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Canada: Inflation Hits a Ten-Year HighBy Benoit P. Durocher, Senior Economist


Academic year: 2022

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Desjardins, Economic Studies: 514‑281‑2336 or 1 866‑866‑7000, ext. 5552336 • desjardins.economics@desjardins.com • desjardins.com/economics

NOTE TO READERS: The letters k, M and B are used in texts and tables to refer to thousands, millions and billions respectively.

IMPORTANT: This document is based on public information and may under no circumstances be used or construed as a commitment by Desjardins Group. While the information provided has been determined on the basis of data obtained from sources that are deemed to be reliable, Desjardins Group in no way warrants that the information is accurate or complete. The document is provided solely for information purposes and does not constitute an offer or solicitation for purchase or sale. Desjardins Group takes no responsibility for the consequences of any decision whatsoever made on the basis of the data contained herein and does not hereby undertake to provide any advice, notably in the area of investment services. The data on prices or margins are provided for information purposes and may be modified at any time, based on such factors as market conditions. The past performances and projections expressed herein are no guarantee of future performance. The opinions and forecasts contained herein are, unless otherwise indicated, those of the document’s authors and do not represent the opinions of any other person or the official position of Desjardins Group. Copyright © 2021, Desjardins Group. All rights reserved.

Canada: Inflation Hits a Ten-Year High

By Benoit P. Durocher, Senior Economist


f The consumer price index (CPI) rose 0.6% in July.

f The main components contributing to this increase are gasoline (+3.5%), other owned accommodation expenses (+1.4%), meat (+2.4%), homeowners’ replacement cost (+0.9%) and telephone services (+3.4%).

f In contrast, the biggest downward contributors were mortgage interest costs (‑0.6%), fresh fruit (‑2.1%),

passenger vehicle insurance premiums (‑1.1%), non‑alcoholic beverages (‑2.6%), and preserved fruit and fruit

preparations (‑2.9%).

f The total annual inflation rate increased from 3.1% to 3.7%.

f The annual average variation in the Bank of Canada’s (BoC) three benchmark indexes rose to 2.5% from 2.3% the previous month.


The pickup in inflation in July was greater than expected.

At 3.7%, the annual variation in the total CPI has just reached a peak not seen since May 2011. With a 30.9% increase over a year, gasoline prices continue to weigh heavily in the balance. In theory, this effect should gradually dissipate over the next few months.

However, several other factors are also significantly contributing to higher price growth. The recent sharp rise in property prices is causing the homeowners’ replacement cost component to rise sharply. However, keeping interest rates very low, which reduces the mortgage interest cost component, is not enough to reverse the upward trend in housing prices.

In addition, imbalances between supply and demand are causing some prices to accelerate. For example, motor vehicle prices are up 5.5% over the past year. After several months in negative territory, the annual variation in traveller accommodation prices


has just rebounded with a 7.4% increase. Upward pressure on prices is clearly becoming more widespread. Just over 50% of the components of the CPI basket showed annual price growth above 3% in July.


Fears about exaggerated inflation are far from over. Several temporary factors are at play here, however, and are expected to gradually fade over the coming months. If this does not happen, the BoC may be forced to speed up the normalization of its monetary policy.


Total inflation continues to rise

Sources: Statistics Canada, Bank of Canada and Desjardins, Economic Studies Consumer price index (CPI) Annual variation in %

-0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Total CPI Range of core inflation measures


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