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Implementaion of MULPOC programmes and priorities for the 1982-1983 Biennium


Academic year: 2022

Partager "Implementaion of MULPOC programmes and priorities for the 1982-1983 Biennium"


Texte intégral





Fourtii n^etirig of tijc

Preparatory ^ of

io^iri, 14-22 / .ril Item 11 (c) of tiie ^.'rovioional ag


L/LO\/TPC .4A 15 Jpril 1933 Oriain.nl;

o of dlpoc van:





1. ficcordincj to trieir terms of reference., the IHUPCX^ arc r-Grfuirod to'work toceti'iar to i-xoisotd subregional econcroic integration? they, therefore, have a

fundamental role to play in the inijlaroitation of tliv. Lagos Plan of Action and

especially the Final .Act of Laces o

*. During tiie perioa under ravit*", the activities of the PULFOCs prodocccl r-xarkatlo results. First of all, the effective launching of tlic Preferential Trade 7irca (P1A) for* Las torn and Southern African States should be vuLccrrxU

Induou, 1* of trie subrogion's 10 ihonttr .States have signed the Treaty establishina

the V£h sna Uirundi lias joined tnc 12 dountrieii ac an associate.monter. rll ths*

licirtjcr countries iicivo raid 1)0 ;^er cent of tlioir contributions except for Zirnb^v^

vdiidi iias paid its contrixutioii in full, TiKj Executive Stcrstnry of the PT?, v,^.3 aj^ointtoC as Wiaro a nur:iber of senior officials. Tno n>., sccry^^ricit" lias tlius . beoane operational. The Lusaka I.LLPOC will caitirme to vrorl. very closely with tii^ new secrotarint. flention dnoulo. rJ.so to irscia of the on-Cioiaig necrotiptions witli .ii viev to estd-lisiiit-ig nn ecoiiotnic ccsTtiuiiity of Ctntr^l Africcsn States. Tin:

liegotliitioiis ore proce-eoijig vajII; tiie uraft treaty is veil as 1Z of. tJie 20 protocols to Le cuuicxe^ to" the Craft treaty v^rc approved ^t the Sfxond msetinr

of iiii^i^ters of Cuitral i-kfric^n ;'t.?.t;s ik^lu =at LUrovillo, in licvenicr IS-ii. It

is i-io^^-d tiiat tiie treaty v/ili lo Gigivxi L^^fort, tlr-: end of th..- currait yo^x.

3. In Tkiot r.fricm, uie iJic::iey-msod l-JULtOC ins Leer, fcx^isinc on assisting

3o iiiter-covercaruntai or^'aciiz^tioris tr; strcarnliix; th^ir \?c*r>: r:'rcgr.TTQ^E irx orcier

to avoia cv^rla^ing end aisure: a better utilisation of resources. In that.

rtiiaecticn T'-ientioh sivjulti be rn^iclo. of the assistance "previewed by tho IVLPOC to tnc- hcuiiciTiic CcTinuriity of ;jC;St £fricari StTtbus (KCf^j7-£), tjie- -?3£t African Econcirdc

iy (CEAU) nxi tik. Memo River Unioii in their efforts f> h^nrmii-zt; custons

j in -tl^exr niori;^r Gfcrb-s ,-i.s .Tin initial ste-^ tc*v:mis the- eventual

ti jf trade.

In via;' of the v»clitical situ^ticji ; •r^vriliiurr in i^rtii Africa, tlic Inhcjiijrs- 1-ijLPOC iias fccuscxl ou cstaLlisning a w.:-r3: vrogr.niicae liJ'-:ely t": raoet. v-itti the al ■ f ?.ll tije c.'UiitriGs r;f thu subre^ion. fiiie fact th'.t five of the six i*frican ooui.tries rarticiratcd iii the last meeting -^f. tliC: Truci^rs nULPCC

be censiuuxed n success which civets ^rc-unds f:r inuch !i"rx: as for ^s uent in eccAk.r;ic co-o'v^ratirn in the suhrGcicn is a:-ncorn3d.

tiio reil::.d ui'ider review, ti.^e Y^:;uncie i-TULPOC enrriod :^ut activities in

ti*j fullering Licij'"ir sectexss tr^de Tnd finance,, -.gricultvr^l research .^nc rural uevclci.ixsitr transiort on^ a3(Er(unicati'-m& and iiitegrati;?n of vxai in develo^ncnt It id.su a^rricc! out oxu ■■activities tiD strcngtnen' co-^'.xratiiii in the. subrorion..

b. in tliG are~. of tr-:u*- mJ finance r tlia Ya;.>urxle iXLPOC crxricd out witii tiic Snnoue Ce;itrru_o des Et*ts cu: iT^rique Centrnle (BETC) vAi


is iii Yaounue and with the Manque de ^velo-ixir.cnt des Ltats de l'Afrique centrale (jbOEAQ, v/hose headquarters is in brazssville, in order to iiave Sao Tone and

Frinci^e and Equatorial Guinea accepted as rtorbers of the tvo financial institu tions .

