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Refined uniform estimates at blow-up and applications for nonlinear heat equations


Academic year: 2022

Partager "Refined uniform estimates at blow-up and applications for nonlinear heat equations"


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Refined uniform estimates at blow-up and applications for nonlinear heat equations

Frank Merle

Universit´e de Cergy-Pontoise

Hatem Zaag

Ecole Normale Sup´erieure and Universit´e de Cergy-Pontoise´

1 introduction

We are interested in the following nonlinear heat equation:

( ut = ∆u+up

u(0) = u0 0, (1)

where u is defined for (x, t) RN ×[0, T), 1 < p, (N 2)p < N+ 2 and u0 H1(RN).

In this paper, we deal with blow-up solutions of equation (1)u(t) which blow-up in finite time T > 0: this means that u exists for all t [0, T),

tlimTku(t)kH1 = + and lim

tTku(t)kL = +. Let us consider such a solution. We aim at studying the blow-up behavior of u(t) as t T. In particular, we are interested in obtaining uniform estimates on u(t) and deducing from these estimates the asymptotic shape of the singularities.

One can show that in this case,u(t) has at least one blow-up point, that is x0 RN such that there exists (xn, tn)nN satisfying (xn, tn) (x0, T) and|u(xn, tn)| →+ asn+.

For each aRN, we introduce the following self-similar transformation:

y = xa Tt

s = log(Tt) wa(y, s) = (Tt)p−11 u(x, t).


Then, we see thatwa=wsatisfies s≥ −logT, y RN:


∂s = ∆w1

2y.w w

p1+wp. (3)


The study ofu(t) near (x0, T) wherex0 is a blow-up point is equivalent to the study of the long time behavior of wx0 ass+.

Giga and Kohn prove in [10] that there exists0>0 such that

s≥ −logT, 0≤ kwx0(s)kL 1 0 or equivalently:

t[0, T), 0(Tt)p−11 ≤ ku(t)kL 1

0(Tt)p−11 . At this level, no other uniform estimates were known.

In [16], we proved the following Liouville Theorem for equation (3):

Let w be a nonnegative solution of (3) defined for (y, s)RN ×R such that wL(RN ×R). Then, necessarily one of the following cases occurs:

w0 or wκ or s0Rsuch that w(y, s) =ϕ(ss0) (4) where ϕ(s) =κ(1 +es)p−11 and κ= (p1)p−11 .

From this theorem we derived in [16] the following uniform estimates of order zero:

Consider a solution w of (3) defined for s ≥ −logT (such that u(t) blows- up at time T). Then,

kw(s)kL κ andk∇w(s)kL +k∆w(s)kL 0 as s+. (5)

We also derived from this result the following localization theorem:

>0, C>0 such that t[T2, T), xRN,


∂t up

up+C. (6) These estimates are still insufficient to yield precise estimates on blow- up profile. But, we have a compactness property on wa(s) uniformly with respect to a RN, which allows us to claim the following result from lin- earization around the limit set ass+:

Theorem 1 (Refined L estimates for w(s) and u(t) at blow-up) There exist positive constants C1, C2 and C3 such that if u is a solution of


(1) which blows-up at timeT >0and satisfies u(0)H1(RN), then >0, there existss0()≥ −logT such that

i) ss0, aRN,

kwa(s)kL κ+ (N κ2p +)1s, k∇wa(s)kL C1s, k∇2wa(s)kL Cs2, k∇3wa(s)kL sC3/23 , where κ= (p1)p−11 ,

ii) tT es0,

ku(t)kL κ+ (N κ2p +)|log(T1t)|(T t)p−11 , k∇iu(t)kL Ci(Tt)−(

p−1 +1 i 2 )


for i= 1,2,3.

