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Laguerre estimation for k-monotone densities observed with noise


Academic year: 2022

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Abstract. We study the models Zi = Yi+Vi, Yi = XiUi, i = 1, . . . , n where the Vi’s are nonnegative,i.i.d. with known density fV, theUi’s arei.i.d. withβ(1, k) density,k 1, the Xi’s are i.i.d., nonnegative with unknown density f. The sequences (Xi),(Ui),(Vi) are inde- pendent. We aim at estimatingfonR+ in the three cases of direct observations (X1, . . . , Xn), observations (Y1, . . . , Yn), observations (Z1, . . . , Zn). We propose projection estimators using a Laguerre basis and give upper bounds on theL2-risks on specific Sobolev-Laguerre spaces.

Lower bounds matching with the upper bounds are proved in the case of direct observation of Xand in the case of observation ofY. A general data-driven procedure is described and proved to perform automatically the bias variance compromise. The method is illustrated on simulated data.

(1) Duisburg-Essen University, email: denis.belomestny@uni-due.de,

(2)Universit´e Paris Descartes, MAP5, UMR CNRS 8145, email: fabienne.comte@parisdescartes.fr

(3)Universit´e Paris Descartes, MAP5, UMR CNRS 8145, valentine.genon-catalot@parisdescartes.fr.

Keywords. Adaptive estimation. Lower bounds. Model selection. Multiplicative censoring.

k-monotone densities. Projection estimator.

MSC2010. 62G07

1. Introduction Consider observations Z1, . . . , Zn such that

(1) Zi =Yi+Vi, Yi =XiUi, i= 1, . . . , n.

where Xi, Ui, Vi are nonnegative random variables, (Xi) are i.i.d. with unknown density f, (Ui) are i.i.d., (Vi) are i.i.d., Ui, Vi have known densities and the sequences (Xi),(Ui), Vi) are independent.

IfVi = 0 andUi has uniform density on [0,1], the modelZi =XiUi=Yi is called multiplicative censoring model and has been widely investigated in the past decades. As detailed in Vardi (1989), this model covers several important statistical problems, in particular estimation under monotonicity constraints. In this context, numerous papers deal with the estimation offwhether by nonparametric maximum likelihood (Vardi (1989), Vardi and Zhang (1992), Asgharian et al.(2012), by projection methods (Andersen and Hansen (2001), Abbaszadehet al.(2012,2013)) or kernel methods (Brunelet al., (2015)). We mention that taking logarithm of theYi allows a deconvolution method used by some authors (see e.g. van Eset al. (2003)): the method leads to estimate a distortion of f and cannot be straightforwardly extended to general model (1).

Another approach to the above multiplicative deconvolution problem can be based on the Mellin transform technique (see Belomestny and Schoenmakers (2015) for a related problem).

On the other hand, density estimation from noisy observations,i.e., estimation of the densityfY

Date: January 13, 2016.



ofYi when observingZi =Yi+Vi is also the subject of a huge number of contributions. For real- valued random variables, this deconvolution problem is classically solved by Fourier methods.

However, recently, the study of one-sided errors, i.e. Vi ≥ 0, was motivated by applications in the field of finance (see Jirak et al. (2014)) or in survival models, (see van Eset al. (1998), Jongbloed (1998)). Specific new approaches have been introduced to deal with deconvolution of nonnegative random variables. In particular, Mabon (2015) considers the case of Yi, Vi ≥0, Vi with known densityfV on R+and proposes a projection estimator of fY using a Laguerre basis of L2(R+) whose properties allow deconvolution of densities on R+.

In this paper, we consider model (1) and extend the class of distributions for the Ui’s. We assume thatUi hasβ(1, k) distribution with a densityfU(u) :=ρk(u) =k(1−u)k−11I[0,1](u), for k≥1. Then the random variables Yi =XiUi have density

(2) fk,Y(y) =f⊙ρk(y) =k Z





u du, y≥0,

wheref⊙hdenotes the density ofXU withX, U independent,Xwith densityf,U with density h . For k = 1, f1,Y (y) =−f(y)/y ≤0 for all y ≥0 so that f1,Y is a nonincreasing density on R+.

More generally, a k-monotone density follows the definition:

Definition 1.1. A density gon [0,+∞[isk-monotone if(−1)g(ℓ) is nonincreasing and convex for ℓ= 0, . . . , k−2 if k≥2 and simply nonincreasing if k= 1.

In particular, it has been proved (see Williamson (1956)) that ak-monotone densitygadmits the representation

(3) g(y) =k

Z 0


uk dF(u) =k Z


(1−y/u)k−1+ u dF(u)

where F is a distribution function R+. Consequently, fk,Y given by (2) is k-monotone with dF(u) =f(u)du. Therefore, the multiplicative censoring model is a special case of the setting of k-monotone densities. The problem of estimating f in model (1) is identical to the problem of reconstructingf for ak-monotone densityfk,Y from noisy observationsZi=Yi+Vi. Note that k-monotone densities have been considered by Balabdaoui and Wellner (2007, 2010) or Chee and Wang (2014), from the point of view of estimating fk,Y (not f) under the k-monotonicity constraint.

