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Mixed finite element approximation of 3D contact problems with given friction : error analysis and numerical realization


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M2AN, Vol. 38, N 3, 2004, pp. 563–578 DOI: 10.1051/m2an:2004026



Jaroslav Haslinger


and Taoufik Sassi


Abstract. This contribution deals with a mixed variational formulation of 3D contact problems with the simplest model involving friction. This formulation is based on a dualization of the set of admissible displacements and the regularization of the non-differentiable term. Displacements are approximated by piecewise linear elements while the respective dual variables by piecewise constant functions on a dual partition of the contact zone. The rate of convergence is established provided that the solution is smooth enough. The numerical realization of such problems will be discussed and results of a model example will be shown.

Mathematics Subject Classification. 65N30, 74M15.

Received: January 9, 2004.

1. Introduction

In the theory of variational inequalities, problems involving contact and friction conditions are of a permanent interest (we refer to [8] and to [18] for a large review of the main unilateral contact models). Finite elements are the most currently used methods for the approximation of contact problems involving friction (see [14, 17] and the references therein). In the primal variational formulation (where the displacement is the only unknown), discretized non-penetration conditions constitute the key point of the approximation model. These conditions can be relaxed and expressed in a weaker sense [4, 14, 16]. In the mixed variational formulation where the displacement and the normal stresses on the contact zone are treated as independent variables, the unilateral conditions have been expressed by using Lagrange multipliers (see [14]). Both variational formulations lead to a non-differentiable problem. To overcome this difficulty one can introduce (see [12]) another set of Lagrange multipliers related to the tangential component of the stress on the contact zone transforming the non-differentiable problem into a smooth one.

The purpose of this contribution is to extend this approach to 3D contact problems with given friction by using piecewise constant discretizations of Lagrange multipliers on the contact zone. Unlike to 2D problems, constraints imposed on the “tangential” Lagrange multipliers are now quadratic. This fact complicates not only

Keywords and phrases. Mixed finite element methods, unilateral contact problems with friction,a priorierror estimates.

1 Department of Numerical Mathematics, Charles University 12116 Praha 2, Czech Republic. e-mail:mfkfk@met.mff.cuni.cz

2Laboratoire de Math´ematiques Nicolas Oresme, CNRS UMR UFR Sciences Campus II, Bd Mar´echal Juin, 14032 Caen Cedex, France. e-mail:sassi@math.unicaen.fr

c EDP Sciences, SMAI 2004


the theoretical analysis but also the practical realization. We establisha priorierror estimates and propose the efficient numerical method.

The paper is organized as follows. Firstly, we introduce the mathematical model of the Signorini problem with given friction. In Section 2 we present the continuous mixed variational formulation of the problem.

In the third section, we propose a well-posed finite element discretization in order to approximate the mixed formulation. In Section 4a priori error estimates for the mixed finite element approximations are established.

Finally, in Section 5 we present a numerical approach which is based on the dual variational formulation (i.e.

the formulation in terms of the Lagrange multipliers) combined with a linearization of the quadratic constraints.

Numerical results of a model example will be shown.

2. Preliminary and notations

The Euclidean norm of a point xRn,n≥2 will be denotedx in what follows.

Let Ω Rn be a bounded domain with the Lipschitz boundary Ω. The symbol Hk(Ω), k 1 integer, stands for the classical Sobolev space equipped with the norm:





using the standard multi-index notation (the following convention is adopted: H0(Ω) := L2(Ω), 0,Ω :=

L2(Ω)). Fractional Sobolev spacesHτ(Ω),τ R+\Nare defined by Hτ(Ω) ={v∈Hk(Ω)| vτ,Ω<+∞}, where









|2+2θ dxdy 12

withk being the integer part ofτ andθits decimal part (see [1, 11]).

On any portion Γ⊆∂Ω we introduce the spaceH12(Γ) as follows:

H12(Γ) = ψ∈L2(Γ)| ψ1

2 <+∞



ψ12 :=









|2xy 12

. (2.1)

It is well-known that there exists a linear continuous mappingE∈L(H12(Γ), H1(Ω)) such that =ψ on Γ,

where denotes the trace ofon Γ.