7. lftreover, vdtu respect to HDE/C, the negotiations also dealt with the establisinrent of a special assistance fund for Sao Torig arvi Frincire and equatorial Guinea in pursuance of the decisions of the fifth nieeting of the .-ULEGC Council of :,iinisters held at Douala on 12 and 13 -:arch 1932. VJithin the framework of the study on unrecorded border trade, the- ''iULPOC organized a fact- finding nission to tho countries of trie suurecdon and hold uiscussions with the secretariats of the Central T£rican Customs and Lconoruc Union (COUiC) aivi .rDVi>C on tint, general orientation and iLOthods of ij^plerrenting th~ study.

C. The .iULPOL and EDEAC agreed to sion, as soon as possible and in rursuanco of the deci^ioiii, of tlieir respective decision-mal^incj bodies, an ogreanent to

strengthen co-Oi'erntioii beU/eeti tjie tv,o inscitutions in areas of mutual interest in oruer to s^'eeG ut subrecjioiinl econondc co-operation.

d. Finally, it slould ^ noted ti;at tlic Yaounde .ULTOC partici--atec actively in tiie current negotiation to estaLlish tlic Lconcmc Conniuiiity of Central African States mentioned atove.

10. On^er the iiJLFOC/F?O -roject to estaLlisn a current /gricultur^l ^.

Inforrration Systuru (CiRIS) in the countries of tlic subrcgion, the; Yjoumca: J.VLTOC ccdl^;cteu, codificu "jkI incexcx^ astr, iii order to c>rav up n sulrc;qional QRIS uirectory to be L~uLlish^.t- in 13i3.

11. Lithin tiiu frru.evviDrk of tu. Regional Food Plan for Africa (JFPL/N) anf.l tJi=;:

estijbliiiiii;ient of a system of feed security for tiic subregion, the "iULroC c;<rort in ciiaroc c;f ngricultural researcii Jinci rural uevcloinent carried out 3 f??ct-

finding "Vidssion in the iix_ribcr f-tates. Th.-jn togeti:or v.dth tlriu^oint EGVT'^D Agriculture

Jivision, lie ire^oree reject <i-;fc?. sht.cts and project decurronts on the rOGr»i}.lo of the countries of tri. subrc^ion in order to incroaac- food

12. Lo r.lso unaertoo}. a consultation irdssion to r^irhv^r States in oraor to i tiie ix.tionol training anci agricultural rcse,-\rcu institutes tttct could ho trans- forrceJ. int^j rcgioiial institutes. Finally, tiie J"UilJ0C .:eld discussions vdth ti,c bJLiC secretariat on tiie PCKiOlitios for GSt^lisnino aiid oixmtinr; tlv- joint ID^/iC/i'iJLPOC. coi.r.lttee on ^riculturr.:! res^ircxi rnd rur^l develccircmt in the subregion. Tiie cor.iaittc^, v^ej ustsLlisi:•:_<:■■ ty tho surrat of iieads of State of tJE/.C in Yaouiiue in J^ccnibcr 15^2.

13. Ixojects relating to transport nno coriinunicotionE ix^ dealt vdti: tdtliin the

frojiuwGrr. of uie United Unticns TrnnGrort rncJ. Corraoidcations Oec^os in Africa.

Nev^rtnel^ss, n >iiytjiccil survey of tiie i^cla-Ouesso rord section linking the

Central. ^friccJi £cLuLlic to trit Congo -ns well as i survey of the r.atn-Ebctiyin

roaci section in JUiuatariril Guinea v.eru induced in th^ vrorK prc<jrnriirt' of tlic

Yaounde IULFOC. 'fii^ survey on the t;bl:i-Ouesso section in tiiu Central ?fric"u:i Kv^u^lic v.ere carried out by the . LSiXGC tr-msrort ^x;x.rt anu tho national

techrdcc.1 aer:\rtr.ents of tiie G_ntr?.l Ilxiczn "aot-ublic Miilu the exr^rt of tit?

Lagos Tonics-:' ai->;ns-ifrican Lichvcy /.utliority c-rried out tht survey on the

i^at.ia-l^.a,iyin section of tiie rcac;. 'lhc r:hysic;d survey on th.-,: Cbrinolost-. portion

of tiie i^ola-Ouesso highvvay vas :ost;cned until l'>33.


E/EC?1/TPO.'.4/5 Page 3 14. Trie Yaounde MULPOC continued its normal activities for .the advanconient of woir<on iii the subrocion. with the. assistance of the Union revolutionnaire des furr^s ^u Congo (URFC), it organized .two suTuiiars rt Brazzaville. The first one, on handicraftsf dealt with *Lhe training of 47 dyers .and trainees? the second ierainar cealt with national machineries and project design techniques. "ereover, thii co-ordinatcr of women's programme 'prepared project documents on the status of wrjnen .in agriculture and trade in Gabon to be subnittod to possible sources '~>f financing. She also attended the third meeting of the AEricsnPr^qicnal-Gcr-orir'iriat ing Crxmitttse (AKX) at Djiuala, the EC":-?iFCC-UNDP tripartite mooting at Yaounde orn.; tiie I'i^lSs *rJjaba seminar on ;.*rcijoct

15, Un^er tiia special assistance to be provided to Fquat:rial Guinea, the MULPOC alsc' or;-aiii2tXi, in co-c-i«eratiou v/it±i LCTi headquarters, a mission t:^ Equatorial Guiner. to uraw up projects especially in tne area c>f tr-ansnort and agriculture as part cf Equatorial Guinea: * s~ c.q, axmic rexx'-veri* prr-a

16. i-fcreover, tiie MQLPCx:, ciirouch its ruaicnal advisor on civil registration hel^u the GovurraruriT: 3t* tin- CentrrJ. ;*£ricTT Rapublic to upciate tlie project for improvinc; vital statistics which Iia^ been su^ocnov..;.! since June 1931.

