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A Client-Server Approach to Image-Based Rendering on Mobile Terminals


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HAL Id: inria-00000127


Submitted on 28 Jun 2005

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Mobile Terminals

Kadi Bouatouch, Gérald Point, Gwenola Thomas

To cite this version:

Kadi Bouatouch, Gérald Point, Gwenola Thomas. A Client-Server Approach to Image-Based Render- ing on Mobile Terminals. [Research Report] RR-5447, INRIA. 2005, pp.29. �inria-00000127�


a p p o r t

d e r e c h e r c h e

Thème COG

A Client-Server Approach to Image-Based Rendering on Mobile Terminals

Gwenola Thomas — Gérald Point — Kadi Bouatouch

N° 5447

January 2005


Unité de recherche INRIA Futurs

Gw enolaThomas

,Gérald Point

, Kadi Bouatouh

† ∗

ThèmeCOG Systèmesognitifs


Rapportdereherhe 5447 January200529pages

Abstrat: This report shows howto use IBRmethods to makepossible therenderingof


ThePDA representsthelientof aserverwhih omputesa verysmall set of keyimages


them on demand to the lient arossa low bandwidth network. The lient utilizes these


(using an IBR tehnique) whose positions and diretions are hosen interatively by the



due to olusions and exposures. Providing a general solution to the problem of amera

plaementisahardtask. Inthisreportweaddressonlytheaseofurbansenes.

Key-words: lient/server,3Dsenes,Rendering,Warping,ImageBasedRendering,Low-

BandwidthNetwork ,PDA,CameraPlaement




Résumé : Ce rapport montre qu'il est possible d'utiliser des méthodes IBR (rendu basé


dans le as d'une arhiteture lient/serveur. Le PDA représente le lient d'un serveur

quialuleunensemblerestreintd'imageslés(pouréviteruntemps delateneimportant

qui pourrait dégrader l'interativité) d'une sène 3D omplexe et les transmet à travers

un réseau bas débit sur demande. Le lient utilise es images lés pour en déduire par


pardes amérasdont l'orientation et la position sont hoisiespar l'utilisateur de manière

interativeendéplaçantunstylet. Unproblèmedéliatest eluiduplaementdesaméras


objetslorsqu'oneetue l'interpolation. Conevoirune solutiongénérale àe problèmeest

unetâhetrèsdiile. Danserapportnousproposonsunesolutiondeplaementdeaméra


Mots-lés : lient/serveur,Sènes 3D,Rendu,Interpolation,Rendu BaséImage,Réseau

BasDébit,PDA, PlaementdeCaméra



1 Introdution 4

2 Related works 5

2.1 3DrenderingonPDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2.2 Image-Based-Rendering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2.3 Cameraplaement: Determiningrefereneimages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

3 Overalllient-server arhiteture 9 4 Seletingthe referene imageson the server side 12 4.1 Streetsnetworkextration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

4.2 Cameraplaement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

4.3 Seletionofrefereneamerasduringnavigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

5 Implementationand results 19 5.1 Serverdatastrutures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

5.1.1 Visible buildingedges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

5.1.2 Cameraupdateheking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

5.1.3 Contributionofaamera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

5.2 Results. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

5.2.1 Ourlient/serverappliation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

5.2.2 Testsenes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

5.2.3 Someremarksaboutoating-pointandxed-pointarithmetis . . . . 23

5.2.4 Qualityoftherendering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

5.2.5 Framerate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

6 Conlusion 27


1 Introdution


sinethe last deade. Many appliations alreadyrun on PDAs but omplete high quality

renderingof3Dmodelsstillremainbeyondtheirapabilities. TomakerenderingonPDAs


images of a3D sene then sends them to a lient, say a PDA, whih visualizes them on

its small sreen. As this solution is highly demanding in terms of network bandwith, a

preferablesolutionis to distributerendering amongthe serverandthe lient. Indeed,the

serveromputes a set of key images that are sent to a lient whih omputes in-between