In this paper, we propose nonparametric estimators of f built as projection estimators on a Laguerre basis. This basis is related to specific Sobolev-Laguerre spaces which have been introduced by Shen (2000) and Bongioanni and Torrea (2007). The link between projection coefficients and regularity conditions in these spaces has been described in Comte and Genon- Catalot (2015). We consider the three cases: first, the observations are theXi’s, second theYi’s and third theZi’s. In each case, we propose estimators off. In the second and third cases, the estimators are obtained thanks to explicit formulae linking the projection coefficients of fk,Y (second case) orfZ (third case) in the Laguerre basis, to those off . We provide risk bounds for the estimators, allowing to compute upper bounds for the rates of convergence. Then we study lower bounds: even in the case of direct observations of the Xi’s, that is in the simple density model, the corresponding lower bound over Sobolev-Laguerre balls is very difficult to establish, and this is why we start with this supposedly elementary case. Upper and lower bounds match up to a logarithmic term. Next, we prove a lower bound for the 1-monotone case, almost matching the upper bound. Lastly, we provide a general adaptive procedure for estimation in model (1). In Section 2, we describe the basis and the Sobolev-Laguerre spaces together with


their useful properties. In Section 3, we provide a collection of projection estimators of f from observations X1, . . . , Xn, and a straightforward upper bound on the rate of convergence of the estimator. The difficult part is to establish a lower bound. Section 4 follows the same steps from observations Y1, . . . , Yn, with new investigations to relate Laguerre projection coefficients offk,Y andf. The lower bound for the casek= 1 relies on a clever modification of the Hamming distance and the Varshamov-Gilbert Lemma (see Tsybakov (2009)). In Section 5, we define a collection of projection estimators of f from observations Z1, . . . , Zn, together with a general adaptive procedure which can work in all three cases.

2. About Laguerre bases and spaces

2.1. Laguerre basis. Below we denote the scalar product and theL2-norm on L2(R+) by:

∀s, t∈L2(R+), hs, ti= Z +∞


s(x)t(x)dx, ktk2= Z +∞



Consider the Laguerre polynomials (Lj) and the Laguerre functions (ϕj) given by Lj(x) =




(−1)k j

k xk

k!, ϕj(x) =√

2Lj(2x)e−x1Ix≥0, j≥0.

The collection (ϕj)j≥0 constitutes a complete orthonormal system on L2(R+), and is such that (see Abramowitz and Stegun (1964)):

(4) ∀j≥1, ∀x∈R+, |ϕj(x)| ≤√ 2.

Forh∈L2(R+), we can developh on the Laguerre basis with:



aj(h)ϕj, aj(h) =hh, ϕji. Note that, whenh is a density,

a0(h) =hh, ϕ0i=√ 2

Z +∞


h(x)e−xdx >0.

By convention, we setϕj = 0 ifj≤ −1 and define the vector of coefficients ofhon (ϕ0, . . . , ϕm−1):

~am−1(h) := (aj(h))0≤j≤m−1.

We define the m-dimensional spaceSm = span(ϕ0, ϕ1, . . . , ϕm−1). The function hm =




aj(h)ϕj is the orthogonal projection of h onSm.

2.2. Sobolev-Laguerre spaces. For s ≥ 0, the Sobolev-Laguerre space with index s (see Bongioanni and Torrea (2007)) is defined by:

(5) Ws ={h:R+→R, h∈L2(R+),X



The following results have been proved in Section 7 of Comte and Genon-Catalot (2015). For s integer, if h:R+→Rbelongs to L2(R+), then

(6) |h|2s:=X




is equivalent to the property that h admits derivatives up to order s−1, with h(s−1) being absolutely continuous and form = 0, . . . , s−1, the functions

ξm+1(x) :=x(m+1)/2(h(x)ex)(m+1)e−x =x(m+1)/2




m+ 1 j

h(j)(x) belong toL2(R+). Moreover, for m= 0,1, . . . , s−1,

m+1k2= X


k(k−1). . .(k−m)a2k(h).

Forh∈Wswith sinteger, we setkhk20 =khk2 and for s≥1 (7) khks=kξsk= [X


k(k−1). . .(k−s+ 1)a2k(h)]1/2. Now we set

k|hk|2s :=




khk2j. Then the following property holds.

Lemma 2.1. When sis integer, the two norms k|hk|s and |h|s are equivalent.

We define the ballWs(D) via (see (5)-(6)):

Ws(D) .

= (

f ∈Ws,|f|2s =



ksa2k(f)≤D )


3. Projection estimator of f in the Laguerre basis when Xi’s are observed 3.1. Upper bound. We assume that f belongs to L2(R+) and provide for each m ≥ 1, a projection estimator of f by estimating the coefficients aj(f), j = 0, . . . , m−1. In the case where the Xi’s are observed, we define


aj(X) = 1 n




ϕj(Xi) and ˆfmX =





aj(X)ϕj. Doing so, we obtain an estimator of fm=Pm−1

j=0 aj(f)ϕj.

