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Angiotensin receptors from rat liver, brain and pituitary gland. Expression of two subtypes in Xenopus oocytes


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Angiotensin receptors from rat liver, brain and pituitary

gland. Expression of two subtypes in Xenopus oocytes

Bernard Cantau, Sylvain Bartolami, Pierre Baskevitch, Frank Desarnaud,

Daniele Chicot, Serge Jard

To cite this version:









pituitary gland

Expression of



in Xenopus


Bernard CANTAU, Sylvain BARTOLAMI,

Pierre P.









Centre CNRS-INSERM de Pharmacologie-Endocrinologie, 34094 Montpellier Cedex 5, France

Xenopus laevis oocytes were used to express angiotensin receptors encoded by mRNAs extracted from rat liver, adenohypophysis and brain. Groupsof tenmRNA-injected oocyteswere loaded with 45Ca2+ and theresponsiveness to

angiotensinII (AII)and related molecules testedby monitoring45Ca2+outflux. A II and angiotensin III (A III) induced amarkedand transient increase in 46Ca2+ outflux frommRNA, but not from control, water-injected, oocytes. The increase over basal value of 45Ca2+ outflux during a 5min application period of A II or A III was used as a response index. Observed responses were of high magnitude, reproducible and dose-dependent. For these reasons, mRNA-injected

oocytesconstituteavaluablesystemforinvestigatingthepharmacological propertiesofangiotensinreceptors from tissues of differentoriginunder experimental conditionswhicheliminatetissue-specificinterference whichmight be encountered in classical binding studies on acellular preparations. We demonstrate a fairly good parallelism between the relative

potencies ofAI,A IIandA III inelicitinganincreasein45Ca2+ outfluxfromliver andadenohypophyseal mRNA-injected

oocytes and the relative affinities of these peptides for binding to liver or adenohypophyseal membranes

(AII >A III > AI). Thepredominantreceptor subtype expressed bybrain mRNA discriminated verypoorly between A IIandAIII,whereasangiotensin receptorsexpressed byliveroradenohypophysealmRNAdiscriminatedbetween AII andAIII veryefficiently.


Angiotensin II (A II) and/or angiotensin III (A III) exert a

wide variety ofactions on multiple targets in the kidney, the cardiovascularand endocrine(pituitary gland, adrenals)systems,

thegenital tractand the liver. Also, several areasin the central or peripheral nervous system (see [1] for a review) have been

identified as putative targets for locally produced AII or AII



the existence of several subtypes ofreceptors

wasthensuggested. Two angiotensin-receptor subtypes, named

A and B, [5-9] have recently been characterized. Theycan be

distinguished on the basis of differences in affinity for recently

designed non-peptide orpeptide antagonists and differences in

sensitivity to dithiothreitol. Yet, in the brain, the problem of identifying and characterizing angiotensin-receptor subtypes has

not been completely resolved. Bennett & Snyder [10,11] have shown thatAIIhadaloweraffinity for the brainreceptorsthan A III. Accordingto Harding & Felix [12], A III ismore potent

than AII inelicitinganelectrophysiological responsein therat

paraventricular nucleus [13,14]. Moreover,125I-A III binds speci-fically, and with high affinity, to ratbrainmembranes[15]. The relationship between theputative brain A III receptorsand the A-receptor subtype identifiedatthe periphery hasnotyet been explored. The major difficulties encountered for the character-ization of brain angiotensin receptors on the basis of direct

bindingmeasurementsarelinkedtoreceptorheterogeneity, low density and uncontrolled degradation of the labelled and

un-labelledligands used.

A number ofrecent studies demonstrated that receptors for several peptide hormones can be expressed in oocytes from

Xenopus laevis afterinjection ofmRNA fromreceptor-containing tissues [16-20]. The present workwas intended to evaluate the usefulnessoftheXenopusoocyteexpression systemtoinvestigate andcomparethepharmacological propertiesofbrainangiotensin receptors and peripheral AII receptors from liver and

adeno-hypophysis. AII receptors were detected and quantified by

measuring hormone-induced Ca2+ release from 45Ca2+-loaded oocytes. This method was used in the present study for the followingreasons: (1) each individual determination -is derived fromagroupoftenoocytes;theinfluence ofcell-to-cellvariability in the numberandproperties of angiotensinreceptorsis therefore minimized;(2) for the determination of dose-response relation-ships, each group of ten oocytes is utilized only once; thus,

interference by agonist-induced desensitization and (or) time-dependent changesinresponsiveness iseliminated.

