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Evidence of a donor-acceptor type transition in CuGaSe2


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1980

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Evidence of a donor-acceptor type transition in CuGaSe2

A. Poure, G. Aguero, G. Masse, J.P. Aicardi

To cite this version:

A. Poure, G. Aguero, G. Masse, J.P. Aicardi. Evidence of a donor-acceptor type transition in CuGaSe2.

Journal de Physique, 1980, 41 (7), pp.707-712. �10.1051/jphys:01980004107070700�. �jpa-00209296�


Evidence of a donor-acceptor type transition in CuGaSe2

A. Poure, G. Aguero, G. Masse and J. P. Aicardi

Laboratoire de Physique du Solide, Université de Perpignan,


de Villeneuve, 66025 Perpignan Cedex, France (Reçu le 3 octobre 1979, révisé le 22 janvier, accepté le 28 février 1980)



Nous faisons des mesures de spectroscopie résolue


temps (T.R.S.) sur


bande d’émission large

de CuGaSe2, centrée à 1,59 eV de largeur 40 meV la température de l’hélium liquide). Le comportement du déclin est mesure à 4 K pour différentes énergies dans la bande d’émission. Nous montrons que les résultats expé-

rimentaux sont



avec un

modèle du type donneur-accepteur.

L’étude du déplacement


T.R.S. permet de déduire par lissage :


la valeur du demi-rayon de Bohr du niveau le moins profond RB


5,6 A (le centre le moins profond est donc

à 70 meV



2014 la probabilité maximum de transition WMAx = 108 s-1;

2014 la valeur de h03BD~


1,53 eV.

Les courbes de déclin théorique et expérimentale sont


bon accord pour


concentration du porteur majo-

ritaire N


8 1017/cm3.



Measurements of spectrum shift


made by


of time resolved spectroscopy (T.R.S.)



broad emission band of CuGaSe2, peaked at 1.59 eV with


width of 40 meV (at liquid helium temperature).

The behaviour of the decay is measured at 4 K for different emission band energies. We will show that the expe- rimental results are in agreement with


donor-acceptor model.

From the shift of the spectra in T.R.S.

we can

fit :

2014 the Bohr-half-radius value RB


5.6 Å (the shallowest centre is at least at 70 meV) ;

2014 the maximum radiative transition probability WMAX


108 s-1;

2014 the value hv~


1.53 eV.

The theoretical and experimental decay

curves are

in good agreement for


preponderant impurity concentration of N = 8 1017/cm3. By using these various parameters


observe that theoretical and experimental T.R.S.




Classification Physics Abstracts

78 . 60H

1. Introduction.


CuGaSe2 is a semi-conductor of the I-III-VI2 type which cristallizes in the chalco-

pyrite system (space group 142d) [1]. Through absorption, electro-reflectance and modulated reflec-

tivity measurements, it has been established that

CuGaSe2 is a direct gap semi-conductor [2-5].

The temperature dependence of the gap is given by [6] :


Electrical measurements show that the conducti-

vity of this material is hightly influenced by the impu-

rities : we can vary the resistivity of this material from 5 x 10- 2 Q cm to 10 MQ cm.

N. Yamamoto gives the value of the gap according

to the position of the exciton [7] (E,


1.711 eV at

20 K). There is only one paper available on the lumi-

nescence of this compound [8]. The results remain of

a qualitative order as the authors give no interpre-

tation of the emission observed.

We have studied the cathodoluminescence of syn- thetic crystals provided by L. Mandel (Salford Uni- versity). In this paper, measurements are carried ou

under electron bombardment at liquid helium tempe-


We use a 25 kV electron gun with an ajustable

electronic density of bombardment (up to 1 mA/mm2).

The electron beam is modulated at the Wehnelt with

an impulsion duration of 1 lis at a frequency of

10 kHz. The rise and fall time is less than 20 ns.

We use a 7 140 type Oriel spectrometer fitted with

a 600 lines/mm grating (Blaze wavelength of 1 Um), a

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01980004107070700



Si cathode photomultiplicator cooled by Peltier

effect. The T.R.S. and lifetime measurements are

performed with a P.A.R. 162 type box-car integrator.

The luminescence observed appears like a broad band (40 meV wide) peaked at 1.59 eV at liquid

helium temperature. Experimental methods used for this study are time-resolved spectroscopy (T.R.S.)

and luminescence decay..

2. Theoretical notion about donors-acceptors.


F. Williams has already studied and developed this

model in the field of semi-conductors and insula- tors [9]. D. G. Thomas and J. J. Hopfield [10] observe donor-acceptor pairs luminescence in GaP and deve-

lop a theory on their kinetic of recombination.