17. tfinaliy, xt should be noto.. tii?t bCA headquarters anfl the MLXLT'CC p:x-vic:o_1 considerable assist.^iou tc> ODL^X es:x-cially in .-"■!rr.v;inc; up industrial projects.

Gisenyi MJLPOC

18. ijurinc/ tne period tiiv-er rcvicwf tlio Gisenyi MUU-OC carried out activities in

tiie following ■main sectors: tra^o, agriculture, industries, enernyF transport ana communications .ttil: integration of vrxi^ri in

li;. In tne fiel^ of trade, tlie IIUIaOC recruited r. consult ant t.-, study ".

txvc practices as obstacles co tlio .exr-aiisicxi of intra-cc imunity travlo". The conault.jit's repc:rt i^as to Le co<nsid::,rc-d by tno policy :rrpns cf tlie MULTOC

before it is sutrnittx,-^ tn the .'.ocision-naliine bodies ^f trn Economic Community of t:ie Grtat La^es Countries (CE1T7L) t It snould be notod. liere tiiat the Gisenyi

^IJIPOC "participated actively in the. ongoing negotiations for the establishment of tu-s Economic CeOHunity of Central ;frican States menti.on::o. above.

20. liio Gisenyi ttJLFCC has two .'icrricultural projects on its v.ork prr-^ramme; tiia first JtarJ-S with fv-.ofi security in tiio Gubrecji^;n -n:i_! the otiicr with thj production of stdeotod' sce-us of certain staple t'.r.Cs such as ricof soya .tik'L beans. Tae groundwork for tlie ip.;plariontation r-i ±l\o twe prr^jocts was .'.one ('Airing tiie period under review. In tiio c,;utgo -\£ 11>33, fi^ld missions arc; planned in ou-oporaticn v.itii tiie Joint y22</F?o Ci

21. I'h^ wc-rk pn.grai.s:^ of tiie I/uLT-CC -cccrds priority to ini.lustrial dev^lopnent.

Tne activities carried out in this aroa deal with tiie .levelorrnont■ of forestry, fisheries, trie sugar ind-ustry an.;i buil^iricr netirials inr'.ustries. It is also plraine..; to v/ork out a proLLCx-l T: -r tile liarr^niz^tion of jiiJ.uEtrial policies of

ti\~ nierfiber countries of the ctiraurdty. Sevviral projects in the :abc^ve-irentiono"l

in^usU-ial Sytraors'have attrono.' tho level :--f prefcasibility stu^'ies.

Zla arie Econcardc 'a^miunity ;:»f Gr^at Lak,.^ coxjntriGs ^lso attaches a cxeat" Jlcol "

t;.1; the ...'.evel-3pnent of the subregion' s '-inern^' resources for



industrial as well as Household uses. Kiat is why the implementation of the projects for the second pnase of the Rusizi nydroelectric rower station and the utilization of Laxe Kivu methane gas is at a very advanced stace. During the perioa under review, the Gisenyi r-ULFOC recruited a consultant" to carry out a suuay on the mining and utilization of r«at as a fuel in snail and larce indust ries as well as ui households. Hie consultant's report contains concrete

proposals on future activities that could fce planned, v&th rGsnGtf- to "the

oevelornait of new and renewable sources of cncrcry, ECA headquarters carried out fo£©G mssions to tue Energie cfes Grands Lacs (EGL) in order to assist that subregional tody to develop its programme of activities in the area of n-w and

renewable sources of energy.

^3. In the field of transport and cornnunications, several activities aiixd at opening up tie Great Lakes sutrenion were carried out within the fraraawork of the United EfetLons Trpnsrort and Craiunicr.tions rjccr.de in Africa. Tricy wre airrtf .-.t enveloping intend as well ro extern?! coranunications ty Gxpnndina ro?dr mil ana lewc. transport, Groover, tiicre is carrtntly 3 study on vossibilitios of "*

expsnaiiic air transport between the Grc-t L-k-s subrsgion ,?nd* other subreoions

of Africa. ■'

24. Ihe^co-ordincvbor of tiie proar-mmc- for the int^ration of wmen in develorrcnt

orgomzoa a savjaiar on rational )ro.cliineries for vorxzi loaders. She rarticiTOted m tic tripartite Pioetino. b-.:-tev^ii EGA, I-BQC ?nc\ UMDP -t Yaouncb to ossgcs th- prograijnie formic adv^ccrcut of worcn cjid tjiv- it new iir^otus. She also participated in tl'ie sunirL-ir held in i-tovurib^/Dcoentjor 1902 .it ^ddis ?&&•* *o iiutiate co-orainators in the proror nanacjursait of the- oragrrarc for the intenrn- tion of wiMi Hi aevelon^nt. Finally, -s o-xt of iritor-ftlLFOC oxdhnnqcs, a ' group of. Itoiu^se women visiteci their Crjnerbom m oountermrts after the visit of the Chairperson of ARCC to Kwanoa,

Lusaka-based MULPQC

zy. L»ur3j-ig tuc r^noa untLr r-viuv.-, the Lusalo.-based MJLPOC carried out activity iii tne rield of traao, agriculture. iiidustiy,, trinsrcrt rind oonrnunications 7

nonfowcr acvelopnent ind tr^ninr;, natural rc-sc-urceE rnci aoci-^1 devcaopnent -s

well as special jt

<;6* In the field of trad,, promotion, the LXLtOC concanticitcd its efforts on launching the Preferential Tr^de Area for Eastern and Southern African States.