Remark: Ifv :RN Ris regular, iv stands for the differential of order i of v. For all y RN, we define |∇v(y)|2 =




(∂jv(y))2, |∇2v(y)| =




|z|2 and |∇3v(y)|= sup





|α| βj

|β| γk

|γ|i,j,k3 v(y) . In addition,kvkL = sup

yRN|v(y)| and k∇ivkL = sup


In fact, we can see from the proof of Theorem 1 that s0() depends only on the size of initial data. We have the following result:

Theorem 1’ (Compactness)Consider (un)nN a sequence of nonnegative solutions of equation (1) such that for someT >0 and for all nN, un is defined on [0, T) and blows-up at timeT. Assume also that kun(0)kH2(RN)

is bounded uniformly in n. Then, > 0, there exists t0() < T such that

t[t0(), T), nN,

kun(t)kL κ+ (N κ2p +)|log(T1t)|(T t)p−11 , k∇iun(t)kL Ci(Tt)−(

p−11 +i 2)


where Ci are defined in Theorem 1.

Remark: In the case N = 1, Herrero and Vel´azquez [12] (Filippas and Kohn [6] also) prove some estimates related to Theorem 1, using a Sturm


property first used by Chen and Matano [4] (the space oscillations number is a decreasing function of time).

Remark: The constant N κ2p appearing in the term of order one in the esti- mates on kw(s)kL and ku(t)kL is optimal. Indeed, there exist solutions of equation (3) such that kw(s)kL = κ+ N κ2ps +o1s as s + (see Bricmont and Kupiainen [3], Filippas and Kohn [6], Merle and Zaag [17]).

Remark: From the local (in time) regularity of the solution to the Cauchy problem, we can obtain with the same proof an analogous compactness result when the blow-up times Tn are not the same. The assumptions are kun(0)kH2(RN)+Tn is bounded uniformly in n. The conclusion is there is t00() such thatnN, t[Tnt00(), Tn), the inequalities hold.

Remark: Other compactness results can be shown considering for example equations of the type:


∂t = ∆u+b(x)up wherebC3(RN) (see [16]).

These estimates are in fact crucial for the understanding of the solution at blow-up, especially, the shape of the singularity. Let us recall some results on this question.

Let us consider x0 RN a blow-up point of u(t), a solution of (1), that is a pointx0 RN such that there exists (xn, tn) (x0, T) such that u(xn, tn)+asn+. The question is to see whetheru(t) (orwx0(s) defined in (2)) has a universal behavior astT (ors+).

First, Giga and Kohn prove in [10] and [11] (see also [9]) that for a given blow-up point x0 RN,

slim+wx0(y, s) = lim

tT(T t)p−11 u(x0+y

Tt, t) =κ (7) uniformly on compact subsets ofRN. The result is pointwise inx0. Besides, for a.e. y, lim

s+wx0(y, s) = 0.

Filippas and Liu [7] (see also Filippas and Kohn [6]) and Vel´azquez [18], [19]

(see also Herrero and Vel´azquez [12], [14]) classify the behavior of w(y, s) (= wx0(y, s)) for |y| bounded. They prove that one of the following cases occurs:

- Case 1: non degenerate rate of blow-up:

there exists k ∈ {0,1, ..., N 1} and a N ×N orthonormal matrixQ such



R >0, sup


wx0(y, s)

κ+ κ 2ps

(Nk)1 2yTAky


1 s1+δ

(8) ass+where δ >0,

Ak=Q INk 0

0 0


Q1 (9)

andINk is the (Nk)×(Nk) identity matrix,

- Case 2: degenerate rate of blow-up: R > 0, sup

|y|≤R|w(y, s) κ| ≤ C(R)e0s for some 0>0.

This yields a blow-up behavior classification in a small range scale. In some sense and from a physical point of view, these results do not show the transition between the singular zone (w α where α > 0) and the regular one (w'0) well.

Using the renormalization theory, Bricmont and Kupiainen showed in [3]

the existence of a solution of (3) such that

ss0, yRN,

w(y, s)f0




s (10) where f0(z) = p1 + (p4p1)2|z|2


p−1 (see also [1]). We show in [17] the same result through a reduction to a finite dimensional problem. We also obtained there a stability result of this behavior with respect to initial data.

This gives a result in an intermediate scalez= ys, which is more satisfactory since it separates the blow-up region (w > α > 0) and non-blow-up ones (w'0).

In [20], the second author showed that the behavior in the initial variablex is known in the case where (10) occurs. More precisely, u(x, t) u(x) as tT uniformly on compact sets ofRN\{0} and



(p1)2|x|2 p−11

asx0. (11)

Therefore, except in the small range variable (which does not precise from a physical or analytical point of view the singular behavior), no result of classification was known.