We have kfˆmX −fk2 = kf −fmk2 +kfˆmX −fmk2 by the Pythagoras Theorem. As (ϕj)j is orthonormal, we get kfˆmX −fmk2 = Pm−1

j=0 (ˆaj(X) −aj(f))2. Clearly, ˆaj(X) is an unbiased estimator ofaj(f), so we have

E[(ˆaj(X)−aj(f))2] = 1

nVar(ϕj(X))≤ 1


Therefore, with (4), we obtain the risk bound:

(8) E(kfˆmX −fk2)≤ kf−fmk2+ 2m n.

Remark 3.1. The risk bound decomposition given in (8) classically involves a bias term kf − fmk2 = P

j≥ma2j(f) which is decreasing with m and a variance term of order m/n which is increasing with m. Therefore, to evaluate the rate of convergence, we have to perform a compromise to select relevantly m.


For f ∈ Ws(D), we have kf −fmk2 = P

j≥ma2j(f) ≤ Dm−s and choosing m = mn = C0(s, D)n1/(s+1) in the upper bound (8), implies

E(kfˆmXn−fk2)≤C1(s, D)n−s/(s+1)

whereCi(s, D),i= 0,1 are constants depending onsandDonly. What is unexpectedly difficult is to prove that this rate is optimal on the Sobolev-Laguerre spaces.

Remark 3.2. Faster rates of convergence may be obtained if the bias is smaller. Exponential distributions provide examples of such a case. If X has exponential distribution E(θ), θ > 0, then the coefficients are given by ak(f) = √

2[θ/(θ+ 1)] ((θ−1)/(θ+ 1))k and the bias can be explicitly computed,

kf −fmk2 =



a2k(f) = θ 2

θ−1 θ+ 1



Then the bias is exponentially decreasing and the rate of convergence is of order [log(n)]/n for mn = log(n)/ρ, ρ=|log[|(θ−1)/(θ+ 1)|]|. The result can be extended to Gamma and mixed Gamma densities, see Comte and Genon-Catalot (2015), Mabon (2015).

3.2. Lower bound. In the section, we prove the following result Theorem 3.1. Assume thats is an integer, s >1.

Then for any estimator fˆn built as a measurable function of X1, . . . , Xn, for any ǫ >0 and for n large enough,



Ef h


n, ψn=n−s/(s+1)/log(1+ǫ)/(s+1)(n).

The proof is based on Theorem 2.7 in Tsybakov (2009), and induces several steps. The main difficulty of the construction is to ensure that the density alternative proposal is really a density on R+, and in particular nonnegative.

Proof of Theorem 3.1. Define f0 as the density f0(x) = cα,β


whereα >1, and β = (1 +ǫ)/2>1/2 withǫ <1, and cα,β is such that R

f0 = 1. Note that as

∀x≥0, 1≤log(e+x)≤e+x, we have, as β <1,

(9) cα,β

(e+x)α+1 ≤f0(x)≤ cα,β (e+x)α. Next we consider the functions

fθ(x) :=f0(x) +δ




θk−Kϕk(x) for someδ >0,K∈Nand θ= (θ1, . . . , θK)∈ {0,1}K.

Lemma 3.1. Let s > 1 be integer. Then f0 and fθ belong to Ws(D) provided that α ≥ (s+ 1)/2(>1) and δ2Ks+1≤D/C for some constant C=C(s)>0.

Lemma 3.2. Suppose thatPK

k=1θk(−1)k= 0 and all partial sumsPp

k=1θk(−1)k, p= 1, . . . , K, are uniformly bounded by 1, then under the choiceδ=δK−αlog−β(K)for small enough constant δ >0 not depending onK, we have that fθ is a probability density on R+.


Next we have for any θ,θ ∈ {0,1}K, (10)



(fθ(x)−fθ(x))2 dx=δ2





2ρ(θ,θ), where ρ(θ,θ) = PK


k is the so-called Hamming distance. Now to apply Theorem 2.7 p.101 in Tsybakov (2009), we need to extend the Varshamov-Gilbert bound (see Lemma 2.9 p.

104 in Tsybakov (2009)) as follows.

Lemma 3.3. Fix some even natural number K > 0. There exists a subset {θ(0), . . . ,θ(M)} of {0,1}K and a constant A1 > 0, such that θ(0) = (0, . . . ,0), all partial sums PN

k=1θ(j)k (−1)k, N = 1, . . . , K, are uniformly bounded by 1,




θk(j)(−1)k = 0 and ρ(θ(j)(l))≥A1K, for all0≤j < l ≤M. Moreover it holds that

(11) M ≥2A2K

for some constant A2 >0.

Then we have the following Lemma.

Lemma 3.4.