Weshow that A IIreceptorsexpressed from mRNA extracted from liver andadenohypophysis exhibited pharmacological

pro-perties similar to those found on liver and adenohypophyseal

membranes. Results obtained with brain mRNA revealed that receptorswhichverypoorly discriminate betweenA IIandA III contributed predominantly tothe overall oocyteresponse.


AnimalusedwereWistarrats(180-200gbody wt.) purchased

fromIFFA-Credo (Lyon, France). Xenopus laeviswereobtained

fromalocal(Montpellier, France) breedingcentre.AI,AIIand

AIII, and acetylcholine,werepurchased from Sigma (St. Louis,

MO, U.S.A.). The angiotensin antagonist[Sar',Ala8]AII (Sara-lasin) was purchased from Bachem (Bubendorf, Switzerland).

The iodinated peptide [Sarl,1251-Tyr4,Phe8]AII (125I-[Sar,Phe]-AII)wasprepared by the method of Fraker & Speck [23].

Isolation andpurification ofpolyadenylated Ipoly(A)I+ RNA Poly(A)+ RNAwasisolatedfromratliver, brain and pituitary gland. Immediately after isolation, theorganswererinsed twice with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), pH 7.4, at 0'C. The temperature was maintained at0'C during the whole process.

Total RNAwasobtainedby the method of Chirgwinetal. [24], Abbreviations used: AI,A II and AIII, angiotensin I,IIandIII;



[Sar',"25I-Tyr,Phe]angiotensin; poly(A)+,



B.Cantauand others

asmodifiedby Chomczymski& Sacchi[25]. Poly(A)+RNAwas isolated byoligo(dT)-cellulose chromatography andquantified spectrophotometrically [26]. Poly(A)+ RNA was dissolved at a

concentration of 0.5-1.0mg/ml in autoclaved twice-distilled waterand stored at -80°C until use.

Injection into Xenopus oocytes

Oocytes (Stage V/VI) from Xenopus laevis were manually

selected and storedinmodifiedBarth's saline solution(MBSH) containing Hepesbuffer(10mm,pH 7.4),


(10,ug/ml), streptomycin (2


and ovomucoid trypsin inhibitor (0.1 mg/ml). The selected oocytes were


in the animal pole (part of the egg'ssurface with the least concentration ofyolk)

with 50 nlofaq. mRNAorthesamevolumeofultrapurewater.

Microinjections were performed using a 10 ,u Drummond micropipette fixed on a MM-3 Narishige (Kyoto, Japan) micromanipulator.

Measurementof calcium outflux frominjected oocytes


outflux frominjectedoocyteswasmeasuredaspreviously

described [21,22]. Briefly, immediately after injection, oocytes were incubated for 48 h at 18°C in MBSH buffer containing

50,tCi of


Thislongincubationperiodwasselected in order to eliminate angiotensin-induced Ca2+ release by

non-injectedoocytes.Indeed,it has been shown[27,28],andconfirmed

in the presentstudy (resultsnotshown), that A II and A III can induce a Ca2+ response by freshly water-injected oocytes. This AII-induced mobilization of Ca2+ takes place via an action on follicle cells that is transmitted to the oocyte through gap

junctions [27]. Thisindirect oocyte response ismarkedly atten-uated after incubating isolated oocytes for 24-48 h.

45Ca2+-loaded oocyteswereselectedonthe basisoftheir morphological

integrity, as evaluated from examination under a stereoscopic

(M-3)Wild-Leitzmicroscope. Theywerewashed four times with 2ml ofMBSH buffer at room temperature and distributed in groups of ten in Nunc multi-well dishes (16 mm in diameter). Each well contained 0.5 ml of MBSH buffer at 18 'C. Ca2+ releasedduringa5-10 minperiod after washing was determined.