The energy of the photon emitted in a model of the

donor-acceptor-pair type is given by the relation :

Eg is the width of the forbidden band, EA and ED

the acceptor and donor level depths, e2 j Kg r is the

Coulombic interaction energy. The function f(r) is

a correction to the Coulombic interaction ; since it only comes into effect for very close-set pairs, we

may overlook it. From formula (1) we see that as the

distance between pairs, r, decreases, the energy of the photon emitted increases. As the donor and acceptor ought to be situated at precise points of

the lattice, only certain discrete values of r are allowed and for the smallest of these a sharp line spectrum should appear; for greater values a broad band is to be seen. The transition probability W(r) between

the donor and the acceptor, in units of time is for- mulated proportionally to the square of the matrix element which brings into effect the overlap integral

of the hydrogenous envelopes FD(r) and FA(r) of the

donors and acceptors :

As the interpair distance increases, the transition probability ought to decrease. Moreover, when we

assume that the electron is loosely bound to the donor, the latter is totally represented by a quasi- hydrogen model, the radiative transition probability W(r) between associated donor-acceptor pairs dis-

tant by r is given by :

where W MAX is a constant and RB the Bohr-half-radius of the shallowest state.

This equation is correct if we restrict ourselves to the effective mass approximation. However, it may be applied to deeper levels with a fictitious RB where

this approximation is no longer exact.

From the above, this kind of model ought to show

a spectrum of lines in the high energy field. Yet no

observation of such structures has ever been reported

in direct-gap semi-conductors. In this case the emis- sion takes the form of a broad band composed of

non-resolved lines stemming from different pairs at

different distances.

Time resolved spectroscopy enables us to observe the spectrum at different times after the end of exci- tation. In the donor-acceptor case we observe a shift

of the emission band towards low energies when t

increases (t-shift). Indeed, most of the close-set pairs,

that is to say those in which the transition probability

is maximal, no longer participate in this lumines-

cence. The t-shift is the first criterium used in the

donor-acceptor transition. The second criterium used is that of spectrum variation according to excitation intensity ( j-shift). This is expressed by a shift of the spectrum towards high energies as the excitation

intensity increases.

The study of light decay at different wavelengths

shows a t -" type law. The rate of decay becomes

more rapid when the energy in the band increases.

3. Experimental results.




Figure 1 represents the lumines-

cence spectrum at t


0. Two emission bands are

observed : one peaked at 1.63 eV, the other at 1.59 eV.

We choose to study the band peaked at 1.59 eV.

At 1.63 eV, the emission has a short lifetime and

disappears rapidly in the T.R.S. spectra.

Fig. 1.


Emission spectrum at t = 0 (liquid helium temperature).

Figure 2 represents the time resolved spectra at liquid helium temperature. We observe that the spectrum shifts towards lower energies as the time

after the excitation increases. There is a distortion of the spectrum on the high energy side and a slight

decrease of the half-width. The total shift of the maximum position is about 30 meV (between the

time zero and 100 Us).


Fig. 2.


Time resolved emission spectra :

a --> t =

0 ;

b -+ t = 800 ns; c -+ t = 2 J1S; d -+ t = 8 J1S; e -+ t = 100 J1S.



We observe the luminescence

decay at different energies inside the emission band.

Except at the early time these curves obey a law of

the form I


t - ", n values are compiled in table I.

Table I.


Variation versus E deduced from I= t -


3.3 DISCUSSION. - The t-shift can be considered

as the characteristic criterium of the pair recombina-

tion mechanism.

The total variation (30 meV) of the band position

after the end of the excitation can be attributed in the first approximation to the difference between the coulombic energy (e2/Ks r) for the close-set pairs

and the pairs furthest apart.

In the case of CuGaSe2, the lattice constant is

equal to a


4.614 A. The static dielectric constant is A% = 9. We obtain a limit of the coulombic energy for the close-set pairs equal to 300 meV.

The observed variation indicates a radius of 40 À

for the close-set pairs.

For such a value of the intra-pairs distance, f(r)

can be neglected in equation (1) [11].

For the study of the emission peaked at 1.59 eV

we shall use the formula :

We did not notice any shift as a function of exci- tation. Actually, the excitation range was not suffi- cient to show any shift.

In conclusion we favour the existence of a donor- acceptor model. The study of the luminescence decay

enables us to confirm this interpretation : the lifetime increases as the energy decreases.

In the first part, we show the total behaviour of

luminescence. In the second part, we confirm our

model, by measurement of the fundamental values

(level depth, Bohr radius, maximum transition pro-


4. Determnnation of fondamental parameters and application to the stady of total decay of hnminescence and sepctra shapes. 4 , 1 DETERMINATION OF THE

and spectra shapes. - 4. 1 DETERMINATION OF THE



4 .1.1 Theory.

-1n the non-compensated case, the basic hypothesis

is that depopulation of the centres is homogeneous

and the time decay of the zero-phonon line may be

written in the form :

where K is a constant and Q(t) > is the average

decay of the neutral donors (acceptors) and Ec the

coulombic energy.

In the compensated case, formula (3) is still avai- lable in the hypothesis that donor-acceptor tunneling

is always slower than the redistribution of the carriers

on the shallowest centres. Therefore the population

of these centres remains homogeneous as in the previous case.

If we derive (3) we obtain the Coulomb energy variation law for the emission peak maximum at a given time t [12].

