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Kinematics of the equine back : a method to study the thoracolumbar flexion-extension movements at the trot


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Kinematics of the equine back : a method to study the thoracolumbar flexion-extension movements at the trot

Philippe Pourcelot, Fabrice Audigié, C. Degueurce, J.M. Denoix, D. Geiger

To cite this version:

Philippe Pourcelot, Fabrice Audigié, C. Degueurce, J.M. Denoix, D. Geiger. Kinematics of the equine back : a method to study the thoracolumbar flexion-extension movements at the trot. Veterinary Research, BioMed Central, 1998, 29 (6), pp.519-525. �hal-02690229�




Kinematics of the equine back:




study the thoracolumbar flexion-extension

movements at




Pourcelot Fabrice

Audigié Christophe Degueurce a

Jean Marie Denoix’ Didier


CI Equipe associée Inra biomécaniquc du cheval. École nationale vétérinaire d’Alfort, 7, Av. du Gal de Gaulle, 94704 Maiaona-Alfiort cedex, France


Equipe associée CNRS 7052, Laboratoire de mécanique physique. Université de Paris XII, l, 61, avenue du Gai de Gaulle, 94010 Creteii cedex, France

(Received 23 April 1998; accepted 24 July 1998)

Abstract - This study was conducted to evaluate a method tor quantifying the tlexion-extension movements of the back of horses trotting on a track in the conditions of the clinical lameness exami- nation. Using a 3-D kinematic analysis system, the successive positions of four markers placed at reg- ular intervals between the withers and the tuber sacrale were recorded. To isolate the flexion-extension

movements of the back, the positions of these four markers were recomputed in a trunk-related co-ordi-

nate system of the horse. Then, for each frame, the equation of the third-order polynomial that best fit- ted the position of the four markers was determined. Using these equations, it was then possible to inter- polate the vertical displacement of any point situated between the withers and the tuber sacrale. The accuracy of this method was evaluated using three additional markers placed between the four previ-

ous ones. The vertical displacements of these three markers were recorded and compared to the inter- polated displacements provided by this method. The results showed that the experimental and interpolated

values did not present any statistical difference except in the lumbar region, In this region, the general shape of the vertical displacement curve was conserved but magnified by 17 °;’,. This study showed that

despite the weakness of the range of the flexion-extension movements of the equine hack at trot, these

movements can be quantified with reliability. This method was then used on a lame horse. The results obtained demonstrated the usefulness of this method to study the tlexion-extension movements of horses suffering from various locomotor disorders. © InraElscvier, Paris.

spine / back / horse / kinematics / lameness

Résumé - Cinématique du dos chez le cheval : une méthode d’étude des mouvements de flexion-extension au trot. L’objectif de cette étude est d’évaluer une méthode de mesure des mou- vements de flexion-extension du dos de chevaux trottant sur une piste dans les conditions de l’exa-

men clinique des boiteries. À l’aide d’un système d’analyse cinématique 3-D, les positions succes-

sives de quatre marqueurs placés à intervalle régulicr entre le garrot et le tuber sacrale ont été

*Correspondence and reprints

Tel.: (33) (0) 1 43967049; fax: (33) (0) 1 43 96 31 62; c-mail: Pourcelo@vet-alfort.fr


enregistrées. Afin d’isoler les mouvements propres a la colonne vertébrale, les positions de ces

quatre marqueurs ont été recalculées dans un repère lié au tronc du cheval. Puis, pour chaque image, l’équation du polynôme du troisième degré passant par ces quatre marqueurs a été déterminée. À l’aide de ces équations, il fut alors possible d’interpoler le déplacement vertical de n’importe quel point situé

entre le garrot et le tuber sacrale. Cette méthode a été évaluée à l’aide de trois marqueurs supplé-

mentaires placés entre les quatre précédents. Les déplacements verticaux de ces trois marqueurs ont été enregistrés puis comparés aux déplacements théoriques fournis par la méthode. Les résultats obtenus ont montré que les valeurs expérimentales et théoriques ne présentaient aucune différence sta-

tistiquement significative sauf en région lombaire. Dans cette région, la forme générale du tracé des

déplacements verticaux théoriques n’était pas altérée ; en revanche l’amplitude de ce tracé se trouvait amplifiée de 17 %. Les résultats de cette étude ont montré que malgré la très faible amplitude de mobi-

lité en flexion-extension du dos d’un cheval au trot, ces mouvements peuvent néanmoins être quan- tifiés de façon fiable. Cette méthode a ensuite été exploitée sur un cheval boiteux. Les résultats obte-

nus ont montré l’intérêt de cette méthode dans l’étude quantitative des mouvements de flexion-extension du dos de chevaux souffrant d’affections de l’appareil loconurieur. © Inra/Elsevier, Paris.

colonne vertébrale / dos / cheval / cinématique / boiterie


Pathological patterns of locomotion are

sometimes observed on horses suffering

from back pains [4, 6, 8]; inversely, limb-

related lamenesses may have significant repercussions on the kinematics of the

equine back.

