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Academic year: 2022



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December 8, 2017

Student: Aknazar Kazhymurat Teacher: Dauren Aitmukhamet

NIS Almaty for Physics and Mathematics, Kazakhstan Mentor: Andrey E. Mironov

Novosibirsk State University, Russia



Abstract.In this project we study the energy functional on the set of Lagrangian tori inCP2. The energy functional has been introduced in [2] as integral of the potential of 2D periodic Schrödinger operator associated to Lagrangian torus. It has been conjectured in [2] that the Clifford torus is the unique global minimum of energy functional (the statement is later referred to as the energy conjecture). Due to geometric interpretation of energy functional as linear combination of the volume and Willmore functionals, this conjecture can be seen as theCP2analogue of the well-known Willmore conjecture for tori inR3, recently proved in [18].

The energy conjecture has been verified for two families of Hamiltonian-minimal La- grangian tori in [2]. Results of [5] and [23] imply the conjecture for minimal Lagrangian tori of sufficiently high spectral genus and non-embedded minimal Lagrangian tori, respectively.

In the present work we prove the energy conjecture for a family of Hamiltonian-minimal Lagrangian tori inCP2constructed in [4]. In sharp distinction with cases considered in [2], the value of the energy functional for these torican notbe calculated exactly. The proof relies on analytic bounds for certain elliptic integrals arising from the induced metric of tori.

Possible directions of further work are:

1. Consider local behaviour of the energy functional. Are the critical points of the energy functional governed by an integrable PDE, akin to Tzizeica equation describing minimal Lagrangian tori? The same questions for critical points under Hamiltonian variations.

2. Is there an analogue of the energy conjecture for other Kähler-Einstein surfaces? The case of K3 surface is of special interest as minimal Lagrangian tori in K3 can be related to elliptic fibrations (for instance [20]) making the conjecture amenable to algebro- geometric analysis.

3. Examples of monotone Lagrangian tori with trivial Floer cohomology were constructed in [21]. Do there exist critical points of the energy functional with trivial Floer cohomol- ogy?



Lagrangian submanifoldsΣ⊂CP2 are well-studied objects in symplectic geometry. The topology of Lagrangian embeddings is quite restrictive: there are no Lagrangian embedded spheres [7], Klein bottles [8] and closed orientable surfaces with negative Euler characteristic [9]. Lagrangian immersions admit richer topology; there are examples of Lagrangian spheres [19], Klein bottles [3] and closed orientable surfaces of arbitrary odd genus [10].

In this article, we study Lagrangian tori inCP2. Firstly, the class of Lagrangian tori is quite wide as any oriented nullhomologous Lagrangian surface is necessarily a torus (by adjunction). Secondly, Lagrangian tori inCP2provide local models for singularities of special Lagrangians in Calabi-Yau 3-folds relevant to SYZ conjecture [16]. Thirdly, Lagrangian tori in CP2are related to integrable PDE and thus form a showcase for an interesting interplay of symplectic geometry and mathematical physics (for example [12]). Let us spell it out in some detail.

It has been noted in [1] that one can naturally associate a 2D periodic Schrödinger op- erator with any Lagrangian torus inCP2. More precisely, a Lagrangian torusΣ⊂CP2with induced metric

d s2=2ev(x,y)(d x2+d y2) (1) can be realized as the image of a composition of maps

r:R2S5−−→H CP2,

wherer is a horizontal lift of the Lagrangian immersion andH is the Hopf projection. The vector functionr solves 2D periodic Schrödinger equation

Lr=0, L=(∂xx

2 )2+(∂yy

2 )2+V(x,y), V =4ev+1

4(β2x+β2y)+i 2∆β, whereβis the Lagrangian angle (defined below).

The existence of operatorLallows us to introduce the energy functional on the set of Lagrangian tori inCP2[2]:

E(Σ)=1 2 Z

ΣV d xd y.

The energy functional admits following geometric interpretation [2]:


8W(Σ), A(Σ)= Z

Σdσ, W(Σ)= Z



where=2evd xd yis the induced area element andH is the mean curvature vector.

For the Clifford torusΣC l, whose vector function is r(x,y)=¡ 1

p3e2πi x, 1


p3y 2 )

, 1


p3y 2 )¢

, energy equals

EC l)= 4π2 3p

3. In [2] following conjecture has been proposed.

Conjecture 1. The minimum of energy functional in the class of Lagrangian tori inCP2is attained on the Clifford torus.