The topological dual space ofH12(Γ) is denotedH12(Γ), ,

12 stands for the duality pairing and µ12:= sup

ψ∈H12(Γ), ψ=0

µ, ψ


ψ12 (2.2)

is the norm inH12(Γ).


The Cartesian product ofmprevious spaces and their elements are denoted by bold characters. The respective norms are introduced as follows:




v2k,Ω 1/2

,v= (v1,· · ·, vm)Hk(Ω)




ψ21 2


,ψ= (ψ1,· · ·, ψm)H12(Γ)





µ21 2


,µ= (µ1,· · ·, µm)H12(Γ).

A special attention will be paid to the case whenk= 1 andn=m= 3,i.e.R3and H1(Ω) = (H1(Ω))3. LetV H1(Ω) be a subspace of functions vanishing on a non-empty portion Γuopen inΩ:

V = v = (v1, v2, v3)H1(Ω)| vi= 0 on Γu, i= 1,2,3


In addition to the classical norm 1,Ω, we introduce the energetic norm| |1,Ωin V corresponding to the scalar product


3 i,j=1

εij(u)εij(v)dx, whereεij(u) is thei, jth component of the linearized strain tensor

ε(u) := 1

2(∇u+ (∇u)T).

From the Korn’s inequality it follows that 1,Ωand| |1,Ωare equivalent inV.

Let Γ⊆∂\Γu be a portion of Ω such that dist,Γu)>01 and denote byHΓ12 the space of tracesv forvV. Besides the norm 1

2 defined by (2.1) we introduce the following quotient norm:

|ψ|12:= inf

vV,v=ψonΓ|v|1,Ω. It is readily seen that

|ψ|12 =|wψ|1,Ω, wherewψV is the unique solution of the elliptic problem:

((wψ,v))1,Ω= 0 vV0={zV| z=0on Γ}, wψ=ψ on Γ.

From the Banach theorem on the isomorphism it follows that 1

2 and| |12 are equivalent inHΓ12. LetHΓ12 be the dual space ofHΓ12 and denote| |12 the dual norm corresponding to| |21:


2:= sup




|ψ|12 ·

1This assumption is not necessary but it simplifies the presentation.


It is readily seen that

|µ|12=|wµ|1,Ω, (2.3)

wherewµV is the unique solution of the elliptic problem:

((wµ,v))1,Ω= µ,v

12 vV. (2.4)

In addition, 1

2 and| |12 are equivalent in HΓ12.

3. Variational formulation of the Signorini problem with given friction

Let us consider an elastic body occupying a domain ΩR3with the Lipschitz boundaryΩ which is split into three non-empty, non-overlapping parts Γu, Γg and Γc,distc,Γu)>0: Ω = ΓuΓgΓc. For the sake of simplicity of our presentation we shall suppose that Ω = (0, a)×(0, b)×(0, c), where a, b, c > 0 are given and Γc = (0, a)×(0, b)× {0}. The zero displacements are prescribed on Γu while surface tractions of density gL2g) act on Γg. The body is unilaterally supported along Γc by the rigid half-space

S={x= (x1, x2, x3)R3 |x30}.

Besides constraints on the deformation of Ω we shall take into account effects of friction. We restrict ourselves to the simplest model, namely the model withgiven friction. Finally the body is subject to volume forces of densityf L2(Ω). Our aim is to find an equilibrium state of Ω.

The classical formulation of the previous problem consists in finding a displacement vectoru= (u1, u2, u3) satisfying the equations and conditions (3.1)–(3.4):


divσ(u) +f = 0 in Ω, σ(u)ng = 0 on Γg, u = 0 on Γu.


The symbol σ(u) = (σij(u))3i,j=1 stands for a symmetric stress tensor which is related to the linearized strain tensorε(u) by means of a linear Hooke’s law:

σ(u) =Aε(u), (3.2)

where A is a fourth order symmetric tensor satisfying the usual ellipticity conditions in Ω. Further nis the outward unit normal vector to Ω and div denotes the divergence operator acting on tensor functions (the summation convention is adopted):

divσ = ∂σij




Let un := unn, ut := u−unn be the normal, tangential component of the displacement vector u and σn(u) := σn(u)n, and σt(ut) := σ(u)n−σn(u)n the normal, tangential component of the stress vector σ(u)n, respectively, where un :=u·n and σn(u) := (σ(u)n)·n. Here· denotes the scalar product of two vectors.