Groups of oocytes exhibiting very high spontaneous release

(about 1/5) were discarded. For the remaining groups, the medium was renewed every 5 min and its 45Ca2+ content de-termined. 45Ca2+ effluxwasfirst measured under basal conditions

during a period of 30 min. The agonist to be tested was then

applied for5min, and theCa2+ efflux during sixsuccessive 5 min

periods. Inallexperiments, oocytesinjectedwith 50 nlof water were used as a control. The response to these oocytes to a

stimulation ofmuscariniccholinergic receptors, which are

nat-urally expressed by oocytes [29],wastested.

Binding assaysonpurifiedmembranes

Ratliverplasmamembraneswereprepared frommale Wistar rats asdescribedbyNeville[30]uptostep 11. Membranes were

stored in


N2 until use. After


the membrane





was diluted in a solution (binding buffer) composed of50mM-Tris/HCl, pH 7.4, 10


(1 mg/ml).



at 27000 g for 10min at 4'C and resuspended in the binding

buffer. Binding


were conducted as described

pre-viously by


[31]. Membranes

(10,ug/assay)were incubated for 30 min at 30 'C in a total volume of








II. Non-specific bindingwasdetermined inthe presenceofunlabelled



(1 uM).



constants forthe unlabelled

peptides were determined incompetition experiments.


wasmeasured in the presenceofa constant amount(0.07-0.1 nM)



II and increasing amounts of the competing peptides.

Pituitary glands were isolated from Wistar rats, washed at 0 IC in 1 ml of a solution composed of 10 mM-phosphate buffer, pH 7.2, 1 mM-EGTA and 10% (w/w) sucrose. Plasma mem-branes were prepared as previously described


with small modifications. Briefly, pituitary glands were homogenized in a 1 ml-capacity glass/Teflon homogenizer in washing buffer (0.5 ml for threeglands). The crude homogenate was filtered through a nylon filter (200,m pore size) and centrifuged at 10000 g for 15 min. The pellet was resuspended in 0.75 ml ofbuffer, then filtered andcentrifuged as indicated above. The pellet was then resuspended in 20mM-phosphate buffer, pH 7.5, containing BSA

(1 mg/ml), bacitracin (0.5mg/ml) and 10mM-MgCl2. Binding

assays were performed onfreshly prepared membranes. Condi-tions were asindicated forbinding assays on liver membranes,

exceptfor the membraneproteincontent, which was 50



Fig. 1 shows the results of a typical experiment performed with agroupof ten oocytes injected with 50 ng of rat liver mRNA and two control groups often water-injected oocytes. Basal Ca2+ outfluxmeasured during six successive 5min periods was stable and comparableformRNA-and water-injected oocytes. In some

experimentsatime-dependentdecrease in basal Ca2+outflux was

observed, but in most cases a stable value was reached within 30min. Addition ofA 11 (100nM) to the incubation medium of liver mRNA-injected oocytes induced a marked, but transient,

2 c 1 0 20 40 50 60


L) ACh ci



Li CD tD 1 -a) 0 50 60 °-1 All 2- (c) o - ---0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Time(min)

Fig.1.Angiotensin- and acetylcholine (ACh)-induced increase in 45Ca"




The Figure showsatypical experiment performedwith three groups



oocytes.Oocytesfromtwogroups (a andb) were

injected with50nlofwater.Oocytesfrom thethirdgroup(c) were

injected with 50 ngof livermRNA in 50nl ofaqueous solution.


outflux during successive 5 min periods was determined.

Notethatinall threegroups basal45Ca2+outflux duringthefirstfive

successive 5 min periods remained stable or slightly decreased.

Applicationof100nM-A II for 5mininducedarapid and transient increase in45Ca2+outflux by liver mRNA-injectedoocytes(c), but

notby water-injected oocytes(a). Acetylcholine (1 mM)induceda

rapid andtransientincrease in

45Ca2+ outfiux

bybothwater-inected (b) and liver mRNA-injected oocytes(c).