From this we deduoe :

4.1.2 Experimental study.


For the pairs fur-

thest apart, the coulombic energy is approximately

zero. The emission is peaked at :

We determine this value on the long time T.R.S.

spectrum in the low energy wing. We calculate

Table II. - T.R.S. results.



Table II gives T.R.S. results and enables us to calculate Ee MAX for the emission peak maximum.

Formula (4) can be written in the form :

with x



By fitting our results to the last formula we find :

In the hydrogeneous approximation the shallowest level depth would then be : 73 meV.

The results of this fitting are given in table III.

Table III.


Peak emission energies versus time (two parameters fitting).

Without estimating hl’oo as previously, we now fit

our results with the three parameters RB, hi,. and WMAX.

Formula (4) becomes :

where X


ho (peak emission energy).

By fitting to this formula we find :

The new values of hi,


f(t) calculated with these parameters are compiled in table IV.

We deduce for the shallowest level depth : 71 meV

and the value of hl’oo


1.53 eV which is quite similar

to the estimation we first made from the low energy

wing in the long time T.R.S. spectrum.

So we will now use :

Table IV.


Peak emission energies versus time (three

parameters fitting).


Theory [10].


Non compensated case (lst case) NA > ND,

Q(t) > is the average probability that the electron is on the donor

where n is the concentration of the preponderant impurity.

The light intensity I(t) is given by :


Compensated case ND



In this case, it is more difficult to calculate the

decay. We find that Q(t) )comp is given by :



and we deduce

with the results obtained in the non compensated

case, we can calculate I(T)n.comp x 6(r) >n.comp and


the corresponding t of the compensated case by for-


We calculated formulas (6) and (8) on a Mitra 15 CII calculator.

We show the total decay for different values of the

impurity concentration and for the calculated values

RB and WmAx in the non compensated case (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3.


Theoretical total-light-decay


for the values of



108 s-1 and RB


5.6 A for several concentrations.

The shape of the curves is strongly influenced by

the product nRB. Although the parameter WMAX

affects the position of the curves, it does not affect

their shape.

In our case, as the function Q(t) > remains cons-

tant (Q(t) N 1) over the time range involved, the

curves of the non compensated case are similar with the compensated ones.

, 4.2.2 Experimental results. - Previous calcula- tions are only correct if all the pairs involved in the broad band have been initially saturated. In our

experiments this condition has been fulfilled. Figure 4 represents the luminescence decay in a time range between 10-’ s and 10-4 s.

The comparison between previously calculated

Fig. 4.


Experimental total-light-decay


(points). Theore-

tical total-light-decay


for n = 8


1017/CM3 (solid).

curves and the total decay curve obtained by experi-

ment shows a good agreement in the case of a dopage

n = 8 x 1017/cm3 .

This value would appear to be compatible with the impurity concentration of that compound.



The shape of the spectrum at different times, in function of energy is given by formula (3).

From this expression, we can see that the concen-

tration only intervenes in Q(t) >.

We calculated formula (3) at different times.

Results are given on figure 5.


We observe that in the case of close-set pairs (at early times) theoretical spectra follow the experi-

mental curves on the high energy side.

When time increases, the spectral shift on the high

energy side is characteristic of donor-acceptor beha-

viour. On the low energy side the variation between calculated and experimental curves is important,

even at early times.

For long times, experiment doesn’t fit at all with

theory, the emission seems govemed by vibration

effects. It would be interesting to correct the theore- tical spectra given by equation (3) with the additional

assumption that the pairs radiate with a spectral shape given by the long time curve (figure 2 spec- trum e) and to compare them with the experimental

curves [10].



Fig. 5.




for the spectra assuming that



of separation


radiates only at the photon energy given by eq. (1) (solid).

a -->



800 ns ; b - t


2 uS;

c -



8 ps; d --> t


20 ps;

e - t =

100 ps. Experimental time resolved


at t





5. Conclasion.


This study has enabled us to characterize and to calculate the fundamental para- meters which intervene in a donor-acceptor model

transition. The hypothesis is supported by time

resolved spectroscopy and by lifetime decay within

the spectrum.

The calculation of the shallowest level depth and

recombination probability has enabled us to calculate

decay curves as well as spectrum evolution in func- tion of time.

A comparison between theoretical and experimen-

tal curves shows that EB, RB and W MAX values seem


Yamamoto observed [8] a donor-acceptor emission

at 1.59 eV (110 K). The donor would be a Se-vacancy,

the acceptor a Cu-vacancy. Comparing with CuGaS2,

he deduces the acceptor and the donor depths (EA


40 meV, ED


80 meV) .A

His study is only qualitative, he doesn’t confirm the model by any T.R.S. experiment. As far as we

are concemed, the emission peaked at 1.59 eV is

observed at helium liquid temperature, at 110 K the emission cannot be detected any more. Heat treat- ments on the as-grown material would enable us to confirm Yamamoto’s hypothesis on the activator and coactivator.


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