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First-order CIC transition induced by Coulomb forces


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1985

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First-order CIC transition induced by Coulomb forces

S. Barišić, I. Barišić

To cite this version:

S. Barišić, I. Barišić. First-order CIC transition induced by Coulomb forces. Journal de Physique Let-

tres, Edp sciences, 1985, 46 (17), pp.819-824. �10.1051/jphyslet:019850046017081900�. �jpa-00232904�



First-order CIC transition induced by Coulomb forces

S. Bari0161i0107

Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, F-91405 Orsay Cedex, France

and Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, P.O.B. 162, 41001 Zagreb, Croatia, Yugoslavia (*) and I. Batisti0107

Institute of Physics of the University, P.O.B. 304,41001 Zagreb, Croatia, Yugoslavia (Re~u le 17 avril 1985, accepte le 4 juillet 1985)



Nous montrons que l’interaction Coulombienne entre les solitons chargés est attractive.

La transition de l’état commensurable à l’état incommensurable se produit alors pour une densité de solitons finie. Une telle transition est du premier ordre. Nous discutons brièvement l’importance

de ces résultats pour les matériaux réels.



It is shown that the long range Coulomb interaction between charged solitons is attrac- tive. The transition from the commensurate to the incommensurate state occurs therefore at finite soliton density. Such transition is of the first order. The relevance of those results to real materials is

briefly discussed.

J. Physique Lett. 46 (1985) L-819 - L-824 ler SEPTEMBRE 1985, 1


Physics Abstracts


Much of the recent theoretical interest in the field of quasi one-dimensional (ld) conductors is related to the concept of charged solitons [ 1, 2]. However, until now there is no conclusive experi-

mental evidence that such solitons exist [3, 4]. The purpose of this Letter is to discuss briefly one of

the possible reasons for the absence of such evidence, namely the long-range ( 1 - r) Coulomb

interaction between the soliton charges. For simplicity we shall be dealing here with phase soli- tons, although similar results apply to the amplitude solitons too.

Our starting point is the usual tight-binding (TB) Hamiltonian [5]

HSSH denotes the much studied Su-Schrieffer-Heeger [ 1, 2] part of the TB Hamiltonian and

(*) Permanent address.

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphyslet:019850046017081900



is the 1


r Coulomb interaction between the excess [5] charges in the unit cells n and m at dis- tance Rnm. The other electrostatic terms, which appear in the TB analysis [5] and depend on the

details of the electron distribution within the unit cell, are of the shorter range than H~ of equa- tion (2). They are therefore omitted here.

The long-range nature of H~ manifests itself in phenomena which involve large characteristic

lengths. Indeed earlier investigations [5] of the ordinary 1 - r phonons have revealed that longi-

tudinal phonons, unlike the transverse ones, activate H~. It will be seen here that similar conclu- sions hold for longitudinal and transverse phonons and for solitons.

Close to the commensurability of the order M # 2 it is customary to introduce the phase and

the amplitude of the order parameter t/J = I t/J ei~ by singling out the fast component of the dis-

placement with the wave vector 2 7r/M~ along the chain axis x [6]. Assuming that the tempera-

ture is sufficiently low to suppress the amplitude variations, the charge redistribution is associated with a phase gradient according to

where 5p denotes the extra charge due to electrons accumulated within the unit cell of longitudinal

dimension 2 TrAf/6’


AMn at the position x. The bar in equation (3) denotes the spatial averaging along the chain and the overall charge of the chain is conserved due to the second term in equa- tion (3). Although this usually small term is omitted [1, 2, 6, 7] it will prove important in the pre-

sence of 1


r Coulomb forces.

The Coulomb energy F~ corresponding to expression (3) is obtained by inserting expression (3)

in equation (2) and by changing the summation in the latter equation from the original dll to the

new Af~j. cells. This shows that the 1


r nature of F~ stems directly from the 1


r nature of H~

in the TB Hamiltonian ( 1 ). On the other hand the short-range redistribution of electrons within the Md~~ unit cell is entirely ignored in equation (3) and therefore in F~ too. The role of the short- range interactions has already been discussed at some length [8, 9], whereas the terms similar to

F~ were used earlier e.g. in reference [10] and more or less implicitly in reference [11].

