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Financial implications of the establishment of the intergovernmental regional committee on human settlements


Academic year: 2022

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E/CN.U/HUS/31 29 Scptcnbcr 1978 Originalt ENGLISH


Mooting of Intergovernmental Rcgionr.l Corxiittec on Hunmn Scttlcnontc

Addir Ababn, Ethiopia, 2-6 October 197C





a. cost estimates of additional personnel require) to ensure effective btplemhjtation

; of Regional and subregional hbman settlements programmes

In the case of professionals, The cost estimates are based on the rates for a bilateral expert at n given level with a wife and two children, and in thecasc of

administration support personnel on rates applicable to locally recruited general service 'staff.


kIo Professionals within the secretariat unit, 3CA headquarters, Addi- Ababa Batinetcd coct in $US

Cat,&_ level Int year 2nd year 3rd year Total in $ US

P.5(onc) 79,313 63,952 69,551 P.4(one) 70,523 ^5,361 61,129

P.4(two) 141,046 110,722 122,256 P.3(two) 12J?-,152 98,158 1O9,G32

Policies tstrategies and planning

(^) Shelter, infrastructure and service

(c) Institution

i'.ianapcuent Subtotal

II•^dninistrativc hqadquartero 2/

Subtotal s and

support 7,700

at x 7

P.3(onc) 64.076 49.079 54,916

483*110 377,272 417,666 1,278,066:


III*Prpfec3ional.c at

iry.Adr-iinictrative support at MULPOCc level

P4/P5(five)396,565 319,760 347,755


Subtotal 7,700 x 5





Notesifi) It ir to be noted that the General Aocoribly resolution 32/l62, in section III

paragraph l$9 decided that "during the period 1978-1930 a significant portion of ?.Y.

posts in the Center will be assigned to the regions for work on regional hurian settlements questions"* In this case, the budgetary allocations for the personnel co deployed will be transferred to ECA. And in any event the total figure shown for Headquarters will be substantially reduced since the personnel will receive the standard, salaries applicable to the duty station- Adolr Ababa.

(ii) It is aeouiacd that soue of the experts assigned to the five Multinational Programming and Operation Centres (MULPOCs) will be rocrut'ed under'bilateral

technical co-operation arrangements between EGA and donor Governi:ientsi: . :

1/ Sec E/CN.14/HUS/27, paragraph 23. .

2/ Ibid., paragraph 26.

^/ Ibid., paragraph 24*


Page 2.

:. '■.' ■:■■: y/r-' -i-iTr- . ■ ...•■.-..■-■ /. ■ ■■-:; ■.... ■ Bo PROJECT DOCUMENT EOR TH3 BIENNIAL MEETING .OF:.THE TECHNICAL ADVISORY COUNCIL


I. Introduction and background. ". . . ■

i ' - - . • ■ . : ■ , ;.

The recommendations of the Vancouver Conference r.r endorsed, by General Assembly ,

resolution 32/16?- recommended, anc Conference of Ministers resolution 3l6(XIIl) decided

that an Intergovernmental Regional Committee on Human Settlements should be established charged with the responsibility for the formulation of regional ruidrubregion.il policies


The Intergovcrnuientr.l Regional Counittco will conduct itr; cctiviticc through the riat unit withia tho BCA secretariat, which ir to be fashioned out of the present

but grcr.tly expanded Housing, Construction * nnd Pbycicr.l Plruuiing Section o% the Joint

SCA/UNIDO Industry Division, r.r. well r.n through rpecir.Iizcd Tracking groups*. * It ic cnvisciged thr.t such working groups trill hr.ve their count^rprjrt.o nt the national and .oubrcgionr.l levels.

