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Descriptive analysis of the crystal structure of the 1-D semiconducting TCNQ salt : TEA(TCNQ)2, as a function of temperature. - I. Intermolecular distortions of the conducting TCNQ columns


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Descriptive analysis of the crystal structure of the 1-D semiconducting TCNQ salt : TEA(TCNQ)2, as a function of temperature. - I. Intermolecular distortions

of the conducting TCNQ columns

J.P. Farges

To cite this version:

J.P. Farges. Descriptive analysis of the crystal structure of the 1-D semiconducting TCNQ salt :

TEA(TCNQ)2, as a function of temperature. - I. Intermolecular distortions of the conducting TCNQ

columns. Journal de Physique, 1985, 46 (3), pp.465-472. �10.1051/jphys:01985004603046500�. �jpa-



Descriptive analysis of the crystal structure of the 1-D semiconducting TCNQ

salt : TEA(TCNQ)2, as a function of temperature.

I. Intermolecular distortions of the conducting TCNQ columns

J. P. Farges

Laboratoire de Biophysique, Université de Nice-Valrose, 06034 Nice Cedex, France (Reçu le 28 mai 1984, révisé le 16 octobre, accepté le 6 novembre 1984 )



On montre qu’avec des approximations raisonnables, la structure d’une colonne conductrice de TCNQ peut être caractérisée au moyen de six paramètres. Deux de ces paramètres définissent la colonne régulière équi- valente, et les quatre suivants se rapportent aux distorsions intermoléculaires. Deux des paramètres de distorsion sont associés à une dimérisation de la colonne, et les deux autres à une tétramérisation.

On fait ensuite apparaître comme un fait expérimental que seulement deux de ces six paramètres varient d’une

façon significative avec la température. Le premier décrit simplement la dilatation thermique normale de la colonne.

Le second est associé à une composante de la tétramérisation perpendiculaire à l’axe de la colonne.

Les implications possibles de ces résultats sur les propriétés semiconductrices du matériau sont également


Une analyse complémentaire de la distribution des charges sur les molécules d’une colonne conductrice de

TCNQ sera développée dans un prochain article.



Within reasonable approximations, the structure of a conducting TCNQ column is characterized

by six parameters. Two parameters define the equivalent regular column, and four parameters refer to the inter- molecular distortions. Two of the distortional parameters are associated with a dimerization in the column, while

the other two parameters are associated with a tetramerization.

It is then shown, as an experimental fact, that only two of these six parameters are significantly temperature

dependent. The first one simply accounts for the usual thermal expansion of the column. The second one is asso-

ciated with a component of the tetramerization perpendicular to the column axis.

The possible implications of these findings with respect to the semiconducting properties of the material are also


In complement to the present article, a second one will concern an analysis of the charge distribution on the

TCNQ molecules of a conducting column.


Physics Abstracts

61.50L - 72.80L


This study is concerned with the material triethyl-

ammonium (tetracyano-7,7,8,8,p-quinodimethane)2,

or TEA(TCNQ)2, a material for which the solid state properties, and particularly the electrical pro-

perties, have been quite extensively investigated in

the past [1]. However, in spite of the progressive

accumulation of various and detailed experimental data, the basic problem of how charge transport proceeds in this semiconducting material is still open.

This situation is similar for many other TCNQ salts

of crucial interest. The difficulty resides primarily in

the lack of information about the crystal structures

which are usually known only at room temperature.

As these structures are highly deformable and even

unstable, they should be a priori expected to undergo complex modifications when the temperature is varied,

which in turn may significantly affect the physical properties of the material.

An invaluable contribution to this problem has

been provided recently by Filhol and Thomas [2].

These authors have reported, mainly ffom their own experimental work, a detailed compilation of accurate crystal data for TEA(TCNQ)2 at six temperatures from 40 K to 345 K [3]. Their work, currently unique

in this field, greatly reinforces the interest in this

particular material. Benefiting from these data, the present paper develops a descriptive analysis of the

intermolecular distortions of the TCNQ columns in TEA(TCNQ)2.

TEA(TCNQ)2 is a member of the extended class

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01985004603046500



of the TCNQ salts, a class of crystalline organic

materials with potentially high electrical conducti-

vities [4].