In [23] a similar functional on the class of Lagrangian tori inCP2was introduced. Results of [23] imply conjecture 1 for non-embedded minimal Lagrangian tori.

In [2] conjecture 1 has been verified for two families of Hamiltonian-minimal (i.e. critical points of the volume functional under Hamiltonian deformations) Lagrangian tori: homoge- neous tori and tori constructed in [3].

A homogeneous torusΣr1,r2,r3⊂CP2,r12+r22+r32=1,ri>0 is determined by the following vector function


r1e2πi x,r2e2πi(a1x+b1y),r3e2πi(a2x+b2y)¢ , with some restrictions onai,bi. Following inequality holds

E(Σr1,r2,r3)=π2(1−r12)(1−r22)(1−r32) 2r1r2r3 ≥ 4π2

3p 3,

and equality is attained only for the Clifford torus (which is, by coincidence, the onlyminimal homogeneous torus).

The second family of toriΣm,n,k⊂CP2,m,n,k∈Z,mn>0,k<0 has formH( ˜Σm,n,k) where


(u1ei m y,u2ei n y,u3ei k y)o

S5, and numbersu1,u2,u3satisfy constraints:

u21+u22+u32=1, mu12+nu22+ku23=0.

Parametersm,n,kshould be chosen so that the involution



on the surfacemu21+nu22+ku23=0 preserves its orientation (otherwiseH( ˜Σm,n,k) is homeo- morphic to Klein bottle [3]).

In [2] it is proved thatEm,n,k)>E(ΣC l).

In the case ofminimal Lagrangian tori functionv(x,y) satisfies Tzizeica equation (as mentioned in [4]). Smooth periodic solutions of this equation are finite-gap, i.e. can be expressed in terms of theta-function of the Prym variety of the spectral curve [22]. Conjecture 1 is a corollary of results of [5] for minimal tori corresponding to spectral curves of sufficiently high genus.

Y. Oh [13] has formulated a related conjecture: Clifford torus minimizes area in its Hamil- tonian isotopy class. E. Goldstein [15] has proved a weaker version of Oh’s conjecture using the computation of the Floer cohomology ofΣC l in [17]. In fact, Goldstein’s estimates combined with Biran-Cornea narrow-wide dichotomy [21] imply following statement.

Proposition 1. A monotone Lagrangian torusCP2has trivial Floer cohomology if its induced volume satisfies A(Σ)<p3.

Unfortunately, the problem of giving uniform upper estimates for the volume of tori considered in this paper appears to be quite difficult so we can not say much about their symplectic topology.

The primary aim of the present work is to verify conjecture 1 for a family of Hamiltonian- minimal Lagrangian tori invariant underS1-group of isometries ofCP2, constructed in [4]

(independently in [6]). In sharp distinction with cases considered in [2], the value of the energy functional for these torican notbe calculated exactly, due to discontinuous behaviour of one of the periods of tori.

Letα1,α2,α3∈Z,b= −α1α2−α3,c=α1α2+α1α3+α2α3,c1= −α1α2α3,a1>a2>0 be some real numbers satisfying the inequalities (4), (5) (see below). Following theorem has been proved in [4].

Theorem 1. The mappingψ:R2→CP2defined by the formula ψ(x,y)

F1(x)ei(G1(x)+α1y):F2(x)ei(G2(x)+α2y):F3(x)ei(G3(x)+α3y)¢ , is a conformal Hamiltonian minimal Lagrangian immersion, where


s 2ev+αi+1αi+2

(αiαi+1)(αiαi+2), Gi=αi

Z x 0

c2aev 2αievc1d z,

2ev(x)=a1 µ

1−a1a2 a1 sn2

µ xp

a1+a3,a1a2 a1+a3




(index i runs modulo 3),sn(x)is the Jacobi’s elliptic function, c2is a real root of (3), a3=c

2 1+c22 a1a2 . Moreover, if the rationality constraints (8) are met,ψis a doubly periodic mapping and the image of the plane is a Hamiltonian minimal Lagrangian torusΣM⊂CP2.

The principal result of the present work is following theorem.

Theorem 2. The inequality

E(ΣM)>E(ΣC l) holds ifα1α3,α2α3are relatively prime.

The theorem 2 thus confirms the conjecture 1.

0.1 The proof of the theorem 2

Lagrangianity ofΣ, horizontality of the mappingr :R2S5and the form of the induced metric (1) imply




|rx| ry



The Lagrangian angleβ(x,y) is defined by the equationeiβ=detR. The mean curvature vector field can be expressed in terms of the Lagrangian angle H = J∇β where J is the complex structure onCP2. For minimal toriβ=const. As demonstrated in [11] in the case of Hamiltonian minimal toriβis a linear function in the conformal coordinatesx,y.