A Technical Advisory Council on Hunrn Settlements coaprising higH cr.librc technical and financial experts' frbn''govcrniiieht'al "and lion-governmenta1 orgeninations £n the region

is to assist*the secretariat unit in reviewing progress and evaluating results-achieved, during the preceding bienniun and in charting ronedial courses of action; identifying priorities, setting targets, and. reconnenrling policies anc strategics which would load to successful inpler-ientafcion of regional and .subre.^ional programmes• •- ™. . - :- ■

II* Objectives

The Technical Advisory Council :*ill provide a region—wic.o professional and technical link between national and subregional working groups end the secretariat unit of BCA:'serving the Intergovernmental Regional Connittce on Huum Scttlcnents. !^>eci'jfically, it "will assist the unit in formulating proposals r.r, regards policies and strategics, institution building and .training-prograni^os. It :iill facilitate contacts with research anc financial incti—

tuionr. and will review, analyse and rurcczr achiev^nciitr cue' shortcomings under the progmxi-t pf'.Hork in the field of human settlencntt in the region.

Ill* Organization .--..-,.-•*..

(i) Participaiits' ' ■ ■ :

The Technical Advisory Council on Hunan Settlements will"bo conposcc of not nore than 20 experts conprising v.t least two representatives fron each subregion plus tho five huurj^, settlements exports assigned to the nubrogions ancl a representative froa Hc.bitatf Centre for Hunan Settlcnentsf Ncirobi, Kenya.

(ii) Working docuuents .

The Technical Advisory Council will help to review progrannc activities and evaluate the work carried out during the preceding bienniun and appraise and approve the work programme anc1 priorities for the following bienniun. It will prepare th<~ agenda for the Intergovernmental Regional Coi.n:iittee on Hunan Settlements, drr.w up prioritie

See Generr.l Acocubly resolution 32/162, section IV, paragraph 20.



Pr-gc 3 prepare craft ircnolutioii.?,— .'. -

IV. Pror-ycir.-ino for the ncctinr.: (for illustration purpo&sws- only)- ■■■■ --»■— ■ ■ -

Fir.-.t day

(i) General review of the uork progr^rano, r^chiovcijontc zxid conctrr.intc (ii) Report:: by WtPOCr,

Second dr.y

(i) Pr-^vieTj of docunentr for the Intcr^oveminenta1 Regional ConLiittoo

Third dtiy

Review of the work prograrxie for .the nucceedinc bionniun and fincjicial natters

Fourth day

Draftiiig of the a^enca and approval of draft resolutions

Fifth day

Adoption of the report to be cubnittec' to the Intergovernmental P.egionr.1 Connittcc*

V. Adninir:trativc cupport pornoiinel

(a) Coct of four intorproterr

(i) Travel: Geneva/Addin/Geneva ■'■'•■■- ■•-"'■

- Econorr/ faro ) ■

. - 10 kgr, cxcocc ba^a^u ) 4 x 1,400 = -',600.00

— Teminal )

(ii) Per dicn for C- dr.yr, 4 x C x 20 G96.CO

(iii) Salary for 6 dayn 4 x 6 x 121.50 2.91C.0O

aibtotal (a) 9,412-CO


Subtotifl (a) c/f 9,412.00 (b) Post of 14 African participants

(i) Travel 14 x 1,000 14,000.CO (ii) Per dicn for 8 dr.ys 8 x H x ?£'• 3tl36.CC

Subtotal (b) 17,136.00

(c) Miscellaneous

(i) In—session documentation 1,COO.CO

(ii) Local transport £00.00

(iii) Sundries (for *7£ persons

' © $ US 4 each) 30C.OO

3u total (c) 2.100.CQ. "


VI. Meeting date . ., .

The Technical Advisory Council will ueet biennially at a elate and venue to be

decided upon Ly the Intergovcrnnental Regional Connittec on Hunan Settlements at its

first nercion scheduled for October 197C-. In any case it oust nect prior'to1 the recsion

of the parent corxiitteo.

VII. Follow-up action

The reconucncUitionc and draft rcnolutionc of the Technical Ac'.vicory Council will be cubnittcd by the socrctr^iat unit to the Intergovcrnnental Regional Cfonnittcc on Hur.iar Settlenents for review and approval before they are cubi.iittcc to and adopted by the EGA Conference of Ministers. The rccolutionc and decisions adopted will thus fora "fche

basic for the regional action progranncs on huuan settlements and will be inplencnted

at the national, cubregional ant regional levels*


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