssr(ξs) + 1)

sr(ξs) + 1)2 (33) which is dominated by a constant C3. According to (32), we get

Z t∧τR



Z t∧τR

0 Φ(ξs)ds. (34)

In the same way, for some constant C4>0, we have

|hXs, b(X(s))i|+||σ(X(s))||2

ξsr(ξs) + 1 C4, s >0. (35) Now using (31) and according to (30), (35) and (34), we get


EΦ(ξt∧τR)EΦ(ξ˜ t∧τR)Φ(ξo) +C5

Z t

0 E(Φ(ξs∧τR))ds, which implies that

EΦ(ξt∧τR)Φ(ξo)eC5t. LettingR→+∞, by Fatou lemma, we get

EΦ(ξt∧ζ)Φ(ξo)eC5t. (36) Now if P(ζ < +∞) > 0, then for some T > 0, P T) > 0. Taking t=T in (36), we get

E1(ζ≤T)Φ(ξζ)Φ(ξo)eC5t which is impossible, because of Φ(ξζ) = +∞.

Theorem 3.2 Letr : ]0,1[→R+beC1-function satisfying the conditions (i) limξ→0r(ξ) = +∞,

(ii) limξ→0ξ rr(ξ)(ξ) = 0,

(iii) R0asr(s)ds = +∞, for any a >0.

Assume that for |xy|<1,

||σ(x)σ(y)||2 C|xy|2r(|xy|2),

|b(x)b(y)| C|xy|r(|xy|2). (37) Then the s.d.e. (19) has the pathwise uniqueness.

Proof. Let ηt(w) = X(t) Y(t) and ξt(w) = t(w)|2. Let ρ > 0.

Define the function ψρ: [0,1]→R by ψρ(ξ) =

Z ξ 0


sr(s) +ρ. (38)

It is clear that for any 0< ξ <1, ψρ(ξ)ψ0(ξ) =

Z ξ 0


sr(s) = +∞, as ρ0.


Φρ(ξ) =eψρ(ξ). (39)

Then we have

Φρ(ξ) (ξ r(ξ) +ρ) = Φρ(ξ), (40) and

Φ′′ρ(ξ) = Φρ(ξ)(1ξ r(ξ)r(ξ))

(ξ r(ξ) +ρ)2 . (41)


By assumption (i),(ii) on r, there exists δ > 0 such that Φ′′ρ(ξ) 0 for 0< ξ < δ.


τ = inf{t >0, ξtδ}.

By Itˆo formula, we have Φρt∧τ) = 1 + 2

Z t∧τ 0

Φρs)hηs,(σ(X(s))σ(Y(s)))dWsi + 2

Z t∧τ

0 Φρs)s, b(X(s))b(Y(s))ids +

Z t∧τ


Φρs)||σ(X(s))σ(Y(s))||2ds + 2

Z t∧τ

0 Φ′′ρs)|(σ(X(s))σ(Y(s)))ηs|2ds. (42) Applying the hypothesis (37), we get

EΦρt∧τ)1 + 2C E Z t∧τ


Φρs)ξsr(ξs) ds which is smaller by (41) than

1 + 2C Z t



Now by Gronwall lemma, we get EΦρt∧τ)e2ct or

Eeψρt∧τ)e2Ct. (43) Lettingρ 0 in (43),

Eeψ0t∧τ)e2Ct which implies that for any tgiven,

ξt∧τ = 0 almost surely. (44)

If P(τ < +∞) > 0, then for some T > 0 big enough P T) > 0.

By (44), almost surely for all tQ[0, T], ξt∧τ = 0. It follows that on T},

ξτ = 0

which is absurd with the definition ofτ. Thereforeτ = +∞almost surely and for any tgiven, ξt= 0 almost surely. Now by continuity of samples, the two solutions are indistinguishable.

Remark 3.3 In the case of d = m = 1, finer results about pathwise uniqueness have been established. Namelyσwas allowed to be H¨older of exponent1/2 (see [RY, Ch. IX-3], [IW, p.168]).

Theorem 3.4 Assume that the coefficients σ andb satisfy the assump- tion (20) and (37). Let X(t, xo) be the solution of the s.d.e. (19) with initial value xo. Then for anyε >0, we have


P( sup


|X(s, yo)X(s, xo)|> ε) = 0. (45)


Proof. Fix xo. Let δ be the parameter given in proof of theorem 3.2, consider |yoxo|< ε < δ. Letξt(w) =|X(t, yo)X(t, xo)|2. Define

τw(xo, yo) = inf{t >0, ξt> ε2}.

The same arguments as above yields to


Takingρ=|xoyo|, we have EΦρt∧τ(xo,yo))eρe2Ct. Hence P(τ(xo, yo)< t)Φρ(ε)EΦρt∧τ(xo,yo))eρe2Ct. It follows

P( sup


|X(s, yo)X(s, xo)|> ε) =P(xo, yo)< t)e−ψρ(ε)eρe2Ct→0 asρ=|yoxo|→0.

Corollary 3.5 The diffusion process (X(t, x)) given by the solution of the s.d.e. is Feller, i.e., the associated semigroup(Tt, t0)mapsCb(Rd) into Cb(Rd).

Proof. It is a direct consequence of Theorem 3.4 and the definition

Ttf(x) =E[f(X(t, x))], f Cb(Rd)

Remark 3.6 We have a difficulty here to apply the Kolmogoroff mod- ification theorem to obtain a version ˜X(t, xo) such that xoX(t, x˜ o) is continuous. However the situation for the case ofS1 is well handled (see [F], [M]).

4 Statement of large deviation principle

Let σ : Rd RdRm and b : Rd Rd be continuous functions.

Consider the following Itˆo s.d.e:

dXε(t) =ε12σ(Xε(t))dWt+b(Xε(t))dt, Xoε(w) =xo (46) wheretWtis a Rm-valued standard Brownian motion. In order to be more explicit, we shall work under the following assumptions,


(||σ(x)σ(y)||2 C|xy|2 log|x−y|1 , for|xy|<1,

|b(x)b(y)| C|xy|log|x−y|1 , for|xy|<1


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