Let us consider the Hamiltonian minimal immersionψ[4] defined in the theorem 2.

The equation


+((a1+a2)c12a21a22+a1a2bc1)2=0. (3) has a real rootx=c2iff following inequalities are satisfied

P=a31a22+a21a32+(a12a2+a1a22)bc1+(a12+a22)c21+2a21a22c60, (4) P2−(a1a2)2((a1+a2)c12a12a22+a1a2bc1)2>0. (5)


Recall that sn(u,k)=sinθwhere

u(θ)= Z θ




. (6)

The function sn2(u) is periodic with period 2u(π2) (see, for instance, [14]). Thereforev(x) has period

T= 2u¡π



pa1+a3. (7)

Further we assume that (α1α3,α2α3)=1.

The immersionψ:R2→CP2is doubly periodic if there existsτ∈Rsuch that λ1=G1(T)−G3(T)+(α1α3)τ

2π , λ2=G2(T)−G3(T)+(α2α3)τ

2π ∈Q. (8)

Then the vectors of period can be expressed as follows e1=(0, 2π), e2=N(T,τ),

whereNis some natural number. If the condition (8) is met,ΣM ⊂CP2is an immersed torus with Lagrangian angleβ=ax+b ywhere


c2 . (9)

Following equality holds



Let us find lower bounds forWM) andA(ΣM).

Using (7) anda3>0 we arrive at the inequalities u(π


2, T > π pa1+a3. Thus

WM)= Z


|H|2= Z



2e−v(a2+b2)2evd xd y=2πN T(a2+b2).

Therefore, following lower bound forWM) holds

WM)>2π2 a2+b2

pa1+a3. (10)


Following lemma provides a lower bound forA(ΣM).

Lemma 1. The inequality

A(ΣM)>π2 a1+a2 pa1+a3

is true.

Proof of the lemma 1. We have A(ΣM)=



= Z

Λ2ev(x)d xd y=2π Z N T


2ev(x)d x>2π Z T


2ev(x)d x=

=2π Z T


a1 µ

1−a1a2 a1 sn2

µ xp

a1+a3,a1a2 a1+a3


d x=

= 2πa1


Z 2u(π2) 0


1−a1a2 a1 sn2


u,a1a2 a1+a3


d u.

Using (6) we arrive at Z T


2ev(x)d x= a1 pa1+a3

Z π


1−a1a1a2sin2θ r





sin2θ dθ.

As 0<aa11−a+a23 <1, following estimate is true Z T


2ev(x)d x> a1 pa1+a3

Z π



1−a1a2 a1 sin2θ

=π(a1+a2) 2p

a1+a3. Lemma 1 is proved.

The inequalities (4), (5) are invariant under simultaneous change of signα1,α2,α3and their permutations. Ifα1,α2,α3are all of the same sign, the inequality (4) has no positive solutions. Therefore we assume without loss of generality thatα1>α2>0>α3.

Lemma 2. If α1>α2 >0>α3 and a1>a2>0, the inequalities (4) and (5) are satisfied simultaneously iff

α2α36a2<a16−α1α3. (11) Proof of the lemma 2. Denote

Q(x)= −(x+α1α2)(x+α1α3)(x+α2α3).


Then (3) assumes the form

(a1a2)2 Ã

x2− Ãa1p

Q(a2)−a2p Q(a1) a1a2

!2! Ã x2


Q(a2)+a2p Q(a1) a1a2



This equation has a positive root iffQ(a1)>0,Q(a2)>0. This is equivalent to−α2α36a2<

a16−α1α3. Lemma 2 is proved.

It follows from the proof of the lemma 2 that ifα3=0 orα1=α2inequalities (4), (5) are not satisfied fora1>a2. Therefore we assume without loss of generality

α1>α2>0>α3. (12) The inequality (10) and lemma 1 imply

EM)>π2a1+a2+a2+4b2 pa1+a3 .

Let us proveEM)>EC l). We will consider two cases:α2>0 andα2=0.


If (a1+a2)a3>74(a1a2bc1) then

a2=((a1+a2)a3−(a1a2bc1))2 c22 > 9

49(a1+a2)2a32 c22 = 9

49(a1+a2)2 a3 a1a2

c12+c22 c22 > 9

49(a1+a2)2 a3 a1a2. Asa1>a2>1 and (a1+a2)2>4a1a2we have


pa1+a3 >π2 a1+9a493


a11+49a9a31 q


>π21+49a9a31 q

1+aa31 .