In a first step, we use the estimates of Theorem 1 onw and2win a crucial way, and the results of Filippas and Liu, and Vel´azquez concerning


the classification of blow-up behaviors for|y|bounded to establish a blow-up profile classification theorem in the variablez= ys (which is the intermedi- ate scale that separates the regular and singular parts in the non degenerate case):

Theorem 2 (Existence of a blow-up profile in the intermediate scale for solutions of (1))

Let u(t) be a solution of (1) which blows-up at time T > 0 and satisfies u(0) H1(RN). Let x0 be a blow-up point of u(t). Then, there exist k∈ {0,1, .., N} and an orthonormal N×N matrix Q such that

K0 >0, sup



s, s)fk(z)| →0 as s+, (12) where

fk(z) = p1 +(p1)2 4p zTAkz

! 1


(13) andAk is defined in (9).

Remark: Vel´azquez in [19] obtained a related profile existence result. He extended the |y| bounded convergence of [18] to the larger set |y| ≤K0

s, by estimating the effect of the convective term 12y.w in the equation (3), inLp spaces with a Gaussian measure. However, the convergence that he obtains depends strongly on the considered blow-up point x0. Let us point out that the convergence we have in Theorem 2 can be shown to be independent of x0. Indeed, by using the uniform estimates of Theorem 1, we can give a uniform version of the result of [7] and [18], and obtain thanks to our techniques a convergence independent ofx0 in Theorem 2. However, we use the result of [7] and [18] in this paper, since this shortens the proof.

We also notice that the proof yields that if the case (12) occurs, then (8) occurs with the same Ak (if k=N, then takeAN = 0) and conversely. See also Theorem 3.

Remark: In the casek =N, this theorem yieldsκas asymptotic “profile” of w(s) in the variablez= y

s: this is a degenerate blow-up behavior. Indeed, in this case, the scale ys is not good for describing the blow-up behavior.

One must refine this scale and exhibit other blow-up profiles in different scalesy'exphk2k1sifork= 2,3, ...(see for instance [3], [18]). However, we suspect these profiles to be unstable with respect to initial data.

One interesting problem that follows from Theorem 2 is to find a re- lationship between the different notions of profile in the scales: |y| ≤ C,


z= |ys| C and |xx0| small. We show in the following theorem that all these descriptions are equivalent in the case of a solution u(t) of (1) that blows-up at some pointx0 RN in a non degenerate way (which is supposed to be the generic case):

k= 0 and Ak =IN.

This answers many questions which were underlined on this problem in preceding works.

Theorem 3 (Equivalence of different notions of blow-up profiles) Let x0 RN be an isolated blow-up point of u(t) solution of (1) such that u0 H1(RN). The following blow-up behaviors of u(t) near x0 or w(s) =wx0(s) (defined in (2)) are equivalent:

(A) R > 0, sup


w(y, s)

κ+ κ

2ps(N 1 2|y|2)

= o

1 s

as s + where κ= (p1)p−11 ,

(B) 0 >0 such that w(y, s)f0(y s)

L(|y|≤0es/2) 0 as s+ with f0(z) = (p1 +(p4p1)2|z|2)p−11 ,

(C) 0 >0 such that if |xx0| < 0, then u(x, t) u(x) as t T andu(x)h(p8p|1)log2||xxxx00||2i


p−1 as xx0.

Remark: In [19], Vel´azquez shows that (A) = (B) =(C) by estimating the local effect to the term 12y.w in equation (3) in Lp with Gaussian measure. The classification of [19] also yields that (C) =(A). Let us point that the estimates in our proof are quite elementary and rely on localization effect and uniform estimates. In addition, one can show from our proof and our uniform techniques that the convergence speeds in (A), (B) and (C) depend only on each other and on a bound on theC2 norm of initial data ( and not on the initial data itself).

Remark: In fact, (A) (or (B) or (C)) imply that x0 is an isolated blow- up point. It is conjectured that the equivalence holds (in the case of the (supposed to be) generic blow-up rate).

Remark: The techniques we introduce in the proof of Theorem 3 allow us to obtain the same results as Vel´azquez in the case where (8) occurs with k < N.

