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[Speis] 2003


Academic year: 2021

Partager "[Speis] 2003"


Texte intégral


Slavica Perkovic


First edition limited to 250 numbered copies.

10 copies (+2 AP) deluxe limited edition of this book,

accompanied by a signed and numbered multiple by the artist

is available from onestar press.

Images and layout: Slavica Perkovic

Printed and bound in France

© 2006 Slavica Perkovic & onestar press

onestar press

16, rue Trolley de Prévaux

75013 Paris France






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10 copies (+ 2 AP) deluxe limited edition of this book, accompanied by a signed and numbered photo by the artist is available from onestar press.. Layout:

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accompanied by a signed and numbered multiple by the artist is available from onestar press. Scans,

20 copies deluxe limited edition of this book, accompanied by a signed and numbered multiple by the artist is available from onestar press Layout and drawings: Andreas

10 copies (+ 2 AP) deluxe limited edition of this book, accompanied by a signed and numbered multiple by the artist is available from onestar press.. Layout:

10 copies (+2 AP) deluxe limited edition of this book, accompanied by a signed and numbered multiple by the artist is available from onestar press.. Printed and bound

10 copies (+ 2 AP) deluxe limited edition of this book, accompanied by a signed and numbered photo by the artist is available from onestar press. Photos: Olga

10 copies (+2 AP) deluxe limited edition of this book, accompanied by a signed and numbered multiple by the artist is available from onestar press. Layout: Olaf Nicolai Printed