The unilateral and friction conditions prescribed on Γc read as follows:

un0, σn(u)0, unσn(u) = 0 on Γc, (3.3)




σt(u) ≤s a.e. on Γc,

ifσt(u)(x)< s(x) thenut(x) =0, xΓc, ifσt(u)(x)=s(x)>0 then there existsν(x)0 such thatut(x) =−ν(x)σt(u(x)), xΓc.

(3.4) Heres∈L2c), s≥0 is a given function andσt(u) is the Euclidean norm ofσt(u).


Remark 3.1. In the classical Coulomb’s law of friction [2, 6] the given slip bound sis replaced by the term Fn(u)|which is not knowna priori. The symbolFstands for the coefficient of Coulomb friction.

Remark 3.2. Taking into account the fact thatn= (0,0,−1) on Γc, we have:

un =−u3, σn(u) =σ33(u), σt(u) = (−σ13(u),−σ23(u),0).

Remark 3.3. Lett1(x), t2(x), xΓc be two unit vectors such that the triplet{n(x),t1(x),t2(x)} forms a local orthonormal basis inR3with origin atxΓc. Then any vector functionw: Γc−→R3can be represented in the local coordinate system{n(x),t1(x),t2(x)} as follows:

w(x) = (wn(x),wt(x))R×R2,

wherewn(x) =w(x)·n,wt(x) = (wt1(x), wt2(x)),wtj(x) =w(x)·tj(x), j= 1,2. In particular, we shall use this representation for the trace of displacement vectorsv on Γc in what follows,i.e. v(x) = (vn(x),vt(x)) R×R2,xΓc and



a.e. on Γc.

To give the variational formulation of our problem we first introduce the Hilbert spaceV: V = vH1(Ω)| v=0on Γu


and its closed convex subsetK ofkinematically admissible displacements:


vV | vn0 on Γc


Next, we define:

a(u,v) :=

Aε(u)ε(v) dx,

L(v) :=

f·v dx+



j(v) :=



Theprimal variational formulationof the contact problem with given friction reads as follows:

FinduKsuch that

J(u)J(v) vK, (3.5)


J(v) = 1

2a(v,v)−L(v) +j(v) is the total potential energy functional.


On the basis of the previous assumptions we have:

Theorem 3.1. Problem (3.5) has a unique solution.

In order to release the unilateral constraintvn 0 on Γc and to regularize the non-differentiable termj we use a duality approach. To this end we introduce several notations. Let γn : V −→ L2c) be the trace mapping defined by

γnv :=vnon Γc, vV. Further let

HΓ12c:=γnV, HΓc12 := the dual ofHΓ12c, HΓ12

c:= (HΓ12c)3, HΓ12

c := (HΓc12)3, Mn= µn∈HΓc12, µn 0 on Γc


Mt = µt= (µt1, µt2)L2c), µt ≤s a.e.on Γc

= µtL2c)|




sψdΓ0 ψL2c)


Remark 3.4. In accordance with the previous section, the spaces HΓ12

c, HΓ12

c will be endowed with two equivalent norms 1

2c,| |12c and 1

2c,| |12c, respectively.

It is easy to verify that

minK J(v) = min

V sup


L(v, µn,µt), whereL : V ×Mn×Mt−→Ris the Lagrangian defined by

L(v, µn,µt) =J(v) + µn, vn




and ., .

12c stands for the duality pairing betweenHΓc12 andHΓ12c.