Whiletraditionalrenderingmethods needdatarepresentingthegeometryandthepho-

tometryof theobjetsmaking upa3Dsene, IBR methods takeasinputaset of images

(synthetiorreal)sometimesaugmentedwithdepthmaps. Whenrenderingomplexsenes,


asene, while itis onlyproportionalto theimage resolutionfor IBR methods. IBR teh-

niquesproved that theyarefastand easyto implement. Theyonly onsistin alulating,


This papershows howto use IBRmethods tomakepossiblethe renderingofomplex

senes on aPDA in the framework alient/server arhiteture. ThePDA representsthe

lient of a server whih omputes a very small set of key images (to avoid lateny time

that would aet interativity)of a omplex3D sene and transmits them ondemand to

the lient aross a low bandwidth network. The lient utilizes these images to ompute



Image-Based-Renderingseemsagood ompromisebetweenlassial3Drenderingon a

PDAand streamingimages that areallomputedontheserverside. Inother words,IBR

is a good ompromise between proessing time on aPDA and time of data transmission



it is hardly possible when streaming images from the server to the lient. Warping key

images to ompute in-betweenones givesthe userthe feeling of navigatingthrough a3D




Providing a general solution to the problem of amera plaement is a hard task. In this


This report is organized as follows. Setion 2 presents some related works regarding


problem. Our Client/Serverarhiteture is desribed in setion 3. Setion 4 presents in

detailoursolutiontotheameraplaementproblemintheaseofurbansenesonly. Some

implementationdetailsandresultsaregiveninsetion5. Finallyweonludeinsetion6.


2 Related works

Inthissetionwereport rston3DrenderingmethodsonPDAs, then onIBRtehniques

whilefousingonthesolutionsrelevanttoourmethod. Next,weaddresstheproblemofkey

imageseletion. Thisprobleman bestatedasaameraplaementproblem. Thesolution

weproposetothis problemisonlyvalid forurban senes.

2.1 3D rendering on PDA

Renderingomplex3D seneson PDAs annotbestraightforwardlyperformedbyreusing

existing software pakagesrunningon Personal Computersbeausethe PDAs are notyet

suppliedwithoatingpointunits anddediatedgraphisaeleratorshavejust beenavail-

able. Moreover, even if external memory ards of 256 Mega bytes an be used on these


However,3DrenderingofsmallsenesispossibleonPDAs. AnewgenerationofPDAs

basedon thenovel Intel XSalPXA 250proessorwith a400 Mhzlok speed providing

dediated support for multimedia and 3D graphis appliations has appeared. Some 3D

APIsdediated toprogrammingonPDAalreadyexist. Oneofthese toolsisa3Dgraphis

librarysimilar toOpenGL[15, 22℄. Torenderlargersenes, methods relyingonsimplied

geometry based on levels of details [27℄ or Non-Photorealisti-Modeling [9℄ an be used.




thesedevies,oneanmakeuseofalient/serverarhiteture. Martin[19℄haslassiedinto

threemajorategoriesthe methodsforrendering3Dmodels inlient-serverenvironments.

Therst ategoryis alled lient-side methods [12℄. Themethods of this ategorydo not

involveany renderingonthe partof theserver. Thegeometry aswell asthe texturesare

downloaded to eah lient that requests them and the lient is responsible for rendering

it. Suh methods are not well suited for PDAs. When using the methods of the seond

ategory,alled server-sidemethods,the 3Dmodelis fullyrenderedontheserversideand

the resulting images are sent to the lients [6, 2℄. In[6℄, the sever generates the frames,

enodes andtransmitsthem to thelient. Theenoded framesare transmitted asavideo

streamtothelientwhihdeodesthestreamanddisplaysit. In[2℄,eahlientusesprevious

viewsofthesenetopreditnextviewusingimage-basedrenderingtehniques. Theserver

performsthesamepreditionandsends onlythedierenebetweenthepreditedandthe

atual views. Compressed dierene images require less bandwidth than the ompressed

imagesofeahframe. Suhmethodsgetinterestingwhenthelientshavelimitedresoures

and limitedgraphis performanes, whih is the aseof PDAs. Asfor the third ategory,


partsaredownloadedandrenderedonthelientside. Suh methodshavetheadvantageof

reduingthegeometri omplexityof thedata tobetransmitted byreplaing parts ofthe

geometrywithimages. However,deidingwhihpartofamodelshouldberenderedonthe


serveroron thelientisnot atrivialtask. Onepossibility isthat theserverould render

high andlow resolutionversionsof a3Dmodeland sendthe residualerrorimage andthe

low-resolution geometry to thelient [17℄. In this ase, the role of the lient is to render

the oarse model and to add the residual image to restore a full quality rendering. Suh