F~ should be added to the usual free energy Fph of free phasons and to the sine-Gordon com-

mensurability term FM [12], arising from HssH of equation (1). It was recently argued that this sepa- ration which is obvious in the Peierls limit when the electron-phonon coupling constant ~, is larger

than the Coulomb coupling constant v = np e2/d~~ ( 1 > ~, > v), is also valid in the opposite case

1 > v > ~ [6~ 13]. The effect of large v can be absorbed in the value [6, 13] of the low temperature

gap L1 (i.e. in the value of the amplitude ~ ~ (), the form of the phase Hamiltonian remaining the

same as in the Peierls case. The equation of motion for the phase is thus

irrespectively of the ratio of £ and v, with




1~2 d M 2 2 ~ y§

Here [11] ~


~ M = ~(1 + 4J~~,)-~ ~ - j~T ’ and ~


1 + ~201320132013 is

Here [ 11 ] Ço = uF/d, u = uFC 1 + 4 d /~,cv2kF) , ~ ~ E B~/ and Eo - 1 + 3 v 3 d 2 d2 II ~ II is

the dielectric constant due to the single particle electron-hole excitations across the semiconduct-

ing gap J. Only the parallel component JE~ of the external fields couples to the phase.



The ground state configuration follows from the integro-differential equation obtained on

setting 0 in equation (4). Let us also assume Elixt = 0. In solving the resulting equation we

start with the observation that the commensurate § = ~o and the single harmonic § = xx confi-

gurations are the solutions of equations (4) and (5). Indeed in both cases 5p of equation (3) and

hence Ell and Fe vanish identically. These solutions thus correspond to an extremum of F provid- ed that 0 = 27r/Mand/


2 kF - GIM respectively, just as in the absence of the Coulomb term.

Let us now turn to the soliton lattices, which are the remaining solutions of the Coulomb-free, sine-Gordon problem. It can be expected on topological grounds that they continue to exist although in a modified form in the presence of F~ (i.e. Ell). In order to determine the nature of this modification let us first assume that v 1, and consider the commensurate-incommensurate

(CIC) transition. For v small it can be reasonably expected that the dilute soliton lattice remains a

reasonable concept, provided that the modification by Fe of the large distance behaviour is allow-

ed for. This implies that primarily the inter soliton distance d is altered whereas the soliton width I and the soliton form are less affected. Restricting ourselves for qualitative purposes to the single

chain solitons [1, 2] we thus assume

where the form

is taken over from the Id sine-Gordon theory [14]. Inserting the trial functions (6) and (7) in Fe

we get


is the Coulomb self energy of the soliton and

is the interaction energy of the solitons. The logarithmic singularity in equations (8) and (9) is

related to the logarithmic behaviour of the Id Fourier transform of the long-range Coulomb

interaction [6]. Equation (9) shows that the long-range interaction of solitons is attractive. The effective attraction arises from the compensating p g charge - 1 g 00 2 of equations (3)

7C ax AfM q ( )

and (6), which resides between the solitons. Negative Vs can also be understood as describing the tendency towards the cancellation of Coulomb forces in the single-harmonic solution 4> = Xx.

The attraction between solitons favours the multi-soliton configurations. Indeed, the mini-

mization of the total free energy F with respect to the two parameters d and 1 of equations (6) to (9)

leads to a transition from the commensurate phase to a soliton lattice of finite density. This transi-

tion is of the first order. It occurs for the band filling X = 2 kF - G/M equal to


L-822 JOURNAL DE PHYSIQUE - LETTRES The corresponding soliton width is

and the equilibrium distance, which results from the competition of the long-range Coulomb

attraction and the exponential, sine-Gordon repulsion is

Throughout the equations (10) the index zero denotes the familiar sine-Gordon values [14]

Xo = 4 101 =4 /b-/~0- As Xc > Xo the region of the commensurate phase is extended and the

’It n

soliton width I increased with respect to 10. The inter soliton distance d is modified (decreased)

in an essential way. In other words the Coulomb forces are smearing out the soliton lattice, making

the transition first order.