By amixed formulation of (3.5) we call a problem of finding asaddle-pointofLonV ×Mn×Mt: Find (w, λn,λt)V ×Mn×Mtsuch that

L(w, µn,µt)L(w, λn,λt)L(v, λn,λt) (v, µn,µt)V ×Mn×Mt,

or equivalently 



Find (w,λ)V ×Msuch that a(w,v) +b,v) =L(v), vV, bλ,w)0, µM,


whereλ:= (λn,λt), M:=Mn×Mt and b,v) :=

µn, vn



µt ·vt, µM, vV. The relation between (3.5) and (3.6) follows from the next theorem.


Theorem 3.2. There exists a unique solution (w,λ)of (3.6). In addition, w=u in, λn=−σn(u), λt=σt(u) onΓc, whereuK is the solution to (3.5).

Proof is obvious.

Convention: the solution to (3.6) will be denoted by (u, λn,λt) in what follows.

4. Finite element approximation

The present section is devoted to a finite element approximation of the saddle-point problem (3.6). The key point lies in the finite element discretization of the closed convex setMof Lagrange multipliers which leads to a well-posed discrete problem and gives also a good convergence rate for approximate solutions.

We start with discretizations ofV,Mn andMt.

Let{Th}, h→0+ be aregularfamily (see [5]) of partitions of Ω into tetrahedronsκ. With anyTh∈ {Th} we associate the following space of continuouspiecewise linearfunctions:

Vh= vhC(Ω)| vh|κP1(κ) ∀κ∈Th, vh= 0 on Γu

, Vh= (Vh)3.

Further, let {RH}, H 0+ bea strongly regular family of rectangulations of Γc with H >0 being the norm ofRH. On everyRH ∈ {RH}we construct the space of piecewise constantfunctions:

LH= µH ∈L2c)| µH|RP0(R)∀R ∈ RH ,

LH = (LH)3 and the following convex sets:

MHn= µHn∈LH| µHn0 a.e. on Γc

, (4.1)

MHt= µHt(LH)2|


µHt·ψH dΓ



. (4.2)

Recall that · stands for the Euclidean norm inR2. The setMHtis the externalapproximation ofMt, while MHnis theinternalapproximation ofMn.

The discretization of (3.6) is defined in a standard way:





FinduhVhandλHMHsuch that a(uh,vh) +bH,vh) =L(vh), vhVh, bHλH,uh)0, µH MH,


where λH := (λHn,λHt) andMH := MHn×MHt. To ensure the existence and uniqueness of a solution to (4.3), the following stability condition is needed:

µHLH| bH,vh) = 0vhVh

={0}. (4.4)


In the forthcoming convergence analysis, we will need more information on the compatibility between the spaces LH andVh. We shall introduce a stronger assumption, namely the Ladyzhenskaya-Babuska-Brezzi condition which in our particular case takes the form



|vh|1,Ω ≥β|µH|12c µHLH, (4.5) where β > 0 is independent ofh and H. The dual norm | |1

2c in (4.5) is evaluated by means of (2.3).

Next we shall suppose that the auxiliary problem (2.4) isregularin the following sense:





there existsε∈(0,1/2) such that for every µHΓ12

c := the dual ofHΓ12−ε


the solutionwµ of (2.4) belongs toV H1+ε(Ω) and wµ1+ε,Ω≤C(ε)µ1


holds with a positive constant C(ε) which depends solely on ε > 0. If it is so then using exactly the same approach as in [12] one can prove the next lemma.

Lemma 4.1. Let us suppose that (2.4) is regular, {RH} is a strongly regular family of rectangulations of Γc and the ratio h/H is sufficiently small. Then the Ladyzhenskaya-Babuska-Brezzi condition (4.5) is satisfied.

5. Error analysis

In this section we establish a priori error estimates for the mixed finite element approximation (4.3). We start with the following lemma [3]:

Lemma 5.1. Let (u,λ), (uh,λH) be the solution of (3.6), (4.3), respectively. Then for any vh Vh and µHMH it holds:

a(uuh,uuh) a(uuh,uvh) +bµH,uhu) +bλH,uvh)

+bµH,u) +bHλ,u). (5.1)

Proof. Letvh be an element ofVh. Then

a(uuh,uuh) =a(uuh,uvh) +a(uuh,vhuh). From the equations in (3.6) and (4.3), we obtain:

a(uuh,vhuh) = L(vhuh)−b,vhuh)−L(vhuh) +bH,vhuh)

= b,uhvh) +bH,vhuh). Further

a(uuh,uuh) =a(uuh,uvh) +b,uhvh) +bH,vhuh), and finally

a(uuh,uuh) = a(uuh,uvh) +bHλ,uuh) +bλH,uvh) +bµH,u) +bHλ,u) +bHλH,uh).