As seenabove, aserver-side methodhas to be used for renderingomplexsenes on a

PDA.Reallthatthiskindofmethodisbasedonstreamingimagestothelient. Streaming

imagesanoerrealismand iswell studiedto renderingonPDAs [3,6, 16,4℄. Evenwith

ahigh bandwidthnetwork,streaming isnottheperfetsolution. Alot oftime isspentby


thelientside. Moreover,whenwalkthroughisthetargetedtaskofstreamingappliations,

theproblemofinterativityisnoteientlydealtwith. NotethatintheaseofNPR(Non


featurelines(ratherthanimages)toaPDA[9,12℄. Inouropinion,whenrealistirendering

istargeted,streaminghastobeombinedwithIBRtehniquesasalreadydonein[16, 4℄.




2.2 Image-Based-Rendering

Image-Based-Rendering(alledIBRfromnowon)isbasedontheassumptionthat thereis

aslightdierenebetweentwosuessiveimages whenwalkingthrougha3Denvironment.



images). IBRtehniquesareusedintwomainappliations: 3Dwalkthroughand3Dobjet


Afamous IBRwalkthroughsystemisQuikTimeVR[5℄whih allowsarenderingyielding

360-degreesylindrialpanoramiimages. Whenusingthismethod thedegreesoffreedom

ofnavigationarerotations,aroundtheupaxes,andzooms(inandout). Thislimitationin

degreesoffreedomfornavigationisdue tothewaytheintermediateimagesareomputed,

sayanetransformsofpanoramiimages[13℄. Warpingtehniquesoveromethisdrawbak



(seegure1). Warpingisonlypossibleifdepthinformationisavailableforeahpixelofthe

keyimages [20℄, [18℄. Equation1 isthe generalequationof 3D warping,where image 1 is


C˙1 and C˙2 are the enters of projetion of the 2 images, P1 and P2 are the inverse

projetionmatries. Thesematriesdenetheintrisiparametersoftheamera(seegure



¯ u2


¯ u1

δ(¯u1)+P2−1( ˙C1C˙2) (1) withu¯1=




and u¯2=






c b

P2 =

ax bx cx ay by cy az bz cz

Figure1: 3DwarpingofapointX˙ andintrisiparametersoftheameraP2

Intheequation1,δ(¯u)is thedisparityofpixel u¯. δ(¯u) =Sz,whereS isthefoallength

andzthedepthofthepixel. Duringre-projetiononimage2,several3Dpointsanrepro-

jetontothesamepixel. TosolvethisvisibilityproblemwithoutusingaZ-Buer,MMillan

[20℄proposestowarpeahimagein olusionompatibleorder.

Warping generates exposure errors. Exposure errors ourwhen the motion of the view-

pointrevealsregionsofthemodelthatwerenotseenintherefereneimages. Tosolvethis

problem, the use of several and well hosen referene images is neessary (amera plae-

ment). LayeredDepth Images (LDI)ombine together anumber of referene images [25℄

[23℄. Multiple pairs(olor, depth) are assoiated whith eah pixel ofan LDI. Advantages

of LDIs are that they naturallyavoid redundany between referene images, they an be

warped inolusionompatible orderand areapable ofreduingthenumberof exposure

errors. Themain drawbakof LDIs methods isthat theyare demanding in memory size.


in[10℄. There aredesribedinsetion2.3.



niques in the aseof a lient /serverapproah. They propose an algorithm forreferene

ameraplaement. Thisfundamentalproblemaswellasrelatedworksaredisussedinse-


2.3 Camera plaement: Determining referene images


erasto avoidexposuresandolusionswhenusingIBR.Thisproblemanalsoberegarded

as an extension of the Art Gallery Problem. The formal solution to this problem is the