1 M




χ2 (fθ(j))⊗n,(f0)⊗n

.nδ2Kα+4 and for 0≤j6=l≤M, kfθ(j) −fθ(l)k22K.

Now we are in position to end the proof of Theorem 3.2. Under the choices δ2 = (δ)2K−2α(logK)−(1+ǫ) and K ≍(n/log1+ǫ(n))1/(2α) using inequality (11), K≤logM/(A2log 2), we get

1 M




χ2 (fθ(j))⊗n,(f0)⊗n

.logα+4(M) and

kfθ(j)−fθ(l)k2 &(n/log1+ǫ)(1−2α)/2α

for all 0≤j6=l≤M.Finally, by takingα= (s+ 1)/2 (recall thatα≥(s+ 1)/2) and arbitrary small ǫ >0,we derive

kfθ(j)−fθ(l)k2 &(n/log1+ǫ(n))−s/(s+1)log−(1+ǫ))(n) =n−s/(s+1)[log(n)]−(1+ǫ)/(s+1). This ends the proof of Theorem 3.2. ✷

4. Projection estimator off in the Laguerre basis when Yi’s are observed Now, our aim is to build an estimator off from the observationsY1, . . . , Yn, still taking into account that all variables are nonnegative.


4.1. Preliminary properties and formulas. The construction in this case relies on the fol- lowing steps.

The inversion formula givingf fromfk,Y defined by (2) stated in Proposition 4.1 is given in Williamson (1956). For convenience of the reader, we give a proof in the appendix.

Proposition 4.1. Let fk,Y and f be linked by Formula (3) and set F(x) = Rx

0 f(t)dt (resp.

Fk,Y(y) =Ry

0 fk,Y(t)dt). Then we have, for any y≥0, for k≥1,

(12) f(y) = (−1)k

k! ykfk,Y(k)(y), (13) F(y) =Fk,Y(y)−yfk,Y(y) +· · ·+(−1)k−1

(k−1)!yk−1fk,Y(k−2)(y) + (−1)k

k! ykfk,Y(k−1)(y).

With the two following Propositions, we give the links between the coefficients off andfk,Y on the Laguerre basis which are used for the estimation procedure.

Proposition 4.2. Assume that EXk−1<+∞. Then, for allj ≥0,

(14) aj(f) =hf, ϕji= 1

k!hfk,Y,(ykϕj)(k)i Proposition 4.3. Definebj,0ℓ,j, for p≥0,

(15) bj,p+1 =−ℓ+ 1

2 bj,pℓ+1−(p+1

2)bj,p + ℓ

2bj,pℓ−1, and hj,k =




bj,p k

p 1


Define the matricesHm(k)with sizem×(m+k)by[Hm(k)]j,ℓ =hj,k for ℓ= sup((j−k),1), . . . , j+k, otherwise [Hm(k)]j,ℓ= 0. Then,

~am−1(f) =Hm(k)~am+k−1(fk,Y).

Moreover, the coefficientshj,k satisfy

(16) ∀ℓ≤j+k, |hj,k | ≤Ck(j+k)k.

Example. For instance, for k = 1 (multiplicative censoring model for Yi), hj,1 = 0 if ℓ 6= j, j−1, j+ 1 and

(17) hj,1j−1 =−j

2, hj,1j = 1

2, hj,1j+1= j+ 1 2 , meaning that a0(f) = (1/2)a0(f1,Y) + (1/2)a1(f1,Y) and forj ≥1,

aj(f) =−j

2aj−1(f1,Y) + 1

2aj(f1,Y) +j+ 1

2 aj+1(f1,Y).

Fork= 2, hj,2j−2 = j(j−1)

8 , hj,2j−1=−1

2j, hj,2j =−j2+j−1

4 , hj,2j+1 = 1

2(j+1), hj,2j+2 = (j+ 1)(j+ 2)

8 .


4.2. Projection estimator and upper risk bound. Proposition 4.3 leads us to define a collection of projection estimators of f by:

(18) fˆm=





ajϕj, ~ˆam−1 = (ˆaj)0≤j≤m−1 =Hm(k)~ˆam+k−1(Y), m≥1

where~ˆam+k−1(Y) = [(ˆaj(Y))0≤j≤m+k−1] and ˆaj(Y) is defined by

(19) ˆaj(Y) := 1






Note that, by formula (14), we also have the useful formula:


aj = ˆaj(k) = 1 n






For instance, for k = 1, we get ˆaj(1) =n−1Pn

i=1[Yiϕj(Yi) +ϕj(Yi)] and for k = 2, we obtain ˆ

aj(2) = (2n)−1Pn

i=1[Yi2ϕj”(Yi) + 4ϕj(Yi) + 2ϕj(Yi)].

Letρ2(A) =λmax(At A) denote the squared spectral radius of the matrix A, i.e. the largest eigenvalue ofAtA, whereAtdenotes the transpose ofA. We can prove the following risk bound for the estimator.