Liver mRNA E Q. 12 e U, cn D a-+ 8 C4 co = 0 0 x 0 0 25-20 - 15- 10- 5-O. r=0.98


=6nM n=0.83 -/-.-7.-. -9-8'-7-6

Liver mRNA injected (ng)

Fig. 2. Effect ofincreasingthe amount ofinjected mRNAOnthemagnitude ofAII-inducedincrease in



Groups oftenoocytes were injected with the indicated amounts of liver mRNA (0-25.2 ng), 45Ca2l-loaded, and tested for their responsivenessto amaximalconcentration of A II. Theexperimental design was similar to that shown in Fig. 1. The magnitude of the response to A II stimulation was measured as the increase over basal valueof45Ca2"outflux after the 5min period exposure to A II. The Figure shows the results of one experiment representative of the threeexperiments performed.

increase inCa2l outflux.Subsequent stimulation by acetylcholine

also inducedanincreaseinCa21 outflux. Water-injectedoocytes wereinsensitive tothe addition of A II(100 nM), butresponded

to acetylcholine(1 mM).Themagnitude and duration of

acetyl-choline-induced transient increase in Ca2+ outflux were

com-parablewith thoseof theAII-inducedresponseofliver

mRNA-injectedoocytes. The residual45Ca2+ oocyte content determined at the end of the experiment represented about 10 times the cumulative release which occurred during the entire experiment.

Itthereforeappearsthatthesize of the intracellular45Ca2+ pool

wasnotlimiting fortheobservedAII- oracetylcholine-induced 45Ca2+ release.Themagnitude of theresponses to A IIincreased with the amount of


liver mRNA(Fig. 2) over a


narrow range (between 0 and 5ng). Increasing the amount of injectedmRNA from5 to25 ng(experiment shown) and up to 50ng (not shown) did not lead to a further increase in the

magnitude or duration of the response to a maximal (100nM) dose of AII. All further




with oocytes injected with 25-50 ng ofmRNA, i.e. in a situation where one can reasonably assume that the


of the

response to maximal doses ofAII orrelated molecules would reflect the intrinsicproperties





of these molecules ratherthandifferencesinthe levelofreceptor




as0ngof mRNA

injectedinFig. 2) did notrespondto A 11(100nM).

Fig.3illustratesthe resultsofsix



in whichdose-dependenciesfor A II- and AIII-inducedincrease in

45Ca2+ release by oocytes


with mRNA from



and brain were determined.


of ten

oocytes werestimulated


A IIatconcentrations



1.0 to 1000 nm. Two criteria could be used to




of A


responses: either the increase over

basal levelof45Ca2+release


the 5 min



which AII wasapplied (seetheMaterials and methods


orthe cumulative increase of45Ca2+ release


the 30 min


after ATI


Whatever the criterion








For the sake of


increase over basal level of 45Ca2+ release

during the 5 min



drug application

was used as the response index. Curvesonthe


were constructedfrom the

parameters deduced from Hill





Adenohypophysis mRNA c E 25-Q C-g 20-a +15-is IN0 .1a, -o ~' : 0 0, x 0 20 20 -152


I r=0.99 1Kt.= 4.8nM n=1.28 -9a


-9-8-7 -6 5-0 r=0.98


= 51 nM n=0.49 -9-8-7-6 Brain mRNA 25 -20 - 15-


-9-8-7-6 -9-8-7-6 log{[All] (M)}

Fig. 3. Relative potencies ofAH and AHI actingonreceptors expressed

fromliver,adenohypophysealand brain mRNA

Groupsoftenoocyteswereinjected with 50, 30 or 25 ng of mRNA from liver, adenohypophysis and brain respectively. The dose-dependency forAII- and AIII-induced increasein45Ca2+outflux

wasdeterminedas indicated in the legend to Fig. 2. The increase

overbasal valueof45Ca21outflux during the 5 min period exposure

to A II or A III was used as the response index. This Figure illustrates the results of six representative experiments. Curves on

the graph were constructed from parameters deduced from fitted Hill plots of the experimental curves. The h (Hillcoefficient) and


valueswereadjustedtothose giving thelowestsum-of-square deviations from theoretical values. The quality of the fitcan be evaluated from thervalues shownonthegraphs.Meanresults from either three (adenohypophysis and brain) or five series (liver) of experiments similartothose shown are as follows. The


values (nM,mean+S.D.) for AII-inducedCa2+release mediated by

recep-tors were8+5,4.8+0.5and83+19 respectively. The corresponding

Kact. (nM; mean+S.D.) values for A III-induced release expressed from liver, adenohypophyseal and brain mRNA were 44.6+6,

