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Submitted on 1 Jan 1988

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H. Fecht

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BETWEEN DISSIMILAR MATERIALS. Journal de Physique Colloques, 1988, 49 (C5), pp.C5-171-

C5-176. �10.1051/jphyscol:1988515�. �jpa-00228012�



Colloque C5, suppl6ment au nO1O, Tome 49, octobre 1988


University of Wisconsin, Dept. of Metallurgical and Mineral Engineering, 1509 University Avenue, Madison, W I 53706, U.S.A.


The interfacial energy of boundaries between dissimilar materials c a n be described as function of the lattice mismatch, the chemical interaction and the interfacial entropy of the boundaries. Based o n experiments involving a sphere-rotation method and undercooling measurements o r (solid/liquid) phase mixtures i n a droplet dispersion, a n attempt is made to separate t h e influence of the d i f f e r e n t contributions. T h e atomic structure of inter- phase boundaries between noble metals a n d ionic crystals c a n be described by the "lock-in"

model: low energy interphase boundaries were f o u n d if close packed rows of atoms a t the

"surface" of the metal crystal lock into the "valleys" between close packed rows of atoms a t the "surface" of the ionic crystal. At higher temperatures the r e l ~ t i v e stability of d i f f e r e n t interphase boundary structures may change depending on the degree of axial commensuration a n d the related interfacial entropies. Hence, t h e contribution of lattice matching to the interfacial energy can decrease or vanish completely i n some cases, result- ing i n a commensurate/incommensurate phase transition (e.g. f o r Au/A1203). Furthermore, the droplet undercooling experiments demonstrate t h a t good matching between two crystal lattices (substrate/nucleus) c a n f a v o u r formation of metastable phases d u e to the lowering of the activation barrier f o r nucleation during crystallization f r o m a highly undercooled liquid.


Considerable attempts have been made i n recent years in developing criteria f o r the correlations between the atomic structure and the energy of internal interfaces. Different geometric models f o r grain boundaries i n metals and oxides have been proposed based on structural unit models i n conjunction with point or planar symmetry 11-31. Due to a limited number of experimental studies of equilibrated boundaries between dissimilar materials this type of interfaces is not well understood. Different experimental approaches including the sphere-rotation method a n d undercooling measurements of liquid droplet samples allow to characterize the properties of interphase boundaries such as the atomic structure, the entropy of t h e interface a n d the chemical (electronic) properties.

Matching a t Metal/Ionic Crvstal Interohase Boundaries

In contrast to grain boundaries i n single component materials, interfaces between metals and ionic crystals a r e formed by a t least three d i f f e r e n t kinds of atoms (or ions).

No computer simulations of the atomic structure of interphase boundaries exist because of the inadequate understanding of specific interatomic potentials f o r these interfaces.

One of the approaches to study the relation between the equilibrium structure a n d the energy of grain or interphase boundaries is offered by t h e sphere-rotation method [4-71. I n this method, about lo7 isolated, single crystal metal spheres (Cu,Ag,Au) of approximately 1 p m diameter a r e sintered i n a n initially metastable arrangement (random

(')present address : Keck Laboratory. California Institute of Technology. Pasadena, CA 91125, U.S.A.

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphyscol:1988515





crystallographic orientation) onto a f l a t single crystal substrate (LiF, NaCI, KC1, MgO, A1203). By annealing a t elevated temperatures, the spheres minimize their interfacial energy a n d rotate i n t o orientation relationships of low energy. T h e resulting alignment of the crystals can be measured by the conventional methods of X-ray texture analysis. The experimentally observed interphase boundaries of low energy a t intermediate temperatures (550 OC) a r e characterized by parallelism of close packed planes and close packed direc- tions i n both crystals [5]. Moreover, the atomic structure may be described by t h e "lock -in" model. A low energy interphase boundary results if the close packed rows of atoms a t the "surface" of the metal crystal lock into the "valleys" between close packed rows of atoms a t the "surface" of the ionic crystal.