Basically, the crystal structure of these salts consists of a highly selective aggregation of the planar TCNQ

molecules into parallel and well separated molecular

columns. In the process of salt formation, the TCNQ

molecules are partially negatively charged, the mean charge per molecule being a function of the stoichio-

metry of the material. The counter-ions, for instance TEA+ in TEA(TCNQ)2, occupy regular positions

between the TCNQ columns in the lattice.

Within each column, a strong n-orbital overlap

results from the ability of the TCNQ molecules to

stack closely plane to plane. The columnar axis defines in the crystal a special direction in which

charge transport, and hence electrical conduction,

are greatly facilitated. As a consequence, the TCNQ

salts also exhibit a considerable anisotropy in their

electrical properties, to such an extent that they can

be regarded as nearly one-dimensional (1-D) systems.

The best, metal-like conductors of the class are

materials in which the conducting columns have a

regular structure, at least at room temperature (the overlap between one TCNQ molecule and the next in the column being large and unchanged by trans- lation).

For most of the TCNQ salts, however, columnar distortions are present at room temperature, cor-

responding to a periodical modulation of the mole- cular overlap. In this case the electrical conductivity

is lower and it exhibits the activated character of a


TEA(TCNQ)2 has a tetramerized columnar struc- ture and is an example of the second category of salts.

However, the deviations in the actual columns from

a regular structure are small in this salt. The electrical

conductivity is still appreciable in the direction of the TCNQ columns, with a room temperature value

approaching 10 K2 - I cm - ’. In addition, the activa- tion energy is low, of the order of 0.1 eV, but there is a significant variation between 60 K and 400 K [5].

It is conceivable that the variation of the activation energy is due, at least in part, to structural changes

in the conducting columns; this hypothesis will be

examined in the last part of this paper.

1. General column considerations, and approximations.

From the crystal data of Filhol and Thomas

on TEA(TCNQ)2 [2], the following salient features of a TCNQ column will be outlined :

1) We first assume that the TCNQ monomers constituting the column are all planar (with a D2h symmetry), all identical (whatever their electronic

charge), and all parallel. The out of plane deviations

of the atoms are ignored and we simply identify the

mean plane of the quinonoid ring [2] with the mole- cular plane of the monomer.

2) The TCNQ monomers first interact strongly in pairs to form identical dimers, basic molecular units of the column.

3) The dimers then interact more loosely to form irregular tetramers which are characteristic of the distortion of the TCNQ columns in the material.

The molecular overlap between any TCNQ mono-

mer and the next one in the column will generally

involve three parameters. One is the interplanar

distance D (> 0) measured along the normal N to the molecular plane. The other two are the longitu-

dinal and transverse molecular shifts d and t (> 0

or 0) defined respectively along the two orthogonal

axes L and T of the molecular plane, L being the elongation axis of the molecule and T its transverse axis (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1.


A schematic view of the TCNQ monomer, with the molecular plane and the three molecular axes.

In the first stage of the present analysis, it has been established from the experimental data that the axis

of the column, the axis of the dimer (joining the symmetry centres of the two monomers), as well as

the axis of the tetramer (joining the symmetry centres of the two dimers), were all out of the normal-molecular

plane (N, L) by less than 40, at all temperatures.

Hence, a good approximation is to identify these

three axes with their projections on the normal- molecular plane, thereby gaining a considerable

simplification of the analysis. The latter, thus reduced to a two-dimensional one, ignores in consequence the

transverse shifts t (by assuming that they have a zero value) and only considers the two last parameters D and d.

2. Definition of the structural parameters of a column.

Starting with the dimer as the basic unit (also the strongest molecular association) in the column, we

first define the two intradimer parameters D 1 (// N)

and d1 (#’L), as in this picture t 1


0(//T) (Fig. 2).

A dimerized column, viewed as a regular succession

of identical dimers, requires two additional interdimer

parameters D1 + L1 (with d > 0) and d1 + 6 (Fig. 2).


Fig. 2.


Formation of a dimerized column. Definition of the intradimer and interdimer parameters, and of the tilt

angle 0.

The mean parameters of the column are then

In figure 2, z is the axis of the column and y is an orthogonal axis. They are both in the plane (N, L)

and defined by :

For a regular column, A = 6



A tetramerized column may be viewed as a dimerized

one in which one dimer in two is shifted by A’ /,z

and by 6’/y (Fig. 3a).

The column is then a regular alternation of unshifted

dimers, or dimers I, and of shifted dimers, or dimers II,

the centres of which are related by (considering only

the adjacent neighbours) :

(Fig. 3a).