58 + 26and50+8respectively.


valuescould be deduced from these data(legend to Fig. 3). Meanresultsderivedfrom three series of similar



given in the




3. These results show that dose-response relationships could indeed be determined in a



B.Cantau and others

Table 1.Kdvalues forbinding ofAH andrelatedpeptides to rat liverand

adenohypophyseal membranes

Kdvalues for the indicated unlabelled peptideswerededuced from competition experimentsusing'25I-[Sar,Phe]AII(0.15-0.25 nM)as

thelabelled ligand. Experimental data were fitted by means of the followinglinear relationship:


l]{([L*]Kd*)+ 1}






and B are theamounts oflabelled ligand bound in the absence or presenceof the competing ligand(I) respectively; [L*] is theconcentrationoflabelled ligand, and Kd* is the corresponding dissociation constant. Kd* values (ranging from 0.25 to 0.4nM) were deducedfrom parallel determinations of dose-dependent

.251-[Sarl]-AII binding. Values in,the Table are means+S.D. of three in-dependent determinations.

Kd(nM) forbinding to:

Competing Liver membranes Adenohypophyseal

ligand membranes Al All A III Saralasin 380+ 115 2.4+0.8 7.0+ 1.3 1.0+0.5 290+75 0.76+0.2 12.5+7.5 3.2 +0.6

Table2.Effects of A I and Saralasin on 45Ca2" outflux from liver-, adenohypophyseal-orbrain-mRNA-injectedoocytes

Aseriesofexperimentssimilartothoseshown inFigs.1 and3 were

performed usingoocytesinjectedwithliver, adenohypophyseal or

brain mRNA. The responses (increase overbasal value of45Ca2+

outfluxduringthe5mindrug application period;seethe Materials andmethodssection)toincreasingconcentrations ofA I orSaralasin

weredetermined. In all series the effects of the indicated

concen-trations of A I or Saralasin were determined on homogeneous batches of oocytes. Each series included the determination of the responsetoamaximal dose ofA11(100nM). ResponsestoA I or

Saralasinareexpressedasapercentage of theAII-inducedresponse. Response(increaseoverbasal) Agent Concn. Receptor



origin... Liver Adenohypophysis Brain

AI 0.01 0.1 1.0 10.0 Saralasin 0.01 0.1 1.0 3.0 3.0 6.8 12.4 6.0 9.6 64.0 3.8 4.9 6.5 9.1 8.4 6.8 54.2 1.1 1.8 5.9 16.7 6.5 9.1 38.7

reproducible manner. Receptors expressed from liver and adeno-hypophyseal mRNAdiscriminated between A II and A III. K values for A III were similar in both cases and about 5 times higher than the corresponding values determined for A II. In contrast, receptors expressed from brain mRNA failed to dis-criminate between A II and A III, although the


value for A III (50 nM) was similar to thecorresponding values determined for receptors expressed from liver (44 nM) andadenohypophyseal (58 nM) mRNA. Kd values for the binding of A II and A III to liver and adenohypophyseal membranes are given in Table 1. Comparison of these values with the corresponding


values given in Fig. 3 (legend) indicate that there is a good cor-respondence between the relative potencies of A II and A III in eliciting increased 45Ca2+ release by liver or adenohypophyseal mRNA-injected oocytes and their relative affinities for binding

to liver and adenohypophyseal membranes. However, in all

cases, the


values were 3-6 times higher than the


The effects ofA I and saralasin on mRNA-injected oocytes were also tested, as illustrated in Table 2. A I used at concen-trations up to 30 times the apparent dissociation constantsfor

binding to liver or adenohypophyseal membranes had only moderate effects on 45Ca2+ outflux. Responses to 10,M-A I

represented 9-16


of the maximal A II-induced responses measuredduring the course of the same experiments. It therefore appears that A I acting on receptors expressed from liver adenohypophyseal orbrain membranes mRNA behaved like a

partial agonist. Saralasinusedatconcentrations up to 0.1 UM,i.e.

about30-100 times thedissociationconstants,indicated in Table 1 failed to increase 45Ca2+ outflux. However, at 1


Saralasin elicited markedresponses.