Section 2 is devoted to the proof of the uniform estimates on w (The- orems 1 and 1’). Section 3 deals with results on profiles (Theorems 2 and 3).


2 L estimates of order one for solutions of (3)

2.1 Formulation and reduction of the problem

We prove Theorems 1 and 1’ in this section. Let us first show Theorem 1.

Theorem 1’ follows from similar arguments.

Proof of Theorem 1: We consider u(t) a blow-up solution of (1) which blows-up at timeT >0.

We can assume from regularizing effect of the heat flow that T < 1, u0 C3(RN)H1(RN). We are interested in findingLestimates of order one forw0(=w) defined in (2). In [16], we have already provedLestimates of order zero forwstated in (5). Note that with obvious simple adaptations of the proof of (5), we have the following result:

kw(s)kL κ and k∇w(s)kL+k∇2w(s)kL+k∇3w(s)kL 0 (14) ass+.

We now want to refine the estimates (14). More precisely, we want to show that there exist positive constantsC1, C2 and C3 depending only on psuch that >0,s0() such thatss0(),

kw(s)kL κ+ (N κ2p + (N+ 1))1s, k∇w(s)kL C1s

k∇2w(s)kL Cs2, k∇3w(s)kL sC3/23 . (15) For this purpose, we take an arbitrary (0, 0) (where 0 1 is small enough) that we consider as fixed now, and introduce the following definitions:

Definition 2.1 For all A > 0 and s ≥ −logT, we define VA(s) as being the set of all wW3,(RN) satisfying:

kwkL κ+cs0, k∇wkL c1s k∇2wkL As, k∇3wkL As3/25/4. and

aRN, c2



in the sense of symmetricN ×N matrices, where the norms are introduced in the remark after Theorem 1,

c0() = N κ

2p + (N+ 1), c1() = κ

p + 2p, c2() = κ

2p +, (16)


IN is theN ×N identity matrix and ρ(y) = e|y|

2 4

(4π)N/2. (17) Definition 2.2 For alls≥ −logT, we define

VˆA(s) ={wC([logT, s), W3,(RN)) | ∀τ [logT, s), w(τ)VA)}. Let us remark that condition (16) is in some sense a lower bound on2w(a).

Indeed, ifwVA(s), then we have aRN,

| Z

RN2w(y+a)ρ(y)dy− ∇2w(a)| ≤C(N)k∇3wkL (18)

and A

sIN ≥ ∇2w(a)≥ −



s +C(N)A5/4 s3/2


IN (19)

whereC(N) =R |y|ρ(y)dy.

Proof of (18) and (19): Using a Taylor expansion, we have: y RN,

2w(y+a)− ∇2w(a) =R013w(a+ty)(y)dt. Hence,

|∇2w(y+a)− ∇2w(a)| ≤ |y|k∇3wkL ≤ |y|As3/25/4. This yields (18) and (19) by integration (useR ρ(y)dy= 1).

Notice that the lower bound on 2w(a) is (consider the order 1s) inde- pendent ofA, which will be crucial in the proof.

Theorem 1 is in fact a consequence of the following proposition:

Proposition 2.1 (Reduction) There exist A(p) > 0 and 0(p) (0,1) such that for all(0, 0), there existsS(A, )so that the following property is true:

Assume that w is a solution of (3) defined for all time s ≥ −logT and satisfying w(logT) H1(RN). Assume in addition that w VˆAs) for somesˆS(A, ), then:


ii)s≥ −logT, w(s)VˆA(s).

Proposition 2.1 implies Theorem 1:

Let (0, 0), A = A(p) and S(A, ) defined in Proposition 2.1. Our strategy is to findn0() =n0 Nsuch thats≥ −logT,w(s+n0)VA(s).

Indeed, one can easily check the following result:

Lemma 2.1 Assume for all (0,1), there exists n0() N such that

s≥ −logT, w(s+n0)VA(s). Then, (15) is satisfied with C1 = κ

2p + 4p, C2 = 2A(p) and C3 = 2A(p)5/4.


Let us considerW =w(.+n). Then, W satisfies (3) for all s≥ −logT and W(logT) = w(nlogT) H1(RN) from the solving of the initial value problem forw.

We claim the following: for n large, we have w(.+n) VˆA(S(A, )).