Note that for positivexwe have 1+


p 49

1+x >3p43holds. Consequently,EM)>E(ΣC l).

Now consider the case



We analyse two cases:α1> −32α2α3andα16−32α2α3. Ifα1> −32α2α3then

α1< −3b=3(α1+α2+α3),


asα1> −322+α3). From (11)



a1+a2 <b(3b)α2α3


=3 2b2. Hence


pa1+a3 >π2 a1+a2+b42 q


>π2 a1+a2+b42 q



>π2 a1+a2+b42 q7


=π2 s

4(a1+a2) 7

1+4(ab1+2a2) q

1+32a1b+a2 2

>π2 r8


1+4(a1b+2a2) q

1+32a1b+a2 2

>EC l).

The last inequality can be seen by considering the function f(x)= q8

7 1+x4 q

1+32x forx>0.

Ifα16−32α2α3, the inequalities (11) and (12) imply

bc16−2α21α2α3<9 2a1a22. Therefore

EM)>π2 a1+a2 q


=π2 (a1+a2)p

a1+a2 q



>π2 (a1+a2)p




>π2 (a1+a2)p a1+a2



=π2 (1+aa21)q 1+aa21 r

1+114 aa21+638 a

2 2


>EC l).

Let us consider the caseα2=0. Introducep= −α1α3,x= ap1,y= ap2. Note that 0<y<

x61 due to (12). Then inequalities (4), (5) assume following form p5x2y2(x+y−2)60, 4p10x4y4(1x)(1y)>0.

The equation (3) implies



(x−y)2 . (13)

As 2−xy >0 we have p

(2−xy)2−(x−y)2 = (2−xy) r

1−(2−x−y)(xy)22. Note that by


Bernoulli inequality

1− (x−y)2 (2−xy)26


1− (x−y)2

(2−xy)2 61 (xy)


2(2−xy)2. Consequently,

2−xy− (x−y)2 2−xy 6


(2−xy)2−(x−y)262xy (xy)


2(2−xy). (14) Consider two cases: sign ’+’ and ’-’ in (13). For the ’-’ sign (13) and (14) imply the inequalities

p3 x2y2

2(2−xy)6c226p3 x

2y2 2−xy. Asc1=0 we have following bound fora3

a3= c22

a1a2, p x y

2(2−xy)6a36p x y 2−xy. These estimates and lemma 1 imply


p x+y q

x+2x yxy .

Following inequality holds

a=(a1+a2)a3a1a2 c2 >

(xp+y p)p2(2x yxy)x y p2 c2 >pp

µ x+y



The estimate (10) implies

WM)>2π2 a2

pa1+a3 >2π2p p

µ x+y


2 2−xy qx+2−x yxy



E(ΣM)>π2p p

x+y qx+2x yxy

+1 4

µ x+y


2 2−xy qx+2x yxy



Asp>1 we have

EM)>π2B1(x,y), B1(x,y)=16−7x2+8x−14y x+8y−7y2 16p

(2−x)(2xy)x . Lemma 3. If0<y<x61, then B1(x,y)>1.

Proof of the lemma 3. One can check by direct computation that there are no critical pointsxB1=yB1=0 inside the triangle 0<y<x61 while on the boundary of the triangle B1(x,y)>1 holds. Lemma 3 is proved.

Therefore,E(ΣM)>E(ΣC l) holds for the ’-’ sign in (13).

For the ’+’ sign in (13) (14) implies the inequalities p3f(x,y)6c226p3g(x,y), where





(x−y)2 , g(x,y)=x2y2

2(2−xy)− (x−y)



(x−y)2 . Analogously one establishes the inequalities


x y 6a36pg(x,y) x y ,


(x+y)f(x,y)x yx y pg(x,y) . The inequality (10) and lemma 1 imply


p x+y q

x+g(x,y)x y ,

WM)>2π2 a2

pa1+a3>2π2p p

((x+y)f(xx y,y)x y)2 g(x,y)q

x+g(x,y)x y ,

EM)>π2p p


f(x,y) x y −x y)2 g(x,y)


x+g(x,y)x y






f(x,y) x y x y)2 g(x,y)


x+g(x,y)x y


The following lemma is established similarly to the lemma 3.

Lemma 4. If0<y<x61, then B1(x,y)>0.9.

This finishes the proof of the theorem 2.



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