T h i s type of interphase structure has been confirmed by transmission electron microscopy on Au/MgO recently [8] a n d is consistent with results from (relatively simple) computer calculations concerning the adsorption of single metal atoms on the surface of ionic crystals [9-111 using a Van-der-Waals potential. I t was f o u n d t h a t the most stable site f o r a metal atom (Au) is on-top of the cation ( ~ a ' ) of a (100)NaCl or (100)NaF substrate [lo]. Therefore, a high density of "adsorption sites" exists along close packed rows of cations. These directions of maximum adsorption energy a r e parallel to <llO>-direc- tions a t t h e (100)-surface of fcc-crystals a n d have been described a s "valleys" between rows of ions (anions) with weak interaction with the adsorbed atoms [5]. Hence, f o r fcc- metal/fcc-ionic crystal combinations, low energy orientations a r e expected if a maximum number of <IlO>-directions of the metal crystal matches a maximum number of <IlO>-direc- tions a t the "surface" of the ionic crystal resulting i n orientation relationships with

parallel low index planes i n both crystals. T h e required elastic strains to produce lock-in configurations may be reduced by lattice defects 1ike.vacancies a n d dislocations. The interfacial energy (E) f o r crystal combinations with small lattice parameter differences, such as e.g. Au/(OOl)LiF, as function of angle of rotation ((3) around the [IlOI-direction is schematically shown i n Fig. 1. T h e depths of the energy cusps have been taken roughly proportional to t h e number of spheres aligned i n the following low energy orientation relationships:

(1) (OO_l)Au//(OO1)LiF with [ 1 1 0 ] ~ ~ locking i n t o each [ I ~ O ] L ~ F "valley";

(2) (l~l)Au//(OO1)LiF with [ 1 1 0 ] ~ ~ locking into every 7th [11OILiF "valley";

(3) (2z1)Au//(001)LiF with [110lAU locking into every 3d [110ILiF Nvalleyw;

(4) (1 12)Au//(001)LiF with [ I locking into every 5th [ I 1OILiF *valleyu.

Fig. 1: Interfacial energy E of Au/(OOl)LiF interphase boundaries as function of angle of rotation (0) around [llO].

Recently, similar results have been reported [12] by a theoretical treatment of interfacial energies of clusters of u p to 2500 atoms adsorbed a t crystal substrates with cubic structure. Low energy orientation relationships f o r material combinations with varying lattice parameters are obtained if the lattice parameter of both crystals are chosen i n such a way t h a t a high order of axial commensuration is achieved. I n agreement with the "lock-in" model, low energy interphase boundaries a r e obtained if the spacing between close packed rows of the metal atoms (=dM) and the spacinf between the close packed rows of t h e substrate atoms (=dS) retain the relationship ndM = md , where n,m a r e


integers. Consequently, the atomic structure of low energy interphase boundaries between metals a n d ionic crystals c a n be described as a two-dimensional a r r a y of short periodic units of close packed rows of atoms which a r e commensurate i n both crystals a n d f o r m lock-in structures. T h e coincidence site lattice (CSL) model does not appear to apply to interphase boundaries because orientation relationships with low reciprocal density of coincidence sites, C, ( 2 = 5,7,9,11,13 ...) a r e not f o u n d to result i n low energy configura- tions. T h e observed low energy boundaries d o not correspond to high coincidence orienta- tion relationships predicted by the CSL model [5,6].

Metastable Phase Selection due t o Lattice Matchine.

During condensation of metals on semiconductors (e.g. A g / ( l l l ) S i ) a n d metals (e.g.

Fe/(lOO)Cu) structural metastability has been observed frequently [13]. A t low deposition temperatures i t is possible t o grow fully coherent pseudomorphic layers which d u r i n g annealing a t elevated temperatures transform t o their stable form.