The resulting periodicity in the column is c, defined

by c cos 0=4 Do, and the repeat unit now consists of a tetramer formed by one dimer I and one dimer II, taken in this order in the z direction. The axis of the tetramer is z’, with tan (z’, z)



The mean parameters Do and do of the column (as

well as the intradimer parameters D1 and d1) are left unchanged. The interdimer parameters are now D2 and d2 within a tetramer and D3 and d3 between adjacent tetramers (Fig. 3b), with D2, D3 > D1, but

the mean interdimer parameters are unchanged :

It should be already noted as an experimental fact

that both d1 and d2 are positive whereas d3 is negative

in TEA(TCNQ)2, as shown in figure 3b. It is clear, then, from this figure, that if 6’ decreases (d’ being

Fig. 3.


Formation of a tetramerized column. a) Defini-

tion of the distortion parameters d’ and 6’. b) Definition

of the intermolecular distances and shifts. The four mono-

mers in a tetramer are denoted A, B in dimer I, and A, B

in dimer II, as in reference [2]. S and S’ are two inversion

centres in the column.

unchanged), D3, d2 and I d3 I also decrease whereas

D2 increases. More specifically, considering figures 3a

and 3b, we get the following geometrical relation- ships :

The Z-axis of the tetramerized column (which is

also one of the crystallographic axes of the material)

is simply the z-axis of the dimerized column shifted

by 6’/2 in the y direction. Thus, (Z, N) = (z, N)



On the Z-axis, the centres S and S’ of the two respec- tive segments I-II and 11-1 are the two centres of symmetry of the column (Fig. 3b).

For a dimerized column, d’


6’ = 0.

Instead of the two parameters A and d defined above, it is preferable to introduce two dimensionless parameters K and K’ free from thermal expansion effects. They are respectively and equivalently defined by :


In summary, a quantitative description of the

temperature dependence of the columnar structure

may now be developed (as a two-dimensional analysis) by considering six parameters :


the mean parameters Do and do of the actual

column, i.e. the parameters defining the equivalent

regular column,




the two dimerization parameters K and 6,


the two tetramerization parameters K’ and 6’.

The two dimerization parameters are defined with respect to the molecular axes L and N, and the two tetramerization parameters are defined with respect

to the columnar axes y and z.

These six parameters entirely determine the struc-

ral properties of a TCNQ column, at any temperature, by means of the following set of equations :

3. Numerical analysis of the structural parameters.

The values of the above six parameters may be obtained at each temperature from the data of Filhol and Thomas, by means of the following equivalent

definitions :

All the distances and angles occurring in these expres- sions are tabulated in the work of Filhol and Thomas,

for six temperatures :

The numerical results ,are reported in figure 4. The,

two parameters K and K’ are both found to be

remarkably constant from 40 to 345 K. Additionally,

the two parameters do and 6, which show only a

weak variation with temperature, may also be consi- dered as constants, in view of their relative accuracy evaluated to - 1 % (from the estimated standard deviations reported in reference [3]). These four parameters are shown in figure 4, normalized to their

mean values, which are :

A quite distinct behaviour is however observed for the last two parameters Do and 6’, which are found

to vary significantly and regularly with T. In figure 4, they are both shown normalized to their values at 40 K, which are :

Fig. 4.


Temperature dependence of the six parameters of

a column, defined in the text (the values at two successive temperatures are joined by a straight line). Do and 6’ are

normalized to their values at 40 K (their relative accuracy is + 0.2 %). The four other parameters are normalized to their mean values (the relative accuracy for do and 6 is ± 1 %).

Here, a relative accuracy of - 0.2 % is evaluated for both of them.

By allowing only the two parameters Do and 6’ to

vary with T, and by considering the last four para- meters as constants, we shall be able to reproduce

the details of the columnar structure during its thermal evolution. In the following study (Sect. 4), the mean

values will be substituted for K, K’, do and 6, whereas Do and 6’ will be allowed to vary according to the T-dependence shown in figure 4.

Some variation must be allowed to the tilt angle 0

which the TCNQ monomers make with the columnar axis Z. In the present description, it is entirely attri-

buted to the. T-dependence of Do through the equa-

tion :

Numerically, from this relation 0 is found to decrease

slightly from 17.30 at 40 K to 16.50 at 345 K (repro- ducing the experimental values of 0 to better than half a degree).