'io this end it convened a series of preparatory meetings which included the nestings oi tne FTA r/olicy crcons. In June 1332, the JiCLFOC a.--nvaReu tlx first dieting of t±ki Inter-ajvemrnental Caimission of Exports and of ti'ie FTA Council of rsinistcrs wnicii to:k /lace in Lus:->ka, 7,?jrbia. Ti.'cse PTA pr:licy-orcp!n votings cc-nsidered c-uic :idop{x.a, inter alia, tlie F±h v;k jvr.-.xjrrjiKie.: anci the budget and ap^.^iritcd PTA staff. Fran 25 October to S ^verLer, the I-.LLFOC convonecl tlie r^etincn of tlie VTA tecnnic.al ocoiTitteos on cusfc-.itrj and trado, clearing -jnd payrajnts / agricultural a;»:-pa:atianp inaustri-1 o>o?oration and transport and ccrrinunicationi. These F^

technical cacaitttee.crjnalaored the work-prc*.Tranme in tlic?ir various

of coirpetence cind sutudtteii their reports to the second meeting oSf


-7.4/5 P^cc. 5

t*i-« Ky. Intcr-ciovurniisntrl Gomtassion -~f Exports and subsequently to the second ■ rectinc of tae Council-ofministers vhich w-rc held frvis 9 tn 15.December 19S2.

Tho re^ ort of tiie sea:>nd mooting ' '"£ the TVA *:j.licy orc.-m v.as submitted t^ the first meeting f;U, iutherity far ^rrovaL. Sit^ of the highlights <-f tliis inaugural noting .£ the- PT7\. vr.s tlic accession tc- the r'i'i :Tro.ity of Burundi, which iiicrcasuu tlic iTiaiiLers rtf tio WiS. frcn 12 tc 13. jy that tim~-, ninc^ narbcr States had also ratified tli.i Treaty,, .. . ■ .

27o Trie FTA Authority also nr"r;int-<J tno Sccrctcxi/~f1encr:J. cf the1 FILVsecretariat, During 1983 the t'UXPOC contiiiuea fc..; vx<.,viut technical b^ci.storping tr> tile TT-^.

us intv-rint PI?, secretariat aurincj 1902 ^rvl, ^t Uietmo _^f its h^nciinc^ o?vi^r tn trie FTA? all tlie ifLTijer L.tntos lisa rdu their 50 .; ercent contribution to tlie FTA

2o. In tlKL: fiele uf agricultural dcVL;lc:pnent fie irmn stress was ■ >n increasing

£.jjc prcauction as tiie hjucms v^f achieving f :od self-sufficient in tho subrt.gicn.

To this enoj, the uULPCC nt ajiite-.Ji a feasibility study £^r the:* ostablishrnt^nt ^ a subregional unize reso;irch centre wiiicli v^as fiii?nceu by UETilD. The nissir n visitea a nuniLer of countries in tne suLrecjion Le-b//een July aiic: Septarler 1032.

It rrepnroti a report or; " feasibili^ stucly,, a project cbcumont :.mt^ ^ Oraft a<jreasent v.iiica ;;oulc be aDnsieeret.; i;y the ireetinc; of technical exr-erts during :^y 19i73. It is it. >ed that tJiv.i rea,pmenciatit.'ns of tlr»t teriuiical mooting of experts will be suUrdtt^e t- tne -'ULFOC r^licy :.rg?ns at tlicir sovraitli rectings in \j-JA.

29. RigcXLiiiKj /iFPIiii'j, tile fifth n^-otinr '^f tnt; ILLPOC Council of ministers iiold in Lusr'u^a in iiarcn 1202 .^cit:ea tfct ti& following projects should be retained in tiie i'XILPOC vork prograi.Tvs reauctiin of fofx.; losses, i":,;r.'jvemcnt of srall

fanrcrs0 marketing institutions fr-r fc.cu cr^s .Tne. livcstck nnC. the HCAAAO project analysis o)urse. Tiie Council of .lonistors :ilsc. requested the countries concerned tc> set ur iii.tor-qoverra;ental rnrkctintr aiTnmitttxra tc facilitat'-:. tho

f tiie rol^vrrit ~roj:.cts.