This is particularly clear on leaving the extreme weak coupling limit v log y~2013-7- ~/o ~jj 1. Let us

then consider the two parameter solution of the soliton lattice type [14]

which for p small is close to the single harmonic state. The Coulomb energy corresponding to equation (11) is

The minimization of the total F with respect to a and ~ gives

where flo


~/~~ Z~ 0 is the sine-Gordon value and v = 7E2 X log , The CIC transition j v x ~Z~)j II


value Xc must be sought under the assumption v > 1, because for v 1 it is given by equa-

tion (lOa). In this way we find

i.e. for large vxc tends to the value 1.1 Xo at which the commensurate phase exchanges its stability

with the single harmonic solution. The values of a, /3 and Fc at Xc are easily found from equa- tions (14), (13) and (12) : /! is considerably reduced with respect to flo, and the soliton lattice is smeared out again.

Equations (11) to (13) are meaningful not only at v > 1 of ( 14) but also for v 1 if this value of v is reached on assuming that x > Xc in either of the regimes (lOc) or (14). However this corres- ponds to the less interesting situation in which the soliton lattice (and thus the Coulomb effect)

is eliminated by the departure from the commensurability rather than by the Coulomb force itself.



In summary, the logarithmic Coulomb singularity, which appears in the expressions for xa

(I Oc) for v 1 and (14) for v > 1, makes the CIC transition first order. The result differs quali- tatively from that [8, 9] for the short-range forces which only broaden the solitons but conserve

the smooth CIC transition.

The logarithms appear due to the assumption that the soliton lattice is isolated on one chain.

In multi-chain materials charged soliton walls should be considered [15] instead. The 3d Coulomb

singularities are stronger than the Id logarithm one and the first order nature of the CIC transi- tion is then enhanced The appearence of the charged soliton walls is costly in Coulomb energy but not entirely prohibitive Yp due to the existence of compensating ~ g g charges - ! 7C 2013. 7~C

Let us finally briefly consider the relevance of the present results to the actual materials such as

TTF-TCNQ, conducting trichalcogenides and blue bronzes. As already mentioned above, v is entirely absent from the ground state energy of the C phase and, provided that it is not too

small, appears only asymptotically in the IC phase. v should be therefore determined from the excitations of those phases (full Eq. (4)) rather than from the ground state properties. In the single

harmonic limit of the IC phase the phason spectrum is known [11, 13] to contain in particular the

hard (9,, :--~ o~~/1.5 ~ longitudinal, beside the soft, transverse Frohlich mode c,~T : 0 (there

are other modes in between [ 13] ). a~L (and thus v) can be determined as the zero of the dielectric constant in the infrared range [11]. Alternatively v can be determined from the plasmon ultraviolet

zero of the dielectric constant [6]. It turns out [6] that v is the largest in TTF-TCNQ (u ~ 1) and

not very small (v ~ 0.1 ) in other materials. As concerns 6 it is the largest in TTF-TCNQ (M = 3)

and perhaps in o-TaS3 (M = 1) [16]. Indeed TTF-TCNQ or rather TSF-TCNQ is the only

material where the commensurability pinning due to FM has undoubtedly [ 17] been observed (in TSF-TCNQ 4 ~p ~ 2 kF - G is absent). The transition from the undistorted phase to the IC phase is 2nd order and to the M = 3 C phase 1 st order. However the first order nature of the CIC transition has not been observed either due to the experimental difficulties or to the electron and hole nature of the two types of chains which constitute those materials. Indeed if the structural transition concerns only [6] the electron chains the charges of the corresponding soliton lattice

are metallically screened by the hole chains. If on the other hand the transition involves both types of chains on equal footing it can lead to the alternation oppositely charged solitons on adjacent electron and hole chains. These possibilities, together with intermediate cases are

currently under investigation following the mode analysis of references [18] and [6]. Similar

remarks apply to o-TaS3, when it is described by the M = 1 model of weakly coupled inequiva-

lent chains [16]. In blue bronzes and in NbSe3 (M = 4) 6 is very small [6]. Indeed no commensu-

rability pinning was observed in those materials despite the very small values of X which attain 10-3 2 kF in blue bronzes [20]. Even such X corresponds to the x > Xc regime of equations (11)

to (13).


Useful discussions with J. Friedel and L. P. Gor’kov are gratefully acknowledged

This work has been partially supported by YU-US collaboration contract DOE 438.




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