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Opportunities given by the community for training purposes in the field of science and technology research Pozzo A. in


Academic year: 2022

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Texte intégral


Pozzo A.


Hervieu B. (ed.).

Agronomic training in countries of the Mediterranean region Montpellier : CIHEAM

Options Méditerranéennes : Série Etudes; n. 1988-II 1988

pages 217-220

Article available on lin e / Article dispon ible en lign e à l’adresse :

--- http://om.ciheam.org/article.php?ID PD F=CI020391

--- To cite th is article / Pou r citer cet article

--- Pozzo A. Opportu n ities given by th e commu n ity for train in g pu rposes in th e field of scien ce an d tech n ology research . In : Hervieu B. (ed.). Agronomic training in countries of the Mediterranean region. Montpellier : CIHEAM, 1988. p. 217-220 (Options Méditerranéennes : Série Etudes; n. 1988-II) ---




Opportunities for Training in the Field Science and

Technology Research in the European Community

Allessandro POZZO

Directorate General for Science, Research and Development

(DG X I I )


Commission the European Communities

of t h e i n t i t i a t i v e s t a k e n b y t h e C o m m i s s i o n of t h e in the fields of train.ing and research, notably within the Science and Technology for Development (STD) program.

to try to answer certain questions that were raised and to raise a series of questions m y s e l f , t h e a n s w e r s t o w h i c h c o u l d h e l p t h e

Commission implement its research and training activities in tropical agriculture.

1 . By way of introduction, would like to underline the fact that training activity at the Community

level is closely tied not only to carrying out research projects, but also to the movement and exchange of





the description of two programs for research scholarships which, in the Community jargon, are called:


sectorial scholarships (related to sectorial programs);

- stimulation scholarships (related to the 1985- 1988

and exchange in Science and Technology-ST); and


the description of the STD program, in particular, its ‘Training “component.

- Scholarships

1. Sectorial scholarships Aims:



mobility; and


a good conditions:

of following high level

sine qua non condition qualification,

which is to be


options of









- - -

- -

science and technology development

- -

- of ST


The subject of

by one of

of between

financed by

at a fixed scale:

10 max. 12 4,750 FF/month

20 30

9,500 FF/month max. 36

11,870 FF/month max.


Conditions for qualification:


being a national of one of



be by the

of t h e


no fixed deadlines submitting applications; ~


selection is made two


can bégin one month decision has been made,

- a "Guide to a n d t h e available at the following

a n d


'5cholarship"Action 200, rue de la Loi,



Tel: 32/2/235.39,91 or 235.40.67 2.

to the


it ST




is no fixed scale, but financing is 100%

- i t by



- a young post-



attached to a (six months to two

-expenses of


of know-how

A fusion of the two

is it would be a unique

flexible to to

nationals of EC On

hand, in of

such types of ones

to nationals of developing


of by the Community.

- program

at the end of 1986 (1983-1986), the fields of



development of food

- of


of by

Thematic content 1)


of (food



of of






Program endowment: 40 ECU, of which 30 ECU

Execution: 1,280

73 of which

228 accepted (about

20%), of which ( t h a t is about 30%) submitted by

by t h e EC (at about 50%)

The new program, 1987-1990, based on the a c h i e v e m e n t s of



Among the new aims, the following will be emphasized:

-intensification of


of s c i e n t i f i c c o m p e t i t i v e n e s s of ones; and



As the means, they should double to 80 ECU the Commission), of which 60 ECU will be assigned to

is to be made by fall 1987. The call

theend of 1987.

The new will

following as:

- of






a policy and mobility will be instituted. will be





to of

technology to

- movement of

t h e

of and



movement of scientists native to the South, and

of back to

of a

foundations of of

who might be tempted to take up a to

by the two of

a a


of a

to the Commission may plan possibilities of of


- Conclusions

What the Commission, in of implementing to

the conclusions of be a n

of questions, some of which have

- -

a n d to a i m second cycle, cycle?

-how to needs?



high level

of the community?



namely by

implementation of a a

which could openings to



Even to these questions would


of t h e a s well


which is intended.

The the evaluation and selection of will indeed be

outline that this action will have once it is implemented.

could, it seems to me, play a a s a n

the Commission in the development l


application in this field.



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