The corresponding change of cos 0 is, however, practically negligible, being much smaller than the

change on 0 (or sin 0). From the two relations :

D1 = 2(1 - K) Do and ccosO=4DO, it may be

predicted that Do, D 1 and c should have the same

temperature dependence. It will be shown in the next

section that this prediction is correct, confirming the


specific role of the basic dimer to impose its own thermal evolution on the whole column. Do is the pertinent parameter to account for the thermal

expansion of the column.

The last T-dependent parameter, 6’, is associated with a transversal tetramerization of the column.

Thus, it is the only relevant parameter involved in the thermal evolution of the distortion of the column, and it decreases smoothly as T increases.

More specifically, dimers I on one hand, and

dimers II on the other, form two identical and parallel

sub-columns. Between the two sub-columns, there

exists a constant longitudinal shift (K’


const.) and

a decreasing transversal shift (6’), as T increases, such that they progressively penetrate into each other.

4. Detailed quantitative description of a TCNQ


We consider here numerically the set of equations

obtained at the end of section 2, which in this approach entirely determines the columnar structure at any temperature.

We introduce in these equations the mean values

of the parameters K, K’, do and 6, already reported

in section 3.

We also neglect the slight variation of the tilt

angle 0, and simply identify it to its mean value which is : 0


16.9° (sin 0


0.291, cos 0



The equations thus become (all distances being expressed in angstrom units, 1 A


10 -10 m) :

Finally, by allowing the last two parameters Do and

6’ to vary according to the T-dependence shown in figure 4 (it is recalled that Do increases and 6’ decreases with increasing T), the numerical results summarized in figures 5, 6 and 7 are obtained.

Figures 5 and 6 refer to the three intermolecular distances and to the columnar periodicity; figure 7

refers to the three intermolecular shifts (the numerical

values at two successive temperatures are joined by

a straight line on these figures).

For comparison, figures 5, 6 and 7 show the cor- responding experimental results obtained by Filhol

and Thomas [2], as well as the actual variations of the two parameters Do and 6’.

It is clear from these figures that, in spite of its

Fig. 5.


Temperature dependence of the intermolecular distances and of the columnar periodicity c, shown norma-

lized to the mean intermolecular distance Do (experimental

values are joined by straight dotted lines, and calculated

values by straight full lines). a) Interdimer distances with



constant. b) Interdimer distances with 0 allowed to vary.

Fig. 6.


Temperature dependence of the intermolecular distances and of the columnar periodicity (experimental

values are joined by straight dotted lines, and calculated values by straight full lines). a) 0


constant, b) 0 allowed

to vary. The T-dependence of the parameter Do is also




Fig. 7.


Temperature dependence of the intermolecular shifts (experimental values are joined by straight dotted lines, and calculated values by straight full lines). The T-dependence of the parameter 6’ is also indicated.

remarkable simplicity, the underlying set of equa- tions is able to reproduce accurately, in nearly all

aspects, the experimental behaviour of the columnar structure in TEA(TCNQ)2 (only the transverse mole- cular shifts t being ignored).

This thereby indicates the soundness of the present


It may be observed that as T increases, D2 increases

more and D3 less than D1, and that both d2 and I d3 I

decrease with their difference conserving a nearly

constant value. On the basis of the present analyse,

these distortional effects can be conclusively regarded

as the consequence of the decrease in the parameter 6’ as T increases.

Additionally, the prediction made in section 3 that Do, D1 and c have the same T-dependence is clearly demonstrated in figures 5 and 6 [6].

A slight refinement of the above description may be subsequently achieved by considering the (small)

variation of the tilt angle 8, which results from the relation : tan 0


0.978 (A)/Do. As discussed in section 3, this variation of 0 leaves cos 0 practically unchanged, so that only the intermolecular distances

are modified. The values for D2 and D3 corrected

for 0 are also shown in figures 5 and 6.

It may be observed that this small correction allows the model to account now for the cross-over of the interdimer distances D2 and D3, at nearly the same temperature as in the experimental results. The

experimental temperature is close to 340 K, just

below the upper limit (345 K) of the investigated T-range.

Extrapolation of these results to higher tempera-

tures would imply that the two interdimer distances

diverge again, rather than stabilize at their identical values at 340 K. For T greater than 340 K, we expect D2 to become greater than D3 and their difference to increase with increasing T.