We show in the present study that the Xenopus oocyte expressing angiotensin receptors fromtissuesofdifferentorigin does represent a valuable system for evaluating the

pharma-cological properties of these receptors. First, dose-response relationships to A II and structurally relatedmoleculescould be established in a reproducible and fairly precise manner. The response index which was used, namely the increase in Ca2+

outflux from groups of injected oocytes, offers the following advantages: (i) it provides a high signal/noise ratio; (ii) it eliminates interferences due toreceptordesensitization (oocytes are stimulated only once; and (iii) it limits the influence of

individual fluctuations (determinations on groups of oocytes). Secondly, thepharmacological propertiesof A II receptors from tissue of a given origin appear to be preserved when these

receptors areexpressedinoocytesfromRNAofthesame origin. In the case of liver A IIreceptors,which constitutean apparently

homogeneous population of receptors of the B-subtype, we demonstrate a fairly good parallelism between the relative potencies of AI, A II and A III in mediating an increase in 45Ca2+outflux in livermRNA-injectedoocytes and the relative affinities ofthese peptidesfor thereceptors present on rat liver




oocytes were slightly higher than the corresponding Kd values determined on liver oradenohypophyseal membranes. This might

reflect differences in the heterotropic interactions between the receptors and other components of the signal-transduction machinery as they operate in the native membranes and the oocyte membrane. The difference between




could also reflect theexpressionof morethanonesubtype ofreceptor in the oocyte, but in ratios different from those in the situationinvivo.

Themainadvantagesofexploringthepharmacological prop-erties of A II receptors from tissues of different origin when

expressedinXenopusoocytesaretoeliminateor attenuate



such as the influence of the membrane

environment, differences in post-receptor signal amplification

and uncontrolledmetabolicconversionoftheagent


tested. An obvious limitation to the use of Xenopus oocytes as a

pharmacological model might arise in all situations where the

populationsofreceptors and mRNA


forthesereceptors are






the results derived from


oocytes deserve


comment. Our results




among mRNAs


for brain angiotensin receptors, the more abundant


the more



encodes for a receptor


which is differentfrom that ofhepatic andadenohypophyseal receptors. The relative low potency of A II (equivalent to that of AIII) contrasts with the efficient AII/AIII discrimination observed


with receptors expressed from liver or adenophypophyseal mRNA.Incidently, it is worth noting that our results indirectly support the conclusion derived from several previous studies, namely that in brain A III is at least as potent as A II (see the Introduction). Further studies using selective antagonistsof the Aand B receptor subtypes will be necessary toidentifythe non-AII/A III-discriminative subtype(s) of angiotensin receptor which is (are) expressed in brain-mRNA-injected oocytes. Whereas only the A-subtype was detected in bovine cerebellum

[7], Chang and colleagues [33] recently showed the presence of

the A- and B-subtypes in the brain (thalamus, hypothalamus,

andmidbrain). It is not clear yet whether the 'A III receptor' [15] present inbraincouldbeidentifiedasthe predominant receptor expressed in brain-mRNA-injected oocytes and if this receptor represents the A-subtype. It must bementioned, however, that Chang & Lotti [34] have shown some remarkable similarities

between the properties of AIII-binding sites present in rat adrenals [35] and those of angiotensin receptors of the A-subtype.

We areindebted to Dr. J. C. Bonnafous for helpful discussions. This work wassupported by the Institut National de la Recherche Medicale

andCentreNational de la Recherche Scientifique and Fondation pour la Recherche Medicale.


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