The inequality in (4.3) implies thatbHλH,uh)0 for anyµHMH. From this the error estimate (5.1)



We now derive an upper bound foruuh1,Ω.

Lemma 5.2. Let (u,λ),(uh,λH) be the solution of (3.6), (4.3), respectively. Suppose that u H2(Ω) and the fourth order tensorA defining the Hooke’s law is sufficiently smooth. Then

uuh21,Ω C

hλλH12c+H12λλH12+ε,Γc+H32 +H

, (5.2)

whereε >0 is arbitrarily small and C >0 is a positive constant which does not depend on h,H.

Proof. We shall estimate each term on the right hand side of (5.1). But before proving these estimates, let us recall some approximation results. Let Ih be the Lagrange interpolation operator with values in Vh. There exists a constantC >0 which does not depend onhand such that for allv H2(Ω) (see [5]) it holds:

vIhv1,Ω≤Chv2,Ω. (5.3)

Next, we introduce the projection operatorΠH : L2c) −→LH by ΠHϕLH,


(ΠHϕϕ)· µH dΓ = 0, µHLH. (5.4) The operator ΠH has the following approximation property (see [19]): there exists a positive constant C independent ofH such that ϕHνΓc,ν =12, 1 and anyµ∈[0,12), it holds that

ϕΠHϕµ,Γc C Hν−µϕν,Γc. (5.5)

Moreover, ifϕL2c) then

ϕΠHϕ12+ε,Γc C H12−εϕΠHϕ0,Γc, ε∈[0,12). (5.6) Finally, let us note that the trace theorem implies that

λ12c≤Cu2,Ω, (5.7)

provided that the tensorAis sufficiently smooth (the constantC >0 depends only onA).

Next we estimate each term appearing on the right hand side of (5.1) by choosing: vh = Ihu and µH = ΠHλ= (πHnλn,πHtλt), whereπHn andπHt are the components ofΠH inLH and (LH)2, respectively. It is readily seen thatΠHλMH as follows from the definition ofM,MH and (5.4).

(i) The first term is evaluated by using continuity ofa(., .) and (5.3):

a(uuh,uvh)≤Chuuh1,Ω. (ii) The second is estimated by using (5.5), (5.6), (5.7) and the trace theorem:

bµH,uhu) CλΠHλ1

2cuhu1,Ω≤CHuhu1,Ω. (iii) The third term is estimated as follows:





(iv) To evaluate the fourth term, we invoke the definition of theL2-projection operators:

bµH,u) =


(λn−πHnλn)undΓ +





(λn−πHnλn)(un−πHnun)dΓ +



≤ λn−πHnλn0,Γcun−πHnun0,Γc


CH3/2, making use of (5.5) and (5.7).

(v) To estimate the last term, let us observe that the complementarity conditionλnun= 0a.e. on Γc yields:

bHλ,u) =


λHnundΓ +


Htλt)·ut. Sinceun0 andλHn0a.e. on Γc, we have


λHnun0. Therefore



Htλt)·ut. (5.8)

We now shall estimate (5.8). Noticing that





and using thatλt·ut+sut= 0a.e. on Γc (see (3.4) and Th. 3.2), we have:


Htλt)·utdΓ =


Htλt)·(utπHt(ut))dΓ +


Htλt)·πHt(ut)dΓ +






Htλt)·(utπHt(ut))dΓ +


s(πHt(ut) − ut)dΓ +




Htλt)·(utπHt(ut))dΓ +


s(πHt(ut)ut)dΓ +






2+ε,Γc+CH (5.9)


making use of (5.5) and


Γc)2 µ(Hj

Γc)3 for anyµ= (µn,µt)HjΓ

c, j=±1 2·

From (i)–(v) and theV-ellipticity of the bilinear forma(., .), we easily arrive at (5.2).