Proposition 4.4. Let fˆm be given by (18). Then we have

E(kfˆm−fk2)≤ kf −fmk2+ 2(m+k)ρ2(Hm(k))

n .

Moreover, there exists a constant ζk such that

E(kfˆm−fk2)≤ kf −fmk2k(m+k)2k+1 n

with ζk= 2[(2k+ 1)Ck]2 where Ck is the constant in Proposition 4.2, formula (16).

Remark 3.1 applies to the bound given in Proposition 4.4: the term term is unchanged and still decreasing withm and the variance term is now of order (m+k)2k+1/nwhich is increasing withm. Therefore, we have to perform a compromise to select relevantlym.

We can deduce from Proposition 4.4 rates of convergence of the estimator on Sobolev-Laguerre spaces described in Section 2.2.

Corollary 4.1. Assume that f ∈ Ws(D). Let fˆm be given by (18). Then choosing mopt = [ns+2k+1] gives

E(kfˆmopt−fk2)≤C2(D, s, k)n−s/(s+2k+1)

where C(D, s, k) is a constant depending onD, s and k.

Remark 3.2 applies here. For exponential, Gamma or mixed Gamma densities f, the bias is unchanged and exponentially decreasing. Thus, the same choice mn yields a rate of order [log(n)]2k+1/n.


4.3. Lower bound in the 1-monotone case. In this section, we prove that the upper bound obtained in Corollary 4.1 is almost optimal. We consider the casek= 1, but the step fromk= 0 (case of direct observation ofX) tok= 1 suggests how to get a general result. However, given technicalities of the proof, we decided to remain withk= 1.

Theorem 4.1. Assume that sis an integer,s >1 and consider the model Y =XU, for X and U independent, U ∼ U([0,1]) with only Y observed.

Then for any estimator fˆn of f the density of X, for any ǫ >0 and for n large enough, sup


Ef h


%ψ˜n, ψ˜n=n−(s+ǫ)/(s+ǫ+3).

Remark. We may take ǫ= 0 and have additional log terms, but this would add some techni- calities again.

Proof of Theorem 4.1. The proof follows the same steps as the proof of Theorem 3.1. First we define proposals ˜f0 and ˜fθ for the densities of X1, . . . , Xn and compute the corresponding densities fY,0 andfY,θ ofY1, . . . , Yn. Let us choose ˜f0 such that

fY,0(x) = Z +∞



u du=f0(x) = cα,β

(e+x)αlogβ(e+x)1R+(x), whereβ = (1 +ǫ)/2, with 0< ǫ <1 andα >1. By derivation, we get

0(x) =−xfY,0 (x) =cα,β x

(e+x)α+1logβ+1(e+x)[αlog(e+x) +β]1R+(x), Then we can compute by formula (2) fork= 1, Next, let

θ(x) = ˜f0(x) +δ





We have, asR


2(−1)k that Z

k(x)dx= [xϕk(x)]+∞0 − Z +∞



2(−1)k+1. ThereforeR f˜θ(x)dx= 1 under the conditionP

θk(−1)k = 0, as previously. Thanks to formula (40), we have

k(x) =−k


k(x) +k+ 1

2 ϕk+1(x) and we can write ˜fθ as follows in the (ϕk)k basis:

θ(x) = ˜f0(x) +δ




µk(θ)ϕk(x) with fork=K, K+ 1, . . . ,2K+ 1,

µk(θ) =−k+ 1

2 θk−K+1−θk−K 2 +k

k−K−1 under initial and final conditionsθ−10K+1K+2= 0.


xθ(u)/u du yields

fY,θ=fY,0(x) +δ






We stress that by our construction, fY,0 =f0 and fY,θ =fθ, so that χ2(fY,θ, fY,0) = χ2(fθ, f0) is already computed in the previous section (proof of Theorem 3.1).

Lemma 4.1. Let s integer, s > 1. Then f˜0 and f˜θ belong to Ws(D), provided that α ≥ (s+ 1)/2≥1 and δ2Ks+3≤D/C for some constant C =C(s)>0.

Next, we have to see under which condition ˜fθ ≥0.

Lemma 4.2. Suppose thatPK

k=1θk(−1)k= 0 and all partial sumsPp

k=1θk(−1)k, p= 1, . . . , K, are uniformly bounded by 1, then under the choiceδ=δK−(α+1)log−β for small enough constant δ >0 not depending onK, we have that f˜θ is a probability density on R+.

Next, we have

(20) kf˜θ−f˜θk22




k(θ)−µk))2 Write that fork=K, K+ 1, . . . ,2K+ 1, we have

µk(θ) =−k


2 .

We notice that for j= 0,1, . . . , K+ 1, we have

K+j(θ)−µK+j)| ≥[K+j

2 −1] if θj+1−θj−16=θj+1 −θj−1 since|θj −θjj+1−θj+1 |/2≤1. Therefore, we get





k(θ)−µk))2 ≥δ2(K/2−1)2ρ1(θ,θ), where

ρ1(θ,θ) :=






Therefore, we need to check that ρ1(., .) is a distance and that the Varshamov-Gilbert Lemma holds with the Hamming distance replaced byρ1(., .).