A very rough evaluation in the limit T


oo gives 6’IDO 0.5 and D3/D2 0.98, whereas at 40 K, D3/D2



Thus, considering only the interdimer distances, we

would obtain the following scheme (already suggested

in reference [2]) :

Such a scheme is, however, greatly obscured by the

additional variations of the interdimer longitudinal

shifts d2 and d3, and transverse shifts t2 and t3. In fact, it is firmly established that K’


constant :f. 0.5 and 6’ 0 0, at any T, hence, the ideally dimerized

column is never achieved, even at 340 K.

5. Discussion

1) In the past, Peierls-like distortional effects, intra-

molecular as well as intermolecular effects, have

been suggested by various authors in order to explain

several aspects of the physical properties of TEA(TCNQ)2 [7-9, 2].

It is found, here, that the two parameters K and 6, associated with the dimerization of the column, do

not exhibit any significant modification between 40 and 345 K. The dimer formation which basically

occurs in this material thus appears as an intrinsic property, probably attributable to both the parti-

cular 1 : 2 stoichiometry, i.e. one donor molecule for two acceptor molecules, and to the complete ioniza-

tion of the donor molecules. In this respect, the dimerization of the conducting TCNQ columns may be regarded as a permanent and highly commensurate intermolecular (4 KF) Peierls-like distortion. It is also questionable whether the subsequent tetra-

merization of the column is driven by electronic properties and may be considered as a (2 KF) Peierls-

like distortion. It is shown here that, whatever its

origin is, the tetramerization of the column undergoes only a transversal modification (according to the

variation of 6’), and not a longitudinal one (K’ = const.).

In this process, the resulting modification of the interdimer distances is a consequence of the non-

vanishing value of the tilt angle 0 (Fig. 3).

2) It is now well established, mainly from the work of Filhol and Thomas [3], that a structural transition

occurs at 210 K in TEA(TCNQ)2.

From the results summarized in figures 5, 6 and 7,

there is no evidence for an abrupt modification of

the columnar structure, attributable to the transition


at 210 K. On the whole, the structure appears to evolve regularly from 40 to 345 K. However, the

variation of the parameter 6’ is found to be signifi- cantly modified at the transition temperature, indi- cating that the tetramerization of the column evolves

differently below than above 210 K. Both 6’ and its

derivative db’/dT I are shown as functions of T in

figure 8. There is an inherent uncertainty in joining

the discrete values of 6’ by a smooth curve. However,

the fact that I db’/dT is found to reach a well defined

maximum in the vicinity of the transition tempera-

ture (and most probably in the T-range : 205 ± 15 K)

is quite remarkable and should be noted.

Fig. 8.


The interpolated behaviour of 6’, as a function

of T, obtained tentatively from the calculated discrete values

(dark circles), and the corresponding derivative db’/dT 1.

3) The electrical as well as the optical properties

of the material [1] unambiguously establish its semi-

conducting character.

Referring to the electrical conductivity u 1 measured in the direction of the columnar axis, the function (J 1 (1) can always be considered to have the general

form :

in which all the thermal evolution of al is included in the function E1(T), defined as the activation

energy for conduction (k being the Boltzmann constant).

In the most general case, the physical significance

of E1(T) is quite complex (involving mobility as well

as production rates of carriers). In the simplest case, it reduces to a constant whose magnitude represents half the semiconducting gap of the material.

Conversely, the function E1(T) is obtainable from the function (J1 (T), by :

S,(T) being an intermediate function, already deter-

mined in the past [5]. S1( T) is found to increase smoothly from 0.13 eV at 60 K to a maximum of 0.22 eV near 220 K, then to decrease back to 0.1 eV at 400 K. The temperature dependence of 81 bears

a close resemblance to the temperature dependence

of the derivative I db’/dT I in figure 8. The function E1 (T), which results from an integration of the above differential equation (under the hypothesis that E1

is constant at 0.13 eV below 60 K), is shown in

figure 9. E1 (T) is found to decrease considerably from

a value of 0.13 eV below 80 K to less than 0.025 eV above 350 K: As a consequence, the conductivity at

300 K is about 70 times higher than the conductivity extrapolated from the low-T results, using a constant

activation energy of 0.13 eV. There is, in fact, a quasilinear dependence of El on 6’, also shown in

figure 9.

Fig. 9.


The integrated activation energy E1, as a function

of T (lower scale), and as a function of 6’ (upper scale).