Anaspetgraphontainsallthevisualevents(exposures,olusions)thatourin asene

andthat anthereforebeusedto pre-renderimages fromameraswhoseloationsdepend


Thesolutionstotheproblemofameraplaementdependontheappliations. Whenthe

appliationis3D-reontrutionahugeset ofimagesareapturedbyforexampleturning a

ameraaroundthe3Dobjet[21℄orusingfewsigniantimages[7℄. Whentheappliation

isnavigation,theamerasthatproduetherefereneimagesanbeplaedat ertainpre-



In[14℄threesetsofdepthimagesareused. Eahset ontainsfourimagesthatformthe

faesof aube. These faesare theimage planesoffour ameraspositioned at theube's

enter. Theurrentnavigationameralieswithin atrianglewhosevertiesare theenters

ofthreerefereneubes. Thisallowstoeientlywarptheurrentnavigationamera. The

targetedappliationof[14℄iswalkthroughofindoorsenvironments. Unlikethismethod,our

objetiveiswalkthroughof itymodels. With this aimin view,weproposeanewamera


OurmethodisinspiredbyFleishman'swork[10℄. Theseneisdividedintoviewingareas.

Ineahviewingarea,asmall(notneessaryminimal)setofamerassamplesishosen. Our

ameraplaementalgorithmtakestwoonsiderationsintoaount: (i)everypolygonshould

beovered(say, seenby at least onereferene amera),(ii) everyoveredpolygon should

beoveredatasuient overagerate. A overagerateof apolygonis theratiobetween

its areaand that of its projetiononto the image plane of the refereneamera that sees

thispolygon. Toavoidredundany,only oneamerais assoiatedwith agivenpolygon in

the sene. While in [10℄ amerasare plaed on the boundary of arbitrary walkingzones,

weplaerefereneamerasontheurbanstreetnetwork. Theplaedrefereneameraswill

aptureimagessimilartothoseapedestrian ouldsee whilewalkingalongastreet.


3 Overall lient-server arhiteture

The overall lient-serverarhiteture and the global algorithm of our system is desribed

in gure2. The serverowns the3D environmentand runs aameraplaementalgorithm

apable of determining pertinent referene ameras that apture referene images of the

environment, usedfor image-basedrendering. The ameraplaementalgorithm aswell as

theassoiateddatastruturesaredesribedinthenextsetion. Therefereneimages,one




− Renders 3D scenes

− Produces Reference Images


− Navigator

− Warps between reference images 3D data


2. Navigate(theta, d) 2.2 Produce()


2.5 [update] Send_ReferenceImages({IRefi}) 2.4 update = Update_ReferenceImages({IRefi},Mc)

1. Send_Init(IRef0) 2.3 Send_NavigationCamera(Mc)

2.1. Update_NavigationCamerat()

Figure2: Overviewoftherenderingarhiteture

Here isamoredetailed desriptionofthegure2:

1. TheIBRproessisinitializedwhentheserversendsthelientaninitialrefereneimage



2. Onthelientside,theuserannavigatethroughthe3Denvironmentbyhangingthe

orientation and the position ofthe amera (2.Navigate(theta,d)). Inthe present

appliation,navigationisperformedinaurbanenvironment. Thepositionoftheam-

erais onstrainedtolieonahorizontalplane. Sudden hangesofameraorientation

are notallowed. These few degreesof freedom of theamera limithangesbetween

twosuessiveimagesto maketheIBRapproahpossible. Theselimitationsarealso

oherentwiththewaypeoplewalkin aity.

3. Whenevertheusermovesthenavigationamera,thelientomputesanewimageby

warpingsomeof the available referene images (2.1.Update_NavigationCamera(),

2.2.Produe()). Theavailablerefereneimagesarenotalwaysappropriateforwarp-

ing,that istosaytherefereneamerasthatproduedtheavailablerefereneimages

anbetoofarfrom theurrentnavigationamera,whihmayausethe appearane


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