Lemma 4.3. Fix some even natural number K > 0. There exists a subset {θ(0), . . . ,θ(M)} of {0,1}K and a constant A1 > 0, such that θ(0) = (0, . . . ,0), all partial sums Pk

j=1θj(m)(−1)j, k= 1, . . . , K, are uniformly bounded by 1,




θk(m)(−1)k= 0 and ρ1(m)(l))≥A˜1K, for all0≤m < l≤M. Moreover it holds that

(22) M ≥2A˜2K

for some constant A˜2 >0.

Next we prove Lemma 4.4.

1 M






.nδ2Kα+4 and for 0≤j6=l≤M, kf˜θ(j) −f˜θ(l)k22K3.


Now we end the proof of Theorem 4.1. We chooseα= (s+1)/2,δ2 = (δ)2K−2(α+1)log−(1+ǫ)(K), K = [n/log1+ǫ(n)]1/[2(α+1)] and we obtain

1 M








kf˜θ(j) −f˜θ(l)k2 &n−s/(s+3)[log(n)](1+ǫ)/(1+s/3).

Note thatδ2Ks+3= [log(n)]−(1+ǫ) is bounded (constraint from Lemma 4.1). This ends the proof of Theorem 4.1. ✷

5. Projection estimator of f in the Laguerre basis when Zi’s are observed and adaptive procedure

5.1. Projection estimator and risk bound. We use the following result proved in Mabon (2015).

Define them×m triangular matrix Vm = (vi,j)0≤i,j≤m−1 where

(23) vi,j = 2−1/2(hfV, ϕi−ji1Ii−j≥0− hfV, ϕi−j−1i1Ii−j−1≥0), and the diagonal elements are vi,i= 2−1/2hfV, ϕ0i>0. We have for allm≥1, (24) ~am−1(fY) = (aj(fY))0≤j≤m−1=V−1m [(aj(fZ))0≤j≤m−1] =V−1m~am−1(fZ),

IfVi= 0,Vm=Im. Formula (23) relies on a specific property of the Laguerre basis (ϕj) which can be used in R+-deconvolution setting:


Z x 0

ϕk(u)ϕj(x−u)du= 1

√2(ϕj+k(x)−ϕj+k+1(x)), (see 22.13.14 in Abramowitz and Stegun (1964)).

The following result is the basement of our estimation procedure.

Proposition 5.1. Define the matricesKm(k) with sizem×(m+k) by Km(k):=Hm(k)V−1m+k.


~am−1(f) =Km(k)~am+k−1(fZ).

Proposition 5.1 leads us to define a collection of projection estimators estimator off by:

(26) f˜m=





ajϕj, ~˜am−1= (˜aj)0≤j≤m−1=Km(k)~˜am+k−1(Z), m≥1 where~˜am+k−1(Z) = [(˜aj(Z))0≤j≤m+k−1] and ˜aj(Z) is defined by

(27) ˜aj(Z) := 1






We can prove the following risk bound for the estimator.

Proposition 5.2. Let f˜m be given by (26). Then we have

E(kf˜m−fk2)≤ kf −fmk2+ 2(m+k)ρ2(Km(k))

n .


Remark 3.1 still applies here. The bias term is unchanged. The variance term has now order (m+k)ρ2(Km(k))≤(m+k)2k+1ρ2(Vm+k−1 )/n, and is increasing withm. Indeed, it is proved that m7→ρ2(V−1m+k) is increasing (see Mabon (2015)). Therefore, we have to perform a compromise to select relevantly m.

5.2. Asymptotic rate of convergence of the estimator. We can deduce from Proposition 5.2 rates of convergence of the estimator on Sobolev-Laguerre spaces.

Let us definer ≥1 as an integer such that

(28) djfV(t)

dtj t=0


0, if j= 0, ..., r−2, Br 6= 0, if j=r−1.

withr = 1 if fV(0) =B16= 0.

Consider the two assumptions

(A1) fV isr times differentiable withfV(r)∈L1[0,∞).

(A2) Laplace transformLfV(s) offV has no zeros with nonnegative real parts except for zeros of the form s=∞+ib.

It is proved in Comte et al. that, under(A1)-(A2), we have ρ2(V−1m )≍Cm2r. Therefore the following Corollary holds

Corollary 5.1. Assume thatf ∈Ws(D), and(A1)-(A2)are fulfilled. Letf˜m be given by (26).

Then choosing mopt = [n2r+s+2k+1] gives


Remark 5.1. IfV follows an exponential distribution, then it satisfies assumptions(A1)-(A2) with r = 1 and more generally, a Gamma(p, θ) density satisfies assumptions (A1)-(A2) with r=p.