Similarly, during crystallization of highly undercooled liquids nucleation of phases with a variety of crystal structures becomes possible. T h e degree of lattice match- ing is expected to influence the selection of the product structures promoting metastable phase formation i n certain cases. T h e most promising approach to study this behavior involves the droplet emulsification technique [14,15]. By dispersing a high purity liquid sample into a large number of small droplets (1-20 diameter) i n a suitable medium, high levels of undercooling (approximately 0.3 t o 0.4 of t h e melting temperature) can be achieved due to a n effective isolation of potent nucleants (Fig. 2).



Fig. 2: Schematic illustration of nucleant isolation principle i n a droplet dispersion

For some p u r e metals, a variety of crystal phases with d i f f e r e n t lattice struc- tures, has been observed to crystallize during slow cooling of highly undercooled liquids [16,17]. If alloy droplet samples a r e heated i n t o the (solid


liquid) two-phase field and subsequently cooled slowly, the metastable liquid in contact with the solid substrate solidifies a t a higher temperature than i n absence of the substrate. Therefore, the influence of the substrate properties on the undercooling level a n d the phase selection during crystallization can be studied systematically. I n Pb-Sn alloys, i t is possible to undercool solid/liquid mixtures (supersaturated a-Pb


metastable Liquid) u p t o 80 O C below the eutectic temperature 1151. By thermal analysis and "in-situ" X-ray d i f f r a c t i o n methods i t was f o u n d t h a t a metastable crystalline phase with f a c e centered tetragonal structure, PbSn2, nucleates on the&-Pb phase as substrate prior to formation of stable 8-Sn phase.

T h e lattice parameters of supersaturated a-Pb, 8-Sn a n d PbSn2 a r e obtained from X-ray d i f f r a c t i o n results. Comparison of the lattice matching of close packed planes of Pb/PbSn2 a n d Pb/@-Sn crystal combinations clearly indicates a better matching of supersaturated a-Pb with metastable PbSn2. Fig. 3a shows the almost epitaxial matching between (111)PbSn2 planes a n d t h e ( 1 I I ) P b substrate, whereas Fig. 3b illustrates poor f i t of 8-(11O)Sn planes a n d (111)Pb. T h e decrease in the activation energy f o r nucleation d u e to the crystallo- graphic compatibility between the nucleus a n d substrate, results in the formation of



metastable PbSn2 phase rather than the more stable Sn phase.

( 0 ) (b)

Fig. 3: Lattice matching of PbSn2 and &Sn nuclei (N) on a Pb-substrate (S, shaded) favouring metastable phase formation. Fig. 3a: Good matching between metast- able (1 1 1)PbSn2 (dashed) nucleated on (1 1I)Pb. Fig. 3b: Poor matching between

(1 1O)Sn (dot-dashed) a n d (1 11)Pb.

Similarly, i t h a s been f o u n d t h a t i n Sn-alloys, the semiconducting diamond cubic Sn phase (6-Sn) can be synthesized as metastable solidification product f r o m the under- cooled liquid a t temperatures above t h e &-Snlb-Sn transformation temperature if a n appro- priate substrate such as Ge is provided [18]. Again the lattice matching between low index planes is better i n the case of Ge a n d diamond cubic Sn than f o r Ge a n d &(bct)Sn d u e to compatible crystal lattice characteristics, thereby favouring metastable phase formation.

Related effects a n d interfacial e n e r m

I n addition to the lattice matching, other factors such a s temperature (entropy of the boundary), chemical effects a n d the surface topography of a substrate, may contribute to the interfacial energy.

I n most of the purely geometric models f o r the atomic structure of grain or inter- phase boundaries, the influence of temperature on the interfacial energy a n d related interfacial entropy effects are not incorporated. Therefore, measurements of the equili- brium alignment of Au spheres on (100)MgO substrates a t d i f f e r e n t temperatures between 550 and 900 OC were made. T h e results reveal t h a t d i f f e r e n t interphase boundary structures which can be described by the lock-in model [5] have a d i f f e r e n t stability range (see Fig.

4) a s f u n c t i o n of temperature.