Many in vitro studies of the mobility of

the equine spine have been reported [5, 7, 15-17J, but no in vivo kinematic analysis

of the back movements of horses trotting

on a track has been carried out. This may be due to the weakness of the range of motion of the spine and consequently the difficulty in obtaining reliable data.

The aim of this study is to describe a

method for quantifying the flexion-exten- sion movements of the back of horses trot-

ting on a track in the conditions of the rou-

tine lameness examination. This method will be illustrated with results from a sound horse and a lame horse.


2.1. Method

Four markers are placed at specific levels on

the dorsal midline of the back of a horse (grey

markers infïgure /). The first marker (MI) is placed over the tuber sacrale, the second one

(M2) is placed at the top of the spinous process of the eighteenth thoracic vertebra or first lumbar vertebra, the third one (M3) at the level of the twelfth or thirteenth thoracic vertebra and the fourth one (M4) on the withers, i.e. at the level of the fifth or sixth thoracic vertebra. The trajecto-

ries of these markers are then collected using a

3-D kinematic analysis system.

The first step of data processing is to filter

the vertical displacements (z-co-ordinates) of

these markers using Fourier series. The filtered

displacements consist only of the first and second harmonic waves [ I I ] calculated over one stride

duration (figure 2). To isolate the tlexion!xten- sion movements of the back, the displacements of

the markers are expressed in the following trunk-

related co-ordinate system (figiii-e I):

- the origin of this co-ordinate system is rep- resented by the tuber sacrale marker (M 1 );

- the longitudinal axis (x-axis) is defined as the

line joining the tuber sacrate (Ml) and with-

ers (M4) markers;

- the transversal axis (y-axis) is nonnal to x-

axis and parallel to the ground;

- the vertical axis (z-axis) is normal to x- and y- axis.

The trajectories of the four markers are recom-

puted in this new co-ordinate system. As this co- ordinate system is trunk-related, the tuber sacrale marker (M I ) appeared static and the withers marker (M4) can only move along the x-axis.


For each frame of the stride, the third-order

polynomial that best fitted the (x, z) co-ordinates of the four markers is determined. The equation

of this polynomial permits computation of inter- polated points along the thoracolumbar spine

between the withers and the tuber sacrale.

A routine implementing this method was

developed and added to a more general computer program that tracks the markers on the 2-D video

images, calculates the 3-D co-ordinates of the markers and computes various parameters.

2.2. Experimental evaluation

of the method

A horse clinically free of lameness was fit- ted with four skin markers placed at specific lev-


els on the dorsal midline of its back, as described in the method. To evaluate the reliability of this method, a second set of three markers (m 1-2, m2-3, m3-4) was placed in the middle of the three segments defined by the four previous

markers (figure 1). Moreover, to identify the

stance phase, one additional marker was glued

to the dorsolateral wall of each fore hoof. The horse was then led by hand at a slow trot (3. I 1 ±

0.22 m/s) and filmed trotting on a track in a straight line until six correct runs were com-

pleted. The recordings were realised as previ- ously described [12, 14] using four 8-mm video

cameras (Sony FX 700E, 50 Hz, ) placed in such

a way that each side of the horse was filmed by

two cameras. The cameras were focused to image

a 5.50-m-long field of view and were synchro-

nised using a method previously described [ 13 1.

After digitisation of the 2-D video recordings,

the 3-D trajectories of the markers were calcu- lated using the direct linear transformation (D.L.T.) method [1,9, )0i. 1.

To assess the accuracy of the results provided by this method, the interpolated and experimen-

tal vertical displacements (z-axis) of the three markers m 1-2, m2-3 and m3-4 were compared.

The interpolated vertical displacements were computed using the equation of the third-order

polynomial calculated by the method. For each trial, one complete stride was analysed and two

different parameters were considered.

1) For each marker (ml-2, m2-3, m3-4), the

coefficient of correlation between the exper- imental and interpolated vertical displace-

ments was calculated.

2) For each stride, two ranges of vertical dis-

placement were calculated, one for the left

diagonal stance phase (left forelimb, right hindlimb) and one for the right diagonal

stance phase (right forelimb, left hindlimb).