30. DuriiK! tie : ericx. uix^r r^viv>> rtdssions v;ere suit to o. nur±Gr cf ountrics iii tiie subrecjion iit oruor tc c:rry out studies aan^ c^>nsult with tho

recording fis ii^tlcrentation of tlie projects ander

31. In the fiela of inaustrir>l i ev^lo.- irie-nt, --.svyiipsis w^s on the iron mut steel

; and dkaracal inuustries. F:x tlu imlarentf.tion of the izm pncT project, ."i Oonsultunt v~as rocruiteu in July 19IT.2. he r.r>untct'i rdssions to selected countries in taa subregi.'n in order to consult wit:a relevant authorities, regaruing tiie ±. rei^uration of country vositiou ^x-rs nnd arranoer,ents for tlie first lHjetinc; of fie Lastarn jdl-*: routl^rn r.fric-Ji St^ed Develop rnent OrniTiittce : :

and fio first meeting C;f ti:^ Inter~rfoverru-;entil Ccr.irdtt^e o£ Exforts on Engintior-

ing wnich v.ere Iielu concurrently in R-.dcliff, SiriiaLvo, inMovoirter 1332. The reports of tiie. too rw;etings T.vere , roscnteu to tht: second rioting of the Council of lonisters of tite PTA ,ielc: in Jscsskr- in Lccentior 1382. Consultations on tivi ■

inflaikintTiticn of ti.e decisions already agreed u:on by tho Council of riniste-rs

will be helu iri 19C3.


32. Siroilarly, in the area of chendcal industries, a consultant was appointee.

vAio irountej. a mission to selected countries in the? subregion in order to assist nonber States to prepare country position papers for presentation to the second nfcotincj of the Inter-cpvcrnmental Crrerattee of I>yerts on Qjtanicals which took i-lacfei in Lusaka, in L^bvenii^er 1^82. Tiie report of the second Treating of the Inter- oovernrnental Contaittee of Lxperts v~s subrcatted to tnc second meeting cf th-: PT£

Council of I iilisters helu in Lusaka in iJecerrber 1£32. Consultations on implements- tion of the- decisions alrtnuy tui-xn by the Council of ministers v.ill be carried out uurincj 1903.

33. In connection vith the project on coi^rosite flour aevelonr^nt■ anO training, tWD^-t^n ndssioii visitea Ecrorc riasearcii Station in 1932 to assess national and suuitional rwuarei.;ents to convert Sorere Kesearcii Station into a sub-regional Centre. Tiie mission was satisfisci tnat S^rore Researcli Station rnet a].l the r**-;uir«iacnts for conversion into a subrcaional one ?zi£ recorin^nc.io.' a tv.m-r uevelonrcjit t-rocxamrro estii.iato., at $US 1,OS5,00'J. It vo.s ^lso noted tlmt Govornnoit of Ugaixa ao.d Stit asixj& $US3 million texvards tha iirirlevicntaticn of tiie project.

34. Tae :liLPOC, in oo-oferation with, tiie Co-ordination Unit of the United Nations

Transport and CuLrriunications Cccadj in Africa, unu&rtooi, the following activities:

35. In connection \vlbi tiie conversion of tie 3andari College, ?ton-basa, Kenya, into a multinational Port Oforations and i ■'anagtnent Traininc centre, a ndssion

was sent to ^enya from 2j to 30 Seitenbor 19o2 to ascertain the Kenyan Govornrosnt's

decision. Tiie 'Itetrynxi GavurriKtnt expressed tiio iwillingnass to extent the use of tiie jjanuari Collecje facilities to other States ri^faers of tlia

3u. On tijfci iixxiarnization an^ harmonization of ort statistics and introduction of i-erformance iiiuicitors in iiastem anci 5ioutiiern lifrican -orts, VWP provided

^IjS210,000 for ta^ implei.citation of tills ^reject aria it is boinr; i"f lamented, carrieu out in collaboration v;iti5 U^Clhi) and tiic Port management ?\ssociaticsn of Lastern aii^ Soutiieni Africa. : issions uero uiiuertaj;en in l'--°l.

37. Regarding L^- establishicnt of joint inland water transport, a consultant

carrieu cut z, stuuy on tut; types of vessels suitable for rv'ivig^tion on tiie Zambezi,

:-.afuo, i\abcr.^o aiki Luangv:a rivers ;-t tie cost of $20,000 ; roviccid by 1>T5DP. The total cost of tie project is estinateJ at $300,OOu. tCV -"»lso orcanizeu trainin-

progranctj in tiki O3SK between July and September 13G2 f.3r urcradinq s>.ills in

inland v?r.ter ^laiudiia ana nra^cei-xait. The countries cf tiie Lusakr*. rOJLPCC area

in the course.

3 g; trk='estsLlisuPient of a rultiiiational siiipx-inq cav^sny involvina

12 Leist i'lfricaii countries anci Indian Ocean islands, IjCA sulrirdttec a renuest to

LUF in A^ril 133- for financing trie feasibility study.

3^. wiring tiio period under review, tiie Govorninq Council of tiie Cairo-GaLorono

Trans-tost Jifricsn Uic,iiv/ay Aut^^ority was inautjurotcd, its executive to^y a^iU

and its {rogronne of actioii bbliil


40. In the fielc of Tran^ov^r ^veloment ?.nU trrininc, lurina cio psrioO under review, the iLoaalities for concocting a survey of skill profiles and rnnfovrer

r^quiren<aits in the field of customs administration arid standardization and

quality control ver<_ worked out.

41. Tiie project uccument on tit- stuuy of skill profiles of rdcrant workers, their return and redeployment ruuir^^nts was revieweu ana funds for the project vjere successfully soliciteu. In aciaition, the hCA Lusaka ;ULFOC organized the fifth meeting of tiie Southern t^frica Labour tordssien v.iiich took place in Gaborone, totswana, in August 1932 and ngracd on j ■rooxarasCG for economic restructuring in

tiki surlier b

42. Itolng lO'OZ a irerftersiiip urivs for tiss r-ultinationr.1 training institutions .^

in tiie subregion v.ill L^ conu,uct^v.:o Fellowship's for traininc z^rLian nationals, ^ abroad were ;.rocessed andRimibian national Follovisnip prc^xaKmc vns also" serviced.