T h e crystallographic orientation relationships (I), (3) a n d (4) with high density of locked-in rows of atoms (high axial commensuration) have a high stability over t h e entire temperature range. Whereas the orientation relationship (2) ceases to be a low energy configuration a t temperatures around 900 OC, Therefore, with increasing order of axial commensuration of interfaces, the entropy of the interphase boundary seems to decrease a n d stabilize boundaries with good lattice matching a t high temperatures. Hence, for Au/(lOO)MgO, interphase boundaries with epitaxial type lattice matching (if strain effects can be excluded) a r e expected t o be most stable with respect to temperature.


I . I 500 600 700 800 900


Fig. 4: Phase diagram*for Au/(lOO)MgO interfaces indicating the relative number of spheres N / N aligned i n a certain orientation relationship.

In t h e case of Au/A1203 interfaces, it is observed t h a t the ordered structure of interphase boundaries is destroyed a t high temperatures in favour of a more disordered structure. T h e low energy orientation relationships a t 550 OC a r e characterized by parallelism of low index planes ((111)Au//(0001)A120~) a n d low index directions ( [ ~ ~ o ] A u / / [ ~ ~ o o ] A ~ ~ o ~ ) [5] a n d a r e illustrated i n Fig. 5a. Whereas, a t 650 OC the low cnergy orientation is only characterized by parallelism of t h e low index planes irrespec- tive of the relative twist (Fig. 5b).

Fig. 5a: Commensurate Au/A1203 interphase boundary a t 550 OC.

Fig. 5b: Incommensurate Au/A1203 interphase boundary with twist around [ I l l ] above 650 OC.

T h i s transformation f r o m a two dimensional ordered structure (commensurate) to a incommensurate structure with high symmetry has been predicted theoretically 1191 and has been observed experimentally f o r noble gases on graphite [20]. I t appears t h a t the incom- mensurate phase can reduce the strain energy caused by the substrate potential a t higher temperatures by the rotational epitaxy.

In addition, chemical effects a n d the type of bonding between two adjacent crystals c a n influence the interfacial energy. E.g. it is found, t h a t single crystal gold does not grow on vacuum cleaved NaCl [21]. The same e f f e c t of preferred non-epitaxial orientations has been observed f o r Au spheres sintered onto a NaCl substrate. Only a very small number of spheres was f o u n d to be aligned in a n epitaxial orientation [5]. Whereas, f o r Ag on NaCl





both, vapor deposition methods 1241 and sphere rotation experiments [7] show a strong tendency of a n alignment of the Ag crystals in low interfacial energy orientation relation- ships although the lattice parameters of Ag and Au d i f f e r only about 0.2%. This strong influence of atomic bonding to the interfacial energy might be understood in terms of quantum theoretical approximations, but is difficult to assess a t the moment a n d makes further experiments necessary.

In few cases, i t was observed that during vapor deposition a cube-cube alignment of Sn-or Au-islands [23,24] on amorphous substrates with defined step terraces exist a s low energy orientation. This evidence of a n effect of surface topography on film orientations in a temperature range from 150 to 350 OC can be understood i n terms of preferred nucle- ation sites a t the surface steps and growth along the steps. In the case of the sphere- rotation method, the surface topography can be excluded f r o m the final orientation distri- bution, otherwise the same orientation relationships should be observed independent of the lattice parameter and substrate structure in contrast to the experimental results [5].

In summary, the parameters describing interfacial energies can be separated based on experimental evidence. Important parameters to be considered involve the lattice match- ing between two adjacent phases, the entropy related to the atomic structure of a n inter- phase boundary, chemical effects and, depending on the experimental conditions, the surface topography of a substrate and strains a t the interface. For different crystal combinations the relative contribution of these parameters to the interfacial energy can vary and makes a experimental verification necessary. This will further allow a better understanding of interface related phenomena observed in solid state amorphization, phase transformations a t interfaces a n d the production and stability of metal and semiconductor superlattices.


The author likes to thank the Max-Kade Foundation f o r financial support and Prof.

H. Gleiter, Prof. J.H. Perepezko, P. Frankwics and K. Sridharan f o r discussion.

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