5.3. Adaptive estimation. We can propose a model selection method to select m automati- cally, aiming at an automatic bias variance compromise. We define

(29) m˜ = arg min

m∈Mn −kf˜mk2+κmρ2(Km(k)) n



Mn={m∈N, mρ2(Km(k))≤n}.

IfV = 0, the procedure and the result are valid with matrixKm(k) replaced byHm(k)(i.e. V(k)m = Idm+k, the identity matrix with size (m+k)×(m+k). IfV = 0 andU = 1 (direct observation of X), then the procedure and result is valid with k= 0 andHm(0)==Idm.

Theorem 5.1. Let f˜m be given by (26) andm˜ by (29) .There exists a constantκ0 such that for any κ≥κ0, we have

E(kf˜m˜ −fk2)≤C1 inf

m∈Mn kf −fmk2+ pen(m) +C2

n .



mX = 3.36 (0.92) m¯Y = 2.94 (0.24) m¯Z = 2.48 (0.50)

0 5

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

0 5

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

0 5

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6


mX = 6.52 (0.54) m¯Y = 3.32 (0.74) m¯Z= 3 (0.00)

0 5

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

0 5

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

0 5

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6


mX = 6.54 (0.64) m¯Y = 3.08 (0.39) m¯Z = 2.90 (0.36)

0 5

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

0 5

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

0 5

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

Figure 1. True densityf of Model (i) (Gamma distribution) in bold (blue). Left: 50 estimators of f from direct observation of X in dotted (green). Middle: 50 estimators off from observation ofY, in dotted (red). Right: 50 estimators off from observation ofZ, in dotted (magenta). First line: n= 400 andU ∼ U([0,1]). Second line: n= 2000 andU ∼ U([0,1]). Third line: n = 2000 andU β(1,2). Above each plot, ¯mX (resp.


mY, resp ¯mZ) is the mean of the selected dimensions for X (resp. for Y, resp. forZ) with standard deviation in parenthesis.

6. Simulation results We implement the adaptive estimators ˜fm˜ off based

• on direct observations X1, . . . , Xn,

• on multiplicative censored observations for k= 1,2, Y1, . . . , Yn,

• on Z1, . . . , Zn from the complete model (1) withV ∼ E(λ), an exponential variable with parameter λ(with mean 1/λ, withλ= 2 in the simulations).



mX = 6.48 (0.99) m¯Y = 4 (0.00) m¯Z = 3.66 (0.56)

0 5

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

0 5

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

0 5

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6


mX = 8.22 (1.51) m¯Y = 4.52 (1.03) m¯Z= 4 (0.00)

0 2 4

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

0 2 4

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

0 2 4

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6


mX = 8.2 (1.48) m¯Y = 4 (0.00) m¯Z= 3.84 (0.55)

0 5

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

0 5

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

0 5

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

Figure 2. True density f of Model (ii) (Beta distribution) in bold (blue). Left: 50 estimators of f from direct observation of X in dotted (green). Middle: 50 estimators off from observation ofY, in dotted (red). Right: 50 estimators off from observation ofZ, in dotted (magenta). First line: n= 400 andU ∼ U([0,1]). Second line: n= 2000 andU ∼ U([0,1]). Third line: n = 2000 andU β(1,2). Above each plot, ¯mX (resp.


mY, resp ¯mZ) is the mean of the selected dimensions for X (resp. for Y, resp. forZ) with standard deviation in parenthesis.

ForV ∼ E(λ), we have [Vm]i,i=λ/(1 +λ) and [Vm]i,j =−2λ (λ−1)i−j−1

(λ+ 1)(i−j+1) if j < i and [Vm]i,j = 0 otherwise.

We consider forf the densities (i) Gamma(3,1/2),

(ii) 5 Beta(4,5),

(iii) a mixture of Gamma: c(0.4 Gamma(2,1/2)+0.6 Gamma(16,1/4)) withc= 5/8.



mX = 11.48 (1.35) m¯Y = 6.66 (0.48) m¯Z = 4.86 (1.48)

0 2 4

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

0 2 4

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

0 2 4

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6


mX = 6.52 (0.50) m¯Y = 5.26 (0.44) m¯Z = 4.22 (1.03)

0 2 4

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

0 2 4

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

0 2 4

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6


mX = 1.34 (1.24) m¯Y = 1.60 (0.67) m¯Z = 1.06 (0.24)

0 2 4 6

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

0 2 4 6

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

0 2 4 6

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Figure 3. True density f in bold (blue) of Model (iii) (Mixed Gamma distribution) (first line), Model (iv) (Lognormal distribution) (second line) andf E(1) (third line), withn= 2000. U uniform for lines 1 and 2,U β(1,2) for line 3. Left: 50 estimators of f from direct observation of X in dotted (green). Middle: 50 estimators of f from observation ofY, in dotted (red). Right: 50 estimators of f from observation of Z, in dotted (magenta). Above each plot, ¯mX(resp. ¯mY, resp ¯mZ) is the mean of the selected dimensions forX (resp. forY, resp. forZ) with standard deviation in parenthesis.