Indeed, let

δ= 1

4(1 +C(N))min c0

S(A, ), c1

pS(A, ), c2

S(A, ), A

S(A, ), A5/4 S(A, )3/2


(20) where C(N) is defined in (19). (14) implies that there exists n0 N such thatnn0, s[logT, S(A, )], kw(s+n)kL κ+δ κ+c4s0, k∇w(s+n)kL δ 4c1s,k∇2w(s+n)kL δ 4sA andk∇3w(s+n)kL δ 4sA5/43/2.

Let s [logT, S(A, )] and a RN. According to (18), we have R

RN2w(y+a, s+n)ρ(y)dy

≥ − |∇2w(a, s+n)|+C(N)k∇3w(s+n)kL

IN ≥ −+C(N)δ)IN

4sc22IN. Thus, w(.+n0) VˆA(S(A, )). Applying Proposition 2.1, we see fromii) that

s[logT,+), w(s+n0)VA(s).

This concludes the proof of Theorem 1.

Proof of Theorem 1’:

For all n N, we introduce wn = wn,0 defined from un by (2). Then, by simple obvious adaptations of the proof of Theorem 1’ in [16], we claim that sup

nNkwn(s)kL κand sup

nNk∇iwn(s)kL 0 ass+ fori= 1,2 and 3.

Hence, there exists n0 N such that n N, s [logT, S(A, )], kwn(s+n0)kL κ+δ and k∇iwn(s+n0)kL δ for i = 1,2,3 where δ is defined in (20). Hence, as for the proof of Theorem 1, we get nN, wn(.+n0)VˆA(S(A, )). Thus,

nN, s[logT,+), wn(s+n0)VA(s) byii) of Proposition (2.1). This concludes the proof of Theorem 1’.

Therefore, the question reduces to prove Proposition 2.1.

Proof of Proposition 2.1:

i) = ii): By contradiction, we assume that there exists s ≥ −logT such that w(s) 6∈ VA(s). Let s0 be the lowest s satisfying this. Then, s0 sˆS(A, ), wVˆA(s0) andw(s0)∂VA(s0). This contradicts i).


Proof of i): Let us argue by contradiction. We suppose that for all A > 0, there is a sequence sn + and a solution of (3) wn defined for all s ≥ −logT such that wn(logT) H1(RN), s [logT, sn], wn(s)VA(s) and wn(sn)∂VA(sn).

Let us denote wn by w to simplify the notations. We claim the following Proposition 2.2 (Characterization of ∂VA(sn)) There exists yn RN such that one of the following cases must occur:

Case 1: w(yn, sn) =κ+ cs0

n, Case 2: |∇w(yn, sn)|= cs1n,

Case 3: there exists a unitary ϕnRN such that ϕTnRRN2w(y+yn, sn)ρ(y)dyϕn=scn2,

Case 4: |∇2w(yn, sn)|= sA

n, Case 5: |∇3w(yn, sn)|= A5/4

s3/2n . Proof:

Let us remark that sincew(logT)H1(RN), we can assume from the regularizing effect of the heat flow thatw(logT, y)0 and

iw(logT, y) 0 as |y| → + for i = 1,2 and 3. Hence, we have by classical estimatesw(y, s)0 andiw(y, s)0 as|y| →+uniformly in s[sn, sn+ 1]. Hence, by Lebesgue’s Theorem, R2w(y+a, s)ρ(y)dy0 as|a| →+.

This insures that one of the five cases of Proposition 2.2 occurs.

We now use the classification of Proposition 2.2 and consider in the following subsection all the five cases in order to reach a contradiction.

Let us notice that we reduce to the case yn= 0.

Indeed, from (2) and the translation invariance of (1), we define for all yRN and s≥ −logT:

W(y, s) =w(y+ynes−sn2 , s). (21) We still have:

- W is solution of (3) defined fors[logT,+), - W(s)VA(s) for alls[logT, sn],

- W(sn)∂VA(sn).

We will denote W by wand ϕn by ϕ.

We now claim that there exist 0(p)>0 and A(p)>0 such that for all (0, 0), there is S(A, ) such that all the cases 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 do not occur ifsnS(A, ), which will conclude the proof of Proposition 2.1.


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