The next lemma gives the error estimate for the Lagrange multiplier.

Lemma 5.3. Let all the assumptions of Lemma 5.2 together with (4.5) be satisfied. Then

λλH12c≤Cuuh1,Ω+CH, (5.10) λλH1

2+ε,Γc ≤CH−εuuh1,Ω+CH1−ε, (5.11) whereε >0 is arbitrarily small and C is a positive constant which does not depend on hand H.

Proof. Let us consider the equations in (3.6) and (4.3). SinceVhV, we have a(u,vh) +b,vh) = L(vh) vhVh, a(uh,vh) +bH,vh) = L(vh) vhVh. Therefore

a(uuh,vh) +bλH,vh) = 0 vhVh, and

bHΠHλ,vh) = a(uuh,vh) +bΠHλ,vh)

Cuuh1,Ωvh1,Ω+CHλ12cvh1,Ω vhVh. The inf-sup condition (4.5) yields:

β˜ λHΠHλ12c sup



|vh|1,Ω Cuuh1,Ω+CHλ21c. (5.12) Here we used the Korn’s inequality and the fact that the dual norms 1

2c and| |12c are equivalent in HΓ12

c . The constant ˜β >0 appearing on the left of (5.12) is independent ofhand H.

The triangle inequality

λλH12cλΠHλ12c+ΠHλλH12c together with (5.12) and (5.5) proves (5.10).

Let us prove (5.11). The triangle and inverse inequality yield:



2+ε,Γc + ΠHλλH1



H1−ε+H−εΠHλλH12c ,

making use of (5.6). The rest of the proof now follows from (5.12)

We finally obtain the following global result giving an upper bound for our mixed finite element approxima- tion.


Theorem 5.1. Let(u,λ),(uh,λH)be the solution to (3.6), (4.3), respectively. Suppose that uH2(Ω), the fourth order tensor A defining the Hooke’s law is sufficiently smooth and the Ladyzhenskaya-Babuska-Brezzi condition (4.5) is satisfied. Then


2c≤CH12, (5.13)

where the positive constant C does not depend onhandH.

Proof. Assembling (5.2), (5.10) and (5.11) we arrive at (5.13) making use thath≤CH, whereC >0 does not

depend onhandH.

Remark 5.1. Let us suppose that the slip boundsis a positive constant. Then the error estimate (5.13) can be improved. Indeed, instead of (4.2) we define the setMHt as follows:

MHt= µHt(LH)2| µHt ≤s a.e. on Γc · ThenMHt is theinternalapproximation ofMtso that




ψ0 ψL2c). (5.14)

It is very easy to verify that ifµtMtthenπHtµtMHtso that the estimates (i)–(iv) of Lemma 5.2 remain valid. Sinceλt·ut+sut= 0a.e. on Γc, the last term can be written as follows (see (5.8)):



Ht·ut−sut) dΓ0

making use of (5.14) withµHt:=λHtandψ:=ut. Therefore this term which is responsible for the lower order of convergence can be omitted in (5.1). Under the assumptions of Theorem 5.1 we have



6. Numerical realization

In this section we describe in brief the numerical method for the realization of 3D contact problems with given friction. This method is based on the the dual formulationof (3.5).

Let (u, λn,λt) be the saddle-point ofLonV ×Mn×Mt with the notation introduced in Section 2. Then L(u, λn,λt) = min

V sup


L(v, µn,µt)

= max


infV L(v, µn,µt). Denote

S(µn,µt) :=inf

V L(v, µn,µt)

the dual functional. The dual variational formulation to (3.5) reads as follows:

Find (µn,µt)∈Mn×Mtsuch that S(µn,µt)S(µn,µt) (µn,µt)∈Mn×Mt.

(6.1) It is well-known [9] that (6.1) has a unique solution and, in addition (µn,µt) = (λn,λt), where (λn,λt) is a part of the solution to (3.6). It is also readily seen [13] that Sis a quadratic functional. Therefore (6.1) is a


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