43. Tug fif tii ii&eting of tiki 7-JJUKC Council of T'iiiistirs appointed a rinisterial conatittce to investigate tiiC: vroLlen's of ti\e Eastern anc1. Coutlicrn African 'onGral Resources jjevelorrrent Centre {LZK&jC) in uouorr.i, Imitoi Fepul,lic of Tanzania.^

rxiie Linisterial conaidttcc fot ir-. Lusaka, ZamLia,. from 17 to 19 January 1903 gnc"

umfci recour^nuations widcli v.^ri sviLr.xLtUx; to the sixtxi raaating of the Tt,LFCX:

of i-inistcrs u^l^ in /babsne, a»azilaiid, from M to 15 February 19-3.

44. In the fiold of txic integration of vor^n in ctovelcnrrGnt, tiie third rneetina of tins bureau of tu<- SuLrecional Ccr^iittee on the Integration of Vtonon in Development v;as iiel-., in busaka on Inn.; 1. Fel-ruary ly&2. ito iutercountxy vrar].sho:> on r^roject

formulation, iq.leiieritation anu evaluation vas organized in Tananarive, J'ac'arascar,

frcr,! 15 to 27 February 19^.2.

4o. A meeting of tne Subregional Conmitteo on Integration of Woman in DevdormGnt was ntil^ in bixiLan^, SVazilc-n., from IS to 19 harch 1933 ?nc; a seminar on fuelwod

and anercjy was also iield viuriiyj li".*3.

4u. Curintj tne rerortinr, period, ta-!o ^roject documents v;ere .--reparea in

collaboration wit*i tiie liberation nover^ents. One project eocunxjit vas on tiie

PrcoraintLG of Action on Lconordc Sanctions against Sout,i Africa and the second was a project uxwntnt on tiie wconontic uevelorrijent strnteoy for r ost-apartheid Souto Africa. Uae fir^t ;-reject Uocuriont colls for a study to Oeterrine^vAiat effects worlu econor.de sanctions acjainst Loutn l-£rica voulu aave on its nGighhours art).

tins i.agnituce of t±*z cssistmice rer;^ired by offoctet, countries to cushion thsfp against such effects. 1-ne 3econc. project cccurrent calls for the IC?, secretariat to assist fclie liberation irovK=nents iii'undertaking stucios on an cconorric ^elr u;ent strategy tor ,/ost-ai"artuoiu Soutli Africa. i.otli rroject ctocurents vdll

to UlUJP i.or vossibl d


Pace- 3

Niamey-based MULFOC

47. uuriny txie uerixxt under review, tiie ^ia^cy-hased KDLPOC carried out activities in trie fiolu of tra^e anu economic integration, ;v riculture and water resources, 7 inuustry, transport and oonirunicatiors, human rcsoorcas &velo;:n'ent and training, human settlements statistics anu icroora. hy anc integration of vonen on develop


4'J. In tiie fielu of trade yrorotion ano economic integration, the fTJLPOC under

took a study on tiki identification of "reducts to la traued between nonter

countries of tiie l.est Africaii sxijrogion, and a study on transit trade and transit

facilities in tiie subrerion.

49. It also rroviued assistance to iavft£, C1'?;O or*, tie''&no River Lnion in tl'ie iionix>rxization of tneir trad^ liber-ilization orronger^ents. To this end, tiie

iibLPCC traue ^>^ort unu^rtcok studies and rartici^atcd at all n->eetinr*s called

joiiitly i_.y uio tiiret: inter-cpveriT..iervtal orcaniaations.

30. Ti-jis iJjUOC undertook to u'ciate and scat the Directory of T"-est African Inter-governnental Organisation^ tiie 'nrvose of wnich is to Mcjhlicrht tiie

activities of various ICOs in tiie subregion. liti) tiie assistance of two

consultants, tne i'JjLPCC analysed tte v,ork progrcTatios of IO)s V7ith a viev; to

iuentifyiiic areas of to£ lication ana formulating prof osals on measures for co-oruination aiid iij^ler.sntation of ^rojectc of subredonal significance.

bl. In tiie fielu of acjriculture anc, water resource*, cicvelornent tiie MJLPOC undertook inventories and £-repEarec! an nssessnent of v-rograivires and Projects for tut i rcauctioii of Lasic cereals {rice^ r-illut, xaize aivi sorcjhurr') , the production ana uevcloineiit of livestock ana tho catf-ansiori of irrigation, village and rural

vater supply an^i pastoral recjuireDtents. These are a yrGrequisite to the ."-re

paration of subr^oional plaiis and progr.unvies and ti.o idontification of projects for joiiit execution by >-ost ;^ricr>n inter-covernr.entra organizations. TlW

also caiidertcoJ. a stuu\' on tiie >roLiuction r.no i ■arl^tinrr o^ cereals on a multi- sectoral Lasis in tiie subrc^ion.

l>2. In tiie fielu of inuustrial j_v^Io^mantf attention v?as ucvctecl to the develon- n;ent of Lasic industries in t;ie cor^ tranches of nf.trd iix.ustries, chcrlcal

industries uid l/uiluiivj and construction naterials.