These calculations were performed for both experimental and interpolated displacements.

For each marker, the interpolated values

obtained were compared to the experimental

ones using a paired t-test. A P value < 0.05

was considered to be significant.

2.3. Example of use of this method A horse, moderately lame at a trot, suffering

from a right tarsal osteoarthritis (bone spavin)

fitted with four markers on its back was recorded

as described above. Using the method previously

described the trajectories of 20 interpolated points regularly spaced along its thoracolumbar spine

were calculated. Such a number of points was

chosen because it corresponds to the number of vertebrae situated between the withers and the tuber sacrale.


3.1. Experimental evaluation

In tab(e I the coefficients of correlation obtained between the experimental and inter- polated vertical displacements are presented.

These coefficients were all larger than 0.96 except for trial number 5 where a value of 0.94 was observed for m3-4.


Table II presents the mean ranges of the vertical displacements for both experimen-

tal and interpolated displacements. The inter- polated values obtained for the ml-2 were

significantly higher (+17 %) than the exper- imental ones.

3.2. Results obtained for a lame horse

Figure 3 presents the trajectories of the

20 interpolated points obtained during the

first of the six trials. Numbering the points

from left (tuber sacrale) to right (withers),

the maximal range of vertical displacement (average of six trials) was observed for point

number 1 1 for the sound diagonal stance phase. This point corresponds approximately

to the fifteenth thoracic vertebra. Its mean

value was 2.1 1 ± 0.14 cm. This value was

significantly higher (P < 0.05) than the one obtained for the lame diagonal stance phase

for which a mean value of 1.61 ± 0.12 cm

was found. Moreover, this value was not observed for point number 1 1 but for point

number 13, that is to say approximately the

thirteenth thoracic vertebra.


To record the kinematics of two strides of

a horse trotting on a track, a 5.50-m-long

field of view is needed. As mentioned in the

Introduction, the range of motion of the

spine is very small and consequently it is


necessary to filter the random errors (noise)

caused by the digitisation process to obtain reliable data. If we assume that the vertical

displacements of markers placed on the back

of a sound or a lame trotting horse are 1 ) periodic and 2) consist of an asymmetrical part and a symmetrical part [ 11 these dis- placements can be modelled using Fourier

series. It is then possible to filter these ver-

tical displacements by calculating only the

first (asymmetrical part) and the second

(symmetrical part) harmonic waves.

As proved by the high values of coeffi- cients of correlation observed between the

experimental and interpolated vertical dis-

placements, this method does not alter the

general shape of the curves. In the same

way, the interpolated ranges of the vertical

displacement were not altered using this

method except for the marker m 1-2 where

a significant difference was observed with the experimental ranges. For this marker the

general shape of the interpolated vertical displacement was maintained but its range

was magnified.

This method provides a non-invasive

means of evaluating the mobility of the back.

Nevertheless, two main types of error may alter the results.

1 ) The resolution of the system may affect the 3-D co-ordinates of the markers. In the

experimental conditions used in this study,

the resolution of the system has been eval- uated at 0.4 cm. This value is the maximal

error of location of a moving marker in an

absolute co-ordinate system. This error is mainly due to systematic errors resulting

from lens distortions [3] and, consequently,

is dependent on the location of the marker in the workspace. On the other hand, the rela- tive error made on the displacement of a moving marker in a part of the field of view is lower and estimated at 1 mm in our exper- imental conditions.

2) The use of skin markers introduces a sec-

ond source of error. First, errors are made in marker placement, and second the move- ments recorded are those of the skin and not

those of the underlying skeletal structures.

Audigié et al. [2J showed that errors in marker placement can reach 2 cm for the proximal joints of the limbs while Van Weeren [18j quantified the skin displace-

ments with respect to the underlying bones

of the limbs but no systematic study of the

effects of these errors for markers placed

over spinous processes has been reported.

Our technique has a clinical usefulness and was mainly developed for that purpose.

We used the lame horse merely as an exam-

ple. It is not the purpose here to make an assessment of the effects of a lameness, but

to show that the possibility exists.

The results obtained in this method demonstrate the interest of kinematic tech-

niques to measure phenomena difficult to quantify by visual observation. Using this approach, a systematic study will be under-

taken to compare the flexion-extension of the back of a group of sound horses with those of horses suffering from various loco-

motor disorders.


The authors wish to acknowledge their gratitude to Patricia Perrot and Benoit Bousseau for their important contributions.

This study was supported by the Institut national de la recherche agronomique and

the Service des haras et de 1’equitation.


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