(iv) Lognormal(0.5,0.5) (exponential of a Gaussian with mean 0.5 and variance 0.52).

All factors and parameters are chosen to have the true densities with the same scales.

Direct estimation is penalized withκ1 = 1 in all cases. ForU following a uniform distribution on [0,1], without additive noise, we use κ2 = 0.25 and with additive noise, we use κ3 = 0.25.

For U following a β(1,2) distribution on [0,1], we take κ2 = 0.125 without additive noise and κ3 = 0.25 with additive noise.

Beam of estimators are given in Figures 1-3 and show clearly the performance of the method via variability bands. The Laguerre basis provides excellent estimation when using direct data, and the problem gets more difficult in presence of censoring. Increasing the order k (we took


k = 1 for U ∼ U([0,1]) and k = 2 for U ∼β(1,2)) makes the problem more difficult. Adding a nuisance process V creates also additional difficulty, this is why mixture of Gamma’s can be correctly reconstructed only with multiplicative censoring, for instance (see Figure 3). Selected dimensions can be of various orders (between 2 and 12 in our examples) and vary or be very stable (see the null standard deviations).

7. Proofs

7.1. Proof of lemma 2.1. Obviously|h|0 =k|hk|0 andkhk2j ≤ |h|2j for allj. Moreoverj7→ |h|j

is increasing. Therefore k|hk|2s ≤ (s+ 1)|h|2s. On the other hand, let bj,s the coefficients such that

Xs =




bj,sX(X−1). . .(X−j+ 1).


|h|2s =




bj,skhk2j ≤A(s)k|hk|2s, with

(30) A(s) = max(|bj,s|, j = 1, . . . , s). ✷ 7.2. Proofs of Lemmas of Section 3.2 (Theorem 3.1).

Proof of Lemma 3.1. Indeed we have kf0k2s =

Z +∞






s j







s j

Z +∞




The “worst” term in the above sum isxs/2(e+x)−αlog−β(e+x). Thus, as α≥(s+ 1)/2 and β >1/2,

xs/2f0(j)(x)∈L2(R+) forj= 0, . . . , sand there exists a constant B(s, α) such tat

kf0k2s ≤B(s, α).

It follows that

|f0|2s ≤B(s, α),˜ B(s, α) := (s˜ + 1)B(s, α)A(s) whereA(s) is defined by (30). We takeD/4≥B(s, α). Next˜

|fθ|s≤ |f0|s




θk−Kϕk s


Let us define for f, g ∈ Ws, hf, gis = (1/2)(|f +g|2s − |f|2s − |g|2s) so that |ϕk|2s = ks and hϕk, ϕis= 0 for k6=ℓ. Therefore



















Z k+1 k

xsds= (2K+ 1)s+1−(1 +K)s+1

s+ 1 ,



|fθ|2s ≤2|f0|2s+Cδ2Ks+1/(s+ 1)

for some constant C=C(s)>0.Hence |fθ|2s ≤Dif δ2Ks+1/(s+ 1)≤D/(2C). ✷ Proof of Lemma 3.2. First, noting thatR


2(−1)k, we have Z


fθ(x)dx = 1 +δ




θk−K Z



= 1 +√ 2δ




θk−K(−1)k = 1, so that our conditions ensure thatR

0 fθ(x)dx= 1.

Next we prove that fθ is nonnegative, which is surprisingly tricky. We have fθ(x)/f0(x) = 1 +δ(e+x)αlogβ(e+x)






For any fixed a > 0, for any x ∈ [0,a], we have |fθ(x)/f0(x)−1| ≤ δK√

2(e+a)αlogβ(e+ a)/cα,β . δK = δK1−αlog−β(K) which is small as α ≥ (s+ 1)/2 > 1. Without loss of generality, we assume that a>1.

Thus, in order to prove thatfθ is a nonnegative function, it is enough to show that

(31) sup







.Kλlogµ(K), K → ∞

for any fixed λ >0, µ > 0 and for sufficiently large a> 0. Then by taking λ=α, µ= β and δ = δK−αlog−β(K) for small enough constant δ >0 not depending on K, we get fθ(x) ≥ 0, x∈R+.

We proceed in two steps for the proof of (31). First we study the supremum for large values of x, 2x ≥ cν, c > 0 and then for intermediate values of x (2a < 2x ≤ bν with b < 1 and ν = 4K+ 2).

Step 1. Suppose that the sequence θ= (θ1, . . . , θK)∈ {0,1}K satisfies






for all m = 1, . . . , K, and some constant A >0. Fix some real numbersλ, µwith 0 < λ < K, and µ >0, then it holds for any 2x >4K+ 2λ+ 1,







≤ACλ,µKλlogµ(K), K → ∞, whereϕk(x) =√

2e−xLk(2x) and the constant Cλ,µ depends only on λ, µ.

To prove (32), we first study the caseµ= 0 and λinteger.

Lemma 7.1. It holds for any integers n and λ≤n,

(33) xλLn(x) =






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