53. Ia tiie area of 1 etal industries, tLt Industry division of TCT\ has assisted

tiie kULFGC in tiio vru^aration of an inventory of available rzsrT reterirls for tiie

establisijieiit of uultinational netallurr:ical [.rojects. It also undertook a study on tiie use of iroi; anc; stoel in tiki suLrcgion, vitii a view to identifying,

elaborating and fcn..ulatiiig steel zivi irotal projects at tiie national and sub-



regional levels. The i^LPOC also undertcoK an inventory and evaluation of exist

ing smelting plants. ' - . *M-ar

54. In the area oJ chei.uc.al iivJ'Tstries, a re~ort has been pronared on thr<

feasibility ana nociaiiti.es of transforming tiie ^icjeria aironiac plant and the m Senegalese and Togolese .ohospiiate plants ij).to subregional plants.

regard to braiding ^materials ana construction, a '^feasibility study

* iias been ^rerareu on tha nedaUtiess of increasing aanait 'reduction and promoting cf otner bialcing materials dsrivea fm; local rav materials. Proposals have been rraae to _ establish a asvoioianent council for building materials and construction

inuustries ami to


t th



uilding materials and constructio inuustries ami to convert ths Caoavslli Centre in logo into a subrerrional con-

struction and nousifiy rxjitre

5c. Within the fracework of tiie Transport and, Conramication Decade, a rerort has o^sen pri,Fared covering tiie LCO ^S transport systaa, tiie vrorotion of the Trans- i»est tricar!, higiway neto-rark anJ tls identification and construction of feeder roaus j.or tiixs network. Efforts ti&j^ also been uade to search for funds for a stuuy en the r-sil.ljjiiv I^etwcen I'ogo, the (Tiger, the W^er Volta and ;:,ali.

57. In tiie field of numar.- resources oevelorinent ?nd traininr, the IBLPOC has

^repareu an assessnent of training institutions in the -field of agriculture and : rural cevelxypioit ana a stuay on oivstaclos to the development of- huran resources Mth a yiev. to their rational ana raxitcal utilization. Vac, :-<ULP0C also assisted tiki riarrican LavaloiJifcnt Bank in .i>reraring t^rms of reference for a v/orksho^ on the financing cfsu,reciioi^I aevolor^enc funds to be organized aarly 1983, jointly by AD^ana tito lu&titutions responsible for financing economic develon^ent in Kfest iifrica. In ti^ framework, cf industrial cieveloi-r;ent7 a study was-vierarra on

iKmtowr needs of. tie iron ana steol i "

In tiie fiela of iiur^an s^ttl^toits, a stu::y has fc,i^n rxc*>arGcl on human

^enoits r^rols ?nd r.-ol.Lcios. It is !iopc<? th-at the ;xc'-osals Tnack.-1. in the study will assist nvoirLer States in fonrulGtincy and executincT prcgr;?irirA_-s and rrojcjcts

on iiunian settlement? „ ' .

Ihe : ULPOC \\cis contiraj.Gti its programs of assistincr countries- of the

cjion in coll^ctinc, an«.i analysing der.Txjraphic anu other statistical data and in su;-:.orting training efforts ana activities of DationaL structuros.

(>0. In additiori, useful progress ''-as r-iadc- in- fonrulatina rcccratiendations for the creation of a PiiDIs subregioml cc-oroination centre in ,^st Africa.

i>l. Tiu=; Ifest Afrixxsn I'UjLPOC iias orfjaniaoJ a nunbor of nrictings, seminars and


Page 10

workshops, at the national and subregionol levels, on national machineries and on project identific >tion, formulation and evaluation for vorrei of the subrcgion.

'62. The Coordinator of the rarsn's programme -articir^ated in the tripartite

seminar organized in Yaounde by KCA, MICC and licDP to evaluate the performance

of the prograrane and give new guidance. She, also participata;! in the UNDP managorcnt workshop, in Aduis ;teba, the purpose of which vn.s to upgrade the

Coordinator's skill for better .^anagarcnt of tho vrorron's programs.

Tangier-based MULPOC

ol. During the period und^r review, the Tangier-based M3LP0C carried out activities in the field of tradu pronotion, agriculture, industry, transport and comnunications1

and training and social a^

64. In the field of trade proinotion, the iVLPOC trade export undertook a mission to countries of the subregion in order to collect information on trade potential and prepareu sn u^datea study on tlv. rrorrotion of trace in the North African subregion. The hULPCC has also been sacking inforration on inter-governrruntal bodies in orua: to i^rupare a dir;.:ctory of iais and pror^ose nodalities of pronoting co-oporation between and aniong these organisations. It is iiored that the establish niant'of a subregional P7*DIS centre voulcv htlp in filling in the information gap

in tliis subrecion.

65. In the field of agriculture, the MUI^PCC concentrated its efforts on

iii,plercienting the African Fooc* Plan for ti:".: Itorth /ifrican subrcaion. A ndssion frcm the joint ECV&O Agricultural Division visited sorru countries in order to collect data and formulated plans anc jrogrpjur^s for increased food production tnxough incx^asod suLregional co-o^er^tion.