In summary, the present discussion suggests that : a) there is a significant correlation between the decrease in the activation energy El of the electrical

conductivity measured in the column direction, and

the decrease in the parameter 6’ associated with the transverse component of the tetramerization of the


b) both the variations of El and 6’ are influenced,

at least in part, by the structural transition occurring

in the material at 210 K.

6. Conclusion.

In the present paper, a quantitative analysis of the

temperature dependence of the columnar structure

in TEA(TCNQ)2 was developed on the basis of recently published experimental data.

The aim of this analysis was to determine the main

structural invariants, the most critical variables, and



to achieve a reasonable parametrization of the

intermolecular distortions of the conducting TCNQ

columns. This is an essential step towards a better

understanding of the electrical properties of this specific material.

In spite of the apparent complexity of the thermal

evolution of the columnar structure, it was possible

to reproduce nearly all the details of this evolution

accurately, by means of extremely simple linear expressions, involving only two variable parameters

(any experimental distance, except the transverse shifts t, being reproduced to better than 0.02 A at any T).

It is hoped that such an analysis will encourage further experimental work on the crystal structures,

allowing for its extension to other TCNQ salts of

still greater interest in the future.

The columnar distortion in TEA(TCNQ)2 results

from the combination of a strong T-independent

dimerization and a weak T-dependent tetrameriza- tion. The latter, which probably governs the T-

dependence of the activation energy for conduction,

also reflects an influence of the structural transition which occurs at 210 K.

No effort was made here to clarify the origin of the

columnar distortion. An answer to that important question undoubtedly requires consideration of all the structural components of the 3-D material. In fact, it should explicitly take into account the cations

TEA +. As discussed in section 5, the cations certainly

have a key role in the existence of the distortion, at least in the dimer formation.

The structural data also indicate that the cations

are strongly disordered in the lattice, and that they undergo considerable thermal motions as the tempe-

rature is increased [2, 3]. In addition, recent NMR data indicate that the disorder of the cations turns from a static regime to a dynamic one above the

structural transition temperature of 210 K [10].

It would thus be appropriate to look for a correla-

tion between the motional change of the cations and the variation of the relevant distortional parameter 6’ which was reported in this paper.

An analysis of the distribution of negative charges

transferred from the cations onto the conducting TCNQ columns, as a function of temperature, will be presented in a next paper.


The author wishes to thank A. Filhol and M. Thomas from the Laue-Langevin Institute in Grenoble, France, for the kind communication of their work, prior to publication, and for useful additional comments on

the structural data of TEA(TCNQ)2. B. Pater (I.L.L.

Grenoble) is also acknowledged for his help in the English translation.


[1] For a recent review on TEA(TCNQ)2, see the article

by FARGES, J. P., in Physics and Chemistry of Low-

Dimensional Solids, Proceedings of the NATO ASI

in Tomar, Portugal, 26 August-7 September 1979, L. Alcacer Ed. (Dordrecht : Reidel) 1980, p. 223- 232.

[2] FILHOL, A. and THOMAS, M., Acta Cryst. B. 40 (1984)


[3] The crystal structure of TEA(TCNQ)2 at 40 K is a

neutron structure which was the subject of a separate publication : FILHOL, A., ZEYEN, C. M. E., CHENAVAS, P., GAULTIER, J. and DELHAES, P., Acta Cryst. B 36 (1980) 2719-2726.

[4] For a recent review on the 1-D conducting systems and the TCNQ salts, see : La Physique et la Chimie

des Métaux Synthétiques et Organiques, Proceed- ings of the Colloque International du CNRS in Les Arcs, France, 14-18 December 1982, J. Phy- sique Colloq. 44 (1983) C3.

[5] BRAU, A. and FARGES, J. P., Phys. Status Solidi (b)

61 (1974) 257.

[6] An inspection of figures 5 and 6 also suggests an intringuing result : c/4


D2 + D3 - D1, or 1/cos 03B8


2(3 K - 1) (giving 03B8


0 when K



[7] RICE, M. J., Solid State Commun. 25 (1978) 1083.

[8] CARNEIRO, K., ALMEIDA, M. and ALCACER, L., Solid State Commun. 44 (1982) 959.

[9] STEIGMEIER, E. F., AUDERSET, H., BAERISYL, D., ALMEIDA, M. and CARNEIRO, K., J. Physique Colloq. 44 (1983) C3-1445.


J. Physique Colloq. 44 (1983) C3-1295.


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