06. In the area of industrial devclorjroent, the joint EGVK\0 Mvissoxy Group on Forest Industries undertook a stuc^'1 on the identification of r.rojacts for uevelotiiient of woou-based industries. The promotion of co-oreration betv/een worti African countries and countries south of Sahara is also envisaged through joint ventures in forest-based industries.

hi. In tlit field of trans^jort ..ind coirmunications, tiie EGA Transport Division undertook a prefeasibility stuay on tiie extension of Korta African sea links, including an"assessment of tonnaco capacity in countries concernol. It is assume that lin^^ges betv/cen o^dsting sea links in i,ortlx Africa would serve to stinulats trade. The stuuy includes tlie xossiLility of extending those links through Reo

Sea to the Gulf.


Pare 11

63. In the area of i.dji: cv.^r develo; n;ent and training it is envisaged tint the i^fro->iraL Institute for trainincT of trainers in industrial sector in Tunisia and tne ni«.>i Institute for River 'irons; ort in Lgy:>t i/ill l:o semi-converted into

* suLrecioncil iiistitations. Loiui o^untrioo wish to extend tiio facilities of. t±&zzc - iiistitutioxio to iVfriccui ocholart: ami tr?.in«jeSj widlc uaintaininc tlit national

Cticiracter anu national r-^naoeiTent of die institutioru; trt

l.ith r^or^ to tne iX>rtii African Grauuc-te Institute of l-ianoo.rent, -\ mcctinq niiotcjiLiarici> \x-\n nc.U in Casjilancn, Morocco» froi' 2 to -11 June 13^2, in

^ v.itxi the provisions o^ tixi vvork sjroc-rriir.ijf iut it va.s rot rossiblc to uolu c, racc-tang of tiie Govorninc; ..oaru Lccausc tj*ily thrc.c ''overnncnts out of seven

70. In tiic- L'iolu of tiic integration of v.-or^ii iri u^vt.lG,:runt? ti*i fVLFCC aon- itc ^IvccrtG o;i tia-i rt_craitifcnt of a Co-ordinator for tl.c vorcn's

liirtc a^-; Ii.c>ution3 uave i:e«-i"i rccc-ivcd frc?ri i!!Cir'Lor Ct^ttjs snC forv,arucu to lU-* Iifcau-Au;:rtcr?:; to r rcc.^c tdtii tin., rocruitr.ent of tik


71. It is clear fra.. ti"iL, a^ove rcvort tint ti:o vori. rroaranvc of each -XILTOC is Lror.uj iii tco_.tj ant; covers all vitol sectors of t:c oconor y of c;-ach sulxcgioii.

Frciu tii^ v^ry nature of suci, roj^.cts as traut lii.cralizition? attainment of self-sufficiency in fccx»f ii*-vclO',.n*Uit of ia&ic iiiuustries, tr.ins^ort ant' coid'iunicatioas aua rviu^ov/or, it coulcl not he exr^ctxxi txiat tie : ULroC v cauL-lcto tiioiu in one yotur. I^iose rrojects vill rv^uir^ several years to 72. 'li^e \ajor ^roj-ltir'i ^icouiittrcU ty the <ULP<X in ir\ leirenting tlK^ir vorl".

i.rocjrcuaii is tlit: niLin.1rx. nur^ii onu financial resource;:, neuc availn.1} lc to t^cn.

Uitil latit je^r, tii^. :iiLPOC v.oro Cuiucd ;..y oiiJI. utt in :■'■ it^ of tuo rh2corifr*i

tions r-ajje i-y ti^ joint LC:'./\JxDll ^:vrJuution riission of &1A-CC to maintain ^n evoi'i incrcr.ee tue UiDl: coritr^utioii to .-XILPGCs, tic IJ1-L»P Ins vdti;v!ravn all Iru

froiu .ULlEOCo, except for tnc \.a;iCii can Oi--nt of the ; rcgratiue.

73. Fortunately vitii tiie su^.ort of tiic ^ifricon Groa", txie 37t:i session of tin:

AsstKiLly cf uie Uideee ntit-LOi.s aco, ted resolution 37/13r.i or. tiio funding of

ui a regular ^.st^Lli^iccl Lasis. 'ihis has cna'.-lf*.. FGa to rcdntain £i

ndniMUu nuflu-r of atafi: on La*n* .^t iUU^OCs Coutli cf tlie Cnlirxp.. Lut, tixv nun-i.or

of staff LU" cun ^cca-noaatc v.dtiv funds n^dc ;ivailaLle L*/ tiic rcrulor l.tK^-ct is

far le&s tlion tlie i-:lnir..u^ core tft-f'7 iic^led tc ensure tile crcoth functioning of

7*1. It is, Uierefore, e-x^^ecteu tknt ircxx^r countries ^ill surlcrrent the resources vailci^le- by t^e regular Ludget, Li rrJii/r g ecific vlex>'';s in favour of

respective ^UIjI'OCs, anu i:ore in\ortofit to Iionour trieir <.\ujcjes. co, ^.itii eet^ririnod efforts of .all cono;'m-.A, * it could :;e ox tcb.u that IS& five 71JLTOCC vail i-nke greater contribution tsiV-nrtls t^e ir leia.ntatirjn tif tl.e Lnqos PL?n of

i tie Final ^